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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1909)
HOT WAVE IS BROKEN Southwest Is Much Relieved by Cooling Breezes and Rain. CORN ESCAPED SERIOUS INJURY Many Prostration and Soma Deaths Reported From All Sections East of Rockies. Kansas City, Aug. 19. Severe warm weather throughout the Southwest gave way to a limited extent last night before cooling breezes. The day was tho most trying Kan sas. Missouri and Oklahoma have ex perienced for years. Despite tho ex cessively high temperature, however, thero were comparatively few prostra tions. Eight deaths wcro recorded at Kansas City. Oklahoma reported excessive heat. Government thermometers at McAles ter registered 113; at Anl more, 111; at VInita, 101; at Oklahoma City, Guthrie and Tulsa, 10G. In Kansas City and Western Mis souri tho temperature 'was near the 100 mark all the afternoon. New York Has Big Downpour. New York, Aug. 19. The steady downpour which during tho last two days has broken all August rainfall records. Is over. The city's rain gauges show a total precipitation of 6H inches as the official record of the storm. Fierce Wind In Charleston. Charleston, S. C, Aug. 19. As a result of a fierce wind and rain storm which passed ovtr this city yesterday, all tho telegraph wires leading Into the city are down and communication with the outside world Is by long distance telephone. No loss of life is reported. Heat Record at Fort Worth. Fort Worth, Tex, Aug. 19. With the weather bureau thormometer regis tering HI degrees and street thermo meters recording 120 degrees, yester day was the hottest in the history of Fort Worth. Five Killed In St. Louts. St. Louis, Aug. 19. Despite a de cided drop In the temperature, five more deaths were recorded here yes terday as a result of the heat. Three of these were persons previously pros trated. The maximum temperaturo today was 89 degrees. Three Deaths at Norfolk. Norfolk, Neb., Aug. 19. The heat claimed three victims in Norfolk and vicinity last night. ROBBERS BIND WATCHMAN. Desperate Attempt to Blow Safe of Portland Factory. Portland, Aug. 19. Safecrackers made a desperate effort to get into the safe of the Dornbecber Manufacturing company yesterday morning and suc ceeded in badly damaging tho safe with three charges of nitro-glycerine, but did not get ct the contents. E. R. MlckJey was in the fireroom of the factory when be was suddenly seized by one of four men, all of them masked and armed. He was thrown down and his arms tied behind him. They then went back to the factory, gathering up a sledge hammer and other tools, and went at the safe. They knocked off the knob with a hammer and drilling boles, set off in all three charges of nitro-glycerine. In the midst of their work a switch engine pulled into the siding to pick up cars from the factory, the brakeman enter ed the rear door to get his orders and was met by a volley of shots from the robbers, one ot the bullets going through his hat. He promptly ran off and the engine backed down town, going back in half an hour with police aid. As the engine returned, Mickley was found but the robbers had gone, leaving a pint bottle of nitro-glycerine and all their tools in the factory office. Miss Elklns May Marry. Rome, Aug. 19. Rumors are cur rent bere today that all the objections of the royal family to the marriage of the Duke of Abruzzi to Miss Katnerlne Elklns, of West Virginia, have been removed. The couple, according to the latest reports, will be married as soon as the duke returns his explora tion trip In the Himalayas. United States Senator Elklns has repeatedly denied that bis daughter was to marry the duke, declaring that if Miss Elklns is ever married it will be to an Amer ican. Troops to Quit Fort William. Winnipeg, Aug. 19. The regular soldiers who have been on duty at Fort William returned to their barracks bere today, leaving 30 special Canadian Pacific railway constables armed with rifles to maintain order. Five hundred men ore now working on the docks. THIRTY BUSHEL WHEAT. Montana Farmer Makss Success of Working Dry Land? Caldwell, Mont,, Aug. 20. F. F. Ir vine, member ot tho Montana board of control of tho Fourth Dry Farming con gress, and ono ot tho successful dry land farmers of this vicinity, is now harvesting 40 acres of wheat, which ho estimates-will yiotd about SO bushels an aero. This grain was planted in September on sod ground that had been plowed in May and Juno. Bong tho first crop from this ground Mr. Irvine regards his crop an unusually good. Ho says tho field has been attracting at tentlon and peoplo havo been coming in from miles around to seo for thorn selves what can be accomplished by conscientious application of dry farm ing principles. Mr. Irvino has informed Secretary John T. Hums, of tho Dry Farming congress, that ho will send a samplo of this crop to Hillings, Montana, for ex hibition at tho Fourth Dry Farming congress, which will meet at Billings, October 26-27-28 next. WIND AGAINST WELLMAN. Twice Prepares to Fly to North Pole, but Puts Back. Hnmmcrlest, Norway, Aug. 20. A dispatch from Walter Wellman's Arc tic expedition camp at SplUborgcn dated August 14 says: " A north gale which hsd been blow ing on the 5th dropped on Iho 12th, and Mr. Wollman made ready to start in search of the North Tolo. The bal loon was inflated and provisioned, and tho motors were working smoothly. On the 13th the wind was still variable, but Mr. Wellman decided to get tho airship out of the bouse. "The ofileers and crew of tho Thalia assisted In swinging tho airship, which was of fine appearance, out of tho shod. The wind, however, again freshened and at 6 o'clock in the morning Mr. Wellman ordered the airship back into the shed to wait for more propitious weather." C. P. R. Discovers Fraud. Montreal, Que., Aug. 20. The legal department of the Canadian Pacific railway believes it has unearthed a huge conspiracy to mulct that and other corporations by means of falso claims for damages for personal injury received in alleged accidents. The claimants are alleged to have a regular organization, with branches iu Chi cago, Toronto, Vancouver and other places, and to carry on a systematic scheme of fraud by means of false claims, falso witnesses, etc Three arrests havo been made and others aro promised. Yoakum Is Optimistic. Oklahoma City, Okla., Aug. 20. O. F. Yoakum, chairman of the executive comrnitteo of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railway, who is making a tour of the West to observe tho crop and general business conditions, said today: "I find business conditions aro good and improvement general all along the line. Cotton Is in good shape. In some sections it needs rain. The corn crop lias been hurt In this state In some sections, but thero will be more corn than last year by reason of the Increased acreage." Ocean Falls After Quake. Mexico City, Aug. 20. A delayed dispatch from Acapulco says Ihrco ee vere earthquake shocks were felt thero Monday, The ocean dropped far below the normal and along tho entire shore, line of the port the beach was exposed for a distance of 30 feet. The shocks sre believed to have been those regis tered at the Washington observatory. The peoplo of Acapulco are still living in the open, not having ventured to ro turn to their homes. Quake Tale Exaggerated, San Francisco, Aug. 20. Passen gers arriving from Mexican ports to day on the Panama steamer Acapulco, the first vessel to bring news of the earthquake of July 29, 30 and 31, de clare that tho reports, reaching this country by wire greatly overestimated the loss of life resulting from the dls trubsnees. They declaro that only two persons woro killed outright at Acapulco, although hundreds had nar row escapes. Moors Cut Wires Again. Madrid, Aug. 20, Advices received hero from Pcnon do la Comoro, on tho coast of Morocco, says the Moors again have cut telegraph wires and isolated tho Spanish garrison there. The bom barding at Pcnon do la Gomera is con stant and there havo been many casual ties among the Moors. The Kabylls are mobilizing near Aihucemas pre paratory to marching on Meillla. Wreck on Leper Island. Honolulu, Aug. 20. The steamer Nllhau wont ashore early today on tho coast of the Island of Molokai, and has been abandoned by her officers and crew. Tho vessel, which Is of COO tons burden, will probably provo a total loss. The steamer Clnudlne has gone to the sceno of the wreck to at tempt to float the NHhau. - ii - . l OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST COURSE TO BE IMPROVED. Correspondence School Closes Sec ond Year's Work. University 6f Oregon, Eugene Tho second year ot tho correspondence study department ot tho University of Ore gon has Just closed with an enrollment of mora than 350 students. This is n matorial Increase ovor tho number en rol leu last yt'iir. and there Is hardly n county of tho state not represented among tho students. In all respects the results of the work of tho past year havo been most sat s factory, and tho plana for tho coming year includo expansion in all depart ments. Dr. Herman Burr Leonard, of the do partment of mathematics, who has hnd a number of jours' connection with cor respondence schools In tho Knst, nnd who has been very successful In his cor respondence courses in mathematics at tho university during the past two years, has been put In gt'nornl charge of all correspondence work. Ho will bo assisted In the office work by Miss Mnzello Hair, formerly an instrutor in the department of Eagllsh literature, and tho work in tho field will be In charge of Protestor I It. Alderman. I'lans for tho coming year Include sev eral courses each In the departments of mathematics, English literature, Eng lish composition, botany, history, edu cation, economics, mechanical drawing and physics, and an enrollment of SOU students is expected. Tho correspond ence study work will begin in Septem ber. LAST MODOC BOND IS PAID. Southern Oregon Resident Secures SI 13 47. Salem The state treasurer's office recently paid the last of tho Modoc war bonds. Tho claimant was Charles Sherlock, a Southern Oregon man, and ho drew from the state the tidy sum of 9113.47. The face value of tho bond was $76.90, interest coupons $27.62, interest on bond $10.05, making a total of $113.47. These bonds wcro Issued under an act approved October 22, 1874. The bonds matured January 1, 1880, and Interest ceased December 1, 1881. For many years thero has been but ono bond un redeemed and recently a friend of Sher lock noticed the statement of tho bond issue in the annual report of tho state treasurer, and lost no tlmo In calling the attention of Sherlock to the fact that tho state owed him money which It was willing and anxious to pay. Sherlock furnished undisputed proof of his right to tho sum, whl.'h was ac cordingly paid him. Country Developed by Rosd. Corvallis As a result of the con necting of the Corvallis & Alsea rail. road with the timber belt southwest of Monroo, heavy shipments of logs for tho Corvallis sawmills are arriving daily by train. The line taps a forest area in which thero aro three billion feet of tho finest standing timber. A site has been purchased In the suburbs of thn city for an added sawmill of 150,000 feet capacity. Tho railroad Is 25 miles in length and was built by II. C. Carver, $3,000 having been contrib uted by the people of Corvallis and Denton county in aid of tho undertak ing. The lino runs through a rich ag ricultural district and will transport large quantities of grain and other pro ducts. It connects Corvallis and Mon roe. New Factory for Salem. Salem Steps have been taken to wards tho location at Solum of a cloth Ing, glovo and mitten factory. Jamrs II. and L. W. Glesson, Kansas men. wcro beforo the board of trade asking for a bonus and tho commercial organ izatlon seems willing to meet tho terms named. Tho promoters say they have machinery worth from $3,500 to $4,000 ready to Install and sufficient capital with which to bring it west and set it up. They ask the business men of Salem to donnto a sito and a build ing 25 by 100 feet. Rush Work on Rosd. Baker City With a determination to reach Prairie City, in tho John Day valley, by Thanksgiving day, the Sumptcr Valley Railroad company is working about 300 men on tho exten sion of 17 miles which runs over a mountain range. If tho road reaches Prairie City so that trains run on Thanksgiving day, it Is the Intention of Baker's business men to send a largo delegation into the John Day country on that date. OH Well Down 470 Feet. Astoria Excellent progress is being made In boring for oil at tho Hosa place, on Young's river, nnd a depth of 470 feet has been reached. A little ovor 400 feet down a strong flow of gas was struck and this still continues. This is considered a very satisfactory Indication and tho boring will bo con tinued until COO feet is reached, un less oil is struck before that time. HUGE FARM PROFIT. Gain Is Ten Times Annusl Rental for Wlllametto Valley Ranch, Albany A. C. Armstrong, n farmer residing four miles northwest of Plain vlow and 10 miles southeast of Albany will realize n profit of $4,800 on 120 acres of votch ho threshed last week. Incidentally ho will clear tip about $0, 000 this year on a farm of 400 acres, for which ho pays an nnnunl rental of $000. Some othor Linn county fann ers aro doing almost' as well, and farm ing In tho Willamette valley Is paying better this year than for many years. Armstrong had 140 acres In vetch this year. Ha mowed 20 acres ot It, and after storing his barns full of loose hay for his winter's supply had enough left over from tho 20 acres to balo 20 tons, which Is worth $13 a ton, Tho vetch on tho remaining 120 acres was threshed for seed by tho threslior and cleaner of Parker llros., nnd Armstrong had 70 tons of threshed and cleaned vetch seed from his 120 ncrrs. This Is worth four cents a pound In the present market and after Armstrong pays all expenses of threshing, cleaning, etc., ho will realize a net profit of $4,800 on the vetch seed alone, to say nothing of the vetch hay he baled. In addition to his 140 acres in vetch, Armstrong has 200 acres In spring oats, which Is In splendid condition and will doubtless return a big yield nnd givo him an additional profit of sovoral hun dred dollars for tho past year's work. Land Used for 65 Years. Cottaga Grove Threshing hat begun In full blast in the vicinity of Cottage Grove, tho grain yields in some cases exceeding the expectations of the farmers. A field belonging to Felix Currin. four and onoh.lf miles east of .M. !, ,, ... i. i - ...- this place, that has been In crops suc cessfully for 65 years, will yield 30 bushels to the aero in wheat of excol lent quality. Other farmers expect about mo ssme average. American Mining Congress. Salem Announcements of tho next meeting of tho American Mining con gress have reached tho executlvo office at Salem. Govornor Benson will be privileged to appoint 10 delegates from this state to the congress, which meets at Goldfield, Nov., September 27, 28, 29 and 30 and October 1 and 2. Hawley Returns Homo. Salem Congressman Willis C. Haw ley, of tho First district, has returned to his homo at Salem. Mr. Hawley expressed pleasure at being able to re turn to his stato after tho lonir snee at session. He said ho thought tho time was well spent. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Bluestem, 93c; club, 88c; Red Ruesslan, 80Hc; valley, 89Jc; Turkey red, 88c; forty-fold, 8UHc Barley Feed, $3Cprton; brewing. $27. Oats $2829 per ton. Hoy Timothy, Willamoto valley, $1 26c 10 por tor.; Eaetorn Oregon $1760 18; mixed, $1G.601C60; alfalfa, $13.50; clover, $ll(?pi3; cheat, $13 Grain bags SKe each. Butter City creamery, extras, 31 Jfc por pound; fancy outsldo creamery, ilXOtMKc; store, 21(ir22c. Butter fat prices avcrsgo IHcperpound under regular butter prices. Eggs Oregon ranch, caniled, 27 27 He per dozen. Poultry Hens, ICc; springs, IGHtfi 10c per pound; roosters, Or01 0c; ducks, young, 12H(tyl3c; goes, young, lOrtfl 11; turkeys. 20c; snuabs. $1.762 nor dozen. Pork Fancy, HrcilHc per pound. Veal Extra, 9HM 10c per pound. Fruits Apples, $12.2G per box; poors, $l.G062; peaches, 76c(f($1.60 por crate; cantaloupes, $l.76(i(2.60; plums, 35(i76c per box; watermelons, Djf'llHc per pound; blackberries, $1.00ftJ!1.7Gpercrute. Potatoes 76cfa$l per sack; sweet potatoes, 3 He por pound. Onions $1.25 per sack. Vegetables Beans, 4HGc por pound; cahbsge, Ktfl&fc; cauliflower, 40c(rZ$l per dozen; celery, G0c(i($l; corn, 1GM 20c; cucmubcrs, lGfi(20c; onions, I2H (tflGc; peas, 7c per pound; radishes, 16c per dozen; tomatoes, $1(3), 36 per box. Hops 1909 contracts, 21c por pound; 1008 crop, 14016c; 1007 crop, lie; 190(1 crop, 8c. Wool Eastern Oregon. 1 C0L2Sc ner pounu; valley, 23zoc; mohair, choice, 24(il2Gc. - . .- r L'attlo Hteors, top, $4.G0: fair to good, $404.26; common, $3.7G(?84s cows, top, $3 GO; fair to good, $3? 3.26; common to medium, $2.60(272.76; calves, top, $606.60; heavy, $3.60(4; bulls and stags, $2.76(3.26 Sheep Top wethers, $4?J4.26; fair to good, $3.60(3.76; owes, Ho less on all grades; yearlings, best, $4; fair to good, $3.G03.7G; spring lambs, $6.26G.60. Hogs Best, $8.76; fair to good, $8 8.60; stockors, $007; China fats, $0.7G7, RAKERS CRATE,, ACTIVE, p. 00110 III PHI An . nn, Vapor May Uo Seen Rising From the Mountain at Times, llolllngliam, Wash., Aug. 18. Stor ies of smoke seen arising from Mount linker's snow-crowned ilomo following the earthquake In this territory last winter do not appear so far-fetched, following the Investigations mada by tho Mnzamas ot vents In tho crater of tho huge extinct, volcano. Secretary John A. Leo, who returned to this city today, declares that, at a favorable hour in tho early morning, he lias no douht but that tho vapor could easily bo seen from this city, 50 miles away, with a good pair of field glasses. The "vents" In the crater npwarcd especially active thlif year to some of tho Mazamas. Secretary Lee, how ever, who ascended tho mountain In lu'oo and again In 106(1, concludes that on tin holo there Is not any Increase In the activity of sulphurous gases blowing out of tho so-called "vents'." "The actual crater ot the mountain," said Mr. Leo, "Is that portion lying between the icemidary peak and the main eak. It Is easy to sea that the llu nHdilllll.l tit. Mnclh taks originally constituted the north and south sides of the crater rim. The vaslorly and westerly sides have been broken and crumbled away by tho ac tion of weather, thus leaving the val ley or so-clalled 'saddle' between In between. "Ono of tho active vents Is situated at the easterly end of this depression, and tho other at (ho westerly end. The east vent Is apparently by far tho most nctlvo, the westerly ono consisting at this time merely of cracks and fissures In the snow and Ice through which the vaiwrs escapo. Tho west vent, how over, consists of a hole extending down into the snow to tho twrus rocks be. ncath. It Is iwrhsps 20 to 30 feet In diameter The vapor puffs out Inter- """f"11 rl,l,nK u '" d"" cl1oul'1' .VT U ,ertf 1 ,w "l, ""'I '"I "eposll. I am Inclined tobellsvo that most of the visible vspor is merely steam arl'lng from the overheated rocks, though the gsses sometimes are almost overpowering. RULE VANOERBILT LINES. Wizard of Wall Street Hss Option on Control of 8yatm. New York, Aug. 18. The ellrnlns lion of the Vanderbllts from New York Central lines and the complete ascend ency of Edward II. Hsrrlmsn In tho control of more than 12,000 miles of railroad comprised In that system Is declared to bo tho noxtlmiwrlant move In the railway world. It Is reported on what seems to be good authority that the Harrlman back- era havo secured an option on the great er portion, If not all, of the Vanderbllt holdings and will soon close a deal In tho Interest of the "Napoleon" of the railway world. Tho option which has been obtained, It is stated, Is on $60, 000,000 worth of Now York Central, which Is to be purchased for Mr. Har rlman at $160 a share. The last report of the Union Pacific road shows that It has In its treasury $14,000,000 worth of Nw York Cen tral securities and It Is generally bo lloved that Mr. Harrlman and a few of his friends have largo (Kireonal holdings of New York Central securities. The total capitalization of tho Now York Central Is $178,032,000 and it Is understood that the option, If oxper clsod, will give Mr. Hsrrlmsn and his friends absolute control of tho com pany. This carries with It the control of the West Shore and practical con trol, though not by stock ownership, of all roads in the New York Central lines system. Germans Fight Yankees. Paris, Aug. 18. A dispatch from Port au Prince, Haytl. says that a group of Germans who for years havo monopolized the commerce of that country, are conducting u violent cam paign against tho American bankers who are negotiating for a railroad sys tem In Haytl. Germans control tho newspapers of tho country, which print strongly wonted articles against the Americans and predict tho annexa tion of Haytl by tho United States. The Germans fear that If tho railroad Is built It will end their monopoly. Bogus Caih Mado Abroad, Philadelphia. Aug. 18. With thu urroit of Gulioppo Bplcn, of Now York, socret service operators boliovo they havo unearthed an unusual coun. terfelting ploL Splca Is alleged to bo In league with n band of couritnrftltr who havo tholr plant In Italy, manu factoring Amorican silver certificates. He was held today under $2,000 ball for tho Soptombor grnnd Jury, Nobrsska Records Broken. Lincoln, Nob., Aug. 18. All local hot weather rocords for this your wore broken yostorday, when tin weather bureau reported a temperaturo of 103, Suffering has boon Intense Thero have bocn no rains in this section for two weeks and reporto from tho coun try are that the corn crnn tm air.,!.. been seriously damaged. Railway Tracks Washed Out and Train Service Suspcndm,, MANY TOURISTS ARE STRANDED Water In Its Wild Fury Almost Up 0. Famous Bridge In Royal Qorr,a Pueblo Under Water. Denvsr, Aug. 2 f, Another cloud, burst at Four-mile creek, near f'snen City, last night mada more dismtruui the llootl In tin) Arkansas river, whkh. slnro dawn yesterday threatened Ui adjoining towns, washed nut railroad (racks and tied up many tnurnt trams. The cloudburst was one of the heaviest In that section and soon the river, swollen uy mountain torrents Canon City, had risen eight frrt six ' s a llB Inches. Tho trains of the Denver A Itlo Grande and Colorado Midland rallmaji went blocked at many places and scores of tourists were delayed at I'u rtilo. Hallda, Grand Junction and uther points. The magnificent Royal gorjfe, whrr the Arkansas river rushes through a canyon nearly 3,000 feet deep, was a scene of wild fury. The water hl reached a level of the famous haniting bridge. Many of the nearby cantons ware washed clesr of tracks. At Pueblo last night the water was splashing over the levee at the state asylum grounds, nnd with a six Inch rise the grounds of the asylum at well as a large tortlan of tho residence- por tion nearby will be under watsr. Olllclals of the Itlo Grande state that 46 miles of thslr track between here and Sallda, a distance of 100 miles, is washed out and that It will be at leait a week beforo main Hnd traffic can Iho resumed. NEW OEY8ER RISE8. Hurls Immtnse Volume of Watar In Yellowstone Park. Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone Park, Wyo., Aug. 21. For two or three days past there have been Indica tions of an eruption of some kind near Fountain Mel, Yellowstone park. Yesterday a now geyser broke out In full force about 100 feet north of the regular Fountain geyser, near the ho tel. Today this now geyser, which does not appear to affect any of the others In the vicinity, played to a height of 160 to 200 feet, throwing Immense quantities of hot watsr and steam. Tho new geyser does not play regu larly, ai does "Old Faithful," but at short Intervals, eruptions occurring five or six hours apirt and lasting about ono hour. The crater of the new ga)ser Is largo and the quantity of water thrown similar to that of the great Fountain geyser, located some two miles south of the Fountain hotel, though tho wster from the new one is carried to a much greater height. JAP STRIKERS ARE QUILTY. Jury Finds Four Took Part In Con spiracy In Hawaii. Honolulu, Aug. 21. After being out six hours the Jury In the case of the four Japanoso strike leaders charg ed with criminal conspiracy brojght In a verdict of guilty at 10:46 p.m. yesterday, Tho defendants, President Maklnn, of the Higher Wage aisocls Hon, tho organization In charge of ths Japanese laborers on the sugar planta tions of the Islands; Editor Hogs, of tho Japanese newspaper JIJi, ami Assistant Editors Negoro nndTsshaVs, of tho same paper, wcro arrested am! charged with criminal conspiracy June 14, when officers with search warrants entered the offices of tho JIJI and ths Higher Wage association and found thero uvldcnco of what the authorities claimed to be a widespread move on the part of the Japanese strikers to tsko posse slon of tho government of tho territory. Clemoneolu as Editor. Paris, Aug. 21. M, Clomencesu, who recently resigned as premier of Franca following a dispute with member of the French cabinet, will take an editorial position on ono of tho big Paris dallies, according to a semi official announcement made today. Clumcnceau I planning to tako a trip to Africa and It is expected that lis will tako up his now duties on his re turn from that Journey. Jlloforo enter ing upon his political career Ciumrnresu was a newspaper writer and ho won lil name while engaged in Journllsm. Ex-Shah Tries Murder. itomo, Aug. zt. According io s dispatch rooclvcd hero today from Te I heran. the recent attomnt of the young shah to commit sulcldo was really it attompt to assasslnato tho child by m fathor, the deposed ruler, who struck tna boy with a Donlaru.