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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1919)
■ *™*r*-y*jtr TheCoquille Sentinel AND THE COQ VILLE HERALD V O I» X IV . CO Q U ILLE, COOS C O U N TY, OREGON. F R ID A Y , J U N E IS, M l*. MO. S3 THE SCHOOL SITE A. J. Sherwood Gives HistoFy of the Litigatiea o f the P u t Six Years Take Mote The new County Court met Wednes day and took up the matter Of Gov. West’s fee in the Southern Oregon case with the results elsewhere re ported. The only other important business transacted was a decision to place considerable additional insurance on the county buildings. The insuranre on the old court house building was increased to $17,600 from the former figure o f $13,600, new insurance being placed to the amount of $6,000. A t the new concrete building, where no insurance had been placed hereto fore $20«000 was taken out, $10,000 on the building and $10,000 on the contents. The rate on this is very low owing to the slight risk, only $1.46 on the thousand for three years,- or $29.20 in all. A policy o f $6,500 was taken out on the buildings at the County Infirmary, where there is considerable risk, Editor Sentinel:— I have always been a v e r»« to airing any grievance •bat I or my entente may have in the newspapers, but it has been suggest- ed to me that aa Attorney for 8SBdol District No. * a reply ahould be made to some o f the itatement* made by Barrow and Strang in your last iaane. And with the thought in view that there may be lome voters in the School District who are not acquaint ed with the facts o f the litigation be tween their district and Barrow and Strang, and principally fo r their in formation I desire to.m ake the fo l lowing statement as shown by the Couft Records regarding the litiga Water Superintendent Lee Goodman tion. was busy the first of the week serving September 18, 1913, Barrow and rotice on property owners that they Strang commenced what is known as must have all leaks in their water a mandamus proceeding against the lines repaired at once. With the ad district to compel it to issue to Bar- vent o f the dry season it is impera row and Strang $6,000.00 in School tive that there be no waste of water, Warrants. and the ordinance providing a fine for October 27, 1913, this case was dis neglect o f leaky faucets, pipes and missed upon their own motion an< toilets will be enforced. at the cost o f Barrow and Strang. November S, 1913, they filed their Complaint in the Circuit Court against the District wherein they ask ed Judgment as follows; "F o r Judg ment agonst the defendant (School District No. 8) in the amount of $6,- Mary Angeline Hillman was born 000.00 with interest at the rate o f in W hitely county, Indiana, July 2 , 6 par cent per annum from March 1869, and in February, 1878, married- 16, 1918." Felix E. Hull. You will note in this case they de I f r . and Mrs. Hull came to Oregon manded a straight money judgment in 1881, and have ever since lived at against the District, and this case Riverton. They have had one child, was afterward tried in the Circuit Harry Hull, and novj have three Court and a verdict rendered for grandchildren. Mrs. Hull also leaves Borrow and Strang. one sister, Mrs. Surrie Blakely, o f Ft* The School District then appealed Wayne, Indiana, and one brother, . the case to the Supreme Court of Frank Billman, who Hves in Kansas. Oregon, and on the 6th day of March, * Mrs. Hull was an earnest Christian 1917, the Supreme Court handed and her life was devoted to doing good down its Opinion which concludes as to others. She was always doing follows: "Th e conclusion is that the nothing fo r somebody. A ll who judgment o f the Circuit Court must knew her are sincere mounters to be le versed with directions to enter day. judgment for defendant." In the course of its Opinion the Cost o f the School Litigation Supreme Court held among other Last week in “ Another Mother’s” t' ings: "Besides all this, the plain tiffs are hers demanding a money letter, owing to the copy being blurred jrdgm ent, when all they were entitled the typesetter had it that the fee paid to In any event under the proposition Mr. Sherwood by the school district adopted by the School Meeting was over the Barrow A Strang litigation was $100, instead o f $400 as it was an interest-bearing warrant." Now, referring again to the very writtan. Thinking all the people of the dis first proceeding commenced by Bar- row and Strang you will note that it trict might like to learn the actual was a mandamus proceeding to com coat o f all the litigation in regard to pel the district to issue the time war the school house site in the past six rants, but convincing themselves be years, we have secured the exact fig fore this first case was ever tried that ures from Mr. Lawrence, the clerx or the record made by the mooting of the board. For the first suit brought in the the School District was not sufficient name of Geo. Peoples, A. K. Peck was to ju stify the issuance o f the time warrant, they dismissed this case op paid a $50 fee and the costa were $7.50. In the next suit which was their own motion. Later, and after the Supreme Court decided some two years ago in the had decided the case in favor o f the Supreme court A. J. Sherwood was School District, and on the 12th day paid a fee of $160 fo r services in the of October, 1917, they filed their Circuit Court and one o f $300 in the third Complaint, in which their de Supreme Court. The costs of the lat ter case paid by the district were $31.- mand is as follows’: "Plaintiffs pray judgment against 26, making a total of $638.75 as the the defendant for the sum of $7,630.00 costs to ths district of this litigation with interost thereon at 6 per cent per to date. On Oct. 16, 1917, however, annum since the first day o f October, a contract was made with Mr. STier- wood to appear fqr the district to rep 1917.” . This Complaint being again defec resent it in the new case o f Barrow tive, upon the motion o f the School A Strang vs. the city school district District the Circuit Court made the new pending fob $200. DEATH OF MRS. FELIX E. HULL 'follow in g order: " I t is ordered and adjudged that said motion be and the same is allow ed, and that plaintiffs make their Complaint definite and certain by stating whether said contract was verbal or written, and plaintiffs arc allowed fifteen days within which to make such amendment." Complying with the Court’s Order, on the 28th day o f August, 1918, Bar- row and Strang filed an amended complaint wherein their demand is as follows: "Plaintiffs pray juogment against the defendant for the sum o f $7960.00 \/ith interest thereon at 6 per cent per annum since the first day o f Au gust, 1918." And the case is now standing upon a demurrer to this Complaint and the School District’s Attorney has been doing everything he can to get this demurrer heard and this case, against the District tried and settled as soon os possible. But this case cannot ho tried until the District has the priv ilege o f examining the transcript of the case which went to the Supreme k) V Four Candidates For Director For the position o f director at the annual school meeting next Monday for the two places to be filled, Fred C. True’s term expiring and H. O. A n derson hiving removed from the dis trict, there are four candidates. Mr. True is a candidate to succeed him self and the other three are Dr. C. W. Endicott, Edwin Ellingsen and our former mayor, A. T. Morrison. We understand that all o f these have ex pressed an intention to serve if elect ed, which is all that any one could be expected to do in the case o f an office, which means more or iess work and worry— and certainly more in caae we are to erect a new school building, as the women at least demand shall be done. A special brief but important meet ing o f the Woman’s CTub is called by the president for Monday, at 2:30, at the City Hell. “The Women On The Index,” feat- uriag Pauline FredencX, the greatest o f all emotional Stars, Liberty Thea tre Sunday, June 15th. TOGROWBEflRIESiWANTS $20,000 r 9I.M T H E Y E A R . Narrow Escape From Death 10 ALL THE GIP The following story in which Coun- I . ty Superindent Mulkey and Mias Cow- gill figure os the principal acton is ' reported in the Times as coming from The Commercial Club Logan* That la The Amount Ex-Govern Mr. Mulkey. There were thirteen in First « —^ Construction A fte r or Went Asks o f Coon Coun Th/^War rh#Wa To Be From \ the party, and in stepping out on the berry Missionaries—Want sand o f the shore o f a small lake ty—Court Demure Powere Southward 2,000 Acren Planted Miss Cowgill sank to her waist in the quicksand and Mr. Mulkey in trying In aa interview with Judge Watson It is reported that the first railroad W. C. Bradley, o f Marshfield, came to rescue her went in to his armpits: construction undertaken after the war over from Marshfield Wednesday and ha gives us the following facta in re It seems that last Sunday a party of will be the construction o f t'.w line that evening addressed the Commer gard to Ex-Governor Oswald West’s seven went from the Bey to Besle lake from Powers to Trinidad, Cal., which cial Club on the subject o f loganber- connection with the Southern Oregon where they met a Coquiile party o f aiz will give us direct railroad communica riee. His proposition was that the legislation at Washington, wMch is including Mr. Mulkey and Miss Cowgill, tion with San Francisco, instead of club should assist him in getting lo expected to result in placing about who had gone out to the Peterson cot ganberry and raspberry acreage $490,000 o f back taxes, interest and having to go half way to Portland to tage. The thirteen picnicked together get started as we do now. The Sen signed up with the idea o f securing penalties ip the treasury of Cooe and in the afternoon five o f the number tinel has never swerved from the opin the location of one of the two big county some time next month. crossed tha lake to start on a hike for juice and canning companies whioh It was on Feb. 14, 1918, that Geo. the sand hills. Miaa Cowgill, when she ion that when this road was built the want to build a P # > t in Coos county. Nuner, county attorney for Douglas stepped on shore, sank the sand present Marshfield to Powers line One of these will locate in Marshfield county, called Judge Watson up on Mr. Mulkey in going after her, went in would fo*-m part of the route. Indeed, and if a sufficient acreage is guaran the telephone to talk to him about the too. John Ekbald,' who was in the boat, from the time the road between M yr teed in this territotry the other com Southern Oregon caae in which both got out with the oars on secure sand, tle Point and Powers was built six pany can be secured for Coquiile. The Douglas and Coos counties were in next to the danger spot, and the three years ago it ought to have been evi contracts which are made for 5 years, terested. Nuner said the matter of o f the partv who were safe, finally pull dent that it was to be part o f a guarantee a minimum o f $87.60 per the proposed sale o f these lands to ed the other two out o f the engulfing through line. It may be still a long ton fo r loganberries and $166 per ton the government was being sidetracked sand in which they were sinking. For while to wait but some time within for red raspberries. These prices are and would in all likelihood b$ allowed some time there was acute fear that the next ten years through trains fixed, no matter if the market is be to sleep in the public lands committee, the rescuers would not be successful. from Portland to San Francisco will low those figures, but if it is over, the and suggested that something ought The others in the row boat were: Mrs. be going up this valley and calling at grower is guaranteed a bonus figur to be done about it. Judge Watson C. E. Mulkey o f Coquiile. and Mist Coquill*. Bandon will get a railroad ed at the market price, less one-eighth agreed that something ought to be Gladys Howard o f North Inis'!. Others eventually, too, but it will probably of a cent per pound. With a produc done and talked about getting some o f the perty o f 13 were: Mies Joan Fitz come from Roseburg, and be a part of tion o f 6 tons to the acre this means representative from Cooe county to gerald o f Coquiile, E. R. Peterson, coun the Hil system. Meantime, there is over $430 groes per acre". go to Washington in ¿He interest of ty chib leader, Mias Mae Peterson of the Roosevelt highway which won’t The club went on record Wednes the two counties. North Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hill- mis* th* port at the mouth o f the Co day evening as agreeing to act as an Nuner stated that Gov. West was in ■trom of Marshfield, Mieses Esther and quiile. It has but one more river to organization to secure the necessary Washington and that he might handle Edna Asplund o f Marshfield, and J. P. cross to insure its construction and pickers, whether the acreage is 260 the case to better advantage than any Michels o f Coquiile. that ought to be the easiest o f all. W * or 2000. Mr. Bradley said that one one else in behalf of thej, counties. n*v*r expected the appropriation for of the companies promised if 2000 When West returned from Washing it to be made by the legialature, and acres were brought into berry produc ton he came to Roeoburg and Judge certainly had grave doubts about tion they would build the finest plant Watson went out there to meet him securing the majority in th* state in the world to take care o f the fruit and Judge Marsters and Mr. Nuner. yot*. And yet it proved the most -h ere in the Coquiile valley. popular measure on th* ticket. The goveror stated the attitude of There are thousands o f acres in the congress was that if they did any Greet enthusiasm ia being shown in territory tributary to Coquiile which thing at all it would be to pay the tax the plans for the Booster School Pa The Site Ia Now Marked are not suited for dairying but which due the counties and oliminate the rade, which will take place in Co Editor Sentinel:— A number o f per would be ideal for berry culture and provisions giving the state or coun quiile tomorrow evening, June 14th. sona do not know the correct location the returns would be much greater ties any percentage o f the receipts The theme o f the parade with its o f th* Barrow and S trin g tract th*t than are even being received now in (torn the sale of lands, aa was done many special and intareating features the people voted to buy for a school th dairy business. There is no hot in the California A Oregon railroad will be "Better Schools for Coquiile,” house site. And a number o f other ter place in the world to raise logan tase, when the government took back and fo r that reason it will be of es persons have been told and shown a berries than the Coquiile valley. They the lands. It was suggested that the pecial interest to every man, woman wrong tract o f ground, r.nd it seems, have a finer flavor than the W illam state fees be eliminated and that some and child here. purposely so. ette valley berries and yield better. of the proceeds of the sale be secured The parade will form in the fo l The long way of the tract ia not Mr. Bradley and members o f the fe ; the c-turtles. lowing order: ^ north and south along th* Marshfield chib are out this week signing up eon- When H came to the question of read, and it does not ran down the Coquiile -Band. tracts and Sunday it is expected that what fee Gov. West should have if Mayor o f Coquiile and Superintend hill toward* Cunningham oroek, as several cars will go out loaded with he took up the case, West said to W at some have said it does. On the con ent o f Schools. citizens who will try to cover the son: trary, it runs east and west on nice, Patriotic Car whole territory and get at least the "You are a lawyer and Judge Mar high ground. Block eight is situated High School Color Car 250 acre minimum signed up. sters is a lawyer and I will leave it on the Marshfield road a little north Gymnasium Car Tuesday evening there will be held to you.” east o f Mr. Burns’ barn, and block Girls Basket Ball Car a meeting at Fail-view at which both That was all the agreement as to seven lies right east at block eight and Boys Basket Ball Car the ranchers o f that section and Co- West’s compensation, except that the ie fenced in. It had a crop of grain on Girls Sewing Club Car quille business men will be present counties would pay his expenses. And on it this year which has just been cut. Manual Training Car to discuss the proposition and get sig that Is exactly as Judge Watson re People have been driving ocross Domestic Science Car natures to contracts. ported to us and The Sentinel publish Each school grade from the eighth block eight, diagonally through the The funeral services o f Mrs. Felix ed the agreement at the time. Of to the first proceeded by an auto for center o f the block from the southwest E. Hull, of Riverton, are to occur at course, that left it so that the grade. Children between tha comer near Mr. Burns’ barn, to thè the Ellingsen Undertaking parlors if Gov. West accomplished nothing he ages o f four and six may march with northeast comer o f the block. here today and will be conducted py would get nothing more than his ac I have marked the four corners of the primary grades. Rev. W. S. Smith, o f Bandon, owing tual expenses. the school site tract with white flags. "L ittle Ones” cars to Mr. Conder’s illness. The inter Recently a Portland attorney call Aa you walk or drive on the tract, by Perambulators ment will be In the Masonic cemetery. ed Judge Watson up and told him that Mr. Burns’ place, th* southweet cor Woman’s Club Mrs. Hull has been ill for the past in view o f a possible recall the new ner ie right at hand by a tall tele Cartoons and Comic Features. three or four months. She went to court would not know what to do in From this outline it will be seen phone pole and a myrtle bush, and the Emergency Hospital at Portland the matter if they were elected and from this point in the road and in a week ago Wednesday where she un that somthing ought to be done for that there will be an opportunity fer every child in Coquiile to participate plain view, you can see the white flags derwent an operation fo r cancer. She Governor West. at all four comers o f the tract. The died there on Tuesday. She would A few days after the recall West In this parade and motheri are urged northwest comer is near a little too> have been sixty years of age next called up the judge here and said he to see to it that every child who possi house bulit by the county on the bly can shall take pert in it. month. would mail him a statement and a Marshfield road. A small comer of The parade will form in the street contract for them to sign. He said he this block drops down a little to this before the Federated church, and will Bitten Off A ll They Can Chew thought he ought to have 6 per eept tool house. Moon A Co., of Marshfield, seem to of the money to be paid the county march west to Willard street and I have marked those comers at the south to Front street, east to the be loading up with work. They have now “ but it is entirely as you Bay.” request o f several persons who desir- ’ Judge Watson then called up Judge Farmers and Merchants bank, north just takeiLa contract to do the street ed to know what ground was included and sewer work for Coquiile City at Marsters and told him that West to the Sentinel office, then south to in the school house site, and I will over $23,000. Since then they have thought he ought to have a 6 per cent Jthe Baxter Hotel. The program will gladly show them to any person who contracted to grade the Marshfield commission and his expenses. Mar- ’ follow immediately and is as follows: desires to look over the ground. highway at about $14,000 r.nd to grade sters answered; “ That is too darned Song ..........................Coquille School There are about three and one-half and High School Yells seven miles o f the Pacific highway much,” and added that four per cent .C l acres in the whole tract.—C. R. Bar- down the coast in Curry county, in would be a liberal fee. Judge Watson Flag Tribute, “ Star Spangled row. Banner” . . . . ............ Assembly cluding the removal o f 72,000 yards o f also talked with people in this county rock and 76,000 yards of earth as about the matter and got their opin Address .................. Mrs. Branstetter Grand Jury Makes Record Special Music .................. Mr. Draper well' as the clearing o f 80 acrea o f ions. The new Grand Jury met here Mon ground and the building o f seven When W est, came down here last Address .......................... Miss Kalbus day and concluded its work in the Rev. J. E. Condor bridge and 600 yards o f rip rap, for Friday he brought a form o f contract Address ......... .. record time o f two days. Only two . . ........ Assembly the State Highway Commission. And with him that he wanted the court Song, “ America” indictments were found. One was then, still asking'for more, they have to sign. He made seven trips to against Charles R. Flanagan, of got a $25,000 sewer contract in North Washington, he said, in the case and Marshfield, for assault with a dan Bend. Anybody wanting work is ad put his expenses at $400 a trip, or C at Wrecked Last Friday gerous weapon; and one against vised to apply to Moon A Co. $2800 in all. He had already been Archie B. Arnold for issuing worth Austin Clinton’* car was badly paid $600, o f which Cooe county paid less checks for an automobile, fo r $400 and Douglas $100. That Would smashed up on the road just south of The “ Flu” Came Back gasoline etc. They were both ar leave $2300 yet due for hie expenses, town last Friday in a collision with W .‘ Last Monday m orning,it was re raigned and pleaded not guilty. of which Coo* county’* sharo would E. Croaa’ car. Cross got away on ported that there 21 new cases o f the he four-flfths or $1840 and DougU*’ his own power, we suppose, but at "flu” in town. When the epidemic State Will Finish the Road $460, last accounts Austin’s car was atill in was at its height last winter we un A Portland dispatch dated Wednes Judge Watson says in his opinion th« highway- However, he has had derstood that it was o f a kind to day says that th* state highway com "come back,” but that at each recur credit is doe Gov. Wect fo r securing mor* important business on hand mission awarded th# contract for for the counties the 26 per cent oh since than looking after an auto, aa rence it would be of a milder charac grading the Cedar Point- Coquille por ter. Among thoce down with it the the sales c f the land which the bill will appear from our marriage license tion o f th* Marshfield rood to Moon Arst of theh week were Mr. and Mrs. provides and alee that speeding np the r* cord- à Company for $10,600. A contract ~~ “ Sum Nosier, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S. legislation so that a quick settlement to r removing slides on the Mamhfleld- w i made was due to his effort*. * M a m b «r s of New Grand Jury Tuttle, Hazel Gilpin o f the Busy Cor Cedar Point road«, was lot to Cooe ner, M. J. Harts on and Charles Man Judge Watson thought four per ( The new grand jury consists o f th* county fo r $6,500. sell. Sam Nosier and Clarence Tut cent would be a reasonable fee, if it following members: M. 0. Hawkins, tle were both out again yesterday, a peered that Gov. West hod done Coquill*, foreman; F. B. Phillip*, Co- How clever are you at match-mak- though rather weak. thie, and in this opinion Judge Mar- quill*; M. H. Hersey, Coquiile; John ing? Roy Stewart is a Red Headed iter* agreed, thought he «aid he would H. Eckhoff, North Bend; Wm. O. match-maker in a Let-Her-Rip Weat- Give the beat you have to the school ■ Ingraham, North Bend; D. C. Kay, ern Story Monday and Tuesday nights and the beat will come back to yea. Bandon; and Wm. Kbhiad. Marshfield. Liberty Theatre. Math paga) (Continued SATURDAY’S BIG PARADE^ ?