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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1919)
» PAGE TWO m mm COQUILLK PALLET COQOUILUk OBBGON. FRIDAV, FEBRUARY M. ISIS. !T m — Park Itcw . Mrs. . _ and Ms mother-in- law, who a n living « Croak. We have on hand V a ried assortment of odds and ends left from the Dry Goods stock we formerly car ried which we have marked at prices never heard of before. The stock is not large but if we have what you want you can save a considerable by buying here. * 4 The list includes . Men’s White Dress Shirts Men’s Caps Boys’ Shirts Boys’ Men’s and Ladies’ Rubbers Boys’ Shoes Ladies’ Shoes Ribbons Insertion . Embroidery Corsets J. W. Wilson, at f tp k a r Hill, (Marshfield), came up to Mountain Glade an the stag* Monday- to got his little son, Irwin Woodrow, who has boon a t Mountain Glad# since last Fall: 1fr. Wilton has told Ida house hold goods aad returns to visit a ai* tar in Mlsoori, whom ho has not soon for 27 years, aad then to Oklahoma, where another slater ia living. Ha In tends to make his home in that atate, in which ha located first 24 y ean ago. The little bog aaade a place for him- self th at ia not anally filled. 1st Class Theodore S. Easton, at the 490 aero squadron ov erseas service, who received his dis charge a t Camp Lewis, got home early Monday night, coming via Rose- burg and walking over the mountains. He gave os # big surprise when he walked in on us. The German has stamped in metal on his helmet “With Gott for King and ladder land.” Tho whole* outfit to have gone fluey. 1 R. A. Easton. and many other articles you carfmot afiord to pass up Lower East Fork Notos. W.H. LYONS Mrs. Geronne went to Marshfield last week to visit her parents; Mrs. Harvey Barklow accompanied her. They returned home last Tuesday. Chrystal Colvin visited a t the Ar thur Crosby home last Monday. Eunice Smith had her tonsils and adenoids removed Saturday by Dr. Pemberton. Wm. Simth butchered three nice hogs, and shipped them to Marshfield this week. M. M. Minard made a trip to Halla creek and Myrtle Point Saturday, re turning home Monday. Mrs. Nick Johnson, of Co- quilla, came up to their ranch Mon day and returned Tuesday. They aaove to Bandon Thursday, where he will have charge of tip Farmers store a t th at place. Mrs. Wm. Smith spent the week end with her daughter, Eunice, a t Myrtle Point, returning home Monday. Pint Natlwul W WE zu H Y BELIEV E Mr. asá MEDICINAL PREPARATIONS Probata Court I teas ARE THE BEST YOU CAN EMPLOY FIRST—They are not “Cure-all*.” There is one made for each ordinary ailment • it . SECOND—Their efficacy has been demonstrated by thousands of satisfied users for the past fifteen * years. r » ‘ > » i THIRD—Every drug and chemical entering into them is of known purity and potency. - FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THB STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Leonora Loop, Plaintiff, vm. Harold T. Loop, Defendant. Summon* To Harold T. Loop, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint filed against, you in the above entitled suit within ten days from the date of the service of this Summons upon you, if served within this County; or, if served in any other County of this State, then within twenty day* from the date of the service of this Sum mons upon you; and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the cotyt for the relief demanded in the complaint. A succinct statement of said relief ia that the bonds of matrimony exist ing between plaintiff and defendant be wholly dissolved and th at each of said parties be divorced therefrom; and that plaintiff have the care, cus tody and control of their minor child, Harold James Leep, and for such other relief aa the court may deem equitable. The service of this sum mons is made by publication pursu ant to an order of Hon. John S. Coke, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Coos County, made and entered on the 27th day of February, 1919. First publication being on the 28th day of February, 1919, and the last on the 11th day of April, 1919, on or before which last mentioned date you are required to appear and answer. Walter Sinclair, Attorney for Plaintiff. 7t7 Coquille, Oregon. COQUILLK, OSSGON be to Oct. 1st, 1917, will paid on pre sentation a t my office in Coquille, Ore gon. No interest will be allowed on any of these warrants after the 28th day of Feb., 1919. Dated this 28th of Feb., 1019. T. M. Dimmick, County Treasurer. Transfers ai North Bead Transfer of deed was recorded a t Coquille sheering the purchase by Henry Kern, owner of the North Bend iron works, from the Simpson Estate company of an area 148x120 feet on the waterfront in North Bend where his new foundry now stands. The sale terms were mads in August, 1917, the price named being 07,000. Pay ment, for which a period of two years was allowed, has recently been com pleted. The city of North Bend has also transferred to Kruse Banks Ship building company ita title to the end of Wall street, now included in the yards of the company. The vacation of the street to the industry was a r ranged almost two years ago. The vacated street is 60 feet wide, extends for 600 feet from the waterfront to the water edge. Property purchased by Kruse A Banks ties on either side of the street vacated.—Coos Bay Timet. A Attorney L. A. Liljeqviat on Mon- day filed a petition for the probate of the will of Mrs. Susie A. McCor mick, of Marshfield. The estate con- slats of 02200 reel property and 01,- 600 personal, a total of 00,700. The heirs are M. W. McCormick, husband, Grant McCormick, son, Ellis McCor mick, stepson, Beta Johnson, step daughter; Charles Peterson, nephew, and Charlotte McCormick, grand daughter. The husband is tho ad ministrator. Judge Hall on Wednesday filed a petition for the probate of the will ef Matt Matson and an order was made accordingly. The estate consists of 07,000 of real property and the ap praisers are William^ Asplund, John F. Matson and Elmer Matson. The heirs are Christina Matson, widow; Emil and Rudolph Matson, sons; and Elsie Asplund and Agnes Matson, daughters. Gao. P. Topping yeoterday filed a petition for the administration of the estate of Schmitt Hansen, also known aa Hans J .8. Smith and Hans J or gen Schmidt Hansen. iHe was one of toe victims of the war, having been killed in action in France while serving in the U. S. army, Oct. 18, 1918. The deceased was a resident of Bandon and left real estate estimated to be worth $8,600. The appraisers are Henry Harrison, J. E. Walstrom, and Clay Garoutto. Hansen was unmar ried and hia heirs are his father and mother, Jes and Anna Hansen, living a t Von Braaminge, Denmark, the former being 77 yoars of age; his sisters, Marie Thygeeen and Meta Lauritzen, and his brothers, Freder ick J. Hansen, also living in Den mark; and hia brother, Hans H. Han sen, of Langlois, Oregon, who ha* been named administrator of the es tate. ew Best New Orleans Bre’rRabbitt Gold Label Brand Í i. Quarts, Half Gallons and Gallons Ask for the GOLD LABEL —I------------------------- Seed Oats r Barley Vetch Grass Seeds Clover Seeds Pure Fruit Jelly Orange Marmalade 20c per glass Early Rose White Prize Taker Earliest of All Red Prize Taker J ■ Turnip Seed Onion Seed and Onion Sets Fancy Selected Seed ’ Silver Thistle Olives Heinz Baked Beans 15c and 25c Can A good one—Try them again in stock Heinz Bottled Vinegar Malt, White Pickling Pur* Ap ple Cider - - 20c Bottles ' Best for Salads Bring your container and save 25c. $1.60 in Cans. Pint Cans 30c Bulk 25c Pint \ T his grade sells at The Busy Comer 2 Phones—691 United States Food Administration—License No. G 46545 your smoketaste flush up against a 1 listening pout—and you’ll AY V m íía m n ! c S ! é ? IT4 Affiurt pip« call, so mil rig h t 1 You S 11 euPrtece hunt a jimmy quick and get so much tobacco joy out of every you had been bom £ tmrin * » .1 1 For. ^ Prince " “b Albert puts over . turn " I ”“ ? fond “f e pipe or e home w S S S fS S F a sss pipe or makm’. dgarette-without a ¿ m K d k l »am A w "• 4 , Reynolds Tobacco Co. Runaway Brought Back Aaqpa (As a i m , ever to the juvenile Because he was whipped a t school Joe Hatcher, 1» years old, ran away from his home at Myrtle Point, came to Marshfield and embarked on the C. A. Smith for San Francisco, as a stowaway. He was discovered and on reaching San Francisco was turned l a American Wonder Little Gem Strategem Tall Telephone Gradus Silver Thistle Syrup in bulk, per gallon, $ 1.35 Marriage Licensee fine for children. ” Seed Peas • Fancy Groceries New C ams ia Circuit Court. Feb. 24—Millie Brown vs. N. H, Welling, Rose Welling, E. L. C. Far rin, M. Kennedy, Jeanette Upton, Ar thur Upton and Auguste E. Upton. Feb. 24—Coos County vs. A. R. O’Brien and Margaret H. O’Brien, heretofore, doing business under the firm name of the Evening Record; Coos Bay Timas Publishing Company land L. A. Catos. Feb. 06—Nancy Caroline Living Send to e Sentinel to friends. stone va. Newton Livingstone. Suit | for divorce. Dreadful Cough Cured. A severe cold is often followed"!)/ a rough cough for which CamberUin’i Feb. 21—Edward K. Guinan and Cough Remedy has proven eepecUUy valuable. Mrs. F. W. Olsen, Marys |Naoma Daniels, both of Marshfield. ville, Mo., writes: “About two yuan The marriage ceremony was per ago my littls boy Jean caught a se formed the same day by Judge Wat vere cold and roughed dreadfully for days. I triad a number of rough med son at the court house. Feb. 28—F. A. Evernden and icines but nothing did him any good until I gave him Chamberlain’s Cough Amanda B. V o ^ fr-h o th or Coquille. Redemption Notice Remedy. It relieved his cough right They w a n ma/ried t l \ n e x t day by All Coos County warrants drawn on away and before he had finished tak Justice S to n l* a t theVesidance of ing one b o ttle rs was cured, I think tha general fund and indorsed prior it ii just Itha tjnde. Early Seed Potatoes N.C