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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1911)
C. Al. DAVIS M. J. MORRISON H . I FARMS, CITY PROPERTY, ACRE TRACT IRRIGATED LANDS, Busiiless Chances, Timber Bought and Sold. List your properly with us. Wo will sell it if it can be disposed of at a salable price. We can locate you on the best t-g M. J. Morrison has lived in Bond for the past OJj C e,K,!t y-''s and has made a business of locating WCJIU3 a,ul cruising government lands in Central Oregon. Me knows the land and will locate you on the best to be had. If you are going to take government land find out who your locator Is, and whether he has lived in the country long enough to know the lands; also if he Is reliable. This Is a matter of importance to laudseekers. We have some very choice acreage platted in I 1-2 to 2 1-2 acre lots with streets on all sides, at $150 an acre. Good terms. Fruit or residence preperty. One mile from depot site. Homeseekers' Land Company benp,oregon ?. oL v ii iiii in55 LIKES CENTRAL OREGON. getting a general idea of prices pro- J. P. Dodge returned yesterday rrntory to buying n housekeeping from his trip through Central Ore- t"t. He stepped into Howe's and gon. He speaks very highly of the after looking over the goods where land around Madras, Bend and everything is marked in plain fig. Prineville. and says every acre of it.urwMr. Wimple remarked, "lean will be taken inside of a year but I see your prices are practically the don't get excited now and go all at n.e as city prices and I understand once. He brought back a potato I you guarantee every artice to give from the dry farming section and satisfaction or money back; the we'll admit that it is a fine speei-JQUnKty also must bo 0. K. Your men, as large and smooth a spud as t Prices are very fair, indeed, and 1 any ground could produce. He ' will want quite a bill of goods when found the most beautiful mountain j Mrs. Wimple arrive. I can see scenery along the Deschutes route pMnly you live up to your motto: he has ever seen. ami J. Phineas ! "The same goods for leas money." , has traveled some, too. Newbcrg large new Habeock press is eseoial ly adapted to this class of work, tf by a new and second hand furnil- OWLS 10 I'l.AY UASKI.I IIAI.I.. Kiit'sn -Pail gold lunmt-il hm me and clothing store, and on Tin Hem I girl's banket ball team tnclcs in black caw. uregoti .street, hy a guwiy and will play the Prineville girl's team ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION .MUU1INU confectionery establishment, while in Muster's Hall .Saturday evening .. , ,, , flit tjtilltllf llitill UM Ik. I llWik.1 r.k ft Ml LIT. 'I'l I...1..J.1 ... ...lit I. . Ill . -. lodging house. cents. Graphic. NEW COMER PLEASED. MANY NEW CUTS. Th Bulletin has received nearly At n meeting of the Hend Athletic Association last night a constitution anil bylaws was presented by the special committee npiiointcd for the purpose, and after rending, were adopted. Under the provisotra of the new bylaws P. W. Hraeketl was elected Suiwrintendent. Tho bylaws adopted are practically the swine as those of the Multnomah Club, of Portland. The matter of organiz ing an association baseball team was discussed at length. MNEMURSI- MAI'I'IINIMIS. PlNKilfliST. Ore.. Apr. a The twenty new cuts of Central Oregon ' John Wimple of Portland is one nes dry-farming and irrigated of the recent arrivals in Bend and fields, homestead lands, timber, will be joined in a week or two by water jwwer. etc. which are open Mrs. Wimple.. The other day Mr. to inspection and for use in adver- Wimple was visiting Hend stores tising leaflets, etc. The Bulletin's SCIIIPPER OPENS STORE. The Bend Exchange Emporium. conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Jean Sehiffer. recently of New Zealand, are remodeling the John White corner on Wall and Oregon Streets. The gnind Moor will be occupied The admission will be U6 ' IVillmot. Iit-giit, M.i.Iiii i, r " Ml1 hi.U MiVt. .ul.i.l. m I mil. . . III III IIIMl III IV'.- llKIMt. l'ftIMt)F II 111 iHMtlulta . IIUII.HI.MI I I.AN.S. Mffrtl..llllHrtiMI'uitrt.i . J. W. Dlmick Is prepared to do ,'a"u" . t....i ..p ... ..i ast of the series of literary meet- H kimls f high grade architectural ZmZZ: ings was held InstbHtunlavevenlii.?. work, make plans, blue prints, etc.. .i .m ii n.. nmKn .ik..i .,, ... . A short and enjoyable progmm was for uustnea houses and rendered. ItafroshmonU wcrotorv donees, wl by the ladies. - - I. E. Wimer made a trip to Mad-, NOTICE FOtt I'l'ItLU'ATION. TskmVkss;,', rA iimliiv " i T ii t K W VI ui i. iiBouuunj. , vMt4 Malt LaaS OSk, TM IMIm. Ortfim. HmMn Ntl wul M'tl mt . i Little dlflntt! SwUhor Ima twnn I u...l . .. . . ir 4 ! S M ulli. ! . ,. .. 1.. t.uur wiianru awisner mu neon, kMi,h m . a.! .ii .ih....i quite sick with tho grippe. . h h.Hr ta th.t u. ,, , ! iifM. m .. . . 1 , . Dr. U. ( . Ch? was in the com- r-tKU h.ui uinunBi.. h.. n.. ,.hA..j mii s fcii.. ,.v .. ,... -. ... '"." ....! .. a B.. BJBva .. .. . . . ..!(.. miinitv Sunilav fnin vl.ltlnn w. mi. ii ih iniac it. (ik-mtl-n -""" i- Ill ..'.I ." ' niunn fiunuay evening ituing lo i,rt uwJo tht !rtin, ,4 Aw ..i ..1 ! uwawwiiMi v 1 pauenis. nwl. I'ofnt aNH.f k..W.ii.i,. u. i.irfti ""? 4lBiMtrl Hr m him Ml.. 1 ll... tf 0S wfl. inrlwllni (Ntnil m. !.. ih Hi. rc ': H r i. wfinNii 1 1 iki fi i , 1 nw,vh nh . ,., r i k ... 1 -1 MMf II . M H I'H Sm, Nl'lj . I ... 1 I. .m ! frmo,.rt .ii.r i.iii' i yiprf ltntaiwl lr-1 S M I .1 ! , I IMun. lr 1 n M p ItotnHMa.l. I ... I . 1. 1 IW nlf l ih. I .i k . more. i,nk iwr ..i Mii.H,tu.i i. h. i ..n. .....!.. ...Ill I j.. "' " I"''"' .''mi .l--l.-ly IH. I !., lnni..! Mu ..11.1,1..",. .. . An entertainment win be given i.m.i. .i.,it. .1 .. .i..n.i(t., .1., t t..,uM ..r im..i. th'i.M 1 .. 1 benefit of the public Library fti;nl. i'ihi'.i- n.i i...i..i m iiu.uit-. u u. .i uvh.ii.. s.h.i 1 ... 1 I, , i, 1 1 '" '' in . '1 , m . 1 im(.ijii .. v....... w... a .nrv ..11, .it- r. 1 . . i, biMnvnl Jt 1, i.(ltlal St,' .) AmA tttt Ik. Alt k.f .'.M.U..AA .I.lrf...ul The settlers are receiving wnter M'A - "V" tl"'? KuliljriMi! through the company ditches once ftE? TtlX " TLI V p-X?,: Lh more. ,.iAnu.m J; 1 --.L'T'i.:? W M'MIMI' H.IM.t J III i K ..iti( i .Ii 1 I .iii-nra-vm grr-ir-yy-:. .--.r..; ntj-T-irnT-i i ZfCWSiTOJOTacrTsw-j iLri'j.'rtfCTaiBcar-mia-tagfgoafm and Choice Residence Lots: $100,$125,$150,$175,$200 20 Per Cent Cash and $10 Per Month An adequate water system will be installed and in operation in these Additions within 30 days from the time the railroad is completed to this place. A large water wheel and piping is ordered and one and one-half miles of ditches for water mains are already dug. A 20,000-gallon water tank is under construction. Along the railroad, which passes through this property, are natural locations for manufacturing plants. Let me take you over this property and quote you prices. You will find Just what you are looking for. J. A. E A S T E S, Agent. Al OREGON STREET. FIRE INSURANCE. NOTARY PUBLIC. FARM LANDS. BUSINESS PROPERTY. 320-ACRE HOMESTEADS. 1 .1 J X 4 f 1