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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1918)
En? vo l . TT-J xm . Vàlley Sentinel AND THE OOQTJIULE HERALD C O Q U IL L E , COOfl COUNTY, . N a n ogfeoN . F R ID A Y , M A T *, 1*18. I U I TH B TEAR. ■ I— ONLY 40,000 DOW Ni en old Turk and beta m n made as to which carried the most offensive odor, the gust or the Turk. Assem bled in e hut they brought in tho gout and( the Judge feinted. Then they brought in tho Turk end tho gout feinted. “ Who goes there?” asked the m try, in another anecdote. “ Tho army Chaplain,” was the re- T0G075PERGEKT CONTRACT IS LET Wll| Probably Be Co- Anderson ft Klocken Will Build quille's Over Subscription Coos City Bridge—Other to 3rd Liberty Loan. Court Work. That The subscription* to the Third L i Hearing Col. Loader, form erly o f The bids were opened fo r the Coo* lift Royal Iiriab FuaUiara, at Heazlet >P“ Pass Charley Chaplin,” and “ A ll berty Loan have increased over $10,- City bridge over Isthmus Inlet on Hall laat Saturday night, wo wore a la w ell." good deal relieved to learn that ha Here is one on tho Scotch, who he had reduced hia eatimate o f the Ger said have governed England fo r tho man forces that are to aail up hero past twenty years. A fte r driving the Ir o n Sooth America and invade the Boehm out o f a French town, a kilted Pacific Northwest from 400,000, ae he Highland regiment noted German in originaally estimated them, to 00,000 aariptions everywhere, reading, “ God or 40,000, and hod also concluded a f strafo England,” moaning “ God pun ter seeing our Home Guard that ish England.” Those Scotchmen fo r few companies o f that sort woald got everything else until they had speedily wipe up the earth with that rubbed out “ England" in every one oi German horde. He insisted, how- those maledictions < and written in , that all m ilitary men agreed “ Great Britain.” They couldn’t think him, as did also the class that o f being le ft out in U m cussing. put the verb at the end o f the sen Exhorting tho American people to tence, that cuch an invasion put forth ell their energies to win the planned and that the German General w er Colonel Leader predieted that if Staff had made plans fo r such an in they did the streets o f Berlin would vaeion years ago. He also asserted, yet “ echo t t tho treed o f your armed as we understood it, that the /hips host.” to bring such a crowd up to this see- tipi> were only a day's cail away or such a matter— which is utterly pre posterous and absurd. X In listening to Col. Leader we had a sort o f fellow feelin g fo r another man he told about, who once attended one o f hia meetings and when asked hew he liked the speech, said that the only foreign language he spoke was Chinook. For the Colonel, who is not to blame that the wounds he has suffered have made him a wreck, and who is a highly educated Irishman, talks so rapidly and with so math o f a brogue that a reporter finds great difficulty la attempting to follow him. BEES OVER TO P EARLY M. O. Hooton had one e f the sur prises o f his life Tu esday,'A pril SO, a he lifted the cover from one o f his 18 bee hivas and found not only every section filled with honey but the bees filling up the space between the sections and the cover. This is cer tainly a record breaker, due to the sunshine which was so much in evi dence last month. The source o f this •y was the maple nad w illow blos soms; but with the apple orchards all He complained o f the meeting be coming into bloom there is Still plenty ginning forty minutes late and said o f raw material to keep up the good the delay had driven the speech he Last year Mr. Hooton says the bees intended to make out o f his Then as soon as he began-he insists# had done practically nothing before t U t the doer a h ou k ft» dosed and not «he 16th o f July and he expected the another person admitted and the year’s honey crop would be an entire Home Guard followed his instructHms failure. The abundant fire weed on with the result that about half his burned over land, however, saved the intended hearers worn le ft an the day, and he took «60 worth out o f 16 000 in the Coquille district sines our last rep ort O f this *7,600 is credited to tho district from tho Weyerhauser Timber Co., although the transaction does not pass through the local bank. The total number o f subsoribors for this loan is 633 with a total sub scribed o f $«1,700 There is in sight and which will be subscribed by to morrow evening $6,000 to $7,000 more which will bring tho Coquille district up close to tho $70,000 mark or a 76 per cent over subscription. The following is .the Hat o f those subscribing since our last rsport: C. C. Hatcher, $60. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dungey, $60. Bonnie G. Seiender, $60. R. E. Abell, $60. J. L. Barker, Jr., $100. Ernest A . Krewson, $g0. Behra A. Bond, $60. * Blythe V. Bond, $60. * Geo. A . Colvin, $60. F. C. Pursloy, $60. L. H. Hazard, $600. J. C. Watson, $1,000. B. R. Kingsbury, $600. W . H. Lyons, $60. K ail John, $60. Lucy E. Davis, $60. Goo. S. Davis, $60 C. A. Gage, $50. J. A . Lamb, $60. Wayerhauser Timber Co. $60. Elizabeth May Clark, $60. H. Richard Lukene, $60. W . A. Custer, $60. C. A . Pettengill, $60. A . C. Lukens, $60. Mrs. A. C. Lukens, $60. Keith Leslie, $60. Mildred Norton, $50. M. O. Warner, $60. R. J. Galbraith, $800. Southern Pacific Co., $600. First National Bank, $2,000 More “ Kingdom Com«P Work. street He thinks tha man who isn’t heap Hie address consisted mostly o f a Mrs. Edith Carpenter was brought ing boos uow is'm issing a b ig oppor series e f interesting w ar stories; up here from Bandon Tuesday by which were heartily appreciated by tunity to do something towards Hoov- C a p t. Wells charged with having the audience though some which had erixlng In sugar and replacing it with scattered some o f those notorious more wholesome substitute. Cer-|v to do with the Catholic padres la Kingdom Como” sheets, in relation to France were severely criticised by tainly hives full o f honey by May “ The Finished Mystery,” Pastor Rus first presage a great crop in South members o f the church effected. sell's 7th yolums, with its ' opposi I f people would Referring to the Coqullle Home western Oregon. tion to all war. Mrs. Carpenter had Guards, which were out in their new only look after our undeveloped re not sold any o f those books since they treat in the food line as closely as uniforms fo r the first time that even have been banned by the government ing, he complimented them highly and the Germans do, wo could almost feed and the Sheriff’s office was unable to said, “ I f the efficient, good looking tho world. Get a beehive and start see how sho had violated any law- by body o f men I'v e seen here to-night an apiary. More honey w ill not win distributing tbs “ Kingdom Come” are a sample o f what’s going on ah tho war but it w ill enable us to keep sheet, which to the Sentinel man ap over the state and there are only 10,- our allies much better supplied with pears entirely innocuous. Mrs. Car 000 men like the body I saw here to sugar and sharpen their fighting edge. penter was accompanied by her eon, night, and Frits does want to come, who ie a soldier in the U. S. Army, b y ------, he’s welcome.” and whose furlough expired the next He Gets an Ugly Blow. He told a story o f a husky speer- day, and she was permitted to go Jno. Kerrigan received a nasty blow men who triedto enlist in this coun home with him. try and who gave his age as 41. Be at the ferry here l i s t Friday morn ing which w ill heap him idlo fo r six ing Informed that no one over fo rty Wife Will Take the School could g o into the army, it was sug weeks or more. He was starting to lower tho cable fo r the C h a m to paas Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Clifford Loyd, gested that he take a walk and think over, but before he had time to un e f Prosper, were callers last Friday. over the matter and see i f he hadn’t made a mistake. In a little while he wind it the boot came with a rush and He w u on his way to join the col came back and corrected himself ex struck the wire, causing tha crank ors, and Mrs. Loyd will take hie place His left hand was as teacher in the school at P roc per. plaining that he had got mixed on handle to spin. figures and that be was only 88— it caught by tha rapidly flying crank Mr. Loyd said he and his nearest was his mother who was 41. O r with a Mow that broke four bones— neighbor living diagonally across the one at the wrist Joint and three in street were both in the list, and with course he was accepted then. A little more care by numbers very close together had The finest speech that has besw the hand. made in the w ar was by General steamboat captains would obviate the bored to get ihto the aaaM company. Instead, he goes to American Lake Perilling, when he walked up to La danger o f such accidents. and his chum to Fort McDowell in fayette’s tomb, kneeled and bared his head, and said, “ Lafayette, the Plenty of Sugar for Canning California. Americans have come.” Tbs Federal Food Administration Another story was about the block Condensary at Standstill. in this state announces that in filling man who was an American lieutenant A fte r whet the Sentinel has pub out the required certificates showing in China at the time o f the Boxer how much sugar they have heretofore lished about the reason why ths U. S. troubles. A couple o f fresh youg pri used fo r canning each fam ily will bo government will not accept s lot of vates thought it beneath their digni allowed to buy enough fo r use tor canned milk stored in the Willamette ty to give this lieutenant a salute that purpooe— but in no case to ex valley, it is hot at all surprised to as m ilitary rules require. A fte r they ceed 100 pounds. For domestic pur- hear that the opening o f the Bandon had met him a second time without m sales are restricted to $1.00 condensary has been indefinitely post the salute he hung his coat with its The propritors are Giebisch worth at a time and tho consumption poned. insignia an a branch and told them, aside from what is used fo r canning A Joplin; and as they already have “ I don’t care anything about myself, ist bo limited to 8 pounds per 40,000 cases o f condensed milk at but i f you pass that uniform o f your month fo r each member o f tho family. their McMinnville condensary, they country again without saluting, I ’U don’t care to pile up any mere at pres knock your d------heads together.” ent until they see where they are go Evelyn Oerding a Winner? ' Another anecdote to illustrate how ing to get off with it. / w e would compromise with Germany Evelyn Oerding is the probable when H earns to ssaking terms o f winner fo r April o f tho Simpson prise Bigger Gardens Than Ever. peace. There was a man who pre for the greatest number o f T h rift ferred calico fo r a drees while his w ife Stamps sold in Coos county schools In looking over the city, ws find was set en having linen. “ W e com o f over five rooms. While It has not much more land plowed and planted promised,” he remarked, “ and she boon officially announced, her sales in gardens than ever before; but only wears linen.” rm over 8,000 stamps or $2,00Q u & i l one man, so far, venturesome enough Then there eras the tale o f the goat the month. A ll her sales were m to repeat the experiment o f cultivat at Gallipoli. An Irish regiment ■mall amounts except one o f $200. ing raw clay parkings, as was done had taken it along as a mascot. It Tho M yrtle Point Home Guards in so many places laat year. No got to smelling so loud that the other w ill give a M ilitary R ill at that place amount o f irrigation availed to se troops had to hold their noses when tomorrow (8aturdi.y) evening, to cure a crop then under such a handi- they met H. One day they captured | wikh everyone is tnvhed. ■ g- Had the U-Boats Yesterday’s press reports carried the following dispatch from “ An A t lantic P o rt:" A British freight steamer celebrat ed her maiden trans-Atlantic voyage by running down and sinking a Gar in U-boat off the Irish coast, the crew reported on its arrival here. The freighter is equipped with the latest anti-submarine devices - which provod effective. The submarine came to the surface a short distance from the freigther and before the submar ine’s commander could puzsle out through the freighter’s camouflage whether she was going or coming the freighter ran down the submarine. Wednesday and were as follows: Anderson A Klocker*......... $12,064.60 Ostlind A Payne................$12,596.26 Portland Bridge Co. , . . . . .$18,000.00 The last bid was not submitted in regular form but by long distance telephone. The contract was awarded to An- Edward Boyrie Very. III. derson A Klockers, who have until Yesterday Mrs. M. C. Boyrie re Oct. 1 to complete the work. It is a ceived a long distance telephone mes wooden bridge with draw span. The matter o f the Ladd A Harris sage from Portland informing her warrant was disposed o f by assigning that her son, Edward R. Boyrie, was the $2719.88 to the Surety company on very ill with pneumonia and not ex their agrement to settle lr.bor and pected to survive. This morning M n . material claims to the amount e f “f l , - Boyrie started fo r - Portland accom 882.28 to pay the $666.76 bill o f the panied by her son, C. A . Boyrie, and Coos Bay Iron Works and to apply her daughtor, Mrs. Flora Johnson. the $829.90 remaining on the claim o f the First National Bonk o f this city. The balance o f the Bank’s claim Ladd A Harris agree to settle. John C. Kendall, A . J. Sherwood and J. W. Laird appeared before the court in The wild flight o f s n ' automobile behelf o f the different- claimants to driven by B. G. W etzler resulted m whom the contractors were indebted. the death o f Dsn Dillinger, 66, pain The court has decided to have a fu l injuries to the driver and serious thousand feat o f Bear creek road bruises and wounds to John Koonts, south o f the Coquille-Bandon road Sunday night on the Marshfield- near the Thomas Devereux place relo North Bend w ster-ljvcl highway. cated. W etzler and Koontz were in the The Bandon Heights Land Co. was machine, which criss-crossed the 24- allowed a refund o f $89.81 taxes, that foot thoroughfare several -times with amount having been paid twice on a in a short distance, and then dashed lot whieh was assessed both In the through s protective railing between Bandon Heights addition to Bandon the highway and the Southern Pacific and in Extsnsion o f Bandon Heights Railroad tracks. Fate was unkind to Addition. the unfortunate man who was killed, The controversy as to the location fo r he was following tho rails to o f a new road op Larson Slough north avoid autos, which use that portion o f ths Bsy was aired in court yester o f the highway fo r a speedway. day. The petition fo r a road on the Following as inquest Monday a f north side o f the slough was knocked ternoon, in which the jury declared on account o f technical defects, the death was caused by reckless and now another petition is being pre driving, District Attorney John F. pared for a road on the couth side, Hall issued a warrant fo r Wetzler, parties appearing fo r the north charging him with murder. proposition were Lewis W eir, E. The authorities declared Monday W. Shively, Henry Gustafson, Win. that they propose making an eremple Blackmore, W. S. Forrest, H. A. o f Wetzler, who, according to the six Walker and John Hanson. eyewitnesses, was driving at great With Julius Larson against the speed and lost control o f his machine. north side proposition appeared W. Examination o f the automobile' after U. Douglas, Simon Ereckson, Joseph the smash disclosed the engine was Kenowen end Fred Lackstrom. running s t top speed. The viewers were ordered to go out Murlin Chappells, a driver o f the to Larson Slough and inspect and re Goret A K ing compnny, was com port upon both the proposed roads— mended fo r coolness and credited north side and south side. with saving his load o f passengers. The resolution about the Powers Chappells, who was meeting the wild road came up again after having been auto, would have been directly in line twice postponed on account o f defec o f the plunge had he not stopped' bis tive petitions. An order will be made car s few feet from the scene, instead at this term for the viewer* to inspect o f trying to dodge th i expected colli end report on this rood. sion. The Rosdmsster was 'directed to District Attorney Hall says ha prepare plana and specification for thinks the charge in this esse will be the bridge across the South Coquille changed from murder in the second between Powers and North Powers. degree to manslaughter os Dillinger A widow’s pension o f $40 s month was probably outside o f the roadway was awarded to Mrs. S. H. McAdams, when struck. o f Coquillo, who has four dependent children. KILLED BY SPEED FIEND How Third Loan Differs. We Will Keep Our Doctors. Dr. 'Wilhite solved one problem by deciding to go to Montana instead off remaining in Coquille. Hod he stay ed here Uncle Sam would have In sisted on commandeering the ser vices o f on«r o f our two other physi cians fqr war service; but two flow- tors are deemed necessary fo r this city and the contiguous territory, so that Doctors Richmond and Hamilton will both be left to serve us in the fu ture, as they have so capably and in- defatigably in the post. Big Flag Ready to Fly. / The 10x20 flag whieh the city or dered end which will fly from the flag pole opposite the Liberty Temple, arrived Wednesday evening and will by flung to the breez in fi^day or so. A two-man detail o f the Home Guard will be appointed each week to raise Old Glory at sunrise and lower It at sunset Ray Hyde Back Again. A fte r spending a year in ths ea st Ray Hyde returned to Coos county last Friday evening. He mode the trip both ways in an auto going to Michigan loot spring in a 6-cylinder ■or end returning from Florida in a Ford. He was in from McKinley Wednesday and said it took him a month to make the trip from Florida. He had a groat bunch o f stories to teU o f hi* year’s KERR IS COMING President of O. A. C. Will Ad- • dress Big War Meeting Here May 10. “ Supposo France should collapse os a result o f lack o f food, due to the un willingness or neglect o f America to make the necessary sacrifice to sup ply her soldiers and citizens, what woud become o f the rapidly growing American Arm y at tho French fron t?” This is one o f the disquieting pos sibilities o f the food shortago men tioned by W. J. Kerr, President o f the Oregon Agricultural College, in his series o f talks on food and the war, which he is giving in Oregon os a representative o f the United States government. Dr. Kerr will speak in Coquille, Friday evening. May 10, at 8:00 p. m. He will also speak s t North Bend, May 8, and Marshfield, May 9. “ How America, and especially Ore gon, can best respond to the demands for increased food production, Insur ing the food supplies essential to the successful prosecution o f the war, will be dealt with in the most prac tical w ay by Dr. Kerr, who has just returned from a food production and conservation conference with the offi cials o f the Department o f Agricul ture and the Federal Food Adminis tration. The wheat shortage in the allied countries is 624 million bushels. Their only source o f supply is tho United Stptee, which has a normal consump tion o i approximately the amount produced. French rations have been cut down one-half. The effect o f the shortage are disclosed in s statement from the French commissioner, A n drew Tardieu, who says: “ France has reached the lim it o f sacrifice and suffering behind the lines. Unless America, by similar sacrifices comes to her immediate aid, when she does arrive-w ith her full military strength the may find the conditions upon which victory de-” pends entirely changed. Unless Av ery farmer, shopkeeper, hotel man, citizen cooperates with the food ad- ministrtatioa in sacrificing profita, England offirttaly, os well os France, w ill face a state o f depletion that will undermine' the morale o f the people.” Dr. Kerr is directly representing the government and- is delivering the ■sage o f the Nation to its loyal/ citizens. A ll who have the welfare o f their country at heart are asked to came out to the meetings and help crests a sentiment o f saving fo r vic tory in this war wherein the liberty o f mankind ie at stake. Arrangements fo r this address» in Coquills are being made under the auspices o f the Coquillle W ar Board, and the office o f the County Agent. About “Stool Pigeons.” As to so-called stool pigeons, what ever cranky notions some juries may have, it is our judgment after a quar ter o f a century’s observation o f un successful efforts to anforce prohobi- tion laws that without employing de tectives, no officer is ever going to go over the top in enforcing bone dry laws. The men who try to ruin our boys and make dunkards o f them to secure the big profits to be made in bootlegging are not so derned squeamish that we need to hunt them with blank cartridges end feather pil lows only. The newspaper influences that have been trying to create a sen timent against ths employment o f de tectives in the apprehension o f crimin als havt not been friendly but rather averse to law enforcement. In regard to the Third Liberty Loan Bonde, it is explained that they can be sold just s i readily as the bonds o f the first and second loans. The last ones, however, differ from the others in two respects. They draw one quar ter per cent additional interest, and they will not be exchangeable for any issues hereafter made that bear a higher rate o f interest. The latter is the only respect in which the Third Liberty Loan bonds have anything over the second. The First issue had another advantage in not being taxa ble under any circumstances; but those since then are free from taxa Stick to the Form. tion in amounts up to $6,000, which The only way to get any work don« doesn’t make any difference to ninety cut o f a hundred investors here— only on the farm now days is to do it your some banks and a few large invest self. Not much chance o f hiring it done. No one seems to be very crazy ors will be affected in Coos county. about working on a farm when they higher wages in the ship Sengs tacken Saves the Day. con yards, mills and logging camps. In place o f the champagne which Nevertheless, we claim that a man had so myteriously been transformed will have more money at the, end of to chunks o f coal on its way up from the year by working on the farm for Son Francisco in a baggage ear, the $66 and board (which ie the average “ Coos Bay,” the first ship to glide wage paid here now) ¿ban by work from the ways o f the Cooe Bay Ship ing in any o f the above mentioned building Co. at Marshflold, was chris places, where he has to pay oat a tened with a bottle o f 27-year-old g n a t deal o f his wages fo r board and wine kindly furnished by Henry room and many other extra expenses Sengetacken. and chances to spend his tnonsy amid the bright lights, that he would not Simpson is reported to be growing do down on the farm with the milk steadily as a candidate fo r Governor pail on bis arm. and his friends are growing mere Butter Wrappers and confident every day that ha w ill go ever U m top at th* May Signs at tho Sentiael office i * rJl