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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1911)
i SJ t. ' i .( w STAR BAKERY FRESH BREAD Pastries, Rolls, etc. 13 Uroail TlckoU $1.00 3 Urnnd Tickets 20c MRS. NELLIE WRIGHT Put Your Duds In Our Suds Bend Steam Laundry The Home Land Company "-- -JLdSESSU Real Estate and Insurance Timber Lands, Irrigated Hotel Dalles The Dalles, Oregon Ymi sic rnnlisllv iiiutnl to make Tltlt IIOTIU. 1AM.I!S your irttliiK plsce wlulr Malting "' Iwtwrrn trninatm your way tn ami (((jiii I'oitUiiil. Nrw. iIi4iiuiikIiIv riiiiixHl, iiiiMlrrn liotrl; irmii heat, elevator, tutlc nlll (Willi Willi Imtlu. 1'llit elm c(e. IUlt ft mil iipMranl. Ideal Slopping Place Going to and from Central Oregon. PETER KUEHNLING, Manager. Hotel Bend Corner Uond ano"Orer;on Sis. AMERICA.N PLAN Rates $2 and S2.50 a Day HUGH O'KANE, Manager j. a. iiazuka Contractors We are Always 'Glad Lo Furnish Estimates Shop in Hear of ltowlcc WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied with Ilia belt that the town afford. Ncnt rind Comfortable Room. UitNif, Okhoon (Restaurant Aly IM T1IK STSTOpen All Night IN UK SHORT ORDGRS OUICK SIJRVICIJ Sandwiches and Lunches n Specialty UILLY'S PLACE V. H. ADAIR WLLV'S PLACE Wenandy Livery, Feed (h Stable Co. J. II. WUNANDY, Prop. All kinds of light and heavy Livery. l'KKI) I'OR SALK. Hond Street Wood! Wood! - HKLLO! Whoro nro you going? Down to Cnrtur'H nf tor n cord of thui good dry block wood. My wifowon't burn anything elso. Cartor la four bita cheaper than othere. Ho sella dry block wood at $4.60 per cord. F. M. CARTER Meals Served from 6 a. in. to 8 p. in. Furnished Rooms HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS. and Dry Farm Lands. J w. hi. McGregor liuilders Buililiiif,' on Willi Street HMHnntMnRaBik)HHnnn IIOKSKS FOR SALK. fiend, Oregon. l!tlmatr on a)picutlou Wall rncr nt I'ortlniul Prices N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Cheapest ami Dest Wall Taper Sam plea in the county. Get My Prices. Box 39, Hend, Oregon. K og m ODD FELLOWS CELE BRATE ANNIVERSARY Hxcrclscs Meld In Church Well At tended 1'rlnclplci and Work of the Order Theme of Addresses of livening. Exercises celebrating the 92d an nlversary of the founding of the In detxindcnt Order of Odd KellowK were held In the IlnptiMt church luit Wednewlay evening and were well nttended. The members of the local lodge were present In a body, wearing their regalia. There were alno visitors from ljiidlnw und Red mond. The evening's program consisted ! of talks and musical numlerH. Rev. J. Anthony Mitchell, chaplain of the Hend lixlge. prealded and made the , principal address of the evening. . He oke on the principles and work of the order, emphasizing what it Is ,it f ,, ... ,,r, , , . , , doing for the uplift of mankind and the relief of suffering humanity, Post Noble (Jrund W. I). Jinrnos of Ijildluw and Kev. W. L. Wilson of Redmond also were railed on and stroke along similar lines. Mr. Hnrnes ,,,,,., ., , , , said that when the centennial year of Odd Fellowship arrived he hoped to see the Iiund lodge in Mssossion ' ,.,,,. , .. , of n tine building of its own nnd , strong In numlnTS. Rev. Mr. Wil-, Bon Invituil the lodge to attend the , , ., , . , . ,, , ,1 Installation of n lotlgv "t Kwlmond , , inn short time. A large number! , will go from lu;re and put on the initiatory degree. I The evening's musical program consisted of a duet by Mrs. Z. V. I.indlMtrg hiiiI Miss lvn West, vocal solo by Mrs. Lindborg and a violin solo by Miss West, the latter being livartily encoreil. .Miss lilttel ... . presided at the organ. , ,, .... I .,111 Mrs. A. L. rrencli, a Keiiekah, .i.i - i... - it i... uirvm-u nil' iiiiiii it) lunuiiiK inv tin n i e u i-i i i i t iiiihk'hi aiiirj in mu trivnuwup hi twfiu.xviii Jonat,..-Wnd David. ' J&ZrttJ&XlJ& in addition to Mr. Hiirn. rt i;z5UrrLv,;U.;.'.;j,a,;.,1 Noble Crntul J. L. Couch ami Noblu WJtSXrfC.?rY,",'""i """' Cran.l M. S. Hullanl of the UWtaw'H l w M,,OKK Kr" I'Mlgo were promtit. NEW LAND LAW Seiond Claim Allowed Certain l:ntr- mm by Ouvernmeiit. ' Following is the full text of h law . . . enactiMi by congress In reliruary. and which is now in full force: "That any oion who, prior to the approval of this act, has made entry under thchomostond or desert land laws, but who, subsequently to such entry, from any cause, shall I have lost, forfeited or abandoned ; the same, shall be entitled to the benefits of the homestead or dosert land laws ns though such former entry had not been made, nnd any jwrson applying for second home stead or desert land entry under this Act shall furnish a description of his former entry. Provided, that the provisions of this Act shall not apply to nny jerson whoso former entry was cancelled by fraud, or who relinquished his former entry for a valuable consideration in ex cess of the filing fees paid by him on his original entry." PAPER FOR LA PINE II. N. linrd Will Start Weekly Pine Intcr-miiuntaln Next Month. Iji Pino, tho new townsite thirty miles south of llend, will have a newspaper in a Bhort time to bo called the Pine Inter-mountain. It will be published by E. N. Hurt!, lately from Senslde, Ore,, nnd will be n four-page sheet issued weekly. Mr. Huril was a Bond visitor Inst week and stated thnt ho intends to begin publication next month. Ho has had dilllculty in getting hts out fit freighted In from the railroad, and may bo delayed in getting bis plant in operation, Tho people of tho La Pine section nro enthusiastic over tho prospcet3 of having a paper, Mr. Hurd sold. Eggs for hatching from purebred Silver Laced Wyandottes. $1.00 per netting. Mra. W. P. Downing, Bend, Oregon. tf I MARITIME EXPRESSIONS. Uid In a Mitapherloat Ssni. Th.y Arc Quit Cannon, Mnrltatno (zpri-Mloiia 'ilswl inctiplior ImUy nri', In fiict, very common. U' snjr it couplu nro "spliced," a young innn I tho "innliialny" of lilit family, nn InlrmliT "puts III onr In." n limit In "linrd up." Mornctliiips "tflken nhnclt" or linn "tho wind tnken out of his anils," n toper In "slowed," a lonfcr "spins a yarn," sometimes "tries the other tnck." nnd n ruler "steers the ship of atnto" through troublesome times. This Inst metaphor Is extremely an cient, by the wny. Horace refers to Homo aa a ship at sen, and Plutarch nays tho Delphic oracle referred to Athens In the same war- A Tamil rmylnif embodies a like metaphor, The aotil la the ship, reason la tho helm, the oars nro the foul's thoughts, and truth Is the port." An old collection of Kngllsh proverbs contains this one; "Tho tonmio la the rudder of our ship." A Malar uiaxlm says, "The boat which la swamped at sen mar be balled out but tho shipwreck of the affection Is Una!," . . , Aristophanes, Planlua and others tiss an expression which comes down to ua as aa Koftllsti snw. To row one wny and look another." An old Kn llsh prorcrb (OH) was. "It Is not pood ,0 ,iaT0 " nr In twrj one' boat" Ha Sat. It I related of tho Iter. Matthew Clnrk thnt In tho audience was once n "un "rltlsh military ortlcer whose ! scarlet uniform far outshone any rlrnl ; ,,,,,.,,, ,, M nxM ,uo nM ot j the yuunjj damsels present that the ""r. enjoying tho Impression he was making, not only stood through the pniyer with the rest, hut roinnlned siHtidlng nftrr nil others had snt ',OM'n l""11 tho ',ni,,nr ,'fld Proceeded for Homo time with his sermon, nnd nt ,W1BU notMnK n dIrWtt, ntt(.ntIon niMl Its rauw. the minister stopped. i"11 "Ml' l,u r('rum nml- Jlresslntr hi new hearer, said: hnvr ,raTP) ,a( Yo ba.0 s braw suit of claltlies. nnd we ha'o "' "rn11,,,om- Vo may sit doun." The lleuteiinut dropie.l as If shot- rr,mi 1B -Autobiography of Horace ureeley Try The Bulletin job printcry. XOTICti FOR PUBLICATION. t'sht4 Ml UimI OSkr. TS IHill. Off ion Msr.h -th ivii Nok- u huebjt in ihi tht s,fihffe I'xtlw Kllnmr Umwm. Hhtwt wwi uitin ad .t.r im i'wi. Miimuia. hihisuy t t'rWiMt), isll. hm In ISl.aMKT it pplK-allon ,iu u u.t ts h. ..,.. ih hi a CHSt WWWM'l JI)T I. Ill"t!l vy- KI . .ir.i b, is ah .i nirr ..TrtJ ;.' . i"H V.Mtl IWtllOM ty wrfi x'M- t S8 II htm. W cc4tuu J Twi .'ixrtilh M , (MiUMIlHK - CI NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION, ltHHItt oflkf lmtKK. V S. MimI 0cc st Tht Itatlr.. Ofrge March IMS. wi , Nailer I Iwttby alnn that M.iKrll K Ij.fll uf hftxt iHran. hIm.hi llmwb IX. I , H Rl( ,, ,Md lhe B,s MwU """?. V- '" ' s 's 'J. i W M ha tilvd m4Ut of mltHlMM to make PimI , !-vr i7f awt.h cuiw to ua .atfemrtWMfttwti. brf,r II C Kill. I r Cwh- wMmw al hi oSwc al Ho4, Ofrgoa, oa llc H my ui May. lyii CI.IMaHl name a iim Kit M AreaM Wilham A i Hold. wki,, a IKirh ami Kay M;iUtiv, all U BfHd. I lie row 4- C W MOOHIi. Krci.Ur. Sale of Timber ruitUmt. Oirfon, March 14. tfii. Sralnlbtd mll,rd KiliMf Bid, Timtrr Salr Amllralln. FrMuaiy 14 1911. lccriulo. and addirMol tolhr llt.ltkt Foir.tcr Korctlhrnlcc, ortUnd, Oirit'on, will I rmltrtl up lo and In cludinf the lh day of May. 1911. fit all the nirrchanlablv dead timber, atandlnc or down and all the llr tlmlr narVcd forculllnr hrthr lurr.l omctr. locatrJ on an arra to c dcanltcly drdsnalrd by tht 1'oicat ortlrr Ixhit cul-llnglx-glui. Including about) ttaacrrtln the M rc 1? H Krc . Mvtlout iaud w. Nli. lit NWH.hWtfNWt Stc .T tlh.K K ,Si-, M!VhWA,hi4 I'M Af!, NW.NHSWtj-. hec. IJ. KM SHU. IWW SHU. . SlilJ. ix. H. T lib,, H a H . W. .M . willilo llw Ifexhulr Nloul I ornt, Orrson, rlluiatrd lo t 4,6it. !! II M ofllvc and WJ.noo fret II. M ufdrad wrtlrni yellow jnr ami ljuwfctt II M ofllvc lulgritolr ylur, mw llmUr, U' ac.le. inoie or lr No bl I of let than y ixr IhoiiMiid frrl II M lorlltr ytllow nlurcut and mnovrd ilor to fcbiuary J. 1414. and Ira than fjMtvr thouwnd Irrt II M for all Ilr yellow lilur rut and Irmotrd aflcr I cbruary M, II4. lJOwr thousnd left II M lor dead ytllow iilnr, and l Mrr thouund fori II M for lire IihI(tioIc ulnr.will l cvnildrml. and a drpo-lt ol Kuoaalilclo tht order of Hit Fltt National lunkoreorlland. itrttoa. mul lt atnt in that lunik for tach bid aubnilllrtl lo tht DUlilct fotratcr. Timber upon alld claim la ticmuird frvui mIc ThtHthllo rtjtvt auyaud all bid I rtamrd for lurlhtr information and regu lation goTrnlng aale additu Fort. I Sucr. Titor. IkKhulc National I'orrtl, llinctillt, Oregon, 4S C J. 1IVCK Acting tiittrict Vornter Sutherland (b Mcintosh CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS JOBBING Promptly Attended to SHOP ON OREGON ST. ZBSBBBBBBBSM'Tag4"" 4ff H ' UstfaaaaaMaflBL W ( ' ' ' ' arTaBBBBsSl-l.BBSBBBBPI aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVsaBSSSSSaul aBSSSSSSSBSSSaaLsi atLssssssssssssssLsssssU Ssalsaii kLsBHLl I BssssBssssssssssssssaHattasBaBssssssssssssssssss Complete Houses $230.00 to $865.00 EvarTthtni too need is tncladed at the orlct wa onota all material rsqnlrad in t. cwditrnctlon of a modara borne Architect' plani, inrciYieatloni. blue print,, and full ileulli about contlructlon ire alio furaltheil, together with an itemiitd utemtnt of the material the best on the rnsiket, We will quote prlrti frtlpht THK BUILOKNS' DAnOAIN HOUS pepsUtoyourmilon. . jj H'velrnaarrt0laraevrrtaiUiMWi HfWS" K54 "" flf I lIU. IC 111 4 lurralr UhirrMUu. ...,..,T...... HiH tU i4KiiU,i. UM trt la lau4la WUitrt. . KCUAUI DEALIKI ll r m tlHf 4 IxlUiaf . write Mt, Bend Hardware Company A FULL HIGH V NOW ON HAND Bend Hardware Company L! Henkle & Ford HOMESTEAD LOCATORS REAL ESTATE BROKERS We know the lam! open to settlers--- know the soil- know the corners---and GUARANTEE EVERY LOCATION. Dont overlook these facts if you want to locate. If you have good real estate at the right price let us know of it and if we do not buy it, can sell it for you. Call and see us. The Pioneer Wood Yard Cull on or telephone us for nil kinds of WOOD We saw Cord Wood and Limb Wood on short notice. Orders Promptly Filled. W. P. DOWNING, Proprietor. wvvwavwVSAvs' DAILY TRAIN SERVICE To Portland, Spokane, Seattle St. Paul, Chicago, St. Louis Denver, Omaha, Kansas City LEAVE PORTLAND 9:55 a. m., arrive Madras 7:50 p.m., Motolius 8:05 p.m., Culver 8:23 p. m Opal City 8:50 p. m. DIRECT STAGE CONNECTIONS to and from interior points. R. Budi), Chief Engineer R. E. Michael,, Agent Portland, Ore. 'Madras, Ore. J. II. ConuETT, Agent T. A. Graham, Agent ZZ Opal City, Ore. Metolius, Ore. SATTIC Waaii. LINE of GRADE ELIE EHICLES Oregon Trunk Railway. Train leaves Opal City 8:30 n. in., Culver 8:50 a. m., Metolius 9:10 a. m., Madras 9:30 a. m. Arrive Portland 7:45 p. m. Z230 WaarLAKC Av.