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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1918)
F R ID A Y , F E B R U A R Y $. Judge W eteon and Commissioner A rm strong opened the February Bas tion o f the County Court hers W ed nesday in due season, and Kept too m ill grin din g that day, though, Com m issioner P h ilip did not return to trict tax as voted In tw elve districts take part in the m eeting until Thurs o f this county last fa ll m ay ha held day m orning. valid. H e says the cases ju st decid The court decided to furnish 60 ed at Salem w ere baaed on elections suite o f uniform fo r the home guard held under the old highw ay law before companies at M arshfield, Coquille, the new 1917 highway law was en and Band on. Leo J. Cary appeared acted. The point is, though, that the before the court this m orning to sex budget law was adopted in 1916, end fo r 60 suite fe r C oquille and w oe ear- the m w highway law o f 1917 under which the C o«e county road districts 00. I t is this w ay: N o uniform s*** voted beads was ens i led tw o y e a n a ll are to provided fo r any sm aller later and should th erefore hold over company than 00. These uniform s it where the tw o conflict. O f course, w ill cost |11A0 each, and w ill consist it m ay not be held that they ere in o f hat, blouse, trousers, cartridge belt conflict, but as M r. L iljeq vist says, o m can never be certain about a and leggin gs. The M yrtle P oin t people appeared m atter o f that kind until the Su prem e Court baa paw ed upon it. the same appropriation as last year fa r the Cooe-Curry fa ir, tollin g how much they needed new buildings. Th ey evidently w ere fea rin g that they would have to eoe the fa ir appropri ation divided w ith the Coquille Cera Show and w ere m ere than delighted when the court ga ve then 6*00 tne same as before, and in lieu o f addi tional buildings prom ised them the lean o f the oousty teats which have TRANSPORT SUNK AT SEA The bids fo r the concrete viaduct c the M arahfleld-Coquflle reed over A Southern Pacific a t Overland war opened end w ere as follow s: Ostlind A Payne, $9,718.90. W arren Construction Cow, $10,981. The next road contracta fo r which bide are to bo asked are the grave.- in g o f the Bandon South road, the F ox bridge end the Cooe C ity bridge. The firs t w ill probably be a d v e rtís «! f.t this session; the F ax bridge plans are aw aitin g approval by the State H ighw ay Commission; and tho stato engineer’s office is engaged in draw in g plans fo r the Cooe C ity bridge, a fte r learning what the w ar depart ment required on account o f Isthmus Slough being a part o f tho navigable w aters o f tho United 8tatos. M r. L ilje q v is t appeared before the court yesterday to represent M r. L ar sen, o f Larsen Slough, whose rood dr m age case the Sentinel has hereto fo re referred to. 17 m question is now aw aitin g tho decision o f tho d istrict attorney on the lega l aspects o f tho case; but m eantim e M r. L iljeq vist The transport was being convoyed by British ships, fh o periscope or the submarine had ju st baen sighted end the Tuscan is ’■ course changed, It was s moment too late to evade the torpedo, though a second one missed her. It is thought the Ger man wasp o f the sea eras then done fo r by depth bombs The stricken vetrel floated fo r three hours, thus enabling most o f those on board to be reecued end landed in Ireland. Several men from M arshfield are known to have been on beard but no list o f the m issing has yst Come to hsnd. This la o m o f tho disasters we have all along feared; but we believe the Am erican people w ill be stirred by •he lots o f the liv e « o f our boys on this ship to a m ore- b itter and un yieldin g determ ination to crush G er man m ilitarism w ith all the countless crimes against the w orld’s peace and safety it is constantly planning and perpetrating. For Third Liberty Loan Drive. L . H. Hasard received notice the from Edward Cook- first o f the Ingham, executive chairman o f the state Lib erty Loan com m ittee fo r Oregon, that he had been appointed chairman o f tho executive com m it tee fo r Coquille and vicin ity fo r tne third Lib erty Loan campaign. To eerve on the executive com m ittee with hiss, Mr. Haserd has appoined Lao J. Cary, Roy A . W ernkh, J. E. Norton end H. A . Young. The campaign fo r the third loan is expected to begin March 1, end to continue fo r $0 days. The tw o prev ious drives w ere conducted w ith little oiganised preparation and H la plan ned fo r this drive to have every com m unity in this district com pletely or- Wtg the ' The Coos county delegation which went up to Portland Sunday to meet *> - the state H ighw ay Commission on ter- Monday consisted o f the members o f the County Court, Judge W eteon and 000 Commissioners Arm strong and Ph il ip, Roadm aster Murdock, President the Charles H all, o f the Good Roads As- Hoe sedation, Lao. J. C ary, Coquills, and > * P eter L o ggie and E dgar McDaniel, ren a North Bend. eth ' Monday being one day before the •re regular session o f the commission on ek- Tuesday, the Coos county people wore »* • obis to gut the ear o f the commission to e greater extent than was possible re- the follow in g day when several hun gry died people w ere in attendance. They *•“ gave plenty o f fa ir word• and some eh- p remise« to Cooe county as usual, •at hot before this m eeting they had rty already let contracts fo r' a m illion the dollars’ w orth o f work on the Pacific Ing H ighw ay between Portland and Rose- 100 tu rg, although there is no more bind er- M g prevision o f the law fo r build- do- in g that read than fo r paving the Co tto quille-M arshfleld road. That is where ty- Ceos county has g o t it in the neck, d r F o r that m illion dollars is in the in- treasury, w hile the money to be «pent the wo Cooe county roads is not, and it is by a question whether the Capital Se m i curi ties Bond at W ashington, or the m t Federal Reserve Bank at San Fran cisco, acting fo r them, w ill perm it the The Coquille schools skate o f Oregon to sell any more phaeising this phase o f education w ork fo r scene tim e and on January next L ib erty Lean drive. The fca- 26 showed the follow in g results: pm eeiea appears to bo strong in tho Number o f Lib erty Bonde owned by oemmtw ien, particu larly w ith Oom- mlw ienw Thompson, that the Pacific H ighw ay should be bu ilt before any- $99.76. The total amount loaned by this patriotic school on Jan. 26 was $8812.76. This amount has been very la ig e ly increased since that tim e. The fifth grads o f the Coquille schools w ith Mrs. C. E. Mulkey aa tracker has mads a rem arkable rec ord with the sale o f W ar Savings stamps. A t noon, Feb. 7 before any free stamps w ere received from the Farm ers A Merchants bank, fo rty - tw o children out o f the forty-th ree enrolled owned T h rift Stamps, tbe amount invested being $$4; six owned thirteen baby bonds, seven pupils owned $460 w orth o f Lib erty Bonds, and tw elve pupils w e n sellin g T h rift Stamps, the number sold by them is 790 up to this tim e. • Tw o pupils, E velyn Oerding, o f tbe F ifth grade, end Clarence Barton, o f the Second A grade, have sold over $60 Worth o f W ar Saving C ertificates and T h rift Stamps each, the amount sold by E velyn being $90.76 and by Clarence $00. This entitles them to be enrolled in tbe Rainbow Regim ent, as among tbs first one thousand pu pils in the state o f Oregon to sell $60 worth o f T h rift stamps, and they w ill receive an Achievem ent Pin from Stats Superintendent Churchill as a recognition o f their patriotic efforts. Senatorial Candidate Here. R. N . Stanfield, the b ig o f eastern Oregon, came M arshfield this m orning the m orning here gettin g sheep man over from and spent acquainted the house o f representatives at the last session o f the legislature and Is new one o f tho loading candidates fo r the republican nomination fo r Uni ten States senator at the M ay prim aries. He is a b ig man in every w ay and an interesting personality, m aking a happy im pression on a ll whom he meets. Our readers w ill probably hear m ere o f him as the canvass pro ceeds. A man who ships to m arket 800 ears o f sheep a week, is certainly a man who doesn't took back when have beta furnished fo r tU e by the U. 8. governm ent which requires the inform ation sought in its w ar (re p a r ations and which w ill brook no re fusal to answer the queries in this other new “ questionnaire.” W hat is wen tad in this survey is to And out the acreage in each crop last year and the probable acreage this year; the production last year sad the estim ated production this year. The im portance o f this in for mation to the governm ent can readily Fu ll inform ation w ill likew ise be asked about dairy production mad tbe number o f horses, begs, cattle and sheep on tbe farm . In many w ays the inform ation thus sought to bo obtained fo r tho general governm ent through this survey is as im portant aa that furnished la reply to the questionnaires our young m m have recently been fillin g out, and <t Li hoped that every m m having the w elfare o f the nation a t heart w ill rep ly prom ptly and fu lly to every question asked in the blanks goin g EUREKA MINE OPENS SOON M. W . McCormick and C. A . P eter son, who a n preparing to re-opea the Eureka mine ju st this aide o f R iver ton, were callers last Saturday. N e one who has been on the Coquille a t that point has failed to observe the lon g trestle and the bonkers o f this N ike H u tle y Croaked By Fall ing Tree and Cripple« For Life. M ike Huntley, lo gger a t Crane’s comp, was crushed b e fe llin g tren at • o’clock last Monday m orning and m iraculously is s till alive, al though ha w ill be • cripple fo r life . On account o f the high wind no trees w ere being felled , but Huntley and another men w ere out bucking, as the w ork o f cutting a fa llen tree into p rop er. lengths is called. They w ere on the hillside when e tree be low them wee toppled, over by the wind. In order to see that none o f the limbs flew back aa it struck they g o t on a log. Just a t that tim e an other tree above and behind wee blown over. The awn w ith Huntley yelled Just before it hit but the crass o f the tree below drowned hie voice end also the noiee o f the decending tree. When it h it Huntley he was knocked down among tbs logs sad that was what saved hie life . Hie righ t fo o t and le g w ere caught be tween the tw o logs, the fo o t being crushed alm ost fla t and the lag brok en. Besides he was bruised the en tire length o f his back, his face and body badly cut, tw o riba broken, and a snag penetrated his body fo r about six inches into groin. Dr. Ham ilton toned end he went down in the Queen returning w ith the injured man about 2:90 p. m., and talcing him to tho hospital. There the doctor found that one o f his kidneys w ee crushed and his back was as black aa hie hat. Since Monday ha hga been doing as w ell as possible end the doctor thinks his chances fo r recovery are good. M r. Huntloy was v ia b le to tali what had happened and was sur prised to learn the cause o f the acci dent. H is home is a t M yrtle P o in t 10,000 pounds o f m ilk a day and in the height o f the season requires two hands to operate it. > B y running it in connection w ith his A rego factory Mr. C ari w ill o f course be able to in- end CommiauioMr Benson guve Mr. Cary the assurance that some state work should bo done in Cooe county this year. The Roeeburg road in regard to which so many pledgee have been made o f state aid in the past appears to be gaining fa vo r w ith the powers that be. State H ighw ay Engineer Nunn said this routs from Roeeburg to the eoM t to Corn county was a better line to C aliforn ia than tm. one over the Siakiyooe south from Ashland. So the prospect o f state aid fo r the road through the eanyon to Camas V alley grow s brighter, as the prospect that the stats w ill g g l mors money fo r road work this year growe dimmer. On the question which was upper most w ith the Cooe county people be fore they went to Portland, what sort o f a “ paved” road tbe stats should bo asked to build between Marshfield end M yrtle Point, Engineer Nunn seemed to have the last word and h it decision was that on - e ll low, swampy ground, a t least, It should be b u ilt o f concrete. Another point developed a t this m eeting was that the cement tru st is holding up the state o f Oregon fo r all the concrete work R proposes to In this connection he states that during the com ing season he w ill have e regular pay day, instead o f sm iting until tho cheese is sold and paid fo r before settlin g ufith the dairym en. Paym ents w in be made prom ptly the first o f the month and 80 days from the end o f the month. That is the A p ril m ilk w ig be paid fo r June 1, They inform us that below the vein they are goin g to work there era oth er coal veins to the number o f th ir teen, o m below tho other. This means practically inexhaustible fu el resourc es in this section o f tbe Coquille va l ley— fo r Riverton is only 6 m iles in an airlin e from this d ty . The beet o f the newt the Eureka men g iv e us, though, wna tho assur ance that when the Eureka gets into operation they w ill be able to furnish coal in this d ty at a low er price than it is now sellin g fo r. Stin 150 To Examine. The exam ination o f the unappealed cases in Class One by Dr. Richmond fe r the local board hero w ere e ll fin ished w ith tw o or three exceptions last Saturday. Just then, though, came the announcement o f new rules which would perm it o f places being found in other branches o f the service fo r men who w ere not physically fit fo r figh tin g. Those new rules w ere to be m ailed from Portland today. Aside from this Hugh H arlocker, the board’s stenographer, inform s us that there are about 169 mpre to bo ex amined who have what is called “ de ferred classification,” including about 19 men who have been m arried since the m ilitary service law was enacted and a b ig bunch who w a n put in Classes 2 and 4, bqt m ostly the form er, by the local board, and which the Shelling Tort For Cora. J. L . Smith has basa m aking shell in g teats o f some o f his prias winning corn samples, which disclose a strik in g difference in ears. N ot only does the quantity o f kernels ou good sure va ry over 60 per cent in some cecee, but the hulk end w eigh t o f the cobs varies fu lly ea much. O f course tuo sm allest cobs are preferred here, Be cause they dry out m ore quickly. But it is not true, as m ight be euppoeed, that the ears yieldin g the greatest w eight o f grain are the beet to p la n t The largest «a re run only one to the stalk and it is better to have tw o ears