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About Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1907)
■' Coquille Jerald. WEDNES DAT, JAN. 16,1907, Apples, red and yellow, bearing on their burnished coats the glint of departed Summer days, and in their juices the storid essences of bright sunshine, timely moisture and balmy air o f Oregon, are on ex hibition in connection with the an nual convention, now in progress, o f the State Horticultural Society, in this city. This exhibit is the most convincing argument yet ad vanced in support of the contention that Oregon is unexcelled as an ap plegrowing state, and that one sec tion of the state is superior to an other in the possibilities of growing toothsome, beautiful and clean ap ples. The layman, viewing the dis play, wonders bow, where excellence rules the product of every section, the judges are going to be able to award the prize offered for the “ best specimens.”— Oregonian. Next to President Roosevelt, who is at work every moment he is in the White House is the President's Secretary, Mr. Leep. Besides as sisting the President in the recep tion of officials and visitors, he is required to read anywhere from three Hundred to a thousand letters a day, not only read them but an swer them, if not personally, by di recting the several stenographers the natures of the replies to be made. Most of the letters, of course, are intended for the Pres ident but he sees and answers only a few of the important ones, the others being signed by the secre tary. Every letter is answered but in most cases the fewest possible number of words is used, just enough to be polite and show the writer that the letter has received attention. Many people write let ters to the President just to secure his autograph and are disappointed when the reply is signed by the Secretary. There are communica tions on every conceivable subject. One man In Montana wants to tell the President of a copper mine another desires to give him an inter est in a patent, a third wishs him to accept a box of pills while others write for advice and assistance in many ways. Thus it can be seen that the office of Secretary to the President is no “cinch.’’ Coos County shipped 92,000,000 feet of lumber during the year just closod. This is and item for an un developed sparsely-settled county is sufficient to give us some idea of what we may expect from that rich land whon the completion o f the railroad and an improved steamer service will admit of the expansion which the resources of the country will make ccrtnin as soon at trans portation facilities are forthcoming Despite the transportation handicap which Coos County has suffered, her output of valuable products has not been limited to lumber, for she has also sent to the outside markets a vast amount of coal, fruit, fish, dairy and other products.—Oregon, ian. Estabrook Gives Contract Large assortment of Boys’ winter | suits at Robinson’s. The A. 8. Estabrook Co. of San New lot of R. A G. corsets just Francisco is lo build another steam in at Mrs. Moon’s store. schooner for the Coquille San-Fran- John Donaldson, of Prosper, was cisco trade. a Coquille visitor yesterday. It has already one for the same Ladies shopping bags a new line trade under construot.on at the at Mrs. Nosler’s. North Bend yards. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Tupper re Mr. J. H. Price, owner of the turned from Marshfield Monday. new shipyard north of Bandon, con A consignment of pump guns firmed the report to a representa just in at T H. Mehl A Co’s. tive of the Recorder Monday. George Guerin, of Myrtle Point, Mr. Price will go below in a few returned frem the bay yesterday. days to perfect eyery detail for his The Home Realty Co., has the ship construction work. He has buyers List your property with other vessels already contracted them. for. B orn . —In Bandon January 14th The new steamer for the Esta to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lorenz a brook Lumber Co. will be a twin- son. screw that will carry 700,000 feet Coquille’s spring fights seem to of lumber at a maximum depth of have begun rather early in the sea- eleven feet six inches of water. Her sen length over all will be 195 feet, or W. P. Fuller’s prepared paints, 30 feet longer thau the Elizabeth. oils and varnishes at J. A. Lamb A The beam will be 45 feet. Co’s. Mr. Price, as stated in our head J. T. Bridges the Myrtle Point lines, has been given the contract merchant, returned from the bay for her immediate construction near Manday, Bandon.—Recorder. New line of Ladies, Misses and ChillrenB felt shoes and slippers at Mill Man dead Robinsons. William McBee, aged 28 yoars and 1 day, died Wednesday even ing at 8 o’clock at the home of hiB father 2} miles south of town on the L. L. Billings place after a brief seige of pneumonia and the funeral is being held this afternoon at 1:30 at Enchanted Prairie, conducted by Rev Thos Barklow. Mr. McBee and bis brother own ed the mill at Enchanted Prairie. He exposed himself in the wet and cold in getting logs for the m ill, which brought on the fatal illness. — Enterprise. COQUILLE, OREGON T h e Beautiful Musical Fairy Spectacle “T H E PIX IES” B y W . A . M iln e , A u t h o r o f “ A la d d in ” E tc. Given by H om e Talent; Rehearsed by the Author. ARGUMENT SYNOPSIS OF SCENES ACT I—Garden of Queen Titania at night. ACT II—The Cave of the Goblins. CAST Woldvogle A Son, the butchers at Bandon, have sold out their bus iness to W. M. Wright of Arago. Land A Lyons are sole agents for the celebrated White Spray flour. Try a sack. OF CHARACTERS Prince Florimel, ruler of the Pixie Band................ Miss Gertrude Wilson Cholly Chrysanthemum, from Dudedom.................. Mrs. Charles Mooma)» Jack Tarr, the doughty sailor...................................................Reuben Mast Runnan Shakem, the wily “ cop” ...........................................Claude Moon Ikie Isaacstein, with his wonderful pants...........................Perry Lawrence Uncle Sam, of the land of the free......................... ..................... Harry King Johnnie Bull, from Lunnontown ................................... .....Howard Moody Ulysses 8. Stiffback, the major............................................. Claude Gilham Wun Lung, but it’s a good one.................................. ...........Hollis Barnett Weiner Wurst, of the vintage of 1907..................................... Harry Tozier Tennyson Quote-a-Bit, the poet.......................................... Hugh Harlocker Scalp-’em-All, the Indian........................................................... Ralph Davis Yon Yonson, a relative of Ole Oleson...................................John Kerrigan Sandy Barleycorn, the canny Scot...........................................Byron Jackson Straka, the Jap....................................................................:........ Everett Vose Michael O’Reillev, fresh from Killarney ............ .................... Willard Lane Osman Ahmid, the bloody Turk................................................... Ralph Fox Rinaldo Wigardo, the Italian minstrel..................................... Lola Tupper Jocko, his performing monkey............................................... Donald Slocum Petie ) The Gol(J Dugt Twins)........................................... f Valeta Leneve Jakie j . ( Millie Hatcher Bad-Eye, the dwarf............................................................... ...W illie Watson < -Alban, ruler of the Goblins ................................ ....................... Carl Herald Vitr Thomas Curry Litr Ory Aytes Will Barrow Fili Marshall Pointer Kili .Goblins in Alban’s service. Allen McDuffeo Bivor Arthur Kerr Bavor Vade Gartin Hump Ray Barnes Grunt J I Brownies —Herbert Lukens, Harlan Barnett, Louia McGuffin, George Alexjon. Prince Florimel’s Page................................................................. Vera Kelley ~'ueen Titania, Goddess of the Flowers....................... Mrs. George Hartley ’ngelica, the fairy exquisite............................................. Miss Lucia Sperry Tinymite Leanna Curry X Wee attendants of the Queen. Tiddlewinks f Janie Lowe Anemone Gladys Moomaw ) Rosebud Imogene Alexson Forget-me-not Edna Gilkey Daisy Lola Tupper .A Fairy Boquet. Pansy Grace Kerr Lily Flossie Mansell Daffodil Bessie Kerr Buttercup Ula Slagle J l The ’Butterfly Guard -Evelyn Plyler, Oletia Lamb, Hattie Lane, Belva Pinkston. The Japanese Maidens —(A scene from the Japanese opera “The Geisha” ) — Susie Smith, Ella Walstrom, Hattie Sweet, Amy Kelly, Zettie Haskin, Maggie Hanley, Stella Barnett, Jessie Sweet, Neita Smith. The Amazon Guards- —(A military drill in uniform)—Mesdames L. H. Hazard, Susie Folsom, Virginia Lamb, Lillian M. Candlin; Misses Grace Dudley, Florence Walstrom, Kathryn Wells, Anna Dudley, Thora Smith, Inez Lusk, Eva Schroeder, Clara Sherwood. Chorus of Seventy-five Little Girls as Fairies, Butterflies, Pages, Etc. D ir e c to r ................ - - - - - - - W . A . Milne. Books! Books! Books! At Knowl- 3000 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Joint Installation ton’s Drugstore. Every kind from Accompanist - - - - - - - - Miss Esther Boyd. the 5c. Picture Book up to the best Joint Installation of Odd Fellows productions from tile ablest writers. and Rebekab. On the evening of P. E. Drnne’s business is much Jan. 12th 1907, Odd Fellows install better than he anticipated in his Z . C. Strang, President. C . R . Barrow, Secretary ed by Bro. L. H. Hazard, P. G. as new store. A great mai.v people follows: T. J. Thrift, N. G. T. T. are taking edvactnge of the many Land V. G. J. S. Lawrence, Secy. bargains he has in rain coats, 8. M. Nosier wnrdeu. M. H.'H er- rubber boots, clothing, hats, sev, Conductor J. E. Perrott L. S. lions etc. N. G. S. P. Millor R. S. V. G. Geo. When getting out of bed these T. Moulton L. S. V. G. A. W. cold mornings just think how nice The Wesetrn Pacific has secured Johnson R. S. S. T. T. Tennison it would be to step into a pair of terminals at Han Francisco in spite those warm felt slippers at Rob 142. 100 acres, 50 acres slashed, good 109. 25 acres well improve, good or L. G. 8. of the opposition of Mr. Hnrriman, insons. house, barn, orchard. Only half chard, 22 acres cleared, good bouse REBEKAH OFFICERS. The Union Pacific has secured mile from school. and barn, well improved and well The fowing officers were installed terminals at Seattle in spite o f the 149. 340 acres—fine dairy ranch—fine located. Thin is to Yon. by D. President Annie Lawrence. orchard, good house and barn. Is 115. 17 acres, 7 acres bottom, all nice oppositon of Mr. Hill, and the well watered, and near school, N. G. Florence Atkinson, V. G. As I have gone out of business land, good house and barn, land Northern Pacific is coming into Port 153. 280 acres, 35 acres bottom; good well located—a bargain. Berdie Skeels, Secy. Inez Chase, I wish to close up my books and land without the aid or consent of house and barn, water iped into 125. 160 acres, good stock ranch, also Mr. Hnrriman, Results are what Treas. Mary Gage, conductor Grace nil accounts not paid by January both, close to school. 40 acres voung timber. count in this world, so everybody Dudlev, Warden, Ray Collier, In 1, 1907, colection and 10 per cent 157. 120 acres, 30 acres bottom, 90 acres 165. 880 acre stock ranch, two houses, slashed and seeded, good orchard, insoarch of a railroad terminal, hav side Guard Mary pavonport O. S. will be added. and four barns. This is a good nice house, two good barns, close ranch. Purchaser may buy the Z. C. 8 tbano . ing secured what they were after, Guard Anuie Dudley, R. S. N. G. to town and school. ------------- »< • ». . ------- stock with the ranch. Annie Lawrence, L. 8. N. O. Flor should be happy.—Oregonian. 101. 100 acres, 35 acres bottom, balance 70. 47 acres, 41 acres in cultivation, 35 That’s the house the Doctor built, ence Walstrom, R. 8. V. G. Alice good bill pasture, good orchard,good acres fine bottom, 12 acres first-class The biggest house you see, Nosier, L. 8 V. G. Gertrude John Have Deadly Battle bouse and barn. bench land, good house and barn, Thank goodness he don’t get our son chaplin Clair Sh erwood. 55. 20 acres, well improved, house, nfee orchard, near school. money, Eureka, Cal. Jan. 8—In a battle barn, orchard. School and postoffice For we take Hollister’s Rocky CITY PROPERTY. between union and non-union long W. P, Fuller’s prepared paints, convenient. Mountain Tea. 101. Good house and barn with over shoremen this evening one non-un oils and varnishes at J. A. Lamb A 01. 40 acres, all good bottom, part in an acre of ground; a bargain. R. S. Knowlton. ion man was killed, one fatally shot, Co’s. cultivation,rest slashed: near school 105. Two nice lots, good barn on same. Land A Lyons carry Dr Price’s and postoffice. and one injured. Wheat Flaked Celery Food. Try a 03. 00 acres, all good land, good houae 117. A nice tract of land, well located part bottom, adjoining Coquille. package. and barn, nice orchard; near school Announcement of the Methodist Hom e R ealty Co. Bargains in Real Estate. Nels P. Nelson. A tract of Re 1 Cedar timber out Prosper, Oregon. lay for. s h iD g le mill. The Home Agent for Services next Sunday, Jan. 20th Realty Co. Buffalo Gasolene Engines as usual. Subject, 11, a. m. “ Who Opportunity for a short time 12 is a Christian’' Evening Subject.7,30 acre ranch 30 seres bottom 40 acre- The best, cheapest m d most con “ Climbing the Goleen Stairs,’’ Sun vacant timber adjoining, well equ nieut piwer on the market. ated. 11100. Home Realty Co. day school, 10 a. m ; Junior League, 3. p. m.—you are invited' The cash customer has the ad The most precious gift is the eye sight. Rev Geo. W. Ellis, pastar of the vantage at T. H. Mehl A Cos. They Do not trifle with it. church, is in Bandon this week, are now giving 5 per cent off of the holding revival meetings, assisted regular prices to all who pay cash by Rev A. F. Lscy, pastor M. E. on the spot. church at North Bend Church. ! We care not how you. suffered, nor what failed to cure you, Hol- listers Kooky Mountain Tea inakea the puniest, weakest specimen of j man or womanhood strong and j healthy 35 cents. R. 8. Knowlton. 57. 08. 73. 87. Timber And Coal For Sale. Genuine Prieatley's C'ravanette About six million feet of Fir and 93. raincozts for men. The very latest, red cedar, or all the timber on 412 at Robinson’s. acres: also all the coal on 412 acres It costs youjnothing to see Drane has a large stock of shoes five veins in eight, price $3000 in- i M. G. Pohl, Registered Optician of all grades. He offers bargains quire of C. A. Pendleton Fat Elk Office in or address me at Coquille. to rich aud poor. W. H. Schroeder's Jewelry 8tore, first Confidence in the Jeweler W hen you buy Jewelry you need to have confidence that you are not being sold an inferior article at the The Goblins kidnap little Sunshine and prepare to boil her in their cauldrons. The Fairy Queen invites the Pixies to her aid. A terrific battle results. The Goblins are finally captured, little Sunshine is re stored, and “joy reigns again in Fairyland ” Pixies, Brownies and Goblins are little elves that dwelt in caves in the mountains of Sweden, Norway, Germany and Switzerland. W a n t a d — A [lot of good house hold furniture. Enquire of W. A. Goodman. Robinson expects a large assort Washington, D. C., Jan. 10.— ment of Boys Double Breasted Di Late this afternoon Gaines, of Ten agonal suits in black and blue. W. C. Rose has resigned charge nessee, and Mahon, of Pennsylvania, were only prevented from meeting of the central telephone office in in a personal encounter by the in this city. Miss Grace Yoakam is tervention of the members on the now in charge. floor of the house. Gaines was F o r S ale . — or trade.— A Ha mil making a speech on his bill to ton Piano—New. W ill sell or trade “ dock” members’ pay for the their for stock. M rs . V io la S trang . P. E. Drane was the succssful absence from the house and was being twitted by both sides of the bidder for the fureisbing of the chamber to his evident embarrass county infirmary with groceries, etc., ment. During the speech he charg for the ensuing year. ed Mahon with being absent 95 per Duprey’s Celery Headache Pow. cent of the time. Previous to this ders, give instant relief. Price 25 sweeping assertion Gaines read ex cents. R. 8. Knowlton, Coquille City; C. Y. Lowe, Bandon. cerpts from the record in relation P. E. Drane has just received a to the withholding of pay in the fifty-third congress, and the part shipment of California fruits, oran Mahon played at that time. This ges, Lemons, banana’s etc. and led to the trouble between the two will contiuue to keep a supply on hands in the future, representatives. " COQUILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL Alfred Morras, of Bandon, came from the bay by yesterday's train, baying been over on business. washed out. Of corse you pay your money, But you get your money’s worth, For wh it does money moan to you When Rocky Mountain Tea’s on earth? R. 8. Knowlton. Jan. 15-16 Tuesday and Wednesday eve Under the Auspices of the Clyde and Dow McBee, of the Middle Fork, were dowu this way yesterday looking after logging in Mr. and Mrs. [John Lettrell wel terests. comed a son to their home near Co The train will not be able to quille on Wednesday, the 9th.— En- reach Myrtle Point for a few days, terpeise. on account of a small bridge being Nearly Cornea to Blows A T MASONIC HALL " U price charded for first-class goods. W e make a rule to always represent goods as they are, and . you need have no fear but that you are obtaining full value for your money when you purchase here. W e are now showing a larger and better assortment than ever. A ll kinds of Repair work neatly and quickly done. E. C. BARKER & CO. WHEN IN NEED oE DRUGS, MEDICINE, FINE STATIONERY TOILET ARTICLES. CALL AT Knowlton’s Drug Store. szsazszszssszszss^ Spoils Her Beauty. Harriet Howard, of 209 W. 34th St., New York, at one time had her beauty spoiled with skin trouble. She writes: " I had Salt Rheum or Eczema for years; but nothing would cure it. until I used Buck- len’s Arnica Salve.” A quick and sure healer for cuts, burns and sores. 25c at R. S. Knowlton’s drug store. NOTICE FOR PUPLICATION. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore., Nov. 28, 1906. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3,1878, entitled “ An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as extend ed to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, George W . King, of Montague, county of Siskiyou, State of California, has this day filed in this of fice his sworn statement No. 6996, for the purchase of Lots 4 and 5 of Section No. 6 in Township No. 28 S, Range No. 11 W ., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk and Clerk of County Court Coos County, at bis office in Coquille, Oregon, on Thurs day, the 11th day of April, 1907. He names as witnesses: J. W . Mast, of Lee, O re.; R. O. Hatcher, of Myrtle Point, Ore.; E. D. Myers and William H. Myers, of Lee, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are re quested to file their claims in this office on or before said 11th day of April, 1907. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. Timber Land Act, Juno 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. Roseburg, Ore., Nov. 28, 1906. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of CongrtBS of June 3, 1878, entitled "A n act lor the sale of timber lands in the States ot California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” Clarence (».Waters, of McKinley, County of Coos, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 7642, for the purchase of the Lots 3 and 6, - E l4 N W Sj an<l N K S W Q of Section No. 6, in Township No. 28 South, Range No. 11 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, ami to establish his claim to said land before James Watson, County Clerk of Coos County, Oregon, and Clerk of County Court, at his office at Coquille City, Coos County, Oregon, on Thursday, the 11th day of April, 1907. He names as witnesses: Lee Mast and William Myers, of McKinley, Coos C unty, Oregon; Arthur Brown and Henry Hervey, of Lee, Coos County, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse and postoffice. 120. Good houae and barn, also 2 acres ly the above-described lands are re of ground if desired. 80 acres.well improved, good house quested to file their claims in this office barn, orchard; wall watered, excel 119. 4 acres or more of ground, good on or before said 11th day of April, 1907 BENJAMIN L. E DDY, l Re( Register. lent neighborhood, near school. house and barn, well located. 00 acres, 50 acres bottom, 48 acres 129. Over 1 acre of land with good NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. cleared, two good orchards, good house and barn. Department of the Interior, Land Office house and barn, well located, near 131. Good house, 2 nice lots, well lo at Roseburg, Oregon, Dec. 4th, 1906. school—a bargain. Notice is hereby given that Robert A. cated. 70 acres, 28 acres bottom, balance 147. Two acres good land with good Easton, of Sitkum, Oregon, hat filed notice of his intention to make final good hill pasture, good house and house and barn. five-year proof in support of his claim, barn, good orchard; close to school. 351. House and four nice lots, a bar vis: Homestead Entry No. 10392, made Jan. 2, 1901, for the 3 « SWW, 8 W U 120 acres, 25 acres bottom, 40 acres gain. NF.Ji, 8F.Q SW W , Section 6, Township second l>ottom, 50 acres good bench 169. Nice new house with two good lots. 28 S, Range 10 W „ and that said proof land, nice orchard, two houses and 195. Four choice lots well located. will he made before County Clerk and two barns. 209. Good house and two lots, one Clerk of County Court of Coos County, Oregon, at his office at Coquille,Oregon, splendid bottom lot for warden close on April 15th, 1907. 97 acres, 30 acres bottom, balance good pasture land,50 acres seeded, 14 He names the following witnesses to in. prove his continuous residence upon acres fine bench land, orchard, good 206. Nice house and lo t \ . . ed, and cultivation of the land, vis: Walter house and barn, close to school. good improvements. M. I.aird. James P. Laird and Jomea Denham, ot Sitkum, Oregon, and Jacob O. 8temmler, of Dora, Oregon. C O Q U ILLE, OREGON. really charge a price as low as consistent NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE is hereby given that the under signed has this day filed in the Connty Court for Coos County, Ore., his final aooonnt in the matter of the administration of the es tate of E. L. Wilson, deoeaaed, and that »aid Coart has aet Monday, the 4th day of February, 1907, as the day for hearing ob jection» to Said final aooonnt and the set tlement of said estate. Dated this 29th day of December, 1906. A. J. SHERWOOD. Administrator of the Estate of E. L. Wil son, deceased. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. SUMMONS. IN TH E CIRCU IT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, WITHIN AND FOR THE COUNTy OF COOS. Bandon Manufacturing Company, a Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. E. K, Wood Lumber Company, . Defendant, j To the E. K . Wood LumberCompany, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby notified that you are re quired to appear and answer the com plaint on file against you in the above entitled suit, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum mons, to wit: within six weeks from the 26th dHy of December, 1906, the same being the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to appear and answer on or before the 6th day of February, 1907, the same being the last day of the time prescribed in the order of publication of this summons, judg ment will be taken against you for want thereof and the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded there in, and for the sale of the propertv at tached in connection with this suit, a succinct statement of which is a» fol lows, to w it: That plaintiff have judg ment against defendant for the sum ef He van Hundred Fifteen anil 40-100Dollsr« ($715.40), with interest at the rate of six per cent from the 1st day of Octolier, 1906, and for his costs and disburse ments in this action maintained, and for the sale of defendant’ s property at tached by reason of this suit, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy such judgment as the Court may render together with all costa and dis bursements, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and just. Said property attached being Telegraph and Telephone poles to the number of one thousand more or less. Service of this Bummons is made upon the defendant by publication in pursu ance of an order made by the Hon. J. W. Hamilton,Judge of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for the Second Judicial District, in the County of Cooe, dated December 14, 1906, and directing publication of the same in the Coquille H xralo , a weekly newspaper printed and published at Coquille,Coos County, Oregon, once a week for six successive weeks. C. R. BARROW . Attorney for Plaintiff, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice ia hereby given that the under signed have been duly appointed exec utrix and executor of the last will and testament and of the estate of John Weaver, deceased, and that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified that they are required to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned, at the office of A. J. Sherwood, in Coquille City, Cooe county, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 24th dav of December, 1906. BARBARA E. BEYERS. Executrix, and OPH1R BEYERS, Executor of the last Will and Testament and of the Estate ot John Weaver, de BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. ceased.