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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1911)
e f 1 1 I . W! TR Proof of the Pudding Is In the Eating i CLAIMS nre cally matle; but not alwaya eaaily proven. We would not make the claim we do for llc IiIrIi quitlity of our Mock if we erc not convinced of their truth, anil if we didn't have vi many compliment from ctw totnera on the mjieriorlty of onf tree v mid the tnewt excel lent manner in which tliry ere packed, eitabtiiitf them to arrive at ilettination in prime rondttlon. ThUlalltem.sooilpV Inc., In eaalW oTeilubktd by many, but it one of lmpottnc. and U out of the many Inatancra whtre our at tention to .lttalknr np the hlh atamlardofourttrea. llateyouacenour J4 p"(t cwtlor It's beauty. Better kdvI for tt. Yakima Valley Nursery coaipany TbppenUh, W4hlrnr.ton. More Salesmen Wanted We Now Have I ' in Stock Carload LIME CEMENT and PULP Plaster. NEWLEAFLETOUT COAIAIERCIAL CLUB ADVERTISING. IS to It on down ginilo Hi-omul iroiHi romii. hnula over year Hrtid Tin the ohenii powi'r to oporutu tot'tory. Tt? OVERTURF-DAV1S-MHXER COMPANY OFFICE IN BENSON liLDQ. ON WALL ST. J i Wood! Wood! HELLO! "Where are you going? Down to Carter's after a cord of that Rood dry block wood. My wifewon't burn anything else. Carter is four bits cheaper than others. He soils do block wood at $4.50 per cord. F.M.CARTER " Estimate on application Wall Taper at Portland Trice N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Chcapext and Ilet Wall Taper Sam ple in the county. Get My Trice. Box 39, Dend, Oregon. Local Publicity Organ Publishes Literature Concerning This County for Distribution to Meet (Mr Demand x WHEN YOU ARE DRY THE PLACE TO VISIT IS The SHvertooth Fine Line of Wines and Liquors. Agents for Budweiscr and Wcinlianl's Beer. OLD CROW BOND & LILLARD GUGGENHEIM Pure California Port Wine, Gal... J2.00 Choice Old California Port, Sherry, An gelica and Muscatel, Gal P&UV Monogram, Bond & Lillard, Cedar Brook Whiskey, Gal $6.50 Apricot, Blackberry, Peach and Apple Brandies, bottle $1.50 The Bond Commercial Club has just issued G000 lealleta for frcu distribution to the many inquirers, the text of which is published be low. The leaflets liavo six pngca, fold conveniently for inclosure in envelopes, and aro printed upon attractive rIosu coated tinted patter. Cbc (Town. Ucnd W located on the Definite Hlvt-r, 135 miles south ottlioColumhln. llend hat n imputation of nbuut 1000 and I jjrowlnjr rapidly. Mend It the Ihu known of tho Cen tral Ore-iron town' nnd tho mo.t tnlkrd of town In the Writ Uwlny, In nil Ore- trou no city lias been located with a teener eye to ftituro development nnd none l. slUmtfU more vltcnutlfully or heitlthfully. Hond Is tho distributing HIntr for nn. tnnpiro 01 untoucniM nmi utummiiuml iiotenllnl wealth tlmlKr, Kntln.Mock, Inlrv, pmUn, iiiliiurul uml iiiamihtcl urwf jii-oiluctM. llend Is a thriving town with it untor avsteiii, electric lliflitlni; KyHti'inlioi' Ilurnrv, two hollil imnks, oxeellenl hotels, n nowiior nnd mitny other municipal nsts worthy of it town several timet It.s lxo. llend t HI mnnufacttironml distribute 2.000,000 K)utuN of wool nnnunlly. NvinJtlntious are pniotlciilly eomiiletetl for ;the Installation at llend of n woolen , oppressive, nnd the ulxht.-. mill that -will employ JOO (teople. furmly cool nnd lefreihliik' lientl Mis easy nccess to lur;;uimiitl tics ui tno iH-ii oi einy fur tirlrk mnk lnr Hour mill foe Mie wheat uf tliU tlhu tnry lUntcr power. Horn! hut 2.'0,000 horae potter eitslly nhiiilunhlo from the Dotohutos, "The Ulvee of fluid." A 1700 homo powtir iilmit, the only one on the l)ii'hult'n lMver, iHtn'Hupplteteleetrlellv to iiriio tiddly nil the rvhldoucc nnd business house In the eliy. Nowhere In uuno nliundnnl or ehenper powerohlnlnnhle. lleud'a nenrmw to the Mipply.of raw mntetlnl nnd the eomhlnntlon iff ehenp nnd remllly uhlulunhlo power spoils tt jfrent iitnmifneturliiir futuiv. llend will nmke llhentl Induceiuenla to lt'K'ltlumto iminufuetutliiir enter prUes. Clntber. llKNO IS WIIKIU: ItAU.ItOAl), till!! UATKI) I.VNIKH, IIIVKIt AMI TIMIIKII FllutT MKirr. Tributary tti llend on down-trrndo hnuli la l.'O.OOO.OOO.OOO feet of the llnett yellow pine timber to I mi found anywhere. Ilealtlc providing the ehenp owor for the milling of thin timber, llend olTera the beat of mill pond facilities. The mttmifiK-lurluK by coinponlc who have larye holdlnin of till timber nnd who have nliiltled their intention of locntlnK ttl Hond, and have purohiwed proerty nnd mill altex, will upiH)rt a jxipulutlon of 10.000 eonaerrntlvnly eHtlmated. llend It the nnturnl mlllluj.' nnd dla trlbtttlni; olni for all of thla tlmlwr. Recreation. llend' enll tq tho out-of-door en tbuslata U most ullurluL'. No atreniu In the atnte ran offer llshlnu' that rem pure with the Dosehutei. llonr, doer, rouarH nnd wild nits lire numerous In the mountnlns, nnd sinnll enme. such ns ducks, Keese, aw mi, Mpdriel nnd rtthhltN ure nhmtlful. .. -. .. Ilium Hits neon invomi .in N0T1CK FOU l'UHUOATION, tiolntnlTrad I'ulille t.iul Hlt. IWpMlltmit iiflhe lnlfllnf, If. H l.tmt nmre t The IMIkt, lilriiuili Aiixuit nth lull Nolle It litt'liy Hrn Hint, illiruril liyllie Cdiiinil-.loiirtiif lli llvni ml Mini (IHUif, uitiltr iuvlU of Ail -if CiiiiiilMitmtil linirtl, IV'(.UHUI, ,11;), Wf will liirrr nt liltill! mI, totlir iilalir.l MiliUr l 4M llix V In nil llir Mil y iiltKliilirr lyll l ililstilllrr, llir follow liilitctllrl Unit r) t(, ire. 14 ti, 6 Kmiiir 10, l( V M , Nn. ursvj Anv uriMint .iMlmlnif ail.rtirlv llir alrfivr ilrHltlnril UiiiI mr mUl-ril tn llir lloll rlnlin nr iilJnll(iM,(iti ur be Cut r lluMlmr ilt.lnlnl fiM' JUP C W MOOHIt Hl"lrr Wliy not Kt out Hivmo nilvtirtlslnir blottors, liimo or Miimll? Tho Hull villi has thu Hlock nnd can do tliu work on ltn new prutw, bnvlnir iilnees 01 aeenio wUblii ensy iu'vos I'L'Oll. fn tl 10 itln- more nnd U'ttUty nnd Interest tliitn any other Hilnt In On Ilond should 1m Included I entry of every tourist. iioihi, tne iM'iinunii, miii iii'iini me sHirtsmnu. Climate. Our yearly rulufitll Is from ton" to thirteen Inuhes. The air U dry, the winds lire llj-ht, thesiitumer days 11 to wurm 1ml not ni urn-Severn storms, heavy snows, nnd dark, dlmnl dntM me unknown. Tho oivn.linml nnd innny vnrleties of I llirlit snow a during thu winter rarely .This, together with . reiunin on the L'round mote than three tne lnexponslvo nunlxir umnufacturetl or four data. on the sxt, oilers excellent udvniUnKo t proinliieiit miHllcnl authority snya: for construction. "The rvmnrkulde, invlk'onitliik' ipmll- Hond Hlk'h School jrrnduates nra nd- Ilea ims.swI by this climate nre mlttiHl to the State University without equalled by few uthera nnd aurpnssM a - a 'a .- ,. '- t.uiu, iiiiiiiniuin n 111 ij iiuur a iiv fun? iiiuuutuiM mi NOTIUK VOll PU1II.ICATIUN. .. . "I'sitnmil i'f lh Intcilur, If. rt. I.mul Ulllir m riir lull... tlirnm. Nollrt-I. lir,l,y,nHi(llrr II llilctm, ofllfinl, (lit null, who, nn Noriiilf II. mail hoiiic.Uml culry No, o$,U, Uit irl nrU, rt SsmUWiiwKsnilloi, nllon 4, timnihiii Ittoulh.rsniitlltiiil, WlllmiHtlr MmI'IKm.Iix Blnl uulicvurlHtriilluii In inakr flnal mmmiiu I tan wwif to r.ukll.hiUlm tu thr- Uiol !. ilrrilU.,lfoi II C mils. U K Cuiiiml..l.inr thUulnr. l Hfinl, t)i,oii,uiilhr jl.l itayof """- Lll Inunl lumriii ttlhiMtri (!roir W Juim ( ItliKvlllr, ttiriun, ami Ira N. I'.rickauH. rii.i.,1. llraou. C. W MOOHIt, Hrtltur. ml 1'iank II liayn fIT lillyf u ana Chailra lira M-4 Hunter Bros. With .Shush Hahdwamk Co, Interior Decorating Mouso Pnintln Wall Paper In Stock. New PALACE MARKET Charles lloyd, Prop. MEATS Vegetables, etc. nurnosva bullulnv' stone. THE SILYERTOOTH SALOON Wholesale and Retail Wines and Liquors. 3end jyachine hop All Kinds of Saw Mill and Farming RE-P-A-I-R-S 1 ""'..; V. We Carry a Large Stock of Auto Repairs and Supplies S-BwaMavatatMaiaBaaaaMamaaiaaaM Wall St., next to Opera Mouse FUNERAL DIRECTORS EAJBALMERS UNDERTAKERS ' A. Full Line of UNDERTAKING SUPPLIES Metallic Shipping Coffins carried in stock. J.I. WEST & COMPANY J. J J" & ".. "i; '1tf. s 'U.'" 'JM 'lAlLl y;fc' w exnmlnatlon, nnd the lower L'nules nre as distinctive In their excellence. Head boa four prosterotu churches and many secret and benevolent societies. llend homes are tho finest and best In Central Oregon. Hend lain every resjiect as attractive to the homrnccker as to the Investor. RallroaOi). IlKND, TIIKTKIIMINUS OP TllE OnK OOK TltUNIC AND DESCIIUTKS IlAU WAYS, IS TIIK KIIIST JutNT Ulbl. AND Haiiiuman station south or the COLUMIIIA IXXJATKODIIUXH-LVO.V TIIK UKSCiirrta HiVKi. Trains on Iwtlt lines will bo runnlnj? Into llend by November 1U Theo line rennent the expenditure of about 13,000,000 by men wno Know. Hood will be the junction of tho east and went Hill lino extending acrovt tho state and connecting with the Hurllnk'ton at some jwlnt In Idaho, surveys having beun completed and ull maps filed. "Central Oregon Is nnemnlro toatip- iwrtaelty the size of Portland," said ohn b Stevens, thu threat railroad builder. Hend, with two outlets Into tho markeiH of California and two outlets Into tho markets of Portland and the north, and a direct outlet for lu timber producU to the waiting markets of the east, has an unsurpassed economic and MtrateKlo ixMdilon. Hend will distribute tho products to and from the territory that will prollt most by this, tho Kreatest railroad building In America to-day. Initiation. Hond la headquarter for the Central Oregon Irrigation Comony whone Carey Act kVKreallon emluueos 218, 000 ucros in the Immediate vicinity. Uon this mjII practically all thu prt duets of the temjHirutu zone can bu k'rown. Alfalfa, clover, oats, wheat, small fruits and ull root eros thrive. Dairying is dostined to bo one of tho most iiK)rtanV oeeuputlons on these irriKated lands. Tho yield of btrttur fat from the niKsos of these luuds Is much blk'hur than the average. Tho pure, soli wutor, the lack of itxcosstvu beat or oold Kettle this iiuostion. We ournuntly advUe all xuitlerx on theso lunds to o Into this busineM. Allrstelass eieamery Is now helnk' InstallHl In Hend. Huw Irrigated lands sell for U0 iter acre for ouch Irrlk'ublo aerO uud i'l.M ixiraeiefor non-lrtiuuble lands. An unnuul maintenance elmrk'H of so cents pur Irrljfublo uere is imulo until 1017 when the system Is to Imj turnitl over to the settlors uud operated by ilium ul oo-.t. Proved up lands soil from VA) to W0 peracie depending ujion the amount and olmrocter of ImprovemunUi that, have been imt thereon, i-'orty nci im of this land will hupiiort a family in comfort and Independence. Hend will protlt by Irrigation, tho mliuclo wotkor. rB Jfarmlno. Hend Is headquarters for moro than 250,000 ucros of wheat land now open under tho 320-acru dry fanning, homo steud act, which ponnltu aottlent to take up that amount of lund and ac quire title by II vii yours residence, with a Hpecilled amount of Improvement. Crop exports pi edict tliut tho now Central Oregon wheat lands will In (line double tho wbeut output of Ore gon and WanhluKton combined. Thu new settlor upon these lands finds a iUVUI fUlKUUtUSM HJIUIVU Jli.lll. .w from rock, with well water eaallyob-. talnablo ana wui) irom v to x lncnea of ralnfull. Tiroutli tho richest sec tion of this torrltory'the oat-and-wet Hill line from Bend will bo built. Its future Is one of vast posniblllHwK Bend is so situated that all the pro ducts of this territory can be orougni low humldltr, very Invlirornlintr and remarkably free from the varieties of Insect life which . Infest many localities." CO Oct iKfC. Take tho North Hank Itntlrond nnd Orejron Trunk Knllrond vln Knlllirldk'e, Wash., or tho O.-W. IU.V N. Hy. and Deschutes Hallway via The Dalles to the nreen t terminus, and thence by aulotnobllrs or stnk'o to Hend, After Novemler 1st come straight to Iloml by either line. Wo believe that tho Hund country offer unexcelled opjiortunltles for the homeieekerand Investor. Toennvlnce you of this fact we ask that you make a iieraonui invoiuk'uuoij. men you will ojfreo with us. TllBIIKST WAV TO MARK THIS IN VESTIGATION IS TO (Borne to Xcno. Real Batate Men Attcntlonl Z 2 The Bulletin is in a position i to print attractive advertising t leaflets. Some, or all of tho i text of the above leaflet, may t be used, plus individual ndver t Using matter, thus cuttinp; t down expense. A big stock of 1 special paper for this kind of 1 work. Specially low prices i during September. t ROAL IJSTATU TRANSPIIRS. (Kurnlibitl bf the Crook Countr Abairatt Co.) Joe Innn et tix to U. C. Coe et al, H int in It 16, 17 of It 3, blk 11 (replal), Ucnd, $1, Chadwick It frvlll et tix to Ilnrrlrtt Park, Its 1, s. 3, blk w, I'.llliixcr'a Add. Kcdtiionil, fjao, C II. Ilopley et us to Roy A. Hush. Its 6 to 10, lilc. blk 18, KllliiKer'i Add, Krdmond. flooo. Chadwich II. Irvlti ct ux to C. I! Ilrown, It aj, blk J5. Krdimiml. . Kedmond Townslte Co. to 1'rank I. Phoenix. Its jo and at. blk 3J, Ucd moiid. fi. Gertrude Miller to J. C Miller, e'f sec 9-jj-Uj Palace Restaurant Rooms for Rent Confectionery, f-rtilt Picnic Supplies, Clears J. F, Taggart & Co. CITY DRAY CHAKLKsnoKTiKN, raor. UtltW CI'iV ru.r We Handle llverytlitps;. I rave or dew with Nick Smith Wall hlit.l Hfii.l 00 YEAnO' CXPCRIBNCC lliil.alllhl XaVBaBBBsHrV Tn itoc Manna . Demons " Coprnioms) 4c Anfnnawn.tlnf a.lra anl nniiiinka? a.i.Ki ir .3.i.h ! wp.- . lAlil. 1 aul.tlf ' ll.IUl lm..tirll,r-na.L..tLl. VANOMOt t.m li ! 'l af.tirf luf miliii la I maiMiv'r, 'al .t.i r luf tannine M I'.I.Hl. l.k.M " -T'" - . . T Z . " . ,L U4 AfU, wiiiunii anaraa, inia V?,', lbitMili Mann A I lluwl Inlka Scientific JImcricnii. A lllilral-l!atlr IxraMl nr. lfi II . ralalbHl Jl anf artamiaa intiaai, ! a m 1 f mir MMMiika, I L, rVA4 tfall m.mIhi. If you wnnt somctliiiiK to cat try Pure Ico Cream C A AA'O DI A f T? I'uro Ico Cren Kvery Day JMiVl J rLMUC Kvery Day. am on llond street. Annex to Stephens & Puttie's saloon. TO BUILDERS WE HAVE A NICE STOCK OF FLOORING RUSTIC, SHIPLAP AND ROUGH LUMBER. WE ARE SELLING Shiplapat - - - - - $14 per M Good Grado Rustic ... $18 per N Common Rough Lumber - $ 1 2 per N (la Hnglne For Sale. A two-horse power Fairbanks-Morse gnsolino engine for sale ut a bargain. Is in first class shape, does good work nnd has given no trouble whatever. Has lieenjn light service for one year. Desire to replace with an electric motor, to lower insurance and becauso greater power is wanted. THE HEND BULLETIN. at mill one and one-half miles .south-enst of iiknd. Wo con furnish any bill on short notice. Send us your orders lor r 1N15H LUMBER.. BEND LUMBER CO. I I DIGNIFYING THE INDUSTRIES" Tbli Is th till of a tiutlful ll-Ptft beck, postal In th mall TODAY and it will t list rntt will mow any bar er t Irl bow U lUOOtED p IOC bleb Drop a Tb aim of lb ColUf It to dlt ally and iDuUrlit tb InduitrU i, and to strra ALL tba piopli It oflira courm In Afrlcultura, Civil toitnttrlnc. Eltctrlcal Caslaairloc, Msebanlcal Es(lntrlnc, Mininc tat In aorlne, romtrr. DoraiHoclnc and Art, Com tnorco, rbariaaey and Muilo. Tbt Colitis optui Bptmbrl2d. Catajogrrto. Addrill XEQISTXAR, OREO0M AGRICULTURAL OOLLtoe, Corvallii, ortion. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. laotatcil Tract. I' I jnd Hale Not Cool Land. Dtpartintiitorthe Ii.Utlor, V. H, I.aiiJ Olllce t The Italtra, Ottzuu. Auwu.t l6th. 1911 nl.ilonri provUioiit of Act of Coarraa Nolle la hrreliy avan that, is dirtctid by lilt lonrrorilK i.rntrai l.aiiu wioc. uuutr Coinn uiluiUU.)!)), wtwlll itlfttH public UK, tolhc hlhrtWddr, at o o'clock a moa tbcuthjarpf Octotr, I911, al Ihla office, tbt lollowlDg-dVictlbed land! IM BKW.aec. It, NM NltffiKC. I, Tprt6S., kJh lt.Tv,M. Serial Nn.fitolT. Any pcraona ciaiminj di clalnlnf autrijr ine doti Amtm ad.lMvi la AU Ihrlr clalma. or otHcctlcmt, on or before lb tloi dralf nated for "lip C. W, MOOSH, Kfitity, STAR Restaurant AND BAKERY. Meals 35c. Newly Furnished Rooms 50c am! up. BREAD 5c. 21 TICKETS FOR $1.00. Large RIes 15 cts each Doughnuts and Cinnamon Rolls 15 cts Doz. Cookies 10 cts Do. Cakes 10 cts to 35 cts each MRS. NtLUIE: WRIGHT BOND STREET. END, OREGON L ;i SI Wv'.S fJs'AW' 1 I liT n t; -,- v t f,OM) r. ' "'' '.'. -f, 'm , VitmltJ4'mJm4 '': MM a.