Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1902)
Uaupel, Oorris $ Drake PERSONAL AND I FRANK ARANT APPOINTED LOCAL Superintendent of Crater Lake National A Touch of Romance. The Advance, one day last week, re ceived a notice of the marriage of Edgar A. Cooke of Seattle to Daisy E. Smith Dungan of Greenview. Thev were mar ried at the home of Rev. J. E. Wright in Yreka on Saturday, June 21 Each of the ■vended pa:r had a rote in the Green view tl*-atc»cal, “Bound by an Oath,” which was given the nignt preceding the wrd'io'g Just becau** thev -dipp-d away ji'i ween the second and third acts, when they were U" longer leed-d— si.ppedaway ina qm..» clamtes^ne t YEO-GREGORY. I TER F ( lA'mRR Is st * nt C ashier . The Young Merchant Takes Into Himself Try Hill’s soft drinks. Park—Government Puts Boats in the a Fair Bride. W. W. Bates was up from Medford A very pretty home w yesterday. Lake. Monday jjvening at S:!‘ ) li’r Frank R. Neil was up fr >.n Ja'.ks- n- A Washington Dispatch says: Senator residence oi Mr. and M r« Mitchell and Representative Tongue rec ville the first of the week. Gregory on Oak street, The t <>f; o c ommended the reappointment of; O. I ESTABLISHED 1894. parties were Geo Harr» Ye» Mrs E. H. Bristow returned Tuesday Applegate as ageti at the Klamath lie CI tv. of Miller & Yeo of :his from a visit in San Francisco. dian Agency. Th V also recommended Olive ( ìwì 1C tlu 11 John W. Jacobs was up from Centra! the appointment < F Arent to bf daueht Mr iti Point yesterday on a business trip. ;er Lake Na- superintendent <>! u ’UTlC f:-I' S-c Mrs. Nash arrived yesterday from lions i Park ,tRe. 1U W’i ; not ‘let-Hrmi w Douglas county to visit her daughter. p4rK. d this interpolated action certainly gave to Marcii, wiieu Flic couple eulercU the J. R. Scott, a miner of Greenwood, B. I The government has been putting the play a smack of romanticism.—Etna ' tastefully decoi rated parlor from opposite ., is in Ashland looking at the Country. ; directions and took their position in some new boats on Crater lake. Geo. Advance. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Fireman Eugene Holmes is working on Hoyt, of Fort Klamath, hauled two up i front of a Lank or evergreen and white the gravel pit s Witch engine at Gold Hill. I lately, and be says they will probably ! flowers in the corner oi the room'. _ The HENRY AMMERMAN, I). R. MILLS, G. S. BUT ; Rev. J. T. Abbett, pastor of the M. E. Central Point. Mrs. M. E. Hamlin and Miss Ida Bish ! put more on soon. church, performed the impressive mar D*ui PRICE 111 LER, F. H. CARTER, E. V. CARTER. op of Phoenix went to Colestin Tues Mrs. Maria Eakin McCornack died N. A. Jocobs oi Riverside, Cal., writes i riage ceremony that made the happy day. suddenly of apoplexy at Eugene Sunday. his lather, A. 8. Jacobs, that he has con young couple one. The bride was at Mrs. Baldwin and daughter, Cora, are She was raised in Londonderry, Ireland, cluded to remain in that place for a year. tired in white and the groom in conven Toreian and Domestic Exchange Bought and Sold visiting Mrs. W. T. Coburn at Grants and was a pioneer of Oregon. Among Since going to that place a Christian tional black. Hearty congratulations the 12 children surviving her are Frank Science healer has been treating his wife were extended by the immediate rela Pass. H. McCornack of Klamath Falls and for a malady for which two surgical op tives and the invited guests. Banking Transacted. Geo. W. Vaupel goes to Oakland, Mrs. Dr. E. P. Geary of Portland. erations had been performed on her Later in the evening the guests were “THIS IS THE TICKET.” Douglas county, to-morrow to visit his with very little benefit; that she is al C. Cunningham, of Wood River, who invited to the dining room where elab family. . cured by the Christian Science orate refreshments were served. Mrs. Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent, lately sold his ranch to Pelton Bros, and most We handle every style and color in J. A. Smith, late socialist candidate for I L*cf Sisemore, stopped in town over ( treatment and that they are thanking Harvey, sister of the bride, was assisted ---- >' (' J night the _ _____ county treasurer, was up ' from Medford in serving refreshments by Miss Kitcheu. latter part of the week on his God for it. Jill Sizes of Both Overalls and lumpers. Tuesday. way to Ashland. He will probably Quite a number of beautiful and use Married—In Central Point, June 30, 1902, at the home of the officiating Jus ful wedding presents were given. Mrs. Ed. Williams left today to visit move to Ashland next fall. The young folks have gone to house of the Peace A. S. Jacobs, T. B. They fit and are made to wear. her sister at Little Hot Springs, 80 miles Miss Maud Graves and her brother tice keeping Gresham street. Mr. and Evans and Miss Gusta Nusbaum. Mr. east of Sisson. I Charley, came down from the Grave E. is one of the foremen on the Butte Mrs. Yeo on are prominent in social and ranch on the head w ’ aters of the Des Headquarters for Railroad Mens’ Clothing Miss May O’Toole of Phoenix left Creek water ditch. Miss N. is well and church circles and have a host of friends chutes last week and started home Mon Tuesday for a months visit in the city of favorably known-in this part of th^ coun who will all join in wishing them hap day. of every description. San Francisco. piness and prosperity. ty. New show windows were put in Chit Fireman Chas. Safley and Miss Mollie Will Kinney of Jacksonville was in In Railroad Circles. Catchings are vieiting his folks at Drain, wood’s drug store last week. town Tuesday and got four of W. J. Douglas county. J. C. Ferguson, of Spring lake, was Freeman’s low wheel, broad-tire, bedless W. H. Mead, well-known as the gener wagons to exhibit in the parade qftthe al agent of the Northwestern railroad at Mrs. H. E. Ankeny and daughters ar doing business in town Saturday. “BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES” In almost Fourth. . rived Wednesday from Eugene to visit Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Looseley and Portland, died of paralysis last week. at the Sterling mine. Capt. 0. C. Applegate -were down from Ed. Olwell, who has been visitii%his PHONE NO. 364. QS a Mrs. M. DeVaney md children have relatives and friends in this valley, has returned to Roseburg from West Shef- Otis Tout went to Albany today. He Klamath Agency Monday. MYER BUILDI N G, ASHLAND, OR. is just finishing up his directory of that Comity Commisaioner elect N. S. Mer returned to Davenport, Wash., where he ford, Canada, after a stay of several is engaged in the mercantile business. months with relatives. Her visit was rill was in town today. ♦ city.—Eugene Guard. Fred Wichmann has sold his farm, saddened by the sudden death of her County Commissioner Fred Melhase Mrs. H. D. Reed, formerly Omega located near this place, to Mr. Grim for mother. ICEBOUND STEAMERS SAFE. Applegate, came from Gold Hill Satur- is in town today. $3500. He and his family will leave G. A. Yonng and C. J. Vaughn are doy to visit relatives. An unfortunate accident befell J. C. County Assessor Jasper Bennett has soon for Germany, his old home. over from Gazelle for the Fourth. Harmon, the car repairer, in the Grants Portland and Jeanie Are Heard From Brakeman William Watson and wife been interviewing the people of this Pass yards last Friday afternoon. While At Last. Geo. Herriott of Applegate was in Erek Carlson was over from the copper have gone to Butte creek to visit her town lately. under a freight car making an examina town Monday to visit his brother, Tom, Port Townsend, Wash, July 1.— mine last week interviewing G. W. Tref- sister, Mrs. McAllister. Klamath Falls, Or., July 1, 1902. A shland , O r ., Thursday, July 3, 1902 ren. who is engaged in blacksmithing in tion of the air rods, a train, switching in The steamer Centennial reached port Geo. W. Howard came in from Poke- the yards, jammed against the car which this morning nine and one-half days 1 Holmes Bros.’ blacksmith shop. Lee Minkler returned yesterday from garna yesterday to arrange for the funeral he was under. His right leg was caught Tracey and Merrill Reach Seattle. Mrs. Smith of Roseburg is visiting under the wheels and cut off at the knee. from Cape Nome, bringing news oi , CHALTAIQIA. a stay at Smith’s Springs on Carter of the late John Moore. i T. , ________ _ • It was reported in Portland today that her sister, Mrs. Coe of this place. Mrs. Physicians amputated his leg and sent the safety of the steamers Jeanie and The Southern Oregon Chautauqua As creek. Lindsey Sisemore came n . -pracy an(j Merrill, the escaped convicts, S. is mother-in-law of Circuit Judge him to Portland hospital, where he died. Portland. She also brings word that sembly, July 9th—18th, at Ashland, Ore Mrs. Levi Morris and children are Klamath last week after supplies and to hav?at la8t Seatt^ Anothei Hamilton of that district. the story of the loss of the United gon. Everything tirst-class Lectures, spending the 4th with relatives at Mon visit relatives and friends. report states that the police believe Julius Krutchnitt, general manager of States revenue cutter Thetis is untrue. Frank Galloway, late hotel proprietor schools, music; fun, pictures, good camp tague. Fireman Clyde Fields and wife of Tracey is now in Seattle, having smug- in this place, went to Grants Pass Tues the Southern Pacific, has issued a pro- The steam whaler Belevedere arrived Fine business block on Main ing Hon, Henry Watterson and Dr. r . went - to — • - - - ■ - in • • by night. • - Mrs. Ralph Scott and Miss Jennie Dunsmuir Portland Tuesday, the gled day to join his family, who preceded nunciamento that is designed to do away at Cape Nome on June 20 and reported Robt. McIntire are among the lecturers. with card playing on the company’s street Churchman are visiting friends on Grif latter to remain some time. -- .. - - him a few days ago. Be sure to come For particulars address trains. The order is directed to the Den that the Jeanie and Portland were fin creek. MILK SHAKE. T. A. H ayes , S ecretary , Mrs. D. E. Hide and Grant Crary ar Forrest Moore has bought a house and nison News Company, which caters to sighted in the ice pack on June 17 Acreage property on Boule Ashland. Oregon. Torbert Sanford leaves in a few days rived home yesterday from Azuasa, Cal. Your 4th will not be complete with lot in this town of W. J. Freeman and the necessities of card players on the eighty miles north of Cape Prince of vard. for Beaver creek to work the Mont Grant’s health is precarious. out one at Orr’s, He makes milk shake has Sims & Kearney engaged in put Southern Pacific trains, and henceforth Wales and the Deomdes islands. The SORING FOR COAL. gomery placers. House and lot on Iowa St. ting up a barn. Fireman T. N. Glass is at Richmond, ih.aLji!l_n2ake*Y„0U the train bays will not be permitted to revenue cutter Thetis was standing by a yard long. Also ice cream and deli Salem, June 30.—A company of New ply their hitherto profitable practice of Va., being called to his old home by the Col. Freeman G. Teed of Los Angeles Mr. Swanson, Holmes Brqs.’ black organizing card parties to play for cigars the imprisoned vessels. The Jeanie cious sodas and good cigars. York capitalists today began drilling on and Hervey Lindley of Klamathon were serious illness of his mother. smith, lias returned to Central Point from and cooling beverages or to encourage and Portland were not injured by the Many other fine properties in the Blair Forward farm in the Waldo in Ashland Saturday. Mee ’ s saw mill near Coles station. D. B. McDaniel, Wm. Fox and Orrin Ice and there are good prospects of the City and Country, every one a liilis east of Salem, to ascertain whether card playing in any form. FREEL-WILSON, Mrs. Johnny Pashburg and Mrs C. E. Booth came in yesterday from the mines vessels escaping. coal exists there of quality and quantity Rev. J. T. Abbett of Ashland preached It is estimated that the exclusive use Married, on Sunday, June 29, 1902, at two very able sermons in the M. E. The Thetis, which is commanded by ' Bargain. to make mining profitable. In 1890 Dorn are over from Yreka to see their near Cole’s, to spend the 4th. of fuel oil on Southern Pacific will net i the residence of W T. Van Scoy, in Med Captain W. A. Healy, has performed pieces of coal were found in a creek on husbands play baseball. church in this place last Sunday. Mrs. F. L Findlay is expected home a saving of £1,500,000 a year over coal. ford, Alfie O. Freel and Alma E. Wilson, the farm and upon search the outcrop a notable achievement in finding the Law, Loans and Real Estate Persons having room3 to let during the from Carson, Nev., where she has been both of Central Point, Rev. W. T. Van Elder Badger of Ashland will preach It is stated that the company has ordered ping of a stratum of coal was found on a Chautauqua Assembly will please notify teaching in the Indian school. two craft for whom so many other 250 new oil tank cars with a capacity of in the Baptist church in this place next Scoy officiating. hillside. The vein of coal and slate six the secretary, T. A. Hayes. vessels were searching, and Captain Samuel A. Hering, manager of the Ar Mr. Freel, formerly a student of the Sunday morning and evening. 13,000 gallons each. feet thick was followed into the hillside Healy has added another honorable mour Car Lines for Oregon, was in Ash Mrs. Peter A. Nelson and Allie Wilson State Normal School at Ashland, has been Attorney Vawter of Medford was in 100 feet. The men now at work have The suit of Mrs. R. M. White against entry to his long record of rescues in land Tuesday looking up business. went to Dunsmnir yesterday to spend a prominent teacher of Jackson county drilled 30 feet through sandstone and Central Point Tuesday on official busi the Southern Pacific Railroad Co. for the Arctic. —— office : —— The family of Frank Smith, the round for several years. He was vice-principal , from the nature of the sandstone forma the National holiday at that place. ness before the justice court. $5900 damages far the death of her hus fast year. house boiler' maker returned yesterday of the Centra^Pomt schoois^he last year, The Portland is a large steamer, and tion are led to believe that the prospects Brakeman J. N. Webb returned yes MAIN St,, on Bridge, Ashland, Oregon There has been considerable talk that band, William H. White, in the depot large store of are good for finding coal of merchantable terday from the railroad hospital, show from a visit with Dunsmuir friends. i He is now clerk in the i Mrs. Will Nichols was going to rent the , yard at Salem an December 8, 1001, was the Jeanie is a steam schooner. Both t Cranfili & Robnett 1. Miss — ^ Wilson has quality. The coal found in the tunnel ing no signs of his recent injuries. commenced in the Portland circuit court are in the Nome trade and both carry Stamp photos 36 for 25 cents at Camps . been a very successful! teacher of the Sims & Kearney hotel. made fire sufficiently hot to weld a bar Saturday morning. passengers. On their present voyage Central Point, July 2, 1902, Janies D. Moore of Ashland, took the 8. of iron an inch thick and coked well. It S. P. Robbins has been re elected prin- prin - i county for about three years. She has White( “ Billy, ” as he was called about they were closed upon by the ice pack ■ ■ just finished a term of school near Wood is believed coal found at greater depth competitive examination at Salem for a cipal and Leia Sackett assistant or ■ the Junotion City where he resided for many and carried northward by the pack. As cadetship to the Annapolis Naval ville. will be of still better quality. The Dia Medford. Phoenix school for the coming year. years), was engineer for the defendant there were upward of 400 people Both the bride and groom are well- mond Drill Contracting Company of Academy. corporation. The complaint states that aboard the two steamers their mishap For sale at wholesale, choice selected known in this section, particularly at FAUCETT—KERN. ( Spokane, has the contract to drill 100 to , J. C. Mitchell and son, J. B. Mitchell, certain of the ties of the railroad comp- Central Point and Jacksonville. Their caused a great deal of anxiety in ^^Girl to Wash Dishes 1000 feet, according to what may be came over from Gazelle yesterday to Burbank potatoes. A. B. Miller. ( George Faucett, Wells, Fargo agent at 1 any a short distance south of the depot every city on the Pacific coast. A friends consider that both have done F. H. Miles, who is employed at Wet found. I ship 300 :__ ___ head __ of _____ cattle from Grants . at Salem were “ rotten to such an extent Medford, a popular young man of excel- ! 1 Pj ’ass to that place. zel’s saw mill east of Montague is visit well in this choice for life. They will lent character and reputation, was mar- . that and Help in Kitchen they would not hold the spikes large fleet of vessels has been search 1 make their home in Central Point. They ing Ashland and Gold Hill this week. Do you intend to make garden? We ing for the missing steamers, and , which were driven therein to hold the ried in Portland Saturday afternoon at Engineer T.W. Fitzgerald and bride, have .he best wishes of a host of fripnds have all the garden tools you want, Call | nee Belle Dollarhide, were on Tues- Unique wall paper, up-to-date esigns j as they begin this new era of life’s his the fourth annual reunion of the Kelly ■ rails in place.” The spikes were rusted grave fears were felt, as the ice-locked and get prices. IV. N. Grubb A Co. clan at the home of Plympton J. Kelly, _ ; and weatherworn and would not hold steamers seemed in a fair way to be Apply at— from 8 cents up at Stock ’ s. i day’s train returning to Dunsmuir from tory. rails or fish-plates in place. The either crushed or carried almost to the; to Miss Eugenia Kern, a prominent either 1 H 8. Emery, the contractor. i their northern trip. . F. L. Wright, the Southern Oregon switch, also, was out al order. The pole, where the people aboard would, teacher and estimable lady of that city. Spray pumps that simply can ’ t be beat. HOTEL VENDOME Mrs, Stanley A. McIntosh and two Marble Works Co. solicitor, returned The marriage was a great surprise to flanges of the engine wheels were badly perish of cold and starvation. a ui j children are up from San Francisco visit yesterday from a successful trip in Jose Call and see them. E. Peil. the numerous Kelly tribe who bad as worq and the throw rails used in con Among the searchers was the reve- Ashland, Oregon, ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mc phine county. nection were out of repair; that the en sembled on this festive occasion Clendon. at Gold Hill. nue cutter Thetis, Captain Healy, j - *T s SALTS from M inerai It is a pleasant walk to Sutton’s ice Mrs. Faucett will be a valuable acqui- 1 gine was thereby thrown from the track, NPVAr=0T1flA WELts- Texa». .re a|: sitioji to Medford and they have the best 1 causing his death. Healy is a veteran of the sendee and ■ Chas. Grubb, Miss Lou Grubb, S. H. cream parlors on 4th street. Try it. 11VV most tasteless. The first Crackers, Morse and daughter, G. A. Morse and Mrs. Lee Jacobs and daughter of Med 11 V V Ul JL knows the North Pacific thoroughly.I O < dose pleases you and the wishes of all for a happy and prosperous result wins your friendship. A mild but certain cure wedded life. If you desire a good complexion use He made the Bear famous by his splen.' wife, Misses Ethel Shearer and Jessie Bombs, ford and her sister, Mrs. W, D. Hanley for Chronic Constipation. Sick Headache, Rheuma. Moki Tea, a pure herb drink. It acts on Robinson have gone to Crater lake. of Burns, ca'led on old friends in Ash tlsm Female Complaints, Liver, Kidney and Stomach The contract for the building of the the liver and makes the skin smooth did work with her, and during his i etc., Troubles. 10c, or box containing 3 times the quan years of service he has rescued thous-j Word from San Francisco is that. Brake- land Tuesday. tity «SC at your druggists. By mall 13c and 30c In Palm Bodge brick block on the corner of ( and clear. Cures sick headaches. 25 Nuts, ands of people from death in Arctic' man Archie Grieve, who was taken to One box will convince the most skeptical. D and Seventh sreets, lias been let. , cts. and 50 cts. Klondike Fizz, the new drink See stamps. Money refunded if it 0. M. Waterhouse Co. 830 Howard St. Sas Fraaclsco Confectionery, I the rai road hospital by his wife Satur Hill, the soft drink man Childers Bros, and G. W. Priddy having , does not satisfy you Write to W. II. waters. Agents wanted In every town. Liberal terms. day, is beginning to improve and will the contract for the brick work, and the Hooker Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for free During the four years in which Cap- 1 C »<>1(1 I m H. ». FVANS Mrs. H. Silsbv, Misses Mary and Es Oregon Granite Company will do the sample —McNair Bros. tain Healy was kept ashore not a ves-1 €. Dane’s soon be out of all danger. ther Silsby and May and Genevieve Tif stone and granite work. W. B, Bradbury » sei was rescued in the Arctic. In 19001 Miss Mary Durham, the accomplished fany went to Portland Tuesday, all on a have charge of the finishing and HEAD of Good Cattle will Canned Goods. alone seventeen ships were lost there, I State Normal school music teacher, well visit except Miss Mary. BORN. wood work. The structure is to be of Ice Cream, Ice Cream Sodas, Home- known in Ashland, was married at her and every year had its list of missing I For Sale. A Good Stock brick and stone, 50x100 feet, and two Garden and spray hose all prices. W. Made Confectionery, Cigars, Tobaccos, home in Irvington, Cal., Monday to Prof. DeZfciou-s Milk Shake. stories high, and will cost about $X0,0o0 ADAMS—In Ashland, June 30, 1902, to ships. During the years when Captain I ■ Etc., Etc. Ingram, principal of a business college N. Grubb & Co. Healy had cruised those waters he I Farm for rent. when completed. All material for build Mr. and Mrs. 8. K. Adams, a daughter. at Oakland, Cal. Fred Page the Portland commission either fpund every misSing ship or pro-1 ing must he on the ground by August 1, L. M. RHODES, Engineer J. A. Merriman and wife re. merchant and Collector of Customs Strata and the work of building will be pushed CHITF^R—On ROgue river, June 23, cured satisfactory evidence that she I Main St., over the Bridge. 1902 to Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Criteser, a had gone to the bottom and was be-1 j turned yesterday fiom a visit to his ton of San Francisco, left yesterday on a with all possible wmu- Klamath Falls, Oregon. through son, i ranch near Vancouver, Wash., on which ten days business trip to Klamath lower rooms will h* - • yond the reach of aid. and th* - - occupied by stores J. P. B atli G. W. D odos j he was making some improvements. county. ASK ANYBODY One of several events may happen I -w upper rooms by offices. ; The bandits, Tracy and Merrill, were Wall paper 5c. and up. Paint, oils, when a ship is packed in the ice as I very near them at one time. Mrs. John Osborne, a professional nurse WHO DRIVES glass, etc , at H. S. Evans’. are me Portland and the Jeanie. Eith- 1 who has been a resident of Medford for Ch> Operator Frank J. Belts is convalescing er the ice may crush its timbers, or I Mrs. George A. Knoblauch leaves In a four years, leaves Thursday morning for I after being laid out flat on nis back with few da vs for San Franc isc to • gets your lungs sore and weak and it may be held permanently in the . . if It is not a fact that San Francisco to join her husband, who (hat fever and la grippe for four months. Mr. paves the way for Pneumonia or Con we turn out the best this cUmate is employed as carpenter. Mrs. Osborne sumption, or both. Acker’s English pack—ships have remained in the ice I Sling Restaurant and Mrs. Belts leave tomorrow for Har &iheW” ami rao«t stylish look has a large circle of friends here who re risburg to visit his folks, and hopes to re o ...(Congenial to her health during ASHLAND, OREGON. Remedy will stop the cough in a day and for years—or the ice may open and I ing rigs in town. MRS. A. GABBUSH, Prop. gret to have her leave Medford. I this period. sume his work August 1st. heal your lungs. It will cure Consump let it out. We have good Captain Healy is standing by to Bee FREIGHT AND G. P. Lindley and wife, Mrs. George tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat Soother of Pain is a good thing. New Wing Block, corner A and horses and new vehi The 8-vear old son of W. W. Fordnev Friends, what will happen to the Portland and Lindley and children, Miss Lutie Ulrick and lung troubles. Positively guaran give it a trial. 4th St»., just around the corner cles. had four teeth knocked out of his mouth and W. H. Jackson returned Monday teed, and money refunded if you are not Jeanie. If the ice opens and frees BAGGAGE TRANSFER Transient stock from tlce Depot. J. E. Envart, E. J. Payton and Otis without touching his lips Tuesday. The from a week’s visit at Crescent City, satisfied. Write to us for free sample. them he will convoy them to port. If I properly fed and well i boy attempted to catch a gentle horse Helman had their pictures in the Ore Cal. They report having a splendid \V. II. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. the Ice crushes them or takes them I ...Best 25 Cent meal cared for in our large Wood For Sale. and ride it to the barn, when the animal gonian on the occasion of the recent time while down by the sounding sea. too far north he will take off the crews I livery stable. meeting of the gun clubs of the north playfully kicked its heels at him. The Along the Line. Prompt Service. and passengers and abandon the Dr. Butler and wife, Misses Florence cork of a new shoe landed oq thu bov’s west at Portland. They did some fine Everything the market affords. No Ice Delivered Daily in Season Toft and Gertrude Wilson left Snnday on hulks. teeth, shooting, being up with the best. Chinese cooking. Lunches put up. a trip to Klamath Falls, Pelican bay Healy’s success in the Arctic is at-1 Passenger trains stop 30 minutes. A girl to wash dishes and assist in j Lime, plaster Paris and Portland ce- and Crater lake. Ashland, Ore. tributable to his extraordinary knowl Give the restaurant a trial and be kitelien work is wanted at Hotel Ven meat by the car load at FI. 8. Evans’. convinced. Sydney Charles, who has been in edge of the region. He knows the Opposite Bridge, center of town. dome. cliarge of the Southern Oregonian for coast, the currents and all the condi-1 Ashland Brakeman Fred J. Ahlstrom, who has Mrs. Fred Drake and daughter Mildred several months, left for Portland during tions as a saint knows his prayers. I gfl been in th* railroad hospital in San Fran- the week where he has secured a position STEAM ; cisco for several months, is expected went to Grants Pass Tuesday to visit Mrs. The Belvedere was in sight of both I on the Evening Telegram. j home in Ashland for the 4th of July or A. C. Hough, an old school mate of Mrs. the Portland and the Jeanie, and left] SI soon thereafter. North Ahlstrom, who Drake. Mrs. Hough will visit Ashlahd Miss Katherine Buckley came up from them to return to Nome only after LAUNDRY returned to San Francisco last fall from during Chautauqua. San Francisco Monday to visit relatives her officers had assured themselves] F. HEBERLIE . the Klonkike, will accompany’ him. Get your harness oil, hoof ointment for two weeks. Miss B. is studying for a that they could render no assistance Prop’r. professional nurse at a hospital in the i You are sure to get something artistic and gall cure of 8. K. Adams, Main to the bealeagured vessels. At the | WATER Street. street. He also sells harness and does Bay City. if you have photos made at Camps’ stu harness repairing. time they were last sighted the Port | dio. NEAR MAIN Miss Fay Sears left Tuesday for Spo land had been out of Seattle, Nome- 1 Etna Advance: Frank L. Camps, kane, Wash., to spend the summer with W. W. Hazen, the enterprising Kla Ashland’s popular photographer, will be bound, for fifty-two days and the Orders by mail or her father, D. T. Sears, who is in the math Falls liveryman, brought in Mon express receive Jeanie for forty-eight days. employ of the government asU. 8. gauger. ls a feature of our Pre- day a large crowd of timber land locators in Etna about June 30th, and will be But signals from both vessels to the I prompt attention pleased to meet the people at the Fashion scription Department up erms C ash , at who took the train for their home at Misses Bessie and Marie Nickell ar- free vessels following them announced | T reasonable rates on which we pride our Vancouver, Wash. Another party of 18 where he will open up his parlor. , rived from Portland Saturday. Miss Two well-equipped ice houses people that all was well on board in each I selves. We do not slight arrived from Vancouver yester Soother of Pain. For all pain. Pre MOWING THE LAWN 1 Marie has been a student at St. Helen’s case, passengers well and food and | such prescriptions simply day and were taken out to Klamath pared and sold bv Wilmer M. Poley & Hall during the year. ■ erected by the Armour and county yesterday noon by Mr. Hazen. Co., druggists, Ashland. is not hard work if you have the right water plentiful and general conditions because the medicines are ! Mark Baker has purchased an interest kind of a mower. Now this kind is just cheerful. Messages, however, carried to be given to domestic They will also locate timber claims. necktie and apron party given by ’ in the Weeks Bros.’ furniture store at what.D. B. P rovost is offering to his pa the frank admission on the part of the animals. Drugs and chem Earl fruit carrying companies; Just received a nice line of glass-ware the The Fraternal Brotherhood at I. O. O. F. I Medford, and he and Fred W. Weeks are icals of doubtful quality trons. Easy running, of exceeding dur officers of the imprisoned vessels that hall was a pleasant affair. The program ; now the owners of the same. 4th Street are not the feeling of cheerfulness was greatly in the railroad yards of Ash . at Gurnea’s. was original and amusing and an orches ability, perfectly adjusted bearings and Chas. M. Culver greeted old Ashland tra played while refreshments were < Mrs. Wm. D. Hanley left Wednesday augmented by the arrival on the scene “GOOD ENOUGH” Best Baker in Jackson County friends with that genial smile Tuesday being served. i for her home at Burns, Or., after a two self-sharpening knives, carefully hard of the Thetis, standing by ready to re land are offered for sale. and Wednesday. He was returning AT OUR STORE. J weeks visit with relatives. ened and tempered. spond to any urgency signal. homeward to San Francisco from an ex Fresb Bread, Pies, Cakes, Remember Tate, the confectioner, sells > Mrs. John Butterworth of Eugene was The Centennial left Nome on the This is why you should bring tended tour in the eastern cities of the fruits, nuts, candy, canned goods, cigars Pastry of all Kinds........... ' here Friday attending the funeral of ihe morning of June 20. The whaler Bel in your prescriptions for Con United States and Canada in the interest and tobacco, also milk shake. Look them over and ; late Mrs. A. S. Hammond. dition Powders, Liniments, vedere had arrived in port only a few of his shipping business. Mrs. Culver ... .Delivered to *11 parta of city Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yeo and daughter Give Us an Offer. Poultry Medicines, etc. and the babies, who have been visiting returned hours before. The Belvedere brought ( Prof. Strong of the University of Ore- to Klamath Falls Tuesday. As j her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mil- soon as Mr. Yeo closes out his interests only the most meager information con Phone 374-..-——*. 3 gon, accompanied by hie wife anddaugh- I ler, and other relatives and friends, re- at the Falls the family will take up their 3 ter, was here Saturday. cerning the conditions on board the turned home with him to Alameda on residence at their former home at Santa beleaguered vessels, as the only means €♦ Richard, Prop. ? Page & Son of Portland, are building a I ! yesterday’s noon train. Ana, Cal. James Yeo and Miss Minnie of communication between them and ? 50x100 warehouse in Medford for their Prescription Druggists I Hats! Yes, we have them, for men Yeo left veeterday for the latter place. the free vessels within their sight wad P fruit business. S. A HERING, Agent. and Stationers. and boys in all colors and shades and by signaling, and that process is slow Sewing machines of all kinds, new or James Buckley, jr., of Applegate, is latest designs, at very low prices. Vau- second hand and at lowest prices. Ma and tiresome. & ill with typhoid fever at the U. 8. Hotel 246 Stark St. PoRTLAND, OR- pel, Norris A Drake. chines to rent. J. P. Dodge, opera block. ” in Jacksonville. The Old-Reliable Blacksmith, Dry Goods and Clothing Store THE BANK 01 i. Full Paid, $50,000 Pu d. $15,000 ¿ANÌ 13 ^^OVERALLS A General Business New and Second-Hand Furniture Stoves Sewing Machines Musical Instruments Call in and inspect our goods. fact, anything you want. w-w Q. OTOtlCT Uaupel, Morris $ Drake BECORD Bargains in Real Estate Geo. W. Trefsen WANTED... Tireworks For 4th of July W. H. TATE IT’S JUST A COUGH I Fox& Good, For Sale. 1 H ^7^ “« Veterinary 1 Ü Medicines Hsbland Bakery ARMOUR CAR LINES W. M. POLEY & CO. J J. H. DUTTON, A shland M ercantile C ompany Special Sale Satuedry and Monday, July 5 th and 7 th Our List for this Sale is Larger than Ever Before. Call at Store and Get Our Prices Ashland Mercantile Co. - - 1' ■ The families of J. A. Perry and True Cox are camping at Tolman Springs for a month. B. B. Beekman, an attorney of Port land, arrived Saturday for a short visit. J. D. Cook, the miner, left for Portland Sunday accompanied by his wife. Miss Myrtle Lawton is visiting Port land friends for a week. G. F. King was at Roseburg Monday on land office business. Science has found that rheumatism ia caused by uric acid in the blood Th is poison should be excreted by the kid neys. Foley’s Kidney Cure always makes them well.—T. K. Bolton. Subscribe for the R kobp . Tele phone Main 51 CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER ASHLAND, OZRZEG-OHST Plans, Specifications and Estimates on All Kinds of Carpenter Work. O ffice —At old Hicks lumber yard opposite Ashland Steam Laundry. E. C. SHERMAN CONFERENCE MAKE8 CHANGES. House Accepts the Amendments by a Party Vote. Has Purchased......................... W C. Johnson’s Shop And is now prepared to serve Washington, July 1.—Conferees of both branches of congress have his old customer« and the pub agreed upon the civil bill for the civil lic generally at the old stand government of the Philippines. The report of the conferees will be M ain S t .. O pp . O pera H ouse B lock General Blacksmithing ef »11 kinds considered in the senate today. Horseshoeing s Specialty. PUBL1SHEK B NOTICE!. Subscribers who fail to reeeive the V alley R ecord regularly, will confer a great favor by reporting the same to this office immediately. JOB PRINTING Wall paper of the very latest designs at Stock's. VALLEY RECORD Ut Fair Prices.