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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1907)
THE BEND BULLETIN. VOI,. V MKND, ORliGON, FRIDAY, SftPTKMIMR 20, 1907. NO. 27 iiwjWiwiiiiwiww niiiJiiwi'iWB(iiimnjiiwiiii,iiJ . IRRIGATED LANDS WITH- PERPETUAL WATER RIGHT $15.00 TO $40.00 PER ACRE 185,000 ncrcs in the De.s Clmtci Vnllcy. acres now under 250 mild of completed canals. Most fertile soil, abundant and never fulling water, glori oiiH climate 310 Minidiiny days per year cheap lumber nud fuel, worldi of water jwwer, fish, name, and lcautiful mountain seen cry, combine to make an ideal country to 1,1 VU in. As for MAKINU A LIVINO, mail after man of our settlers is producing this year from these cheap lands from $50.00 to $100 00 an acre in clover, alfnlla, oat, wheat and barley cropi. Vegetable and fruit cropi have yielded from f 100,00 an acre up. 146 varieties of grains, grasses, fruits and vegetables raised and rl)cncd on the land. Clover 8 tons per acre, alfalfa 7 tons, oats 80 bushels, potatoes 300 bushels, swectcorn 180 bushels roasting ears. Mrnwberric 1 14? gallons, and other crops In similar pro fusion. WHY, MAN; IT IS LIKE FINDING MONEY. Have you got your tract of land yet? If not, why not? Get n hustle on and, get It now, while you can get your pick. Remember this is Carey Act land. YOU PAY ONLY l'OR TIIK COST OP IRRIGATION. You get the land absolutely free directly from the State of Oregon. For particulars write tcday for Hooklct O. Deschutes Irrigation & Power Company Clias. P. Richardson, Manager Sales Department Room .MM, No. 6 Wnll St., Spokane, Wash. OR BEND, OREGON. f ocauso wo arc selling tho same and better quality at a closer margin, is a very good reason why you will find our storo tho best, placo to buy anything in tho lino of Groceries, Drygoods, Furnishings,- Shoes, Hardware, Sash and Doors, Paints and Oils ! iiiwri T5e PINE TREE STORE 1!. A. SATIII'.lt, PROPRIETOR PROFESSIONAL CARDS C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW Bend,: - Oregon. W. P. IVlYliRS Land and Irrigation Lawyer I.AIDUW, OKHOON Praatlce In nil Court and Departments n( the Interior. U. C. COE, M. D. . Physician and Surgeon Ol'I'ICIt OVIM HANK HII Mftbt Cclcpbonc Connection DAY TICI.KI'IIONIC NO. 21 P.UNI) OKHOON DR. I. L. SCOFIELD DENTIST 1IHNI), . OUHGON (Mice III Drus More on Wall Hlrcet Olhcc llmirs, f . III. lb 4 i. III. Ofdcf I'honc Nu. jij lUiUNncc I'lione Nil. j4 Mv.tUkLry.(m.d. PltySlclMn ami Sifrgcon 1 OFI'ICK CORKH DKUO STORK, UKNU, OUHGON i I tw,i amimnjnii, mmrm wmwuramnax Kfi MibhhIM King W 1! (iuetlti.Jr Juh K KuilocU King, Gucrin & Kollock ATTORNliYS-AT-LAW nt'riCMi IMk tMttdlNf. . . .tfett.1. Of eti tf McKay ftfla . -PwIUhJ, Otrgvn Hetal kIIvhOoh Ih tn tUMlti itUtlitf to Water, Uml nA 0Mcnt CurMillwH lw, PHACTlt IK AM. I'XIIKKAI, AMI tlTATtt COUUT. (lenernl Practice the First National Bank of Prlnevlllc. lintalillslicd 1SS8. Cnpltnl, Surplus mid Undivided Profits, $100,000.00 II. V. Allen , . . Will Wiirtwtllcr T. M. luMwIn . . II. lUMwhi. .. . ..rrttlitritt Vice I'ir.l.lcht Ca.liltr ...AiiliUul Cmliicr E. C. PARK Importer and. Breeder of , ItlUlI CJRADR ,, Poland ciliti Hors , Black LangshAn Chickens Young: Stock for Sale. t OREGON UHDMOND, DEMAND FOR MONEY Liend Wants Funds for Improvement of Streets. A POINT AT LAW INVOLVED City Official Petition County Court (or 50 per Cent of the Roncl Tnx Col Iccicd In Itcnil District. The municipality of Ilcnd has submitted n demand to the county court of Crook county that 50 per cent of the moneys collected for road purposes within the city dur ing 1904, 1005 and 1906 be deliv. ctcd to the city mid expended for the improvement of its streets. A request for this money has been made heretofore at various times, but Judge Hell has always refused to deliver it on the grounds that the law did not provide for such a disbursement of the county road fund. Recently Mayor Goodwillic re quested Attorney C. S. Benson to subinit an opinion as to the meaning of the law covering the point in controversy. This was done, At torney Benson holding, after due examination of the statute, that the county court was obliged to re turn 'to each road district within the count v 50 percent of the money collected in each district for road purposes; said sum to be expended on the district's roads under the sticrvisioti of the county road master. Consequently Mr. Ben .son was instructed to draw tip a demand for the amount due the city of Ilcnd from the county road fund, which (leitnnd was presented to the county court at it last session. The demand covers the moneys collected during the years 190.J, 1905, and 1906. The city of Ilcud had previously been con stituted 11 road district, hence the law covering the division aud ex penditure of money in road dis tricts is applicable. The county court referral the matter to Dis trict Attorney Mcncfee and is await ing his interpretation of the law before taking nctiou. The statute on which the city officials base their dcmiiid is found in the General Laws of Oregon, 1903, and is one relating to the establishment and maintenance of roads and highways. Sections 34 and 36 of this statute reads: Sac. . That the comity court or eoiiimUWioner' court f each county in tilts state iHy U-ty a tax of not to exceed lu 111IIU on the ilollurou nil taxable pro crly ut tnld county, at tin time of Mak ing the annual tax levy uku .the previ ous ) ear's asocMimcut, which ftliall beset trt nil n ueuerat road fund, to lie ued in the building nud improving the wllic or county roads or bridge 011 county rotdn of the county in which the iiro' crly is locAtcd. Said tax fclinll bo jwid In iiumcy, and collected in the Mime manner im other county tones nrc col lectcil, and when $0 collected klmll tie ucd for road imrKMM only, as provided in tldi net, and 50 per cent thereof shall be npportloncd to the icvernt rood dis tricts, in such proportion us the amount of tuxnlilo )rocrty in each district slmll U-ur to the whole Amount of taxable property iu the county, njid the remain ing 50 jxt cent shall be applied to road, in such locullty in the county an the court may direct. Site. j6. The county road master shall lime the noucr to determine when and in what manner the road supcrvjitir of the several road districts in the coun ty shall expend the tax apportioned to their several districts, and the instruc tions of said road master hi all matters relating to the construction, improve ment, or repair of the public roads and liridues shall be Imrillcitlv obeyed bv the said road supervisors. Why Oregon Fruit Excels. At the request of tlic Oregon Development League, Hon. Wilbur H', Newell), presideut-'of the State Board of Horticulture, has boa detiscd in the following 100 words a statement atmut Oregon fruit that should be printed iu every language known to the tongue of man: "Oregon excels in fruit. Proof. Ilccause her apples arc the acknowl edged standard of the world, bring ing highest prices from the trade of New York, Loudon, Paris and Ucr tui. "Her pears, cherries, straw berries, and dried prunas have a national reputation, unequalod by the fruit of any other suction of the United States. "Why? Ikcausc nature has given her n soil containing the neceasary plant food, a climate without ex tremes, and moisture and sunshine just right to produce a fruit of IxMtitifu! color, firm texture, and unrivalled flavor. "And her people have the intel ligence to take advantage of these conditions." IMPROVC'iIBNTS IN RESERVES Telephone Lines and Roads Will Be Hullt throughout National Forests. Forest Ranger Urowu sent a force of his guards, Billings, Petit and Patterson, out Monday to begin permanent improvement work at different points in the Fremont National Forest. Rangers' stations will be built at Silver Creek Marsh, Timothy Meadows, and several oth er points of vantage. At these sta tions pastures will be fenced for the convenience of the guards and the traveling public. Many trails will be laid out, one of the most impor tant of which will lead from Tim othy Meadows to the top of Bald mountain, and must have a grade that will not exceed 15 per cent. From the top of this mountain a view of nearly the entire reserve is commanded and here will be estab lished a sort of lookout station for observance of forest fires. This sta tion will soon be connected by tele phone with Ranger Brown's head quarters iu Silver Lake. In case a fire starts anywhere iu the forest it will at once be observed by the lookout on top of the mountain and u telephone message sent nt once to headquaiters, from where a force of men can be sent to fight the fire. On the 20th of this mouth 20 ad- dttionll titer? will be put to work to carry to completion as rapidly as possible the work that has been mapped out. One scarcely realizes what the government is doing in its national forest policy. Large quan tities of telephone wire have been ordered nud will be used in running lines nil through the reserves. Iu the Cascade reserve a line will be built at once from Lowell to Odell lake and also another line from Kagle point to Crater lake. There will le many branch lines built, one from the main line to each station occupied by r ranger, so that they will be in constant communication with each other and with the super visor. Another great feature will be- the making of a government trail from McKeuaic Bridge south along the wcbt slop of the Cascades to the California line. This trail will have a minimum width of eight feet and will be used for giving greater ac cessibility to the forest. It will be free for public use and patches of grass and good pasture along the trail will be reserved for tourists and those who care to make a trip through the forests. Not even the cattle and hheep pasturing on the range will be allowed to molest it. There will also be by-trails and driveways so that people can get through the forest easily, and they will be made as much ns possible a place where people may enjoy an outing ami go hunting and fishing iu tact, an immense national pub lic park. Silver Lake Oregoniau. Notice. For the next few weeks I will linvp mnnfv in Innn In lnrcr nr small nmouiits as desired, on first class timber lands in Crook County, Oregon. Dated at Bend, Oregon, August a8, 1907. W. E. GuimtN, Jr. The Beud news stand has the finest display of papetries ever shown1 id Bend, A RUSH FOR TIMBER Many Will Try to Place a Homestead Filing. LAST CHANCE TO (1ET CLAIM Woods Are Full of Cruisers anil Hach 160 Acres of Timber Will Uo liagcrly Hobbled Up. One week from tomorrow, or on Sept. 28, a considerable tract of timber land extending south of Bend for many miles will be thrown open to settlement, and tol filing on Oct. 28. It is evident that there will be a grand rush. made for this timber and many will make an at tempt to establish resideucc on the land and, what is of prime impor tance, to be the first one there, thus securing "squatters' right." For the past few weeks the timber has has been full of cruisers nud each of them undoubtedly has an appli cant for every claim that is of any value. As an example of the con troversy that will ensue over some of these claims the cruisers tell that, as early as three or four weeks ago, several parties bad gone onto a val uable quarter section not far from Klamath, built shanties and posted their notices. Foundations for shanties, and notices could be found on several of the claims. Such actiou is in direct violation of the regulations and people are warned in the official publication of notice of restoration from taking up settle ment in any way on the land prior to Sept. 28. It is said that the for est rangers received instructions to take down notices that had been put up and to forward them to the land office of the district in which found. Also that several different inspectors had been sent at different times to investigate these instances of premature settlement and to re port. The government evidently intends not to allow any settlement prior to the stated time, on Sept. 28. This will undoubtedly be the last chance by which people will be able to secure timber claims in any considerable number in Oregon on the cast slope of the Cascades. This is fully realized and many will make strenuous efforts to secure one of the prizes, with the senti ment predominating that says, "Let the devil take the hindmost." A PAINFUL ACCIDENT. L. P. Uurk Falls from Wagon and Is Seriously Injured. L. P. Burk, the father of Mrs. R. A. Puett of Beud, left here some two weeks ago with Ralph Sheldon and Carlyle Triplett on their trip over the Cascades to the Valley. While crossing the mouutaius Mr. Burk was thrown from the wagon and received serious and painful in juries. The Eugeue Register has the following account of the acci dent: "Another serious accident oc curred on the military road just this side of the summit of the Cas cades last Sunday. A party of 15 people were coming across the Cas cades, consisting of R. Sheldon and family, Mrs. Kever ami children, Carl Triplett, L. P. Burk, Clarence Parker and others. L. P. Burk, who is 69 years old, occupied a spring seat in one of the wagons, and in passing over an unusually deep rut the spring broke and he was thrown out in front of the wheels. . He said he could . have ckircd the wheels whea he fell if his feet had not caught in the har ness. As it was, lie dropped itt front of the wheel and it crushed him up against a big rock in the road, breaking several of his ribs, one of which punctured the lung. At the same time the horse backed and stepped on his face, badly cut ting and disfiguring him, As soon as he could be sent to Kugcnc, Lent Lester was sent to meet him with a light rig, and arrived with the in jured man nt 9 o'clock Tuesday evening. Dr. Bartlc. who is attend ing him, says he is in bad shape. the tissues all about the side where the ribs arc broken are filled with air and it is as black as can be. The injuries remaining unattended for three days, makes it pretty bad. yet Mr. Burk has no fever, but is ' spitting up larce quantities of blood and pus from his lungs." ' INTERESTINd PROORAM. Will Be Given In the Baptist Church Tonight. Bend people should not fail to attend the entertainment to be given tonight in the Baptist church by local talent. U will afford you an evening's enjoyment, the nature of which promises to be first class. Rev. Mitchell, Miss Iva West and Miss Marion Wiest will join in pre senting a program of readings and violin and vocal selections. Follow ing is the program in full; Csvallcria Rusticana, . . .Fietro Mascngni Miss Ira West Lord Dundreary st Brighton... ....Rev. Mitchell Condollera Franz Ries Miss Iva West Dr. Merigold'a Courtship Dickens Rev. Mitchell Dr. Merigold'a Married Life. ...Dicker I Rev. Mitchell Sing Me to Sleep ,... , .Greene Miss Marion Wiest Romance Rubinstein Miss Iva West Mcln 1'raua.Gretcheu.. ....Carl Pretzel Rev. Mitchell HELP SCARCE AT TUMALO. Mill Can Not Run for Lack of Laborers I Thrcshtns .Machine Coming. Ti'MAio. Sept. :8. W. J. Hightowcr ami James Brecn vere callers at Tuoialo Monday. Mr. Ilixhtower informs ust that it U out of the question to net a crew of men at the Dorrancc mill. There is a good demand for lumber but on account of the shortage m help they are not able to mpply it Mr. Poster mu at Tumalo Tuesday. lie informed us that the Foster and Pan cake threshing machine of Fouell Ilutte I would come over in these parts and do I the threslilug for the people. We are glad to hear that they are coming. Win. Stephens tarried over night at Tumalo bit night. Mr. Stephens ha just returned from Kugland where he went to visit his old father and mother whom he had not seen for 31 years. He gnsatly enjoyed his visit hut is gla 1 to get back to God's country again. John SUemore was a caller on his old friend, G. W. Wlmer last Sunday Hoi informed us tliat he had dune much tra e'dug this summer, said he had driven ti team 1100 miles. And judging from what we have seen, I'nclo John did not travel alone all the time either. Hut Tnrle Jolm says he likes to lie accommodating j ami would Miner nave company titan ti travel OKMic.bO we muvi accept nis ex planation and say uo more aliout it Rev. Tavcner preached a ery interest ing sermon here last Sunday. He wilt preach at Gist next Sunday. G. W. Winter & Sous had the misfor-1 tune to lose a fine (at cow last Sundav She fell into a deep ditch and drowned, Mrs. Jesse Harter is still a very sick lady but we are informed that she rested somewhat better last night than she lias iieen. we trust sue will soon take a turtt for the better. Qreat Traffic to the Northwest. The Union Pacific, Northern Pacific, Great Northern, Burling ton, and Denver & Rio Grande are running at least two daily trams in sections to accommodate the tre mendous rush of colonists to the Pacific Northwest, and Oregon Is getting her full share. Every citi zen of the state should make an effort to bring some acquaintance. friend or relative from the Cast or Middle West to locate permanently m urcgoB, 1 1