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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1918)
Coquille AND THE COQTJILLE HERALD Sentinel COQUILL* COOS COUNTY, ORBOON, FRIDAY, JU N E tf, 1918. VOL. XIIL NO. 28. M L MEETING TOO ARBITRARY Is One of the Charges Against the Members of the County Court. tl-M THE YEAR. Judge Coke Near Winning For the republican nomination for justice o f the Supreme Court the vote at the primary last month resulted as follows: C. A . J o h n s ............................ 26,815 John a Coke.............................. 24,697 Percy R. K e lly *1* . ................... 23,896 In Ceos county Judge Coke received 2396 votes to 181 fo r Johns and 206 fo r K e„ teating the eomhincd Tote of ^ oth, r c, ndid«toc seven to one. The vote by counties is also signifl cant. Judge Coke carried 18 coun ties. Johns carried nine and Kelly nine. Even the big home vote Johns got in Portland barely saved him, fo r Coke ran second and was only 1218 votes behind him. A ll but two o f the counties K d ly carried in his old ju dicial district. Outside o f these home districts neither o f the two other can didates were within hailing distance o f Judge' Coke. END OF LONG LIFE Mrs. Mary E. Coke’s Funeral Services Were Held at Dora Yesterday Morning. . . . The annual school meeting for the A n early morning robbery at the Mrs. Mary E. Coke, mother o f bt the indictment the recallers have Judge John 8. Coke and Thomas Coke, Baxter Hotel Tuesday morning put Coquille district was held at the high against the present county court crimp in Chas. Baxter’s roll to tbs ex o f Marshfield, and Mrs. L. Harlocker, school building last Monday evening. petitions,^ there three tent o f $120. Besides the money stol o f this city, died just after midnight A year ago w e noted “ the smallest at en, which was all in currency, there Tuesday morning at the home o f the tendance fo r five years,'* or since the accused o f being “ incompetent,” “ arb Judge, ending a life o f 76 yaars, of was $46 in silver in the drawer, a lot question o f a site fo r a new building itrary,” and "extravagant.” which 45 years had been spent in o f checks and several envelopes eon When they tell us where, when and came to the fr o n t This year the Cooe county. taining various amounts le ft by the number present was considerably in what instanaes the members of the Mrs. Coke had been ill fo r over guests fo r safe keeping, and which smaller than then, dropping from 63 court have been guilty o f either o f fourteen years and a few days these offenses it might be time enough were not touched. to 48. before her death she Iapced into un It is the hotel custom fo r Mr. A s chairman o f the school board H. to try them; but we are going to give 1 7 i— Claude W alter Endicott, Nor consciousness from which she did not ter to remain up at night until all O. Anderson called the meeting to or a little attention to that second charge way. recover. ■ have retired while Mrs. Baxter gets Id h —George A. McDonald, Norway. der and t ip district clerk, J. 8. Law right now. Mrs. Coke was born near Morris up in the morning to call the guests 1 1 » — James Isom Clinton, M yrtle rence, acted as secretary. They are said to have been "arb i town, Tenn., in 1842 and in 1868 mar -for the early train. When he retired From his report fo r the past year trary.” That probably means that they Point. _ ried John S. Coke Sr., who died fivn Mr. Baxter placed the $120 in the 892— Robert Sanford Weekly, M yrtle we gather the following: hove not done just as other people ask List Will Be Revised. years ago. They came west in 1 >70 drawer in the safe with the bunch at The number o f children o f school ed them to but sometimes acted as P oin t The m ilitary advisory bord o f and the following year settled o:i % cheeks on top a t the currency, locked age in the district reckoning from they thought best, from all the infor In 1899 the drawer and also the combination four to twenty years is 647, o f whom mation they had. Probably they are this county, o f which Attorneys L iljo homestead near McKinley. qvist and McKnight are members, and Mr. Coke waa appointed collector o f on the outer door. gu lty. That morning, as uauat, Mrs. Bax We wonder, though, what a police District Attorney J. T. Hall ia the tustoms st Empire. marked excess o f the latter being no O of the eight children born to this ter worked the combination but did doubt due to w ar conditions. Two man would amount to if he was not legal adviser, arc going to come to not unlock the inner door until years ago the excess o f girls was only souse times arbitrary. A school teach- Coquille in a few day and go over the couple six are still living, as follow s: whole bunch o f nearly 2000 question Mrs. L. Harlocker, o f Coquille; o’clock. A fte r making the calls she three and laa£ year it was 20, while nairee on file with th f local board Tho«. Coke, o f Marshfield; Richard J. stepped out o f the oAee once or twice today it is 46. kero and recommend such changes in Coke, o f Los Angeles; Dr. Paul S. ¿or possibly a moment or turn, once to The number o f teachers employed classification as they deem proper. Coke, o f Ooakland, Calif.; Judge John 'order her breakfast. during the year was 14, o f whom M l off the lawyers and litigants be 8. Coke, o f Marshfiled; and Judge About the time the train' pulled in Lilejqvist. thrqe were men and eleven women. fore him. James L. Coke o f Honolulu, who ia on a travelling man, Oscar Hinas, who People in all these lines have to de There were also 14 rooms in opera the supreme bench In the islands. had occupied one o f the rooms in the cide matters quickly and without ren tion during the year. Hugh MV Coke was killed by light Laird building used by the hotel, came dering a reason fo r their action. A ’ There are now 1200 volumes in the ning two years ago at his ranch in in ranting and swearing because he school library, o f which 76 were pur government in which there was no Mendocino county, CaL had not been called fe r the train. He chased during the year. Following is thing arbitrary would have to be built The funeral took place yesterday had lo ft a call but Mr. Baxter was H. O. Anderson, o f the Lyceum com the financial statement fo r the fiscal along Bolsheviki lines. It would be talking war and when he returned to J. D. Myers hands us an interacting year ending June 17: like waiting for a vote at a mass meet mittee, this morning received a letter and Mrs. Coke’s remains were interred the office had failed to place the sun's letter just received from his a« ing in a lumber camp gr mill to decide from the Ellison-White Bureau with beside those o f her husband and Receipts number on the call sheet Charles, somewhere in France. In a On hand one year a g o ........$ 7.02 how a tree should be felled or a log the following in relation to that miss at Dora sad Mrs. Coke’s remains were ing number on our last winter’s pro interred beside those o f her husband Hines wanted a jitn e y 'to get him previous letter, Charles wrote, “ I ’ll From district t a x . . . ........... 9,889.75 Aould be cut down to the depot so Mrs. Baxter toll you father, i f me had twice aa From county school fund. . . 4,146.'i0 Our County Court.has erred at gram which two men got sick, at dif and daughter, Caroline, at the cem etery there. her bunch o f keys in a corner by the many Americans here as we have, From state school fund . . . 947.20 times in not being as arbitrary as it ferent times tryin g to All: F. E. McKenna came over from cash register and rushed around to the we'd g o righ t through t o Berlin.” From tuition outside pupils. Dear Mr. Anderson:— I am in re As fo r instance 62A0 should have been. garage, screes the street south o f the Only a fe w months more end that From Co. high school fund. 1,941.86 when it acceded to the wishes o f the ceipt o f your letter o f June 17th stat Marshfield with tho remains on the First National Bank, pushed the auto w ill be reeched. In his lest Miscellaneous receipts . . . . 42.76 people o f Powers and decided to build ing that the Boise office had notified 9 o’clock train and took them out to out by hand and go t around to the lettter he u y s : Total ............. ........... $16,506.27 a bridge as they asked, although both you that an extra number fa r your the cemetery by auto. He was met hotel and then to the depot in time the Court and the engineers were of Lyceum Course would be provided by there at 11 o’clock by tho relatives Deer Father end Mother:— This is fo r Hines to catch the train. the opinion that anothor plan would taking a number from our Chautau and friends who went from Marsh Friday and as the natives call it, N ot until seven o'clock did she at "m arket dey.” qua Course while our program is in field over the Coos Bay Wagon road; 111,690.19 bo better. The country people tempt to open the inner door o f the To make any o f the charges that your part o f the state. W e have ar and the funeral services were conduct in everything from young safe and then she noticed that the goete to rabbits in line at livestock, have been made against the County ranged with Mr. Paget, manager of ed by Rev. F. G. Jennings at the ceme / lock o f that without telling in what ways the Coast Six Chautauqua System to tery. the dooi they have been either "incompetent,' send to you Dr. Boyl on the evening o f Water Will Be Off Sunday. missed the $If9tfceu but thought that tb i market ptare. Than tha paopla o f Clark’s salary . . . “ arbitrary," or "extravagant” seem July 18th. Dr. Boyl is one o f the her husband had probably placed St the little village can ehooso what they Library books . . . to indicate an intention to try and noted lecturers o f America and will The city water will be turned off somewhere else and did not at condemn the court on vague generali give your community one o f the next Sunday from 2 Ur 6 p. m. all over any o f us are not on duty A ll other purposes notify him o f her discovery. ties without any specific averments to strongest inspirational lectures you town. It will be shut off at the res we have a chance to be interested on Puffo on Kfind f While she was getting the car out lookers. When things are running it sustain them. In any court in the have listened to fo r many a day. We ervoir to give r.n opportunity to clean there were one or tw o people in the high water mark it sure beats any Some Total ............................ $16,608.27 land such a charge would be dismis were sorry that Dr. Evans was un the pipes from there down. office all the time besides M r , Hines. barnyard melody one ever heard. The able to fill his date, but owing to years ago the connection between the The amount o f warrants outstand sed as not stating facts sufficient to sickness which was unavoidable on his iron pipe and tho wooden one under The only time apparently when the lowing o f the cattle, the blotting of ing is $6,062.32, which is nearly $2,000 constitute a cause o f action. theft could have been committed was goats, quack o f ducks, the cockling o f part, the date was missed. I feel cer the middle of the north reservoir be less than a year ago. The estimated tain that Dr. Boyl will please you.— came so defective that it was found on the two occasions when she le ft the chickens, barking o f doga and the Personal Taxes Are Lost. value o f the school house and grounds W alter Ricks, Manager. office to go to the kitchen. I t would squeal o f pigs. About this time the necessary to tunnel under tbe reser is $16,000, and o f the school furniture Special tax attorney Liljoqvist says seem that the robbery must have been 162 Regimental Band will start some The committee here will, o f course, voir to make tho necessary repairs. and apparatus, $6,260. The school Coos county is losing from $4,000 to committed by some one who knew o f good old rag-time and Mr. Downey, accept this offer, and the people who The same thing has now occurred in house and its contents are insured fo r $6,000 a year o f personal taxes by the custom a t laying the keys on the have last’s season lecture tickets will the south reservoir and a tunnel 35 w ill bo givin g the $18,000. reople moving away their goods with be glad to see them fully redeemed ev or 40 feet in length had to be bored register and also which key fitted the boys all the once over trying to locate The average total payments pear out paying taxes on them. We who door. The fact that the silver and the discord. Then Bugeye (E a rl Nos en at this late date. under it to reach tbe connection there month during the year were $788.78, have personal property as firm ly an envelopes were not touched practically ie r) w ill sit up and take notice and between the iron pipe making the out to female teachers, and $867.36,' to chored aa real estate, and who have precludes the idea that the safe was wonder what is ailing the chief. How- male teachers. Shuster Sentenced to the Pen. let o f the reservoir and the wooden teen putting up our taxes a year in opened during the mght by an ex system beyond it. It is to do this when everything is quiet and The total enrollment in the high advance, wonder how the fly-by-night Monday Judge Coke passed sentence work that the water must be shut off, pert, who would most certainly have chief bugler Nosier blows taps at school wac 116, whi£h waa one 1« Fellows manage to get by so easily. on A. E. Shuster, form erly Justice of so fix yourselves for a couple o f hours taken everything in sigh t 10:20, I ’ll say he K there with the than the year before. O f tfceee 48 But the strangest case be mentions the Peace o f the North Bond district. The practice o f laying her keys on goods. Ho puts so much feeling in or more o f drouth. were boys and 68 girls. U this: Over $2,000 is due from tbe He had been convicted o f larceny by the cash register was indulged in fo r the music that it will make you think The amount paid by the county fo r Bank o f Oregon, form erly o f North embezzlement o f $800 o f funds paid two reasons. One was the lack o f a o f all the mean things you ever did Over Six Tons Turned Back. the tutition o f high achcol pupils from Bend, which dissolved and transferred into his court. The sentence was one pocket in which to carry thorn and the in your Ufa. outside the district w s s -$1941.86, as its business to tho First National to seven years in the penitentiary and The government has secured the other that there were only two keys The weather is sure fine here 'a t shown above. Bank o f North Bend. Dissolution a fine o f $1890. needed ship# to transport tho flour the ^ fo r the three— Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Three candidates were nominated took place between the time o f the present and is ideal fo r the chief in N. C. McLeod, Shuster’s attoney, people o f this county have turned and the clerk, Wm. Shults. The latter dustry in this region which is the fqr the the vacant directorship and levy and the time when the tax war gave notice o f an appeal to the Su beck to their grocers fo r the starving was absent from the hotel Tuesday growing o f asparagus. The natives the vote resulted in the re-election of rant fo r the sheriff was sworn out. preme Court, claiming that the indict people o f Europe and over six and a morning. Needless to say the keys Ho received 29 How collection can tie made is a le ment was defective in the same way half tons are going out from Coquille to like it aa well i f not better H. O. Anderson. w ill not be le ft there any more. votes to five'cast for George T. Moul gal question. as others that have -been recently today to federal food administrator The police have the c u e in charge ton and 10 fo r Fred Nosier. • Ayer at Portland. The Farmers Store thrown out o f court here. but there is practically no clew on For clerk the candidates were the tends 36 barrel», the Busy Corner 27, The District Attorney says that un which they can work, and suspicions, First Coos County Victim. But a Step From Death. same as last year, J. S. Lawrence, the The less this case ia advanced on the cal and P. E. Drane 8 barrels. o f there are any, are not being pub Among the marines killed in action Nela J. MagUl had a narrow escape incumbent receiving 26 votes to 20 amount the people of tho United endar o f the Supreme Court it will be lished. in France the name o f Charles Auer, from instant death at the Sitka mill cast fo r Mrs. Laura Brandon. two years before it is decided. Mean States have patriotically turned back, Monday morning. While engaged in The proposed budget as printed in o f Bandon, was reported on Tuesday. while Shuster’s bond has bean fixed while thoy eat war bread without any loading a car at 9 o’clock, the boards the Sentinel was adopted without He is the first soldier from Coos at $2,000, and it ia expected bondsmen wheat flour, can hardly be less than Marine Corps Gets Him. county to sacrifice his life in battle in still damp, and with smooth change. 100,000 tons. It is thought that Our will be found. / Levi Billings, o f M yrtle Point, un he slipped and took a The expectation voiced a year ago the present ^rmr. He enlisted in the government’s pledge o f bread to the der indictment hers fo r forgery, will down toward the track. His that one-third leas warrants would be Marines just after the war began in Swiss people will be made good from be accepted as a recruit in the navy Miss Hammond Wins Suit. barely missed a 12-inch square sill, outstanding in 1916 than in 1917, was April a year ago. the flour thus returned. if he passes the required physical ex Auer uaed to live on a ranch on but his shoulder struck it, skinning his very nearly fulfilled, the amount be In the case o f Miss W. B. Hammond amination, and the fact o f his indict He was about twenty- against the firm o f Fred Hoi back and bruising him badly in sever ing reduced from $6,846.68 to $6,062.- Bear creek. R«y ment w ill not bar him from U nde o years old. His father, John S. lister fo r salary and disbursements, al places. Besides he suffered intern 82. Sam’s service, so long as he has not Auer, moved from the ranch there to al injuries, his lungs being very sore It doee not appear to be probable while she waa in charge o f the ab been convicted o f crime. nil day. In spits o f this, however, he now that the new school building we near Salem some time ago. A broth stract office here in Coquille, which Since the above was written Mr. Bettey, was instantly killed kept at work until the car was loaded. have been talking about fo r five y ea n er o f Charles still resides on Bear a tried in the Circuit court here Billings has been accepted fe r the U. He says he is a t a lost to understand past w ill be erected until the world creak. Monday, she was given a verdict of day at McDonald A Vaughn’s S. Marine service. The indictment Heel logging camp over on how the report that he was in the hos war ends; by which time it is hoped $1083. Mr. Hollister represented by UgU Mil I him has besn dropped by the i o f the county. He pital with his back broken got into the contest in the courts over the site his attorney, C. F. McKnight, move.) consent o f Judge Coke and District Why Not Let Them Marry? donkey engine there and v circulation. Had his head struck the purchased in 1914 will also be ended. non-suit, holding that A. S. Ham Attorney Hall, and yesterday morning log for fuel In the case o f Ebon Pomeroy, of mond shoudd pay half the sum, since timber his shoulder did, though, ho he took the train fo r Mare’s Island. and crushed hit Bandon, indicted fo r wronging a girl would never have known what hurt the firm involved was Hammond A with such force Marion’s Parole Revoked. not yet o f age, he pleaded not guilty Hollister. He agreed to pay half Marion Williams, o f North Bend, in court here Monday and requested himself. When this waa not allowed pleteiy buried it Kilbarn Burned Affala. who had been guilty o f stealing mon that his ease be continued to the next by Judge Coke, the defense put no was about 86 years o f age end on« The steemship F. A. Kilburn, which the beet known loggers in the county, ey, tools, etc., at North Bend some term o f court, which was done. Those witness on the stand. uaed to run from thè Bay has basa having been employed there fo r about young people are both desirous at g e t An appeal o f the case will be made. destroyed by Are off K ey W est in thè ting married but the girl’s mother G o lf o f Mexico. This le thè second Mr. and Mrs. Battey and his father still refussa her consent, and aa she tiene this steemship has been burned. Out at Medford 106 degree heat is went over to attend the funeral, which is only 16 years o f age, that u neces She w m flrst named "James DoOar,” sary. Pomeroy has given a $600 bend reported. Some day the charms of took place this afternoon at 3:80 at but after being burned to thè water*» fo r his appearance at the next term the Coquille valley as a refuge from tho Wilson Undertaking parlors. he waa rachristened aa thè F . nmer boat w ill be o f court with R. H. Mast and Henry Kilbdm. LETTER FROM CHAS. MYERS f t t I an together WILL MAKE THIRD TRIAL