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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1908)
THE BEND BULLETIN n VOL. VI HUM). ORhGON, WKDNF.SDAY, NOVKMHF.R 18, 1908. NO. 36 STRONG ARGUMENT FOR' PURE WATER liaisons Why Bend Should Pur jjhnse I lend of Sprinjj Klver. DIPPICULTV AT PRINIiVII.Ui Many Sick People at the County Sent Due to Impure Water Troubled to Secure Cure Supply. The citizens il He ud will lc giv en nti opportunity nt the city elec tion 011 December 7 to vole for or ngainst the purchase of the springs nt the hem! of Sprint; river, the purchase to he in order that the city nmy he assured, for Inline use, a suitable and uucoiitamiiiatcd water supply. It will lie rcincm tiered, nt ouilincd in The Rullctiii weeks ago. that Mr. John Ferguson, who now owns the land surrounding the springs, hns agreed to tell tlir Itni'l, cscliulte id llir jellow pine timlicr, t the (! fin ll i argued by uisnv that tile tract thotil.l lw bought and posliiu of tlir tprliiu se emed, a Deschutes rhcr water will some 1I.1)' lcoiiic mi contaminated a to Ik- un fit (or uk-, anil that day will h when '"ggiag eauis, sum mills ami titlicr town arc scattered n1i) tlie river above lleiul. Those who favor procuring a source of water far Mend that will always he huc, Ime n strong argument in the present cotxlittoit of nlTaira t l'tiiirlllr. It l oiiniimiilv known that cltlien of thst place he licen suffering during the )Mt frH wrrl front's n-rloua tomscli I., itilc, ami ik a there am . number of typhoid feer rn l the county Mat. While 110 death lwe occurred, man) hc lieeii uilteiaMy r4ek. It U admitted that the watr supply at rriiNcvilktia theeausa ( till trouble. The water from the city well wa an alyzed, ami the analysis showed thai cue well was unfit fur uhi. That well was pluggrd and th utttof it. valer atMppnl. n attempt ia mow being made in drill a rll deep enough to get lirlow llir ur ! water, r below the bacilli rail ami ivphoais gsrm that a causing all tlir trouble. Ttsc question is, will they uc ecedr There hat been ome talk at frlne tilte of puichadug cvitain springs OM tile llerutan foeh place about j mite, al.tve tlte town iim tlhf Ochoen. Ihew springs, however, arc not large enough to Miitly the cit's entire want-nut lit needs fur dtiukiiigaod Iu.m pur )ss. Oilier and larger springs, nhoitt J I mile itbove tin town, have also been eollnfiWicd. It U A slftnificaut tart, how ver, that, hwuh a it known the oily might buy tbe spring thry ad ancd liHttteUUtety in value in llir eyes f the owner, and an excessltc price wa akd. Tlmt U lite condition of affair at Piiueville according (o reirta brought from there liy Ilvud jieuple. A cotilsmi tilted water atipply. many people ser iously ill. difficulty to secure puie water, and nil ecrive price atkad for the only available kourcc. llcinl -iplo who fuvor the niiclrM of the SprbiK river tprltiK, rite till in n uttonjj injjuuifiit why thiir mlvlrv khonld he (ollowod. They clnini the pirt of w'Udoiu It to prc'Mtc for the future now; wrnrc a mffklcnt and pure MMirctf of wntvr whvn it can be had nt 11 icaeonable price. OLD SOI.DIKK KI!MlNI.SCnNCl-S. Two Confederate Vctcruns Recall CMI War liiclUcnta. ' a - 11.i-ll 1! !.. a Air. wcmuii, iiuw iiviuj; 111 Vnshit1j4ton, has lccn tipcucIIiiK part of the wctk in IJcntl looking over tills section, Mr. Wcstnll, scvcrnl ycnr.s ao, wns n resident of yXottlt Caroliim, nml wits well nc litnintctltvitli O. V. Triplctt of llcinl. Js'ntitrnlly when the two old Kcntlcinen met here they began to talk over former days ami thpir con versation craditnlly ran into remi niscences of the .strenuous days when liotli of tlicm were, fighting Surveyors at Redmond. A ctew of Iliirriitiiin surveyors reached Redmond last I;rday and eiinhllshtd camp there The crew contains about a dozen men and in in clinrifi of ICiiKitieer Mills. A special to The Hullcthi this morn inn slaves that the crew is riinulii", a line toward Sk-ud, but nl present had gotten only 11 uliort dislHtue out of Redmond. The surveyors under Kiu'inecr Mills have run n liue'from Madras to Redmond. under the Slnts and I),.rs in behalf of Dixie. To one who knows nothing of llios- times except tltrotiih lu liases of history and the talcs of thus.- who lived and fought in those days, it is most itilcrcMinc to listen to these ol I soldiers tell of the bat ties tn which they wete cnnaRed mid discuss the political issues of those bitter days. Roth Mr. West nil nud Mr. Triplctt state thnt they did not want secession, nud re marked time nud again that it was nihility hard to fire on the old (lag. The insist that tins was the senti ment of i Urge niHJortty ol the rank slid file of the Coiiledemtc soldiers, but they also nruue that there was only one thing for them to do when their stale seceded, and tlmt was to cast their lot with their home laud And how many of us would have done olhcnvhtc had we been in their wsition. These two old Confederate sol diers insist thnt there was no need of the Civil war, and blame it to the politicians of that day. They say the matter of slavery could easily have been settled had it been left to the common people of the North nud South, nud if they could have been rid of the machinations of scheming tioliliiitius However, these letniuisecucis are only n dream of the past, nud the .senti ments of these two old soldiers were well expressed in the words of Mr. U'estwll when he said last Saturday evening: "Oh, well I'm glad it ended as it did. tt was for the bet. I would be well satisfied if I could only bring Imck to life the thousands of noble men who were sacrificed during that bitter strug gle, and lessen the her Inches caused by the loss of loved ones." Mr. Westull is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. (- W. Moore on their ranch east of Rend, nud plans to spend some time here STOCKMIJN'S Aimrt'lNU. Will lie Meld at Prlnevllla on Decem ber 10, II and !. The Rulletiu is in receipt of a communication from Forest Super visor A. S. Ireland which states there will be n meeting of stockmen at I'tiiicville on December 10, 11 ami li. The meeting is called for the purine of adjusting the lines between the cattle and sheep ranges oil the Deschutes National I 'or est. As this is a matter of considerable importance to nil stockmen, the supervisor desires 11 full attendance of those who wish to range stock within the Deschutes Forest during the season of if)fQ. Hooks for School Libraries, Rooks to form the nucleus. of n library iu every school in the coun ty have reached Rrineville from Salem mid ire now ready for dis tribution bv R. A. lford, county superintendent of schools. These embryo libraries nre sent here ac cording to law, nud every district, no matter how small, ts entitled to its pro rata share just the same as it is entitled to its pro rata share of school motiey.-i-Jottrnnl. HexnmothylanototrAmlno Tlicnhoxe Is the iiuittc of it ticriiinn chemical, which Is one id the many valu able Ingredients of l'olvy's Kidney Rem edy, llcxntiiuthyleiietctrHiiiine U recog nized by medical test lool:s mid authori ties us a uric neid solvent und antiseptic for the urine. Take l'oley's Kidney Remedy lis soon as you notice any Ir regularities, nud avoid a serious malady, C.W.Merrill, druguUt. Real thrift in household manage- incut is impossible to the womnn who doesn't rend tula. WILL IT PROVE A COEUR D' ALONE 1 (lend Alan Discovers lixjcnsivc Territory of Mineral Rock. : 1 I . r . 1 NQ Tliltyi Ql: VALUG Vl:':0UNI) An Interesting Stnrv Is Told In Con- ricctlon with This find, of an Indian's Secret lildorado. D V. Mackintosh of Rend spent two or three months iu the Cascade mountains during the past summer, nud while there located u territory of mineral U'ariug rock extending over quite a large section. It lies in 11 northwesterly direction from Diamond I'eak and covers several square miles. While Mr. Mackin tosh did not find anything of value tit the way of quartz, yet he con siders it quite reu-otiRbltf to believe that rich mines may be discovered there some day, judging from the character nud formation of the rock. There is an interesting legend told that may have n connection with the section above refer led to Mr. Mackintosh was accompanied by a man of the name of I.ylc, from Kugcne. Several years ago Kyle's brother, aUo living at Kugcuc, was accustomed to buy gold nuggets from three Indians that came to town regularly each fall to make their sales to I.yle. 'I hese sales ranged from $70 to $So each year. I.yle frequently requested the In dians to take him t ithe place where they ptocurcd the nuggets, but they always promised to do so, "next year, when snow is gone." Finally I.yle asked them to bring him a sarnple of the rock, which they did. I.ylc had it assayed and it showed n value of 200 of gold per ton. That naturally fired Kyle with a greater determination than ever to locate their buiiau; t, nud be giew more and more persistent iu his request of the Indians to show lum their secret tieasuic house. Rut the Indians, either through in difference or their natural cttuniiig, ahvavs postponed the trip "until next ear, when snow is gone." Fnally two of the Indians died nud the thiul censed his visits to I.ylc; and the secret they possessed, ami which I.yle was so anxious to learn, remains a profound secret to this day. When Messrs. Mackintosh and I.yle discovered this tenitory of mineral rock this Mimmcr, I.yle was nt once convinced that they had solved the Indians' secret and believed that somewhere iu thru, lo cality would 1 found a mine of great wealth. And such may b the It may prove 11 second Coeur d' Alette. And again, their quest nuiv prove to be but the vain search for the pot of gold at the rainbow's end. Mr. Mackintosh states that he and I.ylc will prob nblv continue their search for t he hidden treasure next summer. A flood Sized ting, rowxu. UrTTiw, Nov. tti. R. A. Ihu sett recently killed a hog tlmt dreed 510 pounds, l'retty gwHl for a ileseit, Mr. IhiMctt is a prujierous farmer of Powell lUUtcs. , Henry Itberwinc has returned from his Rusteru, nud will now make some Improvements on his ditch laud north of the Duties. The well drill that was drilling for water nt the l'uwell Unites btation has pulled up nud left, The well is not tin islied, Mrs, C II, Poster has been quite sick but was improving when last heard from. The I'okter t Myers threshing outfit has pulled Iu for the season after having 11 successful run, Clin Kills has set out 500 or Coo berry bushes, such ns currants, gooseberries, raspberries, blackberries add Loganber ries, most of which he has propagated on his ranch. M will still propagate onil plant mure, while the "no fruit" knock. tr U still knocking. It is repcrted tltatG. W. Reynolds has struck water 011 his ranch. A dance at Iuc Ilaynea' laat I'rliUy night gave much enjoyment to thote prctcnt. Terry lam will give n dance as soon n hla houc ft finished. " There will soon l an entertainment at the Shepard school house which prom Imm to be aiiil'tiiig and interesting. Clarence Jackson has reutid the feed barn at Italic station Put up at lilt bflru and r$l assured your team will be well fed. Redmond Items. Kiuimond, Nov. ij. News that re new Is "skeercc" this week so mine old good will lime to go iu. Mrs. Trlchler finally got started for the old home m niiio. C. K. lcl.alliii accompanying her as far as Sbaniko, Much freight li coming iu these dnys. C. W. Minna, l'iuis Woods and Dsu Mc Carty are kept laisy, and J. A. Hansen brought iu u tittle jag of 70,000 ounds for Sisters jcslrrday. The surprise wa on Mrs. Rneklcy on Welnewlny nilil. Quite a imml-r of friends and nigbl-or gathered anil cm- joyed iIichikIm-s. I'ricudsof NelKr Muitm will l-e inter- cuted to know that she U stitl nursing iu Vakuna, Washinglou. She write that she does not liate time to quit her cases, hut is hauled from one to another. The l-aiik of Redmond is now open mid doitiK Imsiuess There was a tine time for the young people not long ago down at Tcthcrous. Ouv l.afollclte of Princvelle was a business visitor in Redmond latelr. I'riends thought that when Mr. and Mrs. McClay had Iwen married thirty years It was time'to have another party, m they cave them one on I'riday nlalit. Didn't tell them anything about it until it was all in full swing. K".i 1 0erseer Mcl.allin has a force of men at work up near the Heusley place south of town. II. A. Meyer is a business tripper to Shaoiko at prsut. Word received from Miss Olive Smith late. 1 hat she is very pleasantly em ployed in Ibe county auditor's office in Collav, Washington. . About twenty. boy and rtirU at Mr. Meyers' Saturday, a we came by, made it look a good deal tike a birthday prly there, or something of the kind. . Mr. Minna ha had the eseav4tiug done for a big ceiwent cistern which he will soou ha- convtructbil. Later we will give more particular. He ha just hail lumber hauled for improvements iu his bam. It. C. Pakk. Pleasant Rldgc Items. I'i.Kasvnt Rirx;x, Nov. 17. We have been having some (Sue warm sunshine the past week or 10 days. The farmer at all quite busily en gaged galling their fall plow ing out of the way before spring. Wm. Johnson bought some four tons of e.ood ont straw of Sherwocd Xros, at 5.ikj per ton. Mr. C. W. Hall was culled to Hud lat Thursday by Crf ed Triplett as nure during the illneas of his wife. Miss l'eru Hell has secured a position as teacher at wlwt is known ns Alkali Plats district, snmc ?.t tulles suutluuut of PrincWIIe. She eommeueel school Monday. The delegates who amended (he coun ty Sunday school convention from I'lca sut Kidge were Mr. Green, Mrs, A. J. Chase and lf. H. Sherwood. They a'lmrt having .1 glorious time, and the Triue- ille jHsuple royal enterlabicrs. II. P. Jones has recently sold the re linquishment of his hoiiieoteAd west of Porkeil Horn bulte to a Mr. Snyder of Spokuue, Wash. Mr. Snyder has re cently moved thereon with his family unit has several children of school "age. We are glad to welcouic Mr. Snyder to our uclghlRnhood, nud hojie he will feci salUfiod with his linestu.cut. Raw Lungs. When the lung nre sore nud inflamed, the germs of pneumonia and consump tion find lodgment ami multiply. Foley's Honey nud Tar kills the cough genus, cures the most obstinate rucking cough, heals the lulu's, nud prevents serious re sults. The ecuuiue is iu the yellow package. C. W. Merrill, Drunuist. Don't miss the ad, bargains. ios M A V ATCAM A Ml ill A 1 illCAll A I. GOVERNMENT JOB Reclamation nnginecrs Complete Investigations at Madras. YOUNG BOY BADLY INJURGD Madras Lad Was Caught in Machine licit and Arm Broken In Three i Places Other News Items. Is the National Reclamation Serv ice about to undertake a' large irri gation project in Crook county? There arc many indications that such may be the cac. II. J. Doo little, an engineer in the Reclama tion Service, was in Madras Irotn Saturday until Monday afternoon of last week, finishing up his work in connection with the investigation which the Reclamation Service has been conducting in this county. It is understood that the Reclamation Service is looking for a good-sized irrigation project to take up, in this state, and that the present investi gation is for the purpose of gather ing data in this section with that end in view. According to the Pioneer, a con tour line was run by Mr. Doohttl .!, '"Jc and his assistants from I'rinev to Madras for the purpose merely 01 ascertaining mc relative eleva tion of the country lying between, and at the same time, doubtless, much other information was gath ered by him. A mouth or more ago Mr. Doolittle made a trip down the Matoles and on down the Des chutes to Sherars Hridge, and a bo spent some lime in this immediate locality, gathering data and infor mation in connection with the in vestigation under way. He went from this place to Priucville and continued his work in that locality. It is generally understood that if irrigation u ever undertaken iu that section, the water supnly will come from storage reservoirs on upper Crooked river, where the llood waters of winter and spring will be stored iu large reservoirs and let out through the channel of the river as they arc required The water would be takeu out ot the river at a point near Priueville, and following the general course of Crooked river, lie brought around Juuiper Rutte into the vicinity of Madras, supplying water for irri gation to the several hundred thou sand acres of irrigable laud which could be reached by a distributive system, from the main canal. Mr. Doolittle would give out no information regarding the probabil ity of the government taking hold of this work, or even as to the re sult of his investigation, whether the outlook was favorable or other wise. He explained that it was lontrary to the policy of the service to give out any information of this kind, and that he was on his way to Portland to report to the chief of his department. His work in Crook county was purely of a preliminary uature and for the purpose of gath ering data as to the general lay of the land and the supply nud avail ibility of water, etc. Upon such information as has been gathered by him and his assistants, a report to the Reclamation Service will be bused, and should it be favorable, further nud more comprehensive investigation will doubtlos be un dertaken nt once. Madras Roy Cnusht in (Machinery. Ray, the is-year-old sou of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Watcrhouse, met with n very serious accident last Friday evening, while playing near the chopping mill operated by his uncle, Charles Wnterhouse, Roth of his nrms were caught iu a nar row piece of belting used to operate n woousaw, ana uts body was swung twice completely over the belt shaft, seveu feet from the floor, betorc the engine was stopped. His left arm was broken iu two places above the elbow and one below th elbow, the bones being split and badly shattered. The arm is now in a very serious condition, al though Dr. Snook thinks he wi'.l be able to save it The accident occurred rt 6 o -clock in the evening, just as Mr. Watcrhousc was preparing to shut down. There was only 20 pounds of steam on, to which fact the little- fellow owes his life, as with full power on his body would havcbcT hauled over the shaft with suflictetit force to dismember it. As it was, there was just sufficient steam oti to run the pump, and the addition al weight of the boy's body stopped the engine after two revolutions of the belt. When the engine stopped Mr. Watcrhousc hurried into the mill to discover the cause, and found Ray with both arms closet pinned to the shaft. The right arra was held lengthwise of the shaft and no bones were broken, but the left arm had been twisted over the shaft and broken in three places. Pioneer. Shorter Items of Interest. Roads between Madras and Sban iko arc in fine condition. A small flow of oil has been struck in an experimental v;c be- ing suuk at Untario. The Lake county commissioners have ordered that work be sus pended on the new Fort Rock road. There was a wood and coal fam ine in Vale during court week and it was necessary to use sagebrush for fuel. A farmer living near Condon re- ' Prts tuat a waterspout laid bare quite a bed of coal on his ranch asl summer. A fine supply of water at a depth of too feet has been found en the homestead of Mrs. D. W. Adanii near Madras. Mackin Rros. of Moro have sold out and will return to Ireland to spend the balance of their das. What must be the matter with those Irishmen? There are numerous bear and cougar tracks in the vicinity of Silver Lake, and Andy Foster and Hi Adams recently bacged an oil bear and two cubs. McTagsart & Rye. of Madras, whose store was closed by an attachment, have made satisfactory arrangements with their creditor's and have opened for business again. W. G. Trill, who visited Bend during the summer in the interests of the Pacific Monthly, recent!y gave n program of selected readings at Silver Lake. The Leader speaks very highly of Mr. Trill as a reader. Lark Elliott, who was convicted last spring nt the time of the C Sam Smith trial, for arson, destroy ing fences and poisoning sheep, and who is now serviug a term iu the penitentiary, has fallen a vic tim to quick consumption and there ts no hope for his recovery. The Priueville Light & Water Company has authorized the drill ing of a well more than 60 feet deep in an attempt to get below the bacilli coli and typhosis, which an- said to inhabit the surface waters of Crooked river valley Work on the well is progressing nicely. Re view. A little 5-year-old girl at Moro fell on a knife, while playiug, and cut an artery iu her left wrist. It is said the blood spurted to the ceiliug at every heart beat, but the mother kept her presence of mind and successfully bandaged the wound until a doctor could be called. Some time ago Vice-President and Qeueral Manager O'Brien of the Ilarrimau lines iu the Oregon country, made requisition for $2, 000,000 worth of the finest type of railroad equipment, and is now in formed that the orders have been placed and deliveries will begin with the New Year. That's about the time also that Mr. O'Brien says work will begin on that Central, Oregon line up the Deschutes, For Sale. Good milch cow and two-year old heifer. Call on Frauk Rasl. three miles north of Bend on Laid law road. 35-36