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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1910)
! asu TT-r ?r,i irfnVrfifiMrtr-aaaiCai .. ..T-;'.-w.;"i3i'.r'.t,rmiir! ,-r,.,.. uadUa m amm BYRNE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE "m! REALTY Of All Kinds Bought, Sold and Exchanged. We linve u very cxlctulvc lint of DKSCIIUTKS VAI.MtY 1KIU0ATKI) LANDS. We briiu: the Property Owner iiutl (he Outside Hiivcth together. BYRNE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE HiitulliiK HI.Ik'., Wull St., llend, Ore. WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Tabla alwayt tuppllvd with lha Unit that Ilia town affordi. Neat nnd Comfortnhle Rooms. llitND, Okiigon Hotel Bend Corner Oond and Oregon Sti. AMERICAN PLAN Rates $2 and $2.50 a Day HUGH O'KANE.jMnnagcr wrS" -s- r i J Hotel Dalles Tho Drfllcs, Oregon Voti ate oot.llaily Inviteil to make Tlllt IIOTItl. !)A!.!.KS your letting laee while waiting over lietween tralnaon your way to ami Ifiiiu 1'orllainl. New. lhoioiiu,lily equltiticil, inoilcrii hotel; ateatti heat, elevator, aiillet and rixiina with hatha, l'lrtt data cafe. Kalca tatiKliiK (rum Joe and upward. .Ideal Stopping Plnco Going to nnd from Central Oregon. N. K. CLARKE, Manager. BEND LIVERY, FEED & STABLE CO. J. II. W12NA.NDY, Prop. All kinds of light and heavy Livery. FI5F.I) FOR SAMI. HORSES FOR SAMJ. llond Street Bend, Oregon. Bend Steam Laundry The Very Best Modern Laundry Work at Moderate Prices. LADIES' nnd CHILDREN'S GARMKNTS, ROUGH DRY, 40 CTS A DOZ. " " MRS. MAZO LOCKWOOD. J BEND HOSPITAL Attending Physicians U. C. COE, B. FERRELL M. ELLEN KERSHAW, Stipcritilciiilont. Grnduutc of St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago. MRS. A. M. LUTES, AssUtunt, Gruduate of Columbus (Ohio) Training School. Terms:. $10 to $25 a Week, Payable Weekly. There is a Nurse on duty at all times. , No extra charge mndc for night duty, unless in extreme cases, when a special nurse is required THE STORE OF QUALITY S. C. CALDWELL, Prop. Good Goods at the Price of the Other Kind Hardware and Groceries, Stoves and Ranges, Windows, Doors and Glass, Roofing, Paints and Oils, Studebaker Wagons, Gasoline and Auto Oils of the Best. Come;and.soe us. O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET OLD ENGLISH BOXERS. Hlrad to Pravnl Troubl at Oaorga IV.'a Coronation, tloxliiir win liitrmliiiiMl lulu Kiitclniiil In Hi)1 1'iirllcr purl of iln clliic.inli it'iiiiiry. Iim II re I iirm-iltliiiiiT Im'Iiik J'iIhi llroiiulitiui. tvhu ki'H ii IkmiiIi fur ittlilliltluiia In Toi leiiliii hi Cuiirt mini, (.ciiidnii, mill rulii vcr' ilrntvn up AiiK. to. 1 7 13. Tin niif u'iin dm in llic ilu'llne nf mviinI roinhiil cxlillil IIuiin In Id" mlini uf (ii-urid I. HmtiKli tun lilmoi'lf iuin tin Ural who nIimhI In tin- mim(ou (if ('lininpliiii. n dlitllni'llon whli'li tut In-Ill fur rlditi'i'ii vi'iira, lull cvi'iiliuilly li wnn kiiiK'kcd nut liy 11 liutclier tin mill Klnck. Ilroimlilnii wna h Krrnt h of I lir fjtilct of CviiiiIkt Ifinrl, who look tin' ptiKlll"! with him to IIitIIii, wlii'li lie iliilnrnl IdiiiKclf rrnily to tnkn on tin- i-nlm ri'KtiiMit of KN'imillcr Kiinrda there "If he wvrr only nlloivi'il a hrcukfiiat betwtfti each two Imtllia." Tim KiikII'Ii flehtcr Tom C'rlbb onrc a-urrl n wry ri'tiinrkiililo cuuiiKi" ini'iil. Juat lirfnrc the coronntlon of (Ii-ocko IV. ri'rtnln iiipnthlr.iT with Quii'ii Cnrnlliii' IimrkiiI t lint on tin ilny of (tin ci'ri'iiioiilnl they would innkr innttora wiirm In thu tirlKhbor IkmmI of WifitmlimtiT nlihi-y. nod Ihla rrnrlifd thi mra of llir cnrl iimralinl. Thnt tiled fuiK'tlonn ry aoucht tin In trrrlow with I hn pucllUt "Oputlrman" Jnckaon, who tnuiiht Irl Hymn to Imii. Jnrtcaon pot toccllirr aomi two ilmrn linilarra, Itralilro Crlhh. thi Imml In cluded John clully. In turn nchllnst man. mrlnjr rnnn. rolllpry proprlolor nnd itiffiilxr of parllnuiPtit, Thpy were atllrnl na klnc'a pnera nml KntliTCl nlHiut the nhhey doora. Thrrc wns no trouhlo. Chicago Newt, REINDEER IN LAPLAND. Thay Furnlh tha Paopla With 8hattar, Clothing and Food. Rome people har Mid that the rrln drrr of the northern rntlona la to the Inhahltanta of thoan counlrlra whnt thn hor, cow and alierp toccllirr ro to the (twrllrm In aouthrm Innda. nml ffry probably they aro rlcht. 'What wouM the Ijiplandcr be were be de prtred of hla favorite) How could be travel without hla pair of reindeer harneaaed to his alcdee? The reindeer hrta lotxo black hoofa, Itelilnit which are fnlxo or aecondnry hoofa; the result la that when nmntnjr they ronke clattcrlnc aound, which may bo heard a cond dlitance away. The reindeer baa much endurance and takes a lone journey without aeemlnx tired, though It la only about four and a half fret in belicht and not Tory atroni;. Ita horn a are Ions nnd alendrr. with branched, rounded antlera, but they are not much uaed In combat, like those of some other deer. The larcest reindeer are found where tbe weather la coldeat, and their color la llchtrr. Usually it la brown and white, but In the caac of old animal the hair la eometlmcs quite white, from the skin of the reindeer the Ijip landers cet not only their clothes, but alio beddlne snd tents: the mllki la ditink nnd made Into cbeeae and the fleah is also rood to rat, tbe tongue and haunches being particularly liked. Pcmmlcan, an Important article of food. Is made by pouring fat orer the pounded meat and mixing them well together. St. Louis Qlobe-Dctnocrat. Tha Latch aa a DaromaUr. A leech confined la a glass Jar of water will prove an excellent weather prophet. If the weather Is to con- tinv One the leech Ilea motlonleaa at tbe bottom of the rial aud rolled to gether In a spiral form. If It la to rain, cither before or after noon. It Is found to bnve crept up to the top of Its lodging and there remains till the weather Is settled. If we are to have wind the prisoner wriggles through his limpid habitation with aumxlug svlft uess and seldom rests till It begins to blow hard. If a remarkable storm of thunder aud rain Is to aurceed the leech gives Itself up to violent throes aud conrulslro motions. In frost, as In clear summer weather, It lies con. stantly at the bottom, and lu snow, as In rainy weather. It pitches Its dwell ing on tho very mouth of the Jar, African Qrotbackt. The social groabecks of South Africa live in large aoelctlea. They select a tree or coualderublo size and literally cover It with a grass roof, under which their common dwelling Is constructed. Tho roof serves the double purpose of koeplng off' the heat and tbe rain, and 400 or MX) pairs of birds arc known to hnvo tho nmne shelter, Tho nests In this aerial dwelling are built in regu lar streets and closely rcscmblo rows of tenement houses. A Financial Qaniua. "Ho is a financial genius. In a res taurant tho other day ho spilled a cup of coffoo over a fellow's gray trou sers." "And got out of paying for them, eh?" "Why, ho talked tho other fellow Into paying for tho coffee," Tho Man Dahlnd tha Manage. Tho vnluo of a thing dopenib largely upon who says it. Words may bo bul lets, but character must bo the powder at tho back of them to glvo them pro Jectllo force. Tho man bohlnd tho rues tigo is as Important as tho man behind the gun. Dy Comparison. Singleton I understand you bad a pretty lively time at tho club last night. WeJmoro-T thought so until I got home. Boston Transcript. Virtue is llko a. rich Jewel-best plain et-Ducoa. AT THE HOTELS, Pilot lluttc Inn. J. It. Hawlilll The Mrmlowi I). Mtilkey , I.aldlnw W. C. McCuUlon I'orlland (Jeortfe KliiKlcrry Seattle II r. C. W. Klrkhrlde and son The Meadow C.J.Kelly Scuttle l W. Nelaoil U. W. Diivl ' A. (J. Koody Portland I'. I', Hl Seattle I.. I). Httphtiitoii I.n i'lur A. A. Aya " " A.N. Wakefield Crecenl . It. Lal'ollelte A. 1), Hlokke Vancouver, II. C. Oeory,e llrewiter.. ........ I'riiievllle Hotel llend, Silver Lake Talent, Or. Slmiilko Kcdmoud I'rlnevlle W. O. I.anc A. U. Hudson mid family, Mclmiei A.Ct W. Yancey and wife,. C, Hut-more I'orl Klamath V.. Newby Hood KUcr Mrt. Lewli and nephew. . l)veiiorl, la. II. I). Iliowii Oattou, Or. Dr. Ilrady and family, Wcehawken, N. ), J. eek Hol River .S, W. MHrtln I'orlland K. R. Chaffee U. S. I'orett Service L. C. Caldwell I'aullna 1'ralrle music. Would you like to be more pro. fjcicut upon your instrument? Wolllll VCIII like In lu nlilf In a,. ratiKcj study ThorouKb bass, liar moiiy or Comtosltion? Can you sum hi the onen air and not net hoarse? Do you know which muscles of the mouth, throat, lungs and abdo men to use in order to produce a Jicst, mouth or head tone? (There a vast difference). Possibly Nccce could help you i Remember the sinRcr, unlike the poet, is made, NOT HORN. Instructions U rennnnlili. a consistent with good work. Jicst wishes for all teachers in town. Apply to 40 T. Clay Kursk. Notice. If you wish to have your ex press and light freight come in along with your letters nnd daily papers, have ft come in on the mail line Tint Counktt Staok & Staiilk Co. 35t Meal Cstate Transfers. (Furnl.hrd bjr Ctiwk Cuunly AUtlict CempriBjr ) A. ell and wife to Charlra I). Swan on, cK ney, iw ne. ol Sec. as. 15 14 and lot I of Sec. 30, 15-15; J4000. I.aidlaw Tow utile Co. to Wetley 11 Claik. lot i, hlk 49. Uidlaw; f 135. Rrdmoud ToWntite Ca to Rote Ca on, lot 5; 6, 7 and 8, blk a, Redmond: f65o. . John H. lMwanlt to A II. Ocrtton et I, vci Sec. It, tw) wX Sec, U, wli M Sec. 15 and e ne Sec. 14. 16-10; fyw. John H. Kdn-ardt to A. II. Gertion et at, 1-9 interctt iu Three Creek Irriga tion Uilch; f 1. John U. Kdwards to A. 11. Ocrtton, I-15 intercreat in Snow Creek Irrigation Ditch: alo Three Creek ditch, I.. It. Smith and wife to A. O. Cainn- bcll et al, lot 5, blk. 35, Redmond; f I. J'reil A. lluutiell and i!e to M. J McGrath, part ol M awj. nwU trU Sec 4. id-la ljitiK wet of Oregon Trunk Kauway. V. C. RoMlee to Champ Smith at al. tract 155 57 '& feet, iu n M. Sec 3j, 17-13; fmo. V. C. Kowlce to Champ Smith et al. Tract Willi! eatt. and of umc itie at latt detcrlption: floo. Cliarlea U. .swanton to J. M. Teng man, eH "ef and tX nejSce, 35, 15- 14: 101 1 01 occ 30, 15-15; tSiO' G. W. Welti to Guv Scar, lots 7 and 8. blk 7, Khret's Pint Addition Red motul; ft. O. W Well to Nellie M. Seart. lott 9 ami 10, hlk 2, Ubret'a Pint Addition, Redmond; fl. v Patents from the United States at tot- Iohs: Ilrnjamn I. Shepherd. eV aetf Sec 14 anil e uet and iieif c'l a'. iq-ii Joteph J. Ilromi, X e,', nwj mt snd t X Sec S3, 19-jj. John PerKuton, tctf e Sec. 33, H wV Sec 34, nwX nw( Sec. 25 aud lie; lie; occ. 30, is-12, Deeds from the State of Oregon, as follows: John KRyan, nwjf sw Sec 17 and etf neXi c$ m-,V Sec. 8, 19-u. Por Salk 1.UMUKH We have in one dry shed 80,000 feet of finished lumber all sires and kinds from t to 34 inche In width. Alto door aud window jams, window stools, building shingles, etc We can make arrangements to deliver anywhere. Send us your orders, J, N. Matteu Lumber Co., Kosland, tf NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. IXiMtrtnitnt of the Interior, V. 8. Mod Office t The iMlltt, Or., , , . l)eciubr 4. loto. notice It hereby ilvtn thtt Grorce V. Ucami. of l"lnrvlllc,lltroci, who, oil ociotxr lv7, mtde Timber auTi Stic tworn tUlcmtut Nu. 4IOJ (Hcritl No, oii4. for rk ut(, cH kU, hec H, T. k ., K. It ., W. M., lit. Blrit uollcr ofln- icniiou 10 inter niui umixr im noue nrooi, 10 ttubllth cUiui to the Unit above dcctUnU, I lore Warrcu Urowu, Couulr Clrrk, tt hit other, at I'rlnevtUc, Ortgou, ou the itlhdty offebru try, nil. Claimant ntract at wltnrtwt: William Lct font, Ccorice St Cornctt and Henry A. Potter uri'rlnevlllr.Orcgou, aud J II Kata of Hhau Iko, Urtgou. 40-49 C. W. MOOKK, Rcglitcr. SATHER the Store that saves you money. We have all the SUPPLIES You will need for the winter ORDER. YOUR Christmas Supplies now, while tho roads are passable. HEAVY SHOES CLOTHING AND COATS. E. A. SATHER GENERAL MERCHANDISE BEND, OREQON STAR BAKERY FRESH BREAD Pastries, Rolls, etc. MEALS At Regular Hours Furnished Rooms MRS. NELL-LIE: WRIGHT Notice of Pinal Settlement. Notice it hereby given by the underlined thtt he hat made and (tied with the Clerk of the County vourt ot Crook Couuty, Oregon, hit final ccouni at Aaniinitiraior 01 ine nutie 01 uiien rcutt, decrated, rtklug that aatd final account be trtllol and allowed and that the Adralnit. trator and hit be trlccd. and aatd County Court hat act Monday, the md day of Jauualy, igtl,alio o'clock a in , al the County Court room In l'linerille, Oregon, at the lime ml place al which any perun Interctted In aid cttal may apiarar and oMcct totheacltlc meut and allowance or aatd final account WILLIAM W ORCUTT, dmlnltlritoroflhe K.utcof Hllcu Orcutl.lW ccaKd. J.-4I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. l)rrtmriit or the Interior, U. b LaudOtoccat Lakevlew, nr Nee. 3, ll. Notice It hereby given thai Ntttie tihullt. ufRoaland, Oregon, ho, rn March jl low. made llometlrad entry, No oijij. for 11K ucV, wV neU, i mwX Stc. 1. Tub. K. 1. K.. W M .hat Bird notice oftutcntleu to make null Commutation pruuf, to rMatdi.h claim to the land alMve detcrttied, tcfolc CuniiniMlonrr II C. Ktlla, al llend, urrguo, on the IJlh day 01 December. 1910. Claimant utract at wtlnruct: O. W Trlplett aud William Vandcrert, ol llend, Orrgon, tud William llvrlnghau aud W. O. Honlham ofKolnd, Oregon jk( ARTHUR W. tiKTON. RcgUtcr, NOTICE FOU I'UIILICATION. Department or the Interior, U. b. Land Other at The Dalle. Or. Nov. jo, 1910, Notice It hereby given thai Charlrt V. Kirkbrlde. ofUcnd.Oregvn, who, on March 4, 1910, made homcttead entry, No. 06008, lor neu neii ic. it and K)( K co. 7. T wS.. R. II Ii., W. M , h filed notice ot iutcntion to make fiual commuta tlou proof, to claim to the laud abote drtcrtbed. before II. C. Ifllit, I'. . Commit, tioner, athltolfice at llend Oregon, on the 14th day ofjtn.. 1911. Claimant uamea at wlttne'trt John II. Hey burn, limn K Hawhill. Fred K Bhouuuvtt aud Luther K. Mclkc. all or Itend, Or i .... o vt Tklrvnuw Ualfr a ww., .... NOTICE FOR I'UHIjICATION (ttoltted Tract.) ri'ULICLANDSALIt. No. 06016. United States Laud Oittcc, The Dallct, Or., Dec. ,, 1910. Notice la hereby given that, a directed by the Coiumluloucr or the tlcuerat Laud Office, un der provltlont of Act of Cougrt at amirovrd Juue 17. lucA, fubllo-.No. M.U we wilt offer at public tale, to the lughctt bidder, at 04a o'clock a. in., oulhe IJlh day of January, 1911, at thia oilier, the following tract of laud, to-wit: uvU ncu 8cc jo, T !.. R. IJ Hatl. W M. Any pcrtout cltlmiug adveracly the aboveilr tcrlbeti laudt are advltcd to file their claliut, or objectlout, on or before the day above detlg. uaied for talc, 40SI C. W. MOOKU, KegUtcr. 60 YEAR8' EXPERIENCE ijTJJTjra Tnaoc Maiiks nmiaNB fnavmoMTBi Ac Anion, ttndlni a tkttrh and dMCrlptlon may nulektv ajoarlalu our otiulon Iraa wnatntr an Invantlon It probably mtantatia itftlt fiiT gtakCUlltlaTDaltallia. I...... .. ll.huiah llubtl JL iar a sivum vatatv " , , , tv4ttii notice without charge, in in I lonti tent fi. inimunlraty. oul'AteuU r(T It probably nattnubl. Co .trlcllrconadeiitlal. HaNOBOOa o m. Ol.tett aganey for tacuilnai itu Ukau tbrouih Muuu ii) .1 .jo .ukiMii aA In ttiak frMIMMHf wmuvw v"iit Scientific Hmcrkati. A handtomaly lllottratad watklr. Irattt etr. cu atlon of any tcltnUBo lxurnaJ, 1 trni 1. Ii a yaari fnurmontht, L tfoldbyall titwidaaltrt. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. C. B. Land OlBce al The Dallrt, Or , Nor. 19. 1910. Notice It hereby given that Karph A. Dunn, turrirlnt of Tina Dunn, formerly Tina Shaddock, ilccred, of Bend, Oregon, who, on November 9, 1915 made homo aJe4 entry No, MT9 ("rui No. oj;i). lor ntU twW. eH aeK 8cc. Ii. T. It b., R. II K.. andlotj Urc w T Ik , R. it 15. V M , hat filed notice of intention to make fintf bve-year pruol, to ettabll.h claim to the laud above detcrtbrd, before II C Klin. U H Com. rattoiuncr, al llend, Oregon, on the 17th day vf Decrmber, 1910. Claimant uaroet at wltnetwt. Ittta M Ar nold awl lohu Herguwn of Piluevlllc Oregon, aud Mllo II. WlUou aud Cora A llroaterhoua, of llend. Oregon. s-4 C. W. MOOHK, RcgUtcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, f. S. Laud Office at Lakerlew, Or , Nov. 11, 1910, Notice It hcrtby given that Ada II Mlllican, whoac poatofDcc addicta It I'rinevllle, Cloolc Couuty. Oregou, did. ou the tjth day orAugut W9 file tn thtt olficc Sworn statrment and au vluatlou. No oiu;, to putcfia the iK Sec Al, T its. K. 16H.W M.. andlhctimb r thereon, uuder the pturttiout of the actaf juue J, 1871, tud actt auicudtlury. known at the Tiuib r and Moue Law." at tuch value at might be fixed by appialaemeut, and that. purtuul to au.n ap plication the laud and timber thereon ha' c uecu appralted at a total ol r47 07, the lliniwr ettinialrd 617000 board feet at J 71 per M wud the land I18 11, 'bat tt id applicant will uffcr fiual proof tu tuppoit of her application and aworu atalcmcul ou the loth day of January. 1911 be fore Commlttioncr T. J. Duffy, at frtucville, urc von. Any pcrton It at liberty to protett thlt pur chat before entry, or tulltatoa conlcttat any time before pattut luiuet, by fillug a corrobo rated affidavit tn thl office, alleging facta which would defeat tbe entry J7-4 ARTHUR W. OKTON, KegUter SUMMONS. In the Juttlcc Court for Detchulea Preduct No. II, Crook County, Oregou. J. R. Miami. I'laluliff, ) v. aa, John 1'. Feme, Defendant ) To Johu V. Verne, theab-jve uamed Defendant, Iu the name of the slate of Oregon, You are Hereby required to appear and autwer the cu u plalut filed agaluatou in the above entitled ac tion ou or belorc au. alb, 1911, and if you lall ao to autwer, for waul thereof the pUlutiffwIll apply to the Court lor the relief therrlu demanded, to-nit, for Judguicut lu the amoout ofulmy even dolUra and tutyfivc ccuta (o7 6tj 10 xelherwiih hit aud dl.bunemenia o'ilbit action, I nu tumnioiit It terved upon you by the pu llcatiou thereof lu The tleud llulktln, a new iwper of geueral circulation within County, Oregou, publithed weekly al Ueud, in said couuty aud ttate, for the period of tucuu aecutite weekt cuuimcnclmr mtih. theiatuc oT November 16. 1910, aud cudiug with the luue f Jau 4th, ion, iu purtuauce of an onUr if the Honorable W. w. orcult, Juttlcc of tho I'eacc ol the above entitled Court, which taid or dcr wat made aud cutcred October 3rd, 1010. Dale of firtl publication Nov. 16, 1910, u.te or latt publication au. 4, 1911. W.W. ORCUTT, Jutticeof the Teaceof DcKhutca Precinct 0 11, Crook Couuty, Oregou. jU 4)