Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1896)
of wrecxiu; Pasco, lxis Angeles count) granted a new trial. He was uûder I The People’s Paper. sentence of death. The train blockade in the Northwest has been partially broken by the cessa ASHLAND, Or.. ..Thursday, Dec. 10, ISO*- tion of the snow storms and blizzards. Chinese packers employed by the Another Citv Convention. Fay Fruit Company at Riverside were There will be citizens union conven robbed and deported by masked men. tion held to-morrow—Friday evening— The Chinese returned and are being at 8 o’clock in the citv hall for the pur guarded by an armed force to repel pose of nominating candidates to be vot further attacks. ed for at the ensniug city election. Petaluma is likeiv to hate a cold The above announcement was handed storage establishment, as preliminary in for publication this morning and indi cates that there will be another ticket uo steps have been taken by parties at and probably two candidates for mayor, interest. the indications being that Hon. E. A. Thé conductor, engineer and fireman Sherwin will be nominated. of a train were arrested at Red Blufl The ward primaries last night resulted for invoruntary manslaughter for kill in the nomination of the following candi ing a man while running their train at dates for couiicilmen : too high a rate of speed. 1st ward—Otto Winter. Isaiah Brandon was sentenced to 2nd ward—W. A. Patrick. three months in jail at Fresno for try 3rd ward—C. D. Hevener. ' ing to hit his daughter with a hammer. Real Estate iranef.-rs. He died a few minutes after being re W D Beidleman to Geo H Williams— leased fro nr jail. . ■ .1 land in tp 37 a. r 1 w, $117.50. Thomas Johnson, a’ Swede, went to Geo Falkner to A E Wait—320 acres in sleep under a car at San Jose. The tp 37 s. r 4 e. >050, Mate of Oregon to Geo Falkner—same; train moved .up and took off one arm 9 too and the toe’s from one foot. The sleeper Geo Hofnian to A E Wait—«ame, $(>50. State of Oregon to Geo ilofmau—same; was awakened. 9 too The final count of California’s Presi o ACRE Co to Sterling Mining Co— dential vote shows that the first Demo 80 acres in tp 39 s, r 2 w; $190. 8 tl Hill to Marge ret 1 Rinehart—lots 10 crat on the ballot beat the tailender on 11, 12, 13 and 14. blk 45, Medford; $1800. the Repub..icun-electoral ticket. Four H >1 and J K Reeves to Chris Ütrick—lot years ago the proposition was reversed, 3,;blk 2 Cardwells add to Jacksonville; $350. Slate of Oregon to B Morgan—210 acres on Republican beating the tailender on tlie Democratic ticket. in tp 39s, r 3 e; $300. B Morgan to A E Wail—same;! 00. Two electric cars cams into collision State of Oregon t > L H Oliver—320 acres at Pasadena a few days ago and seri in tp 30 s. r 3 e; $!u0 ously injured three passengers. G. E. L H Oliver to A E Wait—sainaf $600. State of Oregon to O Y Brown—3_0 acres Frost of Chicago hud à leg badly frac in tp 39 s r 3 e; $400 tured. O Y Bro an to A E Wait—same; $5u0. The twentieth pession of the Califor Slate ol Oregon to P Myer—320 acres m tp 36 s, r 3 e; >4G0. nia Fruit Growers’ Association is in P M- er to A E Wait—same; $300 Martha Nultner to K E Wait—320 acres session at Sacramento. in tp 36 s r 2 e; $550. . The San Francisco school board and Stale of Oregon to John McKinley—320 the board of health are in a clash of acres in tp 34 s, r 2 e; $400. John McKinley to Martha Noltnc-r— authority. The board of health con demned certain school buildings as same; $900. State of Otegon to H H Woodward—320 unsanitary and ordered them closed. acres in tp 34 s, r 2 e; $400, The school board refuses ti> recognize H U Woodaard to A E Wait—same;$450 F E Polteriger to Margaret Silva—ioi 2 the power of the other board to close a school. blk 3 Medford; $1 Gus Mitchell io W F Yocum—160 acres Mrs. M. A. Stockton, the gay widow in tp 28 s, r 2 w; $100. who figured prominently in the Church Michael Chaviier, et al, to D Horn—lot i 7, blk 25, Gold Hill; $75. scandal of Dr. Brown and the First J P Dodge to Mrs P L Smith—2 23 acres Congregational Church last winter, has in tp 39 s. r 1 e, and lot 20. blk 50, .summit been married to an Oakland business add to Ashland; $2000. A 8 .Moon lo J R Neil—40 acres in tp 34 man. s, r 1 e; $80 Litigation over the estate of Jacob Z. G W Stephenson to 8 E Carter—lot 17. blk D, R K add to Ashland; also lot 39, Davis, a California pioneer and million Miner’s add to Ashland; $125. aire, who died’ Some time ago, reveals 8 E i arter to A E McEarland—lot 39, the fact that he has lived under an as Miner’s to Ashland; $20.50. A E McFariand to a A McFarland—K sumed name, his correct name being Dediker. No reason is given for the interest in same; $1. change of name. Malcolm Johnson on November 8th !<>-’ The long delayed decision of the liti cated a quartz ciaim in Jacksun creeu min ing district. gation between the railroad commis Jas.Brimhail on December 3d located a sioners and the Southern Pacific Com placer claim in Forest creek district. W 8 Hailey on November 6th located a pany has beert rendered by Judge placer claim in Missouri flat district. McKenna. The decision denies the commission lias any power to reduce rates. Thus in effect declaring it to be MAKlilKI*. a useless encumbrance on the state. PATRICK—SLAGLE—At the house of A. The Pacific Ocean House, one of the 8. Jacobs, in Central Point. Dec. 1, 1886, large hotels at Santa Cruz, has passed by Justice Jacobs, Harry Patrick to into bankruptcy. The debts amount to Blanche Slagle. about $39,000. A Florence Crittenden Home will be Every-Day Excuraiona established at Plicenix, A. T. To all pans ol the World can be arranged Two boys, aged 14 and 15 years, for any day in the year, for one or more have been arrested in San D ego for perBons, upon application to anv princi burglary. Express orders for $40 and pal ticket agent of the Chicago, Milwau kee A St. Paul railway. Itineraries are $17 in cash were secured. At a meeting of Spokane bankers the care ully prepared for excursions to Cal ifornia, Florida, Mexico, China, Japan, Spokane Clearing-hôuse Association ami to anv part of Europe. Estimates was reorganized. furnished including expenses. Tickets Rev. H. H. Gowan of New Westmin furnished lor the complete journey. It is not necessary to wait lor anv of the so ster, B. C., has decided to accept the called “Personally Conducted Excur call to Holy Trinity, Seattle, in succes sions.” lu these days of progr-ssive eu sion to the late Dean Watson. ligtiteniueut, with the English language Richard Schubert, a butcher of Los spoken in everv land under the sun, one Angeles, accidentally shot liimse.i does not need to depeud on the Services The muscles of of guides for sight-seeing, hut can g» it while duck hunting. alone or in small latniiy parties, with the left forearm were torn to shreds. great comfort and security, and at one's B. IL Elmore, engineer of a sawmill own convenience. Write tn U. J, E l lv. at Deep Creek, Or., was caught in a General Agent, Chicago, Milwaukee & line shaft and instantly killed a few St. Paul railway, Portland, Or., lor par days ago. His body was badly man ticulars it you are contem plating u trip. gled. Thé coroner’s jury over the body of The Chinese in Chicago contemplate Alvin B. Hancock of San Bernardino constructing a Confucian temple in that renders a verdict ol death with suicidai city. intent induced by melancholia. The four companies composing what It is reported that the Southern Pa is known as the gas trust of Chicago cific railroad company will bring sev have prepared a bill for presentation to eral suits soon in Kings county to fore the legislature at its session nex. year close contracts for the purchase ol granting them permission to consoli land. date. There is a statute at present in Engineers estimate that it will take tho way and that would have to be re twenty-two months to complete the pealed. The Ogden and Mutual Fuel eleven steel bridges ¿necessary io close Gas companies are the only independ the gap in the coast line of the South ent concerns and they will remain out ern Pacific rahroadr * of the combination. Since August 1st forty-six cargoes of The Iowa Proh bitory Cigarette law wheat and flour have left Portland, Or?, seems to be knocked out. The. tobacco divided as follow«: Wheat, 3,850,000 trust lias discovered that Hie State l:'.w bushels; Hqur, 267,621 barrels. The cannot be enforced b, ■•tiu. e ;L total value is $3,598,508. feres with the inteistate commerce The supervisors of Kern county have law.' Shipments of cigarettes were re passed an ordinance making it a misde ceived from New York an i sold’in thé meanor lor any one to kill quail, doves, original five-rent packages. ducks, rail or snipe for shipping any where outside of Kern county. Gcorjo W. Cable’s Ad. Ah Fook, a Chinese who, a few days When Bill Nye paid his last visit to San Francisco, some Bohemian friends ago, drew a knife on City-Marshal Wil of his took him on a Lay excursion. son while under arrest at Riverside for They waited a:i hour or two for Bill to i the ofl'ense of petit larceny, .was sen spring one of bis quiet jokes, but lie ie- tenced to imprisonment for one year. mained as grave as any sexton until the It is reported that the Southern Cali tug passed Aug 1 island. There on the fornia Railroad Company has signed a beach was an immense signboard, bear I contract for building the long-delayed ing the cue word “Cable” in large extension of the line from San Jacinto staring letters. to Lakeview, and that the work of lay “It’s strange,” said M-. Nye, flip ing the track will begin soon. ping a thumb toward tlie. sign, “how The educators and school officers of some cf these American authors will in Montana now. have an organization sist on advertising themselves.” It is called the Just two men saw it. But they al peculiarly their own. State Educational Club. The object of laughed.—San Francisco Examiner. the club is the advancement of educa tion in Montana.. ; The Blind Girl. . An organ factory has been established: She would never see the sun rise again, never watch the dawn flushing in Los Angeles. Riverside firemen are testing a over that low belt of firs that marked tne verge of the meadow. And her pic patent smoke protector cap. tures, tho tentative studies of whicn Aching Joints had constituted her keenest pleasure, Announce the presence of rheumatism they would never be painted. No one which causes untold suffering. Kht-uuia- but herself would ever know how the ti*in i* due to lactic acid in the blood, It sun looked when it sank over a hill field cannot be cured by liniments or other out ward applications. Hood’s Sarsapanila green with the first green of spring, I purities ihe blood, removes the cause of while far distant along tho horizon tho i heumati-ni and - perniantely cures this trees were bare iu exquisite tracery disease. This js the testimony of thousands of people who once suffered the pains of against a sky of palest violet. rheumatism but who have actually been Ab, the days, the days! She would cured by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Its be “poor Grace.” Her cousins would I gieat power io act upon the blood and re surround her with their cheerful conso move every impurity is the secret of the latory pity, their quiet, practical ac wonderful cures bv Hood’s Sarsaparilla. ceptance of an extra care. She would Probate Court. never be free again. Estate of Flora A. Murray. Bond of 8. And then suddenly, in a crash of ter 11. Murray, administrator, approved, with ror, she saw the years, endless, innu John Arnold and Harvey Richardson as merable, relentless from sinister gulf of »urines. Estate of Jas. Priddy. Bond of Geo, W. time. Twice 19 was 88. She might live Priddy, administrator, approved. her whole life over again and not bo Estate of Anna Keinboltz. Inventory of middle aged. She might treble the num appraisment approved. ber of her years and still not be old. Had no one ever noticed how long life G ents ; 1 have been taking your 8arspa was? Why did no one exclaim at it aud -arilia. and think it a wonderful remedy. 1 bad catarrh of the bead and throat for cry against iti—Elizabeth Carter in have -even years, amt have been irea'ed by doc , Lippincott’s. tor* I got Joy’s Vegetable SarsHparilla and took ii for about five months and from mat day t.o this I have never been trou- Pill» Do Not Cure. hed with catarrh, and I believe I am entire- Pills do not ctre constipation, They by well of it. I have found it matchless. cnli apg'avate. Karl’s Clover Root Tea It is a good thing to have handy. gives perfect regularity of the bowels, For A KRY L FI M MEL. sale by T. K. Bolton. Little Lake, Cal. All kinds ot razor grinding and repairing at the Gem barber shop, opposite town Mall. W hite to those people axd they will TELL YOU HOW OLAD THZY ABB THAT THEY BB* vusas a suzniTUta. ition s .ti.'atO ujjuciauou was t Portland. •nen claim to have been elected •resent Indian Territory in con- arres?. There will be a contest. The postoffice at Corona, Riverside county, Cal., was entered by burglars, who took the safe out of the building and blew it open. The Black Oak mines near Sonora, in Tuolumne county, Cal., have been sold to a Franco-Belgian syndicate, the consideration being about $300,000. Fred Behme, who brutally murdered his wife and 3-year-old boy on last Easter Sunday, was hanged at Mc Leansboro, Ills. San Francisco’s air ship was found stuck in the mud near that city a day or two ago. It was a crude affair made for the purpose of being exhibited, and was a fake pure and simple. Governor Budd has granted a re- prive for Worden, condemned to hang for tlie part he is supposed to have taken in train wrecking, until June 4th. Frank Miller, who, as a butler in San Francisco a year ago, attracted at tention for having shot and killed a man who he alleged tried to burglarize the premises, lias been convicted at Santa Barbara of having abducted a 14-year-old girl whom lie tried to put into a house of ill-fame. He will be sent to tlie penitentiary. The projected sealers’ association has at length been organized at Victoria and its prospectus adopted. The Hud son Bay Company and Messrs. R. P. Rithet & Co. were chosen as trustees of the association, which represents fifty seven vessels. The mining town of Randsburg, Kern county, Cal., is achieving a record for homicide. Two men have been killed there within a few days. The indictment against ex-Recorder Hall of Sonomii country has been set aside on the ground that some mem bers of the present grand jury were members of a former jury which had the same case in hand. A sneak thief got $600 from a hotel at Santa Rosa and no clue is left as to who got the coin. - Phil Metschan, state treasurer of Oregon, was married on the 2d at San Rafael, Cal., Mrs. Maria Sweetser be ing the bride. A slugging match between Bob Fitz simmons and Tom Sharkey came off" at San Francisco on the 2d. Sharkey was knocked out in the eighth round, but was given the fight on an alleged foul blow by Fitzsimmons. The purse was $10,000. The Government is transplanting Pacific coast salmon into the various Eastern rivers flowing into the Atlantic ocean to test the feasability of stock ing those rivers with salmon. Tlie official canvass of the vote in Oregon shows the following figures: Total vote, 97,346; McKinley, 48,711; Bryan, 46,739; Palmer, 979; Levering, 919. McKinley’s plurality, 1972; ma jority over all, 74. Angels Camp, Cal., was the scene of running gun fight a day or two ago in which Robert Ilinnan, who is wanted at Roseburg, Or., where he escaped from jail, was pursued by officers. He managed to escape, but is thought to have been wounded. Nellie Heath, a young woman who had been crippled all her life, commit ted suicide at Oak Park, a suburb,of Sacramento, while despondent over her condition. The trial of former guards in the Whittier reform school at Los Angeles brings out the fact thafthe most severe bodily punishment is pra^> .ced on the inmates of that institution, regardless of sex. Delbert Crawford, a young man, was found dead under an overturned loaded wagon near Pendleton, Or. His four- horse team was still hitched to the wagon and nearly buried in the snow. The driver had missed the roadbed. The consolidated street railway prop erty of Seattle was sold at public auc tion for $121,000. It is supposed to be worth a half million dollars. The Turlock, Cal., irrigation district, work on which was suspended pending the decision on the Wright law, has resumed operations and will be com pleted. Santa Cruz electric cars are to be run by power generated by water in the hills. Near Santa Ana, Cal., Mrs. Henry Rosemeyer, wife of a farmer, came near being killed by an infuriated bull. Timely arrival of help rescued her after she had been tossed and trampled under the feet of the beast The wrecked steamer San Benito was sold to a San Francisco wrecker for $130. The coal cargo sold for $10. The Ojai Valley Railroad Company will begin work January 1st. A poultry show will be held at the fair grounds in Fresno next May. The Southern Pacific will erect a new passenger depot at Riverside. A second petition for a disincorpor- ation election is being circulated in Orange, Cal. The Central California Bee Keepers’ Association met in Hanford on Decem ber 2d. Hog stealing in the country above Tulare is active. It is reported that a survey is being made between Coalinga and Fresno for an oil pipe line. San Diego, claims to have built more buildings tliis year than for any year since the boom. One of the new wells in the eastern extension of the Los Angeles oil dis trict is yielding 100 barrels per day. The rainfall in Spokane during No vember was 14.45 inches, greater than during any previous November since 1885. A Welcome Usher of *97. The beginning of the new year will have a welcome u-her in the shape of a fresh Al[npnac, de-cripiive of the origin, nature and uses of the national tonic and a’terative, Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters. Combined with the descriptive matter will be found calender and astronomical calcu lation« ansolute’y reliable for correctness, statistics, illnslratious, verses carefully selected, and other mental food highly profitable and entertaining. On this pam phlet. published and printed annually by The Hostetter Company, of Pittsburgh, 60 hand« are employed in the mechanical department alo >e. Eleven months are de voted to i<s preparation. It is procurable free of druggists and country dealers every where, and iB printed in English, German, French. 8r>«nish, Welsh. Norwegian, Hol land, Swedhh and Bohemian. William Steinway, the noted piano manufacturer, died in N»W Yorn on the 30th ult. of typhoid fever. J. P. Tardival, the editor of La Ver- ita, who has just returned from Rome, declares that tMtoope will not sanction the acceptance by the Roman Catholics of Canada of the Manitoba school set tlement on the terms recently made public. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by Hhiloh’s Catarrh Rem edy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by I. IL Beltoa. Governor-elect Mount of Indiana has phoepua n '.-i been found in i'enne-s-efe. Au Ailuuta 6teruly interdu-igd any “tomfoolery,” ber or I.., . capitalist has bought large numbers of as he calls it, at liis inauguration. He bountio ot I'atic.« ;<>4j iraiu:» ami ... • francs, according farms to control the new industry of will not permit an inaugural ball or a tax of 2 francs to to distance, on colonial and French raw military escort on that occasion. mining the phosphate. President Joseph James Cheeseman sugars sent to port refineries. Claim has been made to some $15,- Consul Griniker reports to the state 000,000 worth of lake front property in of the Republic of Liberia died on the department from Santo Domingo that 11th of November. Vice-President Chicago, based en original patents to 120 acres of water front land. The dis Coleman was inaugurated president oil President Heureaux was re-elected for a teim of four years at the election on puted titles include the homes of many the 13th. He will tell you that Scott’s Emulsion has â November 1st and 2d. millionaires. - . . Hugo Polson, a 9-year-old school boy The United States army garrison at niedical "profession Dl'ÖteSSlOn for foi* been endorsed by the medical Attorney George Gordon Battle of of Chicago, turned the water on in the New York touched a secret spring by school after night to stop the school so Pensacola, Fia., is being put in shape twenty years. This is because it is always accident which unlocked a fake bottom he could go skating. He stopped the for practice in the use of the new arms palatable—always uniform—always contains of the artillery service. in an iron box, where was revealed a school but landed in jail. Mrs. J. Coleman Drayton, daughter the purest Norwegian Cod-liver Oil vast sum of stolen and bogus bonds Moses B. Allen died at Mexico, Mo., from injuries received in a football of William Astor, who was divorced and other valuable papers. and Hypophosphites. You should in- from her husband some yeaiB ago after The National Democratic Committee, game. tS sist on Scott’s Emulsion, with trade cf which W. D. Bynum is chairman, Thomas Steveus of Kentucky is much press notoriety, is reported to be soon married to a London whisky A mark of man and fish. Put up in 5o- has been called to meet December 10th matched to fight a vicious bear on dealer named Haig. Christmas eve. He is to enter the pit cent and $1.00 sizes. The small siz* to' decide as to future action. Emma Taylor, an orphan 15 years The house of Decker Bros., piano armed only with a 4-inch blade. The old, who was recently released from a IS may be enough to cure your cough or manufacturers, and two other large match is for $5000. house of refuge at Kansas City is in A help your baby. concerns, are said to be closing out Charles Wetter of Winthrop, Minn., jail charged with complicity in recent their business. Cheaper made instru died while being initiated into the train robberies. She made masks for ments have made the business.unprofit- mystic shrine at the Masonic Temple. the robbers. Heart disease was the cause of death. able. Two masked men held up a street The Columbia Theatre of Muscatine, The keeper of the morgue in New car in Chicago and secureilover $3000 York City lias been suspended for sell Ia., was destroyed by fire this week. from passengers. One oUthe men was ing dead bodies. It is stated that many Fire broke out in Ligonier, Pa., and caught but the money was not thousands of dollars have been paid destroyed an entire block. The loss is recovered. him for human bodies. $50,000. A club has been incorporated in New George E. Gale, a jeweler of New During a chase after a thief in Chi Jersey whose membership ia composed But it makes no difference Orleans, was swindled out of $10,000 cago the other night many pistol shots of titled scions of European nobility worth of diamonds by two Italians. A were fired and three men wounded. with empty purses who seek to trade sort of Hermann slight-of-hand trick A plan of reorganization is being titles for rich American girls. was worked on the jeweler, who re prepared in the interest of the Union . . aro lower than ever! Miss Nellie Fisher, a well known and tained an empty box in which he had Pacific 6 per cent collateral trust notes. popular young woman of Humburg, seen the gems securely locked, as he Transmissouri railways terminating Ind., hung herself in a barn while des Men’s fine striped underwear, suit supposed. in Colorado have determined to become pondent over the fact that ber mother Men’s white Merino underwear, suit Ottawa, Ont., has just met with a M en’s grey Merino fine underwear,suit. members of the new Western Traffic had married the daughter ’ s lover. loss by fire aggregating a half million Men’s sox, heavy, per pair Association. Boys’ grey Merino underwear, suit dollars. Several large stores were A pugilist won a match at Sedalia, Men s extra fine dress shoes, pair A fire which started in a paint shop Mo., in a novel manner. His opponent destroyed. Boys’ and Mens’ caps, each... in East Corinth, Me., destroyed prop struck him on the head with such force A club composed of ladies who con Men’s fine heavy pants, per pair Men’s fine hats...........50c. 75c, $1.00 sider themselves over weight has been erty worth $20,000, including the post as to break his wrist, thus being dis abled, and the match was given to the formed at Covington, Ky., whose object office. An elaborate ball was given by Gen man of the thick skull. Men's suits upwards from . . is to reduce surplus flesh by hill climb eral Wesley Merritt, United States ing expeditions. The theosophical societies are talking Forty-five carloads of walnuts, val Army, at the Auditorium Hotel in Chi of establishing a college at Chicago foi ! the purpose of studying out the hidden ued at nearly $70,000, were shipped cago. lours Truly. About a dozen Chinese engaged in a mysteries of life. from Fullerton, Cal., this year. About a hundred families in Milwau G. W. Patrick is now the Indian riot in New York to settle an old feud. JOHN M’CLUNIE agent at the Round valley reservation One was badly wounded and eight kee were poisoned a few days ago by others are awaiting trial for assault. bread bought at a bakery. How aisenic in Mendocino county. A freight train ran into an open came to be in tlie bread is not stated. San Diego will ask the next legisla The present danger from floods in ture for a state normal school, with the switch fifty miles south of Admore, I. T., causing a wreck, in which Fireman the Chippewa valley in Wisconsin is necessary appropriations. W. P. Holman and Brakemail J. F. reported as past. Ice gorges threat Mme. Modjeska and her husband, Mitchell were killed. ened destruction to several towns. Count Bozenta, have returned to their A test case has been brought in each William J. Bryan is receiving letters ranch in Southern California. of the several Federal courts of New I Prospectors are leaving San Bernar York state to establish the liabilities of at the rate of 2500 a day since the elec Just around the corner from Depot, Asli dino every day for Randsburg and Vir non-resident stockholders in Kansas tion, and has four clerks writing replies and is still way behind with liis corres ginia Dale mining districts. land, Oregon. Mrs. W. H. Bush, Prop. corporations for the debts of such cor pondence. W. F. Prisk, editor of the Grass Val porations. National aid will be asked for the big ley Morning Union, will be the young The county commissioners of Ouray Butte reservoir to be located on the est member in the next state senate. county, Col., have found the accounts Gila. If secured and the dam is built A new bank is talked of in Ocean of County Treasurer J. Stewart Myers it will be the largest artificial lake in side, following the successful develop short $4156, of Frank Leonard short the world. It will back up the water All trains stop here for meals. Meals at ment of water for that place. Action has been taken against for twenty miles and irrigate a whole i i $6953. all hours; price 25 cents. Special rates to The Mexican boys, Garcia and Win their bondsmen. county. boarders. The Hotel and Restaurant is ship, who placed ties on the Maricopa The report of the expert accountant Dr. Jameson has been released from and Phoenix, A. T., track for the fun of of the Baltimore and Ohio reorganiza jail by order of the home secretary on under good management. seeing a wreck, got six months each, tion committee shows an overestimate medical grounds. in addition to a pretty long term al of net income amounting to $2,721,067 Cracksmen blew open a safe at ready served waiting trial. from June 30, 1891, to June 30, 1895. Omaha and secured $5000 in cash and A Mexican the other day threw him He also finds that of $6,269,007 paid diamonds. Dynamite was used but no self in front of a twin six miles west dividends during the period mentioned one heard the explosion. of Flagstaff, A. T., and was cut to only $971,446 were earned. The clerk of the house of representa M. F. Cohen, a nephew- of Sarah Al pieces. tives has issued the usual unofficial list thea Hill, and son of a wealthy Texan, Two Pomona olive growers are build of members of the Louse of the fifty ing cement tanks for pickling, as they is in jail at Chicago accused of theft. fifth congress. The list shows that the ALL KINDS OF The young man has lived at a rapid are better and cheaper than wooden house will be composed of 204 Repub pace and reached the end of his line. vats or barrels. k licans, 124 Democrats, 13 Fuaieuists, 12 The official figures for Wisconsin Populists and 3 Silyerites, and that The foundation of the sugar factory building at Los Alamitos is all laid aud have been canvassed with this result: there is one vacancy from the First everything is now ready for the steel McKinley, 268,135; Bryan, 165,623; Missouri district. Of the total mem- Levering, 7509; Palmer, 4584; Bejitley, ! i bership 205 were in the last house and frames. z National, 346; Watchett, Socialist La I 10 others had served in previous eon- W. A. Platt, a well knbXvn poultry Order Work a Specialty.------ i grosses. man and musician of Petaluma, was bor, 3149. The fifth inauguration of President badly hurt a few days ago by a falj The executive committee having iu ALSO HANDLE ALL KINDS OF---- — Dias of Mexico took place on the 30th ■ charge the arrangements for the na- from his bicycle. ult. at the City of Mexico. j tional monetary conference of comuier- A. L. Mechling was so badly frozen The steamer City of Kalamazoo was ' cial bodies, to be held at Indianapolis, from exposure in the mountains in Washington that it was found neces burned at -South Haven, Mich.^„xm changed the date for the conference Lake Erie. from January 5th to January 12th. sary to amputate both feet. Prisoners at Bedford, Ind., set the Let Us Give You OUR FIGURES Before Ordering The ladies of the Wednesday Club of San Diego are making an effort to raise jail on fire, hoping to escape in the ex Elsewhere. funds for the building of a public citement. Their plans failed to carry. Jennie Ward, a well dressed young library in that city. Upper Planing Mill. Ashland, Oregon. The ponds cf the different ice com woman, appeared on the street in Chi panies around Truckee are frozen over cago smoking a cigar. She was arres to a sufficient thickness to permit skat ted and fined for disorderly conduct “ Cures talk ” in favor Mi ■ ■ The Russian government is trying to ing. of Hood’s Sarsaparilla, H I If William, the 10-year-old son of W. effect some plan by which to control as for no other medi- ■ CA I 1^ A. Markley, was perhaps fatally in the price of wheat in the world’s open cine. Its great cures recorded in truthful, jured at his home in Eureka by being markets. convincing language of grateful men and Col. Mapleson had to refund the door women, constitute its moat effective ad kicked in the head by a horser X. N. Steeves, a Portland attorney, receipts to a large audience at Boston . vertising. Many of these cures are mar- is on trial in Hillsboro, Or., for com because the orchestra refused to play ' velous. They have won the confidence of plicity in the murder of George W. until paid, and money was on the cars the people; have given Hood’s Sarsapa from New York to pay them. Sayres about two years ago. rilla the largest sales in the world, and Considerable uneasiness is felt re- ■ have made necessary for its manufacture While hunting at Douner lake re- centy W. H. Thomas killed a gray garding the condition of Ebe JY. Tun the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood’s eagle. It was a large one, measuring nell, Democratic governor-elect of Sarsaparilla Is known by the cures it has Delaware, who is seriously ill at his made—cures of scrofula, salt rheum and 6 feet. 4 inches from tip to tip. home in Lewes. eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia The board of trustees of Sacramento, The reported death of Major-Gen and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver Cal., has passed an ordinance prohibit eral Serafin Sanchez of the Cuban troubles, catarrh — cures which prove ing, under penalty of a fine, expecto army is confirmed. a I He was killed in ô rating upon the pavements of the city. battle on November 20th. The Southern California Railroad has Count Finckenstein, a personal friend re-established the “material depart of Emperor William, was killed by ment” at San Bernardiuo, abolished on poachers on his land in Germany a few the ground of economy some years days ago, while he wa3 out shooting. ago. It is stated that Australia will require Charles Edelman of Orange, Cal., 100,000 tons of wheat from the United Is the best-in fact the One True Blood Purifier. has been appointed special aid-de- States on account of the shortage in camp to T. C. Mastellar, the deputy that country. Hood’s Pills take, easyrto 'operate.5®#. —LIST OF SECOND HAND— commander of the Grand Army of the ■While on a train eu route to Wash Republic for California and Nevada. ington Congressman Colson of Ken The Tournament of Roses Associ tucky came near being shot by the ation of Pasadena is actively at work, father of an eloping daughter who was B. P. KKIL. TOHS I. PXLTON. and hopes to be able to arrange a festi occupying the same seat in the car val for Pasadena January 1st that will With the congressman. The father eclipse all previous displays. thought Colson was aiding his daugh During the great storm in Washing ter to elope with her lover, who was -----AT —Retail and Wholesale dealers in— ton a couger sought shelter on the also^n the train. The friends of two rival candidates grounds of the State University at HEADQUARTERS FOR Seattle one night. It was not molested hi Kentucky had a quarrel a day or two ago in which five men were killed. HARDWARE, and disappeared before morning. A.T JL B-A-LLG-JYITST Three highwaymen held up tho office A coyote disturbed the hennery ol STOVES and Mrs. Joseph Anthony at Fossil, Or. force of a brewery in St. Louis in broad One 12 & 18 ^x!4xl0 Worthington Com TINNWARE She got up, followed the beast to a hill, daylight and secured about $1200 and pound Duplex steam pump. Ail Kinds of Fresh Meats get away. got a moonlight shot at forty yards aud Two 30 H. P. portable Lre-box boilers. One No. 5 vertical boiler with fixtures shot it through the head. The official count in Massachusetts and one injector. Withrow and Ruiz, the prisoners who shows 278,976 votes for McKinley, 105,- One No. 8 Metropolitan injector and pipa Fair living Kept constantly on hand. connections for same. escaped at Maricopa, A. T., while en 711 for Bryan and 11,749 for Palmer. F ALL KINDS and GRADES Steam and exhaust pipes for pump. route to the penitentiary, are still at South Dakota’s vote foots up as fol Miners’ Tools, Giant Powder, Caps prices ia all that we ask. One length pipe to nt 10 in. discharge and large, with probabilities that their free lows: McKinley, 41,042; Bryan, 41,- and Fuse. A fine line of Electric Cutleay, increasing to 15 in. and a large and complete stock of Fishing dom will be permanent. 224. _______________ _ One length pipe reducing from 15 to 11 in. Tackle. Plumbing goods, and plumbing of We will make it to your interets to ' One length pipe reducing from 11 to 9 in. Mrs. Ah Get, said to be the first all kinds done on snort notice. All work Coniutupiluii Can be Cured feb 1 '92 deal with us. One double cylinder single drum 5x10 Chinese woman to be arrested for big by the use of Shiloh’s Cure. This great guaranteed. hoisting engine. One reducing length from 8 in. to 5 in, amy in this country, is on trial in New Cough Cure is the only known remedy for , la^-Tin Shop in connection. with one 5 in. coupling on same. York for having more than one hus that terrible disease. For sate by T. K. | First-class go ds, and prices as low as the One reducing length from 8 in. to 5 in. Bolton. ________________ lowest. band. with oue 5 in nipple on same. The bodies of George Edwin Dean, 23 ft. 12 in. auction pipe with one 12 in. Rev. M. B. Hill, formerly a mission elbow. ary in China, was sticken with paraly aged 12 years, and John Sinclair, aged z 10 ft. 6 in. suction pipe. sis while delivering a sermon at 9, were taken from the Des Moines One 2W in foot valve and strainer. river. They were drowned Saturday Bentonville, Ark. One piece heavy wire cloth for strainer. ALLIX HILDRETH. W1M (AM FOX. afternoon, the ice giving way beneath One siphon for steam gauge. Deafness Cannot be Cared OR LEASE them as they were skating. Six 1 in. Jenkina globe valves. by local application. as tbev cannot reach Two % in. common valves. The doctors of Holloway Jail report the diseased portion of the ear. There Is O do 2 in. plug^drilled for siphon. only one way to care Deafness, and that is that the health of Dr. Jameson, the Two pressure gauges. 1 air receiver. by constitutional remedies Deafness is raidbr, which was reported last week ’ 110 ft. of 1 in. pipe. T sightfeed lubricator Ashland, Oregon. caused by an inflamed condition of the 100 ft. of 2 in. pipe. 11 2 in. bushing. to be in a critical state, is showing mucous lining of the Eustacnian Tube. 100 ft. of K’n. pipe ¡1 reducers to 2% in. When tlfs tube gets inflamed you have a some improvement. City Passenger ft. of2Kin. pipe 1 reducer 2% to 2 in rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and 5 2 in. elbows. Hot and cold baths at Storey’s barber 2 reducers 2 In to 1 in when it is entirely closed Deafness is the 6 1 in. elbows. 6 reducers 1 to X in. result, and unless the inflammation can be shop. Opposite town hall.____ and Truck Transfer 6 K >n. elbows. 2 reducers to % in Pokegama, Cal. Major C. T, Picton is manager of the taken out and this tube restored to its nor One 2% in. tee. 2 2 in. unions. mal condition. bearing will be destroyed State Hotel at Denison,Texas, which the ---- All kinds oi freight, baggage 3 2 in. tees. 2 1 in. unions. forever; nine cases out of ten are caused bv traveling men sav is one of the beet household goods, etc., transfer- OR SALE OR LEASE on Reasonable 4 1 in. tees. ¡2 M in. hose bibs. catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed hotels in that section. In speaking of ed with promptness and safety. Terms. Call on or address : 4 % in. tees. _ jl 2 in. _ plug. condition of the mucous surfaces. Hauling on a large scale con ’s Colic, Cholera and 1 2 in. short nipples.>4 1 in. plugs. We will give One Hundred Dollars for Chamberlain tracted for, .... , . . ¡4 % in |j in.'plugs. ’'in 1 2% in. short “ any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) Diarrhoea Remedy Major Picton says: that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh “I have used it myself and in my family WOOD FOR SALE Address: H. S. Prendergast, tor several years, and take pleasure in Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. saying that I consider it an infallible ---- icz IK SEASON— fl^*Sold by Druggists—75c. Pokegama, Cal. cure for diarrhoea and dysentarv. I Will handle ice in Ashland during the always recommend it, and have frequent season, Delivered at your door ly administered it to my guests in the summer ' every morning. Machinery Merchants, Mrs. L. Hessig, Tk. fs9- hotel, and in every case it has proven it- ' •imi. Passengers delivered to any part of «elf worthy of unqualified endorsement, Ugsjiun Beswick, Cal. Fer sale toy Ashland Brag Co, 1 the eity (Uk ijcui ckduL Í t Î X is SwBemuUion. | Some Our Goods DON’T Others DO NOT Shannon House Restaurant and Hotel. ASHLAND FURNITURE AND FIXTURE CO Work, Wood LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL. Cures ROBT. FREY & F. D. ROBBINS, PROPS It is a Bald Headed Fact. food ’ s Sarsaparilla D. H. MILLER MEDFORD, OR Turns out the best JOB WORK at the Lowest Rates. ASHLAND MARKET PELTON & NEIL, Prop’s Machinery riddles , or . Beef, Pork and Mutton. Builder’s Material O D. H. MILLER. Hotel For Sale FOX & HILDRETH, F J. M. Arthur & Co., Portland, Or K I