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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1911)
li IM ' i'i hi ROCKING CHAIRS SPECIAL SALE FROM NOW UNTIL XMAS 30.ESTYLES. PRICES $2.00 to $18.00 E. M. Thompson Whore Your Dollar Does Its Duty. Wall street, Horul, Oregon. NOT TO 1-milT KUDUCTION. Reports) from Portland mo Hint the railroad companies will make no legal light against the frelKht into reduction ordered by the Interstate Coin inerco Commission effective Jan. 2. 11)12. It is understood here that new tarilVs are now being prepared to conform with the order. JEk The Cruso Kero-Vapor Lamp Burns any grade of Kero sene oil. Burns only half the oil of any other lamp. The cheapest and best. Be sure and see our line of Christmas Novelties ; : : i i Skuse Hardware Company Our prices are right. FIRST TRIP HERE A. S. BROOKS VISITED BEND THURSDAY Minneapolis Tlmberman Spends Thanksgiving Day Looking Over Tim ber Holdings of Company Says Mill Will be Uullt as Soon as Possible Although having property inter ests in this part of Orogon for the last thirteen years, A. S. Brooks of Minneapolis, brother of Dr. D. F. Brooks of The Bond Co., made his first trip to Rend last weok. He spent Thanksgiving day here view- ing the country, and especially the timber. R. F. Avorill showed him The Bend Co.'s sawmill and the timber adjacent to this town, and he expressed hirnsolf as much pious od to find such a fine body of yellow pine here. Regarding his trip and the cut ting of timber, Mr. Brooks said in an interview: "This is the first time I have been on the Pacific Coast, although 'gQ$ . "HaRS? ' I J lit" mW ,AmI La Pine, Crook County, Oregon.; my brother and I have hnd inter ests here for a number or years, and personally I am financially sorry that we did not become interested earlier. "Our interests in the Bond country are made possible of devel opment by the entrance of rail com munication, and we will erect a mill of at least 100.000 feet daily capa city within six months if possible. This capacity will be increased as the business warrants. The mill will be located in Bond and all the business conductod from this place. The timber to bo cut will be that of the Scanlon-Gijwon Co. and Brooks, Roberta & Co." Mr. Brooks left Friday morning for Powell River, B. C, to visit the pulp mill there, of which he is sec- retarytrurur PORK AS FOOD. Scandinavians Believe It It Eatan Evan In Haavan. In the nacn-U Uxik of the Sonndl norlHii" mrk In represented nn the ' principal fowl even In lieiiven. It was j ilit cliier rioU or the rth In the twelfth rentury and ulxo ot the Anglo Saxons at an earlier pertud. Id I'm nee It wan equuily common, and Charlemagne kept In his forests Imtnenxe droe of pis. Late In the sixteenth century there wax a particu lar dlxensp wild to tie canned by the quantity of pork en ten In flungnry, and even at present the tmrtuirou ' I.ette nro pasHlonntely fund of IL In the middle or the sixteenth century Phillip II. when In Ktiglatid generally dined on bacon, of which he ate so touch as frequently to make himself very III. Ily n singular contradiction the Afrt run Mohammedans now "believe that a great enmity exists between hogs and Christians" (llungo Parki. Many medical authors bare supposed that mrk Is particularly unwholesome In hot countries, hut this requires con fir mntlon, and It Ih certain that It Is rec vtnmended by Arabian physicians and it more generally enten both In Asia and Africa than Is usually believed. The North American Indians are laid to have "n disgust for pork." Do. bell believes there Is more pork eaten In China than all the rest of tbe world put together. Uucklo's "History of Civilization." ANNUAL PARTY IS SUCCESSFUL EVENT Pleasing Musical Program (liven at Lara's Store Saturday Afternoon and V. cnlng Supper to Hinptnvcs Another evidence of the progres sive spirit that has put Bend in the front rank of Central Oregon com munities was Liru'.M fourth birthday party and Christmas opening, held ( last Saturday. 1 This year the store was tastefully decorated with the native intuitu , nita, the green of the branches be-, ing set off here and there by red t Christmas bells. A number of artificial palms added greatly to the generally pleasing effect. J During the afternoon and even- i ing coffee ami sandwiches were served. Mrs. Lara, assisted by . several of Iond's matrons and ' mnidens, disonsed the good things from a booth on the second floor. By far the most pleasing feature of the entertainment was the musi cal program provided by local , talent. The orchestra was comiosod i of Miss Iva West, violin: C. II.; Hunter, trombone; O. M. (luptil, mandolin, while Miss Truutner and Mr. Sawbridge alternated at the piano. The program was well , selected and thoroughly enjoyed, i Miss Arrie Black won new laurels by her splendid solo work, and was! the recipient of much applause, her , . ... .... . i songs being liberally interspersed among the instrumental numbers. After closing the store in the evening, the firm was the host at a little supper for its employes and the other friends who assisted dur ing the opening. Covers were laid for eighteen atCorkett's Restaurant, and the little gathering mnde a happy ending for a most pleasant day. A Snap On Business Property. BEST BUYS IN TOWN! Why? Because their location is ASSURED. Thoso bargains consist of 1 9 lots across tho street from tho depot and on Greenwood and Fir Stroots. Tho first five will bo sold at a greatly reduced prico, for wo want to soil them quickly. Wo also have a fow 5-ACR.E TRACTS Adjoining Bond which aro still unsold. Thoy havo a perfect water right and water is delivered to each and every fivc-acro tract SOLD ON EASY TERMS. Do You Wish a Choice Rcsidonco Lot? If so, call on us, for wo havo some of tho best buys in that class of property in tho city. Let us show you a big bargain. If you aro looking for on Irrigated Farm, you should call and seo our list. It costs nothing to investigate and wo aro suro you will agrco with us that wo havo somo ot tho Best buys to be found in tho country. Our nino years' experienco in this country gives us bet ter advantago to securo for you tho best location of a 320-acrc homestead of any firm in tho county. Our prices aro right and tho location is guaranteed. Insurance Stenographic and Notary Work a specialty. Call on or writo Oregon Investment Co. East sido of Wall St., Between Oregon and Greenwood Sts., Bend, Oro. Phono 1. P. O. Box 49. All communications promptly answered. LOANS FOR UUILOINU. Those desiring a loan for building purposes through the Pacific Build ing & Loan Association, call on James Ryan. spent r Secure Remember The Tired Shopgirl DRILLING FOR VVAIU.R. ment for rheunmtlstn. Mm. Hassel- to $'j:i.t: which will b berg has been confined to her bed , fitting up a Christmas tree. ror several months wltli but little, , , -- holies for her recovery, but as a last ' ""VIJont .ou get that long resort she has been taken to that bair cut7 Innos & Davidson do the place. ' best burlier work in town. The pie social at the Pinchurnt schoolhouse last night was u great) American Ilokery bread and pastry success. The sale of pies amounted for sale at The Pnltn. 3(Hf ' MsVsshHBmu 2t- Hplsm.liv L 1 1 &r-Jgrt Tutnalo Farmer Trylnz to Artesian Flow. TUMAIX), Nov. 30 George Camp bell has returned to his homestead near Tumalo. He reports things dull in the way of labor at Grants Pass and wages low. George HigginBon Is busy with the well drill on his place and luu hopes of getting artesian water. Kills Kdgington has gone to Hood River on n visit. Mrs. Lou Pulliam is also having a well drilled on her place. Mr. ami Mrs. John McKinnoy were doing business at Bend cs tertlay. Mr. Hanaolborg has taken Mrs. Hnssolborg to the Hot Luke Sani tarium at Granil Ronde for treui- N'OTICK FOR PUBLICATION !MMitmrntirth iMlnkrf, t' H MriI Oilier al The Ilatlta. irttfuM, NuwhiIt avth iv NiMlcc liheiilir kivh thai IMU l Unary .f llrliil Ofguu, wlu, oo April ijfd iiu inailr lllf.lfTclllry Nil u4 tot tli Mrtllllll jo lown.liii kMlh rauiir id .! Willmurllr McidIUh. ti tllr.1 Mwdi-r u( IHltull-'ii ., tmWr Anal ninimulatluli I), r4i,llll (Ullll ! ilhfUlMl aliuvc ilfll-rt W for r II 1 III, f H Commluliincr ! Ii. ulficr, t Itrli't inrKUii on llir iMti ilv r.f Jinutiy. ivii eUlmHl wllHf-" (Scrnxr MIDI 'cmi. I'M KutifH-r, I' N IRIDIUM mol U I llrnktc. all at I if ml. orrynn. yft C W MOOHII HrKOltr The Original OLES HEATER ThouKlitfulnes of otla-rs Is tho key note of ClirlHtmaH. "As ye do It unto tho IcnMt of these," said the Founder ot ttio day. Hnvo YOU tlioiifilit of the TIRED i SHOPGIRLS? As you treat them you nro treutliiK Him. Lot that sink homo. Tho sreuteot kindness you can do these girls Is to SHOP EARLY. If tho majority of people would d that tho girls could enjoy their Christ mas. too, for they would not bo TIRED TO DEATH by working nt n, KILL ING PACE till midnight on Christmas ore. Photographic Portraits That Please at tho Seward & Robideau Studio Bend, Oregon 3 1 VmmmUiWiimjmiiwM A iiimfe tni ajiuUa loonutioa about Uaalinf, katcSIa( l,Ui iMdia r,l.1 lil,'. I'sulur llook-i Cialavl, Saailarce(r,llM. TU Qua. H, Ittf C , Saaria K. iiliaf aod houilag poultry u hum 111 in uun KUion a lissssssssM S JEgrff Jy-gX With Patent Draft Will Heat Your Home On Two thirds the Wood Other Heaters Use They cost no more than others. So why not buy a COLE'S? Bend Hardware Co. Sole Agents M . ..Jar . 1 J j