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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1914)
The bend bulletin. Vol. Ml. IIHNII, OHKOON, WKHNKHHAY AITKHNOO.V, MAY 80, 1011, NO, 11. . JK 1 BAYLEY BEATEN BY 45 BALLOTS h ELLGY WINS RACE FOR SURVEYOR I'liat Woman dels .Nonilnnllon-Knox ' lleM .Milnrr lCiinltjr mill Jordan Hnrrpw I'leltl, Nominated by ' Hotlt I'ltrtlok-lllklnn Wins Out Klirrln. , Ulkltm (ltdii.) 040: Knox (Dem.) WO; Mllnor (l)ntn.) 277. Clerk, Ariainann Iliip) 413; Wondorly (Hop.) 082Mlrown (I)utit.) 72H, TreoMirer. , Jonliin (Hop,) 8flfi; Morgan (Hop.) 310: Jordan (Hem.) 40. (.'omiuhuilunor. , Hayloy (Hop.) 000; lllnnohard (Itnp.) 045; Richardson (Dom.) H34. Hurpyor, Hrewster (Hop.) AGO; Kolloy (Hop.) 004; Huston (Dom.) 573. i"Oiur. Polndoxtnr (Hop,) 92; Poktidoxtor (Hem.) 022. , Tlio totals for Crook county oftl- cors, na given nlatvtt, toll tlio atory. Tho votn wna vary Unlit. fspiclally t on tlio Democratic side. In two notultiiitlona only wna tlioro nny great ninoiint of Inlerrst, Hint Tor eommlsslonnr and aurvcyor. Mil on tlio Republican tlokrt. Tim de feat of It. II. Hoy ley or l.ahllnw by , J. V. Illancliaril or Prlnovllln for Cnmiiilnalonnr. by n votn of 000 to Cl, soourcs tlio nomlnnllon of an- , other iwiit side man, whoso election would nil every county oftlco with residents of the can torn portion of Crook county. Tim defeat or It. h, Hrowator by II. A. Knllny for tlio aurveyorshlp, . wiiii accomplished by 30 voles. Mr. Hayloy wna well supported In weal side precincts, with thn oxcop- , tlon of two, Contralo and livn. which knifed thn laat representative of-tholr own territory, but with audi n a tun 1 1 votn aa to hnvo no npproclablo effect on tno totals, uiiid. i.a Pine, anil lVdlaw did. notablv well for llavlcy ' nnu Redmond mini HUlrra alio turnod out handaomo majorities, although tmwln ah apnrrclahlo adverse votn. In all WMt aide precincts a compli mentary votn for llaylny Mas written on the Memocmflc ballota, totaling unough to offset Hlanchard's lend and In thla wny, at least, Indicating what tho real votn would bo at a general election where direct vote for any oaudldate la iotnllilo. In no caan wna tho voting strength up to the roRlitrntlon. oven In tho faw west able preclncla whom aomo work waa done by llaylny'a frfenda to get the ' vote out. and n rough rompnrlaon In dicate that in aomo of thn anti-Hay-ley oast aldn prcolncta, whom Wan ohard waa natlvn, a largor propor- . tloaal voto waa pollod. Klklna, unopposed for the Repute llean nomination for slierif. (Hilled a Kood voto, while Knox of tno Porno- . orotic ticket, defeated Mllnor of Mndrna, 400 to 277. Ily dofoatlng J. K. Adnmson b" ' 219 voles, Mlaa Claudia Wondorly of Prlnovllln won tho Hnpubltcan nom- Inutlon for clerk, and becomei thu flrat woman nomlnatod for a county , oftlco In Crook county. Her oppo nont la Wnrrta Drown. Democrat and preHont InoumtKint. who rocolved n fat voto and In tho laat two election hax pollod mora ballota than any CDhen6u GoAwa pT-rbW& H -sTfcTiyi st. . I where you aro not known, ovoid all 1 regard to your funds by carrying i AMCRJCAN BANKGRS TRAVCLGRS' CHGQUGS r-aVaVWllav iwr-i Theso cheques are equally useful for travelers In America or Abroad. They identify the holder to hotels, ticket agents and merchants, wna occepi uicm in iutc vuiua in payment of accounts. They aro not available to finder or thief, it lost or Btoipn. Let us explain the system. Deschutes State Bank HurccNuor to tlio Deschutes Banking & Trust, Company 11KNI), OHKGOX. I- H. FHKIU3J,L, Proa. V, Q. MINOlt, Soo'y. U M. LAltA, Gnshlor, DIHKOTOKS. H. Forroll, F. O. .Mluor, E. M. Lara, i. other cnnillitolo. With 728 votes, llrowa led tint Democratic ticket ona lly. h Itnliili Jdnlnn, tlio prnrtnnt tro.miir or, wnt accordod it plonsoitit endorse innnti Mwninplnic Joint W, Morgan of Pillnovlllti by morn than two to ono, niitt KottliiK thu Democratic nomlna tlon to boot. I'. II. I'olndoxter, as usunl, lintt tlio raco for coroner all to himself And landed its tlio noinlnoo of liotli parties. BEND BOYS WIN SECOND PLACE JNJOUNTY MEET With Mailraa Third Keller Win I'onrtwi I'olnta for Item!, Ileproaontatlvca of tho Ilond hlh aohool porMclpnted In Crook county track, tlold and dnolatuatory contoata at HodiiKMid lnat Krlday. Tlio llond team oonalated'of Clnudo Kolloy, John Htoldl, Lloyd Gorton, Howard Voiiiik. Jatiiva Corluy, lor ott llrnnilonhurB, Vornn YouriK and MuTKiirot TbompRon, tho taut named bo I u (C tho BKinknr for llend In tho declamntory contcat. Flrat place In tho meet waa won oy I'rluovlllo, aecond by llond and third by Madnii, Kolloy or llond, proved to bo ono of tho boat point r.ettora In tho county, wlnnlnrr n to tal of 14 polnta, Tho total acora of (ho llend trout waa 43 points. Thla moot waa Inaugurated laat year aa an annual affair. Thla year the delegations from tho various towns wero larger than thoso of laat )enr and the meet was Konoralty more aucceaaful, thus assuring Its continuance. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES To He Held I'Hibiy Kteiilnj; at Dream Tlieiilrc tlniido Kolloy Orator. The commencement exorcises of the llend High school will bo tiflW Friday ercnliiff at 8 o'ctoak at tho Cream Theatre. Throe pupils are to receive diplomas, Claude Kollcy, Art'lla Murphy and Kimna Ho'.eiic. The oration will bo delivered by Claude Kolloy on the subject "Pa ternalism lit Legislation." Tho ami iM'ticcmont spotiker has not yel been ae'eclcd Thn complete program for th'e. ex orcises follows: Chorus airls' Oloo Club tn) ."flerenaiteV hulMsrt. (b) ".Nightingale ami Hose" Lenhert. Oration .Olaiulo 11. Kolloy "Paternalism In legislation." Violin solo Mm. B. V. Ward "Lcgende" WlonlawakJ. Addrosa Quartette , Mrs. Forrest, Mlaa Trautnor, Mrs. Putnam, Mrs. Powolson. fa) "Hhoogy Shoo" Ambroso. Pencdlctlan (b) "Hweetest Flower" Itogors. Presentation of Diplomas dot Wise, l.ot Wyso do It. Adv. KCIKMIL I'ICMClNd. This Is Picnic Day for tho school pupils. This morning, most of tho high school wont to Honharn Falls In autos and auto trucks. Miss HuntliiRton's pupils havo goaa to tho Tumalo, Miss Trautner and DolsenV to Pilot llutte, Miss Hldner's to Wlcsta Inwai, and Mrs. Davidson's, Miss Uyron's and Miss Holmes' and Mrs. lllttnor' to dlfforont pleasant places near town. Let Wyso do your cleaning. Adv. troublo in . kjftaasfa J aHlaMMawM- J VI nrU mf -i SCREEN 1 lalfjW I v i , lnC ( 's IKK 1 ) Screen Windows J JJtkV ' ( Screen Cloth J - ? JEmmWT'X Screen Hinges nnd Springs ' f g mTmlll ulul ( i O-Cedar Mops ' ) liJlnlSVI ' and Oil. Aso Colol liquid TgwJf(jV S ghiss, the wonderful furiii; c v(Jj? -HW uJ "urc I)0'-sn See window ( ! JU i display. , JtSjj "' '" " . I L.t " u ;. v w&' THE COUNTY ELECTION RETURNS VOTE OF EVERY PRECINCT FOR REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES IN LAST FRIDAY'S PRIMARY ELECTION. Tho returns from all Crook county precincts aro given below for tho Ho publican and Democratic parties. The Progressiva voto was so light as to bo a aiogllgablo quantity. Ijxcopt In thoso precincts especially reached by The Ilulletln, nil but county orrioers are onflttod, and clsawhoro when there was no oppOHitlou to a cnndl ilnto. or particular Interest In his voto, tho dalnlled figures aro not Hat ed, but all totals appear olsowhoro In this paper. In securing this Information, which waa "not tabulated until last night, The Ilulletln la Indebted to Tho Pio neer Telephone Company and to Clork Warren llrown'a olllco for cour toous co-operation. HHI'UIIMCA.N VOTK. Koutll Hem!. Hop. Co mm, Ackorson 31, AVIL llama 49. Bonato Hooth 00, Congress Hlnnott 78. Governor -DrownoH G, Carter 2, Crawford 8, Dlmluk t,, (leer IT,, Johns 0, Moser 43, Wlthycombo 12. Sup. Court (lean SO, llenson 34 Cleeton 10, Harrln II, Mcllrido 03, McN'ary 02. Atty. Gn. Hrown 30, Grant 29. Htnto Engineer Lewis 34. Stock man 04. State Hop. Forbes 94. Smith 03. Sheriff Klklns 70. Clerk Adamson 37. Wondorly 35. Treas. Jordan 85. Morgan 8. Coinin. Hayloy 100, Hlanchard 5. Burvcyor Hrewstnr 70, Kolloy 19. North llend. Hep. Comtn. Ackorson 20. Wil liams 23. Senate Hooth 43. Congress Blnnott 38. Governni" Crawford 6, fleer 8, Johns 1, Moser 18, Wlthyoomlm 16. Sup. Court llean 19, Hcnson 17, Cleeton 8, Harris 8, Mcllrido 20, Mo Nary 19. Atty. Oon. Hrown 10. Grant 12. Knglnoor Lewis 10, Block man 31. Hop. Forties 40. Smith 28. BlforirfBlklns 39. Clork Adamson 18. Wondorly 19. Trcas, Jordan 30, Morgan 4. Comm. Hayloy 39, Hlanchard 7. Survey. nroaater 31, Kelley It, Deachutrm. Hep. Comm. Ackorson 19, WIN llama 21, Benoto Hooth 38. Congress Blnnott 30. Governor Ilrownoll 8, Carter 4. HOW CHOOK COUNT V VOTED. For Governor (Hepubllcan) Hrownell 104, Carter 84, Crawford 183. Dlmlck 98, Geer 104, Johns 44, Mosor 143, Wlthycombo 327, (Democratic) Dennett 277. Cobb 39, Manning 03, Mlllor 13, Smith 472. (Progressive) GUI 22, MoMahon 8. Senator (Hep.) Hooth 1024, (I)om.) Chamberlain 735. (Prog.) Hanluy 27. Congressman (Hep.) Stnnott 1021, (Dom.) Slnnott 17. State Hopresentatlvo (Hep.) Forbea-fcC4, Smith 031, (Dem.) Dencor 004. Stato Treasurer (Hep.) Kay 900. Btnto Engineer (Hep.) Lewis 428, Stockman 073. (Dem.) Stockman 63. Justlco Supreme Court (Hep.) Dean G77, Honson 401, Cleeton 329, D'Arcy 100, Harris 300. Mcllrido 480, McN'ary 3S9, KIchardson 301, (Dom.) Galloway 417, Hamsoy 399. Attornoy General (Hep.) Hrown SOS. Farrln 142, Grant 198, Johnson 113, Lord 1S9, (Dom.) Jeffrey 070. Labor Commissioner (Hop.) Uynon 220, Iloff 384, Madsen 107, Mlllor 308. Kallroad Commissioner (Rop.) Miller 082, Patton 309. Superintendent Public Instruction (Hop.) Churchill 1000, (Prog.) Hurton 24. National Committee (Hop.) Ackerson 001, Williams 035, (Dom.) Canon 180, Ksterly 000, (Prog.) Coo 28. Ht s c eci,y U and all Houseeleaning ne- 5 fK I : BEND g jfe : HARDWARE ' 9' go, .:' m Crawford 3, Dlmlck 3, Gcor 7, Johns 1, Moser 0, Wlthycombo 13. Hup. Court Hoan 20, Henson IS, Cleeton 10, Harrln 13, Mcllrido 7, MoNary 10. Atty Oon. Hrown 21, Grant 7. Knglnoor Lewis 11, Stockman 35 Hep. Forbes 31, Smith 20. Bborlff Klklns 31, Smith 20. Clork Adamson 24, Wondorly 11. Trais. Jordan 37, Morgan 8, Comm, Hayloy 41, Hlanchard 7. Survoyor Hrowstor 23, Kolloy 19. Labium. Hep. Comm, Ackorson 40, Wil liams 25. Senate Hooth 02. Congress Blnnott 03. Governor Ilrownoll 0, Carter 2, Crawford 0, Dlmlck 11, Goer 0, Johns 1, Moser 4, Wlthycombo 36. Sup. Court llean 39, Henson 22, Cleeton 10, Harris 20, Mcllrido 31, McNory 42. Atty. Gen. Hrown 30. Grant 8. Engineer- Lewis 18, Stockman 02. Kcp. Forbcs 04, 8m!th 30. Shorlff Klklns 71. Clork Adamson 37, Wondorly 22. Treoa Jordan 00, Morgan 10. Comm. Hayloy 71, Hlanchard S. Surveyor -Hrowater 43, Kolloy 20. Kant l-rintrvlllc. Hop. Comm. Ackerson 30, Wil liams 09. Senate Hooth 99. Congress Slnnott 90. Governor, Ilrownoll 12. Carter 0, Crawford 7. Dlmlck 12, Geer 0, John 4, Mosor 32, Wlthycombo 30. Sup. Court Hom 01, Honson OS, Cleeton 20. Harris 40, MeUrlde 04, McNory 30. Atty. Gen. Hrown 40, Grant 22. Engineer Lewis 43, Stockman 01 Hep, Forbes 07, Smith 00. Sheriff Elklns 86. Clerk Adamson 11, Wondorly 91. Troas. Jordan 78, Morgan 29. Comm. Hayley 30, Hlanchard 71. Survoyor Hrowator 30, Kelley 74. Howell llutte. Hop. Conimj Ackerson 4, WIV llama 5. Senate Hooth 9. Congress Stnnott 9. Governor Hrownell 3, Carter 1, Crawford 1, Wlthycombo 0. Sup. Court p'nn 0. Henson 4, Cleeton 1. Harris 0, Mcilrlde 4, Mc Nory 3. Att. Gen, Hrown-3. GrautJ. Engineer Lewis 3, Stockman 7. Hep. Forbes 8, Smith 0. Shorlff Klklns 11. Clork Adamson 0, Wonderly 4. Troas Jordan 12. Survoyor Hrowstor 10, Kclleyl. Comm. Hayloy 4, Hlanchard 8. Ire bind. Hop. Comm. Ackerson 7. Wil liams 0, Bonato Hooth 13. Congress Slnnott 13. Govornor Carter 0, Crawford S, Geer 1, Mosor 1, Wlthycombo 2. Sup. Court Dean 0, Henson 5, Cleeton 0, Harris 4, Mcllrido 3, Mc Nory 4. Atty. Oon, Drown 8, Grant 1. Engineer Lewis 0, Stockman' 10. Hop, Forbes 12, Smith 0. Sheriff Elklns 14. Clerk Adamson 10. Troas, Jordan 9, Morgan 4. Comm. Hayloy 15. 8urvoyor Hrowstor 14, Kolloy 2. Mllllcnn. Hep. Comm, Ackorson 1, Wil liams 10. Benato Hooth 11. Congress Slnnott 11. Governor Hrownell 1, Carter 1, Crawford 2, Geer 4, Wlthycombo 3. Btip. Court Hen 9, nenson 4, Cleeton 3, Harris 0, McUrldo 6, Mc Nory 3. Atty. Gen. nrown 0, Grant 1. Engineer Lewis 7, Stockman 4. Hep. Forbes 11, Smith 8. Sheriff Elklns 10. Clerk Adamson 3, Wonderly 7. Treas. Jordan 7, Morgan 4. Comm. Hayloy 8, Hlanchard 3. Surveyor Hrewster 8, Kelley 3. West Prlnevllle. Hep. Comm. Ackerson 35, Wil liams 38. ' Senate Hooth 74. Congress Slnnott 09. Governor nrownell 13, Carter 10. Crawford 0, Dlmlck 7, Geer 6, Johns 3, Moser 20. Wltnycombe. 8up. Court Henn 00, nenson 40. Cleeton 17, Harris 44, Mcllrido 38, McNory 33. Atty. Gen. Hrown 20, Grant 28. Engineer Lewis 41, Stockman 30. Hep. Forbes 54, Smith 53. Sheriff Elklns 03. Clerk Adamson 24, Wonderlr 64. Troas. Jordan 00, Morgan 27. Comm. Hayloy 16, Hlanchard 70. Survoyor Hrewster 22, Kelley 58. (Continued on pago 4.) THOV HKAVKK HUKT. An accident which narrowly es caped haying serious results occur red at tno stone quarry atiovo tno mill of Tho Dond Company oarly yes terday afternoon. A shot had been fired and when Troy Heaver stepped forward to tho nolo there came a recoad bloat which throw rocku rut, hitting him In tho abdomen nr.d lay ing him out for the time being. A conveyance was aont for and he was brought to town whoro an examina tion, showed oogenous. Injury. It is expected that ho will ho able to bo out again shortly. GLEE CLUBJONCERT GOOD Hrogram, With Many Popular N'uni liera. Pleases Large Audience. Last Thursday night the Rend Gle Club'a concert at tho Hend Theatre met with a generous reception from a well filled houso. proving a rare treat for local music lovers. The program waa extensive and varied, and la addition to many vo cal numbers Included violin solos by Mrs. West and piano solos by Miss (-Graves, who also accompanied the singers. Many or the songs were popular new ones, and several catchy numerous offerings wore Introduced. The house was nearly filled. Tho Club. Including thirteen wo men, has been practicing weekly for several months, and will now take a "vacation" until some summer en tertainment la planned. Probably the Quartot will appoar at Redmond, na has boon requested from there, and perhaps at Laidlaw. lEe First National Bank OP BEND, BEND, OREGON " " !-- " -1.. II I ! I ! ! U. C. COE, Prosident E, A. SATHER, Vice- President C. S. HUDSON, Cashier Capital fully paid - - 825,000 Surplus 18,000 To Homeseekers: Parties contemplating taking Home steads in the nev lands just eliminated from the Forest RQserveSjishould bear in r mind that Bend is the closest' Banking towp to these lands, H " We are making a speoial effort to be of service to new people coining into Gen tral Oregon. Gall and aoe ue and arrange. your fi nances, so you will not have any trouble In having your oheoks nashed. TEb FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND DIRECTORS V. P. Cob E. A . Satjieu C. S. Hudson ' o. M. Patterson II. . WITHYCOMBE IS STATE'S CHOICE SMITH IS DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE Leivt M'lns Hendily from Mock man for Mate Hntnret Hrown Knr doraed Hy Itepubllcana for At torney Gcneral-Hac Ktill On Crtook county returns, In every case but ono, echoed tho final totals of Oregon at largo. Tho exception Is tho Stato Engineer, for John H. tawls, who was easily nominated, waa beaten In Crook county by Stockman, 428 to 673. Dr. James Wlthycombo of Corvat lls Is tho Republcan noinlnoo for gov ernor, leading Moser by approxi mately 4,000 votes. In the coun ty he won two to ono. Crawford, who was second In Crook: county, was third In the state. On tho Dem ocratic ticket Dr. C. J. Smith won over A. S. Bennett by about 1300 votes. Lewis Is the nomlnco for stato engineer by a generous lead, and It ts probablo Stockman's name was written In the Democratic ticket enough to insure his nomtoatloo. A closo raco is still on among the candidates for members of the Su preme court, Charles L. McNory, tho I resent Incumbent, apparently Inn ing to Henry L. Henson of Klamath Falls by a very narrow margin. Til t vote of Denson's old county. Lake, practically decides the race. Tho othor three nominees are McDride, Hean and Harris. In Crook county Dean led In votes, and, to tho sur prise of those who appreciated what McN'ary had dona In aid of lrrlgaUoo, he came out In fourth place. George M. Drown of Douglas coun ty wins handily over Frank Grant of Multnomah for attorney general, oj ho did hero more than two to erne. Hoff Is labor commissioner nomi nee. , In this district V. A. Forties of Bend and W. V- Smith of Klamath received large Votes for state rep nrentattves, ami on the Democratic t'.cket P. II. IVmer cf Bend pollod 564. N. J. Slnnott, unopposed, got 1021 Republican votes (for Congressman from this district, and It la pretty euro that tho name of Sam Evans of Klamath Falls has been written In enough to Insure his nomCnatlon on tho Democratic ticket. Booth, for Republcan senator, re ceived a big endorsement In the state at large and 1024 votes In Crook county, the highest number accorded any candidate, and Chamberlain was voted In handsomely throughout tho state with 753 ballots in till? county, tho highest number given on tho Democratic side. In the Progresaivii ranVs the re turns from county and stato were farcical. Only 28 votes wero cost In Crook county, and In the state the highest figure was only 893 votes, with, however, a few more to ba counted. On that ticket Gilt Is can didate for Governor. Moulton for congress and Hnnley for the sonate. I. O. O. K. NOTICE. First Degree work at the next meeting on Monday the 25th. All visiting brothers are Invited to at tend. , iiV2 lijgj) o5 I J C -Urtv 5,K P