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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1910)
THE BEND BULLETIN VOL. VIII BUND, ORKGON, WKDNKSUAY, 8IT. 21, lyio. NO. 8 I' E STRUCTURES OP PHRAIANHNT CHARACTER. Ono Residence- to Cent $5000, Another $4000 and Several Other Uulld- Ings Requiring Smaller Sum (Jolnj Up. Carlylc Trlplctt has thin week completed a ucut four room btini'- alow on Iil. lot In Lytic acre tracts unci I1 moving in today. J. I. i finishing an addl tlon of a dining room nud bath room on liU house in Lytic acre tructs, The first brick house In llcud Is that of A. C. I.ucan at the north cast corner of Iron wood avctitu and I'ouith street, two stories with clgbi rooms. The stone founda tion walls are now completed and the brick for the superstructure is 011 the ground, but some lumber is necessary and the delay in supply ItiH that is putting the wliolr thing back. This residence will cost about $5000 and will be modern and first clas in all respects. It is expected to be ready to occupy be fore the end of the year. II. C. Kgglcston has ordered lumber for a frame building 33x46, two stories, with large Implement shed attached, to be erected on the Wall street lot just purchased from J. M. Lawrence, next south of O'Douncll Ilros. meat market. lie will occupy this with his harness and implement business, residing; for a time hi rooms on the second floor. l'rcd Huunell Is building a dwel ling on Juniper avenue next east of L. B. llalrd's. The brick-walled basement, eight feet in the clear, is now complete and lumber for the superstructure Is being delivered from the Clark mill, on Hunnell's land. The house will be 33x34 'cc on the ground, two stories and con tain is rooms. It will be com pitted by November 1. T. II. Foley, of the Bend Water, Light & Tower Co., is completing a neat cottage just cast of Oliver Johnson's, on Kentucky street. The new library building on Wall street opposite The Bulletin building, Is fast approaching com tilctlon and will be ready to occupy y October 1. It is .10x50 feet on the ground, with a peaked roof hipped at the rear. In the front will be two rooms, each 30x30, one of these will be used for the public reading room. The other room, together with the one at the rear, may be used by the Bend Water, Light & Tower Co,, which will give the llbrm y free quarters there. A. T. I'ramc'H leu-room house, on Front street west of The Bulle Your Bank and Your Business ARX ALIKE IN THIS ONE RESPECT: Success Depends upon Satisfactory Service. The Deschutes Blinking Ac Trust Company trusts for its popularity to giving its customers kindly and in telligent service. And expects to advance its own interests by being of service to the public. We invite correspondence and welcome all who may desire our services in a business capacity. The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company Conservative Banking for Conservative People." I,. 11. HAIRD, Vrca. J. W. MA8TKR8, Vice I'res. M, O, COK, Cashier, tin ini'.Miug, Is enclosed and the builders can now proceed regard less of the wcathur. Its dimen sions arc 3GX-48 feet, It Is two stories tail nud has a half basement for heating plant. There will be not ana coin water In every room. This house will be ready to occupy within 60 days. The full basement In solid rock has been completed for the A M, Lara residence on Congress street and half the frame superstructure is enclosed. This will be an eight room dwelling, with broad veran das on north and west sides and will cost $4000 or more. It will not be ready to occupy before De cember. Alderman Oncll's new building on Minnesota street is half done. It is 34x40 feet, the upper story be ing divided into six rooms, reached liv a ntnlrivnv an the west nuMlile of the building. The roof is like mat 01 a vox car, sloping siigutiy at the sides and no built that it will loin rncIK tvllli rrvif nf nltif-r structures which are contemplated on cither side. Sutherland & Mcintosh last Monday morning began work on a fivr-rnnn rnttner for Itnluli KiHMict-r at the corner of Bond ami Pine alrrota In rWrlinlr. It In rx- cclcd to have the house ready to occupy injbout 30 days. DRAKE VS. D. I. & P. tlenrlnc of Protest Against Crane I'ralrlo Reservoir. Iletflnnlnt! last Thursday and continuing until last night testi mony of protectant was taken be fore Commissioner Kills In the case of A. M. Drake vs. the D. I. & T. Co. The company proposes to im pound in a big reservoir to be built in Crane Prairie the water of Big river during the non-irrigating tunntti. ihim nlorliiL' ciioiK'h water to reclaim what is known as the Ilenham Falls segregation. The protest is on the crouud that such storage would interfere with the use of the river for power, log-drlv lug, etc., during a large part 01 tlie year, and would flood adjacent mrflilntv nnrf fartntni? lands durini! the growing and harvesting season, and that such use 01 the water would further damage adjacent lands by depositing silt upon them and would materially effect' the purity of the water and conse quently the health of the people of the Deschutes valley. The witnesses called were C. M. Rcdfield, C. I). Allen, John Atkin son. F. A., J. K Saw hill. D. L. McKay, John It Ryan. II. K. Allen and Dr. U. C. Coe. The testimony is voluminous, fill ing 148 type written pages. No witnesses for the protcstcc (or defense) were called. Attorney Forest S. Fisher of Portland op ptarcd for Protestant Drake and Attorney William K. West of Portland for the protest m company. The record goes to The Dalles land office for consideration Sep- imluir n. Both attorneys and Mr. Drake I f i !,.. 1.. i.l till nt Inritnnti ICIl IUI iUlWUUVI IMia UIHilHUWIH NOT YET SETILEO COURT VACATES ORDER FOR SALE OP D. I. & P. The '.adds Conio In wild Claim (or $29,000 and Allege that the Howard . Contract Acts Undup Advantace. That the proposed reorganization of the Deschutes Irrigation & Pow er Co. has struck a snag is indicated by the following which appealed in last Frlduy'ti Portland Orcgonlon: Asserting tint 'bittern bondholders of tlic Uescltutcs Irrigation & rimer v.0111 Miiy, ol Crook County. have planned a conspiracy with the old nuimnrmeiit ol the company with the intent of "(rcei Inx" the smaller Interest out of the con cern, K. 8. Ilownl, Jr., yesterday ap prared In the United Mates District Court and secured an order vacating the foreclosure ol the assets' of the Irrljta tlon company. The iiurKe of the suit if to expose all the Inner working! ol the financier who have had control ol the company, and to avc the Invest menu ol the 60a "smsll fry" who hold the itock of the concern. Mr. Howard It the owner of f 15,000 in bond of the Deschutes company, and l emphatic In hit statements that there hail Iwen no provision made for the ic demptlou of lit bond. William C. Ilrlttol and C. H. 8. Wood oparcd at the attomeyi for Mr. Howard. Judge Wolverton granted the atay of proceeding and the order of interven tion on the verbal assurance of Mr. Wood that Mr. Howard hail never con tented to the nlan of closing out the old couiany and organizing a new one with the object of completing the canal nec essary to inigate the 314.91' acre of lauil. Attorney, woou iunicaii uy ui rciuarkt to the 'court that the eoinpro mlte scheme nail been hatched up to admit a Urge amount of fietltlotu in debtedneta, to the detriment of the landholder who Hail Invested real money In the enterprise. "I hate neter been a tarty to the liti gation," Mid It. S. Howard. Jr., lut night. "My Investment. In the bonds waa legitimate, and I only applied to in tervene In the litigation when It became apparent that something wat contem plated which would wipe out that turn of money. "Among the debt of the company which were Incorporated In the decree agreed upon by the attorney fur the Eastern bondholder ami the attorne tor ; the old managers of the company, 1 an I alleged account of oue Koscoe Howard, who I uo relation of' mine. Till How ard wat given a telling contract on the I land!, by which he would realize the 'laiger portion of any profit from their Mle. The unil are tun mere, out 1 understand that he hat been allowed f 130,000 in the compromlie deems. I intend to find out why Howard ha been iltnuril tueh air amouut of money and ' to whom it will go. "There I another matter 01 j-njouo which will have to be accounted fur I fore till matter la dcfiultclv etlli. Under the provitloii of the first mort Kiiir. bond of the Co ill tny could be turned in a payment lor land, ihh n inking fund of f per acre in cath wn to lie depotltcd for the redemption of it-i . ." I . our IRJIIilt. Ill Die laiciiicui vi iv company it appear that f 83.000 of can rcllnl fiond were tratuferrcd to the Milking fund in lieu ol that amount 01 ca.h. In other word, the bond were redeemed by the Mile of laud, nud the bond received ill imyment, whirli wcrr then wo r till cm, were carried in the ink (Continued on page 8.) Rough and Dressed LUMBER ALL SIZES OF DOORS and WINDOWS "REX FLINTKOTE" AND "AllKADO" ROOFING BUILDING PAPER DEADENINO FELT AND TAR PAPER 16-IN. SLAB WOOD Delivered In Bend Per Cord t (let Your Winter's Supply, Pilot Butte Development Co. SMI IE SfiORIUJATION SIjTTLKRS 0R (1ANIZU F0U ACTION. AMocfatlon Formed by lliose Under Central Oregon and I'llot llutte Canals I'ermaneiitOf fleers Are Duely Clcctcd. In tlic absence of Mr. Harris P-, Denccr presided at Inft Satur day's meeting of eregntioti set tles in Muster's hall to organize for aid and protection. The Red mond uiKociiilion was represented by Mr. Hlliott, who read the by laws there 111 force and soke of the work done. The Redmond associ ation was organized October 23, 1909, Mr. Hlliott said the only time it had had a full and active iiicetliiir was when water was shut ofT and crops were suffering. Then everybody comes out. The chairman spoke of the hard ship of ImviiiK to pay for water without getting it. tec Davenport said he didn't propose to pay for water when it was not furnished him until the lust court he could i;ct into should say so. J. T. timltli said lie una paid tor water three years, 011 insurance from the company that it was conveyed to tits land, and then found no wutcr liud been there at all. Another cum: was cited where the annual .icrvice charge had been exacted when water was not within six miles of the laud, be vera I spoke of the breaking of canals and delay tu inukini: repairs that had cost them heavily in diminished or ruined crops. "We want our richts," said Chair man Denccr. "The company is also entitled to Its rights. We don't want the company to trample on us. When they do not do their work as want to have the funds and strength to cotnpcl justice." After considerable discussion the bylaws reported by the committee apoiuteu at tuc previous mrcung were read ami adopted witu mile change. The commiltcc's report admitted the officers of the irriga lion company to honorary member ship, but this was cut out. Mem bership fee was fixed at $l and as sessments not exceeding 10 cents per ucre per year .were autuomea. Ucintlar meetiues are to be held on the first Saturday of the regular quarters ut Iletiil. The following permanent oinccrs provided by the bylaws wcte elected: President Dr. 1. 11. Oencer. Vice I'rtwdUiil U. W. Richardson. Secretary W. H. Scott. Trraurof-C. W. Hoccli. Director at large for one year 1. A. (Irilliil. . Director for Pilot llntte canal aetlier. for two year O. C Vounu. Director for Central Oregon canal Mi liar for three year H. W. Ricllaidon. The understanding was that this $3.50 association would co-operate with the Redmond and Powell llutte as sociations in every way practicable. SHOT THROUGH HEAD Suicide of John V. Harper while Mentally Unbalanced. John V. Harper, 33 years old, son-in-law of Mrs. Christine Welder, committed suicide yesterday morn ing by shooting through the head. Doth Mrs. Wcidcr and Mrs Harper had risen and were out of the bouse. Nick Welder, who had slept later than usual, was getting up. He heard the pistol report in the adjoining room, but the bullet, after going through Harper's head from chin to crown, went through a feather pillow, both sides of Nick's room, through a Hour bin and lodged in a cupboard, where it rattled some cuttlery. So he did not at first recognize It as a gun shot. Then hearing a peculiar noise In the adjoining room he went in and found Harper bloody and senseless. Dr. Coe was hastily summoned but nothing could be done for the injured man, who died in a lew minutes. Several years ago Harper was injured in a Montana railway ac cident and since then had been erratic at times. For several days he had been unbalanced and there is no doubt that he was not rational when he shot himself. This was the conclusion reached by the jury at the inquest conducted by Justice Orcutt. DESCHUTES FOR LOGS Declared a Highway by County Court Ryan Gets Contract. On application of John E. Ryan, of the Deschutes Lumber Co., the County Court last week made an order declaring the Deschutes river a highway for the floating of logs, lumber and timber from the north line of Tp. iq to the head of Big river. A contract giving the Des chutes Lumber Co. the right of im proving the channel and charging a certain specified toll for handling traffic upon it will be entered into later. Bridge Steel for Oregon Trunk. (rvrtLod Journal.) Through the purcbasltiK department of the Great Northern railway, the Ore gon Trunk railway has placed au order with the I'enivlvanla Steel company, Stcclton, Pa., for 5100 tons of structural steel for its bridge across the colnrabta at Celilo and for unc in the construction of bridge acrovi the Dechute rirer. The contract for the construction of the bridge ha not been let, but thi will probably be done soon, although the pier are now be I tin built by Porter Ilros., contractor for the Oregon Trunk. I'orlv-Cve hundred ton of the steel or dered will cuter into the construction of the Columbia river bridge at Celilo and the boo remaining ton will to into the bridge that are to span the Drtchutes river. The 600 ton will not be suffi cient for these bridges, but it will be sufficient to begin work with. The to tal cost of the bridge across, the Colum bia will be about f 1.000,000. The Central Oregon fair will be held in Prineville October. 18-22. The Deschutes country should be well represented by exhibits and attendance. The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Or. U. O. COE. Pralliitnt H. A. BATHER. Vlc Pildnt O. 8. HUDSON. Cathlsr Oapltairulhrpald - S35.00O Stockholders' liability S2S.OOO Surplus The Farmer and the Cattle Question kVER FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS of Bend money lms been taken to 1'rincville ami other towns this year for cattle. There are practically no cattle raised In and near Demi; not even sufficient to supply the meat markets of Ueiid. With the Increased population which will result from railroad transportation, which is now near, and the natural Srowth of our country, the deiuaud for good beef cattle will ouble in 191 1. Why not raise these cattle here and keep this money at Lome? There isn't any danuer of not having a demand. Swift & Co. ore putting in a three million dollar packltiR plant iu Purtlvtid that will buy all the cattle and bogs raised at reasonable prices, if you can not sell them here at home, lllll Itanley says the toe "Couiuiou 'wallctu hog' has come to stay." IJvery farmer In this vicinity can raise a few pood cattle for 1911. If you haven't the money see us. We have and are here to hl( you. Fv ." " '-'rr::T:' -?-"rt DIRECTORS: U. C. COU . A. SATH1K C. S. HUDSON V. V. SMITH II. C. UU.IS 1G SURVEY TWO COMPANIES AREGETTINQ LINGS NGAR CRESCENT. Oradc of Hotli Roads tllevated on the Indian Reservation so us to Be Out of the Way of Water, Crrscknt, Or., Sept. 20. Rail road activity in the vicinity of Cres cent has been renewed by the arriv al here of a large surveying party under command of Engineer Drumm of the Southern Pacific. The party expects to be in the field until the snow flies,' changing the line run ning between Lakes Odcll and Cres cent and swinging it nearer into Crescent. The party, which bus been at work between Hazeldell and the summit of the mountains, will shortly have the line revised up to the point where jt joins on with the revision now iu progress under Drumm. Work on the location of the line of the Oregon Trunk from thenorth edge of the Klamath Indian reser vation to Odessa has been completed ami, it is understood, the crews of Engineers Milligan and Kyle arc now on their way northward. A change of about five feet iu the grade through the canyon between the Williamson river and the Agency has been made, to take the tracks above high water mark. Ic is .said the Southern Pacific survey which parolells th'e Oregon Trunk line through the canyon, will also be raised five feet. Railroad Notes. The Kuney survey party en gaged on the Oregon Trunk line southeast of Bend, came iu last Saturday and left for The Dalles. F. S. Forest, formerly "connected with the North Bank road, and S. E. Forest, both from St. Paul, came in Monday from Shaniko and left at once by auto to inspect the country between Bend and Harney Lake. Work on the Oregon Trunk spur to the Pilot Butte dam was started Monday morning. The overhead crossing of Green wood Avenue Us practically com pleted and construction curs are running across it Last Monday three surveyors went into the mountains to the vicinity of Snow Butte, for the purpose of diverting the water from Crater creek to the Tumolo to be used for the Columbia South ern -segregation. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stoats re turned last week from their visit to the coast and Willamette Valley points. 1 L 1 I