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About Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1906)
% iM A f (Coquille île n ilô . V ol . 23: No. 39. Entered as secoud-clâss matter May 8, 1905, at the poatoffice at Coquille, Oregon, under act of Congrega oí March 3 »1879. Walter Culin, M. D. PllYlICUa AND Sl'BUKON U oquillc C ity , O rb . Kronenberg Bid; Next Door to P. ( Telephon. S. C. R. Barrow, Attorney and Counsellor at Lev First-elsae Beferenoes Fifteen Tous' Experience O hjiiillb C ity , O bb J. J. STANLEY law yer Martin Building, • Front Street Ooeoiua, O bboob A. J. Sherwood, A tt o b b b y - at - L aw , N otaby P o b m o , Coquille, : : Oregon Walter Sinclair, ATTOBBBI-AT-llAW, N otabt P o b m o , Coquille, OregoB. Hall & Hall, A rrossir«- at - L aw , Desleí in R ial E btats of all kinds. Marshfield, Oregon. ______ C. A . Sehlbrede, Attorney-at-Law, ; Phone TH1. Notary Public. M arshyibi . d , O rkoon . K. D. Sperry. w - 0 . Chase. SPERRY & CHASE, Attorney »-»»-Law • Oflloe in Robinson Building, Coquille, - - • Oregon. X E. G. D. Holden, IiAWTBS, ■U. 8. Commissioner, General Inanranoe Agent, and Notary Poblio. Oflloe in Robin son Building. Coquille, Oregon. A. F. Kirshman, D entist . Offioe two doors South of Post offlos. Coquille . - • Oregon. COQUILIE RIVER STEAMBOAT CO 8tr. DISPATCH Tom White, Maeter I .eaves I Arrive. Banden....... 7 a-M. Ooqullle . . .10 A-«. Coooille...... 1 r-M. I Bandon . . . . 4 Ml. Onnecte at Coqaille with train for Marahield »ud iteAner £:ho for Myrtls Polst. Str. FAVORITE J. C. Moomaw. Master, T.eeves I Arriree <£,"¡11........7 A H. I Bandon.. 1®-44 A-M. Baa don........ 1 m i . I OoqaMe. 4i4B r-n. Str. ECHO H. Jams. Master. Learee I Arrives M yrtU P oU t...7A *. | oq«CUC*y 9 » A-M. CoqoflU C ity.. .1 T- m . | Myitis F t. .4 00 r-M. Daily except Sunday. e safe and reliable tíwn% ■crew he New and R p e e d j,^ f l Str. E liza b e th C. P. Jensen. M aster. Will make regular trip* between C o q u ille River and S a n F ra n c isco . Wo Stop-over at W a y Parts. Electric Lights. Everything in First Clast Style. The Mercy Hospital AT MOUTH BEND Is n ow open (or the recep tion o f patient*. T h e term s are $10 upw ard*. per w eek and F o r particu la r« a p p ly to Sisters of Mercy NORTH BENO. OREGON COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1906. A Boost (or Coo« Bay. Memorial Address The following letter is published in the Oregon Tradesman which is handed to the Mail by Herman Hill- yer. The writer of the letter ia en. titled to a vote of thanks for hia forceful and intelligent boost for Coo* Bay: (Delivered by Father Donnelly at BaDdon.) We boast, and justly ao, that we are ooe of the greatest of the na tions, if not the greatest nation on the faoe of the earth. From the discovery of the American continent until now, America has been the home of the liberty loving and of the oppressed of the earth, and the United States of America has by th* perfection of her fundamental law, by the wisdom of her adminis trations by the harmonious co-oper ation of her co-ordinate branches, set the standard of governmental perfection for the whole world. The aspiration for freedom, for liberty, delivered the colonies from subjection and crowned them with sovereignity under laws of their own making. The United States have grown from thirteen to forty- five and tbe essence of their strength is union. To divide was to dis honor, to destroy, and when the at tempt was made to do this, it seems that the mercy of God to untold generations provided the man, in spired the brain and nerved the hand to avert suoh a horrible dis aster. Portland, Or., May $0, 1906. Mr. Orno Strong, Editor Oregon Tradesman, City. Dear Sir: A* I know you to be sincerely interested in the advance ment of every pert of the state of Oregon, and as I feel you can, through the medium of your valu able paper, lead added impetus to any particular point which may be worthy of public notice, and which is striving for recognition, I will this week devote the space you re serve for the Hazlewood Co. to a few words about the Coos Bay country. Last woek I had the good fortune lo be one of the Portland delegates attending the Merchants’ and Farmers’ Congress held in North Bend, Oregon, and that visit has impressed upon me the importance to the state of Oregon of deepening the entrance to Coos Bay and mak ing the harbor accessable to vessels of large tonnage. Of the harbor as it exists today, I would say, al though 1 have seen more commod ious bodies of water, I have never in my travels—covering a good por tion of the four divisions of the world— visited a harbor lying as near the oceau and at the same time so completely land locked, assuring absolute safety to the smallest craft, no matter how violent a storm be raging outside. Its contiguity to the ocean also minimizes towage charges. From the steps of the nation's capitol, 4th of March, 1861, this man, risen from the common peo ple to the highest rank among the rulerB of tbe earth, said: “ I hold that, in contemplation of universal law, and of tbe constitution the union o f these states is perpetual. Perpetuity is implied, if not ex pressed, in the fundamental law of all national governments. Continue to execute all the express provisions of our national constitution and the Union will endure forever.” years of struggle and strife would say before the end: “ With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right; let us strive od to finish the work we are in, to care for him who shall hare bore the battle, and for liis widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a lasting place among ourselves, and with all na tions. The pity of it, that such a man ,in the hour of glorious aud magnan imous triumphs, should have to fall a martyr at the hands of a misera ble fanatical assassin. Our glorious pesoe was shrouded in dismal gloom —but as a nation we have emerged from the most des olate darkness of slavery and war, into the full noon of freedom and peace. And in the midst of our glory and power the American peo ple should never forget the cost. Let them then as tbe yearB roll by, oover with the flowers of the garden and field, but more especially with the flowers of a nation’s grateful af fection and remembrance, the graves of their honored dead, who fought aud died to preserve them, a nation under the folds of Old Glo ry, the flag of the free for the home of the brave. S team boating D ow n quille. the C o (Salem Capital Journal.) One of the most exciting and ro mantic trips we had was going down thu Coquille river on the steamer Echo, a little light draught stern wheeler, that carries pa’ssengern, gathers cream and distributes mail to the ranches up arid down the river. Tho Echo was built on the The preservation of the Union at river, has a narrow hull, and can As a harbor of refuge, Coos Bay is an ideal body of water and if no any cost was the keynote, the ker navigate as nearly on dry land as it other reason could be urged for its nel of that first inaugural address of is possible for a steamboat. lie declared There ara five creameries above improvement that alone should com President Lincoln. pel the people of the entire Pacific that hw duty was to administer the Myrtle Point ami six between the Coast to demand that the govern laws as he found them and to turn Point and Coquille, and about as Tbe river is lined ment take immediate steps to rnako over the government unimpaired to many below. the port available for such purpose. his successor. “ You have,” he said with dairy fa'ms. In all there are But Coos Bay has other and very to the south, ‘‘no vow registered in 14 creameries itu i two cheese fac The ste.'mer important claims lo recognition ns heaven to destroy the government, tories on the river. a port, and these are the natural while I have the most solemn one to stops for a single enu of cream or to products of the territory tributary preserve, protect and defend it— deliver one empty, and is even more to it, consisting primarily of tim we are not enemies, but friends. accommodating than that—stop ber, coal and iron, supplemented by We must not be enemies. Though ping and turning around to hand a the agricultural poesibities, which paBsiom may have strained, it man on the bank a newspaper, or a are wonderfully rich, formosi among must not break our bonds of affec woman a letter, or to receive one. which rank Hairy products, the soil tion. The’ chords of memory steal Tbe river bad been flooded by a being admirably fitted for raising ing from every battlefield and pa rise of eight feet and it was still thousand logs forage of all kinds, especially alfalfa triot grave, to every living heart raising. Twelve and led clover; the climatic con and hearthstone, all over this broad were going down to the boom, ditions too, are perfect for cattle, land, will yet swell the chorus of where they are hoisted onto the frost and snow being unknown, the Union, when again touched, sb cars, taken over the divide, and roll while the temperature in summer is surely they will be, by the better ed into Dr. Tower’s log boom for angels of our nature.” How pro the Bay mills. When the steamer never oppressively hot phetic and grand those closing made a lauding her bow was run The channel way has been pro words of that inaugural, but at what into the alders, with a cracking and nounced by competent engineers sa a coat their ultimate realization. snapping of branches, then, swing being easy of improvement; this The passions grew, the conflict ing around with her nose against tho fact has already been demonstrated came; four long years of struggle bank, took on her freight or passen beyond question, a short stone jetty and strain were crowned at last with gers. In the cabin on the first built on the north side of the en glorious victory. Hundreds of bat deck was a signboard containing trance being already scoured to a tles on sea and land; oceans of this logeqd: depth of 29 feet from an original of blood; cripples and corpses on every “ Gentlemen that has corks in 12 to 14, and notwithstanding the hand, but no matter what the cost, their shoes will please stay on the main outflow of the tide escaped the Union had to be preserved. lower deck.” over the south spit The full vol Seventy-five thousand, 3,000,000 — The Echo has a vicious little ume of water could be confined to 500,000, and more answered the call whistle that awoke responses of the channel by building a jetty on of the President Two hundred thou their namesake that were hurled the south side, this ooncentretion of sand of these; our greatest admiral on back from the canyons in the hill foree would, it is confidently be the seas, one of our greatest gener side. On the botton lands the cat lieved, cat oat the bed to • level of als on the land, came from that tle graze knee-deep in clover. The 40 feet, • sufficient depth for the South which was trying to tear it Coquille country is a veritable land passage of the largest merchant ves self out of the Union. Bravely they of milk and honey, with plenty of sels. went to eyery bloody field; bravely salmon thrown in, and occasional The making accessible of so valu they fought on every sea and stream; bear and venison. The country is able a harbor Is not alone of local defeat thd disaster did not cool too wet for forest fires, and the on advantage to the Coos Bay district their ardor. Union at any coat was ly way to tell winter from summer but is of vital necessity to the their watch word—unconditional is by the falling leaves. Between growth and prosperity o f the nation surrender their terms. Fight it out taking on cream, letting off news and should be so accepted. on these lines if it take years, their papers, Kissing the banks of clover Trusting I have not encroached grim resolve. Antietam, Gettys fields where Jersey cows look with too much upon your space nor im- burg, New Orleans, Vicksburg dreamy eyes right into our cabin posed upon your known state loyal Chickamaugua, Mobile Bay, tbe windows, the trip was very interest ty, I am, Yours for Oregon, march to the sea, Fort Fisher Ce- ing. A logger showed us a nugget T hos . E. A bm istiad . darCreek, Five Forks, Petersburg of virgin gold taken out of John- and countless others, all centered at 1 son’s creek, a tributary of the Co Washington. June 4,— Arthur last to Appomattox where uncondi quille, that weighed a full ounce. Pue Gorman, United Statee Senator tional surrender crowned all 'their A block of quartz as big as a nail from Maryland, died suddenly at victories and practically ended one keg, that was carried down from tbe his residence in this city at 9:06 of the greatest wars of history. mountain some day, netted its find oel jck this morning. While Sena The Union was preserved: slavery er $300. There are rich placer tor Gorman had been ill for many blotted out. Old Glory again float- mines on the creek. But tbe great months, he had shown some im i ed the breeze as the undisputed est gold mines in this country is in provement lately. Heart trouble 1 standard of a united people. The 1 its variety of hard wood timber. was the immediate cause of death. words of the President came true. The myrtle wood is certainly the ! Pass iou may have strained butmust richest jewel of the forest— taking The cash customer ha* the ad ! on a high luster, and its old-gold vantage at T. H. Mehl & Cos. They j not break our bounds of affection. grain growing deeper and more The great commander who, are now giving 5 per cent off of the regnlar price# to *11 who pay cash through bis generals and admirals beautiful every year. The curly on the spot and their subordinates after long maple, tbe ash, aud the alder all $1.50 P e r Y e a r . work into door panels and mantels, taking on lustrous silver polish that will adorn the homes of the wealthy all over our land once they find what wonderful beauty it possesses. Peter Loggie of North Bend is the man who has established the fame of the myrtle wood. Mantels and articles of furnitnre of almost countless value and constancy in creasing beauty may be found at Bandon, Marshfield and North Bend His workmanship stamps him a mas ter in woodcraft. They myrtle is a wonderful combination of the luster of the maple and the richness of mahogany. nowlton’s Drua Store Carries a full and complete stock of DRUGS, MEDICINE, FINE STATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLES. Sprained Ankle, Stiff Neck. Lame Shoulder. These are three common ailments for which Chamberlain’g Pain X Bairn is especially valuable. If promptly applied it will save you time, money and suffering when * trouble with any one of these ail * ments. For sale by R. S. Knowl- * ton. * J o s h ’5 P l a c e , T. T. LAND, Proprietor. * Card rooms Billiard When the looters began robbing * the people of stricken San Fran and and cisco of their few remaining posses * sions which had escaped the fire, ^ Pool Tables they were promptly shot. A pen alty of this kind could not legally Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco. be inflicted on the insurance rob ^ bers who are now endeavoring to City News Stand. steal a portion of the insurance M/ w \\s M / \ \ / NK v N }/ NK ^ ^ Sfci W . NK money t>y “ short changing” the \iy 7j\ / in 7K /N / in / pn / in 7 R 7 K /f\ 7i\ /fc ?i\ / tn 7l\ 7 n 7 t \ 7 i \ / K / N /T x / tn policyholders in the settlement Nevertheless Buch reprehensible conduct as is reported on the part of some of the adjusters is deserving o f something more than censure. There are hundreds in San Fran cisco, whose sole worldly posses sions consist of a fire insurance pol icy. They have no resources with f* W atchm aker and Jeweler. which to fight for a fair settlement, nnd the insurance sharks, taking n F ro n t Street, advantage of their helpless condi tion, are apparently robbing them COQUILLE, OREGON. with impunity. Tho victims who are obliged to aocept these forced At_L W O R K G U A R A N T E E D . settlements should at least make up a “ black list” of the companies en- gnged in the nefarious practice, and pass it along to other communities, where resentment can be shown by the witbdrawl or withholding of business from tbe guilty company. —Oregonian I ‘ j $ W .H .8 CHR0EDER ¡ P i --------- R0SEBUR6-MYRTLE POINT- STAGE LINE Conspiracies in restraint of trade B. FENTON * are no new thing. It is needful Prop only to read Blackstone’s Commen * taries, to learn that long ago it was Saddle Horses of best quality always on hand. Good Rigs in redi- * necessary to fight combinations of ness for special trips. In fact, a general Stage and Livery business. * dealers in various products. In the Accommodations for Taveling men a specialty past few years this old evil has been Leave Coquille at 6 a. m., arriving at Roseburg at 10 p. m. Fare $5.50 * rampant in tbe United States. We * have frequently called attention to * ihe compacts between organizations Soft of wbolesale dealers and organiza tions of retail dealers which prevent anyone from buying from the whole * salers who is not a member of the * retail organization. In return tbe * retailers pledge themselves not to A private hospital for the care and treatment of medical, surgical go behind tho wholesalers in mak and obstetrical cases. Equipment new and modern ing purchases. A few days ago a in every particular. Kates from retail seller of meats in Portland was rash enough to buy a few dress ed veals from farmers. For this offense he is to be driven out of Including room, baard, general nursing and drugs. business in Portland, as the whole sale dealers will sell him no more meat. Public sentiment throughout the United States is getting pretty well stirred up on this sort of busi ness. An old remedy for evils of a similar nature could well be applied in these causes and that is the al lowance of punitive damages. If a man who was driven out of busi ness by the refusal of a combination of dealers to sell to him could se cure three or four times the amount Su ccessor to W , H. Mansell. of his loss in being driven out of business, it would strongly tend to W IL L M E E T A L L B O A T S A N D T R A IN S . discourage these organizations in All orders handled with carefulness snd expedience. restraint of trade.—Oregon Agri culturist. MARSHFIELD General Hospital k $ 1 5 to $ 3 0 per week Miss S. C. Lakeman, Matron. Marshfield, Oregon. Claude F ox, General Drayman Huge Task. A g e n t fo r th e b e s t C o o s C o u n ty C o a l It was a huge task, to undertake the cure of such a bad case o f kid ney disease, as that of C. F. Collier, of Cherokee, la., but Electric Bit ters did it. He writes: ‘‘ My kid neys were so far gone, I could not sit on a chair without a cushion; and suffered from dreadful back A private H ospital w ell equipped for the treat ache, and depression. In Electric ment o f su rg ic a l and m edical diseases. Bitters, however, I fonnd a cure and by them was restored to per T rained N u r se s in Attendance. fect health. I recommend this great tonic medicine to all with W r a . H o r s fa ll, M . D . , weak kidneys, liver or stomach For Information Address Guaranteed by R. S. Knowlton ’Phone 631. Marshfield, Oregon. druggist; price 50c. ihe HORSFALL HOSPITAL MISS L. G. GOULD. SUPERINTENDENT. Dr inns <j5