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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1908)
k ' G ( FEELINGS ARE HURT IMiiainnns Anyry Willi Hooseve.t Uver Orilors (ilven, MARINES TO PROTECT SAILORS Usdf Republic Wat All Readf to Web coma Sailors When llopurt of yilRlM Camo. I'aiimiiin. Dee 13 -A rctuiil rcrlvrd lute today that llir President had or dered (lit; policing til Panama liy American iiiarlnck timlcr Unltcil uii niicir worn ins AnirriuHii ilur laud her during the vlll uf the I'jiltlc licet next week ruined iinicli -urprhc I .til Wcilnewlay prniulnrnt ellicn ( Panama mill the canal tunc had a meeting, "I which arrangement were made adequately In tclt-liratc the Heel .vim uml at which plain fur protecting the Milium were made liy ;i 'ptiial citmmlttcc On this commit Ire were appointed Governor Diar, Major Armenia, Chief of Police Pre trit mid uuny other prominent I'jiiii mmit who wic educated in the I lilted Stale President Olmlilla had made It known rliai it wan hi tleire thai I'an mum should avail itelf of thU nppor nuiity in drtunntiratr that ru friend IHi far the United Stale was Invert-. Irttt the alleged ordrri of Presl itrtit Kooevrll have dampened .ill the nlhiMiaui and the chance are that. H they are Hue, iiutrid of warm ho pilallty cold ronrtety will lie tendered the men of the licet ll i .ild thai exaggerated report have Ik-i-ii puhliihed in American h-ivpapr r regarding the death uf an Vtiirricau Miliir. who doting the lat li of Prrmlcnl Amador' admlnt (ration wa wounded in a free light in a rcirl and died of In wound I'reoidenl Ohaldia ordered a complete luvrMlgaiioii of the affair, mid four men arc mnv in prlMiu awaiting trial. ASK TON WATERWAY DOND8. Illvurs and Harbors Congress Votes for Fedoral Action on Projects, WasliliiKton, Dec IS Willi Krcat rnlliusUim the National Klvcrs and Harbors coiiKress at Its coiicliidiiiK session here jestenlay placed Itself on mord in favor ol the Issuance of gov sruiurut ImiiuIs for the iniirovement ! the ureal watcrwav (iroject ii- I he coiiurci iieclarcd (or an a ihoried issue by couitrcs at it ores cut session of mm worth of bund, the proceeds to be usnl in the payment exclusively for such river J and harbor work a may be author icd by congress, provision for the issue to be similar to that for the Panama canal bonds. committee presented to Vice President lairbunk and Speaker j ( iiiuoii the IhhuI resolution Mr I mrhink expressed a favorable onin urn of the proposition, but Mr Can lion merely assured the committer thai the resolution would be "referred for consideration Vice nrcsidcnlr oi the various stales were announced amoiiK them liriiiK California C It Orunsky. of San l-rancisco; liialio W. II Mcv burn, of Wallace: Molilalia JiiiIkc F I of Port llenlou, Nevada Francis O New lands; Orciion Jos roh W llennrll, of Marshncld; Wash iiiKlini V O Fowler, of Seallle. Ibwaii ) K Kalauianaolc, of Hon sdulu. DENIES PANAMA CUT nUMOR. -Cotonid Ooetbala Qlvea Reasons for Rnfusnf( to Widen Culabra. Panama Dec 1- It was rumored in this city yesterday that Colonel Corthnls. clisiruiau of the Panama Canal commission, bad nivcii orders that the Culchra cut be widened, but I the Colonel today denied this report NIC lM P WM '! in tiresrnt angle the canal could never be brought down lo the 40-foot level above the sea necessary for a width of 8J feet To widen the cut would mean the excavation of M.ono mil) more cubic yard It was also dc clsrcd that ilccp crevasses had made thrir appearance on iiold Mill inik.iur of vessels through the narrow part of the cut, and for no other rea son " , , A snnn s ibe dry season sets in it Is proposed to push the work of re locating the present Trans-Isthmian Over U.ono men will be em ployed In Ibis undertaking. Medical Men Qva Approval. Washington, Dec. lii-Prcsidcnt Roosevelt's recommendation in his message to congress that there be a redistribution of certain government denartment bureaus for the purpose of unifying the national health adminis tration has been nnproved bv the American Medical assoclat on, through Its committee on legislation now In session here The committee declared in its resolution that peremp tory enactment Into law is demanded liv the interests of the people, nearly n (iitartcr of a million of whom are perishing yearly from diseases, r iihi,ii.i (;iint:ii i lien oiiesiioneii .."'..". "", i . i.-'."... a better view ol the proceedings. r-nlirilv ulilioil f Ulilllt Olt T,,C ,rla1' Wl,ich hid ,,CC" '" I"0' entirely wiitioui louuuaiinu. ,.. a... ...,,i..i .iiii. inmrii ni "If .e Cnlebr.1 cut I widened, the . ty.. '' l,rp"! "S Co ime sad. "I w be lo facilitate :"" , " .""."""" ""."-"; QOVLRNOR8 OO.OPEHATE. Morn limn 30 Adroit to A.d In Pro anrvln; Nation's Resources, WaililiiKliiii, Dec. II Prophetic of far-reaching results growing out of the Joint comet vniluii conference li n frport drafted yesterday by more than .'ID L'DVrrilliri BOOmillli, t ! f.rlllnl.itn of co-operation In the conservation of the coiiulry'i natural rciourcci mid emphasizing the Importuucc of audi 10-opcratlou to the cud that prosper ny and perpetuity of the nation nuy lie assured. I he conference a iprovcd the ill-' Washington, Dec II The flrM nc po4i of mineral rights hy Ictuc only (Ion taken by the limine of represcn and the diiponal of timher rights only talivr today w the adoption of the under condition untiring proper cut resolution Introduced by Represents nun .inn nigging, senator Reed Siuoot, of Utah, clnir man of the cclion of forests, iillimlt led the inventory of forrnl at vn "") rioii ronovviiig are some of the Item Our forests now cover acre, or about one-fourth of the United Slate The original forests! envrred not let than H5(),(mO,ODO acres, or nearly one-ball Forests publicly owned cover one fourth of the total forest area, and contain ouc-fiflh of all timber stand ititf Forests nrlvatcly owned cover three four I li of the area and contain four fifths of the staudiuK timber I lie timber privately owned I not only four times that publicly owned, subject of much comment and the but it is generally more valuable. (members of ihc appropriation com- Forestry is now practiced on 70 per ,,H',,t'' coiiKratulatcil themselves I'hc cent of the forest publicly owned and ll carric an appropriation of $l, on les than t per cent of the forest aa-V'-V' lirlvately owned, or inly IX perl Hcprcenlalivr llawley of OrcK'u cent of the total forest area The vearly urowili of wmh in our fnresls dors not averaue more than is ciiiuc iret per acre i m kivcs a total yearly Ktowth of let than 7,000, Oflfl.OfKI cubic feet We take yearly, itsrlmliiiK waste in loKk'iiiK and in inanufaciure, as.OOO, iimmhhi cubic fret of wood from our fncsts. OPPOSES WATERWAYS DONDS. Cannon Tells Commission Ma Will Vote Against It. WashluKtou, Dec ! I. Speaker Can lion yesterday made known bit un alterable opposition to the principle of financing waterway improvement! by the issuance of Koveriimeiit bonds. This was in an address to the rivers and harbors concrcs. He dcclsrcd that, "if perchance it were possible the rivers and harbors committee should report a bill to con Kress providing that there should be all Issue for Ihr next ten vears to mei .the proposed improvement bonds in the amount of II, I would not vote lor it ' Mr Cannon's attitude is at variance with that held by Vice-President Pair banks, Andrew' Carnenie and other a exprctscd before the congress ye icriuy "Sow, nobody wants the fedenl rnnuresi in the next (n days to com mit itself to an exnemlitiirr of f&l).- 000,000,000 for waterways and to is sue honiM, satii Mr Cannon "II ft is necessary In issue bonds, I stand ready to issue bonds Hut expendi tures must be safe and sane" The speaker declared however, that he would vote for appropriations re ported by the rivers and harbor coiu- Jmittrc under the leadership of Kep .rctcutaiivc llurton. who. he said, hm none more (or waterways Improve ment than any other man in congress James W Van Clcve, president of the National Association of Mauufac Hirers, told of the manufacturers' in terests in waterways improvement. RUEF IS QUILTY. arafl Trial Ended After Over One. Hundred Days. San Hucf, I'r'Oli-i ti-i T) If A l.-il,-i ", . a iii . r It., 4 1 t C former political boss of San Francisco, was convicted yesterday of bribery The verdict was returned ..i ii' exactly upon the stroke of 4 o'clock, wlicn the deliberations of the jury ,y )m, ,ir00nKfl throughout period of 21 hours. The warnings of nidge William r i.awior and tlie ila nee of the notice checked all at tempted demonstrations, although the excitement in the courtroom was so intense that men were thrust down into their scats or seized in the grasp 'of detectives as they arose In obtain un Carpenter's hall. The hopes of Kuef and his attorneys had risen with every hour of the delay, and the adherents of the prosecution were proportion ately discouraged, Hy previous agreement of counsel that the bill of exceptions should be King Leopold's Anniversary. IUussels. Dec. 11 Kim? Lconold II vesterdav comnlcted the forty-third I vear of his reign as ruler of the glans, His majesty will be 74 years old in April. In point of service he is the oldest of the European tuonarchs, with the execution of rmneror Fran cis Joseph of Austria and King George of Greece. w I not it sun iron I c c uaiuocr oi sett cd later, the comt set next bat-i"'"."""? , ".' V i n . i ..,.,,;. iir.lsv December 12 as the day for vice "V all able-bodied American ronounclnJ Kidumc'nt Rucf's con- citizens. The bill was prepared by the leuiiaiy, NEWS FROM THE i'i nrr-T- Friday, Dacemlmr II, Washington, Dec II -The senate of the WW ',v,"1 ",c "l"'rl (iitnplrollcr of the currency. Senator I.oiIkc announced' lliat lie would ill niii the Brownsville cane next Wed nesday An adjournment wai taken until Monday, when the pontnl sv- in... i....t i. ;fi i. .1 HicumciI live rerkma ot New York providing for the appointment of a committee of five to consider what action ihotilil be taken liv llir limur with reference to inm pari oi me prckiurui a men ge which intimate that member of roiiKre may need watching by the secret service. The legislative, executive and Judi- cial appropriation bill, which uiually excite coiliidcrable disciiMion, lastltiK for several diys was passed with lit tle debate ami practically in the shape it came from tlie committee. An un usual feature was that no member asked for tune to iudulKc in Kcurral talk The facility with which the bill of in' phkcs was put throuuh was the itntlav iiitriHinccd a lull cxlcmliiiK t lie operation of the pension laws in favor of the officers am! soldiers of the llaunock Indian war in Oreunu and Washington in h7H and IhTW Thursday, December 10. WashittKton. Dec It) CoiiKress, which feels thai it has been insulted ami iHitrKed by President Roosevelt, is preparing to vindicate it honor by ceusurinK the president or saying m his annual message thai the member voted to prevent the usual detail of secret service men because they dread ed anything like investigation ol them selves Itnth branches of congress arc up in arms, and the leaders arc hav ing difficulty in restraining the angry hotheads from making some petulant break Senators propose that by resolution the objcctionilde. statement of the uresidenl shall be expunged from the record This would be an extraordi nary proceeding, but senators think it is justified by the character of the imputation carried by the president's word There may be some discus sion of the resolution, and in that case it is expected the president will come in for a sound rhetorical cast! gallon In the house it is proposed lo have a special committee appointed by the speaker to consider the alleged affront offrrel bv the president and to pre pare a suitable resolution covering the case Of this committee it is under stood that Chairman Tawuey of the appropriation committee, will lie tlie chairman, and this is fitting, because it was Mr lawuey who nut through the offensive provision last session which restricted the tircsidcut's free dom of control of secret service of- fivcrs and brought forth the so-called insult to congress. Wednesday, December 0 Washington. Dec 0 For nearly five hours the house today considered the b II providing for the taking of the l.ltli ami subsequent cen suses ami passed it without material change From the very outset ll be came evident that progress toward passage would be impeded by numer ous amendments and arguments Prolonged and heated discussion was iirccuniatcd by an amendment by (illicit, of Massachusetts, who sought to have the temporary census force i.i ... ,, I. .11 ...1,1. ,. .,. JlUIIHIIKlll 114 1IIV Itlll, 441111 III! IftVIl- ,. of 3 r-Jminor nositiiftis. annoint- ed upon the basis of competitive in " .. . . , ; :.... .. '. v.s' !.: stead ol lion competitive examina tions Representative Knglcliright of Cali fornia has introduced In the house a hill aiinrnnristinir tl.037.400 for the improvement of the entrance to IIuiii- vig-.boldt harbor at Hurcka. Cal Representative Smith of California has introduced a bill to appropriate $:jo,S30 for the improvement of the harbor of San Diego A bill providing for the establish ment of a tariff commission of seven members to fix the rate of duty on all import was introduced in the bouse today by Representative Fowler of New Jersey. Washington, Dec. 0. Senator Car ter today introduced a bill to create the office of itjine. inspector for Alaska. He says rconrts are that the slaughter of miners 'lias become so heavy as to need federal regulation. Senator ittuom lias introduced a uiu president said, it would be as easy to raise no army of 2,000,000 men as it would be now to get 30,000 into the field 1 he president today scut the fol- Hcl-ilnwins nominations to the senate: Vice governor of the Philippines, V Cameron Forbes of Massachus- etts. Members of the Philippine commis- sion, Newton Gilbert of Indiana and Rafael Palma of the Philippines, I nvxitillilii f r1i jus-tsiitiislcftrv). til 1 1 1 1 tV NATIONAL CAPITAL Tuesday, Uncombir 0, Waililwtton, Dec B CotiKrcs to- nay iieini the last annual messaite of President Itooicvcll, hut paid little attention to the rcadin, which most of them followed merely by rending the printed copies Washington Dee. 8 lilllt hai-p uecn iniroouccu in me nousc oi rep .. -- - - -w rcsentativns providing separate state hood for the territories of New Mex ico mid Arizona. Washington, Dec. 8 t- President Roosevelt today acnt to the sen ate the following nominations for confirmation- I.tike Wright, secre tary of war, Truman II Newberry, secretary of the navy. Herbert L Salterlcc, assistant secretary of the uavi, Daniel J Kccfe. commissioner general of immigration; Kiifus II Thayer, judge of the United States district court of China; Wade Hlbs, assistant attorney general. The president also sent to the sen ate several hundred nominations of postmasters and other officials who have been appointed during the con gressional recess, and whose name have already been announced. Among the postmasters named t.s day arc the following: John C. Young. Portland: I, II Rutherford, Rainier; J K Logan, Hums: Hen Weather. F.ntcrprisc, George F. Rus sell, Seattle QREAT JUNK SHOP. Government Hat 0,784 Packages In Dead Letter Office. Washington, Dec 10 The dead letter office of the iostofficc depart ment is preparing for the annual sale of dead letter packigcs, which will be held at a local auction bouse begin ning December 11 and lasting until the whole of the 8784 packages adver tised in the annual catalogue arc dis posed of There are a larger number of pack ages advertised for sale this year than ever before, and night sessions are to be held in order to dispose of the stuff before Christmas There arc 7102 packages in the "miscellaneous" schedule nf tin- nm. loguc, which was issued today. These packages represent articles from every walk of life. Itvcry imaginable article from aprons, bicycle pumps, clothing, dresses, fans, girls' hats, hardware, knives and phonograph records, to saws, razors, hypodermic syringes, neckties, typewriters and waicurs, is contained in tlicsc pack age One packagi contains shirt waists, Minors. a metal tray, a magic lan tern and some collars Another contains some ilain.ifr,l barber shears, a cheap watch, some damaged razors, playing cards and dice One prize package contains 1000 stogies, and it is stated that Unci. Joe Cannon will be offered the first chance at this. The automobilist is more fu evi dence this year than every before Several score packages are made up of stiark plugs automobile watches and patent tire inflatcrs. There are 402 articles of jewelry. F.vrrylhiug from silver snuff boxes and eignettc cases lo gold rosaries is represented. ' There are 1130 packages of books, and thee represent about 13 ooo vol umes, written in every tongue of the earth The Holy Iliblc and "Three Weeks' appear together, and books of "How to Make Money lusily" are .. .-.I ..i.i. i i- i KI'"flM MOII llflV7V47l UflOKS .11111 l.llicrt Hubbard s works Some of president's books on animals arc list ed alongside of Jack London and Frnest Thompson - Scion's stones, which were characterized by Roose velt as "nature fakers " Chinese, Choctaw, Danish, Dutoh, Finnish. French, German, Greek, He hrcw, Hungarian Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Prussian, Sla vonic, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Welsh are some of the foreign tongues represented in the book cata logue Last year's sale netted the postof ficc department about $10,000, and it is thought more will be realized this year Iwcrylhing sold is bunched to gether and wrapped up, and although all the articles are described in the catalogue, as many "lemons" as "prize packages" arc drawn by the bidders who attend the sales, A "gentleman's watch" may mean an Ivlgin or a Waterbury. Wilfley Resigns Judgeship. Washington. Dec. II The rcsicna- tlou of Lacbbcus U Wilflcv of Mis souri, judge of the United States dis trict court for China, has been ac cepted by President Roosevelt. The present ha appointed Judge Rufus l l'b.i)cr of this city as Wilflcy's mic ccssor Buys Panama Transports. Washington, Dec. 8. Secretary of War Wright today concluded the pur chase of tho ships 8hawmut and Tre mont, belonging to tho lloston Towboat & Transportation company. Tho vos sola nro now at Scattlo, and will be used na transports in tho Panama oanal service. Nelll to Be Reappointed. Washington, Dec. 0. President Roosevelt has informed Labor Com- missioner Neill that he will reappoint "him, WILL REFUSE LANDING. President Cattro Will Do Atked to Apologlzo First. Pari, Uec. 8 If Prciidcnt Cnntro, ut Venezuela, cornea to Ilordaux, he will no J be allowed to set foot on Pruned noil until after ho hn offered a formal apology tor tho fashion In , which ho hos flaunted Prance. This decision wna mndo by the cabinet, but was kept n secret, as it was expected that Castro would disembark at Han 'tnn.Inr. Hnnln. lint .l.miM l, nrrlva t -- --, , . .---... ..w ......v wv Hordeaux, and hi Illness not be serious, permission to land will lie mads eon dltlonal upon tho dispatch of an official telegram of apology to tho Prcneb gov ernment and tho dispatch of tele graphic Instructions to Caracas for the linmcdiatn elocution of ttio arbitral nwnrd in the matter of tbo French claims. Dr. Domingo Cnfftllln, the Venezuelan consul general at Hamburg, nnd I). K ealante, consul general at Liverpool, i "ed tnrougti i'ans today on tne way lo Hantmuler, presumably to meet Presi dent Castro. DEPOSITS TOO LARGE. Remarkable Conditions Existing; With Canadian Banks, Ottawa, Ont., Bee. & A very re markable condition of affair is dis closed by the Canadian government's bank statement for October, just Issued. It is shown that tho people of this country are raving money at a ery much faster rate than the banks and business men of tho dominion can dis pose of in profitable investments. The result of this condition of things I that dciosits In Canada increased luring October to tho extent of (11,--102,870, while the business of tbo coun try absorbed br way of current and cull loam only 3,332,014 moro than during the previous month. When it is remembered that the crop movement began rry early this year, and that funncm were paid for their wheat and other products promptly, it will be understood that several million ollars of the increaso for tho month in deposits may bo duo to tho plentiful nrss of money in the rural districts of tho dominion. Whatever the cause, however, bank ers of Canada are confronted with the fart that they have to earn interest oa 'flrt.000.000 of capital and 107.000.000 of deposits. BRITISH GiVE PROTECTION. American Gunboats Leave During In surrection in China. Pekln, Dee. 8. Reports have been re ceived .hern that tbo Americans in the Yangtse Kiang territory are indignant on account of the withdrawal of the American gunboats, which went to Ma nila with tho Pacific fleet for target practice, leaving no protection for Americana during the recent insurrec tion at Nanking. Heeauso of this the American consul general at Hankow, Ilium Martin, was compelled to ask the Itritish representative to look after American interests at Nanking. I)Mft(lA.t runArl. nf tlij. ,vAl.iltAn..M conditions which prevailed show that nau ine rrueis puccceueu in taxing I Vnnking, an insurrection would have broken out in at least three or four plnrcs, which would have put tbo Amer ican residents in great danger. Washes Out Five Blocks. Pine Bluff. Ark., Dec. 8. The gov- eminent dike, upon which the resi dents of the eastern portion of this city depend for flood protection, gave way late yesterday, and last night the Arkansas river was fast eating its way toward the mouth of Ilardine's I.- i.: i. .1. -i... ?? inon, miii. ii crosses uic city rive dwellings and the warehouse of the Arkansas. Packet company were swept away, yesterday, and tlfe greater por tion of the Cady hardwood mill was destroyed Barroquct street for five blocks has been completely destroyed Fleet Passes Singapore. Singapore, Dec. 8 The United States Atlantic battleship fleet, under Rear Admiral Spcrry, passes! through the hnrbor hero today. Tho stately pro cession impressed 4oth the experts and tho many other spectators. Tho scout cruifcr Yankton kept in constant com munication with tho fleet during its passage, but otherwise tho battleships did not comtnuntcato with tho shore. The flagship Connecticut saluted the port, and the salute was returned. Many launches nnd small vessels filled with spectator went out to meet the Ameri can ships. Flood Threatens Town. Pino Bluff, Ark., Dee. 8. A con. tinned rainfall and tho consoqueut soft ening of tits) already crumbling banks hns renewed apprehension that It is not Improbablo that considerable additional property loss may occur, notwithstand ing tho rapid recession of the Arkansas river, which at nightfall had fallen a foot. The embankment protecting the wholesale district and county court house aro impaired to such an extent that it Is fearod thoy will give away. Electrocution on Trial, Tronton, N. J., Dec. 8. County Physician Frank O. Seammell an nounced today that ho would try to resuscltato the next man electrocuted In the New Jersey state prison. Ho wilt do ibis in an effort to disprove! tho claim of physicians that eleetrocu- tlon does not kill. jonn Aiantazanna is under sentence to be electrocuted (during the week of December 21. CONGRESSCONVENES Adjourn Soon Out of Respect for Deceased Members. HUNDREDS OF VISITORS PRESENT Practlcalf)No Business Transacted at Opening of Second Session of Sixtieth Congress. Washington, Dec. 8. After being in session an hour, half of the time being consumed by a roll call, the house of representatives, which met at noon yesterday for the second ses sion of the COth congress, adjourned out of respect to the memory of sev eral of its own members and of Sen ator Allison, all of whom died during the recess. For an hour or more pre ceding the format calling of the body to order, the galleries were packed to their fullest capacity. Many hun dreds sat in the aisles, while long lines patiently waited outside the gal lery doors, hoping to find an oppor tunity to get inside. On the floor the members mingled with each other and extended hearty greetings. Speaker Cannon. Repre sentative Sherman, of New York, the vice president-elect, and Champ Clark, of Missouri, the successor of John Sharp Williams, minority leader, re ccivcu ovations. The most important action of the house was the passage by unanimous consent of a resolution authorizing the committee on ways and means in its tariff hearings to subpena wit nesses and to call for books and pa pers. A number of bills of public in terest were introduced. Washington, Dec. 8. There was a pall of sadness over the senate when it convened for the second session of the COth congress, which was due to the absence of the late Senator Wil liam U Allison, of Iowa, who died last August, after a service of more than 35 years in that body. The assemblage was a brilliant one. Eighty-two of the members were pres ent, and the galleries were filled with representatives of the official and so cial life of the capital. Besides the wives and daughters of senators, who formed a large company in the pri vate gallery, James Bryce. the British ambassador to the United States; Tong Shoa Yi, special envoy of the Chinese empire; Prince Tsai Fu and others of his suite occupied seats in the reservation set aside for the diplo matic corps. The procedure in the opening of the new session was sim ple and dignified, following a long established precedent. senator Dolliver announced the dea,h of ,,he Ie Senator Allison, of -----. ..-..-... v,.. v..... ..... profound sorrow of the senate over his bereavement were adopted. As a further mark of respect to his memory the senate, after a session lasting but 15 minutes, adjourned for the day. PORTLAND BANK ROBBED. Three Men Hold Up President and Secure SI 7,000. Portland, Dec. 8. Three unmasked men held up and robbed the East Side bank, southeast corner of Grand ave nue and East Washington street, at 5:45 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Seventeen thousand dollars in gold, silver and currency was the plunder claimed by the robbers. This they gathered in two big sacks and ran out of the bank, turning eastward and staggering under the weight of the loot. H. II Ncwhall, president of the bank, and Roger Ncwhall, his son, fired six shots after them, but with out effect. Up to a late hour the small army of detectives, deputy sher iffs and secret service agents at work on the case had no definite clew, al though many theories were being worked out and many rumors run down. Just two minutes were required to complete a robbery that has few precedents for desperation and dar ing. Entering the bank, in the heart of the East Side business district, at an hour when hundreds of people pere on the streets, the leader and most determined of the three men. at pistol's point forced Mr Ncwhall and his son, who is the cashier, to retire, their hands up, into Mr. Ncwhall's private office. This done two men who were waiting outside Jumped in side the swinging door, and while one stood with a cocked revolver watch ing the entrance, the other held sacks into which the leader dumped tlM money from the counter and cash tills. They left $300 in silver half dollars, and did not go into the vault, which was open, evidently realizing that they had all they could carry away. Six Jurors Are Secured. San Francisco, Dec. 8. Six jurors were secured yesterday in the trial of , I. N, Chang, tne Corean charged with the murder of Durham Whit fitrv. ens. the American adviser to the Corean emperor, who was killed oa March 33 last at the entrance to th Ferry building,