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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1910)
THE BEND BULLETIN VOL. VIII BUND, ORKOON, WEDNESDAY, DHC ad, 1910. UO. 4- : CHRISTMAS TREE INTER KSTINCl I' ROC. K A At At ti OIVdN AT UNION CHURCH. All Ihe Little Children Receive Re- monibrance I'roin Saint Nick nn ClirUtma Uv.-l.aro Crowd In Attendance, The Chilslma celebration held nt I lie Union Church Saturday eve ning wun our oT the attended Christmas put lies ever held In Horn). Tin building could not hccoiunin dale the crowd of old folks, is well as-young, who wanted to sec Santa Clans Every child received n jirci ntt besides the ciih onmry box of candy, fruit and mils. Mm. Chatlc Nlswongcr, who hnd charge of the evening's enter tainment, had all of the children'ii parts well drilled, nud the entire programme wan rendered without any delay. That the proirrammr wax one that appealed to the chil dren wm hIiowii by the encore to each number. J I. West, who, played the role of Santa Claim, entered while the entire school wan singing the last of the Sanla Ciaui Kotifc. With Ihe assistance of several young' ladles he dintributcil the numerous present that had been placed on the tree, which extended to the lop of Ihe building. The programme follow: SoK "joy to UveryUidy."...,. All ),rajr.r..,Kevrietid J Anthony Mitchell AdirrM......,,,Kcvrrcnil J. I'. Vernon Tableau 15 little- ulrU (folltloii"Chrltltuiiv" Uxtlc Utllu Koto im Dickey trading,., , ,.Nau I'lliuuurlce lialoue Nine little iflrl Mediation 0 lady 1 I'lcmltiK Anthem Choir Violin Solo IvaVet Doll Dialogue 1'iitir little KltU DUtoKue 1'utir Ui)- Kecllatlon , Margaret TliottirMiii KrelUlliiit,.,.. Nina Siiliiinx Kecitatloi Cliarlr Triplet! Noun "We'll t'.el Ahratt ol Kauta CliUl" j ichool TO BUILD CHAPEL Work on Hplacopal Church (o Begin Next Week. Work 011 the Episcopal Chapel to be built on the lot facing the south end of Wall Sttcct. at the Inter section of Washington, will com mence next week. Some of the lumber has already been delivered, and the rest of it will be' on the Kroutid within the next few days J. W. Dlmick will have charge of the construction. The lot, which wai kIvcu to the church by Mrs. A M. Drake, it one of the most conspicuous near the business center of He ml. Bishop Paddock, who was here last sum mer, gave ft 00 toward the new building, tiKfi condition that the church raise $500. Although the full amount hits not been subscribed New Years Greeting to You. 41 Where there's a will there's a way" is an ojd and very truo saying, and in nothing does it apply with more force than in the matter of saving money. EVERYONE should start the Now Year with a resolution to save some part of his earnings, as it is not what one earns but what ho saves "that makes wealth. START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT THIS FIRST MONTH OF THE NEW YEAR WITH The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company Of Bend, Oregon Conservative Banking for Conservative People." 1. II. UAIKIVrc. J. W. MASTHRS, Vice I'res. M. O, COH, Cashier, n yet, the officers feel certain ol their ability to secure it. The building will be 3.1x3.) -'- with n long sloping roof, Jt will be finished In rough lumber, which will be stiilncd. The building to be erected will serve an the tempo rary home of the church, mid ns 50011 ns a permanent building Is constructed, this one will be used as a Guild Hull. I. urns Hnlerlaln Umployee. A. M. Lara & Co. was the host at a very enjoyable party Christ mas afternoon and evening at the home of A M. Lara. The guests Included the employees of the store, the workmen engaged upon the new Lara residence and their fami lies to the number of twenty. During the evening Simla Glaus paid a visit to the gathering nud emit one of the guests big uud litlh, wait Ihe recipient of a Christina remembrance, Mr. and Mrs, Lata were presented with a very hand some cut glass bowl by the cm ployecs of the store, and the ex prcsslon of good will from the workmen employed in the house look the form of a beautiful cut glass vase. ' In the course of the evening con niderabtc musical talent was in evi dence and at seven the guests sal down to u very appetizing supper. Notice to Stockholders. All stockholders of the I'ine Kor ea Irrigation Company arc hereby untitled that the regular annual stockholder' meeting will be held in the McOillvray school house, seven miles south-east of lieud oil Saturday, January 7. for the pur note of electing directors for the en suing year and transacting Mich , other business as may proper!) com! before the meeting. It is highly important that all interested be present if possible, an the further construction and early completion of the ditch depends on action taken at Ibis meeting. H. Gakkutt, Secretary. QuIberR Foreclosure Case. The testimony in the case ol Cart J. Quibcrg vs. W. J. Griffith and wile and Frank Paul, was taken before Referee II. C. Hills on December 23. The plaintiff seek to foreclose u f 4060 mortgage on the 1 60 ocrc Quibcrg ranch near Sisters. T. It. J. Duffy and V. A. I'orhc represented Ihe plaintiff, i and J. A. Wilcox the dcfcndeuls The case is on the circuit court docket, but was heard before Referee Hills so that the testimony could be taken without having travelling expeuscs for the wit ncsscs. Christmas House-Warming. Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Overlurf entertained a crowd of 33 of the young people at n Christmas party at their new home in Park Addt tinn Sunday night. A tree loaded with joke presents olTorded amuse ment for all present. A abort book ol lyrics about the guests was also very interesting. After an "initial" game, light, refreshments wcrt served. PUT A SUCCESS "TAIH.I.S TUKNEI)" PRfiSENT. Ill) FRIDAY AI'TERNOON. A (lood Attendance at Ilia lll?li School Hritert-lriment In Muster's Mall ChrNltitai Tree and (iantes Add to the Merriment. The Christmas party given by the lleud Public School last I'riday afternoon at I. (niter's Hall proved a great success. The stage was artistically decorated with little plue tries, covered with cotton, to represent a woodland scene. The hall Itself was gaily festooned with green boughs and red trimming-., and a huge red bell, from which hung n bunch of mistletoe, was sus lciiilcd Irom the middle of the ceil lug. 'A Christmas tree in its gay dress of popcorn and tinsel added the Christmas touch to the hcene. The role of ihe mortal children, "Nornun" and "Dorothy," at whose suggestion n party was given for Santa, were well played by Cut viu Smith and Marie Broslerhatis. "Santa' Claus," Lueltu Worii-t-fl, and "Utile Christmas Gay," I.a Nora Morris, a present from the mortal children to Suta, were each very well interpreted. The little "Snow Flakes." led by Viola Hrown, and "Jack Frost," Harl Culp, with his baud of white clad "Froit Sprites," gave to the pla an atmosphere of winter and the holiday season. At the close of the operetta Sinla distributed boxes of candy to all ol the children and then n lupp) and noisy time ensued. Numerous games were played by the children, and nil enured into the spirit of the occasion. The high school pupils had a tree of their own, which was udcii with many joke presents. The party was it very enjoyable one for all present, arid the (acuity should feel repaid for their efforts, because of the many happy faces that were to be seen during the afternoon. The faculty nud school wish to publicly thank Henry Linster for his kindness to them in allowing the free use of the hall, the He ml Water, Light & Power Co. for furnishing afternoon lights and Mrs. I,. W. Lindbcirg for her ser vices, as well as the members of choir who assisted with the music MAKES GOOD BRICK Clay Sent Haat by A. II. Horn Has Peculiar Qualities. A. II. Horn, of the Ben J, Brick & Tile Co., recently received from Ohio, a number of pressed brick made from the clay secured near the brick yards on the Barney Lewis homestead west of Bend, Some lime ago Mr. Horn sent a sack ot the clay to the Bttcyrus Guy Working Machinery Co , ot Bucyrus, Ohio, to be experimented upon by them. The company reported that the clay contained peculiar . qualiti Inch would give the bricks made iron, it a large demand. There is but a .small amount of clay possess ing the same qualities in the middle itales, and owing to the scarcity, there, will be a great dcuiaud for the brick made from it. The clay makes u dark red brick, and with the proper burning nu) be mude almost black. New Bond Street Building. Mike McGrath, who has a three year lease on the corner at Bond and Oregon streets, formerly occu pied by Peter LehrmaiC black smith shop, has sturted the con Htiuctiou of a one-story building on the lot. The building occupied b) the blacksmith shop has been torn do vn, uud workmen are now en imaged m putting in the foundation for the new building, which wih have n frontage of 30 feet on Bond "street. Fined for Drunkenness. f As a result of their conceptions of Christmas spirit, four men were fined for drunkenness on Monday, by Recorder II. C. Ellis. George Morgan was fined f, 15, and the fine was . suspended provided he left town by sun-down. Morgan was so uebriated that he had to b taken to the jail in u wheel-barrow Barney Mulligan was fined 10 "Cluirley the Swede" aud au Italian I were each Cued 7.50, NO SCORE GAME I ..... ! FOOTBALL A10NIMV AFTER NOON DRAWS LARGE CROWD. Unsatisfactory Decisions (or lined Team Cause Many Wrangle Hvenly Matched Aggregations I'lay Interesting (lame. The foot ball game between the Priueville and Mend "All Star" teams' Monday afternoon, resulted in a 0-0 score. Although marred by many discussions, the game was interesting to watch, as the result was not. certain until time was called. The decisions throughout the game were very unsatisfactory. M. S. Lattin, and Dr. Rosenberg of I'rinrville, officiated as referee and umpire As neither of the officials have ever played under the revised rules, it was to be expected that the decisions would not -II be in ac cordance with the rules. As for a comparison of the two teams, they were very evenly matched. During the first quarter lieud was able to go through i'rluc yillc's line far her yards; at other times it scented to be impossible for lleud to make her distance. Priue ville, on the other hand, was able to go through Bend's line for her yards with about the same ease, though often she was thrown back The punting was very good, and the two teams were about even in the distance gained by punting. The forward pass made more yards for the Prineviile team than did straight bucking of the line. Bend! did not try anything, other than straight foot ball, and seemingly was not expecting any forward! pass plays. 1 When the whistle was blown at the end of the second quarter, the ball was on Bend's 10-yard line, having been advanced from the center of the field by a well ex ecuted forward pass. The b?ll was in neutral territory a large part of the time. There were several pretty plays during the game. When Prineviile had the ball within about 15 yards of her own goal, 'Houston broke through the line, and with the aid of Kiuiiear, smothered a play which lorcetl Priueville to punt from her two-yard line. Richardson, In the Utter part of the game, endeavored to drop-kick a goal, but was unable to do so as he had not caught the pass, clean Had Bend tried to score by buck-' ing the Hue, the result might have been different. Prineviile cl.tiuied a touch-down in the last quarter, but it was nut allowed, as Brewster was loyaids down the field before the ball was passed. There were no injuries of any serious consequence throughout the game, although the pace proved too fast for some. Brewster ond Kills played the best gome for Priueville, nud Priugle, Houston, Steidl and Kinnear shared the honors for Bend. The line up oT the two teams follows: I'rliicvlllc. Demi, A. ThompMiii c .It Klnnesr J. Collin U ....R. Wilklnwn C. Newell r.K....R- M. Connor R. Litter r.t C. Vnmleverl T. Qntnn .....I.t L. Mcllce C, J.owlhcr Ic B. Steidl ..... ...i. " Urackell C. Coffin r.e N." Welder l Uechlel quarter.. II. I'. Kepple A. R. Dorrit R. urenttcr I.I1....A. M. Prinze S. HUN.., r.U. W.Houtton R. McAllister f.b...M. RichardMn S.Steidl Prineviile Liquor Ordinance, At 0 special meeting of the Prineviile City Council held last Wednesday evening the haloon license was placed at $800, payable in advance. All saloons must clot promptly at midnight, and remain closetLttntil 5 In the morning. Sun day closing, aud the prohibition 01 gambling and music, ure al.o em bodied In the ordinanre. A screen not more than five feet above the sidewalk is the only obstruction lo prevent a clear view of the interior that will be allowed. - Odd Fellow to Install. The Odd Fellows will install their officers for the ensiling term next Monday evening at their hall over ihe postofilce. The local lodge was organized June 20, 1910, and now 1ms 38 members. The officers elect are: C. T. Butts, N. G.j N. 1 Welder, V. G.; V. A Forbes, Secretary, Ralph Spencer. Treasurer, nud 0. M. Patterson, 4 Trustee for three )car. Pay Shelf Hook. The following Is n list of the book that have been ordered for the pay shelf in the Pdblfc Library: "Maten of the Vineyard" M. Keed "illiWe-iof Slitii.lone" I'lflreiice U. Rarkley "Ked Pepper tiurnt", CraceS Richmond "Max" , , C C. Tliuritoii "A Chariot oM'irc"...., Hllulwlh Stuart Phelps "Keat Harrow" Matiriee Hewlett "l,lam.leiulQarrie."..Mary II. Waller "The baud ol the Caribou".... Krneit Tliompaoti Seton "Sonny"-. Kutli McKnery "Sonny's I'ather" Ruth MeUnery. Mason Install Officers. About '55 were present at the installation of the new officers of the Bend Lodge A V & A. M. 139 last night. After the 'installation ceremonies refreshments were serv ed, iiesides the elective officers mentioned last week the followiuui officers appointed by Master Red- field wcreHnstallcd: M. G Coe. S IX; J. S Innes, J. D.;-H. K Allen, S. S;J C. Whittcd; J. S . and J. Burrows, Tyler. Mm Held Saturday. Father Luke Sheean held two masses at the Catholic Church on Saturday, at midnight and at 1 a m There was a congregation of about 40 present. Father Luke Sheean is now stationed at Iiend, and will hold mass regularly every Sunday njorning. ELECTION CONTESTED Atadras In a Pickle Because Law Was Not Observed. At the Madras city election of December C Alderman Cook was defeated for rc-tlcction, G. Y. Stanton receiving more votes. Thereupon Cook contested and the case came on lor hearing before the City Council. The Madras Piopeer reports the result as follows: Ailer teveral witnetnc had tcn ex amhied by the attorneys, and the atten lion of the Council w called to the fact that the election board bad failed to comply with the refulrcnientt at to the markliiK ol the ballot of the person m ho had tworu In their vote., to thai they could be identified, and alto faUIng to mark the iiame on the poll book, ol (hete persona, a motion Mat made by Attorney llcrxltiid for a ditmittal of the catc and that the council declare the election null and void on account of Irregularities perpetrated at the election held December 6, 1910. s Counsel for Mr. siauion onjecteii to lint motion out Mat overruled by the city council and the motion carried by roll call vole. Now Madras has no authority to order another election belore next December and is in a considerable tangle. It is working under the auie law that applies to Bend. For Saui Six ot the finest lots in Deschutes, level, water by ditch and with city water. Next to new residence. Inquire Bulletin office. Notice. On tUturd-, Jinutry ji. I wilt ttll t my ratnh on the Silver lake rva- o mlln wuth W 1111, to the biehrtt UMcr. one brown hftfM. weight about o-ktpouiwlt. The hrtew kii in lay care by J V. l-llntc. sf kuktra urr.,onJunc II. 1910. to bt n-HiiirU W I -tell month!. wo I.trJ Drt. 36, 1910, 4H4 C n.AUUHS, ! fipiT'- Ii7 5Jyw vj .t)-yqiwy(re(gy(ygyyxyQgl?ycgy tLPSXLl-A$ 9M MMEMM&M3 h-i- m The First National Bank OF REND. BEND. OREGON CP Or. U. O, OOE. Pr.tld.nt E A SATHIR. Vic Prlnt O 8. MUOBON, C-ihl.r Capital fully paid ... t-5.000 atock.hold.rt- liability .6.0OO 8urplut .... . as.000 TWELVE MONTHS OF PROSPERITY 1 We confidently believe that the head ing of this column will be literally real ized in 1911. It wilt come in varied degrees to all of us, but each will have the making uf his share in bis own bands. Prosperity is what we net front the re sult of each day's work. TJThe degree of prosperity eujoyed Is measured by our ability to spend les than we earn aud accumulate the balanc in a bank account a certain oniouu" frr-tii Mfnl. flnj ifThls Bank wants to go on record as be- j lug willing to aid and abet every effort of m its, customers to share in the prosperity which we feel sure the New Year will bring. lOpen an account now. Make larger deposits if you already have au account. It will prove yery satisfactory. DIRECT O C. COK . A. SMITH V. V, SMITH H. C. NEW AUTO TIRES OSCAR SlGTTO INVENTS ONE OP STGGL SPRING'S. Henry Llnttcr's Automobile Being 'Equipped With a New Type of Tire Invented by Bend Man To Make Part Here. Henry Linstcr's automobile Is being equipped with spring fires, the invention of Oscar Sletto. n mechanic employed at the Linster machine shop. The parts for the tires were made in Portland, and Mr Sletto brought them back with him a few days aeo. The principle of the patent which is owned by Messrs. Linster and Sletto, is to use steel springs instead of rubber' to take up the jr and vibrations. Fotirty-four springs of band Meet bent like'a clamp with one part of the circle open, are each bolted to the inner side of the rim. The springs are of bands one and a half inches wide but circular so as to measure about six inches in diameter. A steel rim, riveted over the springs holds tlie outer edge to the rim. Six half-Inch steel cnblrs are fastened to the run ning surface of the springs by a small clamp, which is riveted to each spring. This morning the car, equipped with one of the new spring tire, was driven about the streets, stud seemed to work all right. How ever the cables bad not been put on and one of the springs was broken. The tire apparently has more good qualities than a rubber tire It takes up a jar as well as a rubber tire, and yhould be far more durable. Although the exact-cost of making the tire has not been de- . termtned, it will be a great del cheaper than rubber. As soon art the invention is per fected Mr. Linster expects to tuuke a large supply of the parts and use them in equipping the automobile stage cars. Woodmen todnstall Olflcers. The installation, of officers of the Modern Woodmen of America will be hcltt at the lodge lull over the postofilce on next Tuesday cvenlnc. The installation will be open to a'! Woodmen and their friends. Tin following will be the new ofTicen of the lodge. M. J. Morrison, con sul; K. E. Woollcy, advisor; Mar tin Knutson, clerk; E, A. Sath.r, banker, and W. W. Orcutt, escort. Dolls Awarded. Miss Ruth WornsiatT received the first prize in the doll contest hell by A. M Lara & Co , with a totut of 3463 votes. MM Myrtle Datley was given the second prize, having received 2703 votes. Tlie content began November 10, and clo-td at 10 o'clock Christmas eve. Theie were 9992 votes cast during the contest. R S: C. S. SATJIIR HUDSON H. EI.US J2 BFS fii SS, i) w ."