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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1908)
", nrhe X The By Will L e Coprtliht. I br Wilt lf Inctm Corastrt CorrrWht, IW7. br J. 11 Ltrriacorr CoMrutr. All rUMs refwt ciurrnu vi. Constable remembered turning Into the driveway after hi terrific exertion; re membered that the girl and her mother were standing uion the veranda, that the former stretched ont her hand to help him and the elder woman released a cutting remark. Then a servant Jirought a chair, and billows of nausea surged over him. Just a hi consciousness waned, and he nti launching, chair and all. Into apace, Lara's voice reached him again. Then he In (he hallway, through aome miracle, and Insisting most uncom monly that he was not to be taken Into the library, but Into the music room, be cause the window a there commanded the mountain. lie awoke to the Interesting discovery that MIs Stansbnry i fanning htm. Presently ahe re-chlllcd a towel In the Iced basin and foldel It upon his fore head, now deliclously cool. Mlt' mighty aweet of you to take care of me thin way," he muttered gratefully. "How I I'elee? How long hare I been here? The last I remember, I was lost In the hall, and you found me." "You're been here about three hours, Mr. Constable. Pelts" Is quiet again, but the whole world I white outside a per fect billiard of ash has fallen! They say a terrible thing has happened at the extreme northern end of the city. The Hirer ttranch orertlowrd her bank, and ran with lulling mud from the volcano. Thirty people are reported killed and the t'slne Guerln destroyed." She thought he was comlderlng the " disaster In the alienee which followed, but In reality he was battling with the old problem. "Mis Stansbury," he said finally. "Is there anything a man possessed of full faculties could do, say or bring about that would induce your mother to spend the night ofT-shore" She shook ber head. "You know that th Madame could be brought la for the malls to-morrow morn ing." "I bare taken the liberty to suggest that to mother," Larn replied. "She says that to-morrow will be time enough." "Miss Stansbury, won't you put your self In the care of Captain Negley to night? I hope I'm wrong, but the Guerln disaster may be only a preliminary dem onstrationlike the operator experiment ing to find if It Is dark enough to start the main fireworks. You know, I would stay ashore, and Negley Is a good olJ man of the sea." , "Don't you understand, Mr. Consta ble?" she said. In real distress for deny ing blm so repeatedly. "Don't you see that such a thing would bring down a miserable scene upon our beads? Ilealdes, I am not thinking of my own safety as such a paramount thing. I don't want to be one of Job's lone survivors. Mother and Uncle Joey and you must go when I do." The pate, searching face regarded ber. Again he was silent. Ills lips were shut, bis eyelids half-closed. A swift Intuition was borne to the woman. lie was about to renew the siege. She was cot ready, and shrank from being moved to a decision which she bad not formed a the privacy of ber own mind. The last two dajs of suffering bad rendered her strangely responsive to bis mental ac tions. Ills ijucst bad filled her brain with wonders, but they were not yet coalesced Impulses and Inspirations without unity, unbound as yet by Judgment. She wanted to yield with grace, If It came to that, but not to be overthrown. Ills hand rraehed for hers, but she drew away. "Miss Stansbury " "I'lease don't say it now!" she whis pered swiftly, her word i startling herself quite as much aa the man. "These are such dreadful hours! We must think of the crisis only of that putting bohlnd all that paed laat night l" "Until?" said Constable, sitting up. "Oh, who can tell? One knowsMr. Constable, Isn't It wicked of you to mud dle ma this way?" A smile from him bad given ber tbt saving turn. The tension was eased. Now, as lie held out his hand to her, she was not slow to accept It, or to inls the meaning of the compact. "I'elee will be beyond the sky line for us all pretty soon," he said cheerfully. "We'll be very good pals In the mean time. I'lease go to the window and see bow our ogre Is faring the giant who thinks he's going to eat us when we're prime 'member the fairy story? Ily the way, Mlsa Stansbury, did you ever have a set of billiard balls cracking off caroms on your brain pan?" "Yes, and ten-pins. Men don't know headache matters. The north Is clearer, sir. A little while ago It was II seething mass of blacks and grays." Au exclamation broke from her lips, and Constable joined her at the window. A dozen birds had fallen to the lawn from the eaves. Most of tbem were dead from the tainted air. The sight brought the situation more forcibly than ever to her mind, "I should think the birds would fly awayl" she said pityingly, "Perhaps the mother birds are waiting for mail to come In," suggested a voice behind tbem. Mr. Stansbury was stand ing In the ball doorway. A gracious rain cleared the air of early veiling, and Constable settled himself for a further nap at the north window upstairs. II had not realized his ex Whited Qepulchr Talc of O Pclcc VINCTO N Comfort I haustion, and was astonished to find that It ma midnight when he awoke. He wa stronger, but a cyclonic headache still oppressed him. Glad though he was for the hour paed, still he was by no means tinappmiatlre of the chances he had takeu. A forlorn hoi of saving the lady, even though a destroying eruption over took them at the plantation home, had grown In his mind since the night before. To be caught asleep would render thts chance a far one. The Guerln disaster might be consld ered among the promise of a favorable Issue, aa well as a forerunner of chaos. The mountain's overflow Into the Hirer Hlanch might hsve eased the pressure upon the craters. There was no authority nor precedent for such a hope. It Pe lee's fuse were burning shorter and short er toward a Krakatoan cataclysm. It was not for man to say what spark would shake the world. Still, Constable held the hope. lie turned on the light In the room. A cablegram had been slipped under the door. It proved to be an answer to a message he had sent to Ilae Terre In the morning, regarding the movements of the Panther. "Str. l'anther arrived and departed here on time," he read. There was strength In the word. The mail liner reasonably might be expected to call at Martinique with the dawn, according to schedule. The mall should be ready for distribution at nine. "We'll have luncheon aboard the Mad ame to-morrow." Constable mused, "and while the blessed maiden I passing cake and pouring tea, the Madame wilt be running like a scared deer, to hitch her self to the solid old Horn, built of rock and sealed with Icebergs!" He shaded his eyes at the window, star ing beyond the city Into the ashen shroud l'elee's flag of truce. "Grand oh! mar tyr," he murmured devoutly. "Hang on, hang on!" There was a tap at the door, and llrven was admitted. "I haven't seen much of you In the past three irons, miscalled days," said Consta ble. "It Is true. I have felt my own In consequence In the presence of the big drama here. It Is your drama, Peter. Then, I hare found a place of many mar vels." "Pere Habeaut'?" "None other. There I something like coolness In this thrice-burned Isle. Also a maiden creature, half child, bait wom an, wholly wonderful." "I have been glad to see you make the best of thing. Of course one can never tell on a cruise where one Is to encounter a series of business obligations such as here." "True again," Ilreen said gravely. "I have been busy as that, but have accomplished nothing. Seriously, Ilrren, times are running close. Guerln's the first volley. To think I haven't been to the mountain; haven't taken a photo graph or a note! My fellow researcher In thing seismic will never forgive me for this. Ilreen, I thought I bad a sci entific mind thought that even though I bulled In all else, I was a loyal geolo gist; but I have betrayed even that de cent Instinct. Another man would have had the women away to sea and be at tending the mountain now; but here I am, a child with man's tools, gassing the, night through, and ahe across the hall marked, for all I know, for Pelee's own! Ifa good to talk, though." "There's only one way when words fall, Peter. If the mountain wont recede from the maiden, you must snatch up the maiden ami make a get-away from the mountain." "I'm not pirate enough, Ilreen," Con stable replied wearily. "Ily the way, I'm sending some of the natives of the city the women with babes out to the Madame for cool air. There I no reason In the world why we shouldn't entertain our friends of the shop. Koronla Is too rare a creature to be Immolated by Pe lee's bursting bolters. She and the Pere might Just as well share the benefits. You see, tb presence of others makes It possible. Attend to It, will you?" "Good old Peter," Ilreen said softly: "but- I don't think tbsy would come. Who'd feed the little song birds?" "Have ber bring the birds along. They'll die there!" "I had planned not to go to the little shop again, Peter." Constable turned upon him abruptly. "Why?" said he. 'You see, Peter, sheets such a rare lit tle soul asking so little and so ready to give her all for the promise of a man think of It. I have found a good many playthings, pottering around this little sunshot planet clear little films they are now, which stick In tue brain ana won t fade. Let me alone, Peter, and I'll wan der back to reason presently. A very ugly album Is a sinner's memory, and when It Is quite full the sinner usually dies sometime off Hrooklyn piers. The truth la, I found a shred of conscience devel oped under your culture and Pelee's heat; and so I refused another plaything, re fused to crowd another film Into that sul lied album of mine. I lied, said I didn't understand that admiration meant any thing to ber and went away. Not too late, I trust. 8b 1 a natural optimist, and slow to lost faith In mankind." Constable belltred that Horonla had found her first torr In Ilreen, attd h pitied the heart so suddenly Impassioned and so swiftly dethroned of Its dream. He reraeimVred the face of Soronla In the court shadows, and hi pity lingered. They talked until the Panther light shone afar In the oiling, misty with dawn mid udcano fog; then parted for an hour's rest. Constable was the first he low, and there was little Joy with the coming of the day. The rumbling of the mountain were renewed, Th great tow er of ash shot up jeslerdty wa stilt fall ing; the trees and shrubbery In the gtr dens were bent with the weight of white; Indeed, many branrhe were broken. The dismal bellowing of cattle and the stamp ing of pottles were heard from the barn. It was only by keeping the doors and window of the house tightly shut that inuia nns iwtrnoic. a lie name wuu brought the copy of Colonic wore a thick wet rag over hi nostril, and had the appearance of halng freshly emerged from a bin of cement. Constable and Hreen were first In the breakfast room. ""llils pudgy editor," Constable declar ed savagely, as he read the morning paper. "Yesterday t called upon him and In sweet mdrty and limping French ex plained the proper policy for him to take. To-day he devote a half-column of In sufferable humor to my force of character and ettreme views." Constable translated Mondet's account of the Guerln disaster, and hi assur ance of the safety of Saint Pierre, so far a the mountain wa concerned "Oh, the il sines of that French mind!" ho exclaimed. "With a volcano In the pang of dissolution, towering over the city, Is apparently In dread of an earthquake! 'Where on the Island.' thus he Inquire editorially, 'could a more secure place than Saint Pierre be found In the event of an earthquake visitation?'" Constable crushed the ptper In hi hand. He glanced at hi watch and then at the mountain, from a habit now grav en deeply, "The northern end of Saint Pierre I flooded out like an ant hill under a kettle boiling over," he capitulated thoughtfully. "The mountain I gathering for another demonstration. Let u flee with all dis patch to the crater of the volcano, to escape this hypothetical earthquake! M. Mondet certainly enthrall me. I must call upon him again. Ilrren, is there any way to stimulate the distri bution of the Panther malls?" CHAPTKK VII. Immediately after breakfast Constable drove down to the city to send out final orders to Captain Negley, and attend cer tain matter having to do with the Mad ame' facilities for entertainment. I'nrle Joey wa to go for the malls. If he could prevent. Constable wss mlniy that there should be no hitch nor tsngle at the last moment. In spite of dsrklsh apprehensions, his heart would burst now and then Into singing, since he asked but two hours more of old I'elee, upon whose summit was now written In lightning and black cloud the omlnou letters of Dis aster. The ladles were left to such graceful ministrations of Ilreen as were found needful. Mr. Stansbury, having gained her iiolnt. Imposed no further delays. The eagerness of the daughter wa controlled, but In no wy concealed. The past three days had left a pallor un her face, and shadows under her eyes, but the Innat fineness of her features seemed Intensi fied rather than diminished by physical suffering, and the more subtle perturba tions of the Inner woman. "When a strain bring out the splendor of a woman's face, mark her well for a thoroughbred," Ilreen bad found occasion to whisper to hi friend. The sentence was soul's refreshment, as Ilreen Intend ed It to lie. Constable, Indeed, wa contemplating the full significance of the words, and their possible bearing upon hi present and future, a he rode down the Mnrne d'Orange Into the Hue Victor Hugo. The little black carriage of Father Damleti was approaching, and. grluJ by a sud den Idea, Constable halted It, sating to the elder spirit of the pirlth, whom he had met at the plantation bouse- "Father, take this two thousand francs and use It for the maintenance of the botitel refugees In Fort de France. I shall see that more fund get to you to-day." A little way further, another carriage approached, one of the public conveyances of the city this-time, llehlnd the driver loomed the head and shoulder of a whit aan hard head and broad shoulder the sight of whom strmk the music from the brain of Constable, a a knife that Is slashed across the strings of a harp. Holh vehicle stopped abruptly. "Well, I'te got you," the broad Individ ual remarked cheerfully, "Where's the other fellow?" Let It be known that th man whom Constable now faced was th same- ener getic person who occasioned discord on the ISrookltn pier, Just as the Madam swung blithely forth Into th harbor. Constable was thinking very rapidly. He felt prepared to commit murder rather than have his plans for the morning thrust aside. "The other fellow?" b repeated gent- I- "The man hidden In your cabin when ypu cleared. His nam Is Nicholas Stem bridge, If jou don't happen to know," the stranger said, with some Impatience. "Where is he'" "Where you saw him last," Constable said, with sudden cordiality; "and I want to state that I'm glod to see you that Is," he added doubtfully, "If you've come to take him away. If you've looked m up, you'll have found that I'm usually ready to pay In money, hide, or liberty, for the mistakes I make." (To be continued.) Uucnos Aire has a population of 1,"XX,000, of which about 80 per cent Is foreign, the Italians forming about 00 per cent of the foreign population. 'G&S 7'3 - llullillna; n Ham, I expect to build n dam on n creek for n t-nw mill. Dam will ho nlut IPO feet long nt top to nils-- the water ten feet. I, What would bo the oheiii Pt wn). ,,e t,ldlHK the ilnlii? 8. Will ou give n plnn of such n dam? 3. Wlmt aire of turbine would to iicecs wry to run a -18-Inch clrvtilnr saw? An. Tim accompanying sketch show, n cro. section of Hit style of tin in ttint would l required for this purpose. Diiiii are sometime con structed by n curbing of wood, mason ry, or cement, the Interior Mug tilled with dry .stone. Such n tlniu I culled n rock-till dam. If atone Is plentiful, the ilnm limy le built entirely of ma sonry. Tho top should U Intd either with plank or cement. As tho llltistrnthm shows, the tin in la litld on txil-nvk, tho bed rock Mug blasted out siittlclcntly to seouro n key and a solid footing generally. With a ten-foot dam the Nine should ho ten feet wide. On tho upstream side, the batter or slop. of the tlniu la about I In 4, and on the downstream side the upHT part of tho batter I about 1 In .1 ami tlm lower part 1 In 1 Tho ilnm throughout Its length should curve lit stream, so ns to present a concave stir- face to the pressure of the water. Tint masonry work should le constructed of rubble with tvment Mortar, and all tho work iliould bo very thoroughly done. A necessary provision In connection with a dam It stundent waatcway for water not utilized for power The coin tnon form of nastewny I a tunnel through tho dam nurilclcutly targe to provide for the maximum amount of water that would Im required to pass through It. In addition sluice gates should be provided, by which tho flow of water would bo controlled. The water to be- utilized for wer may bo carried to the wheel by mean of a Hume. A nftceti-lnch turbine wheel would pruritic from H to 10 horwo pow er, which would Ih sufficient to run a saw of tho size mentioned. Montreal Star. Vat -re.llii SlorU. A bucket of peculiar construction, designed especially to Ih used by farm, era mid dairymen In feeding slop to stiK-k and In tho handling of fluid sub stances In tilt) Inten tion of n Mlchlicau man. It nerves In n M'liso a n dlpcr. Tho arrangement Is siifli that It ran Ut tilled by forcing It bottom downward In to a receptacle of fluid substance, tho hinged portion of tho K jfA H ar.w nucKtrr. bottom bcllitf opened to iKTIIlIt tliu bucket to 10 filled and clotted to hold tho contents until carried to tho pinto of fccdlm;. Tho content can thus bo discharged Into a trough without winding It and without tho liability of nplllliiK It uion tho clothes of tho o'H-rator. Ilio hinged portion of tho bottom of the can Is operated by n rod extending above tho (op, which term inates Into a handle. Aa thu bucket Is carried by thu latter, pressure ta alwuya mulutnlncd uim tho bottom to keep It closed. When It In dettlrcd to illMclinrgo the contents tho handle I pushed downward. Malt fur I.Ira BtncU, Why Halt should bo regularly sup plied to stock la thus put by a famous Kiigllsti authority; llivnimo In thu blood of animals thero Is six or seven times inoru sodium than potassium, and that tho comjsmlllou of tho blood Is constant. To keep animals In good health a dcllnlto amount of common salt must Im assimilated, Tho excess of potassium salts In vegetable foot! causes by chemical exchange an ab normal toss of com moil salt. This Is proved by the fact that tho craving of an animal for common Halt Is most no ticeable wlicn tho food contains a largo proportion of potassium salts, such as wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, beans am! peas. The addition of salt to animal Iff S pam roa haw mill rowgx food the npiwllte, promotes the repair of tissue by Its senrelilng diffusion through the body, and stimu lates the rapid using up of lis wasln products. lluussliigiiuH' experiments showed that suit lucrenses iiiiisetunr vigor nntl acthlty, and Improves) their general nppoaranoo mid condition, Hi. Itlnlit Wsr lo I'aeh I'rull. If the fruitgrower simply tumble his apples Into the barrel without sort ing ami without arrangement, In order lo M'l tho k i en lent number Into tho lairel, hen da It up and ships to in.ii ket, he will tltscowr when lui S''H hi eh'ik that hi fruit has Is-en sold for tho lowest price. Till only way tu get the top prlttt for fruit I to sort It according to grndes, arranging In bar rels or boxes In layers, placing each j appio in ny uaiiti, aim selecting tor tin top layer fruit of the same color The top la)er should t made up of apple all of the same slzo If it-tslble, and th fruit should come Just to tho lop of the at n Hit. Then the heading should Ut carefully placed on lop and gently pressed down until It slip Into tho chine. This can ln done Mlcr by the use of a hlis-k placed under a leter. .Mlrsl. l SmU. The value of nitrate of sod applied to laruard millet at the New Jersey expvrlinont station was stated by the i'Mcrliiicutfr as follows- Amount ap plied, 100 pound er acre; yield un treated acre, 7iWI tons; treated acre, Kl.ICS tons; gain by use of nitrate. 5.7.1 tons; Mr cent of gain, 73 I; value uf gain, at $.1 per ton, II7.V5; cost of nitrate t acre, fltilH. net gain er acre by ue of nitrate over cost, ll.likY The crop was seeded on June Id on well fertilized land at the rate of three fourth bushels of seed per acre, after a crop of oat and ea forage had been harvested, which averaged six tons per sens The nitrate wa applied soon af ter the plants wrre well rooted and capablo of absorbing fisM rapidly. I'lK tinner In Wnsie Tint woven wire fence I revolution izing thu. hog Industry In the whole country, and when fanners leurn lo utilize every bit of waste laud for pa lure for their hogs tho hi-rtbt will lie healthy and tho cost of prtsluctloii will I tletreasetl many dollar. It won't do to allow tho pigs to He In the simile of the corn crllM or to allow them only a run of pasture. Fred. a little euro all of the time that the pigs are running In tlm luisture. The grass grown pig does not np-nr so ntlractlvu with his working clothes on, but when he I well developed and ready to !' fitted he makes the pams-rtt -ts look like ,'H) cents. He makes a line ap;caramv an J I a credit to his owner and feeder, rH Stall. Tho stsll as shown here I four feet over all, but can I made less. (W when eating will stand with her hind feet Just ts'hlnd the :.' by I, leaving ttw dropping behind It. When she lies down she will U com pelled, to lie In front uf the 'J by I COW STAIt. with her head under tho feed rack. It Is not necessary to hnto a gutter In a stall of this kind. There should bo short partitions, however, to keep th cows from turning around. For building, use '1 by -I for bottom feed rack ; bottom of rack a feet abovu floor. Strips of I by , 0 Inches apart form tho rack, and should sIojkj back 00 degrees. From 7 to 8 feet from front of stall place 2 by 4 on rdgo; If set l dirt use stakes. Kstrmlns Nnlea, Itfmrmbcr tho Importance of thv kitchen garden. Soma genius has figured out that a hco will on it busy day draw sugar from iMjim different cloter heads. When mustard Is a serious pt-st tho fields are sprayed with a solution that kills tho weed, hut does not harm tho crop. Tho government spent $10,000 this last spring planning ways to destroy thu green bug In ICnnsas, Oklahoma unit Texas, Preaching economy doesn't amount to much. You must practice It, but thero Is such a thing us being too economical, Tho Clolnnont ranch, near Kugle wood, In Clark County, Kan., consist ing of 21,000 acres of fine laud, will bo cut up Into small farms. One hundred and thlrty-nlno cows, comprising tho best of thirty-sir Illl noli licrds, produced an avt-rngo of 001 pounds of butter fat last year, .11 1 I 11 j ill MYnTl'.HIUa OP BONO BLAH0, Oitttin Are A It tit lu Svnlliitetil In ! (ha sIhsIii HnII Wurlil. How ninny people would guess thu moaning of n "Spanish onion song?" This strange phrase one of the ninny to be found In the professional' ill. Ilouary of slang Is used to denote tho inuslo hall ballad, and owe Its origin to Hut fai-t that no self resins ling mviu lr of lis race would Imi without a pa Untile reference to "dear old mother' or "somelsMty's sweetheart far llrtny ' Now, patluHt draw tears, and so do onion, 'tho rest I obvious, .) , Cleveland Plain Denier Thr.i bnllatl aru also known by th ,inint of "(live me your kind applauso songs," n tltlo which I also applied t tlltlle whose duty It I to draw nttni thm lo some mlsdttsl on the part of thu lmerlal government. Artists, too, nlwa) allude to lint last song they sing us their third sung, though In many case It may ho their second or their fourth. "Ilrealhers" are so called lvailse tint unfortunate artist who slug tln-m ha no chaiicn to breathe unit at, H-rhap. hit surreptitiously dro a stray imto here ami there and thus draw a few molecule of air Into lit lung. Thei song of which "Tho Irish Christen tug" I an example -always have at least live long verses, which are run turn Into tlm other and sung without a break of any kind A typ" of song which Is designed with the expres pur;iosti of ilivrltln,; tlm audience It the "ctt ballad," Willi great Ingenuity the coui"er Utjlii his verso tit a highly ssuitlmeutal tone, when, Just as the audience I com meiH-ttig to search for Its xkrt hand kerchief, a suildeii turn Is gltrll tit the word and every one realties that he hat been tricked Ihtt whole thing Is, In fact, veriest partsly "Mingle your eyebrow with mine, love," I a case In silnt. At the present moment the music hall world I searching high ami low for concerted nuints-r, whlrli form ti r cent of the seaside. Tlir" am merely ioa rewritten In form trio, quartets or quintets for Pierrot and mitdt-ir theatrical trouj-, while "extra biisl lusts' I addttt to suit rcqiilrtiHctit Motto songs, which are liM-rrasiig lu popularity every day, will also. It I ei vtnl. help to tmwt the hours for ttw lounger oil "thowt yellow Mllds," Tlir til I th-" always !lnt all ritvllrlit moral The "production number" I a term which need souin explanation It mean that the song I elalMiratcd or "featured" with chorus girl ami I "produced" oil S Inure elatsirattt ooale thin tho ordinary imnitx-r. It l ir qillrcs H'lnl scenery, with rffects. Souhrctl songs give the Idea of songs always sung by souhrcltf. They must, however, fulfill certain other re quirements. The chorus, n III other song, do not remain tho name, (lit couplet lii every case Mug differently worded. I'hrrrr lllalnrf. It I still asserted In school s (list cherries were Introduced to liug Imtil by the "fruiterer" or green grwer of Henry VIII ; also, that they were not common for a hundred years after that time. This I an error Mr. Tlmum Wright found the name In t-v ery one of the Anglo-Saxon vocnbnla rli-s which he cdllcd. So common went they ami so highly esteemed that the lime for gathering them became a rec ogulzcd festival "cherry fair" or "feast " And this grow Into a prtt terblal expression for fleeting Jots, (lower sajs the friars taught that "life Is but a cheryefayre," nod Hope "en dun th but a llirowe, right as It were a eheryefeste " Thero I morn than one record of the purtlutse of tree for tin' klng'a garden at Westminster countries leforo Henry VIII. was Isirii. Hut I'llny contradicted the fnble, as If In prophetic mood. After telling that Lit ciillus first brought cherries to Homo (from Pontus, In (ISO ,. l. ('.), ho adds that In tho course of I'.l) years they havo spread widely, "even passing over sea to Ilrltaln." Conihlll Magazine. Online lllll lis- Wslailil, "Dollar bills aru worth almost their weight In gold," a tsink president said tho other day to a dcoor. "Yes, 1 siipKso they como In handy for chango and arc easy to carry," tho depositor n-pllcd absently. "No; I was shaking literally," tho bniik president said. "Wo got Into nil argument In thu bank hero thu other day as to how much n dollar bill weigh ed. A twenty-dollar gold plecti weighs 510, grains. Wo found that twenty even crisp, now oneilollar hills weigh thu saino as a twenty-dollar gold piece. Wo tested some bills that hud la-en In into mid found that It took but twenty six of them to balauctt tho gold piece. I stipiMiso that twenty-six used bills gather nil accumulation of dirt In pass ing from hand to hand that weighs uboiit what ouo new bill does," Kan sas City Star. Not lo lie IQsueoleil, "llavo you any bleu how many pounds tho shipments of tea received In this country In a year would total?" "Of course not, I'm not a teototuU r." Kansas City Times.