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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1907)
THE BEND BULLETIN. ,J.. V, VOL. V DKND, ORKGON, FRIDAY, JUNK at, 1907. NO. 14 v 1 1 ccattso wo nro selling tho camo and better quality at n closer margin is a very good reason why you will find our store tho best placo to buy anything in tho lino of Groceries, Drygoods, Furnish ings, Shoes, Hardware, Sash and Doors, Paints and Oils Ihe PSNE TREE STOR.E II. A. SATIIIW, I'UOPRIirrOK A Complete DRY At Ik-nil, Oregon'. UmiKh, Surfnced mid Moulded -LUMBER- All Widths, Lengths and Thicknesses INCH COMMON DIMKNSION SIIIILAI RUSTIC T. & O. FLOORING Reasonable "--ADHD CKILING ' Lumber WINDOW JAMBS DMIvrwH ,1 Prices window casino Delivered at finnd HKAD BLOCKS , w w 000(1 0. O. DASItnOARD ihcrC " flrndes STAIR TRl.ADS Tlic Lands oj j)ry WATKR TAHLK T"c J ' & ' ' O. 0. BATTINS j?- ,r Stock MOULDINGS P C S- ' W. 1 II. I). P ATI. NT HOOFING FF.N'CI. IMCKF.TS SIIINGLKS F.TC, F.TC. CUSTOM PHHD MILL IN CONNECTION. The Pilot Butte Development Company BEND, - L PROFESSIONAL CARDS C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW Bend, - Oregon. W. P. A1YERS LAND ATTORNEY Th.Iw ywrtiMtUI ixattUe lrre Ihe U. H. Mud Oftkti 11111I DtjMninoiil of the liittrlur. Alio KfllMul itC4lt. OiFlCC, - Laiw.av, Quit. , U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon 01'1'ICIC OVER 1IANIC. Till Wdbt trelcpbouc connection .Y TltMU'IlONlt NO, 21 BEND OREGON DR. I. L, SCOFIELD DENTIST - llt'.ND, OREGON Ofllce III Drug Uldre on Wall Street Officii noun, g . Ill, la 4 l. III, Office I'iiuiie No. ? UcaUleucc I'lioue No. 6 M. V. TUlULEY, M. D. Physician nnd Surgeon OI'l'ICH IN JOHNSON 1II.D0, ON WAI.I. ST. BEND, OREGON Stock of At Bend, Oregon. OREQON R. D. WICKHAM Attornoy - at - Law orrtCK IN UAffK HUIMIIKO. MINI), ORKGON l mil ml II. Klii V. It. Oaetln. Jr John K Koikwk King, Guerin & Kollock ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW oi-I'ickni lwuil. llulMlne lun.l, Orsi t McRy llMa -ISHllmiJ, Ork-oii HKlltltiilliii clifii la i)uctlmi riUtlng lo Nvstcr, l.aml mill Oanrral CoriwrstUm !, l'KACTICI! IN A 1,1, I'KIHIHAI. AND STATX COUHTS, flcncrnl Practice J. II. IIANUR. ABSTRACTER 'of TITLES NOTARY l'UW.lC I'lre Iiniimucc, Lite luitirsiice, Surety IlonJ., Kl JtntMe, Coiivr) Slicing l', . . oiutnoN THE First National Bank of Prlneville, Established iSSS. Capital, Surplus nml Undivided Profits, $100,000.00 11, 1'. Allen , , . , .. ., President Will Wuriwcllcr m. ... Vice rrtsMeut T, M llolilwlii ,. ,,, , , Cadtltr )l. Uolilwlu... , ,,.,.. , ,AMlUnt Caililtr A GLORIOUS FOURTH! Preparations Made for a Rousing Celebration. (100D TIME I;0R EVERYBODY (lames, Sports, llarticcue, Music and fireworks Will AM In tlia Day's l!ntcrtfl!nmcnt. Bend's celebration will be ahum mcr. Thnt's the verdict in the language of the street. An enthu siastic meeting of tlic committees was lielil Tuesday night nnd from now until the great day everything will go forward with vim and vigor. Tho Trout llarbecue. The trout barlectic nnd basket dinner will probably he the chief feature of the day's entertainment. At least it seems to be the drawing card for many out of town people who have signified their intention to partake of that feast. I'rinevillc is coming over enmasse and they say the barbecue is the drawing card. Ralph Sheldon has been ap pointed captain of a company of expert fishermen who will begin their work in time to assure n great sufficiency of the wriggling, speck led beauties. A large appropria tion has been made to cover the ex peuscs of this feature, teams will bring each day's catch, well packed in ice, to town where they will be repacked nnd stored in ice. The people may rest assured that there will be "stacks" of trout. Will Ite Well Served. And they can likewise rest as sured that the fish will be properly served, for Charley Cottor will sup ervise the frying cf them nnd he is the "king bee" of the whole sec tion when it comes to preparing Deschutes trout. The barbecue will probably be .served beneath the tall pines south of the P. 1). D. Co.'s office nnd at the cud of Wall htrcct. However, the dinner will be only one feature of the day's en tertaiumcut. There will be n pa rnde through the streets to the grounds, followed by n program consisting of music and nu oration by n prominent speaker. After this will come the barbecue. The Afternoon Sports. The sports will be pulled off dur ing the afternoon. There will be n bull game between the high school tenuis of Princvillc nnd Bend. These tenuis piny fast ball nml n good game is premised the lovers of the national sport. There will lc rnccs of many kinds, broncho riding, tug of wnr, catching n greased pig, nud trap shooting. In the evening the bowery dnuce will be opened for those who like to dunce while a fine display of fire works will furnish amusement for nil nml will close the dny's sport. Rest Room for tho Ladles. Much attention will be given to the comfort of the visitors, There will be n rest room for the conven ience of the Indies, where tired mothers nud little ones cnu go for rest nnd comfort. This rest room will be free uud open to every womnu. The streets will be thor oughly sprinkled nud the dust laid. The groum)s where the speaking, dinner, bull game nud sports will take plnco is the open tract lying at the squth eud of Wall street. This tract is circled by nn Irriga tion ditch nud the. grounds will be flooded on the and or 3rd s.q ts to settle the dust. There is lots 01 shade, a great big river and n pleat ing program will be given. You had better celebrate in Bend. Following is n list of sports, with the purstts: Hall game, 65 mi'l 35 percent $75 o joo-yartl xjtiy rnce, f 10 nml f.t, ij 00 .Joo-ynnl jkiii) rscr, f toatiil fi ... 1$ 00 lloyn' foot rac, 75, yil., 8c.fl , 1 a Men's foot rnf, loo yd , 1000 l'nt iiioii'i wee, n$ II. or oer, jioysiriW , , 5 00 l.mlles' rsre. 50 yil., f j a.-til ft... 4 w Sack race. y yiknU 3 jo GrcnMMl jili; ,,. 2 jo llroncliii H'IIhk 10 on Tlic of wr 30 09 l'rca-far-iill liorc race, fi5&f7.y 32 y Trap ilioot, jo-blril event, f 15, f 10 nml , jp 00 Tmp stmot, 35 Mnl event, jjlonnd tS 5 on TrHpilioot, 2$ bird event, flo and is I5 VOTE FOR YOUR CHOICE. Whom Do You Wnnt for flod'Jess of Liberty on July 4? One of the features of the Mend celebration will be a liberty car, with the customary goddess of lib erty surrouuded by the states of the T0WNS1TE IS SOLD llntlro Holdings of A. M. Drake and Pilot Butte Development Com pany Sold to a Syndicate. The Ilend townsite, together with all other holdings in this section of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Drake and the Pilot Hutte Development Company, has been sold to a syndicate com posed of V. S. Stanley, E. A. Bald win, Jesse I. Stearns, of the Des chutes Irrigation & Power Com ny, nud John Steidl nnd J. lv Sawhill of Ilend. This news was given to the public at r 1 o'clock to day nt a ninss meeting called in the It. M. hall, when Mr. Sawhill stated the above facts. He announced further that the D I. & P. Co. will move its headquarters back to Ucnd in the immediate future, and will do nil it can to help in the urowtli of Ucnd. The nbovc news was received gladly by the assembled citizens. It assures that the unfortunate trou bles which have existed between the Deschutes Irrigation & Power Co. nud the Pilot Butte Develop ment Co. for the iwst two years will now be n thing of the past nnd that-Uic development of this region will go forward without the rctnrd ing friction thnt has heretofore existed. A vote ol tliuuks Irom the citi zens wns extended to Mr. Steidl, .Mr. Sawhill uud Dr. Coe for haviug accomplished the happy ending of tno above-mentioned dilhculties. It wns nUo the sentiment of the meet ing that the slate should now be u'iped clean, nil past unpleasant ncsses be forgotten, nnd everyone pull togcthor with n vim and vigor for the development of this, one of tlic most favored sections in the grunt Wost. union. The task of choosing n goddess of liberty wns too serious n one for the committee to tackle so it wns decided to have the people choose that important personage. Tickets have beeu printed with n blank line on which to write your choice. Each vote will cost 10 cents. There will be votlnn places in all the business houses. The polls are now open nnd will. close nt a 0 clock on tue evening of June 30, when the 'votes will be counted, i he committee appointed to poll the vote cousists of John Steidl, C. D. Brown nnd Chns. D. Rowe. Whom will you have for noddess of liberty? for Sale. Forty ncres of ditch land, all cleared nud fenced; 38 ncres irri gable. Good 160 acre homestead joining with canal crossing it. In quire or address The Bulletiu office. TALK ROAD MATTERS Proposed Connection with C. & E. Discussed. COMAHTTim OP FIVE CHOSEN Will Confcqwltii RaJI-mi Officials nnd Sen WlMt Can Bo Done Other Neighborhood News Notes. Ri'.dmonp, June 17.--.TI1e Sitters and CorvallU Si Itnttcrn road mating at Redmond Saturday nlfiht vnt quite welf attended in point of uumWe, though but few delegate were present, tvttdiaw, Clliie 1'alU and Gilt being the only places Out hxd delegates present. J. N. II. GerVIng of taidlaw hu tnade presi dent and II. V. Jones of Redmond, we re tary of the meeting. The committee that wis appointed at the taldlaw meet' lug to survey and view out the road urns not preent so no report- ws had and not much of a definite nature could lx decided on. After some discussion a committee Mi named to confer with tiie C. & It officials with regard to the matter as noted in last week's Chronicle. The committee consists of C. ' Vv. Hlkins, John Steidl, V. It. Dayton. Alex Smith, and Carl N. lihrct, representing respec tively I'rineville, Ilend, I.aidlaw, Sisters, and Redmond. We feel that if this matter can be car ried through. Crook county and a larec extent of country t if tlic south and east wilt be very materially benefitted. It was suggested by II. A. Kendall, who ha seen the same thing tried in North Dakota, that if the railroad authorities cannot be induced to extend their line over the remainder of the grade CrooV county people are themselves entirely competent to go ahead and build as much railroad as may be necesurv. C. M. Mudd of I.aidlaw was a delegate to the meeting, as was alto J. It. Ed wards of Sisters. Messrs. Chase and Meredith of Cllue I'alls were also with us. Letters were read from forest reserve officials which expressed a willingness to help in building the wagon road either witit money or men, or both. Their at titude on the question was quite en couraging. Mr. nnd Mrs. I It. Trickctt have re turned to their farm near Cline I'alls after an extended trip to Idaho. Our nine months' school closed on l'riday afternoon with appropriate exer cises. Good progress has been made with all the lower grades represented except the 6th and Sih. Wc surprised Schoolmaster John Tuck yesterday by asking for notes, but lie promked more for next week, A LadleV Auxiliary rows uitetHic is called for next Saturday night to discuss matters relating to the fall fair. The call is signed by Mrs. Keaoard, presi dent, ami Mr. Jackson, secretary f the board of lady managers. We had a little frost here last Thurs day night. The next morning some of the tomato plants, early corn, cucum bers, watermelons, potatoes, and so on, looked pretty badly wilted, but most of us concluded to "buck up and not be discouraged. The com will come out again. Some of the potato tops were so large that they are not nil killed, and the rest will come from the tuber. Then we will set out some more tomato plants to take the place of thoe that were not covered nud soon e cry thing will le running smoothly again. Rye end the junipers came through all right so wc still have much to be thankful for. Master Johnny Dorrance starts tomor row to go to relatives nt Ncwbcrg. ! D. Wiest stopped awhile yesterday on his way home from an extended trip. The new Sunday school organ was in place and in use for the first time yes terday. And everyone likes it. J. 0. Hansen made 'a flying trip to Shaniko and brought back a self-binder and wilt cut grain this season. K. C. Park. Newsy Letter from RosJaRd. Rostand, June 17. To 1st you know that wc ore not entirely out of existence we will send The Bulletin a few notes. Mr. White and party of Washington were looking over the laud of this viciu tty last Friday. Tby were vey mu pleased with the country, so h that they atl located bete. The treat arc biting wall. Mane an;, Urs are out after the speckled !a.. f j and are having good sueees. ChaCraTM of Oiloll was in Own ' Jt urday on business). The ring of the carpenter" hammer can be heard ot r atl parts of tr c . and the Rosin nd hotel Is neuring c, rcw pletlop. There an yH e.ifon-n "- town, ,ut the whereabouts ol i Ironist is not known m yet. Par' It have been, tvepieioned but have not yet been caught. The dance at the Rostand hotel Fri day night was a grand success and was well atteodtd by alL The snpptr con sisted of alt the delicacies of the season and was appreciated by all those whs were there. George Dogue was up to see Mr. Howard (?) last Sunday on business I). Lewis, chief cook nt the Roslan 1 hotel, was taken seriously ill shortly after the dance Friday night Rome of his friends told him the cause was due to eating his own cooking. But I)r Gre; 1 pronounced it homesickness and says with careful attention he will be out C bed in about two weeks. It. G. Rourk made a business trip la Dend Tuesday. A brother of K. J. Green is here on n, short visit and to look over some of the land near Uiis place. Ruuf.n Gmte. Tumaio Items. TosiAto, June 18. Everything Is growing these warm days. Mr. Smith from the Cook ranch passed through here Sunday. G. W. and Alice Wimer attended church at Laldlaw Sunday. John Edwards passed through hereon? day last week with some horses. Dr. Coe of Bend was called to Sisters Saturday to attend John Taylor, who is suffering from a relapse of the measles. P. 1. Ground was over-from the Wil lamette Valley last week. He reports the dry spring weather in the valley wjll make the hay crop short this year. Reports from Bend and other parts of the desert are that the frost a few nights sgo did a great deal of damage to tender garden truck. Wc are glad to say it did no damage to grain crops. We expect to sec the roads lined with sheep soon going to their summer range on the reserve. I.. D. Wiest of Bend passed through here one day last week going to the Black Butte country. Mr. Weesner and Miss Steele passed through here Friday going from Sisten to Bend. Joliu Slwraorc of Bend went by Satur. day going to the Sisters vicinity. Vncls John must have some attraction over there. We hope tft he able tr 'all- t people north of LaUbp arc. the 't-u... soon. Wa T. A. Jensen weut to Beud on lm?iurs., today. Mr. Halt of Laldtaw was out to t'v liightQwer & Smith mill today after shingles. Water is now running in the Git son ditch on Bull creek ridge. Miss Belle Ramsey was a Tumaio vis itor yesterday. We understand that J. II. Edwards ex pects to erect a building and put in a store near Gist soon. This will be a con venience to the people and we wish Mr. Edwards success in his undertaking Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Smith were at Bend over night last night, returning t the milt near Gist today. Irrigation is in full blast now and a' I are busy so wc don't see much of anyone, but those wc do sec say that crops arc coining out fine and all expect a big yield this year. Rosland and Dig Meadows Notes. These lazy days in June are ideal for Dolly fishing and Mrs. Frank West has broken the record so far by lauding i six pound spotted beauty. Uncle John SIseniore made a busiuvs4 trip to Rosland tills week, TluTdance given at the Rosland hotel wajwell attended and scored one more In their favor. Our storekeeper returned from n busL uess trip to Bend on Wednesday, Mr. Adsms from Wasco, who juakea an annual jaunt to the Meadows every (Continued on 1