Image provided by: Deschutes County Historical Society; Bend, OR
About The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1902)
Ill'», for tlu* pu rchase of th e nt*! a see 2». 1 1 » 24 s. r » . Anna L. Stunn er, of Cross Keys, co u n t y of Crook, sworn statem en t No. IIP», for the p u r 1*lifted States Lau«l Office, Lakeview, Oreg«>n. ch a se of tlie w*a sw *4 sec 21 , wl a nw *4 sec 25, t| August J, 190*2.—Notice is hereby given that it) 24 s. r 9 e, S T h a t thev will offer proot to show t h a t the co m pltauee with the provisions of the net of J u n e *4, 1H7H, en title d . “ An net for the sale of land Nought is more valuable for **s t i m b e r or tim b e r lands in the states of C a lifo rn ia , Ore ston e t nan tor a g r i e u ’. turai purposes, a n a t« gon, Nevada, and W ash ing ton T e r r i t o r y , ” as estab lish th e ir cla im to said land before A. C. ex ten ded to all the pu blie land states by aet of j Palmer. C. s. ('om m issioner, at P rineville , Ore August 4. 1892, the following na m ed persons i gon, on Mon lay, the 27lh day of October, hu\e this day filed in t h is offiee th e i r sworn * 19t»2. statem en ts, f o - w i t : T hey nam e as w itn esses: J o h n Combs, T hom as J . Hammer, of Portland. 1002 E W ash J o h n A. Sum ner. Kli/a J a n e S u m n er, of P rim ing ton St., eou nty of M u ltn om ah, slate of Ore- i ville, Oregon ; J esse Windom , of Haystack gon. sworn sta tem en t |No. 1105, for the p u r Oregon; Joseph Man can, of Postati l, Oregon: ch a se ot the s'„ n w ' i , ne *4 nw‘4 , n w 4 u e *4 see T hom as V. Su m ner, Anna L. Su m ner, *>f Cross Keys, Oregon. 25. tp 21 *. r 11 e. Mary T. Walker, of (¡8 X 0th st., Portland, Any and all persons cl a i m i n g adversely tlu ibove described lands are re<Liu*sted to tilt co u n t y of M ultn nm ah, state of Oregon, sworn sta tem en t No. llin>. for tlie purchase of the e1^ ; he ir cla im s in this office on or be fore said 27th day oi October, 19«>2. se* 4 , se ’4 n e ^ , see 20, nw ‘4 ****■' l P -1 E. M. H kattain , Register. i 11 e. Robert J . Wa lker, of »3 N Oth st., Portland, Vie« a Uombk. of Port land. «*«*unty *»f Multilo TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United Sta tes Land Office. Lake-view. On gun. mah, state«»! Or.ig«»ti, s w o t u stateli!« tit N«». ltkk Aug. 12, 19«*2: Noli e is here by given that m i o r t h e purehaHe of the e *3 ne*4 . sec 31. w* nw *4 see 32, tp 24 s, r 9 e. -onipHance w ith the pro visions of the a c i n i Owen H. Cyrus, «»f S«i«>, e o u n ty of L in n I Congress oi J u n e 3, 1878, e n t i t l e d “ An a» t for' state «»f Oregon, sworn statem en t No. 105!, !«» j «he sale of tim b e r lands in th e st ates oi Cali- the pure has«* ol the U»t> 5-4-'»-t>. >«»«• IS. t p M ^ I fnruia, Oregon, Nevada, am i W ash ing ton ritory ” as extemle«! to all the public land I r II «*. Frank Morris, of Scio, co unty of L in n , stai* d a tes l.y a.*t of August I, 1*92. H a rla n P. i m an, of W hitew ater, co u n ty of W alw ort h, stab of Oregon. sw«»rn statem ent No. 1U52. f«»r th of W isco nsin, has t h is day tiled in t h i a o l i b e ho purchase »*t the l«»ts 11. 12 . 13, 1 1 , see 19, tp 24 > ** vorn s.a iein eiii No. 1199, fpr the pu rcluue «•; r i l e . !• tbel M. M,orris. of Sei«», eo unty «>f L in n stai ■ he s* ^ ne*4 , tie k4 se *4 sec I 4, sw *4 tiw* i sec 1 :. ij \o 21 s. Range No. 9 E. W. M., am i will offer oi Or« gon. sw«»rn sta t« n u nt No. b ù i, for th proof to show that the land sought is limit purvhase oi tlu* K»ts 7, hi, 11, li», se«* 7, tp 25 > r 11 e. valuable tor its t im b e r or sto n e th a n for u<ri cu lt ura l purpt st s. and to e st a b lish his cbr.t i Adda M. Peery. of Sei«», e o u n ty ot L inn, stai» t* said land l t .ore A. C. P a lm er. U. S. Commis »»f Oregon, sworn statem en t N«>. 10-'»4, tor th« sioner at Pritu vi lle, Oregmi, *ai Tuesday, tlu pureiias«* of the lots >. 12, bk li. >«■«• 7, tp 25 .*■ 28th day of O« t., 1902. r 1 1 «*. T IM B E R L A N D N O T IC E . Any and all persons claiming adversely he above-described lands are requested ;o t . le their claims in this office on or «etere said FVtli day of Novendkir, UH> 2 , E. M, H k a t t a i n . Register, T IM B E R L A N D N O T IC E . Cnited Stat«‘s Ialini t'tttee, l..ike\iew, »pegón, August 14, 1W2 ¡— Notice is here, •y given that in compliance w ith the pm. • isions of the act of J u n e 3, 1878, vil ified “ An act for the sale of timhei I aids in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,'' is extended to all tlu* pul lie land state-« He nam es as w itn esses: J o s e p h M a recall td T hat they will offer proof t«» show that tl Rostand, Oregon : F ra n c is J . Devine, Thouia> bin i sought is m«»re valuable for its tim be r «> by act of August J, 18t»2, the following Watkins, Norton K. W in n a n t , of A l b a n y . Ore shun* than lor ag ricu ltu r a l i m i «»«*s, am i l persons have this day tiled in this otlieo gon. est ablish th e ir claim to said land before A. t their sworn statements, te-w it ; eou n ty ot M ultn om ah, state of Oregon, sworn Any an 1 all persons c l a i m i n g ad 1‘ S. Uom missiom r. at P rineville , Jr« -F ra n c is It. Hayn, of I’rlneviile, conn, sta ement No. 1107, for tlu* p n re h a s e o f the el a versely the abo ve- des cribed land s are re inest- gon *ui Wednesday the 15th «lay «»f Oct«»b«*r, 190 . t v of Crook, state of Oregon, sw orn state, liwl4 , wl a lie*4 , see 20 , t p 21 s. r 11 e. T I M B E R L A N D NOT ICE. od to file th e i r c l a i m s in t h i s office on ^ or he They nam e as w itnesses: J«»hn W. Uusii k Anna C. H am m er, of 1002 K W a sh ing ton st., nent No, IgOti, l\>rthe purchase of tin. fore said 2S 1 1 i day of octol er, 1992. United States Land Office. Lakeview. Ore J o h n J . ( ’«»llins, F ra iua s J . Devine, «»f Alban. Portland , c o u n ty of M ultn om ah, state of Oie- K. M H r at ta in , Kegis'cr. u *l4 sec 2 C, tp 2 i s, r i» e, gon, sworn sta tem en t No, IbW, for the purchase j gon, August 2. 1902 . -Notice is hereby g i v ti Oreg«»n ; Kib N. White, J o lu i t ’ombs, of Prim Alice Havn, of Prineville, county of of the e*._, sw* 4, wV 2 se *.4, sec 20 , tp 21 s, r 11 e. th a t in co m p lia n ce with the provisions of the ville, Oregon ; Owen H. Cyrus, F ra nk Morrb «'rook, state of Oregon, sworn statement TIM BER LAND NOTICE T h a t they will offer proof to show that the act of J u n e 1878, en title d “ An act for tb< d Sei«», Ort*g«»n. land sought is more valuab le for its tim be r oi No. 1207, for the purchase id tin’ nw *4 United States Land office, Lakeview. Oregon >ale oi timbe** lands in th e states of Californ ia ston e th a n for a g ricu ltu r a l purposes, and t< August 1902.—Noli, e is here by given that in j Any and till | ersons cl a i m i n g adversely th see 20, t p 24 s, r 0 o. estab lish th e ir cla im to said laud before A C. Oregon, Nevada and W a sh ing ton T e rrit o r y , a om pliam e with tlie provisions of the act o ahove-«lè8<*ribe«l lamls are re«iuesied to til* That they will offer proof to show P a lm er, l\ S. Comm ission er, at P r i n e v i l U . ex ten ded t«> all the pu blic land states by act oi Congress of J u n e 3, 1M3, e n ti t le d , “ An aet u>: ih e i r cla im s in this «»lli«-«* on t»r bef«»re sai« that the lami sought is more valuable Oregon, on Friday, the 24th day of October, August 4, is«b2, the following persons have tills | the sale of tim b e r lands in the st ates o' Cali [ 15th day oi Oct., 1902. 1902. i ir its timber or stone than for agricul day tiled in this offiee t h e i r sw orn s t a t e m e n t s I o r n ia . Oregon, Nev.oln and W ash ington Ter T hey na m e as w itn e sse s: F. II. Marion. K. M. Hit atta in , Register. tural purposes and to establish tlieii rito ry ,” as*r\u*mlea »«> all th e public lam t o - w l t : Louis M. Anderson, of Rowland, Oregon* d a te s, by aet of August 4, 1892, J o h n 1Lruling •lai in to sa ill land befoi e A- C. Palmer. I T ho m a s J . H am m er, Mary T. W alker. Robert Harry Shultz, of Sh a n ik o , co unty of Wasco, Ham, of Chic ago, 3 47 W ash bu rn Ave..county o S. Commissioner at Hend, Oregon, J . Walker, Anita C. H a m m er, of P ortla nd , O re sta te of Oregon, sworn statem en t No. 1112, foi Cook, sta te of Iliiu ois, has t h is d ay tiled it on Monday, the 3rd day oí Noveiids-r, gon. his offit e his sworn s t a tem en t No. 11-51, for tlu the purchase of the s l 2 of s 12 sec 10, tp,24 s. i Any and al l persons c l a i m i n g adversely tlje pu rch ase oi t lie e 1 n e ' 4 . 13,21, 11, iiL^rfr.v'j o 1902. Cnited States Land Office, Lakeview above described lands are lequst cd to file heir 11 e. .eelio n No. 18, in tow n s h ip No. 21 s. r No. 12 K They name as witnesses, Francis H, >rc^on, Jttlv 17, 1 )K> 2 .— Notice is herein cl a i m s in this office on or before said 24th day Sam uel L. Perkins, of S h a n ik o , co u n ty oi *V. M . and will offer proof to show that tin tavn, Alice Hayn, of Prineville, «»re .and sought is m ore v a lua b le for its timbe: of Oct., 1902. -'iven that in cmnidiance «viti Wasco, state of Oregon, sworn s ta tem en t No E, M B r i t t a i n , Register. >r stone than for a g r i c u l t u r a l purposes, atn ton ; Francis J . I »ovin««, Thamas Wat provisions of tire aet t t 1118, for the p u rch ase of the 11*2 n e *4 see 1 *, to esta b lish his c l a i m to said land he'ore 11 the kins, of Albany, Oregon; Joseph Mar- nw 14 nw *4 sec 11, sw1., sw *4 sec 11, tp 24 s, r 11 e J u n e 3, 1878, entitled, “ An aet for tin W. Reed, C. S. Co m m ission er, at Lend, Oregon vau, of Hosland, (»regoli. >n Monday, the 27th «lay of Octol er. 1902. lb sale of tind>er lands in tlie states of Cal T I M B E R LAND NOTICE. T h a t they will offer proof to show that tlu Any and all persons claiming adverse names as w itn esses; W i ll i a m H. Hrock I land sought is more valuable lor its tim b e r o? ¡forni», Oregon, Nevada, and Washing i diaries Hrock. of Hend, Oregon ; W illiam Mul ly tlie ah ive-descrihed lands aW* re« ston e tha n for ag ricu ltu r a l purposes, and h United Sta tes Land ( ffiee. Lakevie w , Oregon ! ion Territory,” as extended to all tli ball, of Sioux C ity , Io w a : W illia m P. Vande estab lish t h e ir claim to said land before A. ( piestcd to tile their claims in this nllice August 2 1902:— Notice is he reby given th a t in public land states by act of August -1 vert, of Lava, Oiegoti. Palm er, C. s Commis iotier, at P rineville on or before said 3rd day of Nov., 1902. co m p lia n c e w ith the provisions of the act o f ! Any and all persons c l a i m i n g adversely tin | Oi**gon, on Wednesday, the 22nd day of Oc I 8 t> 2 , the follow inj; persons have tlii J u n e 3, 1878 en title d “ An act for th e sale o f ! E . M. U u a t t a i x , Register. »hove deseribed-la niis are re«|uesicd to fib tober, 1902. day tiled in tliis ottiee their sworn state tim b e r lands in th e states of Califo rn ia , Ore h e ir c l a i m s in t h is offiee on o r before said 2711 j T hey nam e as wit nesses: Ed X. W h ite, J o h n gon, Nevada. and Washington T e r r i t o r y ,” as ; menta, to-wit : Combs, Daniel F. Powell, W illiam Meeks, of «lay of Oct.. 1902. K. M. H r i t t a i n , Keg'ster. ex ten ded to al l the public land states by act of Emina l'ove, of Shaniko, eounty ot P rineville , O re gon; T ho m a s W a tk in s, F ra n cis August 1, 1892, the follow ing persons have this t NO TICE FOR PC HLll'A'TION. J . Devine. Fd Dorgau. of Albany, O re gon; Wasco, state of Oregon, sworn state day filed in this* office t h e i r sworn s t a e m e n t s i Jesse R. Meeker, of S h a n ik o , Oregon ; J a m e s >!. I».*partment of the Interior, Land Otlieo intuit No. 1017. for the purchase of tie to-w it: H a m ilto n , of ¿\ntelope, Oregon. Kli/a J a n e Su m ner, of Prineville , co u n ty of [ it l akeview, Oregon, August 22, w n e1;,', e'o nw «4 s(*e 82, tp 22 s, r !* e Any and all persons c l a i m i n g adversely tlu Cro k, st ate of Oregon, sworn sta tem en t No. Cnited States Land Office, L akev ie w . Oregon, Notici* is hereby given that tlu* foi George Bogue, of Hosland, county o abo ve-des cribed land s are requested to lilt 1114, for the pu rc hase of th e nw *4 sec 23, tp 24 i fuly 81, 1902¡—Notice is here by given that in ('rook, state of Oregon, sworn state low ing-named settler has (tied notice of th e i r c l a i m s in t h is office on or before said s, r 9 e. -om pliance with th e provision s of the act «> ment No. 1018, for the jmrehase of tin 22ml day of October, 1902. ,iis intention to make tinnì proof in sup T ho m a s V. Su m ner, of Cross Keys, co u n t y oi j E M. H r attain . Register. Dine 8, 1878, e n titled “ An act f«»r the salt* ol Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statem en t No. j s \\'4 s\vl4, see 28, »«$ n*vl 4 , hw «4 i i w 1. port of his claim, and that said p r o o f tim ber lands in tlie states of Califo rn a, Ore sec 83, tp 22 s, i if e. .vili he made before A. C. Palmer. 1 . 8 , gon, Nevada, and W ash ing ton T e r r i t o r y ,” as ex Commissioner at Hend, Oregon, on Oc- William 11. Hollinshead, of Lava @ $ ® B ended to a ll the public land states by act o •ounty of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn t iber 18, 1902, viv: Joseph »luyTudd \ugust 4, 1st*2, th e follow in g persons hav« statement No. 1010 , for the purchase 11. E. 2330 for the tt«tf n w ^ , sw fiw ' 4 , bis day tiled in this office t h e i r sworn state ® i*) >f the w sw «4 sec- 21 , mv «4 nw *4 sec 28, iw «4 sw '4 , sec 4, tp 24 s, r 9 E W M. nents t o - w l t : lie names the follow ing w itnesses to se1^ se« 4 , sec 20 , tp 22 s, r 0 e. E lm ora C* K in g , of P r i n e v i l le , co unty «r* Ella Hollinshead, of Lava, county of prove his continuous residence upon Crook, st ate of Oregon, sworn sta tem en t No. Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement md cultivation of said land, viz : 1083, for the lm r ch a s e of th e sc* , se*4 sec :*4. Finis NI «y!i *11, William 8 . Mayfield, No. 1020 for the purchase of the n e «4 s' sv 1 .lie * sv 1 . m * c 11 *»3 s. r 9 e. ^ . lenry Slover, David A Findley, all of Daniel F. Powell,of P rineville . co unty of Crook see 20 , tp 22 s, r it e. • tale 0 . « ' i f - in, sworn s ta tem en t No. I iky I, i«n instami, <»regon. Susie ('. Claypool, of Sisters, county .he p u rc h a s e <»f th e se*4 sec 28, tp 2l s, r 9 c. E, M. H k a t t u x ', Register. of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state P e im e r A. Howell, of S h a n i k o , co u n ty oi I % Wasco, state of Oregon, sworn sta tem en t No. ment No. 1022, for the purchase of the 1085, for the pu rc hase of tlie sw)4 see 29, tp 2! s ‘o sw l4 , nw *4 sw *4 s e c 83, n e ‘4 scL, sec j s, r 9 e. 12 , tp 22 s, r 0 e. » S X iX * à X S ® ® Th< m as Ileiin eg hn n, of S h a n i k o , co u n t y of William E. Claypool, of Sisters, conn -1 Wasco, state of Oregon, sworn Statem ent No y of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state- ¡ 080 , tor the purc hase of tlie e*2 nw , 4, n 1 A sw ; t see 32, tp 24 s, r 9 e. uciit No. 1023, for the purchase of the «* .1« sse R. Meeker, of S h a n i k o , co u n ty of Was« o 'ot 1, see 4, tp 23 s, r if e ; e«$ s e ' 4 , f w '4 d a t e «»I Oregon. sworn s t a t e m e n t No. 1087, foi s e ' 4 see 33, tp 22 s, r it e. the p u rch ase of the s*2 «>f s * 2 sec 25, tp 24 s. Lena F. Cl.tvpool, of Sistt'rs, eounty r lil e. W ild i n RDi“ h irt, of S i i ti i k o , J co u n ty of if Crook, state of < Iregon, sworn stat«‘- CONTRACTOR a x k BEILI LR Wasco, state«)! Oregon, sworn sta tem en t No. nent No. 1024, for the pureliase of the 1088 for the pu rch a se of t h e w * 2 n r 1, see 35. s'a s e '4 , nw '4 s e ‘4 , lie '4 sw ' 4 , see 32, si j, se*4, sec 20, tp 21 s, r 10 e. Gus tave S c h m id t, of S h a n i k o , co u n ty of ‘ p 22 s, r !• e. Wasco, st ate of Oregon, sworn statem en t No That they will offer proof to show 1089. for the purc hase of tn«*e, 2 of e*a sec 35, l i a t t h e land sought is more valuable tp 21 s, r 10 e. .or its timber or stone than for agrieul- Sarcpta i D r n 'l t o i i, of A ntelop e, c o u n t y oi ural purposes and to establish tlieii Wasco, st ate of Oregon, sworn statem en t No daini to said land before A. ('. IVlmcr, 1090, for the purc hase of the nr *4 see 17, tp 2- PRINEVILLE. . . . . OREGON s, r 10 e. C . S. Commissioner, at l’e n d ,< »regoli, on J a m e s M. H a m ilto n , of Antelope, c n n n ty oi «aturday, the 18th day of October, 10(12 Wasco, sta te «if Oregon, sworn statem ent No. lo They name as witnesses: Joseph II. »1, lor tilt* purchase of the nw* , see 17, tp 25 s 1 - 10 e. ' Inner, I rank Hudson, of l ’end, Oregon ; Anna Marks, of P ri n e v i l le , co u n ty of ( ‘rook Emma Dove, of Shaniko, Oregon: state df Oregon, sw’orn statem en t N't». 1092 hr. , ieorge Hogue, of Hosland, Oregon; \\ il ih e pu rchase of the sw *4 see 11, tp 24 a, r 9 c. lam II. Mollinshead, of Lava, Oregon: i W ill ia m M a r’ s, of Priii“Vilb*, c o u n t y * < 'rook, sta te of Oregon, sworn statem en t No. Lena T . Claypool, of Sisters, Oregon. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. for tlie pur.•base of the «•’ 2 im t , n e - 1 s e * , OREGON Any and all persons elaimingadverse ; BEND '«*«• 1 i, nw *4 sw 14 se<* 13, tp 21 s, r 9 e. ly the ahove-deserila-d lands are re«piest- Sarah J . Marks, of P rin ev ille , c o u n t y o •d to file their claims in this office on oi 'rook, sta te of Oreg on, sworn statem en t No adore said 18th day of ()ct., l!Hi 2 . 1094, f«*r the p u rch a se of th e nw* t sec 13, tp 2 T lw largest and best equipped hotel in Crock county. Electric lights, bath S r 9 e. E. M. Hu « t a i n , Register. rooms and all other accom aiauons necessary to the traveling public. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. | When in need of Drugs, Stationery, Toilet Arti- • gcles, Furniture, Carpets, Wall paper, Window | I shades and House Furnishing Goods, send your | | orders to or call on | C. I. WINNER, M’cr. ADAMSON & WINNER CO. | ---------------- PRINEVILLE, OREGON CHAS. BROCK WHITE & COMBS DEALERS IN Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Bzst Brands of Goods Always in Stock. Plans and Estimates F-irnished. POINDEXTER HOTEL T h a t they will offer proof to “how that tlu am i sought is more valuab le for its tim b e r •»i “tone tha n for a g ric u lt u r a l purposes, and h estab lish t h e i r cla im to -aid land before A. \. ( ’. Palm er. U. S. ro m n iis siotier. at Prineville >r«*gon. on Wctlncsday, tlu* 22 nd day of Oct. !9ir2. T |tianic as w itn esses: K»l. N. W hite j f«»hn Combs, Daniel F. Powell. Williain Maiks j »f P rineville . Oregon : T hom as W at kins, 1 ran Headquarters for Commercial Travelers ' and Tourists. AMERICAN PLAN $1.25 per clay and upward. THE RECEPTION BEST BRANDS oi Liquors and Cigars. Commodious Club Rooms. P R IN E V IL L E BEND. TIMHF.R LANI» NoTK’K. SMITH & CLEEK, Proprietors. For STAATS’ C nite I States Land Office. Lakeview. »regoli, Ju ly 31, HMI2.— Notice is hereh« riven that in compliance with the provi -ions of the act of J u n e 3, |M 7 s. entitled ■ is T i l Jv V l . M l . to '■t«»D \\ huit af ‘ An aet for the sale of tiin)H-r lands ii i I he states of ( 'alifoniia , « »regoli, Nevada ind Washington T erritory,” as extend ; •d to all the public land states by act ot ! Vngnst 4, 1HW2, AllM-rt N. Johnson o' j V-nson, «-ounty of Swift, state of Min-j icsota, has tins day filed in this offici ! Ik-ailtifillly hs'iite I on the |(eseluiti" is sworn statement No. |(IM2, for tin I 'im* fishing ; i.ostufftee ; stage olin e oit urchase of the lots 3, 4, 5, s e 1.. , ,v »'4 of section No. H, in tow nship No. 2'. 1 l’rim-ville>il\er Isike route. range No. 12 s. E. W. M., andw ill offe- >r«s»f to show th a t tie- latid ; oitgfit ia naira vidua Me for its - — -RATE.*« Im > -r or stone than tor agricnl oral purpo-es. and to està til ish In Hoard, |s r week Mini to said land la-fore A . « I’almer. I ** iin*al « 'omini-sioner, at Hend, < Iregon 1 ! Íornes to hay o«-er night g-, hi Saturday the Ifttli day of Nov., l'.arj l|or»e* to (¡ay and grain 7A He names as witnesses: J o b S ’. igne. Is»ui- M. Anderson, Frank F • >gne. (i -orge T. Sly, of Koala lid, (Ire ! is .1. Devine. Kd Dorgau, of A lbany, Oregon l iesse R. Meeker, i f S h a n ik o . O reg o n; Jam« \f. H a m ilto n, of Antelope. Ore nai. Any and ail persons cl a i m i n g adversely tin nbove-deaeribed late ls an* reijnested to til« th e i r H a im s in this «»ffiee on or before said 22 t»« lay of (le t., P.iiri. E. M. RltATTAlX, Register P. B. POINDEXTER. Proprietor. HEADQUARTERS TIMBER LAND NOTICE. OREGON. j ' j J j j j United Stales Land ofTh i*. I a ’x evlew. oregot J u l y 24. 1902. -N otice is liereoy riv en flint i? o m p l i a i u e with the pr«»vislotis of th« ict «♦( June 3, 1878 en fiti ed, “ An n«*t for th e sale « » f tin»’#er land s in ti, fate- *f i a \p li in, <»r« gon Nevada and W» - Ogtoit T e r r i t o r y , aa exten ded t«> all tlie puLL 'and state«» by aet of August 4. 1892. the follow ug f*eraona have t h is «lay ile«l In t h i - *-ft¡ th e i r sworn state nents. to-v ti : J o h n W Utisfck o f \ i lm n y , «‘«»only #»f L i n t j «tate o f Or« »fi * a orti **ia e m e n t No. 10*,9 »» he pur« h a s e o í b i t e i of e ¿ .>). tp 21 « • e i gon. » 1 W It, S T A A T S Prop