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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1910)
I III I i! fM lit, -w 1 THE BEND BULLETIN sunscRirnoN rates: OHC ytlFilHWMtwllttMHimMWHMMtltlMHh ThfC BIOB1RIltinHIHH1IMHnHHNMMMHk (InrarUblr In ailranct.) l WEDNESDAY, DEC. ai, 1910 FIRST-TRAIN CULl-URATION. In another column Of this issue is printed a letter to The Bend Bulletin from Dr. J R. (tooth, 01 Seattle, a property ownci in Bend, aqd an ardent enthusiast over the Bend country. His suggestion in regard to a celebration when tin first train arrives in Bend, is well worth considering, and is one that should be taken up immediately. On September 16 the new Com mercial Club wasformully launched, thirty paid-up members being pre.s cut at the meeting to asUt in ttat organization of the Club. Three months have elapsed, and the Club, though paying rent for quurters fot the past two mouths, has not as ytt installed exhibits, or accomplished anything toward getting out a booklet of Bend's resources nml prospects. Whut nils the Commer cial Club? There are many peopk in Bend who would like to know. Dr. Booth, though living at a distance from Bend, has here made a suggestion that, if carried out b the Commercial Club, the propel organizttion to arrange for such an event, will be the means of attract ing a large number of settler;, and investors to bend. In all probu bility the Oregon Trunk Railway would give a cheap excursion rate to Bend, if approached, and would also advertise the excursion moic extensively than any local adver tising could be circulated. True, a large number of people will not wait for the railroad to run schedule passenger trains to Bend, but there is a large number who would prefer to wait until the line was being operated through to Bend. It is high time for someone to see that arrangements are made for u celebration when the trains are put on to Bend, even though the exact date is stilt a matter for argument. in the building up of the town, run! the growth will be normal not of in another column, It is the duty of every voter to thoroughly under' the mushroom kind that is so fu-stand the rules and regulations ol miliar to uityouc who hus watched the progress of new towns, PLACU l:OR COUNCIL MliUTINUS. Anyone who has ever attended u Council meeting will not dispute the met t lint it is necessary to secure a larger room in which to hold the meetings It has been the custom for some time to hold the meetings in the oilice of il. C. K lis, who has kindly allowed the Council to ue the room without cost. It has been suggested by many that an arrangement be tn.iilo .vhereby the Commercial Club room, formerly occupied by the Library, be used ks a meeting place. This room, by the addition if a large table, would till the needs if the Council, and incidentally .vould afford room lor chairs for all .vho desire to attend Council meetings. Some means should be procured vhereby it will be impossible for misiders to communicate with, or jass articles to, prisoners confined in the city jail. Yesterday an Aus trian was lined S15, the maximum nne, upon being convicted of pass ing liquor to an inmate of the jail. u 1 tie city cannot aitoru to uuuu a better jail, it should at least build a stockade of some sort about the present jail. The ordinance passed by the Common Council last night to regu late the liquor traffic is published this ordinance, so that l.e will be in n position to be a committee of one to see that nil licensees live up to the terms of their agreements with the oil v. Two tips given to the eople of Oregon by James J. Hill recently are "Show what you have" and "don't rob the people." Many in vestors who travel into new coun tries would like to see the people accept these tips. TDOtCl 38CII& CbrliHin.ii Dinner lllll of Taro sours Cream ol Oyster Comommc KOASTS Stuffed Young Turkey and Cran berry Sauce Leg of Lamb With.Jelly l'ritne Ribs of Beef, Brown Gravy IIOILS Ox Tongue and Horseradish KNTHKKS Chicken Liver Patties Pineapple Fritters. Cream Sauce Chicken Celery Salad TAIILKS Creamed 1'oiatoes Hot Asparugus and Drawn Butter DKSSKKT English Plum Pudiliug, Hard and Brandy Since, Hot Mince Pie Tea Coffee Chocolate Cocoi Fok S.M.K Six ol the finest los in Deschutes, level, water by ditch 1 and with city water. Next to new residence. Inquire Bulletin office AT Tllli HOTELS. Pilot Unite Inn. Dan llelslng, SlMrrnj 0. J. Kelly, Sc uttle; I.. V. I)ul, Scuttle; t It. Mycia, SliMilko; I', j, Wllkey, Slunlko; It, I., CliltlciuU-ii, Scuttle; M. I, Willi. Spokane-; It. I.. Jotilmi, t'rluevlllr; A. J. KiUpii, MIiiiic.i)hiU; II, II, Jnluiooi , Kvilmoml; (li-ntu Mornuli, Kiilliioiiu; 11. C. Cntiunik, I'oit Hook. Hotel llcnJ. N. I.. Mel'ce, It. A. Cii.t, I). I.. Mlllrl and W. It. Miller, o( Kedtmmd; V 1' Cliiiiumu nml V. R. I'ruuicll, Sllcr. It. N. Mwciliimdil, I,yli WhvIi ; liiHilnt. Ilixtil hiiiI llt'iiry rminii, Mniliui, II I lliowli, Itiicm ; Ininen t.lttoti, WnIUci Ida ; Stan llutilnp. C.tnncvillc. litu llerliaiu WnnUsill, Silver l.nWt ; I' ,1 Wllkey nml C It. Mycr, Miaiuko. J II. Ilugllt mul Mile, I'miioni. Leave your sulisoriplions for All Magazines at the Library ami lot that institution jet the boiiolit. 00 YGAnO EXPEUIENOB ijnjra A lilt' THE TOWN THAT1 PUSH BUILT VIII. The Up .0 Dale Jeweler Tnotc Mark DttllQNO CorvniaHT Ac. n. mi. .eii.tlii "k.lrh iii.I rt.rrli.ll.jn n. "..iiifll? HANODOOIl ;ii " ' ..i...i. ikii llimuati Muiili A lo.IM.le. If. Ml iwtUe, II houl h.f , In ll Scientific Jlmcricnn. IYIUNN & Co 00""d-"' Now York Just try The lliillelln Job Prlntcry. Thv IIiiIIimIii f 1.50 11 year. Bend Construction Co. CONTRACTORS and UIU)ISRS All kinds of Furniture and Cabinet Work. See us before you build j A IIVIKA AKT l'KOCTOU V M McllRIUHM WOODROW WILSON. Although many of us may differ with Woodrow Wilson, the Governor-elect of New Jersey, in our political beliefs, yet there are but few who will dispute the fact that his ideas arc worthy of serious con sideration. In his address before the recent convocation of the House of Governors he stated his beliefs in regard to the legislative duties and responsibilities of a Governor. The accepted idea that a Gov ernor should, exist as a mere figuie bead is disputed by him. Hi maintains that the state executive has the right of initiating legisla tion, where the members of the Legislature do not see fit to do so, and that it is his duty to see to it that some member does introduce such bills as should be enacted. In other words, a Governor should be the guardian of legislation. With such an able und scholarly man in the gubernatorial chair of New Jersey, we may expect to hear of some warm discussions after Woodrow Wilson takes the oath of office. FOR XMAS. GIVE Yourself a Fire Insurance Policy Issued by M. S. LATTIN CO. (The largest Insurance Agency in Crook County.) We represent; The Royal, established in 1845, with ttxscts - $91,301,112 Law, Union & Crown, estab. in 1806, assets - 45,497,540 Phoenix, established in 1854, assets . . - . 9,941,434 Springfield P. & M., established in 1849, asets 9,761,460 Norwich Union, established in 1797, assets (U. S.) 8,176,529 Jst. Paul F. & M., established in 1865, assets - -Am. Central, established in 185 , assets - - . Hanover, established in 1&59. a -sets Hamburg-Bremen of Germany, stab 1854, assets Union Assurance Soc., estab in 1714. (U S.) assets Equitable P. & M., established in 1859, assets Michigan F. & M,, established in 1881, assets Total strength of our companies 6.384,098 5,487,969 4.765. 1.997.569 1,493,938 i.37.78 1.301.993 $87.379.504 v.. jJW Don't Buy a 7H? ' Gewgaw V f I A 'VC a 'f 1 1 ,V i .? A 1 ' p ! Bend's New Harness Shop TOWN UOOSTINO. While in Oregon recently, James J. Hill made two remarks that might well be considered by the commercial clubs of the state, in regard to the literature that they circulate. The first was, "Don't devote all your advertising space to, boosting your town as the future metropolis of the state" and the second was "Advertise the resources of the adjacent territory, and get it settled up, and your town will be sure to enjoy the normal growth that it should." It seems to be toe accepted idea in all new western commuuijiesthat -tbe-towrrcarrbe-boosted audi devel oped without regard to the agri cultural country adjacent.5 If a commercial club succeeds in getting settlers on all the available farming laud about the town, end does all that it can to induce intensive culti vation, it will undoubtedly result THIS li th. Jeweler who nifdid Soma boot! and ho. and wiialy httdtd What ha wai told by tha ahoa man'a ad A.l ,.i. nr4 tiAiinttt tha h.t ha had And paid with lha hardwara marehanl. j bill Which eama from tha furnltura dtaltr't till, Whara It want whan the clothing daal ar bought From tha dry good man, which th butchar got Frem tha groear who had aalllamant mada With tha monay tha honait workman paid. P. S. Tht heal dtaltrwht't up 1$ muff If'ill alwayi advtrtiti bit stuff. CONTKST NOT1CK DtiMftnirnleflhr lnlilr. I'nltcil Sl.lct Kami Olftcr I aktvlc, Oro, !. 1 ! A .uffidrnt cuntnl ITil.ll httlnf brrn ft I" In IhU olfKr by lla.lMra lirKkf v. Kulrjf. No, inll m.l'K1 M, lvr. fur l.o. I. , , 4. "V l"W Wnw(..r tlon I luwn.hlp lift., r.NKC ta H . WllUinttlf M-iWI.n. Iiy Wllll.m H. Mlm CunUtlrr, H which II I. .Ilrinl Ih.t Mhl MIrmhi h. whtrfl) 4Uitilunnl lhl.Utl th.l lit nrr r.l.Wl.hf. hi. if.Urnct IlKfran nor nuilr cutllralkH. a. iniulred by law, miI aill .lr h.Kby maih. loappf-.r. rctpuna,.n. ufTrr r.WfiKt HMtlM) uU .llff.tHHi at la u'chwk a, m 'Ml l.n gi I. bcloit CummlMinr II C Kill., IKwl O'f (on. (.ud Ih.t final hraflNK will Im- hrhl .i la o'clock a m dm t'th. 4 iaii lflic) III' Kfil.tft and Krctlrcral I lie Culled I.an4 Omrr In lktrlrw. UfCKnii ThcuM h.vlng. In a nreprr am l.rll. Bint H j. lyio. Ml fuelh (rl. whlcli .how thai after Uurilltlftnc pronl Kirltrul thi. notice ran not tie nulr. It I. hereby otilere. anil illrecte.1 Ih.t turn uollce lx (Uen due awl proper puMleallun Kecoid aildrcof enlryman-Arlela. Ore. AkrilUKW OHTUN, Keal.ler 41-4$ I'KKIM CKONKMILUItK, Hecelrer Manufacturci's of Harness Repairing of All Kinds A Big Stock of SADDLES, BLAN KETS, ROBES. Sale of Buggies $93.50 $85.00 $115 Michigan Buggies for $100 Michigan Buggies for Genuine Mandt Wagons Farm Implements H. J. EGGLESTON Bend, Oregon. THE BEND BULLETIN Solicits Inquiries About Up-To-Datc JOB PRINTING TTe E. F. Pitman Real Estate Co. IR.RIGATEIX LANDS IN THE WALKER BASIN Farm and Stock Ranches for solo. We handle La Pine Townsite Lots. Tell Us Your Wants. La Pine, Oregon. MODERN TYPO, MODERN MACHINERY, MODERN METHODS. Call at office or phone us, I'liono No. 96 Wall Street, near Ohio. Sensible Christmas Present. WIS 1 1 AVIS TI113A1 Safety Razors Gillette---Keen Kutter Leslie Barber's Pet Razors Keen Kutter and I. X. L. Pocket Knives Keen Kutter Scissors Carving1 Sets 1847 Rogers Bros. Silverware Full Line of Guns and Rifles Baseball Goods NMBWawaBBMaawMMaiaMBaaBaaaBaaaaHBiaaBBWaiaaMaaaaBaaaaaaaHt) Crockery, China ware, Lamps Universal Percolators Chafing Dishes Klipper Klub Ice Skates l Bend Hardware Co. I i POLK'S GAZETTEER . nnalntaa Mrectorr of earh Cllr. Town and Vlllaaa la Oregon am Washington, (Ivlav o Jleacrlpllea rlkelrh of eurli lar, Iuriitlim, hljluplnr J'urlllll'a anil a (lu.. flrtl lllrerlory of cucti llu.lut.a and 1'rofcMloo. U. U VOIK CO., Ino. ontllla, Waeb. DESCHUTES Addition Adjoins Bend on the south. Most beautiful residential sec tion in Bend. REASONABLE PRICES AlsiLSomejCIioicc-Business-LoiSr Timber Lands bought and Sold. HUNTER & STAATS WAIJ, STKKKT, IJIJND, OR.