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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1907)
LOCAL BITS, Unwelcome visitors. A. M. Drake Ih out on u IiusIiicmi visit to Kulcin. U V. Myers of I.nidlaw wan a bushiest visitor in Hcml Tuesday. J, M. mill Clmiiip .Smith of I'rliic vllte were Hcml visitors yesterday. Wanted To buy h second linnd. idiiglt! harness. Mrs. C. A. Jones, Madras is iiinkiiiK Jircjmnilions for a !Ik celebration on the 1'owtli J. K. Suwhlll wan n pnssciiKcr for rorllmid on Wednesday mornln,;'s stiitfc. IJnderwear, nil weights, ,o cents jr garment itt the Ilcnd Mercantile ROtU(Hlliy. Mr. Chaxc, living north of Red mond, is building n fine new house on lilts place. .Steve Suldl 1ms accepted n pos ition in tlic postoflicc dtiriuu the summer vacation. 'The Scoflcld DriiK Co. has nn umiuuucemcut for the public in an other column Kcml it. Musical and literary program !u the II. M. Iinll tonight followed by (cfronluncntN. Jle there. Rov. Taveiict's theme for his next Sunday wetting's sermon will 1 "The Call of Moses." George Jones arrived in llcnd Sunday and will take up resilience nu a hoimMtttnd in the Hlg Mead ows section. Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Q. Minor and Mill Kenneth moved to their home Mead on the river joutli of town last Monday. 1'red A. lluuucll left Wednesday morning for Stockhutu, Neb., where he will vi.sil at I lie old home for a mouth or six weeks. 1'ouimI On Hear Creek road two house keys and small key to pencil box. Owner can have same by calling Hi this office. Mis. Cied Tripled, nee Nina Wilkinson, surprised her people by arriving in Rend yesterday for a L'S. of several weeks. Pie pliitit for sale at J. II. Oueill'i between Tenth and Kiev etilii on Irouuood Ave. Any miiouut to suit costumcrs. yi,i Mi. Carrie Williams mid Sigurd Williams, mother ami brother of Mrs. W. II Sellers, arrived in Rend lust Sunday for an extended visit. II. C. Kills and W. K. CJucrin, Jr., returned from Portland Tliur.-t-tioy. The telephone company did not purchase an automobile as cou iBinplnUd. When thirsty these days you can liavu that thirst slnckud at Grant's. He has root boor, orange cider, ach marine, ice crenm and ice cream sodas. Mrs. J. W. Orussi and daughter I lattie, of Portland, who had !ccu upending several weeks in Rend for the hitter's health, left Tuesday lor Hood River. Rumor says that a opular young rancher living in the vicinity of Sisters and who is well known in Rend, lms gone Hast nud will bring a bride buck with him when he re turns. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Williams of Chicago arrived in Rend Wednes day evening mid will spend their summer vacation visiting with Mrs. Williams' brother and sister, Mr. and Miss Coleman. 1'', K. Dayton, Win. Rrowu and Mr. G mini in of I.aidhiw left last Monday to view out and report on the probable expense of the pro Ksed wagon road to connect with the Corvallis & Eastern. P. W. Reujnmin, who has a ranch six miles north of Reduioud in the Ruttc section, was in Rend Tuesday. Mr. Renjamin re ports that all crops are doing fine in his neighborhood, and cousc ipicntly he is ctithttsiaMic over Western Crook a3 n farming cdtm- try. iBMaMnM-a-MaMBBBMBaBaHME'Q Second-Hand Furniture I have bccurcd uitcji line of Hccond-hand furniture and if you want to save money and who of us do not? you should step in and examine what I have. You may find just what von want. The list Includes- Chairs, Dodstcad9, Mattresses, Bed Springs, I Tables, Dressers, a good Orgun for $40, and Stoves. REMEMBER I HAVE FOR SALE Boiled Linseed Oil & Turpentine j .1. 1. WEST, Bend, Oregon V .J Read Caldwell's ad. elsewhere. Men's working shoes $i.cxi per lnir at the Rend Mercantile com pany. Remember the musical and liter- ary program in ths II. M. hall to night. Levi C. Whittcd and Join) Stcidl were initiated into the final myster ies of the Knights of Pythias Wednesday evening, after which the members of the lodge enjoyed a small spread in the castle hall. P. R. Reisdorfer was in Rend Wednesday from the R J. Ellin ranch cast of town and reports that grain is doing well indeed, lie has in rye, wheat and .some oats and it promises a good yield. Mr. Reis dorfer, like all others who have had n year or two of cxticriciicc in till ing this soil, has unlimited faith in this country as a crop producer. I,. I). Wicst is receiving applica tions for strawberries, gooseberries and other fruit from many people throughout Western Crook. People from Sisters and from the Meadows have engaged fruit from him. In fact, the call has exceeded the sup ply and Mr. Wicst has been forced to refuse further orders until the extent of his fruit crop is deter mined. Drs. I. I, Scoficld and M. V. Turley have purchased the drug stock of W. S. Nichol and will con tinue the business at the old stand. Dr. Scoficld has fitted up a room in the rear of the store and moved his dental office therein and later Dr. Turley will install his office in rooms over the drug store. They will conduct a first-class drug busi ness and solicit your patronage. The Central Oregon Ranking & Trust Company this week received a brand new Rurroughs adding machine and now has it installed. It is a very complicated machine by which long lists o figures can be rapidly and correctly added by simply pressing keys similar to those on a typewriter and pulling a lever. You finally have tue col umn of figures printed and added on a strip of paper which runs through the rear of the machine. It is certainly a great labor saver. The bank also just received n new Oliver typewriter. Shilling's Rest Tea 15 and 30 cents per package at the Rend Mercantile company. I,. I). Wiest's strawberry patch is literally loaded with fruit and the yield will be very larcc this season. Tile same i true of his gooseberries and currants The raspberry and black lcrry bithcs arc a mass of blossoms from the top of each cane far down the bush and there will likewise be a fine yield of these lorries if the blossoms "set" prop erly, and there is every indication that they will. Rend is already beginning to "make good" as a truit producer. C. II. Kill's was in Rend from his Hillside Ranch at Powell Duties and brought with him a fine roll of but ter und a dozu eggs as a gift to the Rullctiu man. It is needless to say that they arc first class in quality and fully appreciated. Mrs. Ellis, when living at the old home in the vallcy.had an enviable reputation as a buttcrmakcr, and she by no means has forgotten the "tricks of the1 trade." Mr. Kllis is an enthusiastic) poultry raiser and pins his faith and is exerting his efforts on a small flock of purebred Plymouth Rocks. Chief Straddley .Moves Headquarter. Chief Straddlcy, engineer in charge of the surveying crews 00 the Ore gon Eastern, has moved his head quarters from Rums to I.akcvicw. To Wafer Consumers. The rates for irrigation Irtfm the open ditches, per year, beginning June t, 1907, will be as follows: 1 lot or part thereof $4.00 a lots 7.00 3 lots., 9.00 and 2.00 for each lot in excess of three. Rates payable strictly in ad vance for the year. Ry notifying the company head gates will be furnished and ditches built to conduct water to your prop erty wherever practicable. On and after July 1 the use of hose for lawn sprinkling, street sprinkling or irrigation will be pro hibited, except the consumer in stalls a water meter of 0 pattern ap proved oy tlie water company. A canvas will be made to ascertain the number desiring to put in meters; the same will be purchased by the company and furnished the consumer at absolute cost. Rv order of the board RiiNi) W.YritK, I.KiMT & Powim Co ' 'I lie Rubberneck Route. Did I ever tcli you stout our telephone line? No) Well, you know wc have a wire running from Ilt-uil through the Mcmlow an far as Itotlnnil and every rancher nml mimic who hate no ranch, jiiftt liicnsly homesteads, have a 'llotir, It' the funniest tiling to hear them alt My "Oh! I never rubber. I often make a mUUkc iinil butt in when it sounds like my ring, but I never care to hear I what other my." Just to have some fun one tlay I went to the 'phone anil culled up my own ' uiuulicr, then took down the receiver j anil waited for remits. In one minute I II bet every receiver oil the line was j down. Some were In a hurry anil fairly 1 jerked their down while one or two others took their down n carefully n 11 woman put n outlaid pie in the oven, and when I tried to ctid in the second call the bell wniinled like it wan away up in the top of one of the tall pine. Hut It' lot of fun to rulilicr. You lean know just exactly when Mr. W ' lnt hen came oil, and how Mr, II. i wathiiiK today, how early Mr. 8. j;ot up till morning, how uuuy teeth the baby ha not on the Meadow though, for the Stork lu tabooed that place, but there arc other babies other place alto when and what day Mr. V. will start to lowu, aii'l now tired Mr. A. I, ami o 011. Hut the women don't do all the rub bering. The iiieu play string at It, too, for I ui in a man's Iioiim.- the other day and mw tour douh all over hi re ceiver and I jut knew the (KiMiou for mhltcriiiK came over him when hi mitt were 111 the dough, so the little black handle got the benefit. Dough not do it again, pirate. Hut then we have to get our money's worth and some of u are not backward. I sometime pity Central when the is trying to call up some one and can't get a sound. She finally holier up the line ''Hang up your receiver. I'm trying to get so-aml " Then I'll Iwt there is a whole lot of rublernecks feel jut like the little boy did when he stole the pie. Hut I'll tell you our thing and thnt nint two tuat we ilon't AM. rubberneck A IX the time. Hut dear me, there goes the Ml and I mutt rubber. Will tell vou more next week. RUDlir.RNlXK. PILOT BUTTE INN A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor Tables supplied with all the delicacies of the season I'irst-class Equipment I'inc Rooms and Reds All stages stop at the hotel door LIVERY AND FEED BARN IN CONNECTION Good Rigs -:- Kcajionnlilc Charges 1h Central Ore gon Banking (3b Trust Company I.NCOfOtTIl 1904. Capital 525,000.00 Transacts a Qcncral Hank Ing Business. Acts ns Administrator, lix ccutor or Trustee of Ostates Issues Drafts and Bank Money Orders on all Foreign Countries. Interest on Time Deposits Safe Deposit Boxes. Fire Insurance. John Stcidl, President J. 1J. Saw hill, Vice-President and Cashier lll'.NI), OREGON SEEING MACHINE, KOU.BR BEARItSO. HIGH GRADE. Notice to the Public... Having purchased the drug stock of W. S. Nichol we will continue the business at the old stand in the Mutzig build ing, comer of Wall and Oregon streets. We will always have in stock n complete line of drugs and druggists' sundries, including a fine new li'ic of stationery nud confectionery, now ou the way to Rend. And our prices will be as low as is consistent with successful business management. Our endeavor will be to always satisfy our customers and by fair and courteous treatment induce a constantly growing number to patronize our establishment. Wc solicit your patronage. The prescription counter will be in charge of an ex perienced registered pharmacist. Headquarters for THE SCOF1ELD DRUG CO. I sjfijPPHEfo E3SS9E3 by buying this reliable, honest, high grade sew ing machine. STRONGEST GUARANTEE. National Sewing Machine Co., SAN rRANCISCO. CAL. tUCTVRY ATMH.VKHW8. KX. C. D. BROWN (& COMPANY BEND, - OREGON DI'AI.KRS IK AM. KINDS Ol' Central Oregon Real Estate Timber and Desert Lands a Specialty r Wc buy or sell your land no matter where situated. We can sup ply you with ay class of laud at any time. Call on us or write for further particulars. 1IARDKK Shop At llATHS HOTKI. Hotel Bend coknks. llOND AND Obkcox Strkets HUQI1 O'KANR. Prop. MOST CB.NTRAMA' I.OCVTUD HOTKI, IN'.BE.VD. SAMPLE ROOM IN CONNECTION.; tgrg New House, Jfew Furniture, Reasonable Kates. Good Rooms Always Reserved for Transient Trade. L. F, MOODY QENGRAU Commission Pd forwarding MERCHANT. SMANIKO, ORCOON Large, Comuodk)ij$ ty'aretyfl$e. Coasigaaieala Solicited Prompt attention paid to those who ; favor me with tbefr patronage RALPH SHELDON General Blacksmithing and Wagon Repaying HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY Our shop is located opposite Baptist Church. NEW DAILY STAGE From BEND to SHANIKO and All Interior Points New and Up-to-date Outfit Special Attention to Traveling Men The Most Scenic Route In Central Oregon Best Eating Houses on Any Stage Line PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO EXPRESS and BAGGAGE FAST FREIGHT A SPECIALTY For Rates to I,nnd locators and Timber Men, address F. O. MINOR, Bend, Or., or W. J. BUCKLEY, Agt., Shanlko, Or. 2SfSrc (S W i ra , Sallownesa Transformed to Dusky Beauty A dark (Liu become jaiciiulinjr when delicately soft, undenjiread with the radiant clow which indi cates ahealthy. seine iUn. Robert Ine keep the kin refined in iniality, kee pi porei free from clontingu aitc ami itimulatei the tiny capillaries to contributethecolortthichcharmsin blonde and brunette alike. Hubert ine it certain protection sgainit tan, sunburn and freckles if applied be fore exposure to sun or wind. Spreads like an imperceptible sheen ofRavueoverjktiuuif4ce,forinin shield stimulating and preierving a uciimr, lustroui oeauty. jmwunmta jwhtm tun6 if ROBERTINE ilIlUIl FRANK RE1STLE ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPER ociiu UM'iUMHKisutmcoia FAIR PRICE 1 Fishing Tackle Axe you mbtwviUrt I BttiwMcttetf. WlUjrU