Image provided by: Deschutes County Historical Society; Bend, OR
About The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1902)
Aliy »ml .• I fM*|siiiis vlHindiii? ml* i*r>i*lj; tin* i|in*.-,ed to Lie th'dr rh.ill’* in tills office »»regoli, on F ri d ay , t h e *2*»th d a y o f Sept., ffxrj. Nevada, mili W j * k 1 i i».ut<»n Territory,” as T I M B E R LA N i) N O i J U E She llam es as xxi’ ii s s c - : .Jnim Coijil s. Jim . • ■* I J 1 • A" 1 oil or before said 24thba voi *"p t., 1902. A.Sum*m*r. Frim*vtl!e, Oreg : J o se p h M a n e a n lo all tlu* pillili»* land uta Ics by rullisi SiaI d * L hid ! Olfl •»■, l.«l< «»vi ( ■ \*.-, ( >r«*if(m. net of An. ¿•ust 4 'S;1-’, til»' toll .whig per- ■sui .lav ••! -voi.’t.ii.-r !■**-•- U> sl am i, Oreg. ; I*, li. P o in d e x t e r , P r in e v ille , L. M. B k . tt . m v , Register. i* i- Jtf cb.' KÌ' < H I :•*. 1 ii! ■ .'June 1« ». Or eg on. K M. tlRATTAlN. lil jlktcr. • ft » Ml 1»! i>li* •* with • !.t ;'f»»x i«l<»H: nf I lit* ID t III st .ns ll.IV« • this day lilt"! ill this oliai* j A n y aiul all p er son* »daiiei iig a d v e r s e ly the t i M iiì'iiì LAN it n o t i c i *:. .Jitiu* 1 . s 7 m . eil 1 i « IvoI •'.Nil H»*l for tl.e >a*lc Ilf tlieir SA») I •n sinteuiciits, to-« it : . . . 1 al ove-den<*ribed h u e ’ s are re<iueste«l to file I i ml)«*r 1 h D*b. in th«* *Mal«*- «>í J.ihioriiD'. Or«*- l n i u d M a t e -'l .a m l ( »iti-* , I ; ,ce\ : e\\', »> re g on. t h eir c l a i m s in this office o n o r b e f o r e said .lull i K. Deliri. h, oi Lum.nita, county TI.Mpr.R LAND NOTICE. It * «<( i li N»*v»Itbl Mil! Wji.-biiiyl'Hi !'«*rnlot y. •July '•>. idi 2.-- N » » i ; i ■ e is lie * -v givi*ii in 11 w d a y .o í Sept., F.HVJ. ; of < »regun, sw orn state- <**\t(*II«b**t 1 •M *i ! ,».* |t»utili«* i 11D 1*. 1 fi !!(*- by act iti of ( 'rta)!*:, siati* t o m p i t j . i i t * with the p ri * > i « i us o f t h e act »d j * j _ yy 1? ratta IN, Register. 1*1*it*-«I Slates I. mih I Olliee, Liikeview J u n e IsTS, e n t it le d , “ An act t*>” t h e sale <>' A U|CU-t 1. 1 '*.»J. 1 lie Í»»HowilDf 1 Cli— »11- i: *• VC 1 ill- ment \»>. S7*> lor tin* purchase of tla* day 11 !«*'t ÌD l(ii- ..»Ii c ;!ifir -XV«• rn SiUlt’DlCD 1se'4 s«*4* 1 . to 2» s. r In »*. Oregon. .Im.1* hi , | H) 2 :— Notice* is hereby timlM?r Iau»ì» i n t h e state« o f C n h i o n i i A , Ow — 1 • » \v i t : II Ni vi '.n nil I ’,Vn.-]Mii|{li>ii Territory.*’ i;s ex - r i m i M i i i»*n V i w m r friv't*n that in compliance with the pro ¡.-I 1 it »il ! '*«*J. Kitcbiri*,, of Prhifx, lib*. «»unity oi 1 J;l«" ili Si tende I t • al!, t ì.e pii! Ü« iaml slates by aet o! j F I M B L R I^ArsI) *\() l l C h . *:tl» r .clil No < 'rimk. sta?'* " i < »regoli, sworn siati .in*ut visions of the ¡let of June J, 1ST«, en August ♦ 1 '!"2. r m sh m a n « ii u u i u g h a m , t>i t ('I'tMiii, v ' ‘i !r Ml < >f'< 2 '.I. - XV » • •1 ‘ 1 I , I I » J'J N Nn. H7<i. fur tin* purchase uf the shi ut titled ''An a-t for The <i:le of timber Kori K laiuMth, < oiuiiy »■*' K’a..-rtb, stale * * » VllìtiMl States Lillhl Office, LtlkeVlOW, 7*V7, l <»r l he p’.i.vii.i '■ "i i l»f <iregou, has tiiis »lay riled in tiiis office lis ‘ . . , , r h’»e. hi, HW'hj SWp lauds in the slate- uf California, Oregon, sworn statemi .:l No.::.'*, :or ’.lie purchase oi ( ) r 0 ^ o i l , «Til IV l o , a o -L.— IS I i l* IV ! ) V .Janie- W. Kit' hiriK o f Prinevill«*. c o u n t y o f SI*1;,, sc1.! Mi1 , see Nevada ami Waslii; :ton Territu;y,” ¡is ('r.»Mk, -tnie oi ' >rc-< il. -xv ini -I iteinciit Xu. see t |i l ' s s, r io i*: .lu n>, lie ,. s . p n r 1, , ■ « i v e n t h a t i n e o m p l i a m * . with the act ot 7'*s, f<»r t h f j»iirch t-e > ! I lit* no' , see* J », t J» 22 s, ill l • *\V 11 - *11J • ■Jl ranye Benjamin I!. I ! i I : rii*}», nf I.anoiita extended to all the puhiie land states by rr hi *• . ¡let of An*"»* | Is.» 2 . the followini: I 1,1111 "l'l "fn ^-r i*r«»*: n, slum tlu.i tin Ir.iM June H, 1«7«, entitled, “ A. act for the s.on**\vall J Kit■•hiii.'/ of Prtiifv lie, couiily iiiiiiity ut, stati* ut < tremuli, sworn M-uiturni ptnp.. cs. ami t » cm i*b- naif* of tnnbor luihls m the states of ( al- oi rrn.ii.. state i' Ore;' -n. -xxorn -tatcuicDl No. s’ ateuient Nn. ''77, fur the purchase of )>i*rwoiis liavt* tiiis »lav ii I ch I in tins oriux* j , 1(J ,, , ,r 7*"»‘h tor t hf |iu reliasf oi t iif nv.j mm * 20, 11» ill'll sworn rM\ 11, . t statements, «l.iU im.'lir*, to-ivit: 11 ' * .i . * : t, • 11 Ul*«-ieiui ;, i" « '1 : . i n> siW i' U i.i . l i i*ei<»:,; i •«* i • . r J«s. .» ti H^ . their Cris-1 jfor|. iU( Oreoon, Nevada, and Waahili«- tin* .* *.j of e Lj sec If, tp lit1 s, r 10 c. r h» e. Susan L. Cminim'ham, of Fort Klain- I ‘ " ll1*.'',;llIllV ' " rl* K1l'l*‘l" 1,*: C-tlis. Mary M. Stnnnl. of Lainnnta, county \ a r. m .1. | {e v . o| I*r i l.f \ ill* enmity of Croc!:, ^ .i . . on U edm sdav, tlu* 2 ith d.Jiy of Sepiem i'iti«*r. i>ia. I ton Territory,” as extended to all the -state of Oregon.sworn »tMtf tiit-ut No. 7ii0 tor tin ■ i of ('rook, Htatc of Oregon, swum state Ut.I, county ol .\bimani, state tie niune* Ml* ».¡tin— »'S' I'liwrles Martin, i * . purcliHSf o' tlu* ii v 1 t mm ' l\ i s r !*’> * of Opcun, sworn statement liunon i . ( uun?:i‘jJ:;tm, ('hi-is'ie Martin, all »»i ! puhlic laihi stat(‘s t)V art of August 4, ment No. 87«, fur the purchase of tic* Oi-nv T K it' ii'iig of I'ritifVHlf, county «»t No. «< )< ( fu- the itnrehttse of the le » n>., ! i' " r: Ki:«»n.¡a, imijeii; t m i « * mii o . M rnv.u. 1 S!» 2 , the following persons have this 4 rook. -tate of imroii ^ \ n < ■: ■ • ¡-» m If incut No. nw:4 sc,* 1, 1 1 > 99 s, r 10 c. k< 1 .» . .. , " ~ ; ('ry^ia.i. hrtgon. 7«il. fo. Inc |»uit ImM* of tin ii \ n : . <• p.t, t|» 22 ^ # A n y e n d ail p ers ons < f a i m i n g adver^ ely the dav tiled, in this office their sworn state- .John Ii-lfrich, of [.¡'.monta, !“•:*(* l.j, t]» -•> s, r '*• t*. ►, r hi c. K llea l ’. i ) : : l r y n i | d e , o i L a k e v i e w , i a b o v e - d e s c r ib e d lan ds are r e i j m s u d to lilt* j That they will offer p roof to >I;o\v that the comity ut cruul;, state ut Oregon, sworn county (if l . : l k e , ,-tate o f O r e g o n , s n o r n ! 1 » b a m s in ti ns offi* e on o r be io r e said ; HientH, to-wit : lam l sough t i> m ore valttaMc tor its tiinhe r or statement Nn. «79. for the purchase .of “l 1 ,' ^'.«''‘' uhattiin . lifKistur 1 »-¡eorfte Ay. Null, of Sisters, county of hi on** than for I '/ r i c nil lira I pu.-po-«*». am i to wb. in*'4 , nw*-4 si'P, ne '-4 s\v14 see .'l, statement No. !I00 lor the jiureliase of ; ' ul1 ,!,iy^1,1 CMiihlish their i l iiin to v tit! laml I e lor e t t . 1 1 » 20 s, r 10 e. the s k s' . sei*. 12 . tp. 2 r> s. r S e. Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state A. Hell, I s. ' onmii^hiom r, a ' I'rin eyille, TIM BER L A N D NO TIC E. That they will offer proof to show that Mery -rhooling, <>f Prineville, O r eg on , on .Mon lay, the *2*Jml «lay ot Sept., ment No. tl«4, for the purchase of the 100*2. county nf Cruuk, state uf Oregon, sworn the land sought is more valuable for its United States Land Olliee, I ììiko - <wi 4 nehf, w si* L se l4 sw1! see 2 , tp They name a- xvi I ne-sc-: Loni-'«* .f. Kih hiii'.'*, statement No. «So, for the purchase of timber or stone than tor avrieultural .James \V. Kiteliing. Stonewall I. Kitching. purpose-, and to establish their claim view Or, gon, June 10, l ‘.)02.— No-! t - - H. r !) «*• Aaron .I He ..»m l Oeorge I’ Kitfhing, allot the sw p see 1, tp 20 s, r 10 e. JTinevillc. « Ufgoli. .lohn II. ( 'lavpool, of l’ rineyiile, county to said land before C. II. Wifhiow, C. tiee is hereby given that in c o m - i Civile L. Johnson, of Sisters, county Any ami ail persons claiming adversely tin* of ( 'rook, state of ( trogoli, sworn state- i Commissioner, at Klamath rails, Ore- plianee with the provisions of th ' *ie of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state nbove-.ieserlheil !amls an* re«im <tc<l to tile t heir claims m t his olliee oil or before said meat No. 881, for the purchase of tie* f-'mi. on \\ cd a sda’. , the 2 -itli day of Sep- ;((,j of Ju n e ì>. 1S7H. entitled, “ Al An ment No. !>S5, forthe purchase of the c 1* 22nd dav of Sept.. 1002. in of cU .see 2, tp 22 s, r ‘J e. Ù A f t r y H" ' 4 MVl'4 K**’ i tl'ÌV>.u- ’".is witnesses: «'hsries Martin ,',1 «»‘t f‘ »r the sale of tin.her lands ii i. M. H m xttain . Register. — i p . s s . i . e. Iturton I., c Muti li 'drilli, clir.-iie Mnrlin, or i ¿ f i f i - of ( 'lliforni-i ( I'-eoon gon . Henry \V. Carlin, of Sisters, conn- James ('. liasimmsen ot Prineville, ! K.ut Klim:, th, iiiv ,:.:. : i o. iln.wii, .a-'! h, U , ,.V , . ’ I'ry.-tttl, on „mi. umi. TI Min*:it LAND n o t i c i :. i eountv of ( 'rook, state of Oregon, sworn 1 ry-nid, »m ! N evada, and W a sh in g to n ferri Terri ty of Crook, state of Oregon, Any and all ail persons l' ll i •... 1 Sluli [.mill , /111 ui*. I. iki” il'A . Ori’i'uli. -tatemo!,! Nn. 882, fur tin* purchase of! -Wiv ami eersnes eluimitiginlvcrse- claiming ¡i ¡verse- o . l 11 n .,. pub- to rv , .” I as „ extended to ¡ill the sworn statement No. lluti, for the pur- Julie JI.'l'.Hrj: Nulieeii lereiu fr.rn tlnilln t he w nw ly tin* ni,ove deserihed lauds are re- SCI n ui • i-. see 2 «, tp is nil ii II hih e will, liie |inivisinM.- in' I In net June see 10 , ijuested to tile their claims in Ibis oilier lie hind states by act of A u g u st 4. chase of the s l2 ne1^, n ' s st ¡I, IS7H, eiilllleil ' All net fur Ills -nleiil liininr 2 « s, r !) " r before said 24tl. day of Sept., li«J2. the ^ follow ing persons have tp 22 s, r!t e. I a nil - ill (lie * '.i;es el i mill.In l ,1, On*,in That th cv _ will Offer proof to Show t hat ! K cvhi I ii . na i V.'iis!ilnKl"ii Tenitnry exleii'i 'ought is more valuable for its E. M. U kattai . v , Register. I this d a y filed in this office their Sarah E. Null, of Sisters, county of | ImiM (lie |inMie I ,i u*l - 1HI **- I»\ ie , <»f An t he land su sworn sttitcments. to-w it: (Hist I. IKJ'J. t lie iiilliiWhlK 1’ersntl- luive lilis limber or stone than for agricultural (hook, state of Oregon, sworn state tiny lile l 111 Oils uHieit llieir .u rn stnli lien's pttrpos s, and i > establish their claim to T IM 3C R LAND NOTICE. Dick V u n d e v e rt. of L a v a , c o u n ment No. !>7!*, for the purchase of the •"..'P!' . . ,. i s.iid land Is*fore , A. l '. S. Viola ArnnM, m c. Sisters, eotinlk of I mik. ,, . C. Palmer, ■„ , I*. vitro S tats :,s L ank O fi - tci :, Lake- ty of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn no l4 see 15, t p 22 s, r !> e. Slate ot Ou aiIII. sworn ateim-iu N.. - "I. ini’ » oinimssiotier, ¡ll I rilieville, lliegon, on view, Oregon, June 21, 1002:— Notice is sta te m e nt No. libT.for the purchase llie imr.-ie a* of ilie Iota I t i see ; j >, ipjs s, .*;'I e rda.V, the 27t!i ilay of Sept., I!K)2. Mary E. Carlin, of Sisters, county of hereby given that in compliance with r Ororife I , l iras, of , I'riie'ille, „ ,, , eminti "t ,i I !a*v , name as witnesses: John It. of the Lots i), 10, 17, l.S, see 3 1 , tp Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement . , , the provisions of the act of June .‘¡, 1878, . <' n to k. stnt e oi (iri'K'iii. -worn stn teme n t N ,. | 11 *' 11 ríe. i, Jnei i! i troilil, I it'll jam 1 n I». entitled " A :i act lor the s;ile of timber -•> s, r 1 1 No. (»«(), for the purchase of the mv>£ sj i. tor the inn Ini-e ot Ho ni*1, se ■ ,n. t|i js llelti'icli, Mary .M. Stroud, John Ilel- hir.ds in thè States of t'alifornili, Oregon, | W i l l i a m P. V a m le v e rt, of L av a , see 14, tp 22 s, r !( e. Thomas Arne'*' .......................... . of ■*' »'ron!, I 'neh, all of Lainonta : Mary Schooling, b I «!, < >1 Sist»*r^, l'diiniy II. <‘hiypool, .I iuik s ('. Rasmussen, oí j Nevad.i and Washington Territury,’ ’ as|c o im tv tlf Crook. stat« of Oregon, ^tal»* ot < »regoli, sw orn sintt*!::» nt \'»>. H2<>. l’or | John Elias L. Johnson, of Sisters, county of t11*' |»ur»*luise ut’ tIn* .'■»*l ,-»•»• r», I p 2 H s. r I»» »*. I’rim vilU*, oregon ; ThiMiia - Watkins, or Al eatendod tu all (he pilline land States bv sworn .itement No. BPS, for the Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement ija ii y, orcgiMi. net of Aitgust b ls',' 2 . ttie foilow ing per- \Vi11 i«mi F. Arnol«l, «»1 Si«t»*rs. coiinty Any inni it'l |M*rso-ns claiming a»!vorsv»- sons i'.ave ibis day filisi in tliis oliice purchase the s w l - 4 s e l - 4 , e4 No. 91)7, for the purchase of flie s 1« nw b 4 rr«M*k, siMte of <»«» gon. borii sta!» io ni No. K27, for llu* pnr» base oi ilo* nt*1 , hc «* iti, lj e *JS ly tin* :ti»»>V'*-»l»*vwilK*»| Intuís uro ro -! tlieir swm n siatements, tu w it : s e l -4 sec 3 n w l - 4 s w l - 4 see 2, tp see J, se !4 m*( 4 , ne '4 se1^, see 4, tp 22s, h. r I»» v. Ole Tliotnpvoti, ut Prineville, county 24 s, r 11 e. John I)nsl»ney, <»f len oni)>, county ot Limi »inostt «! to íi 1 v* 11.«*ir rlainis in this otí*?n» r 9 e. htt <( ! < * ol ( )reg»»ii, suoni siai«Mi**:il No. V2S * » » r on or bo foro s;ii»l 27th »lav « »i Sopt., UJ02. ; of Crook, stato et Oregon, sworn state Tliiit th e y will offer proof to t ilo pii r«-hiise o! I he e w 1 , ■•ed!. t|' 2 H s, r 11 -e. E. M. Eu vriAiN, l¿i‘í 2 Ísti*r. That they will offer proof to show ment No. 84-t l'ei* thè pure base of thè Fivira Cyrns, of Prinevill \ onntv «-i Crook, show tiiat the land sought is more that the lund sought is more valuable sw »4 se*. 2 . tp. . s, r a e. Mate ol < »regoli, suoni Milit ilo li» No. *2'.». M'I* t lo* pur *ha m * oi tlu* su b, se:- *.I. t p 2H s, j- ,’0 e. (ieorge K. T. .;m]:son, of Prineville, valuable for its tim ber or stone tor its timber or stone than for agricul .1«»lui » > ri: *. oi' Fri nevi 1 1 » . »■»ninty ", Crook, euuntv of ( CriHik, stati "i ut Oregon, Orci uunty «.i risii;, suite swu-m , th an for agricultural purposes, and Khitp n! i )regoli, s\vt»ni siiti* meni No..vJM,i«»r UM BER LAN!) NOTICE. tural purposes anil to establish tlieir I he f»ur»*h»»se * » i Ih«' m * , si*»* Li. tp'JHs. :* lo e. !.e iiL. " - ' 4 , ne‘ 4 , i.e !4 sw '4 see. ! estaldish their c l a i m to sata Thet t!:ev will otTer nr»»»»i lo lo»u tUni tlo* t claim to said land before A. C. Palmer, United States Land Olliee, Lakeriew. la mi notigli t is nmr** noi I »m J*l<* h»r i’ s tiinlier or 1 , t;) 2 2 s, r !» i . j hind la tore A . C. P a lm er, U . S. U. S. Commissioner, at Bend, Oregon, on Mone th:»t» fot* »igneiiltural pnrp»»s«'s, un»! t»> (»regoli, June 2 !, Ill,.2: — Notice is liere- 11 :*hat ti e , will offer proof tu show that , y (immissioni at Ben d , < L ogon, | Tuesday, the 7th day of October, liHi2. est a hi is li t bei r eia ini I * » sui»! lami beton* A. » hv given that in eoinpliance with th" Palmer, l S ('oniinis ioio r, a! Prineville, the land sought is more valuable for its 187«, en timber than fur agricultural purposes, on S a tu rd a y , the 20tli day 01 * 8 ep- They name as witnesses: J. II. Hau « »reeo.i, ott I tiniMlay, tic *2 »111 <lny ut’ Sept.. provisions of the act <«. June linrj. titled “ An act for the stile of timber and to establish tlieir claim to said land U m b e r . 11)02. ler, lb AL Hudson, of Bend, Oregon; Tliey naiiH* as w itnes e»; Viola rn»»l»l of lands in the states of California, Oregon, \ h e v n a » m Sisiers, » »regoli. 4b oi-,* i . 4 ’yrns, o» Prim ville, »More A. ('. Palmer, U. S. Conimi.-.sion- _ T ... , e as witnesses: \ «L°rge XV. Null, Clyde L. Johnson, 4 n'eyoii ; I inonas Aiuoli oi Sistera, «»regoli* Nevada, and Washington Territory, as er, ¡it Prim e ¡lit*, Oregon, en 1 riduy, the ¡rdefta. W . II. Brock, W . II. Smuts J»*lui H»i*'hiu y, of Limimi), <n»*g< n, Flv»ra ext«‘;h!( »l t«> ¿ili thè l*ul)liu lan»l stilt» II vary XV. Carlin, Elias L. Johnson, of d tu all the public lai 1 >v ; 2 *tli day i ; SeptemlHT, lUt'2. Cyrns, of Prineville, Oregon, William 1* ¡.11 of B e n d , Oregon; W . P. Va.mU’ Sisters, Oregon. if Anglist 4, lSi>2, tin iwmg They name as witnesses: Joseph 11. ArimM, 4)1 Siater.«, Oregon . , . , . \iiv rn*l aI•; ( laiining a«lvt t-*iv tIn* ! pi'fsons h;iv«‘ this «b:v liU m 1 in tlu.* ottico I Liner, Charles Brock, of Inani, Oregon; vert, D ick V a m le v e rt, of L a \ a . , Any and all persons claiming adverse nbox e «lese i * ì P eti lamin ar«* ret|«n* u*«l t») Uh* t h«‘ir swori» stateimnits, t«.-\\ it : Ole Thompson, tieorge 1C. Tl’.ur:|*son, Oregon. ln’ierv Mini IIn*.r clalmi« in llils "til ly the above-described lands are request Della I*:I.i, Shaniko, eounty of I of Prinevilie, Oregon ; David II. iiuner, *2'»l li «la x ol He pi.. PJ»i A n y and all persons c la im i n g ! ed 0(1 to to flJ;. file t) their (.];lini, claims iu in tllis this offit.e offic ()I1 or M liit.iTT.i in , ItcglKter. ! XVa.-eo. state of Op', sworn state- oí Leu i-i ”i, Idaho. a dversely the ahove-descnlted hinds 1 beiore said 7tii day of Oct., li»t>2. nient No. S2i>, for tlie ptii ’ liase of tlie Ah\ ..¡¡.I all persons ehiiti.iiig adverse i ne i., sec .Ti, tp 2.« s, r ü e. ly the. -i ve-dt sci ib"d Ianih-arc rei,nest are riquesteii to tile their cla im E. M. B katt . u . v , Register. IT.MItLb* LAND NOIICK. I.iílie L. Ful ton. uf Slt.milco, cor.ntv ed to tile tlieir claims in this "Hice on or in this olliee on or before suit! 2 0 th I ' litt.'.l :11 ti te.- I ,u ¡c I ( líU.v, I Hke\ ic" , i lr (in. uf Wasco. state of Oregon. sworn state- d a v of St*] ,. :: ( 2. J11 III* g I, t'N Velie, - 1> el etu . 1 e ti 1 1 . 11 1 II, | i, it No. « 2 ! for th" parchase of (he ! before said 2«tll dav of Sept., LM2. E. M. iiiiATT.M.v, Register. «‘.kill I • ! I.I net* «1,1. tie ',s ... tl.e Met "I ¡ : . M. 1 > 1 : a ’ i t a i n , Register. | T IM B E R L A N D N O TIC E . l 'nil ¿ te-s oí J11 tie -■ Is. s eli III lt*'l "An net l.l' se | v .'iñ, tp 2 « s, r !» e. 11 " vil», "f 11 111 il«* r Ili!' I- in lit.- -tillr-ot <"li \\ illiam !•. Johnson, of Shaniko, TìM BER L A N D NO TIL E. I U n ited States L a m l Oihee. L a k e - fin’ll it. , O r e (i" ii . Ne i ' h .I m , h io . W " - i i t n g t " i i I e TIM BER L A N D NOTICE. . u'iiity W'asco, stati' of Oregoti, sworn r l l i " \ " ns (*\l.’ ll'ìl‘*l I " "11 tile |'lll'l' e ! " l " l United States Land Otfirv, Lakeview, view. O regon, J u l y l ó , ll » 0 2 :-N o t i e e state Nú, « 22 , tur th" nmvha-e of slntes l o hi I "t Analisi 1, Is'.U. \ (itien.l ( '. I’n I in Unite,! States Land Office, Lakeview. l 'regno, gii, 19J2:— Noti.v is liere':;y ni l 'r l ii.** : 11,1, eir.ililv "1 I ’ rt.i.k, >i..te " f l in* «•'.» «»: n n ! 2 , s»»«* Ilf), t|» -N ' , r 4 «*. is hereby given timt in c o m p lia n c e Oregon. 2. 1902:— Notice is herebv llrekt"ll, Im- I 'lis •!", till’,'. 1 1 1 lili" "ti ler lie I 'luirlos E. El»i, 4 »f Shunik'b rountv giveu tiiat in eoa,pliant e witli thè jiro- given timt in compliance wi'.ii the pro- with the provisions of the act of s « " i " s atini.» lit N, s rf*, il,i> i nr lia-' ,»f visioits uf thè aet ut’ .bine 2, 1S7S, »*n- tin. ; n - i i i ii nf Seel inn s * if ti l"wiislit|> of Was«*»), stille «>í Orison, sworn stut¿‘- vtsmns ut the:u*t " f .".n e !«7«, cn- J UIU. 3 , 1 8 7 8 e n t i t l e d “ A n act for V " .'t s It ii ll |C* * V " It I-. 'I* 71 , I'i’ .l \*. ill "fun inoiit N«*. s*JS, t »r tIn* pun’ha.M* of tin» titled " An ¡ti ; l’or tlu* sale of timher j titlisi^ An ari tor the sale 4»t t;.uU‘ r ; 4l , . .. , . . . . Ini'll' tei., Diin 1? in ibi* stries of Caiiforni::, Oregon, (" ,,,,! to siii»\, timi t',"‘ In ii*l - . >r, 1 1 ! , .*1 * » X N » , .45, lit* lands in the states of California, (»regoli, 4 U ill ber lauds in the 1 "" VHllDlbb* I * » I* ** I .llll'lT nr *'■!»(• t’".'lil t>*r Nevati::, ami Washington Territury,*' : s r 4 » c uttu ra l »»m*|'n*i(*s, und tn t Ctiblisii l o « cííiuh si* • .44, tp *JS Nevada, and Washington Territury,” ; states of ('¡ilifo n ija , Oregon, Neva* t o r n ili bni'l bii»»ic I J S dii i I i . « ’< unit x <’ !rl*k l'hat thè« will offer proni tu show l'Xteinied tu all tl.e pnblie lami States bv as »*xte.itici! to all tin* public land .-tat (hi, and \\ ¿tshington T e rr ito ry ,” as tl.<* m ! t * ri iii'vUI«*, O r e g o n . «*n I n»tux. ili«* *2»»tii tliat thè hit d suiigbt is mure vahnihl.* al t ut Xugust 4. Is92, ib« \ < ! S » * I • I . 1*»»»'.V t-ersons htive tliis day tile l io tliis oltiee by aet of August 4. ¡«92, the following extended to ¡t!l the p ub lic land l ’or its timi« r o stu te tinnì tur agricul- Mi hum ««' \x t * 1:1 * ^«“- »’ kiln: Julili persi*: s have this day filed i i this otfiee states hv act of A u g u s t 4, USb'i, ( ’m i l l " . I' 15 , 1 d » I « \ n : , d tl 'l I. » wD » l t l l Hn tni’al put’p " - , - ¡uid tu esiablisii their iheir swnrn statements. to-wit : their sworn statements, to-wit : Stistiniia M. I itali»**.’, of Uosiaml, »»t !‘l iu«*x l III' « »'*• D'U. riti i f : tu si ni ho"! he ture .*.. ( . Pallile r, l . the fo llow in g jiersous h av e this Lotus M. Anderson, of Roslund. N a y K i d i .'. i I j M* r**» * d •** » b t i m i i i d » d I v d i *-» !x ( l i e S ( 'miii’.i,-sioner nt Prilli \ ili", Oregon, county ut Crook, state of Oregon, sworn county of ( 'rook, state of Oregon, sworn nt»»*X »* (U**s.*r'j‘«*'l l»l II« HM* rt'«|IM»sM*i| t o lilt d a y filed in tin's oliice their sworn st ali” , «"il No. s i*i, tur tlu- par» base oi t h e n c b i i D i s p i t i li ' of fi ce oil •> l.cbd'i* n . i d I *J d | ii un Thursday, thè 2 ali day ut Septeml w, statement No. 927, l’or the purchase of sta te m e n ts, to-w it: l he se 1 4 s’ ■■.* 9 , t p 22 s, r 1 1 dll V Ot S( • 111 1ÍHV2 1902. ’ * the lots 1, 2 si*c 4, lots 8 , 4 see 3, tp 22 V. M M b v ita in . Register Da v 'i d A . I i i i d l c y , o f U i s l a n d , c o u n t y James Minor, of Mitchell, eountv of Tliey ninne as witnesses: John s, r 11 e. of l rook, state oi 0 > '»ig on, sw orn j XX heeller, state of Oregon, sworn state Cuml -. >.f Prinevill»*, Oregon; Charles Addio Bryden. of Portland, county TIM IM vR L A N D N O T K ' K . Diiii k William II. Spiats, ut P-eiid. ( b , - s t i ' . i e m e n t N u . «ti7, fu r tin* p u r c h a s e o f «>! Multnomah, state of Oregon, sworn ment No. 984, for tin* purchase of tlu* eh. m*'4 . tie hi i*.\v> 4 , nw >4 n»*>4 see 28, tp 24 •.»« kex i «• XV , « >revr»)ii. goti : Francis ,1. Devine, <>( Alhtniy. (h. - t l . e sw ‘ ; s e e . 10, t p . 22 s , r 11 e . F i i i t e M S'nt«*s l.Jilul 4 >m * Thai they will offer proof to show statement No. 92s, for the purchase of s, r 11 e. » el »y j* i x • * 11 lion id J li n e 17. 1*54rj Not ice i* the wh. of wl.j see 1 1 , tp 22 s. r 11 e. toll*« »I* I lie ib I « » I gon. coin|»1 lt>Mee XX Mil li le Irwin D. Pike, of Moro, eountv of Any and all persuns cbiiming ti lverse (hut the laud sought is more valuable » l in i* I iie sa le of Joseph O. Stearns, of I'urtbrnd, county J l l D e .5. ) s . V eill tlb*«l * \ of « Mütonni», « bv ly Ih.* above-d *sc''ibi* I lands are iv- I*"' t's timber or stone than tur :ig;i. ::i- Multnomah, state of Oregon, .sauri: Slierimin, state of Oregon, sworn state- t i m b e r I h d i I" d t h e Mul» tur.d piirp,*s*s. and to establish tlieir ^ >ii. Ncx ,obv mu t N' » » M u i i E t o n i e r d i i t n \ tts nient No. -9S5, lor the j.ur- <*\ leniteli 1 »» all tin* pubi »o I udì Sim» . bx hi I » •! qllested tu III" tlie r eltiims il; tliis ottici* claim t* -aid land before XV. A. 1><4!, I . statement Nu. 929, for the purchase of I chase ot the lots 5, (j, 11, 11.1 or beioie .- i ti 2*»tb uay ut Sept., 1902. August 1. I .•'* ** Mu* i■ *tI'»\x i 1 **' p« :* "Ds luixx S. 1 « Ml! fill.-.-tp »ner ♦ Prii ¡.•ville, < MV;run the lit *l4 set* 10 . tp 22 s. r 11 »*. 1 2. s»*e 5, tp 2d s, r 11 e t i l l " la v ftle«l I n l li ¿s ntltee t lit* i •* s>*. «»rii ^la'.e E. 4. Ibi\rr.uv. Resister. Jana's Bryden, of Portland, count» > Oil M idi , lav, tlu * L‘ ni iday of Soptv•in n i e ll i '. »0 x* M Alin* Xt. Holder of Moro, eountv of of Multnomah, state of Oregon, sworn 1 ex 1 « tt bilie»1. of Hell«! . county oi 4Too u- l\ 11102. ••'liennan, state of Oregon, sworn state M X ori» iODD lit No. 7«'D. ' statement No. 980, for ti t* purchusi* of siale «»Í Oi eu« * * i, • » ,I«*V 1 ;l 'til * A* \xitili'» s»'s : 1 'rp«! T ment No. !*«(>, for th»* purchase of the p ’J» -, r 1'J Ille 1 «»' »bas« cl 1 lie -xx « , k»* TIM B E L A M * N t 'T P 1 ti .jib*. »¡Pi im* \ : ¡lu•. < 'r«‘gon : Ì1 . »UlHM th»*s1., n w q , iPjNwhi se»* 8 , tp 22 s, swl-4 see 5. tp 2d s, r 11 e. tt a v « M»*iri-. «•• Foi l lau«! . ( omit x of M i r II «*. . li.iiilt., -tat«* of «1 »1 CfcOll . - \\ « » r 11 slaleDieiit N 1 uv’mi F lit!«*»! <\n\* ^ J hid ! « Mb- « l.nk V. Oregon Al utorsoa. K. ii. MIV ion, ll. J. llomer Ilarrington, of Shaniko, coun- John ( ’. Miller, of Chehalis eounty of 71 i. ' i l ne puri 1. 1 •» ol III«* -«*' 4 *»*«• 1 , Ip J«» June 17. l’»D*J. Not’ ue is ben* *».\ II oí L -lami, < >r«*^on. ii flint in «.' of Masco, stilt«* of Oregon, sworn r \ '2 « ('.stk, ste.t«* of V * ¡isiiington, sworn v »» d i p li it i d c x \ .l !i I lie p r o v i - ! • oi i D e di 1 Aliy . uii all ptMsoiiH «•!; munsi a t w \ ivb l»t*> 11 l i li I» >1 -il»i*r un»* ‘ Is' . ' » :it it le»! * V it »i» I lor Il e M Ie -::i',»*nu*:,; No. 981. for the pure! as»* of statement No. 987, tor tin* purchase of Jak' *» * H t «* ol «'li co », 'xxurn '.HlciDcDt No. .1 i ■ • aìxive-iK^rriht» la»*« is am of the s » * ! 4 »»*»* ¡ ‘.t, tp 2S s, r Id »*. l i n H ' e r I h I d ’. w ill lilt* - t H ( e > < M ’ i D : : I " » ft ly th»‘ >e ! sc»* 10, tp 22 -. r 11 «*. l Ilf D X X * > ( • « • i. tp*j;»N for i In* purrleim* «» i ^.»n N . X ll -lltDlitOD 1 .» an«! tt a « * :« 'erri!«Dry,” u n « i l l l l l s i n t<» u « o t iii * i r r U i Frank D. Shepard, of Shaniko, comity lo t ierti'i . 1 » * Miller, ut tin* ha li*. county of e\U tt»!cli all Ib»I * pU I»li»‘ lati«! -lat« tills »»ili« «mix of « :U •*\ eel of ii «»r \ piorn said - ’Jibl ilav «»i I id i M Hub . »*! \ rhnr.’.on \m?D-i: 4. ISff.N ih«* 'DlllX 112 ( ’.«di. stale uf Washiiigtun. sw’orn stoti- of XX'nseo, state of Oregon, ( H t (»DICH I N o limn. M ale «*1 «'*' * »». •*" ' >«*pt.. i 1 .»• 1 t III « luive ili- .lax !e*l in t. for tilt* purcliHtt* «'( tin* nn*ilt Nu. 982. fur the par. base of the sworn '.«•>' ». «I*-• tl:i* ciHi*«* 1 heir -xx.»Ul -'*»!« .* ,■liti», i • » a il : statement No 988, for the L. M. H kattain , Kuviistpr. h. r IJ e. r.e !4 see. 9, to. 22 s, r 11 »*. \ x » ry « i *> * oggi 1 »I 1‘r.iMvil!It*, e« DlètV Of purchase of the e 1.» s w '4, s 1.» iiw'*4 sec I I IM M Hot l(*l»L»*r>?. o; Fri lli*X i I b*. t odd ! lut.» . » • 11*. ... » »«, iloti ■ \ . i.t*ssj . Mill«*:', of ('!e*'ialis. county of I ’roo\ -i ,| ! v ol « ’’ 'll v M ■ tu ** » i « i*. » III ilM B E B L A N D N O TIC E. 19, tp 28 ». r 10 e. 77«*. l'or I be pureha-e I he ID •V 11, ll«.. 7“»». d » m be pHivli » •« oi ili«* n\x‘ , m i Cook, st • ■ of Washington, sworn ti *\ ‘ , - i !... I p Ji. »«. T ' . Dc I . " hid ! nob, **v' , *r 5 p . * *. r J'J c Unit»’«! States Ialini Offici*, l.ak *vie\v, statement No. 9 18. tor the p i reliase of Herliert XX . (.’ooke, of Ridgeway, conn- Fin D \i\xoo«l (*; lrincvilo*. v n n t y o f \ « ’rook . « rook. -(?»«e o? « >r» *o* I. -v.ora -tile: I ih F o I I.i m riitrs, 4'bir-x, « ot »t Fi I 'tu ville. « (»uni Oregon . .1 1 ¡ :i«- l : * . 1 * s *g :— Notice islierelty the se1.! se» . 4. tp. 22 s. r 11 »*. t\ of XX as»*o, state of Oregon, sworn 771 :.*r 777 r the puri ¡i»«-«* »I l «le M'■ i see i ■ »eilt No Mil of «'ri--af*ii. - a li - 1 a * iI I I 1*1(1 \ tp >* s. given 11 at in compii.:n»*t'with ',m* pru- M . ’ !. 1 ), >, rl ’J v UWhitM of I I d riii',; they will offer proof tu »how that t I k J 11 * V < of th«* act of Jim. J, 18,*’ . en- th" la , l », eight i» n.ure vabiabl • fur its statement v... 989, for the purchase of lllllv of r .»»Iole 1 « « U \ V ID I • » ’ Frii:c\ ill»*. •«»tintv o f '!» t No -la le ’ , «lute »»I 4ire s ** « »1 li tili«' t Vii act i*>r tin 1 s:;!e <»t timlntr timber ur stun»* than tur agricultural the lot 4, s»r 8, lots 1. 2, sw ’ 4 m*'4 see -«•* j I I«*' i >f 111«* *r th pnr* lanti« ill the state- .»! ( ¡ilinirida, Oregon, pi'.rpo.»*'», an»; t.i establish their claim tu 4. tp 29 s. r 10 e. r i H XX j Neva '.. : X\ ¡.-h'n .'•> i Territorv.'' is »aiti lami L. .ire A.C. Palmer, U. s. v ,. ; : i- V ili«*. c e n i l i X Jl* '»Utfir N»*llv 7.. Pik", of Moro. countvofSher- N - l a i «*!•»( l i t > » H D e \ t « 'i »l»'»l ti a l l t h e *uhl: lami I Of ( missioner a* Prinevitle, i»r>:;u::. on I lie 1 man. state of ( 'r»*gon, sworn statement pure . ■.*; 4. t. fu ll tW 'lllg l :. » » . :: \ , t : i»’ ■ 8 t : ; » lay « » ¡ sop ten, ì «*r, 1 ! ■* ” 2 . M' » tp ’J Lie. i this o/i'.t " w* i : icy lai ni«' es \» iti. t --e» : V h vu. 990. forth»* purchase of tin* lot» 1, 2, I.i » ’ il st:';»' t.*-" .1 : -I )» ' e Mili. r. of Chela '' ». X' e.-i i_to.i, Jan » » 3. 4, stv 5. tp 2d », r 12 e. ’. Bl (XVU t.i » : - 1 , » nunty ! irvi’.,*. , 1 Jo seph O Stearns of ]*ori- Luit thev will ».Per ]*ro».f to sh o w kt\* »11 i ì, S i H *¡V* ot • > . m, sworn land. « >iegun : 1 ."t ;s XI A i..l. r-..ti, E. ,1»7, U r »!.»• purchase of «hat tiie laud jg i 1 1 is more tt'IlHT• * II. \ls»ri»»ii. «*i ! lesi,.ml, Oregon. 4*bj % fi v A. i\■ 2.X ». r s «*. Any and all p •er»t.: - » hunting ahv» rse- valu a b le for it-' tiiuLir or - tone »nrt« : l i :nUlll!'; ham, of Fort ly the iilh*ve-*l ‘-»•rÜH'tl hauls are re- «■'an f.*r agricultural purposes, and ' umtv • ** Klicuatí), »' ite of t|U»'»t.*u * * ?;!•.* T ln*ir ehnii's in this office to establish tlie’. r ebiim to said < »r. ¿Olì, :s uoni i*ì ;4t«Miu : it Nu. ; ... for on or before -ai. I 30tii day ot >»*p:., 11; -2. I ID t - land I,» fur«* A . ( . Balnu r. U. S. C o m - the pur« - ' <H ti II* «* 1 e 1•*j »»» s. tp 2.» ». I.. XL Bk.vrv »t N. Register. missit i., r. at Prin.-viBe, «Jregott. T lùt t! • V ivi il «»rì«»r pris«:’ lu »how on F r id a y , the Kith dav of ths ahuii le I». U I O e t o U r . lVt»*2. They ntinie as T I M B E R L A N ! > N O T IC E . tor agri owl - sto. witn».'-« »: John Com!»*. J o h n Ii. ish amt 11 . \X ¡throw. lai O ( lay j» * . »>f Prineville. O r e g o n ; il« Fails. -*i -M e Joseph Marceau, « • A . (.ra v es. of. ()*». « \\ P'iiKstUy, the 2 »>li day <•»' : : I. , ■ «* «?Híf«( t(f i * ruin. « * Iloshind, ■ i go;,; Alice M. S '1 ; . **V;D 1 . HI* ! X» Hí»iiln.Tt«»n Holder Nt i.i«* is, i ’ lkl*. JIi,;-" < )r»*g gon. ■i.* » * U + X X Ì1 4 4 « '*- Burton L. V ' ' 1 1 MI 1 K L A N D No »' . * \ b * r.j; . , <mnu«*l XÍ:i in. Charles • M «>» »k. - ! h «** .*’ Or, ¿'<T A n y nr. . a !l p» r»* ::» c la im i n g 1 . 1 I.I!,*: M.,t,« 1 JHÌUi 4 '*1 ,M of Fort ' ' :• t i - ffl» her -a* -;j 111 li v'l X. U*k«D \ < >*, Jam* 2 H. a d v e rse ly Lie ¡ibove-d»*»«ribt*»r L I,,. , , h: Wi Hi ui II. Ibidry tuple. >>i .. i*»« iffini.H*• e of Iho -a ‘4 '' |>\ » liven that in Is a -r ae 1 to file their i,* \. i nvxrnii ; t uric‘t«>ll i ». Brow ii. i, i \ •Aí offVr i.rxw‘ li t • |.n ('»aim* in tn..- Ol v on or U fore «»« ( ■ V ! * * y * i a liti. «( ",(| ;*gr*..ilii,ral s.l '.<1 1 (b fi ti.i \' » l.«i .»li »U«* 4.j,:,, nine ndrer- L ' •t„ U* 0 2 . lam 1 » in 1 ’ «* «tai» ’ .» *■»* «i» -A*r ii v»l lem 1 - ;l TN» r»‘- (' 1 it! ‘ V - V .*»;>•» iH-r K. M Hi : n R» v isie r.