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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1919)
Big Jersey Stock Sole The Com erctel Club m eetings are proving to be very interesting affairs and those who attend are not beck- ward about expressing their appreci ation o f what the club is doing and at tem pting to do. But the Sentinel has not the spec* to devote to a fu ll report o f al| that is said and done, so i f any citizen wants to know how much the club is planning fo r Coquille and the surrounding county he w ill have te attend in person. And to make sure that the farm ers in the territo ry adjacent to Coquille know they are invited to attend the m eetings, as they have been frequent ly reminded through these columns, a special committee consisting o f J. L. Smith, r . C. True and Frank Burk- Now membtra enrolled in the club since our last report a rt W . L K ist- aer, M. J. Hartson, F. C. True and Dick Bock. The expenses o f the C oin Show and entertainm ent a t the theatre la st Sat urday night amounted to $115. This included $100 fo r prises, $52.26 fo r admission to the show and other incM*utf l expenses. A discussion o f the hoodlum boys who do not properly conduct them selves a t the theatre, was precipitated hy A T . Boldon who declared it was ju st such lawless youngsters who In tar in 111« would fill the ranks o f the L W . W\’s «nd Bolshevik !. . A reeohi- tion was finally passed requesting the theatre management to pmosrvo suffi cient order that the patrons o f the show m ight enjoy the perform ances w ithout being disturbed, ai£}’ pledging the club’s support to b n y m ove it m ay make in em d iea tftg them hoodlum tendencies. • assured that it did, reported how other towns had gene about the task o f securing one, w ith excellent re sults. Ia conformance w ith his sug gestions, a com m itte consisting at A. T. Morrison, C. T . Shook and L. H. H:.xard was appointed to d ra ft reso lutions showing the need o f a now depot in Coquille, the necessity fo r paving tbs roadway from F erry str eet to the depot, and also to com pile such statistics aa'w oM d dem onstrate our righ t to and nesd o f those im prove ments. J. A Lamb cams forw ard w ith a suggestion that secured commenda tion from every ops present It wae that the Commercial Club give a ban quet and invito me' their guests nil the ranchers and farm ers in this district who desire to associate w ith the dub. H e was follow ed by C. T . Skoals and ~if. L. K k toer, the la tter tollin g e f the impression which apparently pre vailed among the farm ers that they worn not wanted in Coquill a, “ ch iefly due,” he said, "because e f the lack o f hitching racks." Various suggestions to combine such a banquet w ith some other gath erin g or m ooting W s frowned upon, tbs idea being th at it should be given strictly by the Com m ercial Chib and If any Coquille bus iotas man wanted to take part ha could g e t into the ban quet by join in g the dub. On motion L. J. Cary, J. A . Lamb, J. E. Norton, Frmok Burkholder an « J. L. Simth wore named to consider such a banquet, tim e o f holding, etc., and to report at the next mooting. It Ia the Old Tassa Tba'C M a Bay Tim es te mistaken in saying that, “ The taxes from the Southern Oeegon company land grant w ill be prorated among the various districts a fter deducting the state and eounty portions.” Each road school sad port district can g et only the taxe* levied in its behalf on the gran t lands, with pen alties and interest. It ia ths t«Xas those districts should have received years ago had the Southern Oropoa taxes bean paid that they are to recover pow, with interest and penalties fo r * part o f the time. During reeent years the tew has pro vided that a ll penalties and interest shall g o to the county. destitute. A fund o f $50,000,000 is being m is ad in the United Staus. Oregon’s quota is 5184,000. Every su n , wo man and child is asked to contribute. THAT $500 DOG CASE Tbs first tw o days this week the famous dog ease from A llegan y oc cupied the attention o f the Circuit Court boro. H. N . Stull and his w ife, Emma Stull, sued in Justice’s court at Marshfield fat $126 each fo r two dogs claimed to have been killed by Roscos Bunch and T . F. Portar. A verdict wfek given fo r $260 them, w ith about $78 costa. Bunch eras supposed to bo unable to pay the judgment, but P or ter was good fo r the whole o f ft and ha appoatod the ease to the Circuit C ou rt When it earns to tria l hem on sppm l Bunch trrHftf-1 that ha did the killin g and excused him self by claim in g that the doga w e n running dear. A s to the v a lo r o f the tw o doge. Banger and Tahde, them seems to bo little question. It was testifld that one o f Ü M * would bring up the cows he noodfed fo r the righ t o f w ay, to sub m it thmr low est figu re to the city within ton days. Startin g a t W illard mir t e i a little east o f F irst, the pro posed street to the bridge w ill pass between the residences o f J. A . Lamb and F. W . Jonas to the Uns batwssn the Lam b and Kistner propertied. Turning south nt that point, a strip M or 90 fast wide is desired from the property on each side' o f the bound- W . J. Longs ton on the w est and the Lamb estate, Mrs. Caroline Lorsns and J. A . C ollier on the ea st The righ t o f w ay fo r the bridge across the Coliter property south o f Front street w ill probably bo survey ed so as to only use one lo t; and a righ t o f w ay fo r the bridge was re served between the railroad and the river w M b the city sold the water fro n t to the county. I t te expected the rig h t o f w ay at the north end o f the bridge w ill bo w ider than at any other point in order to perm it n loop or hair pin turn fo r n road running directly from the bridge to Front Another m ove in the direction at •sod roads and a v ita lly needed im provem ent in Coquille q u the order adopted by the council instructing the city engineer to prepare a prelim inary survey and estim ate at thq d irt nec essary to make a fill on Taylor stmat across the gulch from Second strast Marshfield m ad and the probable sote. T h e othar'entrance to the city— the B a ll streeA jteidgs a t the intersection G«tfl Verdict of $479.75 Not At A0 Unanimous The W atsoo-M eM com . Involving balance due on rent fo r the three years W .'G . Mahl rented the M g J. C. Watson ranch on Cunningham imme diately north o f Coquille, urns tried in H m Circuit Court here last Saturday. W atson was easing fo r $601. Mehl had offered $470.76 tin settlem ent, but a fte r suit had bean begun Mahl o f fered $$40 only. The ju ry found fo r too $470.76 Mahl had offen d , which would have thrown tbs costs on W at son if MoM had stood pat on his first offer. A s It stands the costs w ill fa ll on too defendant. “ You ‘m ay state fo r ms that not all o f the people o f KcntuCk In let are signing the recall petition, and fu r ther fu lly one-half o f the people ab solutely refused to sign it,” said Al. Kingston over the phone to this office yesterday says the Coos Bay Harbor. The people over th e n are not dissat isfied with Judge- Watson and Cora- misioner Ph ilip and further they do not believe in invoking the recall on anyone. Yesterday A O. Kjelland was hare a n ! stated that he was grea tly disappointed in the report printed in the Marshfield Tim es that “ a ll o f the people o f Kentuck,” were signing the recall. the Southern Oregon Co., started last Friday fo r Portland to make out the deeds to the grant lands which w ill reconvey their title to the govern ment. This was the last act require^ to make affective the legislation ro sure the payment o f those delinquent taxes to Coos and Douglas counties. The Sheriff’ s office here this week received instructions from ex-Goverh- or W est,, to compite interest on the Southern Oregon taxes on the Coos Bay W agon Road grant lands to March 1st. That is what ths darks there had already done in the state ment o f those taxes published in the Sentinel o f January $1. Hold to Grand Jury G oa F. McAdams had a prelim inary exam ination ia Justice Stanley’s court here yesterday on a charge o f assault. The prosecuting witness was Ruby Strain, aa 18-year old daughter e f F. H. Strain o f the R iver ton neighborhood, and the offense was alleged to have been committed in aa autom obile on Boar Crash Mountain on Che Bandon read. The accused was held to the grand ju ry on n 61,000 bond. The D airy Schools in this county w ere la rg e ly attended and very in teresting. The dairy specialists from Tax receipts are grow ing a t the C orvallis, E. B. F itts and E. L. W est- g h ta K ft office new, thought the over, say they w e n the beat they grounds wed w ill not begin fe r a cou have attended this year. A t Marsh- ple o f weeks y e t F re n $ l,0 0 0 to $4,- 000 a day la the w ay they a rt main«. First Street a Fright Moat o f the bast business holdings in Coquille face on F irst street There are the F irst Nationol Bank building, the Maehon theatre, the poetoffie building and the new Maehon business §M lding. Outside o f these there are only tw o buildings o f the same class in th * city. How long, we wonder is F irst street to show a rotten pave ment that ia rapidly becoming a men ace both to pedestrians and vehicles, as wall aa to the public health. It ’s tim e fo r something to be dona The Pastor Her* From Calcutta The Sentinel enjoyed a call yester day from J. M. Comer, pastor o f an Adventist church at Calcutta, India. Ha is visitin g friends he has not met since his form er visit here IS years ago and w ill deliver a free lecture on India at the Adventist church here next Tuesday evening which w ill be non-denominational and w all w o rt» hearing. It really ought to be given in a larger auditorium, fo r Mr. Com er’s knowledge o f that country ia ex tensive and he can present it in a very interesting way. He has an exhibit o f Hindoo shoes in the show window at Robinson’s store, which is attact- ing a g n a t deal o f attention. That big auction aala o f para brad Jersey cattle w ill taka place hare in Coquille Saturday, March 15. The dairy specialists from a A . C., Pro Things that Coquille Ought to fessors W estover and F itts are now visitin g breeders in the W illam ette Take Action Upon at valley to secure stock fo r this sale Once and it is expected there w ill be a fine bunch here. From the Sweet herd at In view o f the im provements now The dairymen here last Saturday Lampa and .other herds in the valley, orgaaiasd the Coos County Jersey which have extra stock, there is also certain by the county and state which Breeders’ Association , with the fo l a considerable representation expect- w ill voctly benefit C oqcille’s com munications w ith the outside world, low ing iffiesrs: it seems as i f it was tim e fo r the city President, J. D. Carl, Arago. V ice President, Theodore Cl In am, Income Tax Men Next Week to begin to m anifest some appreciaton o f these favors by doing its p a rt The Norway. A t the H otel B axter here in Co county has already appropriated 520, Secretary and Treasurer, W s C. quille on Monday and Tuesday, March 000 fo r a bridge across the river but Cutler, M yrtle Point. 10 and 11, Income Tax Officers Geo. not a wheel can be turned towards ita Ootber D irectors: Ed Detlefsen, Co quille; C. D. Jarman, Bullards; I. C. H ew ett and E. A . Montague w ill be construction until the city provides present to render all assistance possi ground fo r an approach. Indeed, un Nordstrom, Bandon; Henry H ervey, ble to those who find it difficult to fill til then, the bridge cannot be definite Lee; H. B. Sanders, Marshfield. out their incem e tax returns. ly located. The Lamb ectate Is now F. C. True, o f Coquille, was ap A s the treasury departm ent requires offerin g the much-to-be-desired m yr pointed assistant secretary. The constitution and by-laws o f the that mil returns be in the Portland o f-' tle grove which covers the most feas association w ill be ready fo r the next Ace by Saturday o f next week, March ible approach fo r the bridge a t such a L , itS v ill be teen that there is ' no price the city sim ply cannot afford to meeting. A fourth o f the turn the proposition down. W hy we The object o f the association is to tim e to tarry. im prove the Jersey herds by the use amount o f tax m ay ho sent in wiih should w ait longer when it is our of pure bred sires, to co-operate in the returns or the whole amount may move and everything hangs on our action, the Sentinel is unable to see. breeding, buying and sellin g pure bred be rem itted at that tima. It is nqt, o f course, probable but it Is stock, to exchange bulls among the possible that there w ill not be as members, to bring Coos county to the much good w ill m anifested towards attention o f the dairym en o f the state Coquille by the powers that be in the as a Jersey breeding center and to do future as in the past. The iron is hot all that can be done to prom ote the now and it is the tim e to strike. W hy improvement o f dairy herds and the For throe hours last Saturday ev hold back? interests o f the dairymen. A s to the state aided road from The Holstein owners at the same ening the 180 guests at the Commer tim e effected a tem porary oryanira cial Club as w ell as the 400 patrons Roseburg to Coos Bay through M yrtlsf tion with L. J. Simpson, o f Shore- at the theatre were entertained w ltii Point and Coquille, as it stands now acres, as president; and selected the a combination o f homo talent numbers there appears to be no sort o f ques follow in g additional directors: Frank and m oving pictures that delighted tion that it w ill be via that route that we shall firs# secure connection with Rogers, M arshfield; A . O. Kjelland, everyone present. The 7-reqT production, "F a il o f the the highway system o f the state fend North Bend; H. W . W alker, Coosten; Romanoffs,” was a stirrin g presenta the entire Pacific coast, i f not o f the and Verne Lundy, M yrtle Point. L . J. Smith is goin g over to Marsh tion o f the intrigues, ignorance, pas nation at large, over a hard' surfaced ___ field tom orrow to aid in perfecting sion, and stupidity, that brought about road. the fa ll o f the last C tar and the reign It is, o f course, estim ated that it this organisation. o f anarchy now prevailing in Russia. w ill take two years to com plete this ’ The outstanding feature o f the rood to Roseburg and it m ay require Was a Happy Event home talent portion o f the program three. Meantime and w ithout wait- B y last Thursday’s train, Miss Rose was the singing by Miss Hildur Sa- in g until the last day in the a fter Bostivick arrived hem from Baker, tender, o f Sumner, A d ear, high noon, Coquille ought to take steps to Oregon, to keep a try st o f a vary hap soprano, o f silvery sweetness, her sing see that the link through this city is py character. ing was a. delight to everyone and at least graded soon enough to bo fit Th e next day Mr. W iliam Zinner, there am not lacking those who en fo r paving before the last lap o f this the popular leader o f the Coquille e£ joyed her solos mom than they have road is completed. C ertain ly a year th e sin gin g o f noted' prima donnas from bow th e state w ill be ready to perform er who has ever mods Ms they have heard. let contracts fa r the surfacing o f this horns in Coquille, repaired to the The violin solo by P rof. W . Zlnnor highway as fa r as M yrtle Point, and County Clerk’s office and secured the was another feature which made this if the grade is not ready the lack w ill license by authority o f which Justice night's entertainm ent one o f the beet be righ t here in Coquille. J. J. Stanley a little later a t his o f ever presented in Coquille. W e do not mtan to intim ate by this fice, pronounced the words that made Miss Bay’s vocal selections, tbs that the city should boar this burden Mr. Zinner and M ist Boetivik hus monologue by “ Aunt Jane,” tbs piano ■lone. It is unquestionable that we band end w ife. $olo b y Mias Selander, the male quar ought to have help from tbs county i f A fte r tbs denes Saturday evening tet consisting o f F. G. Leslie, A . A not from the state, W e believe that the members o f the orchestra and Selander, C. E. McCurdy and H. S. the county w ill meet ns more than their respective spouses repaired to Tuttle, and the cartoon sketch by A t h alf way in this m atter in m aking the th home o f Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Loach A. Selander were all h eartily applaud two very expensive fills roqulrsd in our city lim its— the one f-om the Bled in the Lyons' flat where they enjoyed ed and anjoyed by those present. a fine w eddiar lunch in honor o f the Mrs. M. O. Hawkins. Mrs. F. G. soe north and the other at the com er newly m arried couple. Those present Leslie and the Coquille Orchestra of H all and Front streets. But really mere: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zinner, Mr. were the accompanists fo r the various seems as i f it is up to us to make ths first move hero and ask the county to and Mrs. Georgs Leach, Mr. and Mrs. do the rest— fo r with the state pledg Tracy Leach, Mr. and Mrs. Jack ed to pave the road here and to grade Leach and M t . and Mrs. Carl Ensele. A—araar Beyers’ Deputies it through Rock Creek canyon and be On Sunday a wedding dinner was The follow in g are the people who yond we could hardly ask it to do tendered the newly m arried couple by w ill do the assessing in Coos county more. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kneels at their this year, by appointment o f Assessor Another point en tirely pertinent Beyers: * now is that w bile an improvement tn M r. and Mrs. Zinner are now dom i L Land«, Marhfield. the bridge at the Front and H all ciled a t the residence o f Clyde A . F. J. Monroe, North Bend. street com er to perm it the county to Gage. C. H. Jackson, north part o f coun haul heavy gravel trucks over it this The groom has become very highly ty and also rural district between Co-' season, has been promised at once, esteemed by our people since he came quills end Coos Bay. what w ill have to be done there before here from Portland several weeks ago, ll. D. Smith, Coos river and Catch- the state road is constructed is to and began to give lessen* on the vio tig In let dstrict. make a fill. U ntil that is done all lin. He is fe perform er who has play H. C. Dipple, Bandon. money spent in tem porary im prove ed in most o f the leading cities on this Leo J. Cary, north and east fork ments w ill be practically thrown continent and in Europe. The bride o f Coquille and tributaries. away. .J u st as soon as a dredge can has made a most favorable im pres H arry Dement, south fork, middle be got nto the river without prohibi sion with a ll whom she has met. And tive expense the work o f fillin g up the Sentinel joins w ith fe host o f fork o f Coquills, and tributaries. C. A . Scroeder, Coquills valley be that gulch from the sands o f the riv friends in extending congratulations er bed should be undertaken. And if and beet wishes on the happy term ina tween M yrtle Point and Bandon. J. P. Beyers, towns o f Coquills, it is done before the bars are le t down tion o f a romance which began long M yrtle Point and Powers. and a stream o f tourists from C ali ago. Mrs. Maud McAdams, rural district forn ia and W ashington begins to pour south o f Bandon. through through here, so much the To Send Them to Washiaftoa Ths la tter ia the first woman who better fo r the appearance and the rep Assessor Beyers says that some has ever been appointed to such a utation o f Coquille. tim e this month a governm ent official position in Coos eounty. She was es W e w ill have to d ig to build roads, in w ill be sent here to give fu ll Instruc pecially active in the patriotic drives m ore senses than one, out it has been tions as to pacMng and shipping the during tbs w ar and a most effective our observation that the city that has records o f the local m ilitary board, worker. She is quits an equestrienne, hills to d ig down and hollows to fill d ra ft lists, questionnaires, correspon travelin g by horseback to the isolated becomes more prosperous by doing it. dence and alL E verything w ill be But w hile the eounty and the state shipped to the national capital where stand ready to help us, don’t let us it looks as i f a b ig building would be Great Interest in Corn Show delay in helping ourselves. Labor is filled with the records o f all ths coun Notwithstanding the extrem ely in going to be abundant; the state is ties in the United State*. clement weather Saturday the Corn preparing to spend money with lavish Show was attended by crowds e f peo prodigality to keep it employed. I f Joke on the Marshal ple from the ranch«* up and down the w e want to benefit by its generosity, don’t fo rg et there is som ething we A couple o f boys put one arar on river, who w ere in a cam iv-.I mood must do fo r ourselves. Marshal M ilter yqsterday. A dog at and would have appreciated such a program as the w inter’s epidemic bad acquired ths very bad their house had 1 The winner o f the- first prix# fo r habit o f a asking eggs; but they didn’t prevented. N ex t tim e Coquille hopes kill it, oh no. They knew s scheme to do better, though the exhibit its e lf 100 sera o f W hite Dont at the Corn worth several o f th a t So they was unquestionably the heat we have Show here last week was Thomas brought the canine in to the marshal ever had, fend there was mors instruc Huyes, o f Powers, who also won the as a stray and received a dollar fo r It, tion than usual in the accompanying first prise fo r 10 ears o f ths same, wheh they forth w ith f f i i i i t o to dairy and home economics school, ev- le w s Silverm ine was the va riety In brtksaM A blow te tar sandy. W AS A FINE PROGRAM