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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1908)
i?r Eh- trong and Steady Dy HORATIO JVaStfSaa CHAITKK XIX. An IxHir missed without ft wont 'wing spoken bj lilit singular botett. Klip went to the window from limp to time, and looked out a if expecting some one. Ai length Walter determined to break the silence, which had become opprelve. It did not eeero nntiirnl for two persons to U- In the mkk room so long without H-aVtng n word. "I should think jou noil Itl find It lone ly 1 1 vine In the wood away from an neighbors," he mM. "I don't care for neighbor," said the woman, shortly. "Hate jou lited here long?" "That's n people reekon time," was the answer. "You don't have fr to go for fuel." was the next remark of our here. "Did you say jou was n hook peddler?" be Inqtilivd. "I am a book acnt." "Is jour buslne-w a good one?" she ak- rd. "I hate done very well no far, but then 1 have been at it only n week." "it's n good thing to have money," nil to wbmu, more to herself than to Wal ter. "Yes," wld Walter "It's very convrn It'Dt to haw moaej ; but there art other th my that are twltcr." "Such as what?" demanded th woman abruptly. "Good health, and a good conscience." She laughed scornfully. "111 tell jou there's no-thing so ged r.s money. I've wanted It all my life, and never could pet It. 1K you think 1 weakl lle here In the wood If I had money? No. I should like to be a ift.lj. and wear fine doth, and drive ale-iit In a handsome carriage. Why are we Jioople no lucky, while I live In this mis erable hole?" "IVrhajH your lark will chxnse some day," be raid, though he had little faith la hts own word, lie wondered bow ttte tall, taunt woman of the backwoods woiM look dressed In silk and satin. "My luck never will chance." she said, jutekly. "1 must lite and die In some tueh hovel an this." "My lurk haa chanted." said Walter, quietly; "but In a different way." "How?" she asked, betraying In her tone some curiosity. "A year ago .x months ago my filth er was a rich man, or was considered so. lit was thought to be worth over a hun dred thousand dollars. All at once bis property was swept away, and now I am obliged to earn my own living, as you MP." "How did your father lose hi money?" "Uf speculating In mines." "The more fool be." "My father Is dead." said Walter, fracely. "I cannot bear to hear blm blamed" "Humph!" ejaculated the woman. "I expect you are hungry." "Yes." mM Walter, "I am; but I can wait till your husband eotnes." She took out rota a small cupboard a date of bread and soate coM meat, and laid them oa the table. TToa she steep ed some tea, and, when It was ready, she put that aim) on the table. Walter un derstood from thin that supper was ready, and, putting on his shoes, which were bow dry, he moved his chair up. The woman poured him out some tea in one of the cracked cum. The first sip of the tea. which was quite strong, nearly caused a wry ex pression oa Walter's fac, but 1 man aged to control himself o far as not to boiray his want of relish far the bev erase hN hostess offered blm. The only rwleeml'nc quality it had was that It was hot, and, eipo-e-d as be bad been to tbe storm, warm drink was agree able. "There's some bread anl there' some troat," said tbe woman. "You can hlp jourself." Walter ale heartily of the food, ami succeed! In empljlng bis eup of tea. lie would have taLen another cup If therv had li milk and sugar, but It w a stoo bitter to be lutltlng. Walter pushed his chair from the table, end sat down again before thu fire. Khe rose and cleared the table, replacing the brtad and meat In the cupboard. There was silence for another hour. Walter wished It were time to go to bed, for the presence of such a woman Hindu hlra feel uncomfortable. Hut it was too early jet to suggest retiring. At length the silence was broken by a step outside. That's Jack," said the woman, rising hastily; and over her face there came a transient gleam of satisfaction, the first Wulter had ohsened. Ilefore she could reach the door It was opened, and Jack entered. Waller look ed up with some curiosity to see what eort of a man tbe husband of this woman Might be. He saw a stout man, with low crinj cjes, and matter ret hair and Uard. "They are fitly mated," thought our tero. The man stopped abort as his glance rested upon Walter, and he turned quickly to his wife. "Who have jou got here, Meg?" he asked, In a rough voice. "He was otertaken by the storm, and wanted me to take him In, and give him supper and lodging." "He's a boy. What brings him Into Jhese woods?" "He aye he's a book peddler." "Where are bla books?" "1 have sold them all," said Walter, fjEl JLGCR. JR. feeling call il Hn to lake a portonal share In the ooincrMtkni. "How many did jihi hat?" "Twenty." "How much did j-ou charge for them?" "nitre dollar and a Imlf nplev." "That's setrnty dollars. n't It?" "Yes." "Well, you can stay here all nlht II jou want to. We ain't U'wd to Wplti' a tatern. but jou'll fare a well as we." "Thank jou. 1 mi afraid I hljttit bare to stay out all nleht " While his wife was getting out the vipper again, the man sat down beside the Rre, ami Walter had a chance to wan hi rough feature. There wa omethlnc In hi appearnnee that lnplred distrust, and our hero wished the night were jit, and he were again on his way. CHAt'TKIt XX. About nine o'clock Walter Intimated a desire to go to tied. The woman tit n candle, ami left the room, follow ed by Walter. She let! the way up n much, unpointed staircase and opened the door of the room oter the one In whkh thej had been seated. IHiktng around him. Walter found that the chamber which he bad entered was a bare as the room Mow, If not more so. There wn not even n In stead, but In the corner there wa a M on the Hour with some ragged bedclothes spread oter it. "That's where yftti're to sleep," sahl the woman, pointing It out. "(Joodnlght." saM Walter. She put the candle oa the nvtntelplece. for there was no bureau or table In the room, and went out. "This ln't a very stylish tavern, that's a fact." thought Walter, taking a survey of the room. "I shall hate a bard bed, but I guewi I can staml It for one night." There wa something else that trou bled him more than the poor accommo dations. The ill looks of hi hot and hostes-s bad made a strong Impression upon bis mind. Tbe particular Imjulrle which they bad made about hi success in sellln,- books, am their strong deire for money, led him to feel apprehensive of robbery. He wa in the heart of the woods, far away from assistance, am at their mercy. What could he, a boy of fifteen, do against their combined attack? He would bate preferred to sleep In the wood without a shelter, rather than bate placed himself in their ower. I nder the Influnce of this apprehen sion, be examined the door to see If there wa any way of locking It. Hut there was neither lock nor bolt. There bad been a bolt once, but there was none now. Next he looked about the room to see If there was any heavy article of furniture with which he could barricade tbe door. Hut, as lias already been said, there was neither bureau nor table. In fact, there was absolutely no article of furniture except a single wooden chair, and that, of course, would be of no ser vice. "What shall I do?" thought Walter. "That man can enter tbe room when I am asleep, ami rob me of all my money." I am In; about tbe room, he noticed a closet, the door of which was bolted on tbe outside. Withdrawing the Iwlt, he opened the door ami looked In. It wa nearly empty, containing only a few articles of little or no tnlue. A plan of operations rapidly suggested Itself to Wal ter In case the room should be entered while he was asleep. In pursuant of this dan he threw a few pennim upm the Itoor of the closet, ami thn cluaeil the door attain. Next he drew from his pocketbook all the money It contained, except a single live-dollar bill. The bank notes thus remove amounted to fifty -Ave dollars, lie then drew off hi slock in, and, laying the hills In the bottom, attain jxit them on, Walter's feelinsts, as lie lay on his bard bed on tbe floor, were far from pleasant. He was not sure that an at tempt would be made to rob him. but the probability seemed so great that lie could not comiKrtte himself to sleep. Suspense was so painful that he nlmost wished (hat Jaik would come up If he Intended to. He wax tired, but his mental Bnxlety tri umphed over hi Ixxllly fatigue, ami he tossed about restlessly. It was about nine o'clock when he went to bed. Two hours passed, and still there were no signs of the apprehended Inva sion. Hut, five minutes later, t heavy step was heart) uion the staircase, whlrh creaked beneath the weight of the limn ascending. Jack tried to come up softly, but It creaked nevertheless. Walter's heart beat quick, as he heard the steps approaching nearer and nearer. It was certainly a trying moment, that might hate tested the courage of one oili er than our hero, I'reseutly the tloor opened softly, ami Jack advanced stealth lly Into the chamber, carrying n candle which, howeter, was unllglitisl. Ho reck oned uion finding Walter undressed, nud his clothes hanging oter tho tlmlr; but the faint light that entered through the window showed him that his Intended vic tim had not remoted his clothing. The robbor paiued a moment, and then, stooping over, inserted his hand Into Walter's picket. He drew out the pock etbook, Waller making no sign of being aware of what was going on. "I've got It," muttered Jack, with sat isfaction, and stealthily retraced hi step to the door. He went out, carefully clos ing It after him, and again tbe step creaked beneath his weight. "I'm afraid he'll Mine hack when he nds how little there I In It," thought alter "If so. I mint trut lo my The door wn noon again thrown open, md .lack strode In, he-trlng l ItN hand candle, till time lighted. He adtaneed "It's lln for jou to get up. I'te irot n lihthlng to mij to jou." "Well," nld Waller, sitting up In bod, rin reailjV Ift.t "il-M?" Walter ,mt hi hand In hi Wket. "It tta In my pockctbook," be said; "hut It's gone." "Here I jour pocketboek." snUI Jack, producing It. "Hid jou take It out uf my intcVet? Wlmt wide you take It? IKi jou metiu to steal my iiHineyr ie, I do; and the sooner jtni hand It over the better." "I hate more money." said Wnl- ter: "iHit t Iwpe ton will let m keen It " "What made jou lake It out of jour "' m1""" '" ''' '" HIH '""I1 "' pocket lnwk?" ' -I by I Iih-Ii m-hiiIIIiik The rin of "llccnuie 1 ttivught I sIhmiM have n tho sliicher nmrictl I, nro lit fivt Ionic, visit from jou." nud liwdo nf I liy ft liuli MttifT Tho "What made you think so?" demanded (.r,,, ,,v. Nn. ft, la lit feet long. Hint Jack, rather s.irpri.ed. I 1W(1( of ., ,,, 5 .,, ,- N ,j ,, ""'.' '' Iwprt"! W; f by ftliHli Hti.IT. MINI Is Iati4li on hid It." "" UmXy n,U,tl,o fr,u.t o.Uot..nll.m tho l.y to sll.lo nien ymi'd Mter find It agnln. I " "hen U'Iiik Hlmtitl on by can't wait here all night, tiet up. am ' ""'',l Tltnta'W lilliuts'rt d 7. S, tl And me llmt moticj, or It'll be the worwi d !" Hf iniiili1 of 'J hj lllliili slufT, for jou." unit nro 10 feel long, except No. 7 Mini "I hhl some money In that closet." said ,u M. tthlcli sliotihl t only hh long us Walter. "I thought jou wouhl net think (do strnkor froiue I wide. Hmdi otnl of I.Hklng there." f Nll HMl 0 , project n fit ., nirr wn uie ciei -inieii out than Jark eagerlj single toward It and threw open the door, lie enteral It, and began to eer atiout him. holding the can dle In hi ha ml. "Where did you put It?" he Inquired, turning to question Waller. Hut he had searrely spoken when our hero closed the door haMllj, and, before Jark couhl reenter from his surprise, hail I Hilled It on the outside. To add lo the dlscomllture of the Imprisoned rulter. the wlmt produced by the violent slamming of the door blew out the candle, ami lie found himself a lie. In utter dark ness. "1ct me out. or I'll murder jou !" be roared, kit king the harrier that separated him from his late victim, now his captor. Waller saw that there was no time to lose. The dmir, tliough strung, wouhl probably soon give way before the strength of his prisoner. When the lib eration took place, he must be gone. He held the handle of his carpetbag between hit teeth, and, getting out uf the window, hung down. The distance wa not great, end he alighted upon the ground without Injury. Without delay he plunged Into the woods, not caring In what direction he went, as long as it carried htm away from bla dishonest landlord. (To be continued.) The Oilier llenson, A tenmstcr rvtlrea nt tho ngp of ninety ttltd mi nivuiniilntlon of J.V),. (A). Ho KijK do w nuts nud I entitled to n rest. Soini- Impilrera wnut to know much lintv do cinilil Imvc Nati-tl so mi $1- n week, the hlglieit wage do oter rttvltiil. Tho mistier U easy. Ilu gut f- a ili.y. lie llttl on tod on differ- S tviit '1 oeiits n iIh). Ho sale. I the enco. 1 lived In New ork m 3 n ilar iIt imaillui mul was Ih iimgulllctiit lieHltd. Some ietiple oatl .. ...... . . . .. . . I to nit1; ih iters ntc to int. As tdo old clmp hi tho ferryboat mild to tdo mull hoy: "Soiiiij-, why iIimm. n pig oat?" " 'C'liuso lie's hungry." "No. TIiijw'b aiHitder reason." WliutV .utr "He ttanta In niHko n hoi; of dim M?lf." .S'iw York 1'r.iw. llol.iK t'liores, Td ill oimi'm own Mitali-en, to shook one's own i-.irn, to ph-U imo'a own ap plird, In pile one's own hiiihsIwm at ihio'h own barn! It la llko lllllug one's HjM.iii tilth an Hiitltiixln bofnro uodu into ii fover phiktiHl itiuiitrj. Olio Is Immune to winter after tills, pro. Med he MtajH to bake his iipptea In Ills own wohI Mr.', Olio works himself Into n clow with nil hi dlk'k'lnk' nml plcklim mid lilllns Unit lusts until tvnnu wi-nth-rr ctiiu.-N ncnlti, mid along tilth this Inmost glow romiH slenllng over dim tho lifter liiirwut Nutv, It Ih tho no renlty of Indlnii suinnier, the iikmmI of the nfter Imrvcnt HoiiMnn, urVittt dim llsm dim nud Ills Melds mul wooda. DiiIIiih liro Slinrp In Atlnutlc. A I.enp-Venr I'nlrli, Ho You linvo it bountiful collection of presei How era, Sliu Yea; but I allll need ono vnrl fly to (Mmiph'te tho tiilhvtloii, IU- You lutt'd but to limno It find I'll motii Ihkivi'II mul trtli to ohtnlii It for jou. ' .Sliu OrmiBo liUnrHuniH. W'li.-n Ilie Slnlil rrniioseil, Tho loiip-ycmr jilrl dml Just proposed, '"IHiIh la cr o Niiililen," atiiiiiiiicretl tho yotinx I""" I" tl" ! "I mil Urfnilfiilly or einbnrriiHMil, nml " "KmlmrniHsed!" exclnlmctl tho fair nmlil. "Then I tnko It all bm-lc. I tlwuiidt yoti dad oodli-H of monoy," r.olil Iln. Is. Manaiter Do yon play by note? Violinist Neto. Cash only. 1 rI ( f I y ., , I AtWtfQ' $'!& U h .Ml-ri -Zif liny NlneUer, lllttllt.lllltllll,. Illftt tl 111 till "" m'"Uv '" '""'" '"'J li ,h,,w" !" Ilu' l"''"; Tliw ro ih. rani- " u ,,m,k Hl"1 ,l"' "ll,,H'r ,-l'"' I'" eoiiMrurUmi iiui ln rvtulllj pro- I'tiritl. TIu illttii'iinlntr of tho tnrliui jKtrtH ntv: Tho lower timber tt tiled nro marked j rtr,. HuiUt Hi feet Io;ik mill nro iimiIo of I by R IihIi HfHHtllliic Tho slid' Up ...i.,. , , , '". iiniini -. nn- ni-ui n i.-ei "": """ """" " " . "W"'"H "" "- ' ""' ": n'. nmrMti .... .,,,, ,, .. Vll ., Nos. li mid I- nro inaito of 2 by -I-liuli stuff. aUuil 10 foot lHig; llwen Ixdtetl to No l.t mInhiI tft Inclnit frtmi 'do hltcdcr end of No. 1,1. No. t.t Is nmito of 1 by I Inch stlllT, nlsitit S feet I.Mig; tin" higher lint nlitiuhl l nImhiI H feet hIhmo the grtHiml, si tliHt it den Ido stacker Is on tho groiiiHl the weight Inix, No. II, Hbntihl l altlt two tin-he from the tw.i pulleJM on the tinier em I of N. Ill; ulo when the starker I upright. an It la when the liny Is Idrowti .hi tile sln.'k, tde weight box sIhiiiI.I Ih' mIhiiU i Iih lien In-low tde two IHlllejs nn tde llimr tunr ht.ickik. upMT t'lul of No, l.'l, nml xx lit'it the stacker I linlf-ttny .town the weight Isix, No. 1 1, should Ih Just el iti r nf tde ground. No. II Is the ttclgdt box, mid should Ih iiindo uf L'lntli stuff. iiImiiii H tu to Iih'Iiis deep, mul ntxnit - foot Hiinro, ' It must h well splkitl tietlier. I do ldit of td.i weight Is In shirt tde stinker Iwik to the irrouml ns soon hn tho Ihh.I In dcllicml from It on to Id. stuck, ami wlieu I lie atmker la IiiiIiwh)' sunk, ami wlieu me atmker la iiiiiiwh)' to the groiliii), tde weight acts hn n brake fur the oilier tialf of tin ttaj down Tho hoi la Mlled Willi stones Tdo mpe tthlili iittHtheM Iho weight I ... at... -..... ... ..I I... ai...... , (six to tin stacker should Ih three- ipmrter Inch, mim.Ihk from tho weight tip In'tweeii the two pulloja on the lli per end of No. I.t, mid dottn to tho center of stacker head No. ft. 'I he pill lejH oil tho fro me of tho hIhi ker idltMlht lie atliielietl by lilemm nf wimmIimi IdiH'kM tilth n imlili cut out mo llmt tdo pulley itiii lit between tho bh.'k and frame. I'ullejH for this purKJt are linhea In illaiiwler mid niNile of lunie.1 hard wimnI. TIi.-m' are fiiNteiiiHl In pinto bj means of h tmnl wihmI pin for mi axle. 'Ilie pulleJM awould Is kept hhII ii4IhI to keep idem from calkin. The roHi for nilslnu Iln- Hlncker hIiimiM Im ellhiT In. li or llicli ami u ipiarler. Tdo tcctd on Ido HtH. her (till bo limilo of 'J by I I Hell pine Muilit lliik'. 10 f.ct Iiiiik mid iM'tellcd on the upper hIiIo to allow tho liny to slhlo on ohhIIj'. 'Ilie abort upright tietli on tho slnckiT IhhiiI should I hi iiIhiii t ft fci-t lorn;. They "lo iHilletl to the long tct'tli iihout - Inches from tho stnrker head, No. ft, mul real ngiillist the stalk er h.iiil, No. tl. 'I'lio Hliukcr arms, No. -t sliouhl Ih bolted to No. 1! wild u largo bolt, about 11' InclicH from tho Kroiiml, Arllllelal Honey, Artlllcliil liouoy inn now ho iiuido ho llko tho Koiiulmi arllclu In Hut or that men llin ixHirt cHiiuot toll Ido (infer one. Thick nlriipnf sugnr Is ImiIIi-iI wild n mliiiiloipmiillly of mltiernl nclil, which convert It Into tdo hiiiiio form occur rliiK In doiioj'. Tills h mixed wild Home natural liouoy of ntnin Hat or, mid thiiH closely Hlliniilnlca tho real article It Ih wild Hint tdo follow Iiik, Iuiowii iih I.j-'h roagent, will ilelei't tdo VjiurluiiH liouoy; Ten parta of alitor ultrato aro iHhmoIwiI In n hundred parlH of water, ami to HiIh twenty pnrla of a 1ft per tent Kolntloii of mxlii carbomitu Ih milled. Tdo proclpltiito Ih lllleruil, wnslicd inn iIInhoIviiI In a lift parlH of a 10 per cent hoIiiIIoii uf nininunliim chloride. It immt bo kept In tlio dark lu tt wcll-BtopiH.'rca botlle. Tdo honey J nrnmiM z-y It. llO tOStctl IIIIISI Willi I Willi iih tt.lght of ttulfl A few drop, or Ido l-.ilK.nt illfln la. H.I.I.-.I Hli.1 lUHtlnl fur llto iiiliiuliw mi n wal.-r bald In tin1 tllirK .MIIIIIHI lionej mm" iinmn mill Hh.nts n uroeiilsd jellow niton's ii'iuvi Ido bnlliitloii liiriis n llgdler tint nud hliutt nn ihioreiMfint' Niiiiinirr ttnrU Will. I'.nillri. III.) SHIM ilebllltitl.. fowls, IIHTi-lHO Ido nrtuy of lie. crlpilo ej'ilm uihI i-ei i i . irtuiblo In iimt.y older wiijm oii iHniuut itHitrol Ido sun, but j.ui ohii inilrol Ido powei nf II. ns Mr as Is In mark tdl inttliiry. will u jour iHUillrj Is .iHfriie.l. I fdt .ml llrt of all upon fnitl.lo slmdo Trei. simile I lb Soil. UhIo HlwclHlor IhsI, but If there are no trr.s In tln Mrs Tiny I lliit, a Idwiou gn, run Id.'ii Ido next IhI Idliig Is lo or.vt daltns to le Hie first woman In die caiiople uf some kind. I world In ride anil propel hii alrsliip, Unto plaifN prin died nt that th' which Is her own properly Her i..l fowl ami t'llleks ealiiHit tmtj K't Into im ni'litoti are well klMinn m the hIihiIo diltl ig the dot wosllier, but t New KnglalMl mifei, who date i r.i. lime u pla.t ! tofiige ilurimc rwlnj. stormy .laj. fill .low n iln suindy nf Inmt-prwdit I t grtln III I lie .Hot Hint foot llbemlly of green food As tlHy iimtiiro iHsiralo tho .'ek - erol from the pullols unit glto the for- imr nil oxtrn nlh.wmici., as tlwy will Marnl iimrt. forvlng. It I N.ltlsaMf .aril Week to wlher i. hII hen tliHt are l.HlnK nn-Hly I in I put tliem in a se)tsrsle rMii where no lii-its nro prothteil Wild tdl lis into It will t.tiilre but a w.'k to break Idem fnan their bnHy iMMIitels alitl tdej will go leirk t.t fating hkhIii tt'rerUli.a tt li.tltt.lll., ul..., .J .h- l f..- lail. bj ml, rvHt ,..s,r!lll,'lhM'M w" ,,,v,,1llM Ur' ,'"" prtHlinvrs as tin- t gin ami elr h" ""' , M " '""" "I'I-t trie imdnr. da plte.. life ... a hew In ",' lM ,lw ta"1 "" ,H" '-" .Inslrj wlieliulll wr.vklng 'Ihe ..I.I I w w"f' " rwinnnt In the wlutlmlll bulltb.ra iuhI.'I.- I their Iww"mhi I always get when I busliHfM ami iih-hii! their handiwork 'TMany- the Impre-sloii that the t.. last. nimI wi tin- ilennrfUhliiK of drill sreant pursue, the Herman rll strti.ttir.-H M imi slmHe lasi. Manj of lMI '""I the army In all departments the old mill et.HHl imi feel high ami "f ,u"- '""' "H '" remains a well liu.l eight or tilm II.. .r. Mtle.1 with H"'"l. 'H drilled and very th iln four run of t.Hie. ami itrtifaliretl """ "' IwtWWe Iwrratk ami imui tiHw ..f btlck tlflen these huge "" Ir.m dlsWplhie all llin mills stiiml cl.sH. to other billldlng. , 'W"4W",U "f " li" T "" Weekly mid. wtjs I'oiMtlar Mi Imnln.. ho Ideuts wouhl ! Inot liable If tlio wr.ikers .11.1 mil lime oxperlelHi' 111 tdelr task I'Ulll Ilie l.ale, Tde late w.eils In tlio garden Hhmh Hint imiiio in August ami SeptetuN'r nro Hie ones thiii product) seeil Ix.forr the fact Is iH'tlifd, mid thus stock thr ground with wml next joHr Tde gar den Is often neglivted lale III tde sum mer, hut It ali.Hll.l Ih kept clear ol wi-o.1 until the frost, and tin result will Is- n grtwt sating of lalsir In the glowing of Nmall fruits ami timetables. as IIHwt of the work rwMlre.l la due lo Iho weeds him grasa which s,rln; up at all llmea. I'r.Miltrtl llrenal In Clilebena t'rtMiHl breast I. iih. In ebltkens are .-ailsetl hj Iho heat j lilnl rte.llnr on iHilvanr fotMe. Tlie Imiihm of the young blnls are wrfl nml are I urn. I to mie side by pristtlmc on the roost. If j.hi. bate hmty fowls let Hum n.xti on tlie llmir cotoretl thickly with straw, ami j mi will date mi ertMihi.l breast lnOH-tl, 'llo.rli llliila on 1'nri.i tt'orU, A low -w deoletl HHWoti aavea mauy a Imeka. he. A welloll4sl, aliarp hhw mitea Hum ami louiper. Tde aim of the alio marks a pro- kivmi- iarmer etorj nn.. Ton much water and wet, mindiy fiHHls will mil lay mi fat. It takes lhoiHi.eiilrHlil siulT loilo that, Null a Imtlur strop on ido side o, tdo wnmiii Uix to lioid mi ax, mul outer lento tde ax at Iho hnusn. 1'Hlnt itista prelly high Hi,,. ,ajs but It will pay In the long run In miv-! liiK thu billhllliHa-prothled It Is KihnI mint. Tho mini wlm miiiint kick the hind lllllll lllir.ltir linn. Iln, lilr...l ....... ii... , doiHtn't ,!...,.. . ,. ." :: furllll,r , "'"" " , , , I Jo dot Ilie uilsluko of llllliik Iho sliu wllh lorn Hint Ih areen. It soura Mulekly Hd Iu.h " f, ,,,, valiio. Walt till li la Hue ... . . ' He llberH Willi tho us, of hertwe,,, hIhhi Iho plan A tHl way to dim. It In Willi a spriij pump. Send It Into uwiry crink and rotlio on tdo doiiso. .Miihiiiii)iinr iiilml tlini ton will nut Kt mud and mUust tho calf jou aro IrjIiiK lo loaili to nrlnk, no umller wlmt tdo lilllii fellow may do, lie p- lli'iil. You will lliliil, morn of tho calf, and Hiirely of joursulf. It Ih all i Wit to fix up tho old Inn iu'hs, raider Idan to spend money for new one, pnnhlliig jou can maki) It k'ood and wife. Hut don't run imy rUkM. lit'lter K' wltdoiit soiiicIIiIiik else tlmu to work with an old, tender h trnviiit. aoMKTitiNO ron r.vnmioDY I'nifosMur Wnsoeriniiiiii, of hits auitooili! Ill llliillng ii Milled Ulires ptiiumllio ptitsniilng Hi rtk rum Willi lit iMiriini llieriiio ln.f. fc.... ,.m,,illlw f nt. clHl.tIM ,H ,hi ( , uf ,,,,,,,,, fu f ,,um, , ,, rH,y f ,. ( -tJ, ,; ()1. wn, At (do meeting f Ido IMmiii-nicntt. lHHir.1 of uMinrilliui tlio elork Mih,n,, tin. .lentil of (leorg. Hllilld. wli in slMtisI, Iih 1 1 boon hii IiiimhIh of dm tt.irkluMiso for Hhiro limn serem tears UiihI.hi MhIhIhuI Ktiry foreign oWner Iwitet.-s t the graiMt striHttcto Ih-ihii-u ii,,, "llnt.Hi" Hint Ido "Hatonois. wiii.h ihhiim-o.1 them mom! siKvMfui Kin- u a little WtHiian, weighing ! llisti fill MllnU II I'. WIIkiii. nf IUm. I'ol.i, win file mi a lileeo i.f Krwiml on w tilth is .ltw iih-i ., i.--, .-m-.ert the WHt. Mons in the wit eminent Mi ,, H, a setm as ho M.tiilre title 1 1 h Bhtti ,llrt, )t u.r , ,h ,y ' M w, U, lltt, flrM lit, ,m try.t,, n ,, wl)) wh,. , t,.mieiea i.t i grateyartt, A bra in Schaeffer, who rosdtee Ullsatwlhtowii. a , hsa.le a tow Hi t.sAH that If Jam llueltauan li-.ul.l lw eleettil I'resktenl he Would net. r luirl ullt. ttl h,ftfcM.aatiM lr UIM, IT. t- "" ' " " . " "i sl liiwe in Hubert rlewoll. of Hlhldnni. n t'reek ItHllnli, Is .me nf (he most tvblely trsv.i'.tl men In Oklahoma, having Ihi'Ii In Kuglaiid ami on tho cuilllielit of ISuropo, In-sldes hnvliti.' rlalmeil n resilience In tsitd Hoiild and ,utrnlla. Ho das Ih-ou arouiMl stMiie, ntHl wa absent from hi country and I"'!'!" more tliau tweulj rite jeam, " relurm! oulj two years ago, Just I" time claim tils rights as a t'r.-ek "IIUeM -Kansas flty 'lime An old I lino H.llng u-e was held at the I'aniegle Hall, In llrjan. Tex, bolWeen the Ijt.tle.' Akl S.s-lety of tbe llaptlst churih and the Homo Mission HoeMy of the .Meilit.llit I'b.ireh Mrs J Wetd. Howell was captain f the llall nI.m ami Mrs, jisuie nan captain or uie ,t.' slile. fhefe were about twriil) rite omtlestanl to oath able 'Ilie Meld itlt ladle won the rotttcot hating two Millers mi when nil the lUntlst ihu out ami down, Muring the reeent MitwiMippi giiin-r tialorlal eauiwlk'n (be Hon Jin Truly was isho nf the utmueeemfiil nsplratils for the tuajorllj suffrage of hi fel low-rUbon l-rohlhllloii d..-trlnes tig unl In the Mriuntle and seeuHl tery liiiHrlatil t a MellM.ll.t minister rltroiher Truly." aald Ihe mliilst. r "I waul to ask Jou h ipieatloli l J oil ever lake a driuk of whisky ?" "lUtfo' I aimwer that, rvsmleit the wary llr.Mher Truly. "1 want to know tder It bt an Imjulrj or mi luti '"III1"'" Taxlealei In lindon, hs hi New ork, re a marked sihv-b, and tlio ,,MM' w Imlnj: rmwiletl out, reMiri ""' Althoitgd searit-ly a jear bus 1' '"," I"1" ""'ft inotliiu car rl,"J,, "I'l1""'.!, Hi" hiUhI filieaily ",',H,,,, ""I'l"" laxlenbs In III.. (KSl.tsio. Thero are 7oS liulcnbs mi tho streets. "111111 IiixIciiIin on ortler and 1.7H0 lliemu! drlters, Tliern aro iw,t ,",'"' "i iiniiwiii.. iho atorHk'o imi ji enniiiiHa in a inn ih- l"".' II I. St I. Tllll HMTHgO (Hlt I .7(tt. i.i .i. . . ... ' , J.'K ' f " I" , "f "vmrn's ,-or- hhiiiuihI iniirls, IIiiinI tdo mmiHgo- """" ,,f '" "' '"0'Hl.-r IIUI ii few ilujs hko th.laltt.K the i.rdlmili.ii hkhIiinI Iho plnjlug of tho Martha do I'miIU (Caill March). Thero In a po- .Millar hut rmsoimhlo prejudho In '"'mi "k'Hlnst this Hiaiilsd niareli. It WHM "" tui"'. In tdo .Iiijh whin r,lHI'11 ml"! Hi" IhIiiiiiI, Hint Ido C'u l"1" P'llrlnlH iiinrcliid to tlmlr ex.i'ii- """ Ko. when the Independent uoteni- intuit wiih ilnMlslnil, six jnira ago, " ,",,, W,,M Il"tl mi tho mured and " l,,,H "'li'oiii la-i'ii lifiiril almii limn, Ht'""r Vnlilea, inaiuiKer of tho Alhlaii '""'n,,'r' I'xi'liiln.'d that tho liiro r,'"uoB" eiemeut in tun iioiiho ili'liliinu id tdo playing of Hie Cadiz March, nd he compiled to avoid troublo