Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1902)
Ui Chas Hinas JtdcwaTil I A1.1.1.Ì I LU Lit VALLEY ........ ASHLAND OREGON Published Every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. S ubscbi ption R ates : $1 75 Une Year .................................... 1 00 Six Months................................ 50 Three Months ........... ........... Advertising Rates Given on Application. VALLEY RECORD. RECORD ....... ASHLAND, OREGON ASHLAND, JACKSON’ COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 19. 1902. VOL XV PERSONAL & AND LOCAL. MARRIAGES. Engineer John J. O’Neil has received , the wedding announcement of U. M. Burcham, formerly ot Hornbrook, and Marv E Corblev, which occurred at Bloomfield, Ind'. June 1st. Burcham , once owned the Downing ledge on 'sh , creek, which produced him $60 K) from one pocket. He sold it to Downing who secured $15,000 of fine specimens from it Burcham has bought a farm iu I Oklahoma and resides there. Edward Hamlin, son of Mrs. M. E Hamlin of Phoenix, was married recent ly at Harrison Gulch, SI last a county to, Miss Jennie Shelton. J D. Farra of Paisley, and formerly of ; Jackson county, was married on the 9th inst to Miss Florence H. Taylor, of Paisley. I NO. 4. SCHOOL ELECTION. Morris, Holmes and Winter Elected Di Cannot be better spent than bv subasrib- ing to the VALLEY RECORD ter • year. Just think! $1.75 gives you all the news for a year. Try it! RMfor Cban mon«v IJtlltr in a Bank!! Correspondence Hill’s soft drinks are the best. . rectors Become» a Pleasure Miss Ora Adkins lias gone to San Fran The first school election under the new when the proper kind of stationery is cisco on a three weeks visit. Ten acre fruit tracts law was held in Ashland Monday, the polls being op»n at city hall from two to used. We can supply all your wants in B. M. Van, formerly of Klamathon, Two acre tracts six o’clock p m., with J. R Cpsey, Chas was here last week from Portland on a that line. Our stock is selected ex Railroad lots visit. Lxaimis and El nvr Patrick in charge. pressly to suit the most fastidious tastes. There were 24 votes polled and John R. Misses Jessie and Grace Bacon left this Norns. W. A.. Holm-s and Otto Winter Goods and prices always right at this afternoon for their home in Gold Hill — were elected directors without opposition. Eugene Guard. store. Finest quality writing paper and I nder the new law the school clerk is appointed by the directors The follow Ralph Scott and wife returned Mon- envelopes in new and dainty tints, 40 G. T. Billings, ing is Clerk Thos. H 8impsou’s annual diy from attending his grandmother’s and 50 cents a box. Large awortinent of report: funeral at Portland. Real Estate and Insurance. bl.nk books, office specialties and mer No of person« of school age residing in McNair Bros, have just received a the di^trivt—male 510; femme 537; total lot «»■ the late and popular books. “Au cantile stationery. You’ll be suited 1047. drey” is still leading. here. No. of teachers—male 3; female 12; to Hon W. 8. Davison and W. Spaulding tal 15. returned Monday from an investigation Teachers holding state certificates— of »Vai owi county, eastern Oregon. male I; female 8. PRECINCT OFFICERS ELECTED. Teachers holding first grade certificates Miss D >ra Iunk-*r returned home to z —male 2; female 2 Yreka Saturday from a ten days visit Jackson County’s Equipment of Road Total number of library books on hand with her sister, Mrs. J. M. Kiernan, in ' LAWN MOWERS -875. Shoes are Good Ualues at $2.50 Medford. supervisors, Justices and Constables Scientist Seeks BI ouum I T^xbor. OLD “KNOCK-KNEE” DEAD ----- and Sharpen them— W. C. Bostwick. John Buckley, Ben FINANCIAL STATXMKNT. Mark W. Harrington, a graduate ot The following road supervisors werq ton and Frank P>K>le, and A. E. Dodge Between 5 and ß p m. will be sold at $2.25 Northwestern and of Michigan univer in this county on June 2, 1902: Cash on hand last annual re AU Our Jf ork Guarantted were registered at the Ashland House e'ectAMl ' A Famous Napoleon of the Forest Fin DI ST. NO. « << port ................................ $ 1 42 sities, chief of the weather bureau uuder last week. From 6 to 7 2.00 1 Geo W Grow, Barron. You will save money Received county treasurer, dis- ishes His Eventful Career. Cleveland, ex-presideut of the Washing « Chas. Kiernan, who graduated from 2 Chas Lindsay, Dunn. tax ... ........ ... 14698 47 by getting our prices. to 8 1.85 ton state university, an authority ou “ 7 4 Old “Knock-Knee”, the big bear that St. Mary’s college, Oakland, Ca1., with 3 Sam Carlisle, Talent. Received county treasurer, state astronomy, meteorology and meteorites, << « We have a Full Line of high honors, arrived in Medford this 4 James Cantrall, Sterling. fund .................................... 5074 66 has terrorized the regions of the Upper 1.75 8 to 9 Chetco district of southwestern Joseph and the master of several languages, is week to visit his parents. 5 C C Purcell, Watkins Received for tuition ................. 50 109 << 1.50 “ 9 lo 10 Received sale bo«ds(loan) . . 1200 00 ine County has been slain Old“Knock- at a cheap lodging-house in Chicago The Misses Weeks, daughters of Arthur 6 A W Shearer, Applegate. 7 W H Venable. Union. 2125 00 Knee,”as he was familiarly known bv looking for manual labor, says a Chicago Other sources(real estate) Weeks, arrived in Medford .Monday to the inhabitants of that section of the dispatch. He says the universities do AT BOTTOM PRICES 8 Isaac oolf, Pooh Bah. s(>end the summer with their grand state, was the largest bear ever ki led in not want a man over 50, and, in fact, 123209 05 9 r P Bennett, Pooh Bah. Total . parents, Hon. J. H. Stewart and wife. Give us a call the west. His length was eight feet f ur nobody appears to want a man over that 10 L A Rose, Phoenix. and be convinced. inches, from tip to tip, and he weighed Dr. T. V. Hall is expected in Lake 11 Otto Castor, Roxy. Paid teachers’ wages $10244 97 82u age. but yet he is cheerful. pounds us large as a giant grizzly. HONKER BLOCK. Plaza and Main Street, Ashland, Or. view in about three weeks. He has 12 'V H Stinson, Climax. 563 93 " Fuel and supplies ... An election iu Washington threw him been attending the Polyclinic school, 13 Rudolph Pech, Lake Creek. OK 50 His years were many, as was attested by Repairs and improving grounds BICYULE~MAN. out of office, aud he went to work in a the fact that 17 musket balls were takei. Chicago. - Manager HARRY YEO, 14 Charles Klingel, Like Creek. B inds, principal and interest pd 7845 43 from his body, when slain, aside fr<m lumber camp. He injured his health in In Second Hand Store, Ashland, Or. 156 55 Insurance.................................. . Mrs. G. F. Billings was at Corvallis 15 G W Stevens, Eagle Point. Clerk’s |salary ....................... 47 50 dozens of slugs and buckshot J.hat wer» the forest and was in a hospital. . After this week attending the state agricultur-, 16 H W Mead, Mon d. ward he worked in a shipyard. Then a Salary, expenses and janitors.. 1522 95 bedded beneath his skin. a col ege commencement to see her son 17 \V H Penin-rer, Willow Springs. “Knock-Knee.” terrorized the ranch beam fell on him and he went back to 18 J H Crawford, Gold Hill. Ra ph graduate. ers of the Upper Chetco regions for . the hospital. He does not drink, and, Total.................................. $204“9 83 • 1- al estate transfeks . W. E. Jacobs, formerly connected 19 W H Newton, Rock Point. COUNTY COURT. 20 J A Martin. Foots Creek Cash on hand............................ $ 2799 22 number of years. Scores of goats, calve from motives of economy, he smokes a and oven cattle and horses have faliei. J 8 Bunch to Benton Bowers; lots 1 with t ie \shland roller mills, has re 21 A H Sanborne, »Voodville. The journal for the month of May was and 2, sec 16, and lot 4, sec 15 d 1 c 45, turned to his funly at Roseburg a:te [ GENES AL victims to his voracious appetite Time pipe. His optimism forbids him to talk 22 W K Engledue, Pleasant Creek. three months’ mining operations on read, approved and signed. and again he had been shot, and b\ much about his hard luck. “There ii tp 36, r 2 w, $1000. Estimate value schoolhouses 23 J R Morrison, Sams Valley. Monthly reports of county officers for no reason why a man of 50 cannot suc W E Taylor to Jno 'Villiams; 10 acres, Kayark Island, off the southern coast of 24 Milo Caton, Meadows. and ground............. .$22000 00 ranchmen who prided themselves o the month of May anti the report of hos sec 34, tp 36, r 2 w, $200, Alask*. School furniture and apparatus 5000 00 their unerring ami; the fact that ok; ceed,” be says. "I am just starting in 25 T H Brown, Table Rock. pital keep-r for same month were read, Henry T Hart to • H Bagley; 40 acres Amount ot insurance .. .. 16880 00 “Knock Knee” paid no more uttenti-n. business.” Harrington has a sou who Mrs. M. Connelly, formsrly Mrs. Win 26 W R Johnson, Trail. compared, approved and signed. t • these hunters’ rifles than he would is one of the experts in the Amarinan in sec '2, tp 36, r 4 w, $50<». Average monthly salary male fl iyfield of Ashland, an I Alex Zevely 27 R " right. Big Butte. In the matter of bridge site across Em peas from a popgun caused the sii|a-’ Museum of Natural History in New Johanna H<mck to Viola Hicks; 40 >f Bonanza, cune in Saturdiy. The 28 T B Higginbotham, Big Butte. teachers .................................. 84 07 igrant creek at Hosier's place, Andrew acres, d I c 40, tp 39, r 1 e, $1600. stitious to believe that the old bear w.i- former continuelon ti Portlml to enter 29 JA Obenchain, Eagle Point. Average monthly salary female _________________ Euncb Counter Hosier having sold to Jackson county a i Martha Cardwell to irs Janie Xichols; i h-ispital an agent of the devil. He was calle 1 York. 50 62 r Z^vely returned to teachers .................................. 30 J J Fryer, Eagle Point. site for bridge across Emigrant creek; it lol. 1, blk 24, Central Point. “Knock-Knee on account of a deformity Room seems to have been found in Coffee and Cake Klamath county thia week. is ordered by the court that the County The following constables were elected of one of his feet, which was caused by John M Mark to Ch is A Winings; lot- JAPANESE START A RIOT. the omnibus bill for three new states. clerk record the deed and report of sur 41 and 42, Pracht’s addition, Ashland Carro 1 Conant left Saturday morning for the different districts; M. N. Long, gunshot wound. for Ashland, where he will spend the Ashland; David Ball, Woodville; Tnoma- veyor in the road record of Jackson $600. “Knock-Knee’s” depredations in There is always room for more in that A Worktrain Crew and Railroad Men Tie creased, and finally became of such kind of vehicle. county. Geo A Parrot to P 8 Bunch; lots 1 and summer working for Messrs. B irdie, Pankev, Sams Valley; R. T Blackwood, It is ordered by the county court that 2, sec 16, and lot 4, sec 15, d 1 c 45, t| Grant and Chambers who are operating Phoenix; J. W. Hayes, Gold Hill; J. magnitude that all the ranchmen of the Into Each Other at Grants Pass. in town the insurance policies on courthouse, jail 36, r 2 w, $b»0. a sawmill anl box factory.—Geuese, Ragsdale, Trail; Joseph Geppert, Big Chetco were forced to unite in a cam-1 If the height of private buildings can Best meals Grants Pass, June 14. — A general revolt , r „. o .. „ b „. and Rogue river bridge be placed in the Idaho, News. Butte; Charles Thomas, Eagle Point; O. I paign against the marauder A few davs B R Freeland to H E Badger; 22 acres g0 ever custody of the county clerk. 25 Cents every n^an armed himseli to the be regulated by legislation, why can sec 5, tp 39, r 1 e, $10. vi r. snd Mrs. C. C. Be’kman returnel R. Pankey, Central Point; T. W. John of Japanese laborers ended in many a ago In matter of petition for construction | Bello Freeland to B R Freeland; 22 home to Ja<-k-onvil e Monday from their son, Medford; D. Cronemiller, Jackson blows being struck and a general nand-to teeth, and with the best dogs in the not the size of a jackpot be fixed In the hand fight with bloodshed in thia city neighborhood set out to hunt the bear. •ame way? of a county bridge across Emigrant creek acres, sec 4, tp 39, r 1 e, $75. trip to San Francisco. Thev were accom- ville; Chas. Burkhalter, Applegate. yesterday noon. There are about 75 Japs After an exciting chase up the Chetco, The candidates for road supervisors in at second crossing near residence of An B R Freeland to H Eugene Badger; 22 mied home by his brother, Mr. and employed on the Southern Pacific wood drew Hosier; ordered that the contract acres, sec 5, tp 39, r 1 e, $75. M s De Witt Beekman of Dundee, N. Y. district >o. 27 tied, Wm. McClanahan train, which has its headquarters in during which nearly gll the dogs were If Hetty Green succeeds in winging entered into between G. 8. Butler and Tresb Bread and Pastry W W Woolf to A L Briggs; quartz w io attended the Mystic Shrine con and C. W. Knighton each receiving 8 Grant« Pass. This train was standing in elain and tl;e buntera forced to flee, one a few lawyers with that revolver, she votes. Thq matter will be settled June Geo. R>-’gJ for construction of the bridge claim. Galls creek district, $300 man climbed a tree, closely followed by vention in San Francisco. Eike Your mother makes the yards here while the white crew in the bear The big brute attempted to will make ■ decided bit in some quar* for $190 lie and the same is hereby satis 25, 1902, at the clerk,s office. 8 N Gibson to Robt J Johnson; lots 5(. The Anti-Saloon League have convert The following justices were e'ected for charge were switching. A string of box wrest the rifle from the hunter, aud in tere. fied in a cordance with the contract filed. and 57, Pracht’s addition, Ashland, $11- ed the veteran saloon building over the the dfferent districts: Milton Berry, Ash cars were shunted in on the siding and so doing took the muzzle in his mouth. In matter of road petitioned for by I. 0o. into a public reading room, and land; J. W. Osborne, Woodville; L Hamilton; petitioners having failed to C. jammed against the Jap train, knocking At this opportune moment the shot was' Cycling has its ups and downs. After Washington Rawlings to L W Coe; si bridge will carry a line of confectionary, ice Gall, Sams Va fey; E. D. Foudrav, Phoe many of the Orientals from their feet fired that brought him to hia death. the downs, use Banner Salve if you’re file the bond and proof, it is ordered that of sw}, sec 3, tp 37, r 2 w. $4000. ttlrs. J. Re rncDade softdrinks, etc., in the front part nix; J. B. R. Marelock, Gold Hill; Carl and upsetti ng them in general The little the same be dismissed. cut or bruised. It heals the hurt quick Edwin Russ to John W Cox; lots 11 cream, Proprietor. Dios. R. Badger and wife will conduct T. Skynnan, Trail; B. C. Edmundson, brown men were maddened by the jolt, In ma ter of bid- for bridge at Medford; aud 12, blk 17, Medford, $100 MY5TER£*¿,$ DROWNING. ly. Take no substitute.—T K. Bolton. and rushing out of the cars made a whole he establishment for the Anti-Saloon Big Butte; John R. Cook, Eagle Point; three bids h ving been filed and subm t ed 8 E Ish to H W Cripe; 5 08 acres, d 11 League. A 8. Jacobs, Control Point: M Purdin, sale attack on the trainmen. Citi$eua are taken under advisement until June 61, tp 37, r 2 w, $185. rushed to the rescue of the wb „.»e ‘** „ „„ Man Found On A Bar In Rogue River. f. L. WRIGHT 18th. v___ men, Jqs _____ Helms _______ to Nancy Bahr; t part of lots Mrs. H. R. Herryford andchi'd. en left Medford; W J Ply male, Jacksonville; The« A. D Beardsley, Applegate. In matter of petition of J. Mosher for j<> and 20, blk L, Talent, $500. Sunday for Jackson county <>n a month’s Grants Pass, June 14.—A F. Gleason, a county road; petitioners having paid Michael Chav er to Allen Hodges; lot visit with her parents, who reside qt _ «u the scene, and after much a in ner of Dotham, on the lower Rogue Soflta Oren™ the c gt of viewing and surveying said 15, blk 16, Gold Hill, $50. SAMS VALLLY. Butte creek They left by private con river, erme into Grants Pass yesterday difficulty quiet was restored. road, it is ordered that the same he es- R H Ho Ige to Katherine Jeffers; lo' veyance with a camp outfit and will stop Intended One Jap was knocked on the back of bringing the news of the finding of the « t* • i lied and supervisors of road district 5, 6 a id 7, blk 59, Central Point, $300 it, all the prettv camping spots on the the head with a club in the hands of a body of an unk' own man in the Rogue. uistweek.] in which said road is located open it. Jno Kearney to Katherine Jeffers; 1 wiv. Harry Ileryfoi'd was brakeman. He fell in a heap It was Mr. Gleason, in company with G A. I ay ing is on in full blest. Ordered by the court that tax sale cer- 8, blk 50, Central Point, $100. will furnish gam» - ^. ioi and thought for a time that he had been Ruth, found the body on Paradise bar. A-hland. Oregon, Corner Second and Main. ce tificate held by Jackson county on Lizzie CronemiLer to Geo B Lan te' ; Lab.—-1- " _ _ and fi-di for camp.— J. R. Morrison has a crew of men killed, but he later revived and will They buried the remains and reported to __ «>ew Ex imiuer, June 12. 1 nd assessed by Mrs. L L. Jones be lots 21 22 and 23, blk 0, R R -A ' the probate court. working on the road between the Valley probably recover. DBALKRS IX ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK transferred to W. il. I’enmg -r he having Aah'and, $U0. The Japs composing the crew are a The body had apparently been in the — -'*0*11011, i Ijikeview Fx iminer: Phil 8 Lo isely and Rumsey canyon. A * - p d into the county treasury the amount stubborn lot, audit is expected that they water about three weeks; it was that of MARBLE, GR NITE, IRON FENCING and over from Ft Kiamsth last Monday The Pelton Brothers started to Klam will cause considerable trouble. The af a man six feet in height, with dark hair .*.cx .artin, sr, to A C Hopkins; it>< I vith required by law, a load of Ft. Klamath creamery ath county with their cattle Friday, GENERAL CONTRACTING in STONE WORK Warrants drawn ;>n county t,.e8urer for acres, sec 27, tp 40, r 4 e, $1600. I -h'-ese. Mr. Loosely thinks seriously of about 400 in number. They went via fair has caused much comment here, and and about 38 years of age. He was G.-o H Andrews to A 8 Moore; lot dressed as a miner or prospector In his should the Japs show any disposition to I establishing irrigation projects in this Rogue river aud Crater lake road. June, 1902, as follows: i blk 29, Gold Hili, $25 cause trouble, they will be amply accom pockets was found $15 in gold, 35 cents I unity, and will return here next month Salaries of officers................. $1153 '* Sherman Engledow to C R Ray; lot I I > look over the gr >und. in silver and $5 in gold dust Nothing John Jones returned Saturday from odated by the citizens. Election expenses................. 1304 10 blk 16, Gold Hil, $225. was found that would establish his iden Roseburg where he has been visiting for Indigent allowances .... 15o 95 | Geo Andrews to A S Moon; lots 3, 5, 7. Jack Harbin of Ft. Klamath was con- a fortnight accompanied by his two Play Atlantis, the new field game. A tity. Who the man was or how he Printing, books and blanks. 118 54 1 blk 29, Gold Hill, $60. ii-ted by a jury intho U. 8. district court cousins by ttie name of McColough and came by his death is a mystery. It is Bridges.................................... 150 25, __ „ lot 14 R _______ Be-wick to Deston ... High; t Portland, ofjBellin’’ liquor to an ln- Mr. Allen and two other gentlemen regular revival of the grand Olympian reported that he was one of a party of days. _____________ _ Examination of insane .... 7 ’'il Harg.idine tract, Ashlandl bond for deed I lian, Frank Parr, May 10, 1901. Judge four miners from Stockton. Cal., who at whose names we did not learn. Justice court........... ....... 7 0° $1600 tellinger sentenced him to 60 days in the William Woodard, of Decatur, la., tempted to go down the Rogue in a row Stamps and expressage .... 24 £0 I Robt J Smith to M J Lane; 2 mining I Lilt,notnah county jail anda fine of $100 Ed. Hulbert has been pretty busy of writes: “1 was troubled with kidney boat. The boat was probably capsized Commissioners...................... 22 chums, sec 32, tp 35, r 8 w, $1. ; larbin immediately began serving out late learning those new horses of his to disease for several years and four one and all, at least this one, drowned. The Court house ....................... 10 b0 M ‘s. M J L I’-atterson to G W Lane I his sentence. H. L. White of Ashland gee and haw. dollar size bottles of Foley’s Kidney body had floated for a considerable dis Running ferry....................... 16 öG |in in mining claims secs 29 and 32, t | I v is one of the jurors. Tom Pankey and wife and Miss Cure cured me. I would recommend it tance down stream as it was badly 35, 3 w, $10l) 1 B -rtha Morrison made a trip to Medford t > any one who has kidney trouble.”— bruised and both arms were broken from J it Merritt to xlrs Katherine Jeffer I Dunsmuir News: Conductor Hilty Saturday. rolling over the rocks in the swift cur T K. Bolton. > «located hi- left shoulder Friday of Total.......... Everything usually found in an “Up-to-Date” Furniture Store lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, blk 59, Central Poin I rent. i i»t week. Dr. Curl replaced the strayed As Ben Moore and his sister Nettie $40. i and at right prices. If you want the best photos and latest A J Stewart to D V Turner; 18 acres, I nember and the conductor halloaed: were returning homo from Gold Hill at PliOBATK COURT aboard.”... .A R •' ilkins, who about 12 o’clock last Wednesday night Styles that can be made in Ashland go to die, 76. tp 37, r 2 w, $1000. i All OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Guardianship of Loyd W, Lola and Cktmps* studio. G rt D«>w ing to E iza Denton; 2acres I •cently captured one of Ashland’s fair the bolt gave way that connected the laughters for a bride, has been promoted singletree with the whippietree which Edna Bryant; order for sale of real estate. sec 19, tp 37, r 2 w, $1500. I Estate of Annie Engledow; order fixing llannaii E Clem to Jno Conway; 4 49 I rum fireman to engineer, and is now frightent^i the team and they at once unning the switch engine in theDuns- started to run. The accident occurred Monday, July 7, 1902 100 aci • s, d I c 7“, tp 38, r 1 w, $157.15 I nuir ........Mrs. George A hite, Miss on the grade near Hays mine which Estate ot J J Donnohue; order for sale Will cure the worst cases Gertie E Greenland to Wesley V<u I l.izei yards and Baby White, of Ashland, are Save the team the advantage of the of real property. geli; 5 acres in sec 8, tp 37, r 2 w, and lo I siting Mrs. Frank Gongwer. river. On reaching the level at the foot of stomaeh trouble. Estate of J 0 Johnson; confirmation of % to make your baby strong and ! 4, in Downing’s division, $100. of the grade the tongue came down and sale of real propertv. H F Barron to Alma Bullock; 49.2> I Fat cows, steers, hog, sheep and poul- • c'i. A titty cent bottle of letter frem David F. Fox, Ashland, A Estate of Annie Curry appraised at acres d I c. 38, tp 37, r 1 w, $2725.15. trv wanted at all times by the Ashiand was at once broken from the hack. Ben Oregou. Z was getting them well under contiol $3000. John J Holt to Ben T Inman; lots I at Company For five y-ara I suffered from stomach when the seat, which was not fastened to Estate of Susan M Wilkinson; order to 3, 4, 5 and 6, sec 23, and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, i Junction City, June 12.—R. E Veatch, the hack, was thrown out of place which • ouble, having iu the meantime tried | h 111 change a sickly baby to and 0, sec 24, tp 38, r 1 w, $2300 inductor on a freight train between caused the driver to be thrown to the many remedies for its alleviation, but show cause why sale of real estate should Geo W Doane to Horace A Hanscon & a plump, romping child. unction and Roseburg, had a close call ground at the same time his sister was without effect. I met a friend who told not be made. Guardianship of Nora M Baer; order of 200 acres, sec 7, tp 38, r 1 e, $1200. •r his life on Wednesday While at- thrown out and her clothing caught on <ue of Nau a Dyspepsia Cure, and hofr it 1 Only one cent a day, think sale of real property. «■co Hall to A H Lawrantz; 59 acres, < ■mpting to board the engine of his train the brake lever. NoBooner was the team trade a healthy woman of his wife, who ALL CASES 1 of it. Its as nice as cream. Guardianship of Ivali Marie King; 1 c 76, see 26, tp37, r 2 w, $..0J0. <t Comstock his foot slipped and he fell, bad suffered for fifteen year» from stom Lend for a free sample, and try it. freed from their driver than they started order appointing George King guardian. l’aul Fehlen to John S Greuier; 4 9. triking his side on a corner of the tank, out at their best speed. The team came ach trouble and from which cause she g SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Guardianship of minor heirs of W W acres near Jacksonville, $310. ■ ■C'-J-VS Pearl Street, New York. tiling to the ground verv close to the to a halt at the north side of the Joe had been given up t-> die 1 without de g joe. and Jt.oo; all druggists. Wilson; report of guardian approved Grants Pass Bulking and Trust Cot- til. Mr. Veatch thinks he fractured Estate of Enoch Walker; order ap D L Browning; land on C street, Med j ‘ome of h s ribs. He e t home on the Dowden farm, about one mile from where lay sent for your medi- ine. After taking they started, the voung lady still hang three bottles of the CURE, found me a pointing final account. by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. ford, $200. •verland feel ng very sore. ing by her clothing. Although badly well man. Knowing its great efficacy Winfield Scott to Carrie George, lots RRlOHf'8 DISRAsF.. It won’t pay you to send away for a bruised she escaped without a limb be- fiom not onty my own experi-nce, but 9 and 10, blk 73, Medford, $100 BORN. from the experience of others, I never The largest sum ever paid fur a pre- J K Van Sant to Charlotte Frost; lot sewing machine. We have them at al ing broken or dislocated. Quite different overlook F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: an opportunity to recommend ■•-riptiuu, changed h auls in San Fran 21 aud 22, block T, K R add, Ashland, most any price von w sh to pay, and we to many she kept her presence of mind B alti move . M4., March jo, low. Cisco, Aug 30. 1901 The transfer in $10. ire always *o be found at the old stand and at the first opportunity seized the this remedy to any •>• e whom I know to COBB-In Roseburg, June 12,1902, to Mr. Gtnilemen : — Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks lo your treatment, I will now give yoa be suffering from stomach trouble. reach which kept her from coming in and Mrs. W L. Cobb, formerly of volved in coin and vtoa-k $112,500 00 and ready to make all guarantees g x>d. J. a full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. E A Sherwin to B A Sherwin; lot on About five years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on geUiug worse, until 1 contact with the whee s and in this Ashland, a daughter was paid bv » partv of bmdneaa me for Oak street, $1. P Dodge. my hearing in this ear entirely way kept her head from striking the a a peri tii* io* Blights Disease ami Diab.-, I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted s num Mrs S W McClendon to Oregon Yellow | Roseburg Review: E. R Hanan and F >r s<le by McNair Bros., or druggists BULL—Near Wilderville, June 8,1902, to tea. hitherto incorah e dieea>ea. ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me that Jacket Mining Co; mining claim, Black imilv, Will Hanan and Miss Agnes ground. The young lady is getting along Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bull, a daughter. only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head n o is es wnuia Thev commenced the imrimiM inveeti- well district, $10. nicely but it will be some time before generally hompson, left this morning for Ft. she fully recovers. then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever. BENNETT—In Klamath Falls, June 11, git ion of the specific Nov 15, 1900 FRANK NAU, Portland, Ore., I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, aud ordered your treat Klamath, Ore., where they wi i spend LOCATION NOTicKS. 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bennett, a They intervieweii ai-orea of thecnreil and ment. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, an« or 203 Broadway, New York. I he s mmer. Mr. HaiuiuS drove of 750 Sometime about the middle of May the to-day, after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I tbenk yon daughter. tried it out on ite menta y pu'ting over H W Jackson; 2 quartz claims, Willow I h»-ad of cattle was go«»en under way also. voungest son of Mm. Ar land was taken heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours. t'-ree dozen ca-e.« on'be irea'nte t an'1 I Springs district, June 12 F. A. WERMAN, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore, hid- E H. Smith goes along as teamster in down with pneumonia fever at the same Price, $1.00; 6 bottles $6.00, express McCLENDON—At Gold Hill, June 10, watching them. They a so got phvsiei v\ v\ Taylor, water right, eecs 30, SI, I harge of the buggig- ..nd u. E. Noah is time their daughter who resides at Phoe prepaid 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. John McClendon, -Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation. a us to name chronic, incnrahlr canes. I tp 38, r 4 e. Mark Livii-gstone is also in the nix was taken down and the mother was a son. and administered it with the physicians I H B Olsen and John McKitrick, quartz I I cook. ^Wr-ee““1 >arty as one of the cattle drivers They to Phoenix. In a few days the fo judges Up to Au 25. ei hty-eev-n I claims. Galls creek district, June 7, 1002. I to up the South Umrqu«, and over via called INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL father was taken down and their eldest The Well-Known- The warships of one nation could not eper ent of the t.e' cas>s were either I Trail creek, and near Crater lake. son who resides near Brownsville was well or prugressi g favorab y. be engaged in a nobler mission than ______ Here is your chance, 36 stamp photoe ' Blueprint maps of any township in phoned for, who at once came to their There being but thine- n per cent of the carrying of food, medicine and assistance. He had just recovered from ++++ 4.+++++d. I || l | l I I i I I I I t 1 i I i I I H •'•««' Mllil !♦♦♦♦< Roseburg Oregon Land D strict, showing failures, tlte parties were well satisfied for 25 cents, at Camps’ photo studio. a severe sickness when he started out clothing to the distressed and starving I ill vacant lands, for 50 cents each. If ami dose«! tlie transaction The pro- Ira D. Reckard, Duncombe, la., writes: here. He passed away yestesday and people of another nation. Such a spec Ce dings of the investigati g committee “My little boy scalded his leg from the I you want any information from the U. 8 will be laid away in thè same cemetery tacle of international sympathy and and the <-l nic-d report« of ihe 'eat ca»-- knee to the ankle. I used Banner Salve Land Office, address, T itle G l aba . vtee The first mentioned is slowly improving. were published and will be m iled fr-- I imn ediate y and in three week’s time it jc L oan C o ., Roseburg, Oregon. helpfulness we are now witnessing in t Well everything is quiet. The election on application Address J ohn J. FtJLTOS was almost entirely healed 1 want to Frank King is unde- arrest charged the dispatch of relief supplies from the + Will make the season of 1902, begin C ompany , 420 Montgomery 8t. San Frau- ’ recommend it to every family and ad I with setting fire to the esi lence of Mrs is over. Politics is dead and so is some O United States to the stricken subjects ♦ ning April 1st, at the cisco, Cal. vi-e them to keep Banner Salve on hand J W. Severons nea- Grants Pass. King of our republicans and I don’t know Worth of 80 Pound Steel Rails, 50 New Locomotives of France on the island of Martinique. t as it is a 'lire remedy for scalds or any ha i been employed by Mrs. Severons, whether the defeated candidates are dead or hid. We haven ’ t seen anything o and 55 New Coaches, Chair Cars, Dining and Cafe I and had a dis.igieeiuent with her regard- I , sores.”—T. K Bolton.. of them since June the 2nd. Before that I ing the settlement of wages. There will presently be a resumption date you could see on< any time you where he will be two days, and the bal «AMP ion . 1 ef the experiments in fighting the moa- I might'wish to look and he imagined he ance of the time at the Cars is the record of the Intended for last issue.] | quito with kerosene oil. Up to date the filled Jackson county from one boundary Mr. Taylor has been cutting and hau I line to the other and then was some Medford, Oregon mosquito alone eujoys the honor of what cramped for room. Never mine, two miles north of Central Point, return having successfully defied the Standard ing hay for the last two weeks. ! boys, you will live. You may shrink a ing every ninth day. . r „ Oil company, and it remains to be seen A great deal of travel has been on the little. ' Former candidates have did it. DESCRIPTION — RUFUS is a full- road the last few days. ! All you have to do is saw wood, mow blooded Kentucky Jack, solid black in whether he will be able to hold out tn AVE IN STOCK 2000 Newtown Pip- ' A dance is to be given at Tolman hay and work for the next two years and color, 15 hands high, weighs 1200 poundB th« fight against it pi-.a a d Spiizenber. e. One Hm- during the past year, making it the most modern and up to data on the 21st. A pleasant time it- then you will make fine candidates for when in condition, and of good form and dre 1 Cou Duynue du Comic»- winter Springs ____ ________ anticipated. railroad in the country. Travel over it and enjoy the finest equip. constables on the independent ticket and action. He is a sure foal-getter, and his The Washington Post perceives a dis peara C. 8 t BANE. if you should get defeated again just colts speak for themselves. meat on earth L. - ------- - Gen. Paes, Aft., St. Lbuis, Mo. BOSS Robt. Garret was injured in an acci-1 position on the part of the gentlemen shrink up again and keep sawing wood TER 8 — Single Service $5, payable at dent while driving a stage over the C. CLINE, Pac C< ait Pass. Agt., Los Angelea, Cal. and working. time of service; $8 and $10, payable when who write for the press to be facetious Full Line of Nursery Stock— Kean creek mountain. the mare is known to be in foal or chan at the expense of Rear Admiral Robfey Same Valley, June 10, 1902. I Lloyd and Ruby Judd went np to the ges owners. Grain or young stock will Evans. It Is becoming unsafe for our Í+++4.^++++++++++ Mlllllillll I 1 1 1 11 1 1 1111 » «.............. all Oregon Grown. Toll house Tuesday to visit at that place Edward Huss, a well known business be taken at market price great men to write for the magazines. Geo. W Grow is elected road super Good pasture will be furnished mares man of Salisbury, Mo., writes; ‘‘I wish visor. to aay for the benefit of others, that 1 from a distance at $1 per month. All was a sufferer from lumbago and kidney care taken to prevent accidents, but no Tolman Springs may celebrate. trouble, and all the remedies I took gave responsibility assumed. The Kind You Have Archie Grieve, who was injured on W. N. WRIGHT, Owner. me no relief. I was Induced to try Fo- the railroad, is improving. ' ley’s Kidney Cure, and after the use of J. C. 8 la a lx , onager, ST " I Cwtintl Peuu, Oregon. . tÀTM butttaa X att oared.”—T. K. Belton- SasapaOA, Jun« 1 j , I aj R. Shoe Sale! Sale of Odd Shoes at “Down sliding0 Prices! On SATURDAY, Jtme 21 For Sale at a Bargain ! McNair Bros, DroIgron^ ■ SUNDRIES &Jm. ¥eo $ Co. V,. fl. miller Shively, Blue Front Restaurant. Satisfaction. Gr-tieix”£bxi.'tee«l. FURNITURE, Carpets, Draperies. J P DODGE Dyspepsia Cure . Only 50 Cents | ARE ANY HEAD NOISES? | Scott’s Emulsion DEAFNESS OR HARD «EARING ARE NOW CURABLE HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME I Kentucky Jack Rufus ! Union Livery Stable in Jacksonville, M IPLEsDD & WARIER C. C. Ragsdale Place, U VI STRAUSS & CO 3 H $3,000,000 OVERALLS [ÂÎ1 100.0 I I Wabash Railroad