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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1914)
1VV0M B, thk uKvn nriitiirriN, ikni, ouk., wkdnksiuv, aimul t, int-i, I LV LIBRARY CLUB LADIES HAVE ADOPTEOHNIQUE PLAN Knrli Olio of Tlicni Tries In llnlsc Some Money liy lmlUltltint KfTort to Alii Institution Advertise The "year system," aomotlmcs call ed the endless clinln, tins boon adopt ed ly tho ladlus or the Library Club n n menus of curding soiuo of tlio necessary money for carrying on tlio work through tlio next theo months. Miss Coleman, the new librarian, represents tlio "yoar;" sno has naked twelve women to roprcuit "moifths" nnd these In Urn, have risen rouuost od four more to lo "i.voVa." Knch of thoso weeks Is then sup losed to procuro seven "days" and nil, year, nionthn, weeks and days nro to cam something which can bo turned over lo the club by July first. Matty and various are tho means selected for getting thin ensh, and thcro has been considerable fun over "swapping Jobs." And all the Jobs are paid for, and tho profits, (deducting tho cost of Ingredients) are handod over to tho superior "oflleor", week, month, or year as tno case may bo. A great number of local ladles havo taken hold of the scheme with enthusiasm mid thot ollowlng Hat of ads., contributed by Tho Uullotln, Indicate tho offerings of some of them who havo decided exactly how thoy will labor for tho library Advertisements. Priie winning aster plants for sale, boo Mrs. C. S. Hudson. If you aro a real bread crank co'mo try Miss Coleman's. Tho Ellis' Doughnuts beat the kind mother used to make. For cholco home inndo candy there la none superior to Mrs. II. K. Allen's nnd Mrs. Gould's. Hotter hurry: ordor now; Angol food's limited, Mrs. Kd Urostorhous. Salt rising bread is my specialty, Mrs. R. M. Smith. If you aro a Judge of good bread, try Mrs. Ferris.' We wnko better oandy yet, Misses manor. Trautnor, nnd Holmes. Food of rich cako? I can make It. Mrs. J. P. Koyes. Loam tho latest: Miss Graves and Mrs. Putnam will teach tho new dances Monday, Tuesday and Thurs day eTenlngs. 60 cents nn hour, 36 cents a half hour. Phone. DETAILED STATEMENT OF VALUATIONS AND TAXES, CROOK COUNTY, 1914, PREPARED BY ASSESSOR FOSTER The tables given holow show In detail tho taxes levied for nil pur poses in Crook county for tho yenr lOH.WIth similar tables printed In Tho Uullotln In tho past tho taxpay er can readily Beo whoro tho funds of the county are raised and how this year's taxes compare with thoso of former yoars. Aa tho tnhlo shows, no special road tax was lovlud this jenr, nil road money coming from tho ucuerul fund. Tho bcIiooI district tax levies show n ory wide range running from no t'i'ng In several cases to as high nx fin mills In tho caso of district num ber 8(1. Tho Horn! school district tux Is several times more thnu Unit of most other districts, lumiuntlnu to over $.0,000 iih against nliout $10,- 000 In tho case of dlHtrlct mimlior 1, tho next highest. County Assessor Foster Is having a mi in bo r or copies of this (able print ed for distribution among county t r lloluls and for county and statu tnx purposes. STATEMENT OF TAXES I.KVIKl) IN CUOOK tXWXTY, OUKfJOX, I'OU THK YKAK lilt I, AH MKSHM ISN'T UOMi OF II) lit. Taxes Lovlod on nil Property In County. 2 n a ,B. U O State' C'aty Soh'l Mto'd H.Sch Llbr Total a S w el a $li,6i53,l57 11,593, 8S7 10, 293, SOT 3 a s fa 16S.107.01 40.577.C5 20,587,01 $298,833.60 (Thoso Included In general county tax.) niir 'saartamccgai i sacs Speolal Taxoa Lovlod on Property In Cities and Towns. '-it OH Prln'vTno Uend , . . Hcdmond Madras , Mctollus Total . . , c o a $ 618.U90 390,820 309.30S 119.417 1CC.S7S $1,531,513 $ K7i8"57jnj 9.370.G8 4,948.93 2,241.26 1,668.78 $ 23.419.S4 Madras High School Districts. COMMERCIAL STOCK FEEDS lhilry Commissioner Warn Against Their Um on the Farm. The latest Bulletin sent out from the office or J. D. Mlcklo, state dairy and food commissioner contains the following on the subject of commer cial feed, of Interest to all farmers. The legislature of 1913 passod a law prohibiting the sale of concen trated commercial stock food unloss tho sanio be so labeled that the pur chaser may know exactly what tho contents aro and what tho feeding value Is. This law was necessary for tho reason that many different mixed ja c a VS 137 16 22. 47. 49. GO. 67. 68. . 69. . 79. . Total e o a lii.ess 162,233 3tS.SU 110.882 123,238 108,667 36,676 36.6S3 snnin 43,232 2 $1,186,080 . Special Taxes Levied on Property In It oud Districts. -J A Q 6 17 4. . 6. V 24 2tt 2H 2Vi 2V4 2 IS -it. T2OI 406.6S K97.10 377.20 308.10 261.17 89.19 8S.96 97.60 10S.0S $2,965.19 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. II. 16. 16. 17. IS. 19. 0. Si. 22. 23. 24. 26. 26. 27. 28. 29. 20. 32. 31. 36. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Total ..... as rrsrnre F.25,771 is ". None None! Xono None None None None None None None None None None None None None 4 114.905 416,063 681,161 366.64S 112,025 175.1S4 110,075 4S0.926 1,479,016 212,684 266,134 142,930 196,675 32S.674 167,12SINoue 119,6S9None 301,620Nou ltR.707.Vono 256,060'None l,121,U4INouo 102.292i.N'oHe 67,690lNone . 1,000'Nono . fiOO.190l.Vone SOR.lKO'Nono 23I.3S3INOD0 376,376rNono 311.196lNoiio 260.600lNono 140.300'None 661,4 lllNone 174.114INone SO.OOOlNono 169,4l3INmiol lll.770!Xone $11,593,5871 Speolal Tnxoa Lovlod on Property tn Ho ii oo i Districts. S T7 2. 3. 4. a at a a a 6,608 acres of Ttmbor l.ands, Flro patrol at 1 VI c por aero, $943.86. 191 1 State Tax $69,661.63 1913 State Tax 20,979.06 Addod Tax. 1S14 :$4S,682.4 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. II. 16. 10. 17. IS. 10. 20. 21. J. 23. 21. 26. 26. 28. 29. 30. 31. 31. 33. 31. ! 36. 37. 3S, IP. 41. 41. 42. . 41. 43. 46. a a JE el Total "-g"i37o"5Tj 66,508 32,950 111,086 127,116 216,460 91,151 191,021 396,351 60,694 112,306 1,299,080 131,680 171,201 194,363 162,2.13 74,007 46,016 76,630 68.847 97,027 368,811 321,850 152,769 118,296 66,969 176,088 70,730 81,90 110,366 20,931 62,624 138.692 304,026 3S.103 102,016 126,667 74,886 .I0.M3 00,16? 66,086 71,167 634,215 ss.sso $6,466 66,932 $7,673,180 l3 Is 17- 10 5 3U 2V4 4 2 9 4 1 16 tt 1 15 2V4 3H 9 1U 12 3 16 6 3 3 5 3 C 13 5 3 6 s la mnwaou 665,08 164.75 391.95 889.80 511.16 361.60 382.01 3,567.16 212.38 112.31 20,146,60 131.69 2,568.01 485.91 324.47 259.02 411,10 111,95 194.05 4,306.09 305.51 413.61 Hptolnl Taxoa Lovlod on Pioporty In School Districts, - Jt- ' IlKdlTKIt XOW a.n'iimakic tiiim1n kahihh OX HfiHtrilOX AV. - 4. V. 421.38 1,766.70 101.66 106.26 277.18 70.21 379.97 221.66 247.21 120.31 280.43 926.17 2,621.07 286.34 329.66 '! 7fl7 R xi: 48. 41). 50. 51. 53. 63. 54. 63. 66, 57. 58. 50. 60. 81. 62. 63, 64. 66. 60, 07. 68. 69. 0. 71. 72. 73. 71. 6, 76. 77, 8. 9. 80. 81. S3. S3. S4. 86. 6. 87. SS. 83. 90. 81 No Dlst. Tntnl . I , . , , , , , . , i , . , . . . , . .... ... . . , . , . . . . , , .... , . . , , , , , i , , . , . . , . , . . . , . . . ... . , . , . . . .... , , , . . , . H t , . . , . ff . , . . . , . . . noTsTns 86,113 123,238 50,725 31,019 00,377 212,797 42,232 63,670 126,116 77,440 61,682 463,112 106,66? 143.466 97,163 46,760 151,636 91.388 38,993 36,676 35,683 39,010 236,1361 69,850 36,130 21,786 91,280 36,718 30.679 16,310 31,021 43,132 216,002 IS, 096 306,600 13,630 18.406 72.116 11,336 62,010 17.987 36,340 9,296 114,246 1,000 $3,030.3071 si r, 4 5 10 3 2 7 6 12 1 3 10 3 10 6 r 3 5 16 0 10 15 t 16 16 30 18 6 16 10 1 30 16 6 60 3 6 7 6 5 h ""l,1tf.AS 425.56 492.96 253,63 310.40 1,609.68 191.01 260.23 612.08 307.91 5,128,04 673.86 201.76 467.60 463.01 011.88 191.66 178.38 106.76 196.20 3,618.16 638.02 361.30 316.77 365.12 661.22 460.18 469.30 668.16 216.1 .1,676.03 480.06 306.60 408.90 276.07 360.72 661.76 116.12 89.91 281.18 46.17 I 721.23 1139.273. 18 Total taxable property of county, Total taxes levied In county for I hereby certify that tho foregoing shown by the records In my otllro. feeds and so-callod stock foods wero on tho marxct unuor mgn-souuuing and misleading names. The farmers nnd stockmen wore Induced to buy such feed at an enormous price, wlton tho same feed "nluo could bo pur chased in tho form of ordinary grain for much less. So mo of them also had claims for certain medicinal val- uo which thoy may or may not have contained. At any rate the condi ments! stock and poultry foods have caused an enormous drnln on tho far mer's pocket look, whllo tho returns wero at beat questionable. Ono mnau facturer of a certain brand of "stock food" boasted that he used a carton that with tho label oost six cents nnd lint In It four cents worth of his es pecially preterm! mixture and sold tho samo for $1.00. This law has been In effect slnee June, 1913, and alnco that date we havo had a constant stream of cor respondence with tho mnuufaeturera and Jobbers. It has not bean our aim to prosecute If tho mnnuTactur- $U,593,6S7. all purposes. $411,143.20. Is a true and correct stateinnnt as II. A. I'OMTISIt, County AMwmior, era can b Induced to comply with tho law without prosecution. Rome have compiled iiihiii ilrst ttotlflealliin; oth ers havo seen lit to argue tho oase for months. Usually the le merit an article has the morn reftlstaiit the manufacturer Is to tho law. The need of proper labeling Is ap parent from tho fact that farmers are Inclined to uty more money for man iirnuturud fuoils that have some fan cy iiihiii) iittd.whlcli contains tho niiiiih feed value a Unit which lliuy have at homo. I, iih week u man enme to our oltloe for Information regarding some feed nnnlysls which aro on Hie. After tho Investigation he round that he had been lnvlng 12 pur oant morn for dried beat pulp thnu tho quota tion for liniiio grown hurley, llnrluv contains nliout 20 per cunt morn total nutriments, lie had huuu paying $32 per ton for rlftilfa meal that contains perhaps 6 por cent more nutriments than clover hay that sells In his own uulKhhorliood for $10, This Is nn ex ample or extravagance that takes on many farms when the stock men and dairymen Import at great expense such feuds as limit pulp, al falfa meal, New Orleans molassss, nnd many others that havu some real food value. Imagine then what takes place when a denier confront him with one or more of the hundreds of so called "stock foods." "slock reme dies" or "sloek tonics" Hint aro on (ho market, and tin farmer reads Ihn labels." Tones Up the system," "Pre vents diseases," "tfnves time In pre paring for market," "ImproviM tho clip of wool Is fed to sheep," "Hwos will raise more and stronger pigs," "Dairy oows produce more butter, ' " Makes calve grow healthy, " "MakM the uiHiit of ttosf animals and Iiokh tender, more Juicy and better eating," "Fattens rows, hulls, stesrs, calves nnd Iiors, and makes thow ro bust." "Makoa hens lay." So-called "stock food" with the above allegations as to llislr fund val ue, compare favorably wltll a mixture of grain and ullineal that ean be hsd far 130.00 per ton. The lilgbty land ed "stock foods" sell for $380 to $330 per ton, according to tho prices ut which thoy ar retailed. In the past many people were wis. led Into believing that these "stork foods," "tonics" and "regHlaters" really had some magic power. They were fed and often good resHlts no ticed; which results were Invariably credited to the fake inUlnre of oil meal and what not, purchnsd at a price that pushed the manufacturer Into the millionaire row. If the feed er's nctlona were carefully aMaysi!. other reasons for tits Improvement In his stock could tmslly found. When m man IiokIhn to fsed stuff that costs $300 per ton to livestock, he does so with more than the usual de gree of care and attention. Often many other changes In the animals feed nnd rnre are made; these rhaug, with the aid of any ordinary physic, would effect the Improve ments and nolle likely would have done mi unassisted by the mtsterlou magic sold at the price of radium. pfegrh- ' ----- - ----- -..mi.. P8! ttMHmiimmuM MiiinuMMMMnmMMHMnmmMtMM - --------- 4--4tR PP Ml ' " MMMMMMt -- -- -4 -.-- B g it lit it: ?;: lit t l l rV L TATE H i Hi it (r Lumber t Complete Stock Dry, Rough and Finishing Lumber Maple and Fir Flooring R X FOR BUSINESS LOTS FOR RESIDENCE LOTS FOR GARDEN LOTS For Close-in Acreage OR. FARM LANDS Let us show you the property ' $?l conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE is a conservative investment I Lath and ttt ii Shingles I IN, Pine House and Irrigation Spout, Lath, Red Cedar Shingles ) j i The Bend Company 4 " " 4 T ' ' :: OFFICE CORNER WALL and OHIO STS. i tftfsM' iMIMmM;MMOMtMtMtMtMMMHtMMMMM t t t ! ' tTrtttt! - wih - t . pipfi , ;na.,r,s?yru. li- ifcirtf-- Ai.i aLAJWdwiTfT '.ratumiMi .L. .