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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1918)
ary for 1 9 1 7 Show ing Valuations, Levies, and T axes for th e Entire County, and for the Various C ities, Road D istricts, Port Districts, and School Districts; A lso the V aluations of Public U tilities for Each District and City, and a Summary of the A ssessm ent as C lassified School D istrict Valuations, Levies, and Tassa 2$ 2424601$ 80,0768 176,126 241,896 99,026 442,010 166,446 822,068 2,887,620 200,620 182,760 188,806 107440 168,180 79,620 408446 446410 42,466 871,660 36,729 296,916 92,660 97,97« 228,717 668,166 26 26 27 Speaches 'on thrift stamp« wore riven by a largo number af the high school etodoats.on Tueedey morning during Assembly. The par poo# of this was for the selection of the host speakers for the carrying on of the Thrift campaign. Tha offer of a baby bond was mads by Mr. Cary as a reward for the first speaker select ed for this purpose. NeIHe Johnson won this prise and is to addram Riv erton Friday, Fab. 16, in company with otbor Thrift campaigners. Londy Church has agreed to eefl thrift stamp« in order that tha Ugh school may be represented la tbs "Rainbow Regiment" Mr. Douglas intends to aeeompany the party af thrift campaigner« to Riverton Friday whan ha will deliver a talk in tbs interest of tha campaign. 12414 262 316 $2,588,140 .0012 4012 1414428 , 166.19M.0012 »,126.0612 1U.6W .0012 146,016 .0012 1M.686 4012 79,768 4012 408 563 0012 446481 .0012 238440.0012 564,679 4012 871,912 .0012 874M 4012 98440.0012 223,826 .0012 888,674 860,676.0012 66490.0012 47,0U .0012 78.066.0012 1,140446 15,167 4012 866460 ■•'ass 634.6972 280.6080. 66.6148. 4484044. 44.4528 8684980. 1114400 118.1280. Ago fAAil ¿OO.O VUU . 66,180 14,7» 4M,0U 2104*4 40! 1M,408.001 47 » » 60 61 » 58 54 661 67 209,6» 444» 367,802 211,686 89,146 08,165 9*490 966,TOT 21,136 18,1» 120,830 71,1» 117,2» 36.166 564,040 21,M2 231444 238.0896 .0012 282.9104 .0083 75.4696 .0061 2774104 .0013 684218.00681 i 1474884 s s rm 81.7860 .0041 192.1418.0019 -> .«Ml ÎJ5SÎS! 104,550 .001 M .1 » »1 128470 » I 8843* .» 1 86463 .Mi: 564,040 .»1! « ,7 4 2 . 2 « ,417 . the championship. A feature of the game Friday was tha total lack of any "crabbing" throughout the gam«. A fin« spirit was shown by both teams. In addition to the team than wore some U rooters from Coquille accompanying tha boys who added wonderfully to the snap of the gam«. After the gam« the boys enjoyed s swim and shower in Marshfield’s splendid gymnasium. The boys on the Coquille team ware: John Stanley, c a te r ; Wm. Oerding and Howard Pike, forwards; Chea. Oeding and Fred Lorens, guards; and Austin Clinton, subeti- 70.9600. 160.4028. 17*4298. UW.2766. 96.7216. 19.7064 125,46» 70.96» 1*3,6840 86.7088 140.7960 31.99» 292.1004 .0 0 » 216,1020 .» 2 6 7 6 4 9 » .0028 149.1492 .0048 124.291T.M12 88,1U 70.14» .0072 58,450 .» 1 2 76 60.8660.0048 60,256 .» 1 2 74.7296 4 0 « 62,2» .» 1 2 599.6320 .0021 4 » ,610 .» 1 2 202.0892 .0 1 » 168,366.0012 218.2704 .0087 18149* 4012 7 9 4 0 » .0027 « ,2 » .» 1 2 40.6892 .0076 88,866)4012 » 4 1 » .0089 7 1 ,9 2 6 — 71,926 82.62» .0068 2 7 ,1 » . 28,0896.00« 2 8 ,4 » . 4744816 .0078 896,818. 376.026 122,92» .» 6 6 102,« 6 102,486 » .1 6 » .0036 71,8» H 86,98» ■ . *9,9» $ 1 8 4 » .9 1 « I >19,136,1» $*»,236 $ 2 0 ,0 » ,8 » 180,086 U.665 »,106 »475 50,1» 6ia$$ 499,610 1*74» 1*1.640 «,100 8*,610 226.3888i.OOUl 864.1824 748.4204|.0028 1,300.7682 436.2460,00401 821.7800 9,9S8.2628|.0H2| 9,9884528 89406.4110|.01»| 89,906.4110 461.7136|.0086| 7024076 601.46101.00671 761.8606 1,687.2276|.0106| 1.789S624 19,976.1440 ;.01621 19,976.1440 860.26771,0086| 6464966 177.37601.0042| 2484260 227.23781.00291 8874401 66446061.00601 7M4800 S82.9828I.00S« 6284679 26646761.0044 8604792 1,18448271.00411 1,676.1083 1.00121 684.6072 74,107.0162 11,869.7064 4,267.4112 2,6244260 83,008.4612 21,606.6166 42,068.2069 $6,017,688 |$298.’662 |$6^ 16,260 1 $ « 7 487.7919 ,$97,306.4630 Ports, Valuations, Levies, and Taxes VALVATION Pah. Utility Tetal Value MM .............................. $64624« $181,414 L“i5 4*3,982 4«,013 8,687,626 C om Bay .................. «............. 8441412 1*6,670 6,224406 Coquille River ••*•••••••«•«• $18462,716 1793*097 $194«412 I*.u». ■perte» TU .0033 $17,962*1408 4041 36,618.8626 74064676 .»15 $61487,4606 -r« J ¿a : *■' t . — - » '|_ TOTAL TAX $2,043426 10,063.1804 0146 10,068.1804 640.2160.. 0080 1,067.02» 394.7300.. 0082 4624880 280.7067i.0061 2874088 1.0012 8748» 9,4874*18|.008S) 94*74818 76.88601.0062 9448*4 280.9406.0066 3694425 764606.0063 92.9686 10,767.1945 02061 10,767.1*46 489.2460.0141 480.1060 314.1760i.0027 669.1168 820.70331.0063 300.7446 .0026 302.7224,-0080 44114125 4137 1.0012 1.0012 2794355.00» 304.22421.0031 19,588.83121.0201 6474966|.0271 1W49S4|.O1O0 313.66WI.0O42 » 1 .6 1 » . 00 « 1.7M .17» .0161 942.7948.0144 2 6 9 4 6 » .» » 3 » .6 8 » .» 6 6 144.6783 .» 5 8 1428.08» 4032 8418.137941« 210.64» 4070 416.2622 .OMtt 1,41141» .0070 1,0494*10. 2,676.9998. 07*40«. 17147». 268.9960). 280.6076 167.70» 1124684 Mr. O’Riley and Mr. Mulkay visited the grade rooms on Wednesday and «413.1070 •poke to the children about War Sav- 1 ,»2.3261 107,777 107,1« 813-6794 iags Stamp«. Mr. O’Riley is a gov 99417 98,885 896-9801 »4M eminent agent, from O re«« Agricul »,136 460.76» «,681 46,0» tural College. Ho is working with 5,873-94» 652,661 610,415 boye and girls club work. *412.9750 682,470 6,211.76» Crystal Soli, a student in Mies 65.3,870 8,478.1376 Spencer's room hoe moved to Lamp«. 364,913 8644» 1470.97» 274,196 The following ere the pupils of the 274,106 1,10047» 220,174 219475 Fifth grade who have sold morn than $60 worth of Thrift stamp«: Evelyn «499,996 *191482 I $4.104,114 Oordiag, Mary Esther Johnson, Alyco Doll Johnson, Eugene Allen, Avis Harteon, Helen Lyons, Maxine Paul- ■on, Jean Pointer, and Vaida Schroe Many bad already stated thnir inten S u rp rise P a rty a t M cK inley. tions of entering sad bars made their On Saturday evening, Feb. 9, the S ova members of the Fifth grade »«lections. Otbor who wish to taka ladies of McKinley gave Mr. aad Mrs. has received the state Achievement part must signify their intentions Meson Wilcox a surprise party and pins. sems time next »reek. Tbs local pre shower. The bride and groom were Mnry Esther Johnson is still la d liminary »rill bo given the first of taken out for e ride while the guests ing in soiling of the moot Thrift April, the Anal will be held st Myrtle gathered. On their return they wore SUmps of the Fifth grade. Point the third Friday in Apri. very much surprised to find so many The basket ball game between Co- . $ 2 » h a been rate« by the Fourth friends and ran and hid The boys grad« ia Liberty bonds, baby bonds, quille and North Bond »rill be pteyad- with flashlights som found thorn and aad thrift stamp«. Here tonight. brought them in. The presents were Mies EHsaboth Griflln, graduate of then brought In by two little maids U te Morrison and Margaret Shorn are the first members of the Fourth the 8tate Normal School at Mon- carrying thorn in a largo basket. The grad« to receive state Achtevm at ir.buth, has taken the vacancy left by bride and groom took them, unwrap Mies Anderson. Miss Griflln exports ped them and put them on a table. her mother to arrive some time this T W e warn many baaatiful presents »reek after »rhich they »rill move to and quite a few jokes which everyone enjoyed. There were beutiful pieces of needlework on the table sack as A asw map of the United States pillow eaaae aad safa pillows. . »ms presated to the high school by They then partook e f a very nice the United Stetes Dopartm at of .the Interior. $2413,0*1 6 4 9 6,0» 4/93849* 871,447 833477 24*04*0 804426 199,588 •62,106 290,486 18147*4311 084824180 4,668.1689 74,678.1870 28.088.4174 644741*4 21448.7818 648649» 149,804.0700 1064*64630 1 4 4 9046» 6,903.1478 47416.4900 17438-3764 4470.1182 184*04684 6416.4004 $428,0714904 o f Valuation* Aa Equalized $11,928,946 1,756446 A m a 'o j ~äB ~tenjs .T ..T T ............................ A era of tltebte la n d a ...................... 2,408,1» 766,1» 9 8 80 82$ 14314» 194» 72,060 4M,9 » 484,070 1474» 24» 2 7 .8 » 206,1» 26,945 161,020 Acres «# »MiAKIaM. landa .............. Improvements on dssdsd or patented 1 and«.......................... Cattle $ltt,lM,T0Cr 868,236 $20,» 3 ,336 General Summary o f Budget and Tax Levies 1 $ 62,236.70» arpooes, per rtate levy.............. ................................................. Bridges and Farrise........ ........... .......... ....................r ............ it Soldiers............................................................... ........... .. purpose« (7,042 pnpUs at $ 1 0 .» par c a p ita ).a .................... 186,05141» 2.0M .00» 70,4*0.00» 7*4.20» 168,6 « 4804 13,683.9168 186,0284060 $6,981.4149 6148746» 97406-4630 1,68846» County Parpooos (not inciudod in a b o v e)........................ Other Statistics ST ATE A ND CO 1*177 Increaao to valuation over 1916....................................... ................................ 21.4 mifla $24046844 Ii E Bayses, Amasser of C om County, Stete of Oregon, do hereby certify that the ess «seed valuations, tax levies, and taxes set forth in the summary herein con tained, am true and correct copioe of tha originels and of the whole thereof, aa tha aama appears a fils ia my office and in my custody. « Dated this Slat day of fain ary, 1911. J. P. BEYERS, County Assessor. H Y D R O -C A R B O N IT E V THE HIGH GRADE ROOF A N D. IRON PAINT S o ld Con tin uouml y fo r O v e r 35 Vearm U SE S Waterproofs and Preserves Roofs, Protects Bridges and buildings. Preserves Fence Posts, Pro tects Inside of Silos, Waterproofs Cellar Walls, Preserves Foundation Timbers, Protects Wagons and Farm Implements. Should be used on all surfaces subject to severe conditions. CLEVELAND, The Eighth grad« »rill have aa Ar bor day program as soon as the weather is nice so they can plant the plot la front of the school grounds. Announcements for the Declama tory contest wm made this wosk. $123,4974268 286,276.6860 166,168.3870 37,7044812 114684117 122,188.6770 4*411.703$ 9,617.7316 8*4034497 12,561.8962 $800,167.0007 610.4660 1,1274*» $801,805.3607'; Does Yow Subscription Date Need OHIO