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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1919)
) THB COQUILLS TALLET SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OBEGON. THE GRANT LANDS Coo. County ,t tW Hood Again - *u_ £ • “«£"•* 5 r — w . UOt county * • ,« « . " « » took I » » .1 U » X , wta Wagon Road Lands Will Not Be Storm C° UrM at ° - A. C. by A Great Bonanza For outrank " quantity and quality they of h 6 CXhibiU ,rom «>> » ‘ her County S n o? h *Ute’ nad hoId «»e p os- of honor at the head o f their Frim the survey now being com pleted it is learned that fully 76 per cent of the Coo* Bay wagon road grant landa is timber land, and but a very small percentage of the re mainder is suitable for agricultural purposes. ' We And the foregoing item going the counds o f the state press, and It is perhaps just as well that the hope of securing a bonanza in these lands shouldn’t be raised too high; but the stntement unquestionably doss these lands an injustice. We quote again the official report on these lands fur nished us by Assessor Thrift in 1916, at about the time Dennis McCarthy completed his cruise of them: hand! y* * C° 1,e|fe r*port ju r t . « ■J“ - the 26 l»?W d M i exhibits exh bh r * ttrticl“ made by »he h e « ^ r I ? m“ teriaU 8el*oted t>, sewel f A . were designed, cut and p r S l ° m 'n9trUCtions and Patterns t i l l bui Ietin8 hy from .spec**lists in sewing, or oral instruction. Individuality appears in the materials selected, the trimmings used, and the length and evenness of stitches. The articles in each exhibit are needlecusc, tea towel, sewing bag, stocking darn, canning cap, night gown and canning apron. “ Nothing but thim/V i / and K needed for use . . 7 , |nexPens*ve materials.” olunteered Miss Helen Cowgill, as- sistant state leader “ AnH u not wear the promised me they would ust caps to hide touseled, uncombed she added, JfThe girls were encouraged to use Rattlesnakes la Douglas The Roeeburg Review toy» that two •large rattlesnakes ware found in the field surrounding the E. L. Parrott residence yesterday. One o f the pair was killed by a resident o f that part of town and was found to bo two and one-half feet long and to have t rattles and one button. The other snake escaped. This is a very unusu al circumstance, aa rattlesnakes are supposed not to inhabit this part o f the county. Butter Wrappers and Signs at the Sentinel office. Trespass FRIDAY. JULY 4. Iti* . PAGE FITS the north aid# o f First street in aaid addition and to the southwest corner or said block S3; thence north along the west line of said block 33 to the place of beginning; also beginning at the northeast corner o f block 30 of said addition <hnd running tnence south along the east side of said block 30, 300 feet; thence east 19 feet along the north side o f First street; thence portK 300 feet; thence west 19 feet to the place of beginning; also beginning at the northeast cor ner of block 31 of said addition and running thence south 300 feet to the southeast corner o f said block; thence east 19 feet; thence north 300 feet; thence wost to the place of the begin ning; also beginning at the northwest corner of block 32 o f said addition and running thence west 19 feet; thence south 300 feet; thence cast 19 feet to the soutfiWcst corner of said block 32; thence ftor^h 300 feet to the place of beginning. 24t5 • * Arthur Elllngson. Mrs. Burns' Letter. Here is a letter that is certain to prove of interest to people in this vi- cinity, as cases o f this sort occur in almost every neighborhood, and peo ple should know what to do in like circumstances: Savannah, Mo., Oct., 12,1916. “ I used a bottle o f Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy about Dine years * 8 ° and it cured ma oi flux (dysentery.) I had another at- NOTICE TO CREDITORS tack o f the same complaint some H>ree or four years ago and a few Notice -is hereby given that the un doses o f this remedy cured me. I dersigned has been duly appointed - The assessed value of the Southern have recommended" Chamberlain’s Oregon lands is $1,078,186, or at the Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy to doz executor of the Last Will and Testa ment of Martha E. Goodman, de- : r: te o f $16.42 per acre, but much o f ens of people since I first used it.” ceased, and all persons npving claims thia value ia in the timber they bear NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT ugainst the estate of said deceased Of the 69384 acres of the wagon rood land grant the cruise of the coun crimin,iCi°*°rS t0 USC tbem w‘tb dis-1 Notice is hereby given that the un- are hereby required to present them ty made by Dennis McCarthy shows “i . 1 C*ub *ead«rs don’t dersigned has filed his final account .ith th propr vouchers to the under the classification to be aa follows: tli» „¡i° * to correct mistakes, but in the Matter o f the Administration lined at the law offices of J. J. Suitable for agricultural purposes com- Cnt Pas8!nfr by wit:iout «n en- ;of tha Estate of J. P. Barkdoll, de- Stanley in First National Bank bqild- after the timber and brush is removed, KlnK 'vuu 13 a ignore impressive'ceased, and that the County Court for ing, Coquille, Coos CountJD Oregon, disapproval. 33,870 acres. Coos County, Oregon, has set Satur within six months from the date of The Coos sewing collection was pre- day, the 26th day o f July, 1919, as the this notice. Suitable fpr grazing after the tim pared under the supervision of - a man day r u and ’ Dated and first published this 27 th ber is removed, 31354 acres. * - i p D * u u VHC U U IH / v u u i v t room w in a iv the V County Court at t u the V p , eter8on’ county club leader.; county court house in Coqullle, Coos day of June, 1919. More or loss rocky, 4, ICO acres. W. A. Goodman, e^*°n ^er*ja* instructions County, Oregon, as the place for hear- Executor of theLast Will and Test W e ; havo often heard talk of the Tor the first half of the work before ing objections to final account ament of Martha E. Goodman, De probable receipts o f the government the instructions issued by the cluh and the settlement o f said 24tO Dated this 26th daytof June, 1919. ceased. l>e sale o f these lands that ap- department were ready for distribu tion. ^ James Arrington, par to Be altogether exaggerr.ted and Executor of the Last Will ami Test NOTICE absurd. That it is possible for Coos county to rechive aa its one-fourth of No Rock Ledge at Banion Bar ament and of the Estate o f J .^ D a r k - Notice ia hereby given that Alex Tha. there is no ledge of rock extend doll, deceased. the net amount'' these.lands sell for an Austin, Contractor, has completed his a er across the entrance to Bandon har amount anything like the half a mil contracts for the construction of the NOTICE TO CREDITORS - Two Mile Bridge and Fill Approaches lion wo are to get for taxes ia some bor, as has been generally pelieved and chartered hy government surveys in thing o f a pipe dream. Notice is hereby given that the un to the Two Mile Bridge on tho Coos The 69384 acres in this tract m the past, was proven here last Friday dersigned has been duly appointed by Bay Wagon Road, in compliance with Coos county, if it were all sold to set- by Wm. Mast, local diver, says the the County Court of the State of the contract, plans and specifications tiers at the government price of $2.50 Bandon World. Oregon for Coos Cuonty as adminis- and tho Roadmaster has filed his cer Working from a scow, while the bar L atqr of the estate of John Moore, tificate of the completion of said per acre weald bring only $174,710, an amount only one-third of the taxes was perfectly smooth, Mr. Mast went deceased* and all persons having contracts, and any person, firm or now due. But we are to get only one- down and made a careful examination claims against the said estate are corporation having objections to file fourth o f the net sales, the govern of the bottom extending across the hereby required to present the same to the acceptance of said contracts mouth of the river from the end o f the With proper vouchors to the under may file the same in the office of the ment being reimbursed for its advance south jetty. He found a field o f bould signed at his office in First National County Clerk of Coos County, with of the half million for taxes and the ers covering about an acre, the bould Bank building, Coqullle, Coos County, in two weeks from the first publica $32,000 it is to pay tho*Southern Ore ers ranging in size from 72 to probably gon before there is anything to di 300 pound weights. He put in several Oregon, within six months from the tion of this notice; to-wit; from the 20th day of June A. D., 1919. vide. And, o f course, a good deal of blasts which gave further evidence of date of this notice. Dated and first published this 27th L. W. Oddy, this land js rocky and high pasture, the condition and finally brought sever County Clerk. which cannot b « sold for $ 2 .& 0 . an al of the smaller boulders to the sur day of June, 1919. J. J. Stanley, By A. B. Collier, acre and will moat probably eventual face. Administrator of the Estate of John 23t3 Deputy. ly be placed in a forest reserve. What has always been held in later 4 24t5 Certainly the bulk of the money re years to have been a 'edge is, in Mr. Moore, Deceased. Redemption Notice ceived from these lr.ndt will come Mast’s belief, the result of some of the NOTICE TO CREDITORS AH Coos County Warrants drawn from sales o f timber, but, even w>, first ^jetty wofrk. The first work was Coos county’s 25 per cent o f the re done by hand, the rock consisting of Notice is hereby given ^hat the un on the general fund and indorsed prior ceipts after taxes and all expenses boulders of a size that could be conven dersigned has been duly appointed by to Jan. 1st, 1918, will be paid on pre hove been paid will, we imagine, prove iently handled. These boulders, when the County Court of the State of sentation a t ' my office in Coquille, thoAld jetty sank were washed by ac Oregon for Coos County as adminis Oregon. a minor matter. tion of the breakers from the Rurf and trator of the estate of Helen M. Nye, No Interest will be allowed on any Kerosene Both Clean and Cheap tfiTPfreshets in the river into the chan (deceased, and all persons having of these Warrants after the 20th day nel and finally blocked it to inch extent claims against tho said estate are of June, 1919. The muss and dirt of a coal or wood that engineers who later sounded it hereby requited to present the same, Dated this 20th day of June, 1919. cook-stove add to the burden of the thought it to be a ledge rock. I * T. M. Dimmick, with the proper vouchers, to the un housewife. Coal dust seems to The discovery is good news as it will dersigned at the law offices o f J. J. County Treasurer. everywhere and it means continual mean the accomplishment of the new Stanley, in First National Bank build work to keep a kitchen clean when project will require much less money. ing, Coqui]le, Coo» County, Oregon, coal is used in the stove. These boulders it is believed can be within six months from the date of All this trouble is done away with taken out with a dredge. this notice. when kerosene is used as a fuel. It Old timers, among them Chris. Ras Dated and first published this 27th is clean and convenient and makes far mussen who years ago worked on the day o f June, 1919. C. R. BARROW less work for the housewife. In ad tug, state that they never believed the ire d Belloni, Attorney and Counselor at Law dition to this, it is more economical ledge theory as they remember the time Administrator of the Estate of Practice in State and Federal when there was some 25 to 28 feet of Helen M. Nye, Deceased. than either coal or wood. 24t5 Courts. Have moved my office to A good kerosene like the Standard water on the bar. old City Hall near Busy Corner Oil Company's Pearl Oil makes a dis NOTICE TO CREDITORS and City Wharf. Office hours 8 tinct saving, not only in the household Cow Commits Suicide Notice is hereby given that the un to 12 A. M. and 1 to 6 P. M. budget but also in the time and energy Here’s a story one of the big news of the housewife. Pearl Oil gives ex associations sent out under a Pitts dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court o f the State of A. RICHMOND cellent results ar far as good cooking burgh, Pa., date line. The reader may Oregon for Coos County as adminis- PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. is concerned and when it is used the believe it or not just as it strikes him: tif.tor of the estate o f Lillie Peart, Richmond-Barker Building. ! itchen never becomes overheated. A deceased, and all persona having Coquille, Ore. /rood cookstove with Pearl Oil will A brown and speckled cow that was claims against the said estate are Phones, Office 826, Res. 214. bake, broil, roast, and toast economi being driven through the streets of hereby required to present the same cally. Tarentum on the way to the slaughter \.-ith the proper vouchers to the un Having been refined, and re-refined house suddenly decided to rob the W . C. CHASE dersigned at his office in First Na by a special process, the impurities butcher of a job by committing sui tional Bank building, Coquille, Coos mOKNI:Y-AT-LAW arc removed from Pearl Oil so that cide. Leaving the herd, it calmly County, Oregon, within six months Richmond-Barker Bk it burns up clean and produces no walked into the open doorway of- an from the dAte of this notice. )regon Coquille apartment house, climbed up 24 steps, odor. Dated and first published this 27th turned at the landing and then went day o f June, 1919. Wants Him to Support Child up another flight. Here it pushed it J. J. Stanley, Administrator of the Estate of Lil The case of the state vs. Eugene self through an open window onto a O s te o p a th ic P h y s ic ia n 24t6 Dummond, was filed Saturday in the roof. Turning a last look along the lie Peart, Deceased. Graduate of the American School court o f Justice Joehnk, at Mnrshfiel , way it came, the cow jumped to the o f Osteopathy of KirksviUe, Mo. Office in Eldorado Block. starting proceedings in which Miss ground and was killed almost instant NOTICE OF VACATION OF POR Marshfield Oregon Clara Thornton sues Eugene Dum ly- TIONS OF HENRY STREET ________________ mond,, the alleged father of her Il Notice is hereby given that at a Will Cut Cedar on Sixes legitimate child, for ita support. regular meeting o f the common The baby, a girl, is seven months W C. Case of Portland, who, with council o f the City o f Coquille, DENTIST of age. The mother alleges the fa one or two associates, owns several a municipal corporation of Coos ther has never supported the child hundred acres of cedar timber on County, Oregon, to be held at Pint N’t'l Bank B'ld’g Phone and this is substantiated by Mr. Sixes river, closed a deal last wee-, the cotuicil chambers of the City Main 11, Oo^nille, Oregon. Dummond who refuses to do this, for the Haagensen mill near Langlois. Hall Sq^yaid City on Monday, the denying the parental relation. The mill will be moved in the near 4th day of August, 1919, at the hour Miss Thorn toil is 1» y*an* o f ***’ future to Sixes, where clear cedar will of eight o’clock P. M. o f aaid day, » the alleged father o f the child is about be cut for shipment. The demand for petition will be presented to aaid com LAWYE» 26. Mr. Dummond 1« a lineman for Port Orford cedar is growing, and mon council praying for the vacation Office in First National Bank many firms are willing tg pay war of all those portions of Henry 8 treet the power company, employed Building, Coquilja, Oregon. in Elliott's addition to Coqullle City. city. Mias Thornton lives with ho prices for it. The moving o f this mill to Sixes is Coos County, Oregon, as shown on the mother at Gardiner. one of the first results o f the creation plat of said addition on file in the of Chamberlala’a Tablets ^ tj,e port o f Port Orford, Mr. case fice of the County Clerk of aaid Coos ’ ATTORNEY AT LAW These tablets are Intended * * P ^ '* ; not hesitating to go ¡nt0 business County, deacribed aa follows: ly for stomach troubles, biliousnes n Beginning at the northwest corner , f y o u 'T v * *ny when assured o f . First National Bank Building and constipation. of block 33 of said addition and run troubles o f this sort, g i i . them . tri.1 t r a n s p o r t a ^ * O r ^ Tribune. Coquille • Oregon ning thence weot 19 feet; thence south realize iorjroursel^w hat . ¿ - t $00 feet; thence east 19 feet along r Bning Carda, 100 for $1.00. class mèdieine will do for you only cost a quarter. J Professional Cards Told by the Bankbook Promoting. Prosperity 5 T 5 y riiis the First National Bank is en- deavsriniL^to dcNhT'many, many ways. We are ever ready to lend sup port to legitimate enterprise in the community— whether it be business or farming. Then in addition ttTthat we are striving tor develop thrift in the homes and households. Every bank account means additional prosperity. A. R. L. 0. - - J. Sherwood - President C. Dement - Vice-Pres. H. Hazard - - Cashier C. Sanford - Asst.-Cashier COQUILLE 5 <£> U’ I'-TIJ-J. 1 .'J- ----".!J !_JI - SCIENTIFICALLY CORRECT Zerolene, scientific ally refined from se lected California crude oil, gives better lubri cation with least car bon deposit. GetaCor- rect Lubrica tion Chart for your car. STANDARD OIL * COMPANY LCtUfon>1*> !9 \ W t í A t Q U IC K ’S, The Housefurnisher 1 400-tbs. capacity Cream Separator ..................................$20.00 1 100-lb Steel Anvil ............................................................. $15.00 1 Portable F o r g e ........•............................................................. $10.00 ' Steel Bed Springs and Bedsteads Chlffoneers and Dressers and Tables Brooms, Brushes, Clothes Baskets Ax, Hammer, Pick and Mattock Handles Feltex Floor Covering, per square yard..................................... 95c Copper Wash Boilers, each. .*....................................................$7.00 Tin, Copper bottom, Wash B oilers.. ......................$4.00 to $6.0V Large Variety of Granite Enamel Ware Cook Stoves from ............................... .......................$5.00 to $25.00 New Ranges...............................................................$65.00 to $70.00 Wood and Coal Heaters, each................................... $4.00 to $26.00 Chairs, each................................... ..............................$1.50 to $2.50 Aladdin Chimney 40c. Mantles.................................................. 35c New Oil Lamps, from ......................... ........................75c to $1.00 Tubs, from .................. 1 ............... ...............................$2.00 to $4.00 Wash Boards, f r o m .........................................................50c to $1.00 Perfection Oil Heaters and Cooking Stoves J. DR. a. W. LESLIE The June, 1919, Directory HAS BEEN DISTRIBUTED 0 If you havo not deceived a copy notify our Chief Operator at once. Alw ays refer to your Directory! This will result in a saving of time for you and a more satis factory service. Service First. Coos & Curry Telephone Company DR. C. W. ENDICOTT J. J. STANLEY A. J. SHERWOOD* O W M W xW Ü THE ONE INDUSTRY IN COQUILLE that has operated continuously since ita establishment some fourteen ,years ago has been your Laundry. Rain or shine, good times and bad, it has been on the Job. We have a number of customers that have patronized H continually from tha beginning. Wo are grateful for this appreciation o f our senrie* Our aim is to improve the service in every way possible. Wo wash ever y thing washable. ¿OQUILLE LAUNDRY COMPANY »M p « S h