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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1909)
WITH tWO fcAILHOADS RACING TO REACH US, WATCH BEND BEGIN TO FULFILL THE PROPHECIES MADE AS TO ITS ULTIMATE GROWf H THE BEND BULLETIN. Tlllt town Hint Id nurseling nttrutlim rxcrywhctr, tin coining city i( Central Or egon, U imint-d IIKNI), KVKKYONIt In tlie llcml country -boold subscribe for Tub HuiXKriN. It ha boosted long for you. VOL, VII RF.ND, OKKGON, WKDNF.SDAY, AUOUST 25, 1909. NO. 34 HILL TO PUSH OREGON TRUNK LINE TO BEND ENGINEERS TO Two Advance Men 'Were in Town Monday Making Preliminary Arrangements to Take Care of the Crews Surveyors Reported to Be Working South From Madras. Two railroad engineer, L. 1'. Wnkcficld mid Wm. I'. Millikcn, believed to l Hill men, arrived in Jlcnd Sunday afternoon and after transacting considerable business went south toOdell Monday. While these men were very nou-cnmmtini cativc and were about nil talkative ns oysters, yet by pulling two and two together) The llullctln has been able to secure n pretty good ("line" an to the nature of their ,vMt to Iknd. The rcHiilt of their .visit in that two large surveying crews will arrive in licud cither to night or tomorrow to take up the work of surveying a line through jlcnd for Hill. The two crew will comprise approximately 40 men. These men ordered several camp Moves from S. C. Caldwell, en gaged two four-horse teams from II. Wcnandy, put George Tiros tcthous to making draughting tables for the use ot their draughts tiictt and also tables for the dining tents, and conferred with other Jlcnd merchants ui to supplies, materials purchased were to be called for Thursday. Orders were alto left to engage five men to work with these crews. While, as staled lcforc, thcsel mciv were not very talkative, yet conversation with one or two Bend men they gave out the state ment that their line would follow closely to the Deschutes river as foHsiblc regardless of rock and re jfHrdlcM of expense. This is ex pnonaiiy gooti news to Menu ns 11 Msurcs that the Hill road will pass 'rp. "f ttttt - '"' " m 1 a mi AT It OP MRS. OR). HOURS. round Dead In Iter Home Last Friday livening. The Grim R-apcr has ngaiu vis ed our midst and has left his fwended mark upon the commttn ljjw. His call this time was at the fiwtuc of Mr, and Mrs, George Hobbs at Powell Duties, and n sor rowing husband is left to regret his sit. Mrs. Hobbs was found dead Iff her home Inst Friday evening by fMr. Hobbs as he returned, about j o'clock, from working in the eld. Mrs. Hobbs was found lying the floor, where she. had fallen pBiite engaged In getting supper. (Btatli was due to heart failure. MMrs. Hobbs had Tiddcn a horse Mthc field where Mr. Hobbs was Jjljwork within nn hour previous to Ac time when she was found. She Burned to the house nud evident Blind stnrted to prepare supper, (When Mr. Hobbs drove into the jjjrd, he missed her nt the door, it fug her usual custom to nwnit n there. Uneasy over her nb twice, he told his man to take the "Stun and water them nud he stepped into the house. IIq found tr lying on the kitchen floor. As lie had becu troubled with fainting WILL ARRIVE START RUNNING SURVEYS through the town. The statement also would indicate that Hill was building n through line (presum ably to Snn Francisco) otherwise he would not he so regardless of expense, It also assures the Im mediate extension of Hnrrimnu's Deschutes road to connect with the Klamath Falls extension, as Harrl matt will never let Hill occupy this territory alone. It wxs learned that these crews nrc to work from Jlcnd southward A letter received by J, N. Hunter from Portland stated that surveying crews for Hill would be put 011 nt Madras to work this way. It is rctwrtcd that there is a surveying crew now working south of Mad ras, but The Bulletin could not confirm this report, It is known, however, that two crews Icit Shan iko the first of the week, headed in this direction. The Oregon Trunk Line, Hill's road, has no surveys whatever south of Madras. The throwing of engineers into this section proves conclusively that Hill will push his line directly through the stnle without delay. And also that llcnd will lc on the Hill line. A Hnrrltiian construction crew is working nbout n mile this side of Madras, just at the top of the hill on the now road as one drives out from Madras. Dwyer & Cnllihan, subcontractors, have n crew on Sngc Flats. They have a contract for n 15-mile stretch extending north from Madras. spells, he wns not greatly alarmed and attempted to revive her. Jim Green, who was working for Mr. Hobbs, then came in and the two men worked for several minutes trying to revive her, but to no avail. Mr. Green then hurried to the stage station and 'phoned for Dr. Kdwards of Priucville. Upon his nrrivnl .'o minutes Inter and after a very brief examination, he stated that Mrs. Hobbs was dead. The stricken womnti had re turned from the field, hnd pealed some potatoes and put them on the stove,- nud the fire gave evidence of having Ikcu stnrted. It was then that the Grim Reaper culled. Funeral services were held fiom the Shepherd school house nt 10 o'clock Sunday morning, Rev. Cook officiating. Interment was made in the Powell Unites ceme tery. A large concourse of friends wetc present from Priucville, Rend, and the surrounding country to pay their Inst respects to one who wns much esteemed The proces sion that followed the remains to their Inst resting place wns about a half mile long. Mrs. Hobbs, nee Mabel Raid win, wns a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. TONIGHT William Baldwin, nnd was bom in lown 38 years ngo. On Mnrch 8, 1908, she was married to George Hobbs, and sine; then they have lived 011 the farm nt Powell Unties for the greater part of the time. A few years ngo, Mrs HoblH filed on n homestead there nud Mr, Hobbs on one adjoining. They both made final proof nnd later were married. Mr. Hobbs hnd been making ar rangements to move to Rogne river valley, his former home, believing that the altitude here was too high for his wife. Death called, how ever, before plans could he com pleted. Mrs. Hobbs was universally liked and had a host of friends. Her be reaved husband and relatives have the sincere sympathy of the entire community. The deceased was n sister of Mrs. Pearl Lynes of Rend. Teachers' Training Course. The Crook county high .school has introduced n two years' pro fessional course for teachers. In arranging this course, special at tention has been given to the needs of the Inexperienced teacher and the teacher who has hat but little opportunity for professional train ing. The first year's work will deal with all subjects in grades one, two and three. Special methods of teaching ench subject will be given, nnd the prncticnl application of these methods will be illustrated each day by the instructor. This course also includes regit lar work in Hnglish, psychology and hand work. All thoughtful teachers realirc the great impor tance of hand work and know that they must introduce this into their schools if they wish their boys and girls to have the best education that can be secured nt the present time. This hand work- includes clay modelling, paper cutting, fold ing, nud weaving, basketry, and card-board construction work. This course is open to all who have finished the eighth grade work or its equivalent. Those who complete the work will be able to command good positions in any of the grades. All who wish to specialize in primary work should cuter this year, if possible, because next year the intermediate nud advanced grades will be taken up and the whole time cannot lie devoted to the primary work. Mrs. Wickcrsham, who is to have charge of this work, is well acquainted with all grades of pub lic school work. She has had ex pcrlcncc in the country schools, city schools nud normal schools of the Mntc nnd has had professional training in both the Hast and the West. School opens Monday, Sept. r,y For further information address Principal M. R, Hockeuberry, or Mrs. It in ma R. Wickershnm, Priuc ville, Oregon. Notice. All bills owed the Rend Drue Com liiuiv should le paid to I', (). Minor, It Is requested that payment be made ns soon US tXSU)lt UllNll I)KUQ COHI'ANV. NEW DISTRICT IS BEING OPENED Homesteaders Piling on What Is Known as (he High Desert. A FINE TRACT OF LAND Promises to Atake One of the Greatest Wheat Sections In the Northwest. Water Can lie Secured Prom Three lo 20 Feet Deep. Many people in Rend, when they considered the timber to be logged here, and the wide variety of crops to lc harvested from the outlying irrigated lands, have seen Rend in their mind's eye but a few years hence n second Spokane. Rut another source of wealth, hitherto not given, perhaps, its just con sidcratiou. is a large section of country a half day's drive to the south and cast of Rend. Here is a region that is destined to become a dry farming country, and as such will be unsurpassed in Oregon. John F. Stevens, the famous engineer, several days ago announced that Central Oregon would become the greatest wheat producing country in the world. The section to which we refer and which is included in Mr. Stevens' statement, lies adjacent to Rend and is known locally as the "High Desert." Mr. Stevens should know whereof he speaks as he traveled all through the state at the begin ning of railroad activity in the Deschutes canyon. From the Paulina mountains and ths Fremont forest reserve, stretch ing cast beyond the horizon, is n scope of bunch-grass plains, con ceded by the stockmen to be the best range now left in the state. The land is nearly free from rock, and junipers arc scattered at wide intervals. It only needs the plow to be transformed into n valley dotted with farms, if possible a more beautiful country than at present. In many places water has been found at n depth of only a few feet. Owing to its remote situation nud to the jealousy of the stock men, it has lain idle, only furnish ing n living for a few cattle nnd wild horses. Rut recently, on the south and west txudets, where the general routes of travel have made it better known, settlements have appeared. Fort Rock, Fremont, nnd Cliff, one of the older places (contemptuously dubbed by the stockmen "Sucker Flat"), have all made a rapid growth. A late net of congress has made it possible for one to take 330 acres of this land as n homestead, which has given an added impetus to its set tlcmcut. According to Morrison & Coe, who have been the pioneers in the movement to settle this country, Rend will bo the distributing point for a large part of this territory, and the market for a great amount of its. products. Other Rend real estate men arc interested in seeing this vectlon settled, among them being Hunter & Staats, who, in addition to the above named firm, will also soon take nu nctive part in securing settlers for it. EXTRA HILL WINS INJUNCTION. Judge Rcan Render Decision In Favor of Oregon Trunk Line. Portland, Or , Aug. 24. Ilean'a de cision la against lUrrlman, giving HW absolute right In the Deschutes. STEFFA. The above message was received in Rend yesterday afternoon by Hunter & Staats, and brought the news that the Oregon Trunk Line (Hill's oad) had won in its first injunction suit in the federal court regarding right of way along the Deschutes. This injunction was in stituted by the Oregon Trunk Line to restrain Harriman's crews from building along the Trunk Line's right of way oil the upper 60 miles of its survey, or in other words, for that portion of the survey extend ing 60 miles northward from Mad ras. This decision by Federal Judge Rcan gives the Hill line un disputed right to that portion of the canyon included in this upper 60 miles. A similar injunction suit is pend ing rcgatding the lower 40 miles of the canyon, but this case has not yet been argued. Fire In the limber. Rosland. Aug. J 1. There Is a fire burning in the timber east of the Paulina mountains. Have been unable lo ob tain particular concerning it. Wednes day the air was filled with smoke, which must bave come from fires pretty well to the south as no fire other than Uie above could be seen from this side of the txittes. Church services were held at the Long Prairie school house last Sunday and were very well attended, I'ranlc Rogue and Wm. Dorell finished haying up on Long Prairie the first of the week. Sid Stearns bought the D. A. I'imltcy place some time ago and is now on the place haying. Hi two daughters and two sous are with him. Wm. Holliushead Is cutting the hay on the Clausen place. Mrs. Ida Strotts returned from Mon mouth Tuesday morning where she had gone to take the teachers' summer course and examination. Al Trobee Is logging for I. N. Masten. Miss Laurel Schulu returned from Priucville Sunday where she successful ly passed the teachers' examination. Unless we have some rain pretty soon we will all dry up and blow away. It Is expected that the Long Prairie school will open the last of the month with a very good enrollment. One of the Grave tioy was dowu the first of the week and returned home Wednesday, s Ivan Schultz went to Priucville Tues day. Geo, Poles has sold his livery barn and husiue-ai to Jefferson Howard, for merly of the Mage station, Mr. and Mrs. Arne Howard were in town today from their homestead at Seara Plats. Jeff Howard started keeping house to day. Mr. and Mrs. George Bole went up the river to Frank Hamuer'a where they Intend to take a pleasant, vacation hunt ing and fishiug and enjoying themselves generally. Timber Lands Wanted, If you have timber lands either in eastern or western Oregon and desire to sell the same, it will be to your interest to at once write the undersigned, who has buyers wait ing. C. G. Rukkhakt, to3 Itast First street, Albauy, Or Read THK UULLHTIN. A FEW HINTS AS TO WATER LAW Stale Engineer Says New Mcas use Is Not Understood. CERTAIN RULES TO FOLLOW Attention Called-to the Fact That the New SUtuteAtakes Strict Provis ion aa to How to Proceed to Make an Appropriation. The Bulletin is in receipt of a. printed circular sent out by State Engineer Lewis containing instruc tions and suggestions on how to proceed to appropriate water under the new law. Mr. Lewis says: "The old method of appropriating water by posting n notice on the .banks of a stream has been abol ished. The general public does not seem to be aware of this fact:" We quote from the circular as fol lows: "Any person, association or corpora tion hereafter intending to acquire the right to the beneficial use qf any water shall, before commencing the construc tion, enlargement or extension of auy ditch, canal or other distributing or con trolling works, or performing any work In connection with said construction, or proposed appropriation, make aa appli cation to the state engineer for a permit to make such appropriation. Any per son who shall willfully divert or use water to the detriment of others without compliance with law shall be deemed cuiltr of a misdemeanor. The possc- sion or use of water, except when a right of use is acquired in accordance with law, shall be prima facie evidence of the guilt of the person usiug it." Sec 45. i,u w 01 1909. "It shall be a misdemeanor to use. store, or divert nny water until after the issuance 01 permit to appropriate such water." Sec. 66, Law of 1909. ATTMCATIOKS. Applications should be made upon forms prescribed by the state eugineer. An application is not a permit to ap propriate water until after its approval by the state eugineer. Three different application forms -ire provided, one for original or new diver sions, another for the enlarscment or exteusious of existing works, and a third lor tne construction 01 reservoir and storage of unappropriated water. These can be secured without charge by ad dressing the Slate Kugineer, Salem, Or. Kach application should be forwarded to the state eugiuccr. accompanied by the necessary map and fee, htrict com pliance with the rule governing the submission of maps is important De fective applications will be returned for correction without loss of priority. Applications should not be made for more water than can be applied to a beneficial use. The commencement of work, the ram pletion of work, and the application ot water to the beneficial use must be ac complished within the time specified iu the permit. The priority of rights can l maintained only insofar as these re quirements are complied with. The state engineer should be notified Imme diately upon the completion of your ditch or other work. One cubic foot per second of water is, under ordinary conditions, sufficient to irrigate from So to too acre of land. One cubic foot per second flowing ij hours will cover one acre two feet deep, and flowing 110 days will equal ado acre feeU Thi amount of water applied on 80 acre will cover it to a depth of three feet. One cubic foot per second (abbreviated second-foot) of water falling 8.8 feet is equal to one theoretical horsepower, or ?uantity in second-feet multiplied by nil in feet divided by 8.8 equals theoret ical horsepower. Mammoth OooMtaerJea. L. D. Wiest brought some goose berries into this office last week which were mammoth berries. One of them, of an average sire, meas ured three inches in circumference around the small way, and 1 1 8 inches long. They are the Chau tauqua variety nnd ure noted for absence of spines and freedom from the teudeucy to mildew.