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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1919)
n O P K Fanners Attention AVERT TRACTOR EMPIRE MILKING MACHINE Akh has m ated s o «« .tir with DAIRYMEN. Wa k iv i 5 machines In stock. A rt yon sag to get sat? W s instali W « are hM dqaartm for GASOLINE DRAG SAWS with without dutch. Haro some onod onto at a bargain. € Busy. W rit* u. at oaee for price aad term T WtU « no obligation. THf LONGER YOU USE A HALF WORN-OUT CREAM SEPARATOR THE MORE YOU LOSE S. M . N O S L E R 'AT Y O U R SERVICE ORDER YOUR SPRING NEW EST W OOLENS S TY LE S Tailoring, Cleaning & Pressing R. H. SWEET Successor to Fred Slagle Front St., opposite Fan ner» A Merchant» Bank Phone 1193 Coquille, Ore. CITY BAKERY Under new m anagem ent Fresh Bread, Cakes and Fancy Pastry il attention paid to looking a fter Marshfield Office _________ He Had the Right Balt A m inister, w ith tw o lovely girla, stood entranced by the beauties o f a flow ing stream. A fishermen ha pen- la g by, end m istaking the m inister’* N E W E ST Laird Building endeavor to help in having the ra il roads restored to private ownership. Unless this is dens there can be as hope o f new erastruethm which is so stitch needed in Oregon, sms Mr. I globe. Sem e o f it is in yea r to w n - Yornn’s well-founded contention. Encouragement o f the nee at h one in the gold stars and crippled figure# products is another im portant object I la khaki Reactionaries want to back o f the chamber’s activities. lo p to 1014 set the scene a ll over He told e f how Eumene had spent I agate ae it was than, and see what 910,000 to advertise th eir d tp , until w ill happen. • They are purblind men, mole ey ed it eras known a ll over the country. from long habituation ia legalistic But it would have been vastly better advertising to have need the money dust; shat in by the narrow life e f p rof «c lo n a l politics; to undtr- to secure industries fo r turning raw m aterials Into finished product, was stand what has happened or what the [country feels. They attar learned the opinion now o f thosq v ho becked words that hove no meaning— about the advertising campaign. The speaker told o f a trip up into entagling alliances, W ashington; any British Colombia last summer, o f the thing bat to the main point. The United States risked a ll to splendid reads he eatoed over, and figh t a war fo r democracy. I t can how his party found no fa u lt with risk much to give permanence to the the poorer scenic attractions as com pered with Oregon’s because o f their | objects fo r which it fonght. It is “ There are m il ready and eager to risk much. It easy accessibility. knows that in a human w orld some lions o f people who want to go to cLancea must be taken. I t w ill take Crater Lake, to Bandon Beach, the its chances on the Loagoe-of-N atlons moat picturesque end wonderful sec aide that promisee stablo peace and tion o f the Oregon littoral, but who ordsr; not on the Bmlance-of-Power are prevented by the lack o f roads. side that promises only e -repetition These tourist spend m illions o f dol lars. Colorado estim ates that they o f 1914.— Saturday Evening Poet. leaves $66,000,000 annually within that state. They w ill come here if the roads are good and the Oregon State Chamber o f Commerce is back in g the good roads program .” His closing remarks w ere an appeal to all boosters to g et into the game, become members o f the state organi sation, furnish the funds to carry out the Chamber’s plans. Individual memberships cost $6 and twenty>«ne o f those present Wednesday evening pledged themselves to join d ie body. A t least 80 members from Coquille are necessary to make our qouta. Chas. H all, who is president o f the State Chamber o f Commerce, wbe ac companied Mr. Yoran on his trip through the county, was sailed upon fo r good reads news. He stated that the contract fo r paving the road be tween here end Marshfield w ith a 10- foot concrete roadway with 2 fe e t ot crushed rock eu either side, a total o f 20 feat, weald be le t by the State H ighway Commission on A p ril 8, a * l State Engineer Nunn says it w ill pro bably be finished by October L Teat Your Mental Speed M r. H all also stated that the con H e n is one o f the tests used before trast fo r paving the Rpseburg-M yrtle ths w ar in selecting and ratin g ralra- Point road would probably be le t this year. This w ill be a tw o-years' job and according to H ighw ay Commis sioner Thompson w ill probably be done out o f the 910,000,000 appropri ated. by the state legislature. Mr. H all suggested that Coos coun ty should have several representatives s t the commission m ooting A p ril 8, on ths “ S afety first” principle to see that the commission don’t forgot this Rose- burg-M yrtle Point road, because there w ill be road boosters from a ll sections o f ths stats urging that their claims tie given first consideration. New member* enrolled in the local Commercial Club the past week are 8. M. N osier, Geo. T . Moulton, E- W. G regg, F. U. Moon, A . E. Crouch, Geo. D a vij, C. A. Bchroeder, Leslie A. Kime, Wm. Graham, H enry Bellonl, 3. H. McCloakey and W . E. Cross. Coquille, Oregon pond?" . “ I am s fisher e f men,” answered the preacher w ith dignity. “ W ell,” replied the fisherman, w ith an adm iring glance at the girls, “ you but * have the righ t kind o f bait.” —- M ontreal Journal e f Commerce. “Always right all ways” e You are not charged for experience. That has been paid long ago.' Get our prices, buy and be a booster. Prices including War Tax F or sale by H. O. Anderson Furniture afid Hardware Coquille, Oregon The Celebrated Bergm ann Shoe Awarded Gold Medal P. P. L E. San Francisco, 1913 U m strongest sud nearest w aterproof 8t- James Episcopal Church. Shorn made fo r Loggers, Cruisers, Friday, services s t 7:80 p. m. Sunday School e t 10 a. m. N o other services. I f* R Cooper, Vicar. M inan, Sportsmen and W orkers. Chrlotlaa Church Church o f Christ " Sunday School i t 10 t . a . Communion services a t 11 a. m. 8enior«C hristian Endeavor s t 6:90 p. m. Christiaa Science Society. Services next Sunday s t 11:00 s. m. Wednesday evening m asting s t 8 o’clock. Sunday school s t 9:90 a. m. The Reading Room w ill be open ev ery Tuesday and Saturday afternoon from 2 o’cloek until 4. Church o f God. Services s t Church o f God chapel every 8unday. Sunday School s t 10 a. m. Preaching a t 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. A Birthday I^arty Prayer m eeting Thursday evening Mr. T u ttle was entertained at a a t 8 p. m. lunch given Wednesday noon by the A cordial welcom e is extended to all. Senior class, he being 19 1 1 ) years old L. E. N eal, P aitor. on March 19, 1919. Tw o Senior girls armed with a long kitchen fork and o f Toledo. carving kn ife, cam* into the room ■tats of WEBSTER’S NEW INTERNATIONAL D IC T IO N A R Y ia on all-know ing toxber, r. universal qjealion answerer, mods to moct youf needs. I t I i in daily uso by hundreds o f thousand# of euc- eawlul aua o iA wumai U m «u rbi svrr. «M.eoe W rtu. 2700 P b « m . mm II- liuirutUMM. 12.00# Lfoxrapblral Kn- CrtM. U . 0W -uptOcai Subject*. auren nun, (Hirhcrt a »mi) r U i i u - p K i t , L i x i . uor. u n u m ¡m i w m urtisa tom«*. L u c tg I where be was busy and ordered him to room four. N ot deeming it wise to refuse, with such weapons ready, he marched thumbs up, set down at once when be entered and beheld the feast, hie w ife, Mrs. Baker, the rest o f the facu lty and the Seniors. The guest o f honor cut the cakes aad the M arriage L i e r a i girls served buns, stuffed eggs,1 olives, March 18— E rvin Vineyard and Id * sandwiches and punch, which w ere en Mid letón, both o f Eastaid* They w ere joyed by alL > m arried the next day by Rev. E E. Mr. Baker read an original poem, Coulter at hie residence. and Mr. T u ttle when asked hie age, M atch 19—-John C. Thorhaven and read an impromptu rhyme o ff his paper D aisy Elizabeth Phennegar, both o f Plata, but would adm it only nineteen Bandon. Th ey w ere m arried the same year*. Four girls patted him th irty- day by Judge W atson a t the court seven tim es, as some on# had squeaked his the tle. the the the age. Some toasts w ere given by facu lty, Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Tut Then each in turn drank from punch kettle. Mr. Tu ttle raised kettle, end said he hoped to see Seniors bock next year (to v is it ) Probate Court Items March 20 a petition was filed iif the Probate Court fo r the probate a t the w ill o f E lsie B. MfeKeown, o f Marsh field, whose estate amounts to f 10,000. The heirs are her husband, Arthur McKeown, tw o eons, Joseph Arthur and Scott Bennett, aged 11 and 2, and Grace Elsie, s daughter o f 10. F ifi— “ You seem to have a lo t o f difficulty In .g ettin g your whiskers to gram, A lg y l” A lg y — “ Yes, it ’s s b elly m iran e«. C en t understand, eith er; m y fath er Frank J. Chsaer makes oath that h. Is ssnlor partner of ths Arm of F. t. Cheney a Os.. Coins buslneee In the City of ToloCo, County and State aforesaid, and that said Arm will nay the sum of ONE H UNDRED DOLLARS for ooch sad every case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the use of H A L L 'g CATARRH MEDICINE. F R A N K J. CHENET. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, title Sth day e f December. A. D. IMS A. W. GLEASON. (Seal) Notary PubHe. fla il’s Catarrh Medicine Is taken In tern ally and sets throush the Blond on the Mucoue Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. C H EN E T a CO.. Toledo. O. ■old hy all drujsteta. 11c. B ail’ » Family n ils for eonstlpatiea. TTtn ffm n rrn ifflia jgi Glassware Glassware Se* our w indow display o f p retty pieces and sets. D iffe r ent qualities to su it d ifferen t pocketbooks. N ote the fo l low ing prices. B erry B o w ls --------------- ---------- ---------------- 85c Sauce Dishes, per set, ........................ 50 A 90c Sugar B o w ls ............................................ 35 A 50c Cream P itc h e r s ________ __________ t _________ 20c 50c to $2.00 _______ $3.50 Racket Store MRS. B O N N IE W A L K E R , Prop.