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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1919)
PAO E TEN THE COQUILLE TALLET ,1 COQUILLE. OREGON. FRIDAY. MAT Mi U lt. ia the Valley The old Grand Jury made its final MYRTLE POINT ITEMS. was discharged the first o f j j j Schroeder, who was a ----------- the week. A new one will be selected . tha Baltimore Colony o f 1858 that Dr. Louis M. Anderson returned from the new jury for the June term iueh . ^ in the development from S t Louis, Michigan, Wednesday tha Coquille valley In pioneer evening. He met his assail daughter, Telline About Tuesday gave us some in Kathleen, at Albany* and brought her F. Bowman ha» just teresting facts about the early days on home with him. Events in the City and Gallup, Ntw Mexico. Ha Harold Drake gave a great surprise and early settlors o f the valley. Yes bought the Tapley place northeast o f County. terday, May 29, ho says was the six to his parents and sisters when he town and axpacte to engage in tioth anniversary o f the arrival of the walked in on them last Sunday. He J. D. Ben ham was in from Fairview cultivation of barri»». colony on the sits o f Coquille, which has been in Salem attending the Wil Wednesday. The High School commencement then consisted o f only a log house. lamette University since last Septem E. E. Johnson was over at the Bay will tel*» place at Anderson’» Hall to* They had spent four days then in com ber. Harold was taken down with the night. Carl Gregg Doney, president ing up from Port Orford and'it took in ump» and so returned home. He the first of the week. o f Willamette University, will deliver two more to reach the point where hns been quite sick but is some bet J. S. Barton is confined to’ his home the commencement address. they first settled, five miles above ter at the present writing. on account of illness Mrs. C. C. Carter, who spent last The employes and official» of the Myrtle Point. There has been only one inmate pf A t that time there were 80 settlers week in Salem with her daughter, Southern Pacific led all others in the the Jail here during the past’ week. recent Victory Loan subscription with in the valley from Bandon to Powers Gladys, returned home Monday. Prof, and Mrs. C. A. Davidson mo Chautauqua begins at the big tent a total o f |fi,160,700 and for the five besides some migratory miners above tored to Coquille on business last Sat Powers. O f the 80 there are only this afternoon. Will you be there? loans a total of $18,000,000. eight now living in the valley. They urday. J. M. Thomas, deputy game war B. H. Burns, who was are J. F. Schroeder, of Coquille, Mrs. Dr. Clarke reports the epidemic of den, was a Coquill» visitor k^ooday. ed to Bellingham on account of the Alva Harry, of Sitkum, Mrs. John “ flu” at Loe and McKinley under con Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Forbes drove in serious illness o f his sister, is ex* Hamhlock and Y. M. Lowe, of Bandon trol with no new cases. from McKinley in their ear Tuesday. peeied home again the last of this Mrs. Jemima Huffman and Russel De Mrs. Walter Scott and daughter, week, his sister being now out o f dan- ment, o f Myrtle Point, Mrs. Emily Fay, went to Coquille Friday to visit " Where is “ Headin' South?" Liber Schroeder, o f Arago, and Mrs. Gus friends and relatives. ty Theatre Saturday evening, May 81. Baccalaureate services were lield at Two others _ . . , . . . . __ J. H. Mngill, who has been livinig Schroeder, of Norway. The Chautauqua en is here Jn town assisting in the care o f are living in the county over at the thy Methodist church last Sunday the Collier lot. opposite the Busy oar- £ brother_in.UW( A . WiUon, fince Bay, Mrs. Curtis and Mrs. Nasbaugh n'ght. Rev. Mr. McDonald preached the sermon. The Hi^h School fur last November, left yesterday morn and still others farther away. Next Friday, June 6, will be natur ing far his ranch up in the Eden coun Sixty years ago every prominent nished the music. Union Memorial sorvices wore held alization day in the Circuit Court try. point on the north side of the Coquille had one or more settlers; but on the at the Latter Day Saints’ church Sun here. Archie >0. Walker received word doy morning. There won’t be a dull moment at Sundhy of the death o f his father at south bank of the river between Ban Rev. Thos. Barklow will preach at the Chautauqua. Have you bought a San Diego, Calif., and he left Tues don and Arago the only settler was a Swede by the name o f Lam pa, who Broadbent at 11 o’clock and at Catch season ticket. day morning for Prineville, Ore., had just pitched a tent at the mouth ing Creek at 2 o’clock next Sunday. Judge Watson went over to the Bay where the funeral will be field on Sat o f the creek that took bis name. He He is going to give an object lesson — yesterdsy afternoon and up to Powers urday. remained there but a short time, how All are invited to attend. this morning. Wilbur Barklcfa, o f Marshfield, was , Mrs. E. E. Johnson went out to Eu ever. Mr. Schroeder says he not only called home Monday evening as his Not much is left of Virgil Watters’ gene Tuesday giorning in response to grand jury report since Accountant word from there that Philip was ill. knew the 80 people living in the val folks are all sick with the grippe. Next Monday evening Mrs. Oliver Wann punctured it. . She had intended to go out next week ley then but can still name every one o f them. He was 14 years old when H. Clarke will present her piano pu foti the graduation exercises o f the Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Kern were they landed here and-for him the day ;>ils in public recital at the Unique over from the Bay the first of the Eugene high School. was made an especially sad one by Theatre. Mrs. O. H. Knowlton, of week visiting home folks. Read the report o f Accountant the drowning o f his brother, William Coquille, and Rev. F. G. Drake, o f this Teachers have been employed for all Wann on county affairs elsewhere then eleven years old, at the mouth of city, are to be vocal soloists and Dr > but’ one o f the nineteen summer published and then get your neigh Cunningham creek. Binger Her Clarke will be the reader. Those who bors to read it. It shows how Uttta schools held in this county. then a boy a couple of years attended Mrs. Clarke’s recital last foundation there is for the hot air the older than Mr. Schroeder made a val year will remember what a splendid “ Captured by the Cannibals"— the Recall leaders have been peddling. iant attempt to rescue the drowning showing was made. This year’s pro most sensational picture ever taken. gram bids fair to surpass that o f last Tracy Leach and A. A. Pauli re boy but was unable to do so. Liberty Theatre June 6th and 7th. turned Sunday from Salem, and Mr. A reunion o f the eight settlers nam year. The public ia invited. C. T. Skeels returned last Saturday and Mrs. J. S. Lawrence Monday a f Isaac Barklow and family, o f Myr ed above was talked of for this sixti from a trip out into the Willamette ternoon. The Utter spent a day in eth anniversay o f the Mnding o f the tle Point, and H. K. Root, of Arago, Valley and down to San Francisco. Portland with Perry wno came down party at this point, but they are wide expect to leave for California Satur They will be gone about Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Robinson re there from Arlington to meet them. ly scattered up and down the valley day. month. turned last Sunday afternoon from and probably all of them are in the H. O. Anderson and son Culver left The commencement exercises o flh e a five-weeks’ 'trip through California. yesterday morning for Ashland in his seventies or eighties. graduating class o f 1919 of Myrtle Mr. Anderson has been ap Coquille is a Chautauqua town. We auto: A t your service. We call for and Point was held at the Unique Theatre want it to continue to be. The program pointed local agent at that point for Fol deliver your cleaning and pressing. Wednesday evening, May 28. for the next three days will interest the Oregon Life and expects to put lowing is the program: Phone 1188. R. H. Sweet a in the summer selling life insurance. you. * March .................................... Orchestra „ “ Headin’ South.’’ It’s a Fairbanks “ Captured by the Cannibals” places Invocation ..........................Rev. Drake All for Roosevelt Highway picture. That means that it’s a rio t you in the company of these Human Trombone Solo . . . . Arval Hazelwood From the Oregon Mn. Liberty Theatre Saturday evening, Brutes for an evening at the Liberty Vocal Solo ................Vivian Anderzon The Oregonian will record itself as Piano S o l o ................... Mildred Drake Theatre June 6th and 7th. May 81st. frankly surprised at the evident favor “Come Where the Lillies Bloom” Miss Edna Conner, domestic science On her way from here to Fat Elk with which the proposal for the Roose High School Chorus Mrs. Vc teacher at Marshfield high school, yesterday afternoon velt highway is received by the state. A d d ress..................Dr. Carl G. Doney spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Weekly lost a small box containing Perhaps the name has something to Violin S o l o ................... Glen Neideigh four pieces of jewelry, one o f them a do with i t We think it has. Wm. Richardson. Presentation o f Diplomas The Ko-Keel Klub gave a dance at ring with a Mexican sapphire Perhaps there is a feeling that, in the Chairman o f school board Finder will please return them to this widespread road movement throughout the club rooms last nlgnt which was a Muaic ..................« .................Orchestra office. Oregon, the coast counties have been complete success and heartily enoyed Those graduating were Carmel ^ by the participants. Remember that all women and men in a measure neglected. Mars ter*, Anns Moser, Jacob Moo- Perhaps there ia an underlying appre “ Captured by the Cannibals.” Ed who are qualified to vote at the recall maw, Kathleen Marsters, Marion hension o f our almost detenseless situa ucational and interesting. Blood election next Tuesday will also be Baynes, Stella Parker. tion, and a real appreciation of the curdling and Hair-raising at t A Lib qualified to vote for school directors The funeral services o f the late and clerk at the annual district meet military value o f an accessible and erty Theatre June 6th and 7th. Mrs. Miller were held Thursday morn practicable thoroughfare, parallel to ing in the high school assembly room ing in the Methodist church, Rev. Mr. Reider Bugge, of the Scandinavian- on June 16. the coast line, and very near to it American bank at Marshfield • was a Perhaps there is a willingness now to Drake taking charge. Who started Him "Headin’ South?” Lucy Ann Taylor was born in the caller Monday, accompanied by a invest in roads for purposes of develop Liberty Theatre Saturday evening, ment, with an assurance that the re state o f Virginia April 2, 1842, and friend from Poi ortland. May 81st. turns will ba certain, and with the died at the home o f her son, Jas. M. V. R. Wilson, on, “ Opi Optometrist,” Co knowledge that they will be slight with Miller, in Myrtle Point, May 22, 1919, O. C. Sanford returned Tuesday quille, Oregon. Eyes Tested, glasses out some matured project o f selfhelp.. aged 77 years, one month and 26 days. fitted. Optical repairs of all kinds. from his trip to Salem to attend the Perhaps the vision of the state has Her early life was spent in Missouri, I. 0 . O. F. grand lodge. He spent Broken lenses duplicated. 18t8 where she was married to Charles Sunday with his brother, C. J. San been so widened and enlarged that it James Thrift, who returned to Co Wesley Miller. To this union was ford, at Alsea, west of Albany and wants a comprehensive plan of road quille last week, following his release born one child, Sarah, who died In construction proposed now and realized .tear the coast. He says the people from the navy, is again on duty in 1880. Mr. Miller died in 1866. In of that section are solid for the Roose as soon as may be, so that the whole the Ralph Nosier barber shop.« 1870 Mrs. Miller was married to Geo. may benefit by the progress and pros velt Highway. perity of every part. W. Miller, o f Henry county, Missouri, Douglas Fairbanks, the athletic and Everybody Who wants to and is over Perhaps the plan of co-operation with where the family resided until coming acrobatic star, its “ Headin’ South” at the Liberty Theatre Saturday even 21 years of age can vote for directors the government contains its own special to Oregon. To this union were born and clerks at annual school meetings sppeal, just now to citizens who have five children. Leaving Missouri tn ing, May 81st. neft month. On financial matters only had recently a great stimulus to their 1874 the family came to Oregon, land Rev. Jas. E. Conder preached a property holders and tax payers are patriotic ardor through the trial o f a ing at Gold Beach, fu rry county. Here thoughtful and stimulating sermon to allowed to vote, except heads of fam great war, and have earned a higher they resided twenty-eight years, re the High School graduates at the Fed ilies in the smaller districts; but ror pride in their government, their state moving to Wilbur, Douglas county, In erated church last Sunday evening. school officers there are no restric and their citizenship than ever before. 1902 and to Myrtla Point in 1908. Mr. tions. Perhaps it is all these consider» Miller preceded her to the life beyond Mrs. C. T. Skeels returned Monday tiona together, and others o f merit on January 30, 1917. ) afternoon from a visit of several days Mrs. Sarah Wickham and Mrs. Nels and influence. Whatever it is, it is Mrs. Miller was s Christian all her with her daughter, Marvel, who is at Osmundson came in last Sunday a f quite true that practically every rep life. When a child she became a tending the State University at Eu ternoon for a visit with relatives and resentative voice in Oregon, so far as gene. friends. Mrs. Wickham is uncertain it has spoken, is for the Roosevelt member of the Baptist church. Net finding the church o f her choice after whether she will remain in Coquille highway. Probably it was our hearing that locating in Oregon she became s mem or will return to California after vis Let us be gUd that it is is so. ber o f the United Brethren church in was at fault when we reported “ Mrs.” iting a few months. Mr. Osmundson Sometimes a qualm of uneasiness ov Jerry’s Flat, Curry county. Mrs. Mil Geo. Magill as having died above is expected to make a trip up here a erwhelms us that we may be overdo Myrtle Point instead o f Mr. Geo. ler was s faithful wife and loving little later in the summer. ing this road business. Yet we have mother, ever solicitous of the welfare Magill. had a long spell where it has been of her children. She loaves behind to Mrs. Dimmick, the librarian, says Goes to Arizona underdone, or not done at all. The mourn their loss five sons: Wm. R. that there will be a cooked food sale Melvin Kern, who has been at work present is great and the future fs and John W., o f Powers; Frank L., of Saturday, June 7, at the former in the shipyards at tho Bay, started long, and there is plenty of time and Coquille; and Jas. M. and Milton W., Lyons’ grocery, for the benefit o f the south this morning along with 41 resource to pay. of Myrtle Point; and sixteen grand city library. 20t2 other men who had been at work children, one great grandchild, L ou » Miss May Lund, county supervisor, there. They are going to work on a NOT1CE. Henry Krick; besides a number of project went up to the north end of the county government reconstruction friends and acquaintances. , VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN to visit schools the first o f the week. down in Arixona, where the govern NOTES have been received. __ _ All sub- ment has consolidated several Indian A t your service, Tailoring, Clean- Mrs. Clarence Boyrie and children, reservations in the neighborhood of sc fibers who have paid their subscrip Phone 1198. R. Helen and Arthur, will leave Satur the Grand Canyon. The read program tions in full are requested to call aad ing and Pressing. H. Sweet. day on the City o f Topeka for a there is expected to take several years receipt for their notes. FIRST NATIONAL BANK month’s visit with relatives in Cali to complete. On the Verdi there, an Why is He "Headin' South?” Lib fornia. immense dam Mrger than the fam Doug Fairbanks takes to “ greasers” erty Thaetre Saturday evening. May ous Roosevelt dam is building for re Mike Philip, con of Commissioner like a duck to water. See him in 81st. Archie Philip, returned to North Bend clamation purposes. “ Headin’ South” Liberty Theatre Sat- last Saturday, having served two urday evening May 81st Somebody is going, to get a mighty Who is “ Handln South?" Liberty years, Melting one day, in Unde Sam’s cheap lot Tip near the high school Theatre Saturday May Slat. service. Call on us for building one of thses days. MINOR MENTION. KODAK DAYS T h e spring days are kodak days L e t a Kodak help y o u to eryoy them . ’ i Ovr Kodak stock is complete and we will be g lad to show yea how Le uz take care of your Kodak finishing Knowlton’s Drug Store will buy the best residence lot in Coquille this week. Sm ooth and level. Just west o f the City High School. v This lot is worth $500; adjoining lots have sold for that price, and it will be good for that again before many years. Sewer taxes all paid and street improvement taxes to date. This is the greatest bargain ever offered in Coquille city prop erty. For further information call at SENTINEL OFFICE This is the only time this lot will be offered at that price ss P REMIUMS paid for life insurance are not an ex pense, they are a saving. Every holder of a legal reserve policy in the Bankers Life Company, saves money. If you are under age 46 and live as long as you ought you will receive back all, or more than you have paid in. Pays Live or Die. A. T. M ORRISON District Agent for BANKERS LIFE C OM PANY Coquille KEYNOTE OF METHODIST CENTENARY Dr. S. Earl Taylor “The world cannot be recon. structed by a formula. No mare agreement among diplomats can hast tha wounds of war. No Intarnational constitution, how- tvar perfect In Its phrasing, and no mars economic revolution, however swooping In Its scope, can bring about tho universal reign of poses and good will among man. Such a poses Is ths fundamental aspiration of every human heart, but It cannot be realized through government, and it cannot be realized through law alons. World democracy can and will be realized only through tha practical application of the religion of Jaeuc, and nothing but falthlcaanosa on the part of tho Christian Church need delay Its realization new.” / Oregon “ Headin’ South.” It’s Doug Fair banka. That means that it’s .thrill ing, spectacular and full o f action Liberty Theatre Saturday evening May 81st. k 2 rn ~ Delivery & Transfer Stand at Farmers Store Store Phone n il Rea. Phone 346