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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1919)
TME COQUILLE T A L L E T ! PA G B B IX y MINOU M E T O . In the serias at debates bald by the Ugh Schools at tha eonnty last Fri- day, Coquffle waa awarded the daei- fc a f five today S v o lto fai tk « C ity . m arcm u . gai Austin Hasard and Mbs Usasi* Fin ley argued at home against tha nega tive team from Marshfield, winning by a two to one vota Mbs Jeffie Beckham aad Mbs Maxino McGilvery debated at Bandon, winning tha da- cbion by a vote at Hires to no* A t North Bond the decision waa h favor o f the homo team against Ban- si, while Marshfield defeated North Band at home. The summary o f votos follow : Bandon— 1. North Bond— S. M arshfield-«. C oq u ille-«. The result b especially encourag ing, as no on# at the four debatan for Coquilb had previously appeared in a public debata John Belieu, of at the Sentinel office yeetarday. viously order*j that it should be ar- rangsd according to the aerial num J. E. Norton returned thb mottl bers and according to t ie order num ing from a bus in *** trip to Banda». bers. This order iadcdos all the F. E. McKenna, i f Marshfield, was nsmee drawn in the several drafts. an over-Sunday visitor in Coquille. A ll tha papers ea Ale in this office The White House b headquarters and suppUee of every kind down to 1 Cross. for Coats Crochet Cotton, the rubber «tam p are to be shipped amount asked fo r thb time b 26c. out March SI, and the local board will i t hkrfe mm before, which m tin cease te function on that date Our High School students succeed I doabto our efforts. The accumulation at Washington of all the questionnaire* and other in j Taylor street. Coquille. I am an formation in regard to registrants 6f Superintendent Baker want down to L j,* every day la tha month. ’ Bet- m ilitary age will, e f course, fumtsn Bandon Saturday night to attend the|tor tervic^ Lower pricea and w ill material o f priceless value if there ball stould be another war in the course Naxt week the Sentinel w ill have of the next five fears. It, however, Challenge to Debate aa article which w ill be of vital inter peace ahould prevail for ten years the “Congress.” tha young men’s liter stuff would become a worthless lot est to all dairyman. ary society o f the Marshfield High o f junk. '' Jaa. A. Sullivan and fam ily were School, challenges Coquills High One day last week a book was re School, champion debater* of Coos passengers from the Bay fo r Coquilb ceived from the war department with on the afternoon train 8unday. county, to a public debate to be given full orders aa to everythin* to be done at such a time and place a* b agi Automobile ior for sala late vaaow Oakland. T00 o f a life, , P «r« lt Automobile sate, täte u i I * ry * * nBant saving so serious b iusloaiag up the office here; and the abb to both parties, upon a question next day there came a telegram to bo mutually decided upon, each aide changing tha whole program. The There a business meeting of departmant appears to be fully aa to be represented by two uhdergrad Mr. and Mrs. Fay Jonas are the I the Honor Guard at 7 o’clock Thurs- much at sea as to what to do in get uate student* debaters, the debate to proud parent* of u tan-pound boy who Idny evening at the Liberty Tempb, ting out o f war aa it did in deciding be conducted under the rules and reg arrived this morning via tha stork ulations o f the High School dab I followed by the regular a: wing hour. what to do in getting into i t For express. I The electicr o f officers for the next this, however, we do not feel inclined laws o f the state of Oregon. Yours respectfully—A. C. Merrifield. T. \ Walker haa just removed hb g|x months takeo place at thb time to ___________ criticise it ss sharply ns some insurance tfflee to an upstairs room I »nd an members sr* used to be pree-1 new* do per* do newspapers da In both cases it was of the Farmer* A Merchi nta Bank1 - I necessary fo r a bunch o f man picked building. up far the emergency to loam an en- Just as wa go ta press J. P. Be W. L. Franca who b now S. T. | inform* us that it was not pneumonb I tirely new business, and mistakes agent at Reedsport, came down Sat-1 that caused t^e death o f Mason WU-|were unavoidable, urday afternoon te spend Sunday hert I cox, as noted an tha first paga but with hb family. | his death resulted from the flu. Thb I Tafced to the Children Wo regret to note that our old information waa contatnad m a 1st-1 A t tha Academy building Wednes friend, Hugh McLain, postmaster at ter to Mrs. Wilcox received from day morning tha children o f the Pri- Marshfield, has barn having a tussle doctor who attended him in Portland. nffiry department were assembled in b « u , p k r t » « — | v. ■* O», “(ST ...d««, ii ttoJi with appendicitis. Mrs. Chase’s room, where after sing H. A. ¡senses left Tuesday ing “The Star Spangled Banner” and C. C. McCormick came over from | *°f Tillamook, where ha hat Marshfield last Sunday and Monday I o ff,r to go te work fo r s laundry. Mrs. 1 »»lu tin g the flag, Ken nett Lawrence arranged for a dance 1» tha Eo-KeM 1*------------J **“ ““ “------- “ ” ---- * ------*"*------ --------- A for coverai months yet, probably »*t|elru etive h ft , tailing them about the Klub rooms thb evening. before May 1, the data when Earl ml French children, their habits, customs When you need anything in new expected hoaae from Europe. The la t - l" ^ nooner e f living. Mrs. L. W. garments for spring, ready made or set information is that ha w ill leave I » nd Lao J. Cary were also pres- made to order, call at the White Houa. Franee about April 1. I®"*, the latter making n few remarks and see Mrs. Burkholder. towta U*r*h, ®f Port < M „d . Rev. W. H. Nelson, editor at the d « t o W . . couple e ! d . , . O k ¡ T E “ ? ? " “ fc * « ■ ■— Pacific Methodist Advocate, was a week visiting kb sunt. Mrs. Ida Owen I . . . .. *** not •*** ject to the afflictions the French caller at thb office Tuesday in cem- children had had to undergo. paay with Rev. J. E. Coadsr. That thirty days has expired hat it Marshfield vs. CoqwMle lorsble discharge from \he army. Ha The third basket ball game In the mill at tha Bay and the logging camps was very badly wounded and b still County High School series b schedul far from being fu lly recovered. at Powers w ill resume business. ed fo r tonight at Anderson’s hall, be Dr. Richmond has just treated him Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Dow and Mrs. tween Marshfield and Coquille. As C. R. Gay and daughter, Shirley, of self to a brand new 1919 Buick ear thu is the first gsme played at home Seattle, Wash., wsre guests at H. L. with all tha latest improvements. Hb by the local school team, ail tha pent old one b only eight months old, but Johnson’s Romo the past week. np enthusiasm o f the school h axpect- he thought it cheaper to trade it in on The Coquilb Orchestra w ill give a new one than to have the old one dance in Anderson’s Hall thb evening overhauled. Very few physician, are and tomorrow evening at the reguar abb or w illing to drive a car as m a n y ^ h 7 k 7 « “ V v price—six tickets for a half dollar. mibs as the late Dr. Culin used te. jbm im evidence. Band pusk<!Mprom- A. M. Zevley, of Powers, was re _ _______ _ Sergeant Earl Nooler ic turned to bed before the gam « and between leased from ja il hare Wednesday, hav- ¡ng served” out**Wartime for s o lli^ d a l ^ f 1* l“ t Fri<f* y aftarno-m after * * » • " “ ‘>1 P ^ b t t w e e n n.tured alcohol doctored up with fruit •p*whn* “ mo" ^ , to F r :“cf- H® L*1®. Hl* * lS*ho<», P * 1» ««1 the iuicea. I wr® “ momb®r of t**5 famous old Third I junior g irb at 7-J0 sharp; followed by J Orogon band, but was detailed fo r the the Coquilb-Marshfl'eld game The sale of the J. J. Lamb ranch we greater part of hb larv'co hi Europe reported some weeks ago foil through, [to train now man at Coutres, Franca I Th an k s toT A ssistan ce but George Halter, of Fbhtrap, has He with Sergeant L. A. Starr, who tk . r , Just purchased about half o f that cam# witii him, have juct been m n - . . Co? *U!* Honor Guard girb tered out at Camp Lewb. |wi.h their heartiest thank, ranch for «13,000. _________ „ to _ extend . I to Mr. Psrb Lund for making and do- THo new garments and millinery Wednesday being the birthday at nating the punch for the masquerade for spring are arriving at tha W hit. 1 both Paul T. Ramsay and Mba Hatel dance o f la * Saturday night- also to House and Mr*. Burkholder b anxi- Gilpin, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wilson en Mr. Robert Creager for getting the ous to show them and make altera- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey and floor and hall in order -also to the sev tions free o f charge. Mba Gilpin at dinner that evening eral members o f the Honor Guard Ad Julian Loelb, who has been with |aad th®n for ® •urPr^ e ^ invjtod m|vi*ory Board who so capably acted the Title Guarantee A Abstract Ox, ---- ;■ : I ” v -o o v u iH U B , M O SO JA for a couple of months, w ill return to members for an evening party. Games and Mrs. A. N. Gould and Mr an Eugene the first o f the week for the and music furnbhed entertainment Mrs. J. A. Lamb, who were the m for the jolly crowd which enjoyed it-1 trona and patronesases o f the affair. last semester of U. of O. L Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Dimmick cams The Coquille Independents outplay down from Portland Sunday after I Newspapers for Sidewalks noon, and Mrs. Dimmick w ill remain Mrs. D. P. Strang, who with Mr. for a short vb it with his parents, Mr. Strang returned from a visit o f sev and Mrs. T. M. Dimmick. eral months in San Diego, Calif., a Capt. W. S. Averill, nephew o f Rock [couple o f weeks ago, says she was Robison, came in last Thursday fo ra never homesick in her life before, put vb it with his numsrous relatives in the longing for Coos during thb ab the Coquille valley. He haa just-re sence was postively painful. She says cently come from Camp Lewb. shs never suffered with the cold as she Income tax experts w ill be at the did down there-this winter and she. court house Monday, Tussday and | much prefers the gentle rains of Oro-1 1 h* ve *®ver» 1 inquiries from peo- Wednesday, April 7, 8 and 9 to help gon to the torrential downpours that IP1* wh® * * » looking for small improv those who have had trouble in making I came es™ e so frequently in southern Cali-1*** farm® not too far from town— out their income tax statements. fornb. farms that w ill carry from five to H. W. Walker, of Coos ton, recall I • Mrs. * « - Strang 8trw>* tells of «»* one one curious curious cus- eua- tw*ntF d* irT cows. I f you have such manager, was over here Tuesday try tom o f the San Diegoent, that o f us- a fmrm for “ *® “ t the right price, > find you a buyer, ing to find some one who would cir ing newspapers for crosswalks on un- lthink 1 J. J. Stanley. culate hit petitions in Coquilb. Ho paved streeta Ladies w ill start out I ~ * ----------- --------- - waa turned down a good many times. with a bundle o f papers under their arm and aa they croea a street w ill FW Sab Keith Leslie came home last SuiT drop a paper ahead of them for each Two froth cows, one horse, a buggy day from Eugene, where he has been step. Some class to a city which and a hack; a cream separator and attending the State University. Hs boaata o f ite progreaaivenesa. She chicken*. East Bandon, Box on aspects to remain here now and b at waa a loyal booatar for Cooe county Ferry road. H. C. W est . present employed in the county treas urer’s office. Cream Separator Far Sale Tuesday the weather changed and | this section recently as a result o f her I D , L«vml steam tnrhin. sunshine b no longer banned by the propaganda with more awaiting a fa- I860 pounds an hour- also cloud.. Be the rattle of the bwn vor.ble report from the two. btforo poweTboiler, m iT ta A .nd l w ^ mower sgsia heard in the land, the they com. up thb way. m r o e d iL * gram having got a good Hart C u r i n g ------------------------ £ q X ^ the fainy season o f tha past two | M AN wanted to work on ranch. “ is ! J. L Smith, County A gen t ZL | Calling Cerda 1W 1W tJJD. " Reconstruction Finance The banks of tbs United States must be left free to finance the reooastruo- tion St productive enterprise and must not be cluttered up with the Victory Ljberty Losa That b the composita thought-out opinion at two of tha West's most noted professors of finance, Carl C. Plehn. professor of Mance la the University of California sad' Murray L Wlldman, head of tha department of économies and Unan ce Of Stanford University. Both agree ____ that the money to finish paying - needed , ------------------- tor the war should not come out of working capital, but should bo raised out of Individual savings o f humble and wealthy. " I f the people take the Loan, as they must»" Professor Plehn Says, ‘th e banks will be left free to lend to the manufacturer, the farmer, the grocer, the butcher, aad the baker, so that they can get busy again on a peace time basis. Then production and busi ness will grow and. by the formula prices will come to normal. If we 'leave It to the banka’ they will have no funds left for business, big or lit tla Wo. ourselves, will not profit and the day of our redemption will only be postponed." Professor Wlldman. whose ability caused him to be called from Stan ford to Washington for war finance service, agrees with the Callforali economist, adding: “ It would be n grave mistake to saddle the banks of the country with the Victory Loan at this time." ' When two professors agree. It’s time to sit up and tab* notice. When two professors not only agree with each other, but agree with the Govern ment, that settles It. Finance Is their business — particularly Government finance They have spent their lives studying It and are pdid good salaries fo. teaching the principles of It to the HOUSEHOLD HELPS FOR SPRING CLEANING Furniture Polish to brighten the Furniture Laqueret to renew nil Woodwork, O’Cedar Pttisk, well known neoeeeity Liquid Glass, excellent to Clean Furniture Liquid Veneer for renewing nil Woodwork Oil Stsins and Floors Paints fo r Floors Varnish for Floors, etc. Household Anunoaia 1 Powdered Borax Boraxo, Lux Benzine, Gasoline Moth Balia and Flakes for protecting Woolen Goods from Moths, etc. Cresolemn, the best Disinfectant and Deodoriser Rubber Gloves to protect the hands while cleaning house, etc. Knowlton’s Drug Store PROGRAM OF ATTRACTIONS L IB E R T Y T H E A T R E Friday, March 21, to Thursday, March 27 FO R W E E K F R ID A Y , M AR CH 21 “C Y C L O N E H IG G IN S” Featuring X . Francis Bushman— 2 reel« “ H IS T S P IE S ” Drew Comedy— 1 reel S A T U R A Y , M AR C H 22 “S O L D IE R ’S O A T H ” Featuring W illiam Farnum— 5 reels * “C H A S E D IN T O L O V E ” Fox Comedy— 2 reels . S U N D A Y , M ARCH 23 Opening Concert by the Coquille Orchestra. Prof. W . Zinner, Director. -, March “7th Regiment” Brooks Overture “King My das” EUenberg The orchestra w ill also accompany the film. “S M A S H IN G T H R O U G H ” Featuring Herbert Rawlinson— 6 reels “ THE J E L L Y F IS H ” J Featuring Sm iling Bill Parsons— 2 reels The comedy with refinement and taste and worth while M O N D A Y , M AR CH 24 “SO C IE T Y FOR S A L E ” Featuring W m . Desmond — 6 reels "T H IR S T ” Mack Sennett Comedy— these comedies are live wires and just rough enough to be good— 2 reels' T U E S D A Y , M ARCH 25 “B E L O V E D T R A IT O R ” Featuring Mae Marsh— 6 reels -T H E C O U N T ” Featuring Charlsa Chaplin— 2 reels ________ __ W E D N E S D A Y and T H U R S D A Y , M AR C H 2 « and 27 “LE S T W E F O R G E T * Featuring Rita Joviliet, the surviving Star of the Lusitania disaster, an historical feature that ev eryone should see— 7 reels Leper Colony Reaches 9*2 Per Capita W. t. •. - Lyons-Moran Comedy, alw ays good— 1 reel Hawaii's War Saving* 8tamps reporta I f our show pleases you tell your friends (and if it for the year ending December SI. 1918, ahow total rnlea of $1,034,004 worth of * does not then tell the m anagem ent War Saving* Stamp* sold, which Is $30,000 over their quota. Two thouaaad dollars of this amount waa sold to thirty-two lepers at the Penlkeee Island Leper Colony, which amounts to $63 .per capita, or three 0. S. Bennett, of Los Angeles, died time* mqre than the per capita quota st the home of hb sieter, Mrs. John for the United States, namely: ISO. Jenkins, at Brawley, California Mar. A rolling itone gather* no morn, but 7, 1919, after a few days’ illness of a Victory Liberty Bond will nerve your- influensa and pneumonia H b sick aelf and America ness was not considered serious until a few hour* before hb death. So there was not even time to summon hb w ife to hb bedside. O. 8. Bennett w ill be remembered by many o f the old settlors o f Co quilb, he having spent a summer here 29 years ago when he helped to build e residence fo r J. P. Messer and also the Coquille Aeademy. He waa a kn. brother o f t. D. Bennett, of Gravel Ford. The services aad burial occur red at Loe Angeles. 9M* HOME FOR SALE Four good garden Ipto, one chicken E gg* fo r hatching, all the m lots, let and oae tot, atoe tomas aad |for »1.80. M n. Caanfam h» lot. Coquflla Ora