Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1896)
VALLE! RECORD IVALLET OREGON, RECORD. VALLEY RECORD FINE PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. H9 91OHOPOLT PRICES I ASHLAND Chief of the County Papers Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. On« Year ............... ....$1 7» Hix Mouth» ......................................... 1 UO Titre« Months....................................... ■*■*■*- 01V« tis your order for Latterheada. .State- menta, envelopes. &c. -M- A.SHLAND, JACKSON VOL. IX * Mining Items, L. E. Smith, who has been over to the O. <ft C. Co.’s mining property helping to do the assessment work, reports quite a little work going on over there. The sew steam suction pump, located at the suspension bridge, is about ready to go to work, only waiting for better weather. Burleson, Booth & Prince, have it seems, struck it rich on the "IndianGirl” formely owned by I. C. Burleson. It is reported by those who have examined It that there is more than $30,000 in sight and good pros pects of a big thing, as the dirt around the rich seams of quartz is rich and goes from twenty-five cents to twenty-five dollars to the pan and can easily be taken to the river in chutes. Some years ago a good many thousand dollars was taken from the "Indian Girl” by I. C, Burleson and others, Mr. 8mith says that they have their mine in good shape and only need a small amount of capital to put it on a paying basis. Naked Pills i are fit only, for naked mt - •g«e. Clothe« arc the marks of civilisation—in pill« M well aa people. A good coat does not make a good pill, any more than good clothes make a good man. But as sure a© you’d look on a elothesless man aa a mad one, you may look on a coatlces pill as a bad one. After fifty years of test no pills stand higher than , " ! 1 { ' < ' AYER’S Cathartic Pills SLQAR C04TQM. Professional Cards J. S. HERNDON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. A shlaib , ; O bkgon . <9*Offic«—In Townsend Building, Oak Street, Opposite Hotel Oregon. on HINMAN, D. D, S, DENTIST ÄF*lu the Masonlo Building up stairs •ver Post Offie«. J^R. 8. T. SONGER. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Novelty Block. Opposite Hotel Oregon, . A shlaed , DR C. , O regon . W. BARR. Dental Parlors in Odd Fellow's Block. A shland , O bkqon . «W. All work pertaining to modern dent istry. Painless operations a specialty. JJ M. BROWER M. D. PHY8ICIAN and SURGEON, « A 8HLAND. O bxoon . Office— At Residence, intersection of Me chanic, Laurel and Main Streets, SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. G. A. R. BURNSIDE POST NO. 23. Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and 3d Saturday of each month. Visiting Com rades cordially welcomed. A. C. S pencer , Commander. G. O. V ahsatta , Adjutant. W. R. C. 24 Meets in Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock p. m. on the second and fourth Fridays of •ach month. M bs . J. D. C bockeb , Pres. M bs . L ydia G riswold , Sec’y. BURNSIDE RELIEE CORPS NO. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. GRANITELODGE.NO. 23, Knights of Pythias, Ashland, Oregon, meets every Friday evening. Visiting Knights in good standing are cordially invited to attend, F. I). W agmeb , C. C. 8. G. E«o kbs . K. of R Si 8. MASONIC, 8I8KTY0U CHAPTER, NO. 21, B. A. M. Regular convocations on th« Thursday next after the full moon. E. V. C arter , H. P. E. A. S herwin , Secretary. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 23, A. P. & A. M. Stated communications on the Thursday of or before the full moon. E. A. S hebwin , W. M. C. H. V avpel , Secretary. ALPHA CHAPTER NO. 1, 0. E. 8. PILOT ROCK ENCAMPMENT, NO. 16. Meets in Odd Fellows’s Hall every 2d and 4th Monday in each month. Members in good standing cordially invited to attend. id. S. E vans , C. P. E obt , T aylob , Scribe. *0. 24. Meets on th« 2d and 4th Tuesday in each month in Odd Fellows’ Hall, Ashland. Miss E mma S tephenson , N. G. Misa N ina E mkby , Secv. HOPE REBECCA DEGREE LODGE, A. O. U. W. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hall every second and fourth Wednesday in each month. All brethren in good standing are cordially invited to attend. • M. R. M oore , M. W. J. R. C asey . Recorder K. O. T. M. «SAMITE TENT NO. 4, KNIGHTS MACCABEES. Of THE Meet in regular review on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at Odd Fellow’s Hall, Ashland. Visiting Si.' K nights cordially invited. G. W. C bowson , Com. C has . H. G illette , R, K. ■■ p a ] • You crii 1 tn 1 be cured if you suffer from any of the 5 S'Wtl |k ills of men, come to t he oldest i ■ specialists on the Pacific Coast, ' WW 1 Dr.Jordan& Co. Thousand» J MOT 1 now live happy lives that we An B flr saved from the grave. , Vtt h W Stricture, loss of manhood, K ¿J diseases of the skin and kid neys quickly cured without the use of mercury Treatment personally or by “tte^Send for book "The Philosophy of Marriage,” free. DR. JORDAN St CO.’S GREAT MCSEVM OF ANATOMY. Go and learn how wonderfully you are made; how to avoid sickness and al»«“«- Thousands of new objects. Addition» con tinually. Catalogue »ent free. • toot Market Street, »a« FranclBSie, Cal. Joy’s for U-io Jaded and Good Health for all Maukintt. joy ’ s veeetabl F sabsapabîlla . Smaae from herbs, and contains no mineral drugs or deadly pois on. Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla robs the blood of all its impuri ties, and courses all these impuri- ties througn nature’sown proper chan nels. Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparil'.a cures DyS- pepsi a, Chronic Constipa tion, Liver Com plaints and Kidney Affections. OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, PRESSED BRICKS. Circuit Court In Seesion. Circuit court for Jackson county con vened Monday, Judge Hanna presiding. Dr. Barr, Dentist, I. Q. 0. F. Block, The grand jury organized with Horace Mrs. Laura Edwards is in San Francisoo. Pelton, foreman; F. A. Peil, Tho«. R. Conductor Geo. White and wife are Stottler, W. F. Bailey, F. C. Minuick, W, J. Boosey and John Sisemore. visiting San Francisco. The following is the docket: Miss Lizzie Reuter has returned to Jack sonville from Portland. J. N. Hockersmith was at Medford this week haying bis eye operated on. The Dixon murder trial in Roseburg re sulted in the young man being acquitted. Only eight divorce cases ornament the calenders of the circuit court for this term. T. J. Kenney of Jacksonville and John F. Kelly of Grants Pass, spent Sunday in Ashland. Mrs. Engwicht, wife of Conductor Geo. Engwioht, is paying her parents at Edge wood a visit. Senator Holt has been appointed a mem A rich strike has been made by a pio neer lady of Siskiyou county. Mrs. N. ber of the state board of agriculture to suc E. Hilt of Cole’s station, came to Yreka ceed himself. in 1852. For several years she and her Jackson Hockersmith has been confined busband have lived on Cottonwood to his bed for some weeks with jaundice and creek and they now own a lovely moun has been in a critical condition. tain ranch on the west branch of the Mrs. £. B. Christian has gone to Sacra creek, five miles by wagon road west oi mento, accompanied by her father. She Cole’s station. Mrs. Hilt has ideas of will work in one of the »tores there. her own regarding mining and she de W. J. Virgin paid the county seat a visit termined to do some prospecting work Tuesday _____ _______ and gaye _______________ the officials some spec lower on the moantaMLthan where their l^ tasitractions ’tn regard TO ____ the” behavior ____ ____ 2_____________ mine of high grade ore is located and such as bis name partakes of. after driving a tunnel 30 feet into the The miners of Wagner creek have organ hill, struck a good ledge of ore 13 feet ized an association with G. W, West presi thick. Passing through this ledge, Bhe dent and Harry Gendars secretary, They directed the men to continue the tunnel meet again on the 23d to further perfect into the mountain, and when 70 feet the orgaization. from starting encountered another ledge, L. L. Burtenshaw, Esq., a prominent upon which they have already |gone 28 attorney at Myrtle Point, Coos county, feet on a crosscut and are not yet and a son of B. Burtenshaw, is visiting his through. These immense bodies of ore parents here. He is on his way to the assay as high as $22 per ton and all aver supreme court at Salem. Mr. Burtenshaw accompanied by his wife.—Albany age $10 per ton, the lowest assays run is Democrat. ning $5.25 per ton. Mrs. Hilt named John Well», one of the »olid men of the her mine the “North Star.” By ex tending the tunnel about 200 feet farther Illinois valley, was in this city last Satur in company with his son Roy, who she will strike the ledge of high grade day to Ashland to attend school for the ore before mentioned at a depth of 240 went winter. Miss Della Wells also went to feet. This ore has milled $70 per ton Ashland to spend a few weeks.—Grants and is a good strong veiu, varying from Pass Courier. two to four feet in width. Mrs. Hilt The Ager stages have been getting in certainly has a big mine and she is plan very late the past week, being all the way ning some extensive improvements to from four to twelve hours late. The warm be made on the property in the spring. weather has left the roads in a very bad —Yreka News. condition, and the frost each night crusts them over, making them particularly hard John Lewis has just finished a fine to travel.—Klamath Falls Express, bridge, costing $2 500 across Wolf creek Scar Face Charley, of Modoc Indian war near its juncture with Grave creek, and a 30-inch pipe crosses this structure to carry fame, died last week of consumption on water to the ditch on the south side of Wolf the reservation in Indian territory. He creek, which is to furnish water to the plac was one of-the fiends that assisted Cap ers to be opened up there. Teams can also tain Jack in the massacre of Canby and cross on the bridge which is in the course Meacham under a flag of truce, but his life was saved on the tichnicality of being only of a proposed county road. a private Taylor & Crow last week pounded out Granite Tent No. 4, K. O. T. M. have some $600 in two days with a hand mortar elected the folllowing officers: P. C., E. A. at their ledge down Rogue river. They are preparing to send another craload of ore to Hildreth, Jr.; C., G. W. Crowson; L. C., E. P. Spencer; R. K., C. H. Gillette; F. K.. Ashland. The ore has to be packed on C. D. Hevener; Chap.. W. 8. Kelley ;8argt, mule back 10 miles and hauled by wagon 6, Lindsay; M. at A.,T. E. Ahlstrom; but all they have sent to Ashland thus far Chas. 1st M. of G., A. L. Helman; 2d M. ofG., has netted over $100 per ton. Wm. Fox; Sentinel J. W. Bish; .Picket, L. The Hampton Lewis mine or Columbia M. Godwin. placer on Upper Grave creek will be runn Talent bad a very damaging fire Friday ing four giants night and day pretty soon. These diggings are known to be rich and morning in the destruction of the Klum the outlook will probably equal that of any storage building and contents, a total loss placer mines in Southern Oregon.—Grants amounting to about $800. R. 8. Barclay & Son were the principal losers having $400 Pass Courier. worth of cured pork in the building. Tom Bell lost about »100 worth of stored pota- You Can Be ‘Well toer and corn. The origin ot the fire is When your blood is pure, rich and nourish supposed to have been front the fire used in ing for nerves and muscles. The blood is smoking the meat. the vital fluid, and when it is poor, thin Medford’s bad whiskey caused a shoot and impure you must either suffer from some distressing disease or you will easily ing affair on the De Roboam farm in Jack fall a victim to sudden changes, exposure sonville precinct Saturday night. Mrs. De or overwork. Keep your blood pure with Roboam and two sons and the farm hand, S. Hammond, had returned from a visit Hood’s Sarsaparilla and be well, in Medford and her son John, a young man Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner aged 18 years, was in a very quarrelsome pill; assist digestion, cure headache. 2octs. mood, and after abusing bis brother Will commenced bis attacks on Hammond, finally winding up by shooting Hammond MARRIED. iu the right arm between the elbow and wrist with a 22 calibre revolver. Young HOYT—HOWLETT—At the home of the De Roboam was put in the Jacksonville bride’s parents, near Eagle Point, Dec. 9, jail to await the action of the grand jury 1896, by Rev. A. C. Howlett, Miss Millie this week. Howlett and Edward Hoyt. All Recommend It. SIMPKINS—BUTLER—At Merlin, Dec. Ask your physician, your druggist and 2,1896, by Justice Ladd, Geo. A. Simp your friends about Shiloh’s Cure for Con kins and Edith Butler. For sumption. They will recommend it. r„ FORCE—REYNOLDS—In Grants Pass. sale by T. K. Bolton. Dec. 6.1896, A, L. Force of Eugene and Miss A. Reynolds of Grants Pass. Probate Court, DUNKLEY—VAN MATRE—In Jackson In the matter of the care and support of ville, Dec. 8,1896, by Hon. W. 8. Crowell, Homer and Royce Dunn, orphans. J. F. county judge, L. P. Dunkey and H. M, Dunn given care of former and Ed Dunn of Van Matre. the latter. Estate of J. N. Woody. Order made far DIED. sale ot personal property. . Estate of Jacob Neatnammer. Will ad R0BINS0N-0n Foots creek, Dec. 4, 1886, mitted to probate and Joshua Neathamtrer appointed executor and Ben Haymond, D. Mrs. P, R. Robinson, aged46 years. Richard and G. F. Schmidtlein appraisers. WHITE—In Medford, Dec. 8,1896, infant Estate of O. Vincent. Report of com mission on admeasurement of dower of Mrs. child of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White. A. Vincent approved. CLIFT—In Eden precinct, Dec. 7,1896, of M. Estate of Eliza J. Hamlin. Final report la grippe, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo of administrator approved. Clift. Estate of Chris Wintjen. Same order as above. Estate of Isaac Constant. Sale of real BORN. property confirmed. Stated meetings on 1st and 3d Tuesdays REYNOLDS- In Ashland precinct, Dec. 12,1896, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Reynolds, In each month. M bs . L* M. C aldwell , W. M. a son. M bs . S. C. O hahdleb . Secretary. SCHRIMPF—On Applegate, Dec. 5, 1896, to Mr. and Mrs. Schrimpf, a son. I. O. O. F. FITZGERALD—In Medford, Dec. 5, 1896, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fitzgerald, a ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 45. daughter. Hold regular meetings every Thursaav evening at their hall in Ashland. Brethren A Natural Beautifler. in good standing are cordially invited to Karl ’ s Clover Root Tea purifies the blood attend. F. M. D rake , N. G. and gives a clear and beautiful complexion. H. S. E vans , Bec’y, P. 0. box 102. COUNTY, iUBscairnos bates : ■ 1800, «• NO. 89. Advertising rates given on application. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report .. . . Dealer ta ACTIONS AT LAW. W 1 VawterveTol© Mining Co; to re cover money. Pelton & Neil vs M A Graham; sa me. E P Geary and E B Piczel vs john Col lins, Sr, and John Collins, Jr; same. Pelton A Neil vs R T Shannon; same. B F Adkins and J D Whitman vs S H Murray; same. O & C R R Co vs Geo Engle; same. T J Kenney vs R V Beall; same. S T Songer vs J J and Abbie Donoh ue; same. R W Sansill & Co vs T K Bolton; same. Max Muller, administrator estate of John Toepper. deceased, vs P N Ficke; same. T J Downing vs T F Downing; same. Alida R Miner vs John D Loucks; same. Chas Cowles vs L A Schultz and F Wich- mann: same, T K Bolton vs Dan’l O Walker; same. M E McCall vs vs John McAllister; same J L Woolridge vs Wm Ulrick, T J Ken ney and Hugh Elliott; same. J H Lame vs W F Radford and 8 D Rad ford; same. E P Geary and E B Picket vs F C Homes and W B Officer; same. H Ammerman vs John Murphy, et al; same. Jackson Mining Co vs O G 8hurtleff; to recover personal property. Martha Wichmann vs A 8 Barnes sher iff: to recover value of personal property, Jas Wells vs Levi Morris; appeal from justice court. equity . Belinda Barnum vs Alice R and J R Gib son: foreclosure, Wm Lyttleton and T Noonan vs Wm M Colvig, administrator estate of J O Durkee, deceased; same. Benj Eggleston vs Harry Barbour; same. Nat Jones vs T H F Engle; same. Max Muller vs F M and Nellie Tryer and Frank Vanina; same. A R Phillips, adm’r, vs Christiana Ewen same. John Mark vs A C Helms; same, 8 P D & L Co vs W 8 Barnum; action for damages, W J Virgin, R P Neil & J E Pelton vs E N Corliss, et al; injuction. Geo T Armstrong ys F Logg & Mark Mc Donnell; same. Jacksonville Mining Co vs W O’Thomas and A R Thompson, et al; same. W Hannum vs Geo Blalock; same. Hydraulic Mining Co vs Isaac Coffman; same. J T Layton vs J T Payne AWW Hinton same. R M Whitside vs J A Whiteside; divorce. B F Baker vs Hester A Baker; same. Emma Neathammer vs Joshua Neat hammer; same. Nettie Clark vs P H Clark ; same. Zora Dunlap vs lra Dunlap; same. Sarah Neathammer ys Jacob Neatham mer; same. Susie Allen vs David Allen: same. Daisy Dungan vs Th os Dungan; same. W I Vawter, administrator estate of 8 D Garrison, vs E G and Hilda Salstrom; suit in equity. Z A Moody and R E Saltmarsh vs M A Graham, E N Corliss and R T Shannon; to cancel agreement and appointment of re ceiver. Catherine Noland vs 8 J Day; cancela tion of deed. 4BSOLUTEEV PURE BONDS AND BONDAQE. Smaller Warships. There is a flno touch of French satire When will the bond age ceas©? Bonds! In the remark of an officer at Paris that Thirty year bonds—some of our high offi it was necessary to havo a civilian far í b M i b b k b b « kiffi EraiMfeWl.ff SUB til! AT. MWate cials want to make them 50 year bonds, minister of naval affairs before essential and also that they be payable, Interest improvements could be made in the and principal, in gold and gold only. building of war vessels. Certain it is That means that the wealth producers that the changes ordered by the French will be burdened with a debt far at least 80 years, with the principal and minister of marine affairs, Lockroy, who interest a growing burden, for gold is is Victor Hugo’s son-in-law, promise to constantly appreciating in value (it is work a revolution in naval architecture. Judging, by experiments made at Tou said to have increased in value 14 pel. cent last year). Wo cannot eat goldt lon by French naval officers, our own nor will 1 clothe or shelter uh . Yet ev- congress will do well to go slow in or erythln^ _ we eat ar wear ar use in any dering more huge warships, ox even way is controlled by the gold god. The heavy and bulky harbor defenders. The producer of real wealth, the wealth that ■ experiments at Toulon show convincing satisfies wants and gives us oomfort, must give a constantly Increasing meas ly that a great number of small vessels, ure to the greed of the gold god. That traveling at the highest speed and each la the reason that dollars are harder to armed with as largo a rapid firing gun get The farmer gets less for his golden as it can carry, is the fighting navy of grain and his blushing fruits, yet these the future. As the French officer ex gifts of the real God are as good as they presses It, here is the problem: “To ever were. It makes me sick to think of place the mort powerful rifled gun pos those thousands of bushels of potatoes sible upon the smallest possible vessel, rotting in the ground In Minnesota be the gun firing with full power projec cause the price does not justify their digging. Yet those potatoes are as good tiles carrying largo quantities of high as potatoes ever were, and many hun explosives, and tho veawi being of such gry mouths want them. But the gold small size as to be sighted or struck by god does not recognize intrinsic good the enemy with great difficulty—being, ness nor human need. Neither does the in short, a floating gun carriage.’’ railroad monopoly that stands in the Six such vessels will cost no more way of these produots being marketed than one of the heavy, alow craft of the at a living price to tfio producer. old type, and they will be more than Bond the producing forces of the twice as effective. country, when vast fortunes of millions This is tho type of warship to which and millions bear no national burden, American naval architects now appar contributing not one penny to the gov ernment that made those fortunes pos ently need to turn their attention. The sible! Even at the death of the present main difficulty will be to make the M ais S tbkkt , O ppobitk P u za . holders the government inherits no part “floating gun carriage, ” which is to be of these fortunes, although it is in sore the warship of the future, stable enough T’JLIZSJ'TS ZF’JLIliTTEidS’ TOOLS, need of funds. Other countries inherit to permit the gun itself to be aimed WALL GLASS. ETC. a part of great private fortunes—they with accuracy. call it an inheritance tax, but it is only B uilding P apebb , W rapping P apers and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. This, tho French believe, they have rightful inheritance by the government. Is there one physician who reads this suoceeded in doing. They consider the that does not see that he is vitally in new type of vessel to be the beet for terested? We work for the peopel direct ooast defense of any ever invented. ly, for every class, high and low, Oux No ether observer has corroborated the support must come from all. No one can be more interested than the doctor discovery of two comets made by Pro in striot eoonomio justioe to every class. fessor Swift of Lowe observatory, Echo When th© fanner gets fair prices for hie mountain, California. One of the comets produce, when th© laborer and mechan Professor Swift says he saw with his un Insomnia, Pains in the Buck, Seminal £ illusions. Nervous Debilit v Pimples,Uufiuisss to Marry, ^bsustiuil>rS„i J<1 ic get steady employment and good aided eyesight by daylight just ns tho CRIMINAL. vonstipatlon. 11 stops ail losses by day or nlgliL Prevent* ’ x- „ - ------- Oissof diac baren,which if notcbecl^d loads toispermatorrb^Xnd wages, when the merchant has a good State vs Geo E Bloomer; larceny. sun was sinking behind the Sierras. ES BEFORE and AFTER SJ.toehorrersotXmpotsncy. < VHI»EHEc!«aua«aUwUvw. the State vs A Weigel; practicing medicine trad© and fair profits, then all of these This was certainly a very unusual thing, M . kidneysand the urinary orpausof aUtapuritleit ' ™ CCPIDEXE strengthens and restores suial I weak organa. without license. can employ the doctor whan needed and The reason sufferers are not cured by Ductors Is because ninety per cent are troubled with 8tatevsJas Boland; larceny. but when Professor Swift snatched up Prostatitis. CUI‘I DENE is the only known remedy to carTwithout anoneraUuK «3? get the requisite medicine and appli- State vs Robt Bond; recognizance. A written guarantee given and money returned if six boxes does not efluct a pennantut cure ances and pay tho doctor. But when the his glasses to examine the comet be had fLUOa box,six fur|5.W, by malL Bend for ntaiccircular aud testimonials, »««»W ASSIGNMENTS. soon with the naked eye ho perceived price of wheat and aottop goes below Addruas DA VOL SIED1CIA E CO.. P. O. Bex 2W6, Ban Fraud»-,., Qd, In re-assignments of W O’Donohue, B R FOR BALE BY E. A, SHERWIN. Kingsbury, L G Goodell. Ed Hendricks, cost of production, and potatoes are not not only that but another one. Benn & Cox, P J Vanhardenburg, Miller & worth digging, when th© unemployed Kurth, Jones & Otten, R W Gray, Myer & grow to a vast army, when the mer It was a pitiful talc of disaster and Gregory. chant sees the values of his goods go bad luck that some castaw ays had tc E dwin W. J oy C o .: The immediate and down, down, down, through the appre tell when they were picked up at sea by permanent relief afforded me by the use of ciation of gold and his customers be the British bark Holywell and carried Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla from the terri coming lees and less able to purchase ble affliction of dyspepsia, accompanied by from him, when all these things pre to Galveston. Their ship leaked and was racking headaches, has prompted me to dismasted, the captain and two of the voluntarily express my indorsement. Two vail, as they have during the last twe years of extreme suffering vanished as if by or three years, the dootor must suffer. crew died from exposure, scurvy broke magic. To those suffering similarly I rec What though a few bondholders gloat out among rhe rest of (hem und made ommend its trial. Its meritswill do the oyer mqre bonds and trusts and monopo them helpless, and they were almost rest. Yours in health. B. D. CARN, lies thrive; the masses of the people suf starved besides when the Holywell pick Poso township. Kern County, Ca fer, and the rank and file of the medical ed them up. Their ship was named sim No one ehould be fooled by a dis honest druggist. There are plenty ot professions suffer with them. ply Smith.________________ honest druggists who would be glad If congress should deaide to push the to have your trade. Nicaragua canal to completion, I sup During our qivil war the (Jnited pose that would be the signal for more States army was greatly hampered by A l>9i Make. Sunday Visits. bonds. But why? Why not adapt the too much Washington in its orders. In A bright terrier dog owned at the sagacious course of the governor of the the same manner the Spanish army in. American House, Pittsfield, Mass., is island of Guernsey some years ago? Cuba is embarrassed by too much Mad known at the Maplewood as Billy. The The story is a simple one. Th© island dog every Bunday morning goes to the ers needed a market house, but had not rid. Madrid will boss the Cuban army Maplewood and stays in the cashier's the money whioh was thought neces if she ruins the Spanish nation. office, but never goes away from the sary to build it. But they had plenty of ■ American on other days unless taken to labor and material. The governor is the Maplewood. Sundays, as regularly as sued rent checks. These were used tc that day comes, in the season, the ani pay for labor and material, and when mal takes up his early march for the the market bouse was completed were Blank Forms, other house, remains all day and re received in payment of rent I think Stimulate the stomach, a ■ ■ turns. This he has done for the past few the building cast $20,0OQ. Every year rouse the liver, cure bilious- all Mitring Locations, III Ji seasons, and so regularly that the guests $2,000 in rent oheqks was collected for uess, headache, dizziness, stomach, constipation, ■ HMM Always Kept in Stock. at the Maplewood have become familiar rents. These were burned each year sour etc. Price 25 cents. Sold by all druggist»- with appropriate ceremonies. At the with him and his peculiarities. Now The only Pills to take with Hubd’ s Sarsaparilla. New Edition of Mining Laws. end of ten years no checks were out We have received the ninth edition they are asking how the dog knows the standing. They bad the market house, (just out) of Copp’s Mining Code, pub difference between Sunday and other lished by Henry N. Copp, a lawyer of days, as his visits are made before the no debt, and all without the use of gold Washington, D. C., who has given many church bells begin to ring.—Boston or bonds. The rent checks not only paid for the years to the study of mining laws. It is Herald. a book of more than two hundred pages, stone, etc., and employed the labor for ’S FRENCH PILLS. Noise and Numbers. and will be found of great interest to the building, bat they circulated as cur CoGtalolog Cotton Root and PennyroyaL A Yankee, upon eating bis first meal rency, helping to give commercial life mine owners and prospectors, as it gives § S Dealer in S J the United States mineral land laws and of frogs’ legs, asked the hotel proprietor to the place, and ip every way they THS USgrTMIW. the official instructions thereunder, the how he accounted for the high price. vyere a blessing. If they had been inter Its test aat Best rtiuolt various state and territorial mining laws, He was told it was on account of the I tails rtasdy fa tts y-^11 miners liens, right of way, etc., numer scarcity of the product. “Not at all,” est bearing bonds, they would have Resmin’s French Fe ous forms for use from the location to the said the Yankee. “I can get you been locked up for the interest, a bur male Pills, liavo been Granite, Marble, den to the islanders perhaps to this day. patenting, lease and sale of a mine, sold for over twcutj 1,000,000. ’ “ A million? ” gasped the Why oan ’ t we build the Nicaragua yean,and used by Thou and aieo, a large collection of abstracts of Freestone Monuments sands of Ladies, win boniface. “ I should like to engage to canal in the same way—by issuing cur courts and land office deciBions and rul havegivon testimouiul.- find you a profitable market if you cod ELY ’ S CREAM BALM 1» »positivecure. ings. Every enterprising mining man rency receivable for toll as soon as the that they are unoxce'. !e3 and Copings. Apply Into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 50 as a specific montbl’ will secure a copy. The San Francisco produce them. ” “Why, I can get them canal iff opened? Anything but bonds. cento at Druggists or by mail ; samples 10c. by mail medicine, for immediate News Company handles Mr. Copp’s pub today surely. ” At night the Yank came We now have many kinds of bonds— ELY BROTHERS, M Warren St, New York City. reli of Pnintul, aud lications on the Pacific coast* The book back with eight pairs and declared the national bonds, state bonds, county lrrog r hlensca. Fe > Also agents for IRON FENCES. male , -.knew etc. is for Bale by principal book store and by trick off. “I thought you said you knew bonds, city bonds, corporation bonds of Satisfaction guaranteed Price »-.00 a box, with the publisher at Washington. D. C. where you could get 1,000,000, ” said full directions. Also at the R ecord office, Ashland, boniface. “Well, to tellyou the truth,” all kinds, as railroad bonds, eta, all CAKB SO SrUSTlTUTBS, OR SPURIOUS IMITATIONS. P.O. Address: YREKA, Siskiyou Co.. with their corroding interest to support The price is 50 cents. s iLLSULN CHEMICAL CO.. DrruoiT. Mien. explained the other, “I formed my judg indolent classes. The bond is a conven Cal. FOB 8ALE BY T, K. BOLTON. ment of the number by the noise.”—San ient device, a cowardly method of put Lilat or Ijettera. ting off till some time in the future Remaining uncalled for in the shland Francisco Argonaut. P. O., Dec. 14, 1896. J. P. Dodge has an elegant line of rock wbat we should do or pay today and tc Barnes, L H. | Headings, Jas. ing chairs, just received. Also many other shirk opr duties and place them as a Hartley, Walt N. I Ohurath, Miss J. goods suitable for holiday presents. Cal burden upon future generations. The Payne, Dick. Wryley, Mr. and see. Opera House Furniture Store. _ method is so easy—it is easy to shirk— Walter, J W. and tempting that this has become an Persons calling for same will please say Life is worth living if for nothing else age of bonds—and the result, a bond “adyertsied.” W H. B bunk . P. M. than to gain the wisdom to be learned age. Let us protest against an extension of this pQlicy.—Dr. O. F. Taylor in The wife of Mr. D. Robinson, a promi from its rich experience», sweet and Medical World. Tie wo.-rt form» pon* bitter. nent lumberman of Hartwick, N. Y., ï r" n I I m B ^3t!ve'7 cared. Ï8 feere* Water of any temperature detdrea was sick with rheumatism for five Through Their Stomachs. raeceeetul predice. Treaíment conddentlel. Caree The thought in the British mind t On months. In speaking of it, Mr. Robin Natural Temperature 85 deg’s. ell or et YBce. Term« low. Question Blank end “ And the next day it snowed. ’ ’ Real tree. Call or write. DR. WARD IMSTITUTE.C son says : “Chamberlain's Pain Balm is to Khartum I 120N.9’.b St..3t.Louis,M«. TO DBIIK THE WATCH IS A TtllC. izing that the poor people will have to the only thing that gave her any rest Residence Lots for Bale in eat snowballs this winter, the benevo from pain. For the relief of pain it can Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates Pokegama, on reasonable not be beat.” Many very bad cases of lent hand of Providence hfis already DISEASES OF THE SKIN. fungi and animalcules, and neutral rheumatism have been cured by it. For terms. Lots sold on the in showed its willingness to provide that izing and correcting all acidi The intense itching and smarting inci eale at 50 cents per bottle by Ashland dent to eczema, tetter, salt-rheum, and ether commodity. The only way to touch ties it promotes a normal and stallment plan. Drug Co. healthful condition in every diseases of the skin is instantly allayed by some people is through their stomachs. part of the system. lso 2,000 acres of Choic applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin It now remains for the Republicans to Sugar and Yellow Pine Land for sale More rich gold finds reported, this Ointment Many very bad cases have been do the touching.—St. Louis Journal. ’ — SWIMMING RINK. — on the Klamath River. Terms made tn Medfprd, Oregon. time in Indian Territory, in the Wichita permanently cured by it It is equally suit on application. Address, Mark Is Boss. Inclosed and covered, the same medica mountains. But it is a pity the discov efficient for itching piles and a favorite rem CHAS. COLE, edy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chil water, always clean, for the springs run a Mr. McKinley will be saved the MANUFACTURE^ — ery was in Indian Territory, for now blains, frost bitœ, and chronic sore eyes. Pokegama, Siskiyou Co. Cal. heavy volume-more than twelve hun trouble of considering the claims of the power of the United States govern For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. dred gallons per hour. office hunters. Mark Hanna will take ment will be required to protect the In Try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders, tliery the job off his hands.—Silver Knight You may dive and swim and have more dians in (heir rights. are just what a horse needs when in bad condi fun than “anybody”—come out as “tine Of all kinds at shop at Phoenix tioc. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. as silk” and “white as wool”—rejuven G entlehen : Having taken one bottle of ated and happy. For Sale by ASHLAND DRUG CO, your Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla I can Located on the truly say that it is the best medicine I have Call at ASHLAND MILLS VIRGIN & CO.. PROP’S. H. S. EVANS,A8HLAND’ OE PAINTIN G, PAPERING, ETC. Job Printing Prompt Work and Bottom Prices. LATEST STYLES Hood’s Mail Orders a Specialty. Le¿al ßlan^s MESMIN FEMALE J« B. RUSSELL. POKEGAMA ASHLAND White Sulphur Springs Joy’s Vegetable I Sarsaparilla j prevents tired feel ings, staggering sen sations, palpitation of heart, rush of blood to the head, dizziness, ringing in! ears, spots before the eyes, headache, bil iousness,constipation of bowels, pains in the back^melancholy, toDgue coated, foul breath, pimples on face, body and limb, declineofuerve force dizzy spells, faint spells, cold, clammy feet and hands, sour risings, fatigue, in- i somnia, and all dis- I eases of the stomach, liver and kidneys. BATHING I WEEKS BROS I I © Joy,« Vegetable Sar saparilla is sold by all druggists. Refuse a substitute. When you pay for the best see that you get the best 150 Choice q A FURNITURE ever taken for constipation, headache and general debihated system. I feel overjoy ed by the use of one bottle. 1 accidently "Wanted r,-1” rut* HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILK NORTH OF THE PLAZA. For Infants and Children. .. Will trade f*o- one hundred and sixty acres of good „__ Ths liollt farming land seven miles from Klamath tigutwt WM.J. PERRY. *■ Falls for Jackson uouu.j county property. Ad- Superintendent Almshouse, *•••*,■«/• Ban Franoiico. dress, P. O. Box 55, Yreka« Cal. ing better in every way. «7Z7 Y 'S f n r THF J aded CASTORIA OPPOSITE CLARENDON HOTEL -----and see our goods.---- We will give yon a bargain. GRANT HELMAN Proprietor RECORD OFFICE.