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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1919)
m COQUILLS TALLST SSNTDfSL, COQUILLS. OBSGON. FRIDAY, JUNK «. Ml*. MYRTLE POINT HEMS. Mia* OUve Roach» returned to h»r home in Salem Wednesday morning. Mrs. Ernest Snyder and two small daughters left Tuesday morning for Reeds port where they expect to be with Mr. Snyder during the summer Mias Tobey went to Norway Tues day to visit the Norway school. Henry Schroeder made a business trip to Powers Wednesday. A. A. Schriafer Went to Coaledo on iiusiness Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Max Dement and daughters motored to Coquille Tues- Varnished Surfaced Make Housework Easier When your floor* begin to look shabby, and the worn spots show up on the steps, your work oi keeping them clean is almost doubled. Your housework will be made much easier if you have them reflnished with Economy Fruit J Ball Mason Jars Kerr,s Self-Sealii Wide Mouth Mason Caps Economy Caps Wide Mouth Caps and Lids /¿ME QUALITY ■ VARNOTILE (FLOOR VARNISH) made especially for floors. It wears well, does not scratch or mar white, and is the ideal finish for floors, steps, hallways, and interior woodwork of all kinds. There U a apecial Acme Quality Varnish for every surface. Tell us what surface needs varnishing, and we will assure your getting the material that will giva you the best results. Jar Rubbers Th* ^ e « a f t J h i COQUILLE. OREGON Wire Fencing All foodstuffs will be high this year and home canning will be in order. Why not anticipate your requirements of jars and extras and get your supply while stocks are complete? There is sure to be shortage in these lines later on, and higher prices. :# : : : Whatever your needs in this line you cannot do better than to let us fill them. We have a large stock of STOCK and POULTRY WIRE and BARB WIRE All orders given careful attention Monday visiting at tha C. C. Carter home, and attending to buaineaa. They returned home in the evening, taking with them Ora and Shirley Carter for a few days’ visit. Dr. and Mrs. Pemberton and son, Get our prices Rax, and Mrs. Pemberton’s father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Langlois, start ed in their car Wednesday morning for a month’s tour in California. ' Mrs. 'Ed. Toiler, of Cequllle, Was in Myrtle Point Wednesday visiting at the home of Rev. JCr. Drake and family. Memorial Day was fittingly ob served in Myrtle Point last Friday. Tha program was undsr the auspices of tha G. A. R. and held in the Unique . The Red Crown sign means Theatre. The program was given by “The Gasoline of Quality”— the Grammar school. Commander T. always dependable. Look for M. Hermann, of the G. A. R., gave the the Red Crown sign before address of welcome and introduced the main speaker, Dr. C. G. Doney, of Willamette University, Before the exercises the Home Guards assembled in the usual place in front of Schroed- er’s store* and were disbanded by Capt. Redell. A Children’s Day program will be given at the Methodist church next Sunday evening. Will Lundy and Chat Huling took a crowd to Bandon last Sunday. They reported a good time and came horn- much sunburned. Max Dement and family were visit ing in town this week. They return ed home Thursday. W. E. Lundy and daughters, Mabel and Audrey, left Wednesday morning in their car for California. They are A, B. CAMPBELL, Special Agent Standard Oil, Coquille. Oregon going first to San Francisco where they will visit Mr. Lundy’s sister, Mrs. Dries bach. They will also vis it Mrs. E. B. Lane San Jose before returning home. Mr. Lundy expects Coquille Hardware Co. A t àeÈtGN The Busy Comer United States Food Administration—License No. G^46545 where the Bakery was, to the “Sugar Bowl,” Dan Barklow’s old stand. The change is already taking place and it looks as though Ray was out for busi- Mrs. Florence Root and Miss Metta Hansen left for Honolulu Thursday. Miss Hansen expects to return in I will pay the highest market price—in cash- for your hides. I can handle any quantity and will pay for them on delivery. Phone 731 Coquille, Oregon --------------- 1 -----------------— ± _ ■ V ~ PRINCE AIBER SHELLEY & SON Building Contractors Plans and Specifications on Application Estimates Furnished on All Kinds of Buildings Phone 1051 • Coquille, Ore. about six weeks and Mrs. Root intends to remain there for some length of time. Mrs. Fanny Endicott has been quite ill but is now improving. The Elks of this city raising their quota in the Salvation Army drive. \They expect to have no diffi culty in getting the amount by the end of the week. Wm. Rice, of Marshfield, and Miss Haxel Carey, of thia place, were unit ed in marriage at Coquille Wednes day, May 28. They will make their future home in Marshfield. T O. T . N E L S O N ------------------------------------------------------- h _ Pints Quarts; and Half Gallons mere then thirty business men guar anteeing a big round np show In Myr tle Point on the 4th, 6th and 6th of July. Ray 1m made a trip to Portland Monday where he purchased a new sods fountain. He to going te move ALKabout amok—, Priam Albert k gnared to a joy handout standard W ____ “ ** j»** kvfch— smokehapp If r tidy red tin and a Jimmy pips tn nM a J » or T new S h I fifcr a G«t it straight that what you’ve hankered for in E taP.A p . Thmt a "S?* ** quality op^nty l becauee m P S!k . A m . *** hmm the You can’t any more make Prince Albert bite your tongue or parch your throat than you can maim * hone dnnkwhen he t off the w attrl out by our exclusive patented pcoceeal beck like, a regular fellow and puff to beat tT A* r d!U ? ly ta m uhm y °° A nail section in !£? the back P. lonmtr __ a to remember I smokcDAstim ^ longer than you care C R I M P CUT lOsC i i ’U in ç oiri cicsotm ro S acco * K J* 9 ABmt m m y m «1 ______ . . Tabaooo Ca* Wimatoa-Salaa, I t G