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About Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1907)
> LO CAL NEW S. always J. C. Shields, the Bandon black smith’, had business in town last week. For first-class watch repairing to lo W. H. Schroeder s. Bert McCloskey, the Norway creamery man, bad business in town Monday. Tinning and plumbing done promptly by T. H. Mehl & Co.». The steamer Elizabeth sailed from Bandon for San Francisco on Thursday. The gasoline schooner Reta New man arrived in the Coquille on Tues day o f last week. You can get the best shoes at the lowe-tt prices at J. W, Leneve’s. David McNair, the prosperous farmer oi the South Fork, had bus- ness at the county seat on Friday. Be sure and see that fine Panama dress goods at O. Wilson & Co’s, Bert Folsom, of this city, had bus iness which called him to Roseburg. He started for that place last Satur day. O. Wilson A Co. have fine line of ladies’ sweaers, wrappers and underskirts. G. T. Robinson, of the Bandon Meat Market, was in town Thurs day and went on up to his farm on Friday. B orn .— In Coquille, Oregon, De cember 5, 1907 to Mr. and Mrs. Ludwick, a son. Franz Thomsen, tne prosperous dairyman of the Star ranch below Bandon, was in our city on Mon. day, shaking hands with his many friends here. W anted . A good horse or two weighing 1200 or upward. W. H Young, Coquille. Allen Dodge, etalion agent at Myrtle Point, returned from the Nice new line Ladie’s corsets; also bay Monday. Misses corset waists, just received at Don’t forge t BELSHAZZAR, Jan. J. W. Leneve. 18-19. Masonic Opera House.— L adies . Call and examine the in Marshfield new line of Corsets and Girdles at A complete stock of groceries, W. T. Kerr’s. flour -and feed always on hand at Attorney Sherwood had busi Land & Lyons’. the bay on Friday Saturday. and returned Meetings in the Christian church ness which called him to Bandon continue with unabated interest, one day last week. W anted . — A housekeeper for four large crowds attend* BIG CHIEF ASSORTM ENT BEHOLD PALE FACE And Gaze with Awe Upon T his Most wonderful combination assortment of Enameled Ware, Tin Ware, Japanned Ware, Wire Goods, Etc. Nev er since the beautiful Pocahontas saved Capt. Smith from the butcher’s block has such a sensation swept over the Western Hemisphere and Coquille. A whole store full o f Tin and Enameled Ware that can be retailed at lOcts each. Imagine all these staple goods as being your property for almost a gift. Buy while you have the opportunity as others you will forever regret your inactivity. A. L. Nosier, of Bridge, is still children going to school in Bandon. here with his father, Judg J. H. Box 26, Bandon, Or. Diamond W. flour, and a full line Nosier, who is yet in a critical con of Diamond W. Canned goods and dition. groceries at J. W . Leneve’s. The Barrows Bros, who are log New White sewing machine for ging down the river, purchased the sale at a bargain at the jewelry es donkey of Mr. Kerr and took it be COQU ILLE OREG O N . tablishment of W. H. Schroeder. low this week. W. T. Kerr carries the Stillson Fork, returned from a business Ned Boyd went to San Francisco A Kellogg loger shoes— best on trip to the bay last week. last week where he will take treat Have you examined that fine Pan earth— aud every pair is guaranteed. ment for the impediment in his j ama dress goods at O Wilson <Sc I f you need a Ledger, Journal. mwm THE NEW I DEA B i THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE W W COUGH S YRUP M M speech, after which he will join his j Co’s. Daybook or any other k‘nd of father at Ogden, Utah. Mr. aud Mrs Fred Slagle got in Blank, go to Knowlton’s Drug store, An agreeoble movement of the Mrs. Wm. Gather., at Bandon, from Roseburg Tuesday evening of bowels without any unpleasant ef last week. They were only detain who has been so seriously ill from fect is produced by Chamberlain’s pneumonia, is reported as gaining Stomach and Liver Tablets. ed a day or so by the slide. For A A t Moves the Bowels U Best for Children Jfe £ b R«dcio,eiBi=,..»,..E,«î Botti, sale by R. S. Knowlton. Call and see those new “ Peter slowly. Pan" shirt waists for ladies at R ob Dr. Tatom’s Dental Parlors wil The H ebald ane the Myrtle insons. be open the balance of the winter Point Enterprise were designated F or S ale . One hundred and On account of high water and be having taken his last trip away as the county official papers for the sixty acres of coal land, containing A B STRA CTS A B STRA CTS A B STRA CTS A B STRA CTS also 1,000,000 feet of red ceder and land slides our mails were held up for the present. year 1907, they submitting the the same amount of fir. Inquire of As we go to press we ^learn that for nearly s week, but are coming largest certified subscription lists. J Nelson Jones, Coquille, Or. C. A. Hanscom sustained a broken through in good shape now. Possesses wonderful medicinal Thirty-five acres of bottom laod Yes, we handle ladies' dress leg by being caught by a rolling power over the human body, re and fifteen acres of bench land for goods. All the latest weaves, at log at Cody’s camp. moving all disorders from your sale nt a bargain. Will sell in one Robiuson's. Owing to the great rush of work Bystem , is what Hollister’s Rocky piece or cut in two. Terms to suit Mountain Tea will (to. Makes you the clerk’s office we are unable Mrs. J. B. Fox was somewhat Marshfield and Coquille, Oreqon. well, keeps you well. 35 cents,Tea purchaser, Roberts &»Carter, Myr under the weather the last few days. to get the proceedings of the last . ■ ■■■"■■■■■ ■ ■- l or Tablets. R. S. Knowlton. tle Point. This is the first time this lady has county court, though it has been ad Wo have completed a thorough, up-to-date Pastor II. L. Ford’s subjects for Floods the body with warm, journed several days. been sick for over forty years. next Lords-day will be ns follows; glowing vitality, makes the nerves A b s t r a c t P la n t, If you want a good sack of flour Don’t forget that Mrs. Nosler’s II a. m. The Greatest Petition in strong, quickens circulation, re call on Land A Lyons, they carry is to be the headquarters for Hava- stores natural vigor, makes you feel We are now ready to furnish correct ABSTRACTS at Bhort land china and anything you want the Bible, with a solo by Mrs. like one born again the White Spray. Hollister’s notice, and orders will receive careful and prompt attention. Ford entitled, “ Out of Touch with Rocky Mountain Tea.. 35 cents. R in pretty dishes and vnses. Mrs. Boyd and daughter, Effie. Subject for 7:30, a S. Knowlton. The Coquille Progressive Club your L ord .” returned to their home in this placo Marshfield office adjoins Flanagan & Bennett Bank chart sermon, The Gospel Chain last week from Eastern Oregon and will hold a special meeting next Piling Wanted. Coquille “ “ Coquille Post Office. solo, ‘ ‘Dinmonds in the rough.” other points. The ladies have been Friday evening at the city hall for MARSHFIELD PHONE, 143. About 20000 lineal feet of Fir 1 Also achart 15ft. by 6ft., explaining absent several months.—Recorder. the purpose of electing new officers, COQUILLE PHONE, 191. many Scripture problems will be piling to be cut in February or March. Can be delivered later. Gold Seal Rubber Boots worth and all members are requested to Phone at our expense when ordering ABSTRACTS. exhibited. Please bring a Bibleand a twice as much as auy other make at attend. For particulars, apply to, Southern TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., friend. Drane’s. Kerr has a full and complete Oregon Co. Empire City, Or. J. S. Barton, Abstractor. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. The largest tides ever noticed in stock of groceries and is looking B STRACTS A BSTRACTS A B STRA CTS ABSTRA CTS the Coquille at this time of year, every day for the best selection of Stomach Trouble and Consumption. fall and winter clothing ever. “ Chamberlain’s Stomach and have been coming in the past few It was reported in Myrtle Point Liver Tablets are the best thing for days. They are reported to be this week that Gus Page had shot stomach troubles and constipation over teD feet at the mouth of the his brother, Willie, at their home I have ever sold,” says J. R. Cull Buy your Spectacles and Eye river. in Klamath Falls, both being sons man,a druggist of Pottervilie, Mich. Glasses of V. R. Wilson. Best For Sale— About four dozen of E. A. Page who moved from "They are easy to take and always thoroughbred Buff Leghorn heDs. give satisfaction. I tell my cus goods. Sure fit. Spectacles and Myrtle Poiut last fall. The report tomers to try them and if not satis Mrs. S. L. Lafferty, Norway, Or. could not be verified by the Enter factory to come back and get their eye glasses repaird correctly by one The Bark Big Bananza which money, but have never had a com wno knows how. prise. —Enterprise. Manufacturers all kinds oj was in tow by the tug Sampson and plaint.” For sale by R. S. Knowl V. R. WILSON. Licorice Liver Laxative, the best was caught by the storm and was ton Graduate Optician. Dowel cleanser. Price 50 cents. deserted by the tug and all felt For sale by R. S. Knowlton, Co sute was lost, has reached San Fran quille City; C. Y. Lowe, Bandon. R EST O LV ED - 1 cisco with the loss of one sail and Last Sunday morning a beautiful somewhat battered, THAT it snow lay ou the ground in Coquille Mrs. Capt, O. P. Ellingson, of to Slocum’s drugstore. Parkersburg, is visiting up the river. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Perrott, of The right goods at the - right this city, made Marshfield a visit price at W. T. Kerr’s. one day last week. C. C. Carter, the Etelka logger Ladies’ Sweaters, wrappers and has gone to San Francisco on busi underskirts at O. Wilson & Co’s. ness. Henry Herman, of the South The People’s Market keeps fresh vegetables. Gus Borgard, of Lamps, was in Trunks, euit cases ami telescopes I town yesterday. at Robinsou’e. Walter Laird, of Bandon, was in The best groceries at the lowest town yesterday. prices, at Robinson’s, Wins-em Turquols enameled ware Lee Barrows, of Bullards, had at T. H. Mehl A Co's. business in town yesterday. J. L. Knight, the stock man, re Willis Hoover, of near Parkers turned from the bay Monday. burg, was in town Saturday. Normau Dodge, of the Sentinel, Gum Boots, Rubbers, Macintosh had business at Bandon Wednes. es and rain coats at J. W. Leneve’s day. Rev John Thomas, the Baptist Henry Raaabaugh sold the team minister, arrived with his bride last he advertised last week to Mr. Kay week. * for $400. Land A Lyons are prepared to E. B. Lvtel, of Ferndale, Califor fill any sized order you have. Give nia, regestered at Hotel Coquille us a call. M. A Welch, of Lampa, went to Monday. Draue’s phone at new storefis 353. , Shoes for the whole family, at H frald 'Phone, Main 56. Robinson’s. * “ Dement's Beat flour is the kind Sweet, Sour aud Dill pickles at Drane sella. i Robinson's. Robinson baa a lot of fine mnck- G o to Drane's for ‘ ‘Dement's eral in bulk. Bent” flour. List your property with the Homs A beautiful piano on sale at Bar Realty Co. ker’s Jewelry store. “ Doment's Best" is the flour. E. W. Faby, of Bullards, returned Drane sells it. from the bay oo Monday. Cloaking and suiting at Mrs. S. S. Endicott, of Myrtle Point, Nosler's. went to Bandon Wedneeday. The sehooner Advance sailed J. L. Kronenberg, of Parkers from Bandon on Friday. burg, was in Coquille yesterday. (Jptodate Ladies Skirts and Coats Roy Fox returned from a trip to at Robinsone, Ellensburg, Washington, Sunday The steamer Coquille sailed for evening. San Francisco on last Thursday. Land & Lyons, dealers in good Lots of new goods just arrived at things to eat. Mrs. Nosler's. Be sure to attend the meeting of For bargains in shoes, see Drane the Coquille Educational League at his new store. on Friday afternoon, R. M. Morgan was down from The choicest city locations. The Arago on Monday, Home Realty Co. J. V. Leep was down from Bridge Judge Seblbrede, of Marshfield, last Wednesday. returned from a visit to Myrtle Timber coal and farm lands. The Point on Monday. Home Realty Co. For a genuine dandruf cure, go J T. H. MEHL Sc COMPA MEHNEDYSfAXATIVEH o n e y ^ ar TITLE GUARANTEE AND ABSTRACT COMPANY C. M. & M. CO. Lumber, Mouldings, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fish came down from Bridge Monday, and will R. O. Hoherg is now delivering to a depth of five or six inches, probably live in town some time, WHATVE CAN Do WITH OUR. They were accompanied by Miss coal from the Peart mine. Give something that does not occur very M o n e y bvg o od j u d g m e n t your order to him or W . T. Kerr. frequently, but by night the greater Ella Rice, Mrs. Fish’s sister. AND M ANAGEM ENT IF WE GO During the terrific gale of last portion of it had disappeared. Our Full weight and 16 ounces to the To THE RIGHT PLACE. WHERE pound, in our grocery department. Thursday a falling tree struck the young men and boys again indulged corner o f a shed that enclosed Glen tu snowballing and “ rolling" their Geo. A. Robinson. B U 5 T / l f l l BROW N Miss Anna McDonald, formerly Cox’s logging dot key this side of friends, having a general good time. | W anted .— Gentleman or lady to of this city, who has been sojourn Prosper. The shed was demolish ing tu northern Californio for the ed, but strange to say, the engine travel for Merchantile House of past vear or so, has returned and was not harmed in the slighteet — large capital. Territory at home or Recorrer. is enjoying a visit with friends. abroad to suit. If desirable the When in need of that suit don’t Take your furniture which is out home may be used as headquarters, fail to look through our stock; new, o f repair to Anderson, the Uphols weekly salary of $1,000 per year snappy and up to-date. Geo. A. terer. He will make it good as and expenses. Address, Joe. A. Alexander, Coquille City, Ore. new. Robinson. It pays to provide good books for W. H. Ray, of Myrtle Point, was The steamer Welcome which The habit in towu Thursday delivering a lot broke from her mooring at Myrtle your children to read. of books for which he canvassed Point during the storm, crossing o f reading preyents worae habits. the city laet summer. He was ac the railroad track near the depot at The steamer Elizabeth, from San companied by Jesse Millon, a neph that place stopping in ■ field, is not Francisco, steamed into the river ew, who arrived here from Idaho so seriously injured but that she Friday afternoon, having remained ' beats -m o v n during the etorm. Cnpntis iR s a o w r K s . c j n c A S a . can be repaired and will probably outside through the terrible gale to L ost —A black silk waist, st be floated into the river again the await a quieting of the bar. She W h y does one place become the right place? That i s s i m suffered no serious consequences Hersey’s store or along the street first high water. ple: Because at that place they treat people right. How? from the blow, and rode the moun to the Little church. Finder will A nice line of sheet music has By giving good'goods for the money they get The goods please leave same at this office. just bsen received by C- E. B trker tainous seas like a duck. The ves Whatever price' A Go. Call early aud get the best sel brought 110 tonB of freight and we sell are good, better best— never trash. "Patriotism and Peace; How three passengers—Ghaa. A. Rodgers, we may charge you, you may depend upon it that you will I Mrs. Ed Stillwell came up from can we Instruct Our Children in J. Moore and Harry Walker. She at least get something good. You can no more afford to wearl the Yale of,’’ is the subject of an ad. San Francisco striving in town sailed again this morning with a dress to be delivered by Prof V. Monday. She hod just returned poor apparel than we can afford to sell them. I f we sell poor) j good general cargo and five possen- M. Voee, principal of our public from Kansas where she bed been j gers—Miss Anna Logan and J. Mc goods it will hurt our reputation; if you wear poor goods it school, at the regularly monthly visiting her mother since the Sao Mullen and family. It is not cer- will hurt your reputation. Did you e v e r think about the meeting of the Coquille Educational Francisco earthquake sod fire, fair whetheu the Elizabeth will lay value o f what others think o f yofl? League to take place at the school- They were among those losing all up on thjg trip or next to be cod - house next Friday afternoon, their belongings, and Mr, Stillwell verted into an oil-burner, but the Everybody is welcome, and the c»n>e here while she visited her old opposition is it will be this trip parents of the district ora urged to , home in Kansas. They expect to The task will only required about be present • locate at Bandon. ’ 15 day».— Recorder. Succe*tor to Z. C. Strang in W. O. W. Building. beats the band ¡¡THEY KNOW 0 W . T. KERR ' General Merchandise, Hats, Caps, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, lour and Feed. G E N T S ’ FURNISHINGS. Fancy and Staple Groceries Coquille Mill and Mercantile Co Dermine A » Dandruff Cure has no equal it stops the hair from falling and makes it grow............................... PRICE 50 CENTS. Slocum Drun Store v> Reliable Druggist >ooooo< :>OOOOOC\