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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1919)
’ r*® —-JT ■» . 'O ’ • , ' ■ SP i* COQUILLE, TOLLST FAGB TWO 'maaàmài PRIDAT, MAT SS, MIS. Satisfaction Ford I Frida“ km for For Walls and Ceilings A Painted fin ish la Beat A hiatreleas oil paint finish is ideal for walls ¿nd ceil- L. H i ¿Stic S3 «»itarj. It 1» because its durability renders frequent re-decoration unnecessary- J^CME QUALITY ; NO-LUSTRE FIN IS H is a sanitary, lustreless, oil paint made especially for walls and ceilings. It can be applied over plaster, wall board, metal, canvas, wood, or any surface upon which paint can be used. • Ask at our store for color sample cords, end lot us-estimate the quantity required whether you buy or not. • ^ FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY COQOJLLK, 01 PAINT, now This is the time o í year to preserve house, the barn, the silo, any' building, With a cost o f paint. Also tp brighten np the dingy interior of your home. The beet paints for either purpose áre the faipous Sherwin-Williams or Lowe Bros, brands We have them both. . Roof Paints in bulk Coquillé Hardware Co. 9 s , * f . ” ‘ ' ml '• ■ ■ . ' j . ' A .B . C A M P B E L L Special Agent Standard Oil. Coquille, ■ ~ We have it in Cupid Brand. Every sack guaranteed to please you. Still selling at the old price. : : : : : ; t * # * Coffee Value Our 40c Bulk Coffee is the Best Value on the market today. The green coffee market has advanced fifty to one hundred per cent, but owing to our contracts we are still selling this grade of bulk cofiee at practically the old price. We recommend this one. TRY IT- : : We still have those Fancy Cal ifornia soft-shelled Walnuts at 35c per lb. No extra charge for Service The Busy Corner United States Food Adm inistration— License N o. G 46546 •2 Phones— 691 ty- D. C. Krants purchased a Ford roadster this week. Mr. Schroeder brought it from Marshfield Thursday. The greet financial drive fo r the Centenary movement o f the Metho dist ’ Episcopal church, which was postponed on account o f th* Victory Liberty Loan is now in full swing. Not only members but friends, who want to have a hand in reconstruction work abroad, are pledging liberally. The drive doses next Sunday and we expect to have our quote by that time. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Royal were paid a visit by th* stork lost Sunday evening end are now the proud end happy parents o f on eleven and a h a lf pound boy. Some baby. Lost Thursday evening the mem ber* end friends o f the local M. E. church met i t the Lundy Hall to plan fo r the Greet Financial Drive May 1&£6. In addition to the talk by ®*v. C. L. Hamilton, p f Marshfield, Rev. Mr. Drake sang a solo and Dr. Clarke gave an appropriate reading, ‘Thanksgiving Ann.” The program wa# very much enjoyed by alt as were the refreshments which follow**. Belva Alice, youngest daughter of ‘ l * Mrs. M ery M. Stemmier, had her Oregon tonsils and adenoids removed et Dr. ■ ------ Clarke’s sanitarium Thursday. The Bar Docket fo r th* June term o f our Circuit Court is now in press at the Sentinel office. There or* 46 divorce cases. Th* amount o f ma trimonial infelicitjr i n Coo* county is becoming appalling. Year by year Trespass th* percentage o f coses o f this kind grows larger hare. the armistice. C. A . DeCamp, who was engaged in the spruce operations at Beaver Hill last year as a first lieu tenant, has received a similar ap pointment. Bàtter Wrappers and Signs at the Sentinel office. About Rheumatism < more peln hnd suffering than any other disease, fo r the reason that' it is th* moat common o f ell ilia, end it is certainly gratifjr- iat there la is *-r*m »-TSmedy ing to know that e<ly that will afford relief, and make end sleep possible. It is sailed bar Iain's Liniment. T TRe Gasoline q f Q uality, * r. kosne *■ Mr. Lundy and Mabel aad Audrey ex pect to leave fo r that place e* soon aa school is out. Mrs. F . 0 . Drake, w ho has been visiting fo r a abort tim * in and near Salem, returned home into Saturday. Rev. Thoe. Berklow hit hie le ft eye with a w ire Tueeday. Hie eye look* very bod is slowly improving. Mr. and Mr*. H. B. Hughes left Wednesday fo r Canada where thsy expect to make their future home. Mr. Hughes has lived here the greeter part o f his Ufa. George McGill died at his home lost Friday. Hie son came home Sunday and the funeral services were held Monday at Fair-view, Rev. Thos. Barklow officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Volkmar are happy with the arrival o f a baby girl born last Monday. Geo. Burr is building two ailoa for T. M. Hermann. Rev. Thoe. Berklow w ill preach next Sunday at Fairview school house at eleven end again at two. A bas ket dinner w ill be served and every body is invited to attend. A lex 'B erk lo w , who has been sick for some time, was helped quite a bit In getting in this year’s crop when on Monday nine teams end a great number o f both m ta and women came to his place. The women cut the po tatoes and th* men planted them. Mr. and Mrs. A xle Hone, o f Bridge, were in town shopping Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McCracken have moved bpek here in their home. They have been in . Marshfield fo r some time where Mr. McCracken was ■ M a g in the shipyards. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Roberts were in town on business Wedneadey. * The Fourth o f July committee have been in communication with several men, who were famous in the Pen dleton Round-up. Nothing has been decided definitely but e big time may >e expected. - The Royal Neighbors initiated for ty-five new members this week. There many that It took several nights to initiate’ them. Mr. and Mrs. Ben MeMullen moved to Roeeburg Friday to spend the sum mer. Mr. McMullen ha* a contract for cruising timber fo r Douglas coun 11 - i1 " Mfer ■■ 1 1 - ffc_ .. ■ ■ ■■ Indians Still Claim Country FLOORING SILOlSTOCK SH1PLAP FENCING BOARDS PLANK SHINGLES RUSTIC FENCE-POSTS W AGON BOARDS Indians of the Coo*, Siuslsw and Umpqua tribes mst at Empire last Saturday in, the annual powpow. says a Marshfield dispatch. Many o f the old Indians from Southwestern Ore gon sections wsre present. Tribal song* were sung and a big clam bake was served on th* beach. Th* chief purpose was to discuss the claims which the Indians allege to hold on most o f the property along the co* * t from the Siuslsw river south to th* California lina. They *“* * * their claim on an old treaty which I they as- < You think o f something In lumber that you want ' We have it W H E N yon W A N T it. SITKA SPRUCE COMPANY •ert the government never settled with them, and teak paymen which amount* in the moIUons o o f f dollars, The tribe* -have had a repres representative in Washington working et at the the Nation- al capital fo r month* in in sup support of their claim'*. Coquille SHELLEY & SON Plans and Specifications on Application Estimates Furnished on A ll Kinds of Buildings *» Phone 1061 „ • , \ . ' , * ' can’t help cutting loose joy’ue arka every time you flush your smokespot with Prince Albert— it hits you so fair and square. It’s a scuttle full of jimmy pipe and cigarette malrin's -"nfeint «nd as satMy- ing as it is delightful every hour of the twenty-four! ■vijurr It’s never too late to hop into the Prince Altmrt bleaaurw- paaturel For, P. A. is trigger-ready to give ■* tobacco fun than you ever had in your That*» because it ha» the quality. - , - # ¡PRINCE ALBER J. E. Montgomery Made Captain Building Contractors ' •wir a ' f ' Coquille, Óre. A Portland diapetch dispatch says that L ieu t James E. Montgomery, o f the Spruce production division, who used to be superintendent o f the Coos- Curry Telephone company, has been commissioned Captain in the Reserve Corps o f the Army, hie promotion to that rank in active service having Quick as you know Prince Albert you’ll write ft down thatP. A. did not bite fou r tongue or porch your throat. And, it neret will! Foe, our exduaiv« cuts out bite and parch. T ry it for what C R I M P CUT I iOMC SfltWKS t ot A»t>I ciCAOEm rosaceo I R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Wfatttqo-Salaaa, N. C,