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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1919)
FKIDAY. iOLT 4, m u T U COQ U1LLK VALLEY A WEEK W IL L DO A m i I t o C a v a li» H « U * a o jo CAPCR IM A GOOD TOW ■ T H . W . YO U N G : t j U b * their postage bill in t o . When hobby i* *w *y he w ill no longer b* deterred from w r i t » » to w ifep e w y d »y on eccount o t the size o i the « u e y bill- In less than • year $2.00 saved every week will amount to over $100—and by that time you’re on the sure road to successful, profitable saving. i W e not* that Ex-Gee. W e d is not going to d iffe r financially even if ha is delayed in securing a cvam iseioa on the h a lf m illion o f Southern Ore gon taxes soon to to paid to Coe* county. He has been receiving $Sbc a month salary, the paper* *ey, * * receiver o f the Home Telephone C#^ and is asking a $60,000 fee fo r effect in g a sale o f it* properties to the Pa •FtlCE, M IT I ENI # f » SHEET cific Telephone O x, at somewhere near $2,000,000. Evidently W est is doing much better financially, I f not occu pying aa prominent a place on the Some daring aviator w ill soon ne first pages o f the daily papers, as if to were still governor or had won the tryin g a trip around the world. senators hip at the election last year. On July 1, the North Bend M ill and When the last county clerk's month Lumber Co. raised the wages o f 1 « ly statem ent was made ia Coes coun to * minimum o f $4.40. ty on May $1, Treasurer Dimmiek had Old settlers w ill look fo r some rain $64,318.03 in the general county fund on the Fourth, but tenderfeet have and $39.760.95 in the general road seen nothing in recent years to war fund, a total o f $104,07849. Those were the only county funds against rant such a force .st. ___ which there were overdrafts. The ov Congratulations appear to ba in erdraft on the general fund was $130,- order at Portland because during the 571.55 and that on the general road pest three months there have only fund was $78,907.44, m aking a total been 426 divorce suits filed to 796 o f $200,479.11. m arriage licenses. When the United States pays that $350,000 o f Southern Oregon taxes it The w *i.w U M ill at Marshfield has has agreed to liquidate at once, the gone on a double sh ift and now oper boot w ill to on the other foot and, ates both sides, em ploying 160 men. instead o f an overdraft there w ill ha It is expected this w ill increase the $40,520 in the treasury, and stamping cut to 200,000 fe e t a day. warranto “ unpaid fa r want o f fonds,” The evenings ere s till cool enough w ill to a thing o f the past. fo r fires, but fo r a couple o f months to N O T MUCH SHOW FO R IT w« shall have summer The latest Roosevelt H ighway news resert weather and the drr In on the from W ashington is not very cheer woodpile is expected to stop. ing. It seems that uader the federal law such governm ent aided road* must to maintained by the state; while under the state act which the voters approved in June the road must be maintained by the federal governm ent. So an appropriation to match the states' tw o and a h a lf m il lion is considered impossible. Representative H aw ley ntay ask a hearing on his bill granting a direct appropriation fo r the Roosevelt H igh way without any maintenance provi sion, but that would leave the high w ay without anybody to care fo r it. and. o f course, the poinff would to raised that to com ply with the state law the government must take up the burden o f maintenance, and i f it doss not, the law we adopted becomes a nullity. CM am 11/ As httie as a dollar opens a sav- M a rt m JW . ings account at this bank. A welcomej awaits you. We want you to regard this hawk as YOUR bank— to meet its officers, End to feel that we have your every interest at heart. There is no red-tape here. We believe in the “Service" idea__and that means cheerful, helpful • accommoda tion, always. Curiously enough, wood that has been Recommended fo r adoption, not to soaking in w ater fo r a long tim e dries t o purchased by pupil*. out quicker, though it m ay contain Courtis, “ Standard Practice Tests :n vastly m ore moisture, than fresh or A rithm etic.” “ green” wood. The reason is that in C ivil Governm ent: green wood the pores are obstructed Hughes, “ Com m unity C ivics.” by resins and other semteoItOs, and D raw ing: when these are d¡solved or washed “ Industrial and Applied A r t Books.” away the drying-oat process is quick Recommended fo r adoption, not to and easy. W e learn frota “ E ngineer to purchased by pupils. ing and Contracting” that,an attem pt Carpenter, “ Stories Pictures T e ll.” is being made to u tilise these facts tn seasoning railw ay-ti**. K iln-drying. COQUILLE 1 OREGON l la voi;ine (I The correct oil for Dou, . e Cars Recommended by DODGE BROS. Sold at • ly , quickly, and uniform ly carried on throughout the stick, and the result - Gardner’’s G arage Tubes Vulcanized and while you wait 1 1 P R IC E S R IG H T ===== Edgar McDaniel, the Coos Bay H ar- HE H IT IT P A I to r man, started Monday m orning, i--- lt * .tn i. accompanied by bis son, H obart, fo r o f the Litchfield. J n. B artley. “ F o r the Children’s H our" (books I, ami I I I . ) Spelling: “ N ew W orld Spelled” (th ree books) Recommended as phonetic speller essary that it sbould be closed when thè old court rlosod it a year or two ago. Probably we shall bear lesa bowling frani thè Bay papera atou t thè closing now than w e did tben. It was hoped that last SaU-nlay m ight not only to the day that w it nessed the signing o f the peace terms a fter almost five years o f w orld war but that the six-year-long contest ov er a school house site m igi-t be ended in C iq u jle the same day. But it was e v e e v . e . anniversary « fc. m • J a iw v ^ . — — ” .' 1 not to be « a v double o f a that kind, though we think that even her* b7 1826- *«•** the past five years have peace may not to much longer do- j h **" * ° Prolific o f change. It doesn't ferred. * j 1« * » * probably now as it did 68 — - - - ¡years * g ° that the United S tate« w ill It is disconcerting to learn, as we take in the rest o f North Am erica, do from Wednesday's Journal, that jW e haven’t gone fa r in th *t direction the contractors on some o f the state yet. highway jobs are tryin g to put over ! The adoption o f the national prohi- a three inch paving, when their eo— biUoB amendment seems to negative tracts call fo r five inches. The gov- the second guess. Boose sellin g has ernor has ordered work stopped on been a sure enough institution, the Pacific highway between G errais j The third has certainly been fu lly and Salem, on account o f discoveries verified. o f such g ra ft: and we naturally won- ’ The fourth prophecy was fulfilled der how much o f the 300 m iles under in fourteen yeers, and now the lines contract in the state is building b y . connecting London and New York are such crooks. W e have voted m il- not one but many, lions fo r roads, and hope Gov. O icott T V fulfillm ent o f the fifth would and State H ighway Engineer Nunn hrve seemed aa fa r away five years w ill see to it that we are nqt buncoed. « * * as it did m 1851, but heaven only ------- ------- . . . jkncw i what kind t The high cost o f livin g due to the Europe win have sen war has this week been reduced 33 1-3 W hile the tim e fi per cent so fa r as ordinary postage is ‘ ocean by steamer is har. ju st as it does in other m etboes, but no subject has yet been found which did not, in the end. yield to treatm ent. Care is taken not to let the tem peratale o f the kiln get above 160 degress F., so that no injury m ay to dons to the fiber o f the wood. a “ It is believed that tim ber treated in this w ay is indestructible, except by fire, so long as it is kept dr> ; and ev en without fu rth el treatm ent it w ill undoubtedly long outlast m ura ennui available fo r railw ay ties some k i~ it o f wood not now available because they contain so much sap and pitch. It is interesting to note in this coa- inection that the soaking the logs that are drifted down t ie river or held ia lo g booms fo r any length o f tim e thus get. instead o f being injurious to the lumber and hastening its decay, Is ex- •e tly what is required to preserve ft, and that tim ber out o f which the sap has been soaked w ill last indeflnftelr under cover and much longer where it is exposed to moitsure. - loo— when « delicious breakfast qc»ck!y prepared, o f .a lwncfa or light supper a p p ctizin w ly served, v ill roll the domestic clouds •w »y .~ H aving figured it out that a womar m her lifetim e roevume* 12.700 hour* in dressing her hair, a Jersey man in sists that by having ail the women wear their hair Hose cut. as the men do. F a t Elk Creek d airy fa im i,v 4 % m iles southwest o f CoquiUb, are am ong the beat in the valley. Can to had this fa ll on long lease to the righ t parties. W rite C. A . Perdleton. Escondido. C alif. 17tl0* Don't forget the “ Electrical Servants’* who help so much tc make up-to-date bridal homes so comfortable, convenient and happy. Let us show vou those of the Celebrated G -E Brand— all can be operated horn ordinary electric bfht outlets. A T Y O U R SER VICE m want the Best in Clothes? T IL L A M O O K G E TS BEST O F Then buy your next suit from The follow ing is from a little pobi tkm gotten out by the Associated dustrie* o f Osvgun, which is eoti Speakirg o f state it mys^ " I t leads the entire w est in the pvo- duction o f furniture. Its woolen gord* are nationally advertised and world fa mous. Its candies are soM over the whole United States and in many toe- eign countries. From Oregon eomm Tillamook cheese, the most widely ad vertised cheese in the United States and th efon * which sets the market price all over the W est. The only rrs- toh it doesn't go clear to the Atlantic is because people won’ t let it. Before it caa g et beyond the Rockies it ■ gob. bled down. L ive advertising o f good ebaaa* did it. T V greatest national ad vertiser o f fru it ju ie . i. Oregon « o - BEST TAILORING BEST WOOLENS BEST SERVICE Tailoring, Cleaning & Pressing Your Cleaning and Pressing called for and delivered R.H. SWEET Sueeeeeor to Fred Slagle Front S t , opposite Farmers ft Merchants Bank Phone 1193 Coquille, Ore. ____________ _