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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1919)
C O Q Li^E , COOS COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY; JANUARY A Ml». Recall Killed Again ' Under date o f Dec. 26, the CoquiUs Commercial Club is lettci th. from Charles l i W 4 This week we pat a blue cross next the date on the label o f all subscrib ers whoa# tim e is out tne first o t Jan uary. It was the intention to do this last week, but as the m ails would not w ait fo r the paper the question was whether to miss them and in many eases have the Bentinel reach the sub scribers on Monday or Tuesday in- While Attorney General Brown ■till holds to his opinion that names Ferry it has been Aled with the county clertc, Contracts he also says that the petition filed Valuation Board’«* Work Only last year against Commissioner Ar- Are Let— Quarantine About Half Completed chie Philip is dead, and cannot be at the Bay in 1918 withdrawn and reftled or used as a and Printing The only change the county basis for further proceedings. Wheth er it will be possible to get signers to Assessor Beyers says that while the | s ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | ^ ^ u ro p e rty H Marshfield C h a m b d f l ■ T ~ /.. ’ $ j - ~7i a ‘-'?C vu M 't ‘ c m M-K.mi to a p r t i p o s 4 B . % 'S 7 ^ ; V « \ ’ *J railwa y schedule at T '•../.‘. i V p K , W mount ol bel i eves "., B l i i r This proposal ts to £, ' ^ i ' j i O j j . B d t o e tow r you and K n g e n e to c on n e ct 1 ' - ' ^ . f r A , '¿ X and that this train, . , n o d ■ t v ■j>'■■C:'-''/- ^ ¿ V these sleepers evening and .t v e'.’" ® * all P o r tla n d | ® lg S iS | | ffi^ S B s in r . arrive ' * , ' 11:30 in the morning. ’ n i r i '* ' ■ f r o m l i ve and land at 7 30 in the leave ail j P g ^ g g f g g ^ M l r i g ire. 1 n l sleepers and a mail going iio ■ le t' tr ain on the main w o r ld ,t of thr l11 l's ice a night train mg i not n, / ■ 11 e Coquille valley. Marshfield, by on v. in. h * o . l .f-v / . port of the il i ! o B t i which it is hoped to in the evening m ade 111 11 41 1 no % •/ . ' « S I lanos till ■ i the amount ■biem ising „1 .e,v The Marshfield p« o b | K ' ' JH do not wish the p r e a d l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ W tort ed in any way. is the case the a d d i t R ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H the Hay would c e r t a i r f M . / ' ^ ^ A , ad vantage to the C o q ( » ^ v r V > ; :jV’4 ® we note that a mail on this train. th ro u gh mail to i timber lands » high that the m in e to pay r holdings fo r lax title. This si Pacific Rail- ber adjoining thwest. There not only pay- anted value o f nd valuaion o f account o f its Phis brings the » company up , and their tax a t they throw into that rat- If tha fo r tlg ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B ent day train to K u g « n V f^ / | H B ing beyond is to he have the most s t r e n u the proposed new low in g day, and our be much the cams i served from Roaebu the adding o f a mai posed night train wJ f trio r mail service will have no kick a mean delayed mail a ing in the mail of freight toiAirde noi shall be heard very lstion to it. r less or that county which will have to i of the taxes N ew Nurse ho came hers i health survey »use public tu rn t o f a county inal round this ter successor in Cardiff. They Ice on Tuesday, srfully efficient made a great ounty, who will i; but she is a urse movement Is to arouse an re. W e under second county * in this work, Meantime our n that the Bay pe< what the S. P. w ill grant. The wounded an* grounded Govern Northern Pacific at being transferred in life boats yi eras expected all U before night. One with troops from I capsized by a heavj soldiers and life sa tar. A ll were save* three life savers v the boat. L ife gua into the surf and i others, dragged the th« four unconscia vived. As soon as they ! were taken immet narrow sand spit, i to a flotilla of sm them four miles a bay to the towns i on the south shon Meantime the Ufa t guard boat, return« More Work For Red CroM The ladies who sew at Red Cross headquarters in the Liberty Temple are requested to taka notice that work will be resumed flext weak, beginning Monday aftefboon. About 26 conval escent robes, the material for which has beau at hand for over a month, are urgently needed at camp and can tonments in this country. There is also great need for refugee garments in Europe, the report being that thou sands w ill frees# to death there dur ing the next 60 days unlees clothing is seat from America. The Red Creas will furnish this clothing as rapidly hr Lawrence r Lawrence re mi his son, Ken- ked from over- pwport News on paid he was feel- Ind his brother, rheumatism In lice talked with listance to Port ile was on his for demobillza- feeling well and ranciaco told him tfl right though somewhat swo?- M yrtle Point. W eakley had gone so Eugeneu Ha mat the southbound train at Gardiner, where a Lane coun ty official turned Weaklsy over to him. and the sheriff brought him down here and placed him in jail. The accused is a son o f Lee Weakley and Mr. Gage says he admitted forgin g a $3 cheat in the name o f Bert Allen. He is al so accused o f forging another check fo r 121. about a 12V4-foot paving fo r this road were erroneous and to know that the pavement is to be 14 feet in width with a two feet rock shoulder on eech side, making a width o f 18 feet in all, and affording ample space fo r cars to meet and pass. Dance« Still Under the Ban The ban has bean lifted here; and the churches will all hold their usual gpr riees Sunday; but the school board thinks there are still too many sick with the influenza to open the schools next Monday. No time has yet bean sat fo r opening them, though K may be Monday, Jan. 13, if conditions ias- spring. With but few plastered houses and less protection than where the winters are more frigid, everybody is hoping for the chinook and a warm rain that usually comes before the cold lasts as long as it has at this holiday season. Still the new lawns appear as green aa ever when the sun scatters the hoar fr o s t In the shads it has been iu evidence all day. R. E. Nicolai Very in R. E. Nicolai of the Sitka Spruce company here, returned from Port land last Saturday afternoon and be came ill almost immediately with the influenza and went to the Coquille hospital. He has been there ever since and for the p a n two days his friends have had reason to be a good deal alarmed about his case. This They Began New Term« morning Dr. Hamilton says his condi County Clerk Oddy, Sheriff Gaga, tion is very serious, though he does Treasurer Dhnmkk, Surveyor McCul- not anticipate fatal results. lagh and Coroner W ilson w ill eech begin a new term next Monday. Com missioner elect John Yoakam w ill be