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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1919)
- w p 1, —. r COQUILLB TALLET SENTINEL, COQOUILLE, OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY 1«. 1919- PAGE TWO ;\ T r-.w The cold m n hit the East Fork 22 degrees above xoro at Mountain Glad# and makes one feel glad that the ther mometer does not u jr it ia colder. Cal Harry made a trip to Coquill« Monday via the Brewster Valley freight and passenger track. 0 Mrs. Cal Harry is improving in health. • , 4 Neva Harry waa visiting the fore part of th* week with his daughter and son-in-law, Mrs. and Mrs. Mason Wilcox, of Middle Creek. /}N I* -.' Henry Charlton, o f Brewster Val ley, who has a contract for felling and bucking timber for Dennis McCarthy we will sell on Middle Creek, has so much timber ' * • Bap the heat yon c u get. ahead o f the hauling that he quit camp Monday and got to work at Y m a n entitled to the beat some other camp. Cold weather is delaying the hauling. Charles Culbertson has returned Cad no Bare than the poorest from Myrtle Point. Tuesday morning the mercury Goes farther, tastes better and stood at 24 degrees. The following 'is an extract from a letter dated Dec. 8, 1918, written by Auren Whitney, of Needhrxm, Mass * « to his counsin, Mrs. W. D. Beaman, of Westbroro, Mass., concerning the death of Francis Whitney, the only sqp of and child o f Auren and Mary The nam e is you r guarantee Whitney: “ We are thankful that we had Francis even for these few fleet ing years, and that he was such a manly fellow and a precious son. ia some consolation to feel that Fran cis did what he could in a glorious Phone 251 First NstJeaal cause and that he leaves an honorable Caqoille Bask Baildiac record. The first part o f verse 27 of Deuteronomy 33 has been much in my mind in these dark days.” The flrst part of verse 27 of Deut S3 reeds, “The eternal God ia thy refuge, and underneath are the ever lasting arms." The words and letters o f mothers and fathers as they gave their sons * m to the fight for the redeeming of the world from the claws o f the German barbarian and their words and letters when the “last full measure of devo tion” has been paid are witnesses to the fire of righteousness burning in their souls, the making a freewill of fering, having counted the probable coat, o f those who scented the battle for human rights from afar and were 4 not o f the stuff to be chained to gun: but o f the kind that answered aye when the call for volunteers for dan gerous duty was sounded. 1918 ns.« been a great and good year. 1911) will be a greater end better year, for s we must live up to the price paid for the redemption o f the world from the power of might into the force of right. or The garden o f Gethsemane has been enlarged and Jesus Christ has not found the watchers sleeping but act Probate Court Items. ive fighters that'they might cause him Last Saturday a petition was filed who “ draweth the sword to perish by for the administration of the estate of the sword.” R..A. Easton. George Hcyden, o f Marshfield, who S aucepans-------------------------- 25c up died December 16. The cslim: ted val Items From Arago. Tea K ettles........................_$1.50 $2.00 ue of the property is $300. The heirs Mrs. J. D. Carl was visiting her are his father, Walter Haydon, his Berlin K ettles---------------------- 60c A up parents at Norway over Sunday. brother, Rhys Haydon, and his two Wash P ans ........................ 40 50 75c A stranger from the old country sisters, Nellie Haydon and Delly Muffin P a n s_______________________ 75c stopped at Perry Breuer’s last Sun Getty. Dinner B u cket_______ - ___________$2.00 day morning and had taken a share in On Tuesday an order was made ap^ the dairy ranch, we understand. 14-qt. Water P a il............................. $1.25 pointing A. J. Foster administrator of Finley Schroedcr has bought a the estate of Omali McGir.nis, of Coffee Pots (heavy) _______________90c ranch near Myrtle Point and ia mov Marshfield. This consists of- personal Preserving K e ttle s______________ 45c up ing there this week. property valued at $200. The heirs Cups ----------------------------------- .______15c Caley Robison has purchased Mrs. are her father and mother, Walter Milk P a n s............................................15c up Annie DeLong'e store at Arago. and Juliet Nicklin, a son, Thomas, of Dish P a n s _______________________ 00c up 16 years, and two younger daughters, Got His For Bootlegging Rose Agnes and Elisabeth Juitina. Letters of administration were Jack Gaffney, who came to Coquille last April and who has been under granted to Orna K. Sell in the estate suspicion as a bootlegger during the of her husband, Joseph J. Sell, who summer, was arrested at Roaeburg a died at Myrtle Point Dec. 26. The es few days ago, charged with bringing tate consists of $2,600 in realty and The ap liquor into dry territory. Nine quarts $1,000 personal property. o f liquor were found in his possession, praisers are Charles Sell, John Sperry i He was fined $50 and being unabla to and Charles Melton. The heirs con int,M I pay was committed to Jail. There hat sist of the widow, who is the admin n m u o tio iL T -i MAKIS a o r m s r U A B U For JS | been some talk o f hie having boen con istratrix, and four sons, Henry, Ver nected with the late Julius Bracks in non, Ernest and Willis, and daughter, the boor* business but vre have heard Edith. F. A. MATTHEWS * SON A petition for letter of administra nothing definite along that line. f * '* W B & rr t EUREKA CALIFORNIA tion of the estate of J. D. Tharp, of Here is the story the Roseburg Re Allegany, who died Dec. 24, was filed view tells about Gaffney’* arrest: Wednesday. Leona Tharp, his widow, The Portland Market Report. Passing the Word Along A raid on train No. 10 was made was named as administratrix. estate is valued at $2,000 and the by the officers on Saturday evening, Portland. Jan. 6. 1919—Cattle re One of the methods of communicat heir* besides the widow are Millard, resulting in the taking o f two suit ceipts for the beginning o f the week ing from one officer to another in the Lynn and Kenneth, sons o f the de total 2000 head, with a strong mar trenches is to give the message to : cases full o f boose and the arrest of ceased. / ,* J. T. Gaffney, of Coos Bay. The raid ket prevailing in the steer division, one o f the privates and toll him to 1 proved to be quite exciting. While Laird Building Coquille, Oregon other lines remaining steady. Quo “ pass the word along” the line until Marriage Licenses tations: Prime steers $13.00-14.00; K reaches its destination, vis., th e ' the officers were searching the train Jan. 3— Gustav Bjerke, o f North good to choice steers $11.60-12.80; officer at the other end. The fo llo w -1 for the boose, Gaffney succeeded tn making his escape, knocking down one Bend, and Hattie Noah, of Allegany. medium to good steers $10.50-11.50; ing story will «how how a serious o f the men on the train during the That ia the way the license reads but ed all the way to town and by the a part o f the trestle that carried Uie fair to medium steers $9.50-10.60; ige can be distorted on its joui- time he reached the hoepital had lost struggle. in the certificate made out by Rev. railroad. common to fair steers $8.50-9.60; ney from mouth to mouth: so much blood that ha fainted away. A wire was sent to Drain to the of Henry T. Akinscn. of the North Bend chpice~V>ws and heifers $10.00-11.00; Lieutenant A., in charge o f one end The dam and pip# line had Just ficers there and Gaffney was taken M. E. church, the same day, the bride Dr. Pemberton dressed the hand and medium to good cows and heifers of the British line, told the private in been completed and It waa intended to in a few hours he was able to be re $9.00-10.00; fair to medium cows and front to “ pose the word along” to from the train at that place. A war groom's name appears as GustEf moved to his home. begin operations within a frw days. The discrepancy ia ex heifers $7.00-8.00; canners $4.00-6.00; Lieutenant B: “ We are going to ad rant was sent there for his arrest and Sjorgren. It was a costly blow to the company bulls $0.00-8.60; calves 89-00-12.60; vance. Can you tend us reinforce he will bq brought bock to Roseburg plained by the fact that the name of Inman Plant Damaged $20,000. but the stockholders are not discour to face trial here. He has been in Cal the person making Che affidavit for stockers and feeders $7.00-9.00. m ents?” C. C. Inman, manager of the Inman aged. Two eastern stockholders were ifornia and was returning to Coos the license was set down in the rec Hog receipts over Sunday total Mines Company on Sixes river, who st the min# at the time the damage When Lieutenant B. received the Bay with a supply e f liquor. He is a ord here as that o f the bridegroom. 6000 head, with a good demand and message it eras like this: “ We are gw was hers during the post week told occurred. The company aos voted to Jan. 9— Ralph James MsMaster, strong prices. Quotations are: Prims ing to a dance. Ckn you send ue prisa fighter by profession and is said about ths damage done to hit com begin at one« making repairs and to be widely known in the Coo# Bay and Gertrude Bohan, both of North mixed $17.26-17.60; medium mixed three or four pence?”—-Strand Mag pany’s property by lightning dur more men are now going to the camp. country. Bend. 816J6-17.00; rough heavies $16.00- asine. ing an electric storm on November The sow mill has been started ap and 10.00; pigs $14.60-16.50; bulk $17.26. 14th. Lightning struck -four times the work o f rebuilding the dam Is un Coquill* Horn* fur Bate Fell Against His Axe Sheep receipts are not very large within a short space of time, one or der way. It Is estimated that H w ill Calling Cards, 100 for $1.00. with 1600 heed coming forward oyer Thru« blocks from high school; James Button, while working in the more o f the bolts striking the valves Uke nearly throe months to g ot the Sunday. Quotations are; Prime ■even lota; two-story residence, four woods near Gravel Ford last, week, in the dam, wrecking the bulkhead plant up to the point o f operation Quiek Care far Creep. lambs $12.00-18.00; fair to medium rooms below, three above. Apply at fell in such a way that his hand struck and causing damage to the extent of again. About 26 man srfll be em ploy Watch for the first symptom, Sentinel. lambs $9.00-11.00; yearlings $10.00- a double bitted axe, severing the ends $20,000. The damage included wreck ed during that time.— Bandon W orld. 11 JO; wethers 89.00-10.00; swm hoarseness and give Chamberlain's of two fingers o f his right hand, says ing of a large sector o f treetie carry Cough Remedy at It la prompt the Myrtle Point American. Ha walk ing the watar to the hydraulics, olaa C«U on aa for stationery. •«tor Wrappers aad Mftiey (s Valuable-Save It Next Week=Special=Next Week g ~ MÊÊÈI - to It is False Ecanomy VQNOPQÏP Brooms Brooms For One Brooilis Week buy cheap groceries While Stock Lasts— -o «4 A» J f Regular COFFEi •v ; Togt K r de. MONOPOLE GROCERIES .75 Brooms for .50 Regular 1.00 Broom s for .75 Regular 1.25 Broom s for 1.00 Toilet Paper, large rolls, 7c Regular price, 10c Commencing Monday, ending Saturday next week For sale by W. H. LYONS 1 T hese are bargains you cannot afford to overlook* Prices on above articles will be high for a long time to com e. * Remember tomorrow, Saturday, is the DON’T last day to take advantage o f our special Neglect Your offer on Corn, Tomatoes and Pineapple. Cough Phone your order. sorry. Don’t wait and be M onday will be too late. The Busy Comer A t the first sigh of a cough or cold take R E X A L L 2 Phones—Use them both Cherry Bark Cough Syrup Rexall Cold Tablets G R A N IT E W A R E PR IC ES and check what might lead A to serious results FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY J See our stok of Guernsey Baking W a re j-SÜè R io a O il W wmJJz Racket Store MRS. BONNIE WALKER, Prop. CITY BAKERY Under new management Fresh Bread, Cakes and Fancy Pastry u ; .4 $ 0 . 00 - 8 . 00 . 8lgaa at the Sentinel -as— V