Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1889)
□ J ri KENO KERNELK JONEF HEINE. THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. BREVITY BASKET. ! MAX PRACHT, This is a discouraging winter to the First appearance in Ashland of this E i *. V allxy B bcou »:— To-morrow is George Washington’s The buildings for the machine house wonderful inuiii ian. Al. Mayfield and family are visiting average swamp land fiend. birthday. and the residence of the electrician in A mila »». Oa----- T hibhy . Feb. 21 !*<«. Mrs. Moss. There are good prospects iu Klam-j J. B. R. Hutchings is buying furs charge are completed, the latter build On next Tneaday evening the citi ath county for numerous land contests; Mr. Aired'» boy, Willie, is down with and hides. ing only remaining to be plastered. zens of Ashland will have tl>e op|»ortu- in the near future. PERMONAL AND SOCIAL. ASHTJAN D , OREGON 8. J. Tuttbiil, tbeelectrician, is putting Board $4 00 by the week, at the Eu nity oi listening to one of the most re inflamation of the bowels. Attended ‘ by Dr. L« e. It is probable that Linkville will up tlie poles on the circuit, the wire ropean Restaurant. Jubanv Curry wa» up from Mediord markable violin virtuosos of tin day. Elmer Cleaver, a mercantile gentle have to drag along with one saloon ■ and .fixtures arrived Monday and will Monday. Josef Heine, tliotigh blind from hi» The Rebekah lodge of Ashland will man from Eugene City, is visiting Mr. only, when the high license law goes! soort be itr ready for business. The receive a new organ soon. birth, lias achieved a fame throughout OFFERS FOR W. p. Haunnon. of Oakland, Cat., is in I into effect. the valley. circuit runs down through the grove, the world as a master of the violin that and Miss Ferree. D. R. A E. V. Mills ’ store is being Linkville lodge, I. O. G. T., is healthy then on east side of Main street as far Cso. E. Y'oule rrturued from bis northern few men attain. He baa l<een heard Wedne«<lay Charley Graves shot 74 painted by Grady A Grow. trip Tuesday. in tlie principal cities of the old world, I ducks with 73 cartridges, shooting and growing, and is made quite attrac- as Granite, where a loop put6 a light Wait for the wagon—D. R. Mills is lank Helman i* now running one of Tom in Bouth America and in this country higher than any other shooter. j tive by the introduction of literary ex- j iu front of Granite hall, then continues Estes' wagons filling it to-day in Chicago. 0 ‘ ereises, music, etc. on same street to Laurel with a light THAT MOST and wherever he has apjieared has re Keno feels delighted over the coming John M Mark« has l«en badly laid up J. C. Plumerth is rebuilding H. ceived the unanimous praise of the flour mill. The baby town is indebted All branches of business are exceed-: at M E. chur> b* Return« on same cir with erysipelas. Hcott GrilHn u( Tolo. returned from Cali press and the public. Hi» method i» j to the printers’ ink *>f the Oregouian ingly slow, and more, there is nothing | cuit to Helman street corner with an Scherrer’s old residence near the depot. so true, his bowing and fingering are for the power to take its first big step. in sight to indicate much of a change ! other light, then another at the woolen fornia Tuesday. Royce A Lansing’s show expect to mill», continuing on west side of Main be in Ashland about the middle of i Chas. Kahn was on Tuesday s train for so facile and graceful that he seems I Printers' ink is nourishing to infant | for some time to come. Klamath county. i simply to toy with the instrument; yet 1 towns. The children’s party at the Academy | street, where a light will be put on the May. FRONTING OX • I Charivqr (Oregon) ('«olidge came up from the effects be produces are marvel» of Hag pole in the plaza, then another in R. L. Wimer has purchased a build- ■ There came to town last week a bus hall on last Friday evening was an the middle of street on the Hargadine California Monday. melody. His solo on an ordinary tin J s’- M Fowler, the artist, left for Los An whistle is Kiniething that never fails to iness mail whose nose looked as though ■ immense affair, and was voted by ! corner with Main, then at the Lofftus ing lot in railroad addition on 8th gele». Cal.. Tues<lay. i his brains had gone down there and “young America” as the event of the residence, then one near the school street. W. E. Price. Jr., was on Monday's train bring down the house and he is nightly ! dried up. He said that new countries season. L. A. Tennery is over at Hornbrook i house, when it continues out to 4th ■ compelled to re»j>ond to repeated en en route for California. It seems probable that the “Klamath | street and goes to the dejiot. Every painting Horn A Jones’ new brick j ' attract intelligent people and this par core». Madame Heine, as a ¡»ianiste, Bishop Warren, of the M. E. church.went City” enterprise will prove to, be a fail thing is- ready for the dynamo, which building. to California yesterday. M no les« accomplished in her coni- ticular new country has drawn hint ure, which will be a disappointment to I has been shipped. Patterson & Ham- hither. The great violinist, Josef Heine, at THE MOST CENTRAL J. N. Teal, of Portland, is in the citv on ; ma nd of her art than her distinguished quite a number of our people who have ; mond had the contract for the machine Granite Hall Tuesday night, is the business for I. R. Dawson. I husband. 8he is justly ranked with The figures of our school fund in Father Noel chanted ma>» al the resi Arabella Goddard and Madame Rive- the treasury are $700, and yet Keno’» invested quite extensively in timber house and dam, and J. O. C. and R. L. musical wonder of the day. dence of H. Judge Hnnday. Eleven car loads of ice were laying little ones are studying nothing but, land on the strength of the proposed i Wimer did the carpentering work. . King. gigantic saw mill to be built at that Peter Chavner has returned to Gold Hill in the Ashland yards this week for street gymnastics and the vein of The "Brooklyn Daily Union ” »peaks as The K. P. Ball. from his trip to the Bay city. i follows ot the»e artists• The prin- humor in sooner dogs. Somebody go place. Portland from Truckee, Cal. 1 We hear it talked that a railroad j The invitation ball given by the THREE LOTS W. A. Patrick has purchased the <erti is the sa»erb playing of M. and Mine. and tell the directors that education is j survey has been run through Klamath ! Knight» of Pythias in honor of their growing fainter and fainter, that her 1 house and lot of A. S. Jacobs near the "Doc” Nebeker was on yesterday's train Heine, who. if it is possible, grow nightly from some unnamed point on silver anniversary Tuesday evening, | north school house; con., $1200. Cater favorites with the public. In look- shoe pinches and her cinch hurts and ; county 1 from Ban Francisco to Portland. EACH 22 FT. FRONT BY 120 FT. 4 INCHBB DEBT. over Josef Heine's repertoire, which she will be unable to go on the round-; the O. A C. road, crossing Lost river ■was a very pleasant affair. The hall j 1 H. ». Emery is over at Bisson to-<lay after covers the compositions of the great masters, near the old “natural bridge,” some 25 1 deoorations exceeded anything of the ’ Blocks X, Y and Z, of the railroad up if they don ’ t stop talking horse long 1 pickets for bis combination fence. and taking into consideration he is blind, southeast of Linkville; but <lo i kind attempted here, and the music I lots, opposite Miner’s addition, have ' be is a perfect marvel. HLs solo last even enough to hire a teaclier. There’s a miles These Lota are Located Diagonally Opposite the new HOTEL ORE been thrown open to the market. Frank Keed. of Yreka, is in the valley ing provoked a deafening encore and when time to weep and a time to talk “hoss,” not know of our own knowledge that ■ was excellent, comprising an Italian | GON, on the South Side of Main St., Corner of Hargadine Avenue, aud for th> week visiting a cousin at Gold Hill. harp by Angelo Y’eago; bass viol, Jesse I McFadden’s Double Uncle Tom’s a firat-class Business Investment have no equal in the City. Call on or ad he commenced selections from Bcottish airs Buch is the case. Dr. Sargent, the »¡«cialist. u> at Redding the enthusiasm of the very large audience but now is the time to put that $700 to 1 McCall; violin, Willis Hall; coronet,! l Cabin troupe of 20 artists appear at dress It would be an astonishing and re- > I its legitimate use. and expects to lie in Ashland again soon. knew no bounds. 1 Heine's . playing . „ is pro- Otis Helman; violin, Butler Helman. ! ' Granjte Hall,to-morrow (Friday), night. pulsive disclosure, if every murder | to l»e W. B. Grubb, of Keno, is now aware I C. J. Btuart. traveling agent of the O. ?.. nouneed ',OU'K"‘ by by all to ** extraordinary The grand march was led by Mr. and ! The K. of P. ball Tuesday surpassed competent musical authorities assert that which has bt>en committed in the vicin was registered at the Ashland house yester he i» equal to any o* the great master». of the fact that the burning of a stub Mrs. Thos. Lynch. A nice crowd of day. ble field may be attended with consid- ity j of Tule lake and Lost river could about forty couples were present,among 1 any yet given and was a complete «uc- ; cess in everything, but a financial way. W. H. Barr, one of Medford's prominent Burglary I^ust Niglit. erable danger. Last week he innocent be severally and minutely described. ASHLAND ORF/GON. citiaens. registered at the Central house . . • c. .. i f , ly set fire to his own field of stubble , It would certainly lie a long and gliast-" whom were the following. The supper II. Harrison left this week with 40 Tuesday La»tiiightthee]othiugan<lfurm»li- ly list. Commencing back in the days was a good one, served at B. F. Ender's head of oxen and horses for the lumber J. Wertheimer, who has been closing out in& c»tebli»hmeilt of O. H. with the result of consuming an $800 of early immigrant travel from “the' Eurojiean Restaurant. Johnny Smith trade in Del Norte and Humboldt J. D. Fountain’s stock at Linkville. came in Blount in Johnson' block, was entered hayrick belonging to Mills & Rider, 1 run the variety stall counties, Cal. states ” to Oregon,when the travel worn yesterday ■ * * ... - scorching the great barn belonging to 1 by a burglar and several pairs of fine Chas. W. Logan, the photographer, almost famishing pilgrims arrived Mrs. T. E Godirev and children left Mon gloves, a number of shirts, one whole that firm, aud injuring other property and 1 Mrs. J. D. Fountain, an exjierienced day to join Mr. O. at his ranch in Butte pair of fine shoes, and two left shoes, enough to make the bill about $1000! 1 at the crest of what has since been ap took two views of the ball room and hand at the millinery business, will i dancers Tuesday night with the calci creek valley. also all the watch chains in a show Young Rider, who saw that the fire propriately named “Bloody Point,” um light, and will have them ready ! : soon open a line in Reeser’s block, viewed with delight the pleasing Bteve Farrington, of Henley, was over caac. Clerk Milt. Gregory,who opened fiend, which had run two miles from and ' This is the first of the kind yet ! next to post-office. this week and threw his money around in and inviting scene below, where a good soon Grubb ’ s force, was rejoicing in its glo up, saw things turned up side down, Frank Smith has been laid up with regulation '40 style. taken on the coast, although the in rious freedom, fought like a hero to camping place for the night was near Hon. A. B. Carlock, wife and daughter, and the door was unlocked, but thought save the barn and house, sacrificing at hand; when weary and anxious terior of theatres in the east have been a lame foot, a barrel of mortar having photographed successfully, and if the fallen on it last week, making a painful of Siskiyou county, were on Monday's train the other clerk, J. 8. Scott, was prole ably in tlic back end, but subsequent several wet blankets to the lurid fiend’s motliers took their little children, in pictures turn out as expected, Charley wound on the instep. for Washington. D. C. their arms or by the hand, and *the A. A. Bashor, of Gold Hili, was up this ’development« showed plainly that it insatiate hunger for dry pine and fling fathers, brothers or sons prepared drags may justly feel proud of this job. Sev H. S. Evans, the painter, is making week setting out some trees in his lots in a sure cane of burglary, and the ing all the household goods into the eral views of the interior of the hall I Harris A Payue’s shop look neat. Car* or other precautionary means to safely Miner's addition to Ashland mi»creant had opened the front door . well. j ter Bros, arc painting Mrs. Crocker's land their small, tiiough precious I were taken Wednesday, also. The fire fiend is a warm old friend —TO THE— J. P Howe, manager of the New Park . with skeleton key«. J E. Bangs, of the Oregonian, i new house on Pine street worldly jajssessions, at the foot of this When sober, but when on a bend theater, Portland, was on vesterdav even- 1 -------------- picked out Misses Dora Anderson and ' Er, he's a foe of peaceful folks. The card of Lewis A. Tennery, house, exceedingly abrupt and rocky declivity, ing’s train, having lieen at flan Francisco. hand Caae. Like human fleiuis, he drinks and smokes! and while being thus employed, think Emma Vining as the prettiest girls i ■ sign and carnage painter, paper hang Mr and Mrs. O. H. Blount are at Sisson. 1 A Portland paper say»: In the U. [For the benefit of the rest of the pret ing, etc., appears in another column of where the former is taking an inventory of 8. circuit court yesterday the »uit of j “Is there any dead-sure way,” he in-! ing only of the difficult and dangerous the stock of bis branch store at that place. United Slates against John F. quired,“of finding out whether a conn-' descent and a safe landing at the niar- ty girls, we will say that he left town the R ecord . Mr. T. is an artist. before this announcement was in print] A. M. Abrahams an<l wife, and son ami Miller was disniifttod. 8ome month» , 1 try is good for anything, without! gin of the lake, did not note, |>oor mor C. H. Luderman has purchased 10 daughter, Fred and Ida. of Oskaloosa, la., ago euit wa» brought against Mr. Miller ' spending valuable time and money?” tals, the lurking, ruthless foe, the The decorating was superintended by acres near the Boulevard from Mrs. Ada Harry C. Mills. arrived in Ashland last week to «toy awhile bin> to remov<J eerUin fonceg “See if the new place has attracted Modoc's, within easy bow and guu. I Holmes for Chas. L. Watson, a San Misses—Millie Giddings,Ida Tolman,Kate Francisco capitalist; con., $1150. Mri* Boxell. the Baptist missionary to (inclosing 440 acres of public land in ' any big investments. Big investments shot, until too late, the bloody indis Hansen, Laura Harrison, Ida Naylor. ----- China, who was her some month« ago. is in — - Klamath county, Oregon. Some time seek big returns in goal countries like criminate butchery had begun and, ourkee, Hortense Russell. Grace Houck, Lou Moe, one of the car repairers in town. last »ummer 8|>ecial Agent Brocken- i this. Convert your cash into eash- sooq completed, attended by ail of its i Minerva Naylor, Josie Livingston. Belle Ashland, is having a $900 residence Geo. Wadlin, Well» Fargo A Co.’s express brougli was ordered to re-examine the ! making proprrty and you will soon ' harrowing and sickening details;Mor ' Anderson, Dora A nderson, Lot ta ¡Stephenson messenger who run into Ashland for many Lulu Chapman, Nellie Baber, Mollie Chatn- built on his lots on 4th street near find yourself growing rich in the midst yegry from Portland, made bis last trip last case. An arrangement was effected i of herds and herders, harvests and bar-. did such scenes occur once only, but i bers, Cora Linu, Lotta Louden, Eva Dean, Main. O. R. Buckman is doing the many times. by which Miller removed the feuces re Minnie Holland, Minnie Morse, Mrs. G. A. work. W"; ! vesters. Profit of buaiuess with people | Passing on to later years, we recall i Morse. Ed. Redfield, of Linkville, passed through ferred to, and hence the attorney-gen Mr. and Mrs.-John Real. II C Myer. C | C. H. Ludcrman’s big stock of boots Ashland Monday to attend a shooting eral, at ll)e suggestion of t|ie secretary i who have great supplies and want only , with vivid remembrance, the Modoc Ayers, Thos Lynch, E B Myer. M N and shoes is expected to arrive from match fof a )|(|0 pur so at Canyonville to of the interior, ordered the suit t® be fair play is always commensurate with war, which has no parallel in the his-; W Long, O H Blount, À T Kyle. Jr, Geo F Mc the east soon and will be opened up at morrow. the quantity of cash invested. Do you tory of Indian warfare, where such Connell, Carl Luderman, Geo C Eddines. dismiwed. J. D. Fountain’s old stand in I. O. O. seek investment?” R. fl. Culverwell and J. W. Brown, sur great casualties occurred, considering B F Helman. Every Lot is Covered with the Very Best grades of Budded Peach, Militia Officer», . Messrs.—W L Townsend, Eddie Murnliv, F. block. veyors ot the 8. P. company, have been “Yes; I want to start a s’loon here if the number of Indians employed. In Al Morris, Ed I* Morse, Oscar Johnson, W Apple, Pear, Prune, Plum and Cherry Tree«. looking after the grade south of Ashland 1 C'apt. McConnell appointed the fol-1 I kin get somebody to loan me enough. The card of Mrs. Tyler, the photo the near neighborhood of 20 persons B Pracht. Chas H Johnson. A T Kyle, Sr, this week. i lowing non-com missioned for the militia I’ll pay ten per cent.” graphic artist, appears in another col wcre mercilessly butchered without a Frank Hasty. Chas Chitwood, Monroe Son- Lott Inclosed and Street» Graded. I Austin Hawkins, for many years office company* - __ : Sergeants 1st, Thos. “Are you sure it would pay?” ' moment’s warning, on the first day of nichson, Frank Lennart. Marion Knighten, umn of the R ecord . An inspection deputy »heriff of Siskiyou conntv. has Lynch ;’2d, Bert 8wift ; 3d. C.W. Ayer» ; Geo Barron. John Eubanks, Fred Ryan. J ,i,»,uu. v. n<a)vi«; of her work as an artist is a guarantee “I’ve tried your sort o’ reason for I | the outbreak; and before the war cuded, charge of Horn A Jones new brick store at ’ 4th, D. L. Bcever; Sth, A. W. Scott. flndin* out. I waited till I saw that j ■ that number was multiplied many' T Hover, Cliff Rogers, Otis Helman, Milt of a good job. Hornbrook. Gregory. Pernel Whitmore, Jesse McCall, ... . . . Corporals: Frank Ltmnart, David i Keno had attracted a big investment I times. Other murders have been com-1 O E Irvine, Estes A Williams have mutually dis Fred. B. Staples, a railroad contractor oi n n n ... ol D • SOLE .ÆGŒDSTT. Portland, who has been the guest of Mr. Ralph, R. A. Bowman, Chas. Chitwood, ' in the shape of a $8,000 flour mill, i mitted in that vicinity (not by the: solved partnership in the passenger 8am Jones is having a circus at Sac and Mrs. Geo. W. Kearns for some weeks. Treasurer, D. H. Hawkins; historian, Then I put on steam for Keno. This hands of the Indian), which remains and transfer business, as per announce returned home Saturday. F. D. Wagner; comyany clerk, Chas. is a solid place. A s’loon aint what shrouded jn mystery, known only to ramento. ASHLAND, OREGON. ment in another column, Mr. Estes Booth and Barrett, the world re continuing the same. T. J. Patterson, of the signal office, left H. Gillette. The regular meeting is you call a big investment, but it seeks the cowardly inhuman monsters, who Tuesday for southeastern Oregon, and will Monday of each week, mighty big returns and finds ’em soon. Modoc fashion, aimed the fatal bullet. nowned tragedians, will be in Portland The suit of John Sisemore vs. Pelton continue his trip to Ban Francisco and pos 1 The legislachor is crool to poor s’loon Who done it, or why it was done, .no in May. silily to the east before bis return. Hchool Meeting. Bros, has been decided in favor of the The Portland IPorfd says : A lot of latter, and a decree of divorce has been J. R. Fuller and 'amilv arrived from Col The school meeting for the election men. It made a law so discriminatin’ one knows but those who carry’ the orado Monday with the intentujn'of making of a director and clerk will be held a that we poor, honest, simple, ploddin’ heavy and loathsome burden if alive; white fish will be sent to Crater lake granted Mrs. Marj’ A. Sisemore from this place their home. Mr. F. is a brother as soon as the roads are open. John Sisemore, in the circuit court week from Monday. No candidates for s’looq men must borry or bust. I ! and but a feeble effort was ever madeJ of Mrs. H. P. Weeks, of Ashland. director have been announced as yet, wanter convert a few buudred borry’d | I to ferrit out the guilty ¡»arties, and in»- W. H. Kinross, the gay- musical i this week. M. B. Helman, of South Pasetiena. Cal., is inter »our mash. The invest- all probability they will ever l»e appre church choir leader who created a sen kk pm u ' dollars Sodaville, Linn county, wants the ment will find the herders and harvest- hended until their final reckoning is sation at Oakland, Cal., some months hotel, having oome tn Ashland with the in- be re-elected. He ha» held the poei- railroad extended from Is-bnnon to ago by his escapades with the Siskiyou that place and is raising a fund for the lention of removing to this valley. tlon with comparative satisfaction to ' ers, and as these men want only 8 made. | drink» for a dollar, Jewhillikins! think Linkville, Or. L ynn C. D oyle . county girl, Miss Ada Casedy, has com purpose. YV. E. Price, of Ashland,who J. E. Bangs, dramatic critic of the ^Ore- everybody, and being deputy oounty gonUn. who'li i^kin^^ fo7 tbit reason, to b°* "‘a?1! c°!u“eMb«oriTt “ j promised his divorce suit with his wife. owns property there, made a liberal Eagle Point Notes. Concert Co was in the city this week. The makc ft „lore complete .«seasnieiit than ■the P~ht to « the M>t Dr. Flanagan, who owns a quartz | ante to-day. IlxcnBi) «»knowledges A • nien«Giiit • ’ j ni«» R«ro«» pleasant mil call. ’~ j "‘“^“man"’ me t4>li toll vpp yer, nrwlnrr podner, I I ’ m m «x a utrini strict, rnn. con- Rev. A. C. Howlett was unable to. i mine on Applegate, is in San Francisco ' J. H. Brown, the mining expert with J. i * V ______________ scienliou», Christian business man; fill his appointment on the 2d Sunday 1 1 with a carload of quartz which will be , M»x Pracht has sold his interest, B. Trombly at Talent, went to San Fran- Card of Thanks. seekiu’ a great boon. Thanhs. loon. Whar kin I I ■ ; owing to a violent attack of tonsileti's. ! smeltered and tested at the works in equal to a fourth, in the Garrett prop cisco Bunday with some quarts specimens I At the regular meeting of Burnside 11------ a * fcw hundred • » for •--- a •---------- •- “■ i erty on corner of Main street and 1st few weeks? Elvin Adams wants the tariff taken j i that city. Mr. Flanagan has a very ! and will give this section a good report. Poet, No. 23, G. A. R„ held in Masonic I bke,a h’n,wl an£ dejected branch. | off of dress, for the reason—look under rich mine, it is reported, and this test avenue, to O. Ganiard for $1000, having Max Pracht left Tuesday with his silk G. ' Hall, February ~ paid $750 for it. This makes that lot P eter the P ort the head of “Born.” of the qtpirtg will be looked forward to worth $4,000. A. R. flag for Washington. D C. He went Hall, February 16,1889, 16,1889, it it was was upon upon I’«« broke.” via the 8. P. route and goes around by New motion, resolved to appoint a commit- CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. The farmers arc all very busy finish with a good deal of interest by both Orleans, and will be absent about a month, j tec draft a resolution of thanks to The Roseburg Review thinks that all ' ing up sowing wli -.»t, and some are himself and friends.—[Courier. Cha«. Rippey has the fraiqu of lys the normal school teaehers of the state Hon. C. C. Beekman, of Jacksonville, who the citizens of Ashlan<l,whosogcuer- A “ deer skinner ” brought in the pro- lHMbee«»east all winter accompanied byhis , contributed the funds for the fine residence up and has quite a num ' through and have commenced sowing i coeds of his winter’s hunt in the shape of Oregon, excepting Prof. J. 8. Sweet, oats. ber of men at work enclosing it. of 125 pelts, one day this week. These of the Ashland state normal school and i »< #»* 4 wwuj * •Ilk «•«. »<>» j in w»-«**^****. — a*»w* raSMl * no fssl- We had about one inch of »now Sun-' J. J. Fryer met with quite a mishap fellows continue slaughtering game in Prof. Stanley, are a poor commentary possession of the post, and the fol I the other day. His team was standing on the normal school system. J. w. O. dregurv returned from his trip lowing card of thanks was ordered day evening. It left next day. Our ! . hitched to his wagon loaded corn the face of the law without any fear P Grady, formerly of Portland, and to Canada last week, having had a pleasant spread upon the minute», and printed coldest mornings this winter at Central i in the ear, when all of a sudden they: ,| whatever. It is hoped some bill may time, but glad to g*t l>ack to Ashland again. in the Ashland Tidings and V alley Point were 22 deg. above zero. Wm. A. Grow, recently from Califor pass thi« legislature making it possible ; seemed to take flight, and started to Mr. tl.'s sister jamr out with him to re R ecord : The warehouse company are fitting i ; run. After running about one hun- to punish these butchers and save our nia, have formed a painting co-partner main. ---- — ------- « Resolved, That the sincere thanks of > game from so rapidly disappearing.— ship. Tlieir card appears in another Jas. L. Hart, formerly ot Ashland, was Burnside Post, No. 23, G. A. R., are up to work some of the rich quartz jrcd yards they came in contact with [ Roseburg Plaindealer. column of the R ecord , and they thor that 1 hos. Y\ right and l’ankey Bros.. a heavy board and wire fence, througn on Bunday’s north bound train with J. B. Conkling. » Ban Francisco man wlio is in hereby tendered the generous citizens are taking out at Willow Springs, which they passed breaking one of the I Mr. Johnson, agent of the U. 8. fish oughly understand their business. terested in some mines in the vicinity of of Ashland and othera.who contributed : They will run it by their ......... engine here | jHists off and one string of the wire, commission, arrived in Linkville last .... .. B. F. Reeser has built a dry house I Spokane Falls. the money to |>ay for the silk flag, the at the warehouse. and pulling out enough of the staples week with 400000 young whitefish. in his Highland Park addition, to get Col. W. H. Effiliger was on Saturday's receipt of, and guardianship of which ' Elder Peterson finished grubbing his to let the other string of wire fall to the At Keno 30,000 were turned loose in lumber seasoned for his tine $3,000 res train on his way home from a business trip is hereby gratefully acknowledged and 2| acres of willows with Geo. Leroux’s ! ground so that they could pass over it, the Waters of the Klamath, the same idence. He has erected a big sheet to Chicago. Colonel Ettinger is now located assumed. W. A. P atrick ,! at Tacoma, where he is enjoying an exten grubber last Friday evening. They then running about a quarter of a mile number in Lost river and as many at iron stove which is kept heated day and D amiel B akr ,? Com. sive law practice. were ten days at it. It is much better i further they ran into Mr. Hubbard’s Linkville in Link river. The rcmain- night for drying l\is finishing lumber. ■I T. O. A ndrews .) MENS FINE SUITS. REGULAR PRICE, $15, Ed. E. Deming left for San Francisco Sun than taking them out with the grub fence, which proved strong enough to i der were set free in the waters of A good idea. day for a short stay, his father and mother 1 Upper Klamath lake. These fish are bing hoc. It pulls the roots from away ! stop them, and strange to say no dam Col. Bowditch, the Adonis of the Dr. Lewis brought with him from To be Clo»ed out at flO tv it. ot Michigan being in that city on a visit to age was done to wagon or horses, but of a superior quality amj açe from the Los Angeles last week a fine Cleveland a brother, whom they have not seen for House, viaited Portland Saturday and down. great lakes. If they live and propagate Bay stallion, which had just arrived about fifteen years. MENS SUITS, REGULAR PRICE, $18, Sunday. Col. Bowditoh is one of the Mr. Upham’s son, from near Biowns the corn was badly scattered. D ick . well, they will be quite an addition to from Liverpool by steamer, and Sulta Miss Minnie Morse and Mrs. Geo. A. most active members of the present boro, was here at the depot last week Notice to Frqjt Grower». To be Closed out. at fig suit. our lakes and streams, which are al Morse, of Minneapolis, sister and sister-in- legislature.—[Portland World. with a spirited span of fine horses and A regular meeting of the Southern ready well supplied with different vari na gciding, and a pretty little Shetland law of Ed. P. Morse, of the firm of Eddings pony weighing 265 lbs. They are at Representative Bowditch’« bills for while he was attending to some thing Oregon Fruit Growers’ Association will eties of fine fish.—[Star. MENS SUITS, REGULAR PRICE, $12. A Morse, are in ti e city this week on their Boynton’s stables. way to flan Francisco. I charter« tor Ashland and one for Med- , i inside, the horses became lightened at | l»e held in Jacksonville on Saturday, I The suit of J. H. Kontz vs the O. R. To be Closed out at fS tail. A salmon trout was killed in Ash Jas. Harp, a farmer of Modesto. Cal., and ford, have ¡»assed both houses. Stan a moving car and ran off. They ran Feb. 2:id, for the purj»ose of electing i <fc N. was decided in favor of the plain a cousin of Mrs. John H. Reul, has been ley’s bill appropriating $10,000 to build down to Hoagland’s and came in con- j officers for the ensuing year. land creek recently by one of the MENS SUITS REGULAR PRICE, $14. tiff for $17,000. Sparks from a loco visiting Ashland. He has undergone three a wagon rood from Jacksonville to tact with Mrs. Hoagland's cow and so C. B. M illeu , Sec’y. ' motive on the defendant’s road set fire waiters at the depot hotel throwing a cron failures in that county and will sell out injured her that she had to be killed. stone at it, striking it in the neck. The To be Closed out at f9 suit. ana conie to a cojntry where it rains once Medford, passed the senate Monday. : to the flouring mill of the plaintiff at trout was not very fat, hut was about A Pleasing Sense Also his bill appropiatiqg $1717.17 for They broke the tongue of the wagon, I in awhile. MENS WHITE KNIT UNDERWEAR, REG PRICE 50 CTS. but done no other serious damage, ex Gf health and strength renewed and Echo and destroyed it. The case was two feet long, and was pronounced fine Dr. J. 8. Parson left Friday morning via the relief of Jackson county. ! hotly contested and will probably be ' I eating Uy those enjoying the meal. cept in old Central Point they come in of ease and comfort follows the use of the Central Pacific route on his eastern trip Representative Price secured the To be. Cloned out of got tn. intending to take in the inauguration at passage of liis bill to create the office contact with Mr. Herington’s residence Syrup of Figs, as it acts in harthofiy i appeuled to the supreme court. , Surveyor McCall was up in the Bis- Washington and to visit relatives and and damaged it some. M. P. Gen. J. M. McCall, of this city, wrote with nature to effectually cleanse the' MENS GREY KNIT UNDERWEAR REG PRICE 50 CTS. Ktyous this week 'locating some timber friends in his Pennsylvania home, and to be of recorder of conveyances in Clacka system when costive or billious. For : a letter to the Portland Board of Trade, land belonging to the O. A C. officials, gone about a month. mas, Clatsop, Umatilla, Union and Mining News. To be Closed out st 2H cts. sale in 50c. and $ 1.00 bottles by all calling the attention of that Ixaly to Sisson A Crocker wanting the wood on Marcus and Mose Isaacs, of Etna, Siski- Jackson counties. It simply amends Engineer R. T. Meilis was over al : the facts well known about the south- leading druggists. von county, were in Ashland this week, for 1 the law already in the code, by adding Hornbrook last week and reports lots MENS HEAVY RED ♦ KNIT UNDERWEAR —-------------------- ern Oregon wagon road business, so it. This land was taken up by private the purpose of disposing of »>.000 lb«, of but these counties to those of Linn, Wash entry by Hurlburt ’ s band of surveyors of prospecting being done there. The To the Ci|i«en^_yr Ashland and tbe y wcre j n [ ornied o f w |j a t W as going ter in this market They have since con ington, Marion and Yamhill, each hav- To be Closed out at 75cts. for the railroad company when the up]*er drift in the Black Jack mine to tinued on to Portland to be present at a wedding of a nephew. ; ing the required 1200 voters. route was located some years ago, and »trike bed rock iu Cottonwood canyon You are respectfully in vital to call , , , . . , „ , HEAVY GREY BLANKETS, REG PRICE, $4, Thé new license law to regulate the i» iu 175 feet. In the lower tunnel, and examine my stuck in trade and ,, A barrel of fresh New Orleans mo consists of a large tract. W W. Williams, late of the track and transfer firm, went to Independence Satur selling ot ardent spirits has passed the which is being used to drain the water, prices next door west of Mrs. Boyton’s ! ,k’ud8 °f ’yrUp 0" To be Closed out at fSM. Ayers, Barbour A Elviage have fitted ! day to visit friends. Mr W. and hla family legislature. It fixes the license at some good paying gravel was discov millinery store, Main street, Ashland. I hand E- M- Millers, up the inside of stores for the follow- 1 will soon take up their residence iu Polk MENS HATS, NORBY STYLES, REG PRICE, $1. eountv again. They have made many $400; for selling malt liquor alone, ered. This mine is owned by Geo. Yours truly, G. E. D ean . seed Potaines. ing places: C. H. Luderman, bouts' friends during their stay in Ashland who I $200. The applicant must get a ma Barr A Co., and M. Sullivan aud Cun and shoes, I O O F block; Mrs. Foun-1 To le Closed out at 5<kts. will regret their depatture. Jackson Hockersmith, who raises a Utin, millinery, Reeser block; and to-! jority of all votes cast at the preceding ductor Morgan are interested iu it. ■ Harmon’s pure rubber finger shields MENS BOOTS REGULAR PRICE, $2 50. election on his petition. The law does Tbev receutly refused $8,000 for the for penholders and pencils. Strength- : quality of potatoes every year that are day arc dividing and fitting up the • Uncle Towi'a Cabin. i ens the grip on the penholders and . noted for their excellence, has 2ÜÛU lbs. claim from San Francisco parties. not apply to incorjjoratod town. large room of E. P. Rideout’s boot and j To be Closed out at V pair. McFadden's famous “Boaton Mammoth Several car loads of pipe arrived last eases the fingers from cramp and fa- of choice Early Rose potatoes for sale, shoe store and express office for Moral Double Uncle Tom's Cabin Company,” the Personal. tigue. For sale at Burckhalter A at a cent and a half per jiouud. week for C. B. Jillson's hydraulic mine j Bros; ot Santa Rosa, dry good» flnest organization of the kind in ‘he world, MENS HEAVY' WORKING SHOES, John B. Wrisley is in the city to-day. below the Black Jack, aud their long Hasty’s. will hold the boards at Granite Hall next Woo-Jyartl in Ashland. Rev. H. P. 8atcli well has been at To be Closed out at fl qair. Friday evening. February 22. The compa C. Cryderman returned to Siskiyou flume is completed. D. R. Mills is in Chicago buying 4 There is a well stocked wood yard Portland as one of the jurors in the ny consists of twenty celebrated artists, county this morning. A miner from Hungary creek was spriug goods for D. R. A E. V. Mills. back of the Novelty Block, corner second M. trial of a minister, ■ each a specialty in his or her particular line. MENS Sixteen degrees above zero at Y reka exhibiting some fine specimens of The fascinating and handsome Putnam _________ Main and Hargadine streets. Dry, 16 of Boise City, Idaho, Rev. J. D. Flen-1 Men ’ s red flannel underwear $1 00 quarts at Hornbrook, one-of which, as Twin Sisters are excellent as the funnv Snndav Reduced to f~ pair. inch stove wood and 18 and 20 inch | ner, who has been dejiosed from the! at O. H. Blount’s. f • Top’ies. "The Eclipse Quartette, the flnest ’’ . heater wood, delivered on short notice ministry. The former trial was noted quartette of plantation jubilee singers in W . H. Parker, Ot Nebraska, is tislt- large as a good sized fist, showed con MENS LONGLEG GUM BOOTS, Boy’s suits (rum $2 75 up at O. H. any where in town. America. A pack of imported man-eating ing his old neighbor, F. Rojier, of Ash- siderable more gold than quartz. mostly for bringing out the human : The miles on Klamath qver, as well Blount’s. liloodhound«. The comical trick donkev, »1 x N. B.—All parties hauling wood to nature of clergymen in a very unenvi i Reduced to pair. "Jill;” new and elegant sceuers, wonderful ’ . as those in southern Oregon, are show mechanical effects, etc., all combined, rnak-i Give the urder for fur the renewal ut of ing up better every year and with the Fresh compressed yeast for sale at town or having wood for sale in large able light,a religious-political preacher* or small lots will do well to call at the named Rev. G. M. Irwin being the ing the tni»l complete company of the kind vour paper or magazine to Burckhalter MENS KNEE BOOTS, GUM, the U. 8. Bakery. inexistence. Among the |>uck of trained A Hasty and it will l>e promptly for aid of more capital this industry prom office of C. W. Ayers at the almve chief prosecutor. Reduced to Those $2| working boots at Blouut's corner. bloodhound* with this mammoth show will ises to open up an avenue of consider (37) appear the famous dog Tiger, Tiger is a warded without further trouble to you. able wealth to this section in the are the boss. - * I I. R. Dawson, secretary of the mer monster beast, and at one time belonged to Burckhaller A Hasty can forward chants’ protective union of the north Don t wait until too late if you want a Bargain. S. Moral, of the Santa Rosa, Cal, future.________ Artists materials al H. 8. Evaus’. Jarrett A Palmer of New York, but was the subscription of your pafier or mag west tor many years, who acts a» as- i firm of Moral Bros, was in Ashlaud purchased bv Mr. McFadden especially for Miner's Addition to Ashland is the 12 doz. Switz Conde underwear re azine cheaper than you can do it your signee for the benefit of creditors, is this troupe. He has been twice across th« this week, and was so well pleased with YOURS TRULY, waters to Enrupe and has had an eventful Ashland as a business place that they choicest and best located for residence ceived at O. H. Blount’s this week self. about to wind up the stock of J. D. history. Tiger is well trained and will be expect to open a dry goods store here purposes. Consult your own interests The first ever exhibited in Ashland. Fresh bread delivered at your door Fountain. Mr Dawson put Mr. Foun-! seen in bi-s great act at the performance and look at this property before you next Fridav night. It is in the rocky pass in the near future. Up with the times not cue year be every morning by 9 a . m . Orders left Uiin in charge of the stock without any invest in outside property. Low prices. scene when'Elisa.with her child, is escaping Rev. F. W. Gookin.tbe Baptist min Easy terms. Call on the ¡»remises for hind, are the good» D. R. Mills will at Bakery, opposite Odd Fellows Hall •ec'irity, something that has not been among the rocks. In this scene the mon done by him but once before during bring from Chicago. 4 will be promptly attended to. j ister, will leave Ashland iu the near information* ster beast, with niuxxle off. springs upon his his long term in that business. It is a victim, a colored slave, dashes him to the future. Mr. G. has made many friends Take a look at those $1 50 shoes at Blankets $3 00 pair at Blount ’ s. ground. One would naturally think the <1uring ....... .„s-s. outside • _ The beet cakes and cookies ever of substantial compliment to Jim’s hon his stay here and those ♦ A.SHJLA-lSriD OR- slave was being torn to pieces, but he always f the chUrcb’a» well a* others regret fered in Jackson couuty at the U. S. O. H. Blounts. Water proof building paper, wrap esty and integrity which is endorsed; manages to set around to a rood square! l. . cnYrv11 . 1 ” o,uel> rtKn-1 All kinds of oils at H S. Evaii?’. x ping paper and twine at H. 8. Evans’, bv the community. Bakery opposite Odd Fellows Hall, x ujZalthc next moraine his intention to leave. SALE OR LEASE DESIRABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY Location in Ashland. MAX PRACHT, PENNSYLVANIA City of Ashland. The Choicest Lots, The Finest View, The Lowest Price, The Easiest Grade MAX PRACHT, - ,- DON’T MISS IT! Only 30 Days More Grand Clearance Sale And during that Period Bar ■ gains Unprecedented will be offered. Our stock must be Reduced before spring stock arrives. 0. H. BLOUNT,