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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1907)
StJJLJLcl-- ! A VOL, V HBNI), OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 19. 'W- NO. 5 ( DEATH FROM POISON fl..l. Wfnnil A Ir-rtfitl ntul Dies as Penally for Act. DID NOT KNOW IT WOULD KILL llmlly Johnson, n Domestic, Han (.Iking (or Alcohol and In Satisfying II, Suffer Dreadful Death. Miss lvmlly Johnson, a domestic who has hccn employed 'by Dr. nml Mm. Nlchol (ItiriiiK the Inst few months, drunk sonic wood alcohol Tuesday evening before supper, not knowing tliut it wn.s poison, nud died from itn effects Wednesday nftcruooti about 5:30 o'clock. Miss Johnson unfortunately was addicted to strong drink, especially when In trouble or when having tin attack of the "bluci." During the past week she seemed to have Mine trouble on her mind, and I ant Sun day, when left at home with the children, went into the drut: store over which the doctor lives found a bottle of whiskey and got hoecHh!y intoxicated. Till wan the ttccond time that she had done 50 since entering the doctor's em ploy, the other occasion being about nix mouth ago when tcturuini: from Prineville on a cold day, where she had gone to take out naturalization papers. The doctor and his wife liked her work so well, however, that they were putting up with this failing, using their influ ence to get her to stop it. Alxntt supper time Tuesday evening they noticed that she was again slightly Intoxicated and acted mtccrly. That evening the doctor and Mrs. Nlchol ucitt to church taking the children with them, Miss Johnson also at tending the scrvircit. When they came home, Dr. Nlchol started to light one of his gas lights and noticed that the bottle of wood al cohol, which is used to heat the gas burner before lighting it. was empty. This aroused his curiosity as he had filled the bottle the day before, lie turned to Miss Johnson and asked her if she had drank it, insisting that she tell him for it meant certain death to her it she liml ntul nothimr was done. She denied having taken it, but later Mrs. Nlchol succeeded in getting her to admit that she had. 1 he doctor ut once did all he could to save the woman, culling in Drs Coc and Turlcy as soon as they could be found. The stomach pump was used, strychnine, nitroglycer ine and other strong drugs were in jected to titimulatctl'c heart. It was thought hhc would die during the night, but she was brought through the first attack and was left with the puis acting well and resting comfortably. She continued in this favorable condition until late Wednesday afternoon, when the poison liegan to get in its most doadly work and she died in spite pf the efforts of the doctors. I'uuural service! were held yes terday afternoon in the Ilaptist church, Kev. Tavcnor officiating Interment was made in the Bend cemetery. Miss Johnson was 43 years of ago. She had no known TO THE PEOPLE oi Western Crook County IsTe BEND MERCANTILE COMPANY must reduce their assets to CASH. A great sacrifice will be made to close out the iarge stock of merchandise. Store closes 10 a. m. on relatives living hereabout. She had recently filed on a timber claim and homestead but had made final proof on neither. Dr. Nlchol said she was an excel lent worker and aside from this one failing, was nn ideal servant, oblig ing, hard working, pleasant and faithful He anil Mrs. Nlchol were so well pleased with her that they hud decided to offer her a home with them the rest of her days if slii' would conquer that one bod habit. The doctor says tlmt If ev eryone docs their work in their re sMfctivc spheres as well as Miss Johnson did in hers they will, in died, do well. Kvcryonc has some leading fault. Hers was one that led ultimately to her death. Other wise she was n good woman. A MKTIIDAY PARTY. PrlcmJs (lather and Do Honor to Miss Marlon Wleat. A merry crowd ol Ucnd people gathered at the home of Mr. aiid Mrs. L. I). Wlcst last Monday evening to help Miss Marion cele brate her uirtnuay, me auatr King under the auspices of the Christian Ktidcnvor Society, In which Miss Marion is a faithful worker. Contests, with prlrcs for the win ncrs, were the feature of the even ing. The first task consisted In finding peanuts which had lccu hidden about the rooms, the search being limited to five minutes, II. J. Ovcrturf found the most and got the first prize, consisting 01 giHicu peanuts hanging on many little ribbon streamer!'. The booby nrlc a nildcd and ribboned clothes pin went to Mr. Moore. C. S. Benson then played an instrumental solo which was op predated by those present. A drawing contest followed, the various artists being blindfolded and told to draw some animal or fowl. Mrs. W. T. Coscy got the grand prize, a pretty tie or ribbon holder; George Vandeveit the booby, a child's tin toy. The next contest was the event of the evening. The gentlemen present were required to take two pieces of cloth, which had been properly cut out, and sew them to gether into a pair of trousers. The work done was something wonder ful to behold. One diligent work er, when asked how anybody could ever get into the trousers he had sewed having sewed them too far replied, "That's the other man's business not inltic." In this, George Vandevcrt won first, a beautifully dressed doll, and Mr. I Sherwood got, the Itooby. iNcxt was n guessing contest 111 which the answer to a scries of questions constituted the various coupes in 'nn elaborate menu. Here Mrs. A. II. Grant won ihc grand prize, n pretty hund-worked collar. The booby, n small bottle of perfumery, lay between Mrs, W. 11. Sellers and George Vande vcrt. Cuts were drawn and George rot the perfumery. After the prizes wcro awarded Miss Wiest was presented with a lutudsoufc fur scarf of Japanese mink, a gift from the IJndcavor Society nud other friends. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were then served after which the guests departed, having passed n most pleasant evening. Hues For I latching. Indian Kuuucr Ducks. Kastcrn prize winners. Wm. 1 Downing, Ucnd, Oregon. 1-4 Sundays. APPOINTMENTS MADE Land Office at The Dalles Will Soon Be Opened. TWO COMPETENT OPPICIALS Charles V. Alooro of (Irons Valley Is Appointed KciclMer; Louis Amo tion of 1 1 00 J River, Receiver. President Roosevelt has appoint ed Charles W. Moore of Grass Val ley ns register of The Dalles land office to succeed Michael T. Nolan, removed, and Louis II. Amcson of Hood Kivcr as receiver of the same office to succeed Miss Anne M. I.ang, whose term expired March 3. These appointments were recommended by Senator Ilouruc, and were concurred in by Setiator Fulton Several candidates for these two appointments appeared In the field. As each name was suggested Sena tor Ilouruc requested Land Com missioner Uallingcr to examine in to their records. This was done, and it is said that Messrs. Moore and Amcson were appointed on account of their fine records of in tegrity and ability. It is expected that the office will be opened for business before May 1, or just as soon as .Mr. .Moore and Mr. Amcson qualify and their bonds arc approved. The Dalles office has been closed since the re moval of Nolan, except for the receipt of papers. The news of the appointments was received with pleasure in Ucnd, as many here have business at the land office held up on account of the vacancies in the office" of register. LANDS SELL RAPIDLY. D.I. &. P. Co. Office at Redmond Is Busy with Buyers. RKDMOMP, Or., April 16. Wednesday your reHrter saw Vic O'Connor, ales man for the D. I. & I. lands, and he said there wre 13 buyers In the day be fore. That is only a sample and it is Kolng some. While we were in the of fice papei were lclng made out for J. P. l'rlee. late of Yukon. He bought an Ho in I&-I4. 1'yatt and Leonard had each juit bought out in 17-14. Work is expected to beejn shortly out on the Central Oregon canal under Lou Uced. Mr. Kcnyou and family arc late ar rivals from North Dakota. Jack Keueliau'a baby has been very sick and is still quite low. Its parents have it In Ucnd. CM. Retinoid was in l'rlnevillc late ly looking for hay for the I) I. & P. Co. We believe that P. S. Stanley "111 expected in at any time. At the educational meeting 1'riday ulKht some one's horw, wc did not learn whose, slipped his bridle and started home witk the saddle. We do not know whether he has been found or not. Thursday, the undersigned came nearer being under the weather than at any time since coming to Oregon. Itveu at that it did not interfere with his do ing justice to three equare meals, kctting out 80 current slips from our own little cottage garden Uck In Ottunina, Iowa, nml doing various other chors K. C Imnielec was circulating a peti tion l'rlday asking to be appointed road overseer vice h, U Welch resigned. We took pleasure hi signing it. 1'isnk MeCuflery pamwI iwr pUec yettcnUy vrlttt Implement! ami ed In the wkoii presumably bound for hit farm in tin Sitter country. Tl first fishing party of the season pawed here yetrdsy, aUo the first automobile on Saturday. The Indies Aid nucU with Mrs. Jack 011 Thursday the Jjtb, the Kuehre club with Mr. McCaffery the iSth. Mri. Mums has hail an attack of the grippe but li belter now. It. C. Park. QIST POSTOPFICE OPENGD. Is Now Ready to Receive Mall Other Tumalo Notes. Tumam), April 17. Chs. L. Olst was at Tumslo yesterday. While in Tumalo he and Poitmastcr Winer completed the arrangements to open up the OUt pottofficc, so now that office is a full fledged United Slates poslofficc, a thing that has long been needed. The people of the Gist nclghlwrhood will not have to go seven miles after their mail in the future. Any one who wishes to send a letter to the MeCalliiter neighborhood can dlreet the same to Gist and it will promptly reach them. James A. McCall has been appointed mail carrier from Gist to Tumalu. Mr. McCall will carry the mall until the postoffiec department turns It over to the regular star route contractor. Mr, Kcill. Mr. Kclll will have to include it in his Ilcnd-Tuinalo route after the first of July. Mr. Ifarner was in Tumalo .yesterday, He has n fine farm 3i miles northwest of Tumalo and lie knows how to farm. P. P. Ground, from near Tumalo, has sold the relinquishment of his homestead to Jens Hasselburg. Mr. Ground has not been havinc the best of health this last winter and he has concluded to re turn to the valley. While wc regret very much to loose such worthy neighbors yet wc are glad to welcome Mr. Htsscl bury and family in our midst and we trust bath parties will bo benefitted by the change. Postmaster Winter of Tumalo Informs us that he has had the honor of naming two pott offices in Crook county, both Tumalo and Gist. Mr. Wimer was Instru mental in sending In the petitions for those office and the pottof&ce depart ment gave him the privilege of turning the oflieea The next wove will be to net a daily mail on the route front Ucnd, Tumalo and Gist, so we arc informed. Wc arc sorry to hear that John 11. Wimer is confined to hit room with something like typhoid fever. Dr. Coc is atteudiug him and we have no doubt but the doctor will pull him through all right. P. P. .Smith passed through Tumalo yesterday on his way to the Dorrance mill. He informs us that they have the mill thoroughly repaired and In good running onlcr and will no doubt soou lie turning out much fine lumber. T. W. Ilakcr is improving his fine homestead near Tumato. He will do a lot of fencing and other improving. The winter grain on the Star ranch looks fine. We think the people are missing it very much by not doing more scdlujj in the fall as fait sown grain it what counts, in this country. Grain sown 111 Pebrunry. or early March will do very well and almost as well as seeding in the falL Rosland and Dig Meadows Notes. Thedaucing "bug" has struck this part of the woods, and Mr. Caldwell's (Continued on page 8.) .CROCKER & McDONALD, Agents PLOWS UP SKELETON Rancher on Crooked River Makes Gruesome Find. CROOK COUNTY PIONEER DIES Daniel P. Powell Succumbs to Heart Pallurc at Prlnevllle-Othor News Items of General Interest. V. II. Kcchti, who has a ranch 25 mile up Crooked river, un earthed the skeleton of a white man while plowing a short time ago, says the Prinevllle Journal. The gruesome find bore evidence of age. Many of the bones crumbled when exposed to the nir. The body was buried about 12 inches below the surface. The people of that local ity have no theory to offer that would seem to fit the case. Wheth er the man was murdered or died from natural causes will never be known. There is not enough frag ments left upon which to base any conclusion. Pioneer Passes Away. Monday morning Daniel Powell, "Uncle Dan," as he was called, passed away at his home in this city from heart failure. Mr. Powell had been suffering for some time from bis heart, but the city was shocked greatly at his death, for only that morning he bad eaten a hearty breakfast and wasseeminglv in good health. Death came sud denly and almost without warning. Daniel F. Powell, the sixth bon of Joab Powell, the pioneer revival ist of the Willamette valley, was born in Missouri 79 years ago. In 1850 he crossed the plains to Ore gon and settled in Linn county near Scio. Thirteen years later he mar ried Miss Mary Carey, and a few years later thoy crossed over the mountains into Crook county, where the family has ever since re sided. Four children and his wife sur vive him. The children are: Mrs. Mittie Prine of Lewiston, Idaho; Mrs. Elva Allen of Eugene; and Farmer aud Archer Powell of this city. Prineville Review. Sajo Rats Are not so Numerous. Jake T.ooney says that sage rats are not as numerous this season as they were last, although he is still trapping a few. Lost year, with a neighbor, he killed about 3,000 sage rats inside of about 30 days, and even after that slaughter, had made no appreciable thinning out of their numbers. This year they are not nearly so numerous, and it is geuerally believed that the heavy rains during the long wet season drowned many of the rats while they were still in their holes. One rancher who dug up a winter's nest of the rats, found six dead ones but Hone olive. Madras Pioneer. Earthquake at Hood River. Thursday cveniugabout 4 o'clock while Mr. Leach and another gen tleman were blasting stumps for J. J. Calligan, they put two blasts under a big stump ai:d tftcr th shot ran to the stump to sec what execution had been done, when with a rumbling noise and crash such as accompanies an earthquake, a block of earth too feet square and 10 feet in dcoth slipped down the bill for 50 feet carrying the fright ened dynamiters with it. The strange part of the Incident is that the slipping earth opened up three springs, the combined flow of which gives Mr. Galligan 20 inches of water. News-Letter. Kicked over the Heart. Last Friday morning as Bert Snyder was tending to the horses at Ahlstrom's barn, one of the ant mats kicked him over the heart, Bert does not remember just how It happened, but he walked home and told his mother upon entering the bouse to fix the lounge for him so he could lie down, that one of the horses had kicked him. He passed into unconsciousness immediately after telling his mother what had happened, and remained so all that day. An examination was made and a bruise the size of a horse's foot was found just over the heart. Saturday Bert felt better, and by Sunday he seemed to be all fight. Lakeview Examiner. Regarding a Bend Cltfjcesj. Mr. Sawhill, recently of Ohio, came in with bis wife and baby this week to make their future home in Bend. Mr. Sawhill has recently acquired large property interests in Bend and will take charge of the bank there about the first of next month. He comes to our valley with high recommendations both as a gentleman and a financier and the entire Deschutes valley Is for tunate in having him locate among us. Laidlaw Chronicle. Clutched Blado of Sharp Knife, Yee Li, proprietor of the Palace restaurant, met with a painful acci dent last week. He was about to decapitate a fowl; it became-obstreperous, .and in grasping for its pedej extremities he clutched the blade of the knife, which he held lu his right hand, and all but severed the third finger from his left hand. Lakeview Herald. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the firm of C. P. Brown & Co. has been dissolved by mutual consent. All outstanding accounts should be paid to C. C. Brown, who will pay all bills against the company. 5-8 Cas. D Brown, C. M. Wkvmouth, Elmer Niswongkk, Bell Home- Tomorrow. Don't forget the game of base ball tomorrow between the school nines of Bend and Prineville. for Creditor. . V MMMMMNH : ,S'