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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1919)
P A G E N IN E P R O M T , M A T OR IN fc Ed L oe Dauer _ . ________ March » , U M , and sme a little o v « 39 yeara o f ago a t the tim e o f har daeth. Bha was the daugfcter o f Mr. and M rs. D avid Diuw, who both diad h « e . 8ha had bosn m arried tw ice, her first huahaad being Jach M e n den. They had turn chlldren, M n . Vance W eekly being the ene new U v June 24, 1904, she and Ed G iltetpio were m arried. O f this union there w e n born seven children, o f whom all but on# are livin g, aa follow s: Cyn thia and Dorn, Chester, Leonard, Ed die and Louis, the last tw o o f whom are twins. Card at Thanks T o ths m any friends who aided in caring fo r our w ife and m o th « dur ing her iUneas and befriended us in ■o many w ays, and to a ll who have sympathised w ith and helped us in our hours o f affliction since her death we return our h ea rtfelt thankp. Ed. G ill«p ie and children. M r. and Mrs. .V a n « W eakly. always ready to help where he was needed. When the M yers fa m ily con tracted the “ flu " he went there, help ing dqy end night till he was him self taken down. H e lived but six days. In his horns ha waa a kind and lov ing husband and fath er, always think ing first o f his w ifa and baby. Besides his w ife and daughter, he leaves one sister, Mrs. Wm. M yers; a b th «, ’» Clarence; and a host o f — ro ---- friends to mourn hie loss. The funeral s e r v ie « were conducted by Rev. Thoe. Barklow at the fam ily cem etery at Lee a t f p. m. Monday, County Missionary Convention The C om Coi.nty M issionaiy Con vention o f the Christian Church d os ed Sunday evening. The church feels greatly ctren^thened and helped, es pecially by the work o f E . F . Swan- ton, state secretary, and Mrs. Clara G. Eason, state Bible School superin tendent The church has e x te n d « a C u d at Thanks call to Rev. Rex Dallas, o f Eugene, F or ths m any k in d n ess« shown us and be w ill begin his work June 8th. during the h u t illness and at the tim e Rev. M r. Dallas c a m « recommended o f the d « t h o f our husband anil as one o f the ablest young preachers er by our many friends w e to be sent from Eugene Bible U niver this tim a to extend our sity. H is sermons during the conven thanks. tion w e n greatly appreciated by all M rs. J. H . A k er and who heard him. »M .M R E W A R D C eo tG oard Disbands The Common Council o f the C ity o f Coquille w ill pay u rew ard at »60.00 fo r th e apprehension and conviction o f any person or parsons in terferin g « tam pering w ith the C ity w ater works or any part thereof. V */ J. 8. Lawrence, / C ity A t the m eeting o f the Coquille C o m Guard, prior to being mustered out last Monday evening, it sms voted to donate »26 o f the funds in the treas ury to ths Honor Guard who are s till doing re lie f work fo r B elgian suffer ers, and the ba l s a « »22.00 waa order ed paid over to the Fourth o f July committee. Dairym en cast at in g your bu tttrfftt, o f acre at land, at building « edditiau to your M riM ingi. « o f any thing elite that was e i « e « r y vte the at yam business, even to the o f board and clothes, during the last tw o yefcrs as com pand with the preceding tw o y e a n ? M r. Saw M ill Man and M r. L o g g « ; W hat differene* have you found in the coat o f gettin g out y o u produet a* between the last tw o y e a n and the tw o years preceding? > You w ell know that th e n higher c « t s o f production w ere forced on to you by a condition that you were pow- to combat, and lik e a ll good chiaens you went to it and did the best you could. You came out all righ t. How are you goin g to let Jim Watson com# out? Ho 1ms boon re sponsible to a ll o f you. A rc you go in g to eay that he should have done v hat it was not possible fo r you to do, are you goin g to go to the polls next Tuesday and, cast your vote to disgrace a man who has faith fu lly « r v e d you fo r a term o f years, be cause a condition a r o « th at made it impossible fo r him and his associates o f the County Court to make a dollar do in 1917 and 1918 whnt it could do in 1916 and 1916. D. D. Pierce. The Coo# County taxpayer knows the other and when some o f the para sites who pay little or no t a x « and who h a « been p roflttin g o ff tbo lnv- iah expenditures o f public funds, at tem pt to cam ouflage the waste and to defend the county court, let them ax- plain the follow in g: W hy has Coos County’s unpaid w ar rants and debt run up to o r « h a lf a m illion dollars in the last few years d «p it e th# big increase in t a x « ? H ave them explain the b ig increase in your own taxes. Juat compare your last tax receipt w ith the o n « o f a faw ym rs ago and then remember that despite this b ig increase in taxes that the county dobt has grown until today it is costing C o « county m ore than three thousand dollars per month to pay interest on the county’s debt. W hat has become o f the meny— your hard earnsd t a x « ? H a t « them explain to the resident* Centuck o f North Inlet, Ken tuck In let, and Ten M ile w hy Judy* W atson and Commis- Commis sioner Ph ilip persisted in buQding building three drawbridges there th at w ill not operate although the P ort o f Cooe Bay notified them when the «r a t o f the three w as done that the bridge was defective. H ave them explain to the residents o f Coquille, Bandoa and the lo w « Co qu ill* va lley why the Bandon-Coquille road has not been bu ilt although the good roads bond issue provided about |S0,000 fo r the purpose. W hat has hmmaa o f the m o m ! The f a d M ■ ~ H .ve'th *m «p la in to the resident. o f Coquille and M yrtle Poin t why the 3 :30 p. m. 4:00 p. m. The Figh ting Yanks Florence E. BesJey Concert Lecture . - - - - - - ^ - Lecture The BeUino Taylor Company - Entertainment Special Conference on “Home Care of the Sick”* Conducted by Florence E. Besley, an officially assigned Red Cross N ursLv Night 8 p. m. Dr. W . T. S. C u l p ..................................................Lecture “The Greatest Thing That Med Mgy Knew” . The Figh ting Y a n k s ........................................... Concert v T H IR D D A Y , S U N D A Y , J U N E 1st Afternoon 3 p. m. ’ ' The Chautauqua Director, Dr. D. D. Harmon * - , - Lecture “Pushing Back Horizons” Thq Bellino-Taylor Company - * - - Entertainment FO UR TH D A Y , M O N D A Y , J U N E 2nd Afternoon 3 p. m. Our Woman Specialist, Miss Kathleen Mason - Lecture “Home Slaking The Columbians - - - Special - - - Concert J A Woman’s Conference, “The House Around the Comer,” Con ducted by Our Woman Specialist in “Household Engineering.” * Night 8 p. m. The Chautaqua Director, Dr. D. D. Harmon - - . Lecture “The Problem of the U nprepared The Columbians - - * - - - Concert Dqn’t fa il to boy a season ticket fo r the Chautauqua Adults’ Season T ic k e t----------------- $2 Children’s Season T ic k e t ------------- $1 Single Admission, A d u lt ----------- 60c Single Admission, C h ild ren -------- 26c ■FPV C T OP COLOR UPON THE D U R AB ILITY OF PA IN T. The Celebrated Bergm ann Shoe Property owner* who ms.. Lave un der consideration the pointing o f dwoUlngb and other structures should ’ «m em ber that m o « durable results are obtained when tinted paints a « used. Permanent coloring materials which have been ground by machine | Into a high grade white paint h a « have the affect o f preventing “ chalk- \ Ing” aud “ checking,’’ two defects, which a « often observed when white paints a « used. H igb w t Quality Show For All 'Workers • / Honest Made Union Made Standard o f Q uality on the Pacific Coast . ' Keep Your Foot D ry— P r» oogyo Your Slums Use HERMANN WATER-PROOF SHOE OIL THEO. BERGMANN SHOE M AN U FAC TU RIN G Malt«***I M‘e » Ors*e H a « them explain what became o f the »20,000 enumerated' in the Cooe County tax budget tw o y « r s ago to build a bridge a t Coquille to replace the ferry. b u y M om - P o r tia «, CO M PANY Ortest* , VULCANI ZI NG Have them expU in what became o f the »12,600 in the Coos County budget tw o years ego to build th* North Bern) Glasgow ferry. Send your Tubes mud Tires to us for repairs. i Have them designate a single p ie « o f road that has boon permanently improved at a reasonable cost during th* W ateon-PhSip regim e. / C om County taxpayers, don’t you realise th * conditien Cooe County w ill bo in i f Commissioner P h ilip and Judge W atson are perm itted to con tinue their policy fo r tw o and four m o « yours. rUeDecetivelv ? See that every voter in your neigh borhood gets to the polls Tuesday, June 3rd, and votes fo r honesty and efficiency and a businesslike adm inis tration o f Cooe county’s affairs. $1.65 • By special arrangem ent wo can now o f f « you a On# Y e « Subsriptioa Coquille V alley Sentinel Coquille, Oregon and a On* Year Subscription ’ to T H E OREGON F A R M E R fo r only • # § A • # A • t A This Special P rice fo r both pu- p en is good only fa r u short tim e -------------------------------- USE T H IS ORD ER B L A N K Coquille V alley Sentinel • • • A • • • 1.66 H enry G. Kern, at present m ayor o f N orth Bend, and C. R. Wade, o f Ban- don, are pledged to got a dollar’s worth o f value fo r every dollar o f the taxpayer’s _ ______ T thpt Jcjtxpeaded. They have been prominent. renperU- r~ id« ' U o f ^ V ote fo r them. . “The Red Crons— A Record and a Prophecy” H ev* them explain why the Coos C ity bridge he* cost over »16,000 when C om m ission« Philip insisted when be started it that it could be built fo r I s m than »6,000. Have them tell how much more it w ill cost on top o f the »16,000 to make the Cooe C ity bridge secure and make the draw span operate. «• . SE C O N D D A Y , S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 31st Afternoon 3 p .m . Somebody is goin g to gut a m ighty | cheap lo t up bout the high school ¡ building on# o f t h s « deys. Coquille-M yrtle Point roud is now then e few y w rs ego despite the big expenditure o f Coo* county funds on it. - . Dr. W. T. S. Culp “The Lamp of Alladin” “ Headin’ South." I t ’e Doug F a ir banks. That means that it ’s th rill ing, spectacular and fu ll o f action. Lib erty Theatre Saturday evening, M ay »1st. , » CoontV (This space is paid fo r by the Cooe County Taxpayers League, Sengstacken, secretary, Marshfield, Oregon.) \ -------------------------------- FIR ST D A Y , F R ID A Y , M A Y 30th Afternoon ✓ Hand Them Back Quick Reasons Why Every Coos Comity Taxpayer Should Vote for C. R. Wade for County Judfe and Henry G. Kern for County Commissioner, Tuesday, June 3rd. ' only a faw o f the many reason* fo r the recall o f County Judge W atson and County Commissioner Philip. Four Days—Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Sunday, May 30-31, June 1-2 To the Sentinel the reasons given by the presidents o f the b ig toleprone companies which appear to necessitate a return o f the companies to the man agem ent o f their owners appeal as being ample. That there is no reason why Mr. Burleson should monkey with them any lo n g « is evident. W e shall have better telephone service i f he gets o ff the job And turns the business back to the men who have built it up. Such a demonstration a* ha has given ua is not good propraganda fo r public ownership. What Has Become of Your Money? ' The C om County grand ju ry told- The Chautauqua Program Henry Enclosed find »1.66 fo x which send me Coquille V alley Sentinel i» and T H E OREGON PA R M E R fo r One Y e « each. Nam e..............................e . . . y Work done promptly; prices reasonable. guaranteed. • All work A stitch in time saves nine— Keep those small holes repaired and thus avoid blowouts. Bandon Vulcanizing Works f ■*’ LO G A N K A Y , M gr. B AN D O N , OREGON. W A L T E R CROOK, Agent at Coquille • ABSTRACTS For «H a h le Abstracts o f T itie and information about Coos Coanty Real Es ta te see T IT L B O U AR AN TE E A AB STR A C T C O M PAN Y M siM M f sa* t ssalUi CMr, Or*. Spécial attention paid te iooking a fte r assessments and payment o f taxw . Phone M anhfleld O fflc* Phone Coquille Office 14J H E N R Y SE N G 8TA C K E N , Manager 191 About Rreuautism . Rheumatism causes more pain and suffering than any other disease, fo r the reason that it is the most common o f oil ills, end it is certainly g ra tify in g to know that there la a remedy that w ill afford relief, and make rest and sleep possible. It is called Cham-