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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1908)
EVENTS OF THE DAY Newsy lliuis Gathered from All Farts o( tlio World. PREPARED FOR THE BUSY READER ton Important but Not Lou lnlei estlng. Happenings from Point Outside, Ilia Stata. A H cxplooii at Kedillngr CI . Injured four person ami canted an oaitlnjiinkc panic. Ktttsla will make mi attempt lo e curt riRhtH tn make and use tin Wriilil aernpUue. Railroad are nrepariilg to llbti t ill c telephone for telegraph in the tlisatchlng of train. Lo Altttrle hiisinc turn have pr tltloned the president to keep the lwlllchli fleet in tlir Pacific. The inquest nil ll.ia failed In o)ve the mystery of how lit not the revol ver itli which he hoi himself Or mi ii staletmrn are trying to calm llir agilalion again! the kaUcr Von Hut-low it aiixiou l trtlrc The official rriurn. have Jhi hern compiled In MlMirl mi the nrril tlential vole Tail received Sin.ttli ami Hryan SIS. sty Judgment ha jut been given rail road again! Cook county. IIKimm. fur JliMi.(HH) damage caused by the Hike rioU o( I "til. The Iowa supreme court hat jutt decided that Ihr football car end with ThanktrtithiK A trainer wa atilng for salary a broken contract. 1'aciNc eoat hopmcu want hlithcr tarlll oh liojm. 1 C i k I i Vt financier are aiuloii lo Ht Philippine railway ImmmU. Germany douhu the kaier' tlnccr ily' and thr agitation to restrict hit tower rttHtlnuet. The 11 rdlct of the dowager cm ttre uf China wa an order fur re form to continue Admiral I'.van ha heeonic pre! dent of a new tcamhlt company with itt Imiiiic office in l.o AiikcIc Governor-elect Shallenherger of Nebratka tutlaincd a lirokrn ankle white being initialed Into llic Shrincr Coeducation ha been condemned at Ihe university of Glasgow There i too much flirting. ay the college of ficer. Thrrc I a bitter feud nil In Sail Francisco between the police depart inenl and ahrrili's office over the ui oide of llaa. Warlike Moro are galhcrlng for an attack on peaceful native Five coin panic of infantry have been cnt to disperse them. A Ruef bribery witnr eomuiitled uiciilr while on hi way from France to QurenMown. lie bad been in liu rope lo etcape arrctt. Peter u Vliitlngon, the Chicago real rttatc man who confessed lo fnrgcrie. gsil away with more than tU.oeo.ouo, according to Invcttigators. Taft will form an entirely new cab inet. Prince and Prince dc Sagan deny I hey Intend to separate Two men lost their live In Kanta City by a gas explosion. Ilryan ay he will rim nKaln In 1VIX if clrciiMsUticea require. Roosevelt gave a dinner to labor leader, judge and government of ficial. Ileney I Improving o rapidly that he expect to be back at work in a few week, The new dowager emprc of China has been forced by threats to submit lo Ihe rcKcnt. Clan A. Spreckle advocated free MtKr before the house committee on rciiou of the tariff Street car robber got $3 and two watches from Portland car man o uy for their latctt act. Tlio famous old Lookout inn. on the crest of Lookout mountain. 1 en uostcr, ha been destroyed by fire. A government warehouse at New York caught fire and fully worth of trills, blankets and other kiippllca were destroyed. A groat crowd gathered at the New York courtroom to sec John 1). Rockefeller, hut hi testimony on the Standard Oil diMoliitiou case will not be wauled for several day. Two men hchPup a Portland street car crew and secured $12. Austria i strengthening her fron tier to Kiisird agnlnst Scrvla. Japan seek a new agreement with the United States about China. Pope Pin has Jut celebrated the Mitli anniversary of his ordination as a priest. A ring from the Duke d'Abruzzl for MU Klklns has been seized for duty It Is valued at Secretary Wright hni appeared be fore the house committee in favor of free sugar from the Philippines. RACE IIIOT IN OKLAHOMA. Eight Perton Am Klllnd and Ten Other Injurnd, OkiimlKcc. Okla. Nov 17 Kindt person were killed mill leu other in jturd yestvnlay afternoon in a fight between Jim Dcckard, a m-giu dctpcr ado, und local officers. 'I he dltlnrhaiicc hcKan at the St Loin St San Praiicitco railroad nation, where Jim Drckard uiK"Krd in a fiulil with an Indian Ixiy. Steve (iravtou, and Ik-mi him into intrutiliilitv with a rock. Krirnd of lira) mill notified the Hihre, hihI ulim Polntiuan Kl.tlirr unit to llit- mhIioii, Dcckard fled lo hi house near by, Imrrlc.iilrd huiiM-lf in and when Kinder approached, Dnkard allot and killed him Sheriff UoIfiiikmi nallif rcil a mt in a few liiiiiule and hurtled to the scene I 'an of tin m) was umdr up of a Kninp of iirKroe, wliom the ihcriff ionilniliined a tlrpiitir A Ihr Mie approNchtd the house Dfekard ntHMird fire with a rifle, finnu a rapidly a he could load hi wcmui Sheriff KohiiiMiti fell firl, initauily killed. Drckard' home wa tirroiinleil by a fieuied mob of armed men. I'irc un tri to a liotitc )iil north of Deck atd't, dlr were Mtired into Deck atd'i hoiite, .nid he wat shot down He wat teen to roll over oil the floor, strike a match and set fire lo his own Ihhuc. which wa on roaring furious ly III body wa crtni.ilcil Deckaid evidently had a larKe rpmn tity of ammunition ttortd in hit hotitc, for iiMiiy tiutridite rxphxled while the hoiite wat lairniiiK. EMPHESS DOWA3tll DEAD. Tliroe-YeAr-Old Pu Yl Put on Throne of Chlnoto Empire, IVkln. Nov t7 Tre list An, Ihe dowager ciiipfes of China, autocratic head of the Kovrriimenl. which the had directed without toccet.ful inlerfeience tince ("At. and without prolett siiKe I km I. dk-d at t o'clock Sunday after iHHin. The anmHinceineiil of the tlowaRer empte' death wat official, and fid lowed cIom-Iv iixii tlte aniiouncemrut that KwaiiK lltu, the fiii-ror, had died Saturday at o'clock in Ihe aflerntMHi Ihu it i heheel ihe tleaih occurred a conidcrahlc lime before that set down in (he official ttNtciucnt An edkt iue at h o'clock Suiulay inorninK placed titm the throne Prince Pit Yi, llic S-year-oh ton of Phincc Chun, the rrucnt of the empire, m ac cordance Willi a promise given by the towagcr empre mhhi after the mar riage of Prince Chun in IWtt An edict itMicd 1'riday made Prince Pu Yi heir prciuuiptivc. The furelgn legation were notified by the foreign lard of the death of the emperor, ami the ucceiuu of Prince Pu S'l Troop have leen in reatlinet fur several tlays to itiell auy ditorder thai iiukIii aritc on the death of Kwang lltu The Htilnhiy of up rituig wa made greater hccaiiHr of the fact tint the death of the dowager cm press wat known to he cknc at hand Two divitHiii of troon have been held in reserve, ami ihcte arc now stationed in varum quarter of the city Twenty gendarmes were diatched lo guard the legation, hut up to ihe pretent the tlutict of the forces have been slight. DIES OEFOUE TELLINQ MUCH. Assassin Haas Is Believed lo Have Olven Little Information. San Kraticitco, Nov. 17 From the betl information obtainable it it be lieved that Detective Hums secured Mime sort of a rambling statement from Haas in the effect that he had been ap proached by persons who attempted to increate hit retentment toward Henry by making remarks such as "I would not stand such treatment," etc. It i also rumored that Detective Hum i shortly to make public ihe statements which llaa made to him during the day of sweating to which Haas wa uhjt-ctcd just before he took hit own life. Jut what these ditclot ure will he and whether or not they will implicate anylnxlv in a conspiracy cannot now- be learned from the prosc enium. It is true, however, that Detective Hums, at the tune he was nuking an examination of the Imdy of the dead man at the county jail, was heard to make remark which indicated that hi chain of evidence secured from llaa' statements was not nearly as conclusive a he had hoped, and that for that rea son he deplored the act which made it impossible lo secure any further state ments, Round-Up of Olson Falls. Missoula, Mont., Nov. 17. The stren uous work of the past two month on the Pl.ithead reservation in rounding up and corralling the UAO hitoii of the Pablo herd, purchased by the Canadian government, h.i come to naught, and their will he no shipment of the ani mals to Canada this year. Despite all the precautions that had been taken to iiiture the success of the drive, the en closure into which the buffalo had been driven preparatory to loading them into cars at Kavolli proved insecure and the herd i now roaming at will on the res ervation. After Oil KlnR. New York, Nov 10, John D. Rocke feller will be subpoenaed to appear as a w lines in the United States court here In the federal suit to dissolve the Standard Oil company of New Jersey, United States Marshal Hcnklc was given a suhnnena todav and ordered to serve lit on the oil king, It Is reported that Rockefeller will be a willing witness. NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL QOES TO HIGHEST COURT, Oil Octopus Is Not Yet Shed of It $70,000,000 Cast). Washington, Nov ! Inlli.wiiig tin- renin .-utiiiii of the uroii! court ol appeals III C.lia.igo ill refusing the United Slates government a rehear ing in the .Standard (Jil ease, nude (.mums by it fStU.iXMi.OiM) flue, the de ptrliiieii! of justice decided tonight to take the case lo the supreme court d llir United Stale '1 he decision wa reached after an all-day confer tine between Attorney General Hon aparte und government attorney who have been engaged ill the case Application will be made to Ihe sti preine court, when II reconvene No vnnlier no, for a writ of certiorari, to bring up and review- the action of the circuit court of appeal III a ttstr incut issued hv the department fol lowing the adjournment of the con ferrncr, it wa said: "It wa found that a considerable number of change had been made in the opinion of the court of appeals originally rendered, ami that Judge Maker, of that court hid filed a scp arnlc concurring opinion which thf fered materiality in it reasoning from that of Judge Crosscut! "After careful conldrrati"il of all phasr of llic situation, it wa decid ed that an application should be made to the supreme court of the United State, when it reconvene November M), for a writ of certiortri lo bring up and review the action of the cir euit court of appeal " ORDERS WERE VIOLATED. Lumber Representative Says Roads Ignore Rats Rulings. WaftliiNglQii, Nuv. '.'1. Com pin I nt wa ttmili- tn thf intemtntf mmiHerrc nm minliiH todav" bv A. I. HMht, of 8w nit lr, i b-bir of tin- Parifir Const Lumber MnHufartMrrr' aimiclatinri. that railroads, in their new ItimW m-hi-dtilfs, which beanif ffeetlvn Oe IiiIht In, have eMHlillshwl rale from Ike eoasl lo Mlnm-sntn, liiwn and Ml wwrl river Hittit higher than tluwe authorised bv thr riiimnllmi. Into tin territory the rtnmniiHdnn Nutkurl'rd nn advnner ovr thr old rate, to lirtln nt thr Pembina line and inrrrimr gradually until thr Mlllpi river was rrnrhixl, and llierr thr mnxi mum Inrrensr nhmild br nnlv ." rent. Hpreht rintrnd that thr larrenpr should Ik graduated, but rite thr rhrilulrs to show that throughout must of till" territory thr road hnvr I hi !Mr the maximum; thnt it is !Mlnt HIHI mlh'x wrnl of the Milippi liver thnt Hre nnvr romprllnl lo xtv Ihr amr rate n txiint tin thr river. Ilr nsk thr roiniiiUiun to investigate llir nrw Inrlff and compel their re vision in nrrordniire with drelsions rrn de red last summer. Young Hob Gets Reprimand. Wnshlngtini. Nuv. SI Thr offlrml rriirimmid to Llriitrnnnt Prank T. Kv nn. mih of Hear Admiral ltnhley I). Kvnns, rrtirrd, thnt ftdlow-rd hi eon vlrthui by grnrrnl court martial br cause uf niiseiiniluet while with thr At lMtie fleet, wan made nubile by Acting Hrrrtary of the Navy Newberry today. Thr drHtrtmriit ' Irttrr In wrt: The ilrmrlmrnt, rnr rrnon onvloii to thr service, regards this a nn en preinlly drplurnblr ruse, and in publish ing it dUnpprovnl of thr eondiirt nf Meiiti'iinut r.viins, refrain from ex pressing: fully it romlrmiintion of thr nrtbui of thi officer mi the oeeaslon In iiirtliiii." Oids on Coal for Fleets, Wwddngtnn, Nov. SI Hid werr oprnrd tuilny for supplying U.IMVn Ion of riwl to Patuinin, 11,000 ton to Mar. dnlmn bay for thr use of the Pacific I lift, and alHitit 20,000 ton to lw drllv rrrd nt Nrgru Imv, .Mortveo, fur the use uf the Atlantic fleet, to In- imhM nn it return vovage after it bmve-x Orlrntnl wilier. There were elgktren biddrrH. The price rangr.1 from fit to ft! All n ton fur drlivrry lit Pniiiiuin mid Mngdu Iriiii bnv. und from fl.'JO to $1.70 n ton fur drlivrry nt Negro Imy. Tooters Freo to Toot. WasbiiiKton. Nov. 17 The Marine baud will be free to play for a com petence without regard to the statute providing that navy bands or members thereof shall not receive remuneration for furnishing music outside Ihe limits of military potts when in competition with local civilian musician. This is llic effect of a decision rendered by the attorney general Farmers Meet Prestdent. m Washington, Nov. tR President Roosevelt todav received at the White llousr about snn farmer and their wives, who are here attending the convention of the National (range Patron of Husbandry The president refrained from making a speech. Russell Is Postmaster. Washington, Nov. 10. President lioosevelt Into thi afternoon algncd tlio commlHtdnn of (leorgo V, Russell to bo postmaster nt Seattle, succeeding; (leorgo Stewart, recently removed. Rus sell wa recommended by Senator Piles. Duvall Succeeds Wnston, Washington, Nov. 21, Major OenornI W II Duvall bus hern delected to sne ered Mnlor (lenornl John P, Weston in enmiiiiiitd of the troops in the Philippines. POSTOFFICE DEFICIT. Postmaster General Recommends the Parcels Post at Curs, Washington, Nov 17 Postmaster (ciicral dvorge Von I- Meyer yesterday announced that the postal deficit for the last fiscal year was $10.'jKU7H'j';, the greatest in the history of Ihe coun try. He (iiggettcd that a a meant of preventing a deficit a special local tar cels post be inaugurated over rural free delivery routes. Pottnuitcr General Meyer declared that the establishment uf litis parcels liost would wipe out the deficit ultimately by making the rural free delivery routes self supHjrting The otlal receipt for the last fiscal year were Jlttl.lTH.OGO II, and llic ex iKiiditure were $2H,3SI,Hhf, The re ceipts for the fitcal year 1901 exceeded thotc of the fical year 1607 by $7,M. (,57 n I Tlie Klal receipts for October, Wi, showed a general increase over the re ceipt! for the same month last year The statements of the receipts from the Ml largest stofficct in the United Slates slmw that New York received $t.7iil 77 no during this month, a C per cent increase over the receipts for the same month last year. San Fran cisco is high on llic list, with 'it, Olsoo, an increase of nearly G per cent over October. 1!07. Shipments Are Doubled. compiled by the department of com merce ami unor snow mat rortiaim far outdistanced Pugct sound in wheat export during the ten months end- lilt? ttltll Ortotier. ami in that tiin more than doubled its own shipment ior iw; in ine nrst ten inonint oi last year Portland exported J.3MI.040 bushel of wheat; during the past ten itfinth. It 1M? AilA rfil.iiijl .ii,,rl. of all Pugct Sound portt-fur the past ten inoiun wa omy y,-jii,yii ousneis. Machine Guns for Army. Washington. Nov. IS Kach regi ment of infantry and cavalry of the army will be provided with a machine gun company, if a recommendation made by Secretary Wright and ap proved by the president fintl favor with congress. Kach company will have six guns, which will be operated by ten men. This addition will in crease the personnel of the army by 130 to 131 commissioned officers and about '.'300 men. Seattle Man Is Ousted. Washington, Nov. 17 George M. Stewart, postmaster at Seattle, was to day removed from office "for soliciting cuiHiign contributions among employes of his office" Information as to when thi offense wa committed, from whom funds were solicited, in what campaign funds were solicited, and, in fact, all lertinent detail, are suppressed hy the postnfficc department and by the civil service commission, on whose complaint Stewart was dismissed. Utah Cotract Awarded. Washington. Nov 18 The navy department today awarded the con tract for the building of the battleship Utah to the New York Shipbuilding company, of Camden, N J There were four bidders on this ship, the Camden company being the lowest bidder for a vessel of a speed of 20 knots. Its bid was $3,910,000. As designed the displacement of the Utah will be about 3I.S33 tons. After Fake Oil Company. Washington. Nov. SO. Federal agent at Oakland, Cat . at the direc tion of President Roosevelt are en deavoring lo discover trace of the Roosevelt Oil company of that city, which has been flooding the mail with large stock offers with the unauthor lied use of the president's name and accompanied by the use of his pho tograph, a No unauthorised. Fish Succeeded by Terry. Washington, Nov. IP The president today npdntod (leorgo S. Terry to bo niudstiuit treasurer of tlio United States nt New York, tn succession to Hamil ton Pith. Mr. Terry served as nstlnt tint tronsurer of tlio republican pntionnl committee under Treasurer George Sheldon, Tlio ntsistnnt trensurcahlp of New York was llrst offered to Job K. Hedges, who declined the honor. Oregon to Have Park. Washington, Nov. 10. Tlio secretary of the interior hn withdrawn from en try two small tract In Clatsop County, Oregon, vviHi a view to creating national pnrkH, Tlio withdrawn nron embrnco Saddle mountain nnd Humbug moun tain. Tlio creation of narks can only bo by congressional action, Patrick Must Go to Prison. Washington, Nov. 10. Tlio United States supremo court today dismissed tho nppeal of Albert T. Patrick, fa iiioih New York lawyer, who Is In Sing Sing for tho murder of William Marsh lllco, Tlio court nlo dismissed nn ap peal on habeas corpus proceedings. Hood River Rural Carriers. Washington, Nov. 18. John L Stcvvart has been appointed regular, Grace Stewart substitute, rural car rier, route lj Jim E. Mowers, regu lar, Frank C Stout, substitute, route 2, at Hood River, Or. HAAS TAKES LIFE. Would-Bo Assassin of Heney Shoot I Hlmeelf In Jail, San Francisco, Nov Ifi. Morris Haa, who attempted to assassinate V . llcney Saturday night, committed sui cide by shooting himself through the middle of In forehead with a pistol he had concealed about hit person. It it reported by District Attorney Lattgdon that Haat made a confession and named the people who lured him to shoot Mr Hcncy, but Mr l-angdon declares he will not divulge the names. Haas went to bed at ft o'clock at the county jail, and covered up his face with a blanket. At H 40 a sliot wat heard from his cell, and when the guard en tered, it was found that he had rolled out of bed and was lying tlead on the floor with a bullet -hole in lus forehead. A It-calibcr single-shot derringer was grasped in hit hand. His left t router leg was pulled up and examination showed a mark on his leg where the wcaKii had rested while concealed In his left shoe. Haas wore gsitcrt with clastic side, which made this postible. After lie had shot Mr Heney Haas wa -nrclicd by Police Captain Duke, Detective Hum and a police officer After he bad been taken to the county tail he was searched again, but at neither time were hi shoe examined. Haas went to bed Friday night with hit shoes on and again Saturday night, and when he was atkrd why he did this said that he would rather sleep with them on. HENEY IMPROVES. Rett Easy and Recovery It Assured by Physicians. San Francisco, Nov. 10 The con dition of Francis J. Heney it still most satisfactory, and the attending surgeons report that he it making excellent prog ress on the road to recovery. He pasted a comfortable night, sleeping mot of the time, and rested easily yesterday I low Haas secured the pistol with which he committed suicide is the ques tion which is puzzling the notice and sficcial agents of the prosecution. Cap tain. Duke says Haas had no other weapon when arrested, and Captain Kelly, in charge of the jail, says there wa no opportunity for a pistol to have been passed to the prisoner in lus cell. Detective Rurns is said to have wor ried some sort of admission from Haas that he was encouraged in his threat against Hcncy, but jutt how much of a statement wat secured from the pris oner before he killed himself, the pros ecution rcfusct to reveal. Altliough the bullet hat beeri located, embedded in the left jaw, about an inch in front of the car, the surgeons have decided not to extract it until Mr. Heney gains more strength, as it has as yet given no trouble. The swelling in the throat is less than at ..ny time since the patient was taken to the hospital, and he is breathing nor mally. San Francisco. Nov. 10. At a meeting of citizens Saturday night, presided over by Mayor E. R. Taylor, resolutions were passed declaring unwavering allegiance to law and a determination to support the district attorney's office in securing the detection and conviction of crimi nals, high or low, and the full protec tion of the officers in the discharge of their duty. The resolution also declared that, if the criminal law was found to be so framed as to permit the escape of civic malefactors, the law must be amended, and if the lax administration of the law was due to misinterpretation by judges, men should be placed upon the bench capable of construing the law. The meeting was the most significant that has been held since the days of the vigilantes, and demonstrated that public sentiment is fully aroused and deter mined to bring an end to the demoral izing conditions of the last two years. Quarantine AgalntCAnthrax. Helena. Mont.. Nov, 10. The gov ernor has issued a modification of his recent nuarantine proclamation prohibit ing the importation into Montana from South Dakota of any domestic animals, in,! i-nniliiinnall- a rrsnccts North Da kota and Wyoming, on account of an- t.H.u -1-1. a sl.a. I .t.1 It tl.J. rMIIIJ lllldA. llic aiii IU.WI, M, ..IV ..,. of federal inspectors, who state that the authorities have the anthrax outbreak reasonably well in hand. Hereafter shipments from South Dakota will be permitted to enter Montana when ac! companicd by federal health certificates. Lends Coal to France. Mare Island. Cal.. Nov. 14. The French cruiser Catinet is filling her bunkers with 330 tons of coal from the United States navy yard here, loaned by the United States govern ment after Captain II. Ruchard of the warship had attempted to pur chase the fuel in San Francisco. Fail ing to obtain his steaming supply from private companies, the French commander appealed to Commandant I. S Phelps, of the navy yard, who in turn notified the navy department of the request The department wired back Us consent. Grand Duke Alexis Dead. Paris, Nov. 10. Grand Duke Alexis, uncle of the czar of Russia, died here Saturday morning after a brief illness, M-L. t.r.i.l .liilt. Iinit litMl ill fnr crmt- time, but recently recovered his health sufficiently to plan a trip to ungianu. Snow In Middle West. Chicago. Nov 10 Winter is here. Snow fell in Chicago yesterday, and in the afternoon lights were necessary in all the homes and offices to dispel the attendant darkness. The snowfall was general throughout the Middle West, PANIC CLOSES BANKS Thousands of Gendarmes Guard Streets of I'ehln. PRINCE CHUN FEARS REFORMERS Masses of China dust Awakening to Death of Emperor and Dow ager Empress. Pckin, Nov. 17. China it beginning; to realize that the emperor and the dowager empress arc dead Prince Chun, regent of the empire, In fear of increasing excitement and revolu tionary movements, has taken a firm grip on affairs and has adopted stringent measurer, that will result it the maintenance of peace for a time at least. At noon 3000 gendarmes guarded the streets, and other military forces were held in readiness for any event' uality. Every precaution was taken to prevent a recurrence of the revo lutionary tactics of last April anil May, which were marked by wide spread incendiarism. The foreign le gations are under guard, special de tachments of Chinese troops keeping watch at the approaches. The state ment was made at the legations that there was no fear that the Chinese government would be unabtc to af ford ample protection, but those within the legations were more alert than usual and seemingly anxious to have set at rest the doubts arising; from the swift movement of events in the last few days. There were many occurrences yes terday to add to the sinister aspect of affairs. Rumors were current for a time that the new dowager Yehonala and Yuan Shi Kai, the grand coun cillor, and one of the most powerful men in the empire, had committed suicide. Though there was no truth in these reports, they went far toward disturbing the Chinese and foreigners alike. Serious runs on banks occurred yes terday and today, and 14 native banks closed. The crowds were wild with excitement, and toward the close of the day the police intervened and drove them back. One foreign con cern, the Yokohama Specie bank, suf fered a big run on its Tientsin notes, but the British, Russian and German institutions were not affected It. is probable that a number of native banks will be doted tomorrow, and it is believed that the government will step in and endeavor to stop the financial panic among the poorer classes. BULLET IS REMOVED. Prosecutor Stands Operation Wei and Rcllles Rapidly. San Francisco. Nov. 17 After passing through a most successful op eration for the removal of the bullet which was fired at him by Morris Haas during the Ruef trial last Fri day, the condition of Francis J Heney is reported by the doctors tobe. favor able in every way, and predictions of his ultimate recovery are made by his physicians. The operation fol lowed the taking of X-ray photo graphs, which plainly showed the lo cation of the leaden pellet in the mus cles of the left lower maxillary. Chief Surgeon Terry, of the city hos pital service, wielded the instruments, while Drs. Stillman, Moffat and Hunt ington assisted. It was found that the bullet, which entered the right side of the head just in front of the ear, had passed downward, crossing the palate and striking the left lower jawbone, which was slightly splintered but not broken The bullet was deflected backward by striking the bone, and lodged in the muscles of the jaw Its removal necessitated the utmost sur gical skill, as it lay close to the big blood vessels of the neck Mr. Heney rallied rapidly from the effects of the anaesthetic showing no ill effects from the drug or shock from the operation. He passed a quiet day and slept peacefully last night. At midnight it was said by his attendants that his condition was entirely favorable, and that hopes for his speedy recovery were entertained, Asks Change of Venue. San Francisco, Nov. 17 -With Judge Lawlor's courtroom thronged by policemen, special detectives dep uty sheriffs and other peace officers, while the streets about the building were guarded by mounted nolice and many patrolmen, the trial of Abraham Rucf wa resumed yesterday after its interruption on Friday, when Assist ant District Attorney Francis J Hcncy was shot As was expected, the defense asked the court immedi ately for a change of venue, declaring that Ruef could not obtain in this city fair and impartial trm. Australian Chinese Hint Foul Play. Melbourne, Nov. 17 The Sydney correspondent of the Age says that the .Chinese reform party in mat city has received a cablegram to the effect that the death of the Chinese emperor was due to foul play, and that it is feared 'a rebellion will break out.