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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1918)
coQunxB, coos co m m . Coqaille Uà BUB Grows. L H. Hasard is in receipt o f the follow ing telegram o f the Qsnersl E x- •entire Board o f the 12th D istrict for the Third Liberty Loan at San Fran cisco: tivitios. It was supposed that with attention so fixed on tho big drive, subscriptions for th rift stamps and W ar Savings certificates would drop to n low figure. Lee J. Cary, chair- su n o f these setivities fo r the Co quille district, inform s us that during the first two weeks in April, begin ning on the first and ending on the IB, subscriptions fo r the stamps nod certificates amounted to $4,068. This covered the period o f the crest e f the Uofaoty Loan drive, and ha says he did not expect the amount fat that tiate would be more than $1,600. Ev ery day we find su re and more rea son to feel proud o f the patriotic ac tivities o f Coquills and the surround- Another Lecturer Flanks. on an agresti 60-60 baste; bui Hollte- tor kas always kept all ths accasata, and according to Hammond’s elei«» haa alwnys managod to make all tho colleetions end getta da mon. Some- A telegram received by the Lyceum committee this morning Inform s' us that Monte villa Flowers cannot be here tonight to fill his engagement. This is the second time the Ellison- W hite poople have gone back on us oa the talent for this, entertainment ( and the committee is not feeling very good w a r tho shabby treatment they have received from them. No ex planation was vouchsafed us why Mr. Flowers could not come. LOST WATCH W AS FOUND agreed that he, Hammond, who was well acquainted with the business, should manage it and receive a salary o f $60 a month far his Services In that liae. It te alee alleged that Hol lister kept the books o f this business, (bo, and that be has never made any accounting or paid Hammond any o f the sslary he was to receive. A case also is cited In wWeh Ham mond wrote a brief fo r Hollister for which he was to pay a fas o f $100 and for which Hammond has never re ceived anything. Altogether, as Attorney Hammond states his case, ha has been the goat and H ollister haa been doing him up from start to finish. W s bear rumors that this ease may never come to trial but will probably be settled out o f court. If that is the ease it would look as if lawyers didn’t like to take their own medicine. , Z. C. stru t’* House Banted. The fins farmhouse o f Z. C. Srang at Fairview—the form er Wm. Betty« place— was destroyed by flro yester day morning. It caught in the roof, either from sparks from the chimney or s defective flue, and the blase had got a groat start before M h. Strang, who was ironing, was informed by ths neighbors that her house was on fire. M ori o f tho contents o f the house were saved, the children from the school house near by doing wonders in getting things out. Lana Leneve was out there fishing sad -his auto stood In ths road and ths boys ane girls piled H full o f articles from the house; but the firs got so hot as to threaten the destruction both o f the car and Its contents. Whan they tried to run H out o f danger, however, they found it locked; but nothing daunted they all got bold and pushed It away by head. The house waa insured for $1,000 in the Phoenix o t Hartford, by T . A. W alker’s agene* kero, bet that will not nearly cover the loss. The house was a large yellow one near the forks o f the road where tho Coos Bay wa- •kina, with the soft blue base, as al ways, veiling the farther reaches o f the view, the Sentinel scribe started to pail out hte watch to note ths time as ths Powers train rolled through ths fields bal aw. Then he was astonished to find that ha had no timepiece. The natural conclusion was that It had basa left a t home; but arrival there Remembering the barbed wire fences under which ha had rolled in passing from one upland pasture to another, and the sun being still high enough, his steps o f the early after noon ware fruitlessly retraced; and ths ease appeared to be one beyond the power o f a want add. in this issue o f the Sentinel to help. One thing remembered distinctly, r though, was swinging down a steep path in the un- he went to the nearby spring for a cup o f water at dinner. As no search had been made there, the never-say- die member o f the party took the tramp out there again the next morn ing and went as straight aa a point er te the nest aatoog the leaves in which ths watch safely reposed— having evidently been extracted from a vest pocket by that sapling as daft ly as the most eoeom pits bed pick pocket could have done the trick. We have always heard that the place to look fo r any missing article was where one loot it. And this Is even said by some to be true o f Snoney lost in reckless ventures, though, ws take no stock in that sort o f philoao- Keep Your Shirt 0a. One o f the Marshfield papers Is beefing about that delinquent tax list —which «rill probably be ths last one it «rill ever get to publish—aad blam ing ths sheriff's office because it Bas not yet received the copy fo r it. W ell, «corking at high pressure the sheriff’s office haa n ri yet bean able to get all the tax payments received by mail on the hooka, though receipts fo r $49,- 000 have basa stade out during this pari week. It is thought that this Heartiest congratulations on magni ficent work in 'w inning honor flag. Mdy you bo squally successful tn “ Intensely interesting” was the The follow ing are the registration doubling your quota which will en unanimous verdict o f those who heard hating Association was organised at titled you to a blue honor star flag. figures for Coos county as furnished the address o f Lieut. B obt B. Kuy « meeting o f the farm ers at Arago Flag goes forward by mail today. Let us by County Clerk Oddy: kendall. $47th Field A rtillery. U. 8. last Saturday, principally for tho puc.- ter follow s: Voters No. Name A ., and Private P. L. Smith, o f the 72d | o h o f shipping livestock to the Port- 1— Lakeeide ...................... .-..161 Seaforth Highlanders o f Canada, 2— Templeton .................... The Honor Flag, which will fly from Tuesday evening. These two gentle < This work will be handled under the tho new flag pole, is sim ilar to those 8— North Slough .................. men, who passed through Coquille auspices o f the Grange and Fanner’s issued to every other town in Oregon, 4— Haynes Slough . . ........ last week on their way to Carry coun Union, assisted by the office o f the all o f whom have gone "over the top.” K 6— Allegany ........................... ty in the interest o f the Third Liberty (County A gent. r 6— Kentuek Slough .............. The follow ing subscriptions fo r Loam, returned that evening and were [ The follow ing are the names o f the bonds have been received during H fe s 7— Willanch S lo u g h .............. listened to by a crowd which filled the board o f directors o f the organisation: past week bringing the total number 8— Empire .............. steps, sidewalk and street in front of S J. us# D. s tv . Carl, v a ii| j president; s s v a i u u i i v t i M, u t T. a . Clinton, 9— North Bend W ............. o f subscribers up to 606 and the the Baxter, and so Interested was ev vice president; C. E. Schroeder, sec amount to $47,900: 10— North Bend N........ j. eryone that they remained standing retary-treasurer; j A . J. Radabaugh 11— North Bend Central l j . L. A. Hufford, $800. for two hours that not a word o f the find E. A . Arncson, directors, 12— North Bend Central 2 . . G. N. Brewer, $60. messages Might be lost. i It is ths intention to make ship- 18— North Bend S o u th ........ P. J. Jacobsen, $100. The Sentinel reported the talk of ments at leaat once or twice a month. *14— Pony Slough ................ Chadwick Lodge, No. 68, $700. Mr. Smith made here last week in To reduce the expanse o f this work 16— Eastside N........................ J. L. Smith, $60. its hut issue, but Lieut. Kupkendall fmtil it has been well advertised and 16— Eastside S. ............ ................................ A lice McQuigg, $60. did not speak at that tiaae. "H owever, Is supported by all the farm ers o f the 17— Marshfield North No. 1 A. R. Clinton, $60. he spoke for an hour Tuesday even Sounty, the shipments will probably 18— Marshfield North No. 2 . Mrs. A . R. Clinton, $60. ing and so com pletely did he held his ha accompanied to Portland by some 1»—Marshfield Central No. 1. .888 Austin H. Clinton, $60. auditors’ attention that as one man One o f the officers or directors o f the 20— Marshfield Central No. S. .268 Frances Dolsen, $60. expressed it, "There was not- n mo association. 21— Marshfield South No. 1 ....4 6 7 Gordon Nelson, $60. ment when I wished he would stop.” A s soon as the business justices ifcr S. Mijamato, $60. 22— Marshfield South No. 2 .. . .190 The officer began with the state S permanent market master, or ship 23— South Slough ......... 94 Wm. A . Pugh, $69. ment that the men at Camp Lewis, ping agent, will probably be employod 24— Newport ..... 97 F. J. Kaup, $260. where he Is stationed, end at all the to attend to the work. Arrangements 26— Bunker Hill ...........................30« Eben G. W illey, $60. other cantonments, were treated so are being made to make the first ship 26— Catching S lo u g h .................. 69 Chas. L. W illey, $60 . well you couldn’t drive them sway, ment about the middle o f May. 27— Coos River ............ ........«112 Walter R. Spade, $60. they wouldn’t quit until they had fin A ll farm ers whether members of 28— Burton * ......................... 78 A llie Phillips, $60. ished the job they had set out to do— the Grange or Farmers Union, or not, 29— Sumner ........................,..1 16 Arthur Ellingsen, $100. to got the Kaiser. More than that if they have any hogs, cattle or sheep 8 0 -C o o s City .................................66 W. L. Kistner, $60. the reports o f dissatisfaction with which will be ready to sell at that ’ 81—Coalodo ....................................47 Leroy E. Endicott, $60. their lot was part o f the German pro time are invited to cooperate in these 82— Beaver Hill ................. 26 S. M. Olson, $60; / paganda aad German lies pore and shipments. 88-^Cunningham ............................91 Call the President or Secretary of simple. 84— Fat Elk .................................. 96 L ieu t Kuykendall went through n the Association or ths County Agent 1 86— Dora ................... 129 day’s routine at Camp Lewis fo r the and 1st them know what kind o f stuff 86— Missouri ............................ 68 benefit o f bis hearers, from reveille you have for sale and when H will be 87— Lee ...........’ ............................ 48 . .,-d . ' at 6:30 to taps at 10 o’clock and he toady. 88— Coquille Northwest ..... 89 mads it m ost realistic. You could al 89— Coquille Northeast . . . . . . . 108 most see the sleepy men answering 40— Coquille Southwest ................176 roll call at reveille— the most unpop- 41— Coquille S ou th ea st.......... 804 42— Riverton ............................ 100 48— Prosper .........................1 9 0 44— Bandan Southwest . . . . . . . . 8 0 7 45— Bandee Northwest ...........146 46— Bandon Northeast ...........160 47— Bandon Southeast .......... 804 to make op army life. 40—Twomlle ..........; ............228 “ They ere making an army at Camp 49— Parkersburg ....... 78 Lewie and at ths other cantonments, 60— Lampa ..................................... 61 the best drilled army ths world w ar 62— Fourmile ....................... 87 ■aw” was his summing np o f what 63— Catching C re e k ....v ....1 5 8 the United States is accomplishing in 64— Myrtle Point North ......2 0 9 war preparation. 66— Myrtle Point South ........... 208 Private Smith has a wonderful vein 66—Sugarloaf ...............................188 o f humor with which he kept his au dience in laughter half the time tell ing e f the funny side o f life in the trenches. But there was also pathos whan he spoke o f the thousands of Canadians who sleep the eternal sleep on the hillsides o f France, aad bitter ness and invective when telling o f the atrocities, barbarities and crimes o f the Hun desperadoes who find no ac tion too dastardly to serve their pur pose. For instance; A Canadian finds a fountain pen in a Boche dugout. He sends it heme to his mother. She at tempts to open it, when, bang! Her whole face is blown off. A keen observer with a quick mind, Mr. Smith is doing a great deal to acquaint the people o f Oregon with the actual conditions prevailing in France. There seems to be no point on which he does not possess s fund o f inform ation from the bee-keeping in Collected $886,440 hi Taxes. dustry o f France to the process o f The year 1917 was certainly a ban bullet manufacture and armament of Death of Mrs. Nancy Moon. ner year for tax collecting in Coos Nancy L. Moon died last Monday The Sheriff’s office during One thing to be regretted about this county. morning o f pneumonia after s n jU - meeting was that word o f it came too that year made receipts for $886,440.- neee o f foar daya. The fu n e fs ls e r late to permit notifying the ranchers 44. O f this amount $606,910.29 was vice was held at 10 o’clock Tueeday and farm ers up and down the river for the current taxes o f 1916 and be morning at the Methodist church con sides that the astounding total of and out towards Fairview and be ducted by Rev. J. A . M cVeigh; and the yond. It was the kind o f s meeting $279,620.16 was taken in for delin interment was in Fairview cemetery quent taxes. that no one «rants to miss. Wednes The relative* The total tax levy for 1916 eras beside her hsuband. day evening the tvro soldiers spoke at and friends went out there in five an $692,108.68 so that about $86,000 of M yrtle Point and yesterday morning tes. they want out on the early morning that year’s taxes went delinquent Nancy L. Flinn was born in Indiana Even counting th a t the amount o f de train. 72 yean ago la ri month. She mar linquent taxes due Coos county eras ried N. M. Moon in Kansas, and ten reduced nearly $200,000 lari year. The Family Fom Over Auto. payment o f about $60,000 delinquent children were barn. The case against Arthur Johnson, F. Ulysses and Edward N. Moon, of men $6.7. Alm ost twice aa many men taxes from the Boutin company and son o f Mrs. A. R. W ilson, o f Marrh- this city are her eons and she has s as women, and as some men fa il te the payment e f nearly $100,009 o f de fleld, arrested for taking out an auto married daughter living at Fairview. register, this means that not more linquent O. A C. railroad land gram than half the women voters o f the on which he had paid $100, aipl driv taxes during the year by the United county have ngiteered. ing it from Myrtle Point to Marsh States government accounts fo r a April aa Her Best Behavior. field, was on trial here this morning large percentage o f that amount, April is doing its best now to make before Judge W atson in the Juvenile up fo r the stormy weather that «»as Five Hundred in this D istrict. Court. The arrest «»as made on ths so much in evidence daring February In the Coquille district there «rare com plaint o f Thomas W ilson, o f M yr and March. We must n ri forget, hardly more than a dozen subscribers High Pythian Official Here. tle Point, the boy's grandfather, «»ho has $260 invested in the auto end is F. T. W rightinan, p a ri grand chan though, that a good many lachee o f te tbs first Liberty Lean— not a year holding it ns security for that amount. cellor o f the Knights o f Pythias, «res rain are still due for the fiscal weath ago yet— while for the third, whieh Mrs. W ilson, the h oy's mother, had in to«m Tuesday evening to attend the er year endiag Aug. Slat, unless the «rill close next «reek, there are already precipitation Is to be very fa r below 600. And still there ere lots o f poo also paid considerable money on the regular meeting o f that order. A ple who have not yet realised «chat short program end a patriotic talk by the average. duty demands o f them «rhen not only Mr. Wrightman vrere the main events the life o f our nation but the fa te o f o f the evening and they were follovred dsasosraey la the werid are at stake. by a benquent n GENEROUS TO THE GUARDS