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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1909)
1 f. I EVENTS OF THE DAY Newsy Hems Galliercil from All Paris of tlio World. PREPARED IHR THE BUSY DEADER Lets Important but Not Loss Inter esting Happenings from Points Outtlda the Statn. Tim government li to Issua bond fur the itntlro coat uf tho Panama canal, A alight rnrthqunko was felt nt Bnn nt llnrbura, CbI Imt no damage dono. All American In sum ho recognized Leon Ling, murderer uf I'.Ulo Hlgtd, In London. A atrlkti limy bo declared by nil am ployrs of tlio American Hitn-ltlnj- & Rrllnlng company Mr. Eddy, founder nml leader of th Chrlalinn Sclencn iloonilntlon, haa Juat passed lir BHlh birthday. All tnlnera In England may go on a strike In upwrt of tlio Scotch miner whii lira lighting n reduction In wages. Eight nnnrchlata nrreatul nt Slock liolin on tlio chnrgo of having eon- aiilri'd to iiaalnata tho our of Hu nli, hnvu boon cxllinl. Tlio JnpunNin government Ins not yet decided whither or not Ambassador Taknhlra will ! cntulminl n ambas sador to th UnIM Ktatr. Tim Union Paslflc railroad has claim kI a !MH fuot Htrljt nf land thrill tlio town of llrighton, Col., which la now covered wlh store building. A son ha been born to tlio Prima do Sagau. Tim ahah nf Ferula haa fled to Huaala for protection. Over 14,000 ccoal minora nra on utrlkn nt Pittsburg, Kn. Hanover, Germany, kIIco Imvo started n war on long hatplna. Anarchy rule In Morocco nml Spain will send 8,000 moro troop In nn elfort to restore mbco. Tho Interstate Commcrcn cornmla Ion baa ruled that express rate In tho West are oxorhllant anil haa ordered sweeping reduction. Untca rnlni coma aoon farmer of tho Now England ntatrs will face ilia aster. There hna not been enough vntor for tho cropa and thoy art said to bo burning up. Immense quantltlca of naphnltum Imvo len found on tho Shoahonn In dian reservation In Colorado and n atnmHHln to atako out claims and lo ci) r a land I taking plnco. In tho hearing for th roloaio of Tlmw from tho Inaano ntylum on tho ground that ha la now nine, Mr a. Thaw testified that ho threatened to kill hr and fonra Inn deadly enmity. Kent In tho Kaat la again claiming children na It victim. A California couplo waa married In rtn nutomobllo in nn clfort to llnd noma novel way. The English houao of lorda dor not favor tho conscription plan of Increas ing tho army. Nationalists nro In full control of Teheran and Imvo aummonod tho Per alnn purlllmont, Following Hnoacvolt'a policy, Toft tin withdrawn n number of water altea on public domain in tho Weat, Socrotnry Halllnger denies that ho liaa qunrrulod with Socrotnry Wllaon nnd anya tholr relations nro tho boat. Tho commnndora of Adann are to ho court mnrtliilli-d for nllcged complicity In tho Armenian massneros of last April. Two trunk", anld to contain tho hooka of Ilolnio nnd tho United Coppor com pany, Imvo boon seized by government olllclula. A mnn hna been sentenced to aorvo seven ycura nt Hun Quontln for hla rnuny mnrrlagoi. Ho iidmita having been united to about 20 women during tho puat three years. Floods uround Kansas City hnvo do loyed mall. Tuft nnd congrcaa lenders Imvo ugrood to reduce tho corporation tax from 2 per cent to 1 par cunt. Trouhlo In Knnaua may tlo'up 118 con I mines, nnd throw 18,000 mou out A tornado near Danvlllo, III,, did conaldorablo damiigo to property, Persian robols hnvo entered Tehoran nnd there has boon much fighting In tho streets, An explosion on tho cruiser North Carolina killed Ensign Alkon and blinded another man. Castro haa ronouncod nil clnlma to tho prealdoncy ofVonozuolu, but wanta to return homo bo that ho may die on natlvo soil. OHINEbE PRETENDER KILLED Oovsrninent Troop Blop Advanco of Insurgent Army, Fokln, July Ifl. A romnrknhlo atory of the trnglc fnto of n youthful pre tender to tho Dragon throne nnd n Inrgn number of hla follower cornea through missionary channels from dis tant Yunnan province, Under the Influence of TaoUt priests, a pri)mroiia member of tho country gentry named Chu conceived tho con viction that ho lilmaelf wna ft descend lint of tlio Chua' Ming emperors, nnd hla aon, aged 12 years, the rightful occupant of the throne. lie rallied the clansmen and his neighbor ti tho number of upward of 2.0U0 men, variously armed with old guns, bows and spears. With tho pre tender nt their head, this Insurgent army marched uxm Yunnan I'u, tho provincial cupltal, preaching nn mill Mnnchu crusndo. Near Yunnan I'u n detachment of tho viceroy's modern troojta overtook, attacked and routed the Insurgents. Hovernl hundrisl of thorn nro reKrtd killid nnd wounded. All tho members of the Chu family were promptly slaughtered by tho viceroy's orders. The youthful claimant, whoao head waa ao lately adorned by tho halo of tho Hon of Heaven, was nfUr hla execu tion, being paraded through tho prov ince In a cage a an exhibit nnd warn ing to all questioners of authority In Mnnchu. TWC-SENT FAME COSTLY. Hoiidi Loto Hoavll Uecauio of Re duction In Charges. Chicago, July 13. Tho claim of Illi nois rnllroad that the 2-cent rate, while stimulating travel to it marked degree, had reduced tho revenues of roads from paascnuor trnlllc almost to tho ruination point, Is borne out by a comprehensive Investigation by tho Santa Fe rond. Tho Illinois railroad commission In sist tho law haa been beneficial to tho roads. The latter say they hnvo been compiled to employ much additional equipment and more help to handlo the Incrt-aaed travel, which did not, by n largo um, compensate them for tho extra expense. Tho tianta Fo worked under tho operation of a similar law In Kanias, whero n careful record was kept for tho first year. Tho Santa Fo carried C64.00U moro passenger thnn It did tho year prnvlously under tho 3-cent law. Meanwhile, revenue from pas senger trnlllc for tho samo period da creard $207,000. Hallway men any this doca not begin to tell tho real Ioh, which la to bo found in tho great expense for qulp ment and additional employes, tho re vision of achedulea nnd wear and tear of property duo to more constant uo. RIOTINQ IN BOLIVIA. Mobs at La Pat Engage In I'llbRlrR and Loollnp, l.n 1'hi, llollvln, July in. I.a Paz Is given over tonight to riot. Tho people awarmed Into tho streets and did much damage. Tho electric light wires were cut and pillaging waa bo gun on nil sides. Shots were hoard In every direction. Tho aituntlon for for eigners, especially Peruvian and Ar gentine residents, is extremely aerlout. The guard protecting tho Peruvian and Argentine legations wero auddenly withdrawn laat evening for some un known rcaaon. When this brenmn known, atreet mob renewed tholr nt tacks. Srtior Foiescn and hla wife had n narrow escape. Thoy made tholr way out of tho legation and ran eight blocks, finally seeking protection In tho homo uf tho president of llollvln. Manifestations have been numerous In public places, and at n meeting held Saturday n Hrtralt of Flgora Alcortn, president of Argentina, wus held down ward on u Kilo nnd stoned to pieces. It I reported hero that considerable excitement prevull nt Lima and Hue no Ayro. and the Argentine govern ment's silence in tho face of llollvian protests la regarded as ominous. Upper Air to U Studlod. San Francisco, July 13. A meteor ological nnd astronomlcul observatory nt nn nltitudo of about 14,000 feet is to bo erected on Mount Whitney by tho Smithsonian Institution. The work of preparing tho trail up the mountain over which tho material will bo trans ported by packmulea la already under wny. It I expected tho Mntlon, which will hu temporary, will bo completed liv Riititnmlinr 1. wlimt I'rnfi'imir W. V. Campbell nnd 1'rofeusor Abbott, of i uio i,icK ouservntory, will go to juouni Whitney to mako observations. Prop; Drifts Stop Trains. Utlcii, N. Y., July 1!!. A message from Gouvernour tonight Btntt-8 that in n Iwtnvv u'lnrl fitwl rain Htnrm Ilium thousands of smull frogs fell, covering the aldowulka to audi nn extent that I walking waa dllllcult. Tho roll of n railroad for half a inllo yoro covered and rendered so allpnery tho spoedof i tho trans waa materially lessoned, I Ij . proceedings of congress in brief Friday, July 10. Wnshlngton, July 10, Twenty-four hours would am the end of tho work of tho senate nnd house conferees on tho tariff bill and n substantial agreement Uon the question at Isauo but for tho flvo propoaltlona Iron ore, coal, hides, oil and lumber ujion which tho presi dent starrl firm for radical reductions or even abolition of tho tariff. The rates on silks and woolen goods were determined today. Tho senate won on both. On silks there will be n considerable advance ovor existing du ties nnd on woolens there is to bo no chnnge from the present Inw, except In regard to wool tops, which are to bo given a new classification. Tho duty on tops la prohibitive now, and It Is predicted that It will continue no, oven after tho reduction I put Into forco. Thursday, duly 16. Washington, July 1G. Questions on cotton goods and lead products woro taken up by tho tariff conferees today. Members of tho house conference committee declined U accopt tho sen ate amendments to the cotton schedule when that subject waa taken up. These amendment consist chiefly of changes from ad valorem to specific duties for the purpose of carrying out the orig inal Intent of tho Dlngley rates, which nenatt conferee! assert have been pulled down by the misinterpretation of the Ulngley law. Wednesday, duly 14. Washington, July 11. Itoporta that there was dissatisfaction In tho tariff conference with the corporntion tax amendment, nnd that It might bo drop ped out of tho bill reached tho earn of President Toft today. In consequence Senator Atdrlch and Representative Payne were called to the White House. Tho house provision allowing a draw back to tho amount of Internal revenuo tax paid on domestic alcohol used In artlclea such as perfumes nnd cosmetics manufactured for the foreign trade waa tentatively accepted. Tho real struggle ovor rates fixed by the houie and senate and which was to have benun today, was deferred be cause of the deslro to get reports on a number of subjects which wero referred, to aubconferces and committees for In vestigation. In order that no time should bo lost, It was doclded to take up at once tlio administrative section In tholr order. Whon ndlornment was taken at 0:30 o'clock tho senato maximum and min imum provis'on had been accepted ten tatively with the exception of tho pro vision for tho employment of tariff ex perts. Tho house conferees argued that tho ways and means committee nnd tho senate finance committee have the Investigation of tariff matter u tholr apecial province. Tuesday, July 13. Washington, July 13. An unexpect ed burst of speed waa cxhlbitod by tho tariff conferees tonight nnd tho first consideration of the bill was complet ed. When tomorrow'a session begins tlio strugglo over Important differences of the senate and house will open. Thus far nil questions Involving raw materials, which have been tho sub jects of heated disputes, have been tut ovor after brief discussions. The ses sion tonight adjourned at 0:45 o'clock In order that the conferees could get the benefit of a good night's rest nnd bo ready for tho big ba'.tlo at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. lly pasalng over tho cotton and wool en achedulea without taking up any of the amended puragrapha and skipping the disputed iolnta of tho lumber schedule, tho conferees were ablo to dlspoHo of about 400 sonata amend ments. Monday, July 12. Washington, July 12. Hy tho dccla ivo voto ot 317 to 14, moro than tho necessary two-thirds, tho houso today passed the senate joint resolution pro viding for tho submission of an incomo tax constitutional amendment to tho states. Tho negative votoi wero all cast by Republicans. Tho resolution now goes to tho president for his sig nature; Tho dobato lasted four hour. Chair man Pnyno, of the committee on ways and means, voiced the sentiment that such ft tax would make "a nation of liars." Tho burden of the Democratic speeches was Unit It was simply n cao of stealing Democratic thunder, al though somo of the remarks on that sldo incldontally touched upon tariff nnd the corporation tax, with no little amount of cnstlgntlon of tho ltopubll cans for falling to keep party pledges. Will Crulso Asia's Coast, Washington, July 12. Tentatlvo ar rangements have been mado by tho Nuvy department to havo tho first and second divisions ot tho Pacific ilvot crulso In Asiatic and Philippine waters during next autumn and winter, Henr Admiral Scbreo, commaiidor-In-chlef of tho Hoot, will arrango tho details, Tho vessels probably will leave the Pacific couBt luto in August and return to tho United States Into In March, CfMNE IS MINISTER. Prominent Chlcagosn Accepts Post at Chinese Capital, Wnahfngton, July 17. Charles It. Crane, of Chicago, vice president of tho Crane company, hna been chosen by President Taft to represent the United States as minister to China, succeeding W. W. Itockhlll, who waa taken from China to bo ambassador to Itussia. It Is understood that Mr. Crano has an nounced his willingness to accept, and that his appointment awaits the ex change of usual preliminary formali ties between the two countries. The Chlneso mission, under a policy with regard to Oriental affairs already Inaugurated by the present administra tion, will bo one of tho most Important posts In tho diplomatic service. Pros' Idcnt Toft has exoerienccxl much dlflU culty In finding the right man for the place. He believes he lias just the person in Mr. Crane, who not only stands high In the business world, but has made an exhaustive study of Inter national politics. GIVES STANDARD OIL LINE. Government Allows Pipe From Okla homa to Mlitlstlppl Rivtr. Washington, July 1(5. A right of way to tho Prairie Oil 4 Gas company, u subsidiary of the Standard Oil com pany, for tho construction nf an eight inch )lpo line for tho purposo of con ducting oil from a point In Tulsa county, Okla., In the Glenn pool field, through tho Creek, Cherokee and Choc taw nations In a southeasterly direc tion to tho Okalhoma-Arkanias atsto lino, a dlstanco of 101 miles, waa today approved by Acting Secretary of the Interior Pierce. Tho new pipe line will then extend onward to Baton Rogue, La. Tho now pipe lino Is tho outgrowth of Secretary llallinger's action In amending tho oil and gas regulations by striking out tho "common carriers" and "confiscatory" clauses; nono of tho companies being willing to extend their lines under tho old regulations. Taft and Diaz to Meet. Washington, July 1C Plans for the meeting ot Presidents Taft and Diaz were made today at a conference be tween Secretary of Stato Knox and Uw Mexican ambassador. According to tho plan outlined tho presidents will meet nt tho center of the bridgo over Uio Rio Grande, between El Paso, Texas, and Juarez, Mexico. The meet ing will take place about October 15. Snake Bridge In House BUI. Washington, July 17. Tho omnibus bridgo bill, Introduced In the house to day, authorizes tho construction of a bridgo over the Snake river at the town of Ontario, Or. Authority la granted tho county commissioners of Malheur county, tho chamber of com merce of the town of Ontario and tho county commissioner of Canyon coun ty, Idaho. Professor Newcomb Dies. Washington, July 13. Professor Simon Newcomb, the famous astronom er, deld at his homo In this city nt an e.rly hour this morning at the ago of 74. Probably tho most noted American astronomical mathematician since the days of lienjamin Franklin, Professor Newcomb was rocognlzed at the time of his death as one of tho world's great est Bclentists. Many Placos Want Taft. Washington, July 13. Since the an nouncement ot President Taft'a tenta tive itlnorary for his Western trip, the, White Houio has boon fairly floodod with telegrams and lotters rcquostlng that the tour be extended to Include various states and clttos that did not havo a place on tho presldcont's list. Loafing Causes Shake-Up. Washington, July 10. A "ahako-up" In the personnel of the Department of Commerce and Labor took placo today, when approximately 100 employes wero reduced and the resignations of about 10 others accepted. The reduc tions woro mado, It Is stated, because the employes loafed on the job. Yakima Land Again Opened. Wnshlngton, July 13. Tho Interior department has cancellod an order with drawing 250,000 acros of public land In connection with tho Yakima Irriga tion project In Washington, and tho samo becomes subject to settlement October 5 and to entry November 4, Wheat In Farmer' Hands. Washington, July 13. It Is estimat ed by the Deportment of Agriculture that on Juno 1, 1909, thero was In farmers' hands, 195,000 bushels of wheat In Oregon ; 215,000 bushels in Washington, and 130,000 bushels in Idaho; total 504,000 bushels. WILL DEPOSE 8HAH. Revolutionists In Persia Gaining on Government Forces. St. Petersburg, July 12. Tho Rus sian expedition from Baku which land ed at Enzoll, a Persian seaport on tho Caspian yesterday, la mado up of 1,000 Russian and 800 Cossack cavalry, with eight field guns and eight machine guns. Despite the correct attitude maintained by the Russisns, the natives are demonstrating their unfriendliness. Tho unopposed advanco of Siphldar, tho leader of the revolutionists, and Sardarasad, the chief of the Oakhtlarl tribesmen, towards Teheran, Is taken here to mean that General LlakholT, tho governor of Teheran, considers his forco inadequate to engago In a general attic, and that ho has decided to em ploy his Co-flack brigade merely as a guard over tho life of the shah. Persons well Informed here regard tho entrance of the revolutionists into Teheran as u foregone conclusion, while the deposition of tho shah, which sev eral times has Decn mooted, will now arouse no surprise. ESKIMO WILL SEEK POLE. Boy Brought Hore by Peary Will Try for Arctic Honors. New York, July 12. Separated from his native home for 13 years, Mono Wallace, an Eskimo boy brought to this country with five of his people by Commander Peary from the Polar regions, sailed today on the Red Crow Uno steamship Rosalind, for St. Johns, N. F., whenco ho will bo conveyed to his homo in Greenland. lieforo Mcno sailed, tho Arctic club extracted from him a written agree ment that ho would not again return to this country and that while in Green land he would not bears arms against tho Peary expedition. This was due, St is believed, to the fact that Mene, angered at the attitude of Peary and tho Arctic club in refusing to take him back to Greenland, once safe in his native home, might seek revenge for the treatment be received whilo in this country. Mene said he would organize an ex pedition of Eskimos to find the North pole. PRESENT WRITING TABOOED. Uniform Method to B Used In Phila delphia Schools. Philadelphia, July 12. Doth vertical and Spcnccrian handwriting have been tabooed In tho public schools of this city, and after this a uniform method of penmanship will be adopted Numerous complaints have been re ceived from business men who can't decipher tho writing of their clerks and applicants for jobs who have learned tholr peculiar style of chirography in the public schools. For some timo Superintendent Brum baugh has been at work on a plan to unify and Improvo the writing, and this plan was adopted at a meeting of tho elementary schools committee. A free, legible style of writing, slightly slanting to the right, will bo taught. Students, no matter how ad vanced they may think their flourishes, will havo to begin again with pot hooks and ciphers. According to the new code, writing will be taught like calisthenics or a manual exercise. The teacher will clap ber hands and count, nnd the en- tiro class will mako letters with hooks and tails and crosses simultaneously. The exercise is intended to'give a free mocnanicai movement to tho arm and Increaso tho speed. Earthquakes in France Marseilles, July 12. Earth shocks occurred last night throughout the same region which sutlered seismic disturb ances in June. The shocks lasted four or flvo seconds, and wero in a direction from cast to west. Tho Inhabitants of Rogues, Lamboseo and St. Cannat and other communes in the Aix district wero panic stricken and rushed from their dwellings. They are now camp ing in the open. At Marseilles the patients In La Conception hospital wore greatly alarmed , but they wero reassured by the surgeons. Teachers' Occupation Is Gone. San Juan, Porto Rico, July 12. The steamer Carolina has sailed from here for Now York, having on board all tho American school teachers who taught In Porto Ktco last year under contract. Tho fniluro of tho United States senate to pass tho Olmstead bill, which was designed to remedy the deadlock exist ing uotween tho executive council and tho house nf delegates, leaves tho is land without money to begin the fiscal year, since tho legislature has mado no appropriation. Troops Ruth to Morocco. MadridJuly 12. Tho First brigade I of Cazadors, composed of six battalions of infantry, threo batteries of artillery ' nnd a squadron of cavalry, as well as I tho cruiser Numacla nnd the transport I Admiral Lobo, have been ordered to Melilla, Morocco, where yesterday four Spanish workmen were killed by natives BIG STEAMERS MEET Dense Fog Is Blamed for Acci dent on Superior, FOURTEEN GO DOWN WITH BOAT Vessel Slnk"so Swiftly Members of Crew Have No Time to Don Life Preservers. SsultSte. Marie, Mich., July 13. Three minutes after the steel steamers) Isaac M. Scott and John B. Cowlo had collided in Lake Superior early today, about a mile and a half ofT Whiteflsh Point lighthouse, the Cowlo had gone to tho bottom in 50 fathoms of water, carrying with her 14 members of her crew. Tho Scott, although badly damaged about the bows, put back to this port, where she arrived this afternoon with part of the crew of the Cowle. A heavy fog was responsible for the col lision. The Scott, a new boat on her maiden trip to the head of the lakes, had just passed the light at Whitfish Point, and straightened out her course up the lake, when she suddenly saw the Cowle loom up through the fog, broadside on and only a few feet away. The Cowlo was down bound with 0,000 tons of iron in the bold. For 15 feet the bow of the Scott penetrated tho side of the Cowle. Ton of water rushed into the great opening and in three minutes the Cowle had settled. Immediately after the collision a line was thrown from the deck of the Scott to the forward deck of the Cowle, and three members ot the crew escaped to the deck of tho up bound boat by this means. The rest of the crew who were saved jumped from tho sinking steamer into the lake, mo without life preservers, and were picked up by the Scott. STORM ALONG MISSISSIPPI. Waves Wash Over Levees, Inundate Farms and Drive OfT Families. St, Louis, July 13. A cyclonic wind struck St. Louis and suburbs at noon today. Telegraph and telephone wires were blown down. In St Louis coasty trees were uprooted. Several persona were injured. The heaviest storm was at Altos, III., where the excursion steamer Alton was buffeted by the wind. Finding that bis boat could not make headway toward the regular wharf, the captain headed it across the river in an at tempt to effect a londlng on tho Mis souri side. The boat waa tosied back to midstream, which threw the passen gers into a panic The boat was jammed broadside Into tho pier of a drawbridge, where the wind held the vessel firmly until the passengers were taken off. Lashed by the wind, the wavea dashed over the levee protecting Ven ice, III., from the Mississippi river. Ten thousand acres of farm land wero inundated nnd 160 families were forced to flee for their lives. Tho wind attained a velocity of 36 miles an hour and telephone messages state that it was heavier north. TWO BANKS UNITE TODAY. Roberts to Be Head of Third Larg est In Chicago. Chicago, July 13. Under the terms of an agreement reached today by tha judicial committee representing tho two banks, tbo Commercial National bank, of Chicago, tomorrow will ab sorb the Bankers' National. George E. Roberts, president of the Commer cial National, will continue as presi dent of tho merged institutions, and Edward S. Lacey, president of the Bankers' National, will succeed Robert T. Lincoln as chairman of tho board of directors. The amalgamation will givo the Commercial National a banking power of approximately 183,000,000, putting it in third dace among tha Chicago National banks, the First National holding first place and the Continental second. Bolivia Asked to Explain. Buenos Ayres, July 13. The Argen tine government is in direct communi cation with the government of Bolivia through Senor tonsecn, tho Argentina minister at l.n Paz, who has presented to tho Bolivian government a demand for an explanation of tho attitude of the Bolivian minister here as well as for tho recont attacks on the Argentine legation nt La Paz. Senor Fonseca, has informed the Bolivian government that he will withdraw from La Paz it tho situation does not impruv. Put All Britons In Army. London, July 13. The nntlonal ser vice bill, which provides for tho com pulsory service in the territorial army of all roalo citizens between the sgas ot 18 and 30, was introduced in tha house of lords today by Lord Roberta, 1-.-1